Iday, December 17, is 26 ISOCIETYI - I i T~~. fw / Tl§ Pj it-*fcight Wool Jersey in Beige * Affiies This Traveling Ou'fit. he smart woman who wends her j*. southward for the winter month: ’ : be equipped with a modish new I ‘V sling suit, as well as lighter ’ ; es for the South. ove is shown a smart frock and yv quarter coat worked out in beige * ‘ jersey. This is ideal for trav , * and may also be worn on cooler * in the South. 7,'. * frock-beneath is a one-piece f™ , the plain rather long blouse i lon the skirt by a narrow seam. / , a double line of flat stitching. 0-1 are two inset pleats for" ful'.- ,f and the coat has a broad belt < * 1 ' >wn suede. "T Meeting of Study Club e Study Club held ita last meet . j of the year Tliursday afternoun 1 “■ Mrs. C. A. Cannon, 7*.' - home was most lovely in its 7 tmas attire of red and green. ,” 9 t members were present and isitore, Mrs. Frank Duscli. o{ .. Ik, Va., and Mrs. Ross Cannon. at rk. 8. C. 1 J. W. Cannon and Miss | ’ 1 Moore were luncheon guests. ~ program was in charge of Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Cannon. *avi*> read a most intereet ofr the ,J Life and Works aflbg which Mrs. Caution t selections from his eom on her beautiful Due-Art tan Fautalsle pisyed by -eedman was the first, fol- Liebcstraum by Uunotph the Second Rhapsody Ilon- Friedham. tposcr has written more ""firing music than Lists and bis Wl >nd Rhapsody has been declared c ' of the most beautiful pieces ever :ten for the piano. 111 fter the conclusion of the pro .(l n the guests were invited into " dining room where they were ited by Santa Claus and his reiri s. * ■ most tempting ‘ lunch was serv after which the club adjourned 9tc neet January the 13th with Miss '* n Ooltritne as hostess. lu> ‘ oncord People Hear Dr. Morgan. 11,1 lumbers of Concord people are go -7* to Charlotte each day to hear Dr. y Campbell Morgan. Among those ' i attended the services Thursday : e: Mr. and Mrs. Howard Caldwell, ■* and Mrs. John A. Porter, Dr. , Mrs. J. C. Rowan, Mr. and Mrs. , I. Woodhouse, Miss Elisabeth . J odhouse, Mrs. Ralph Boyd, Miss line Morrison and Miss Irene Mc mell .Miss Mary Phifer Pemberton, •. Js Adele Pemberton. Miss Margaret 7min-a Ervin. Miss Elizabeth Smith, t |T.T. Smith. ‘‘Who ancient Persians ’observed the Bv ! Year by giving their friends ifeadache x Relieved without "Dosing f c^ s> m bbed on /PA . or melted in hot /f\\ waterarK * inhaled 1 I ' usually relieves i/ICKS CHRISTMAS IS COMING it is not yet too late for J®qu to have your photograph *Saken. You ean still settle mint of your shopping problems .■j}- selecting photographs as yMjifts this year. They will more and cost less than •®uiv other choice you cana make. Arrange with us for an ap "jß>ointment this week. We will delivery in ample time '■Bor Christmas. w cox studio PERSONAL. R. R. Stewart, of Gastonia, pent Thursday in Concord with friends, i • • * J. A. Byerly, of Winston-Salem, was a business visitor in Concord Thursday. * * * Mrs. E. T„ Cannon left Thursday for Goldsboro, where she will visit friends. ,~ * * * Walter Harrell, professor in the Concord High School, leaves today for Jacksonville, whprr be will spend the Christina* holiday* With his moth er, Mrs. Etffe iHarreil. ' ( j • - •Mb® Catharine Goodman, of IK--! lins College, Virginia, arrived this morning to spend the holidays with her mother, Mrs. J. F. Goodman. I Robert P. Bell, student at the Co jliunbla University School of Journal ' ism, is spending several weeks her * | with liis parents. Mr. and Mrs. \V, 'L. 801 l on West Depot street. m • m Miss Vergio Cook is spending some time With her sister, Mrs. Will Earn hardt, in the county. • • » J. B. Sherrill will leave tonight for Asheville. He will return Sunday af ternoon accompanied by his daughter. Miss Cottrell Sherrill, who wll spend the Christmas holidays at home here. • • • • Miss Penelope Carinon will arrive in Concord Saturday morning ft’hm Holton Arms. Washington, D. C., to spend the holidays with her parents. Mr. alul Mm. J.. A. Cannon. Miss j Graee Wood, of Marion, S. C.. will accompany Miss Cannon home. They will be guests at a week-end house party in Davidson. Improvement is shown in the con dition of Miss Kathleen Sappenfield, who has, been ill at her home on East Corbin street several days. • » • Miss Graee Forrest is the guest to day of Miss Ella Uhderwood in Charlotte. • • * Ralph Lentz, of Oak Ridge Insti tute, arrived today to spend the. holi days with his mother, Airs. L. H. Lentz. • • * Mrs. Ross Cannon, of York, S. C„ and Mrs. C. E. Lambeth, of Charlotte, were the luncheon guests Thursday of Mrs. J. W. Cannon, Sr. • * • Miss Alice Yorke will arrive in Concord Saturday morning from Gun ston Hall, Washington, D. C., to spend the Christmas vacation. • • • Miss Lou : sc Morris has arrived in Concord from Washington, I). C., to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Morris. 1 i *• • • Morganton News-Herald: Mrs. A. E. Lentz and Mrs. C. L. Smith, of Concord, spent the week-end with their sister, Mrs. John McDowell. • • Miss Rosa Mund spent Thursday in Charlotte. * * * Mrs. L. D. Coltrane and Mrs! G. L. Patterson were visitors in Charlotte Thursday. • * . * James Wise, eight-year-old son of- Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Wise, of Iff South Valley street, was taken to Gastonia today, where he will he given treat ment at the Orthopaedic Hospital. For the past several weeks James has been at the Concord Hospital. • * * J. A. Cannon and Archibald Can non are spending today in Alexis on business. • • » Mr- and Mrs. O. E. Parks, of Albe marle, spent Thursday in Concord. ■ • • Airs. S. R. Fry, of Blacksburg. S. C., is the guest of her sister, Mrs. L. A. Thomas, on West Corbin street. • • • Mrs. Lillie F. Blanks, of Columbia, La., is:visiting her son. H. W. Blanks. • • • James L. Brown, Jr., of Philadel phia. arrived in the city last night to spend some time with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Leighton Brown, on North Church street. • V » Mrs. Eugene Morgan returned to her home on North Church street this morning from the Charlotte Sanator ium. where she has been a patient sev eral weeks. Mrs. Miller Entertains For Duughtfr. Mr*. Horace Miller entertained on Wednesday afternoon in honor of her daughter, Edna's eleventh birthday anniversary. I Many games were enjoyed after, which a contest was held. At the close of the afternoon of fun ' and pleasure delicious ice cream, cake and candies were served. A beauti ful birthday cake holding eleven burn ing candles, was the center of at-, tract'on. A number of friend* were present to enjoy the occasion' with the hon ored * To Attend Golden Anniversary Din ner. Mise Jessie Combs and Mrs. James Dorton and daughter are leaving this morning for Greensboro where they will spend the week-end with Miss Combs parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Combs. Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Combs will have a dinner party celebrating their golden anniversary. Memorandum” Books Now Ready For 1927 Our Vest Pocket Memorandum Books for 1927 are now ready. We want every subscriber of The Tribune and Times to have one. Come in and get it please. FORD CARS COLLIDE AND ONE TURNS OVER A. B. Cask Suffers Shock and Bruises When Car He is Riding in is Struck by Ford Said to 'Have Been Driven by G. C. Smith. An automobile accident whieh might have resulted seriously for the occu pants of the cars wrecked occurred [today at Stiff a. m. when a .Ford ' sedan driven by W. T. Cook, of Sun derland road, was Rtruck and turned over by a Ford touring car driven by a man who. the police said, was G. C. Smith, of 214 Vance Street. The accident occurred at the intar*^cti° n of West Corbin and South’ Spring streets. According to an eye witness] of the collision of the car*, the touring car driven by Mr. Smith was going west on Corbin Street and attempted to | turn into South Spring Street and the sedan driven by Sir. Cooji was going least on Street when it was struck by the car driven by Mr. Smith. •' The Ford sedan was turned over on its side nnd it was necessary for the driver of the ear, W. T. Cook, hts father. A. B. Cook, who is keeper of the Union cemetery, and Jule Porter to tear a hole in the top of the sedan to get from the wrecked car. | A. B. Cook suffered bruises and a severe shock nnd was given the atten tion of a doctor after the accident. He was not seriously hurt, his son . said. K. OF P. NAME NEW OFFICERS FOR YEAR I Officers Chosen at Recent Meeting of Lodge Will Serve Term Beginning | January First, ■ , Officers e’ected for the term begiti |ning January first for the Concord 'lodge Knights of Pythias fol- Irws: • . ■/ '■ ) John A. Blaekwelder, C. C. 11. J. Hitt, V. C. C. A. Swaringen. Prelate. D. W. ’ Moose, M. of Ex. H. J. Hitt, M. of F. W- R. Fisher, M. of*W. R. A. Brower, K. ; R: S. J C. Bodenheimer; M. at A- O. A. Blaekwelder, Inner Guard. Myer Pudolsky, Outer Guard. James C. Fink. Trustee. I Castor-linsenmeyer. The following announcements have been received in Concord, and are of much interest here. Mr. Castor is a son of Mr. and Mrs. D. }'■. Castor in No. 4 township. Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Liusonmeye announce the marriage of their daughter Olga Caroline to ; Mr. Bradshaw DeKirne Castor • on Wednesday, December the fiftecntll nineteen hundred nnd twenty-six Blucfield, .West Virginia At Home Parrottsville, Tennessee. Thursday Afternoon Sewing Club.' A ' delightful meeting of the iWw ing Club was held Thursday after noon with Mrs. W. D. Pemberton! as . hostess. ! An interesting article on the frees i of North Carolina was read by Mrs. A. M. Brown. This was mast appro priate at this time when a campaign is being waged to save the holly and cedar trees. ■ Mrs. W. R. Odeil was a special guest of the dub, the regular members ■ being present also. At the conclusion of business, a delectable salad course was served on small bales. Son Born.. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tal bert. of Salisbury, December 16th, a : son, Robert James. No cigar is to bail to meet it* • match’ at last. . , .■>i t ; l Free Suit See Page Seven "Gift Saggotioßs” Far Christmas Manicure Sets, Console Sets, Toilet Sets, Smok ing Sets, Powder and Perfume Sets, Bill Fold ers, Toilet Water, Ex tracts, Compacts, bridge Sets, Lamps and Shades, cigars in Christmas wrapped boxes, and all the well known brands of cigarettes in Christmas wrapped packages. Cline’s Pharmacy Phone 333 THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE NEW CLOTHING STORE fOB yEN OPENS HERE United Woden Company Opens Store In Building Formerly Oc cupied By- Ruth Krsle- Shoe Co. Another clothing store which will handle dothing and overcoats for men will open in Concord Saturday morning at 9 o’clock. The store to be opened le the United Woolen Company, nnd the store in Concord will be one of a chain of stores which has stores aii ‘over the United States. The store will be at 37 South Union Street in the bui’ding formerly occupied by tha Rtith-Keeler Shoe Store. Tho store that will open in Con cord will be one of several that has been opened in North Carolina with in the past few months. In addition to the store that will be opened hore Saturday, the chain of stores anil aliso open branch stores in Charlotte anil Gastonia _at the same time, i The United Woolen Company will specialize in men’s suits and over coats, and according to a ntatement made today by the manager, every suit, is tailor made to order. The suits are made in the factories of the company which are located at Balti more, Md„ and New York City. I The manager for the local store will be Mr. Samuel Lubow who said today that the store would sell a suit and overcoat or two suits for $29,."0. See ad. in this issue. Fenner and Beane Cotton letter. . New Orleans, Dec. 16.—Market was strong during the oar'y tradihg @€M@C3D TO D A YI UWE TT,] II K < AN*I) LUXURY ,' :: : I ~ : ’■ - J Exquisite Hosiery For “Her” Gift Hose to Match Her Frock— Would surely please her. And these pure silk chiffon . Hose are so dainty and delicate, so very moderate in price I anej. so lovely^-in ( texture and coloring, they are as much of a pleasure to give a£ to receive. ghWo„n° se ; 3 Service Weight sl # sQ 3 P™ $4.00 MERIT SHOE STORE INC. 40 S. UNION STREET—SEE OUR WINDOWS Christmas The spark of the .Christmas spirit flares high these last days before’ Christmas. Everywhere, through the Store will be '"'V” • seen a complete readiness, with ample stocks £nd willing salespeople to serve efficiently and intelligently those who look to us fdr the assistance which only a store with a thorough organization can give. < SPECIAL TO GIVE FOR CHILDREN Handkerchiefs in Boxes, in Colors Handkerchiefs in Beaded Bags of ( Handkerchief* in Booklet Form with Btori ee— -25c 1-^3 Fi‘ : VISIT ' : ili'! i ISHER’S IT WILL PAY YOU OPEN DAY AND NIGHT ** ' " " '» —" qn renewal of the covering move mont,. jkufliig was more restricted, however a'M woo soar over After that 'the' market developed .a moder ately saggiPt! tendency due to n lit tle fresh .Speculative polling. Some hedging and a little realizing by recent buyer- Mast of the selling wns wejl based on reports of poor spot demand and forecast of clearing and wanner weather. There was no pressure at any time. The general disposition., even of those bearishiy inoined is to wait for the ginning figures next tnonday before taking a decided stand as they are expected to give a pretty clear indication u< to whether or not the final ginning will coipo up to the government's ■ prediction, last year 961.000 bales were ginned during this period. Sen? timent to the selling slide but is not | aggressive owing to apprehension over thd next ginning repo >t- FENNER AND BEANE. Only One Fatality in .1.000,000 Bus Passengers. Raleigh, Deo. 17. —(/P)—More than 3.1)00.000 passengers have been trans-. ported by bus lines in North Caro lina during the past twenty months with only one fatality. During that l lime 450 buses have plied.voiltes lend ing over 4.500 miles of public high i ways. These facts have been re vealed by R. O. Self, state bus eoni ' raissioner, who has kept close tab on bus operation since it passed under state regulation at the last legisla- I lire. ; IT PAYS TO USE PENNY ADS. Free Sidt See Page Seven I We Have the Fol lowing USEDCARS % ' I. j , i For Sale or Ex change: One Franklin I Touring One Chevrolet Coupe One Buick Touring One Studebaker Sedan Standard Buick Co. | 1 FOUND I Concord’s Best Case j The place where a Good 3 Meal is Served with Satisfacton and Apprecia tion . . j • - «Ui ’ „' REGULAR DINNERS Served Each Day SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNERS A Place of Merit and Pleasant Surroundings Ritchie’s Case Geo. A. Ritchie Owner “ON THE SQUARE” 111 Goodyear I For All Kinds Os Weather Never Before Have Goodyear Tires Been so 1 Cheap and So Good. I A 1 You are Safer Riding on Goodyears on Mud, j Ice or Snow We Have a Goodyear To Fit Your Car. Come in 1 and Get Our Price on Your Size f ... I Yorke & Wadsworth Co. I I The Old Reliable !====3sd! ■% <9 1 IV. tNsmunoN - 1 I, renneyvo ♦VI 'mmvnTTmTT stores 40-54 Sooth Union St., Coneora. N. C \ ' • Silk Hosiery for, Gifts, Appropriate and Ours Priced Low I ve Suk Hos » e *y? it, L . / f is the SUTC gif* whicl ~—everyone needs am Si likes. We certainli Y have very. Hose < i At This Price 'VS &/ Full Fashioned i|§! Imagine—it** full-fashioned at this s • tm- ow P r »cel Silk with a fibre thread ' lfa M / ® einforce<l heel and toe- In all thi S?7 desirable colors. Priced, the pair, !» Such Fine Silk Frocks! At This Inviting Price ■ ASd You can buy *uch a charming ' [mu-dl little ailk Frock without upset- I 1 'ill ting th « family budget when . I A1 Hi \ you select here f : ,W« are'show- Ull 1 MiM in* mi this, remarkably low - I* li HU price ailk dresses. which you’ll DTCIi &HH ) be. glad to -show,- to ypul ■ \ 4B Ixl Cre P e * \ Ml! and Satins Yvv With novelty sleeves, plaits; //X ner of smart trimming. At tbiaj I Mjf price, full measure of value 1 ** For women and misses, I OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9:00 O’CLOCK OM PENNV MS. lims GET RESULTS PAGE THREE

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