PAGE EIGHT a* -infow Dee. 17- —Jatuet E.] w figure in Toaas poii nd M fiorer nor Miriam today engaged in a sis- E. 3: Crocker, mate inner, who resigned at 'Sirs. Ferguson, er took place in t rock tho .state bouse when fared to demand the resignation in the ovsrnor. affray were nled as the combatants and night that the payment _____ end the matter. KSSBsBv ?> irimk Yount, who 25 years ago was., working as a farm hand for s 2 a dav. has refused an offer of J2io.- OOfijfiUO for his oil land lioldings near Beaumont, Texas His present in come fe estimated at $50,000 a day. WILL *>U play jjSßted We’ve got a line of Christ mas goods that will help you to play Santa Claus. I can as ; sure you that if you want to make a sensible gift to any member of your family or to any of your friends you’ll miss' a lot of Christmastime joy if you don’t visit this store. Pearl Drag Xompany 22 PHONES 722 Holiday Good Things to Eat Melrose Flour, liberty Self Rising Flour These Flours make every thing. The fruit and most del icate cake, pastry, light rolls, hot biscuits, loafs, etc. Without these you may fail. Fruits, Oranges, Apples, Nuts, Lemons? Cranberries, Dates, Citron, Raisins, Cur rants, Celery, Lettuce. rMeats—Kinpan's fresh ham, breakfast bacon fresh each week. |Plenty of fat Kens, Chick ens, Fresh Eggs. tLet us supply everything y|u may need to eat. CLINE & MOOSE :i Our Phone Is 839 ■ V •DELCO LIGHT Storage Battery Plants and Non-Storage Plants Deep and Shallow Well - ».. Pomp- and Washing Machines \ ■ 11 R. H. Owen i*|'Phone 660 Concord, N. C. "j. -JJ- |lf ~' ■** I CHRISTMAS ™A, Soon the greatest, liot test, happiest day of the wjjrear will be here —Christ- • KllPjas. To all our fellow townsmen, to our friends; Hljpberever they may be — |«Twe extend a sincere mes-a imfotoge of Christinas Greet ■|ws. May the coining ' I* Christmas be the merriest id most prosperous ttietide of your experi- f (fce. May the new year •s927—be filled'with all |T,goo pose to isolate (Jrattnau in a dory to he towed behind the yacht until we get back __to port on Monday, shutting him'off meanwhile like the morel leper he is from the oth er guests aud from all food except ; these crackers!" “You needn’t have brought that box of crackers,” Captain Marty rumbled. "We've plenty of hard tack 1 ’’ "Yes. but not this special kind!* "What’s that?” “DOC BISCUITS!” CHAPTER XI The nocturnal quietude of the sleepjDg yacht, an hour after mid night, was rudely disturbed by a • man’s angry yells and tho persist ■ eut ringing of a bell. Aroused guests, scantily clad, I crowded after Stivner to the : Forbes' suite. There they found a - strange tableau: i Clay and the captain framed ,tn the sundeck door; Joan, white i laced and trembling, in the center I of the room staring attrightedly at l tho closed closet, within which a I bell clanged madly, Ranny, the per > feet picture of a cheated husband, ) glowering over her. • “What does this mean?" demand- I ed Stivner as per his rehearsed > part, s "It means that a home wrecker • has been caught!”-thundered Ran t ny. He strode dramatically to the s closet. “Come out, you-,you—” He threw open the eleset door. 1 Out there stepped a Hup " q»M»t»d) ' j War. Between print and the North Carolina line lay feu iniltw of coO\ ■ crefe , and thirty miles of grnVel ■ road. ,y Charlie Hrooks/ W negro of I’hila- te ewkl get a jotjj. i for railroad fare, he ' moii»ied IBP bil J ; bicycle and pvdal aft the way to tbped cream. Cocoa, chocolate or weak ton. ne drink one glass or water. to Mr. M<-< ioviiFH sliooW l.p »>Ulr,-s,-i-.l West Util h Stß* ot jN>w York rity. SCIENCE FLAYS SANTA CLAUS ! Creating Jewelry Out of Trees duetd. from (trials derived from the Sm CIEN'CE has breathed new life into the spirit of ChripjApas in bringing from the forest to the home a laboratory product that will give joy to thousands. At the present time many of the colorful novelties representative of the modem spirit of Christmas are the result of scientific effort Not lqpg igo it was the custom to light the tree with candles, but attractive lighting effects produced by electric- - tv hove supplanted this unsafe rraetiee. Science may have to evolve a synthetic Christmas tree or i substitute that will radiate as uuch joy to the household as na ture’s product Tradition has mode evergreens a symbol of the Christmas -snirit. jt Is hard to tell how much genome lappincss must be attributed to toe Christmas (me ht-the home. Vet the iriWtae of this distwAive.dwrarian -■tom. >■ ■■ | HI - ■ 500 NEW SUBSCRIBERS. The Concord Daily Tribune recently lias addgd to-its; ' already large dist. more than 500 new subscribers. The * paper is now delivered by.its oWU carriers on, the smne at-* ternupn as pripted att over the City of Concord, .at the ! Brown, NorctAt, Kouiklin Mills, northerns Kannapolis aw'd on the county route,incMtdiug road to *= Kannapolis and side deliveries,Tin Cup, by Center 4 Orove'Cljurclt, the ne>v iui{>outt#Re davih'Hilettiati’s Mi 11 ,% thence via old Salisbury road street to t Concord. .. L •] ||l| SHiIT i ID 11l I i i i' I geuefally u»ad. • A pair of fresh socks or stock, ipgs should be put on daily in cases -where persons suffer from excessive perspiration of the feet, change ! the hose twice, daily. LoveJ and smooth walking such as we in dulge in when on paved streets does not exercise Oho various muscles of the feet. It puts a strain on a few of the Jtoot muscles and fails to bring :otlters into play at all. I A "walk” as nature intended It to be aud for which the human foot is deaignod. is an up-hill niul down-hill and over-rough-tr -»e,pillar-ground walk that inevi ,’tably brings all the numerous foot muscles into play. I have compiled a Joot exercises which l shall gladly send free of charge to ißiiy of my readers It they will send a slumped, self-addressed -envelope to Arthur A. Me(!ov -ern. 5 West 66th Street, New Yfork City. 1?on a product of the forest bat rep re sent ing the use and aot-toe abuse of the timber resources This synthe tic material becomes a kind of in visible Santa Claus, not only in toe' creation of gifts, but in the majui- ; factur* «f the Christmas tree lights aud the radio, which are now so mk . sentj*l o ]>art of the festivals. ■BokcC’.e is the name of tiffs resin oil I nisteriaL Produced in the it is tlicn necklaces, vanity cases and ladles* dressing table sets, or into holders and ca»es, as wefi ks pipes for the man. fwrntompqia. ash trays and #»k novelties ore*. made of this materijd. refractive Mtreoeer. II 1 1 \ 1 Hi '-^>3 *4 m SJ pi |1 'i Sp| t t National two mile champion, honor , student, aud • candidate for Rhodes Scbolurwhip, nil comes in the days « work for Arnold tiillette, I‘iliccsUy ; of Montana track captain for J 927, Gillette captured the national title in the two mile run on a tuuddy track at the Btagg Meet in Chicago last Spring, hull an nonr later lie had lain eti second in. the mile run. Two weeks before he set two' conference records High Blood Pres sure, Heart Trou- ! We and Pellagral Quickly Disap peared "For two years 1 suffered 1 from pellagra, heart trouble and high blood pressure,” says Mrs. Sank Kiser, of Lowell, N. C. .“I tried several reme dies and specialists and got jio relief. I heard of Dr. Dor-v man’s treatment, and took two, treatments and was practically cured.” Many sufferers of rheuma tism, female disorders,' stom-/ ach trouble, and other condi tions caused by impurities in the blood, have been cured by this preparation, which cleans- 1 , es the blood of all' impurities,' s thereby enabling you to enjoy* i health. * -■ Manufactured and guaran- 1 ' teed by J- W. Dorman Chemical Co., of PincviHc, N., C. »■ Sold in Concord by Cliiie-s Pharmacy PHONE 333 A Full Treatment For $3.50 I— ■ ‘ Don't Walt Until the Last Moment! fty BUI WRAPS And Be Ready For Christmas and the Festivities That Abound During^the Holiday Season \ I wwii'im ' ~ r W'-.i '■'J 11 ' 1 11 n -mi U.Mtm, at the Pacific Coast Conference meet at Paio Alto, Calif., juauin* i» toil* thomileand two mile oraut* within fftcen minutes of each other. Re cently he led the Uuiversit y of Mon tano cro|a> -country team to victory iu the anoual Pacific Coast Corifsreenee cross-country race held at Seattle. He led the field borne.- \ Me Crime to Smile at CHrt say# Jurist. Xjw York, Dec. 1 plea of Mrs. Helene Tatelinan for a decree of Reparation from her Msband was de nied yesterday when Supreme Court Justice John Ford ruled *that “a man who doesn't like t« look at a pretty woman had something abnormal about him. 1 ’ Mrs. Tatelman, who married Harry Tuteluian. cotton goods salesman in December. 1023, said that ou her honeymoon trip to Montreal, her hus band “flirted \vith a pretty girl on the train." "I don't know that there is any thing wrong about smiling at a pretty ijs_L_Ll ■M- ——iiwiw. I ■ II till I■ !! II I " 'I ! Nothing You Can Give For A Christmas Present Would Be More- Appreciated Than a Year’s Subscription to Either t The Tribune or Times If you subscribe for next year wc will give you the remainder of this year free. THE TRIBUNE will be a reminder to your friend or I loved one six times every week of your thoughtfulness and kipdnpss. Merry Christmas Do not forget Christmas is only one more week from today and we have the Best Priges in Town. Sec us be fore you see anybody. SPECIAL PRICES ON QUANTITY. WATCH FOR OUR PRICES NEXT WEEK Cabarrus Candy Co. v 31 S. Church St. Phone 939 Have You Read? Cherry Square—By Grace Richmond. The Understanding Heart —By Peter B. Kyne. The Black Hunter —By James Oliver Curwood. Beau Sabreur —By Wrenn The Gallant Lady—By Widdemer The 1 -Blue Castle —Bv Montgomery. The Dark Dawn—By Martha Ostenso. St. Michaels Gold —Bv H. Bedford Jones. The Big Mogul—By Joseph C. Lincoln. Debuts and Credits—By Rudyard Kipling. Hearts of Hiclfory—By John Trotwood Moore. These represent the cream of the Newest Fiction and any one of them will make a most acceptable Christmas Gift for those who love to read. Wc have many others in our large stock of good books. . > x <■ S; KIDDFRIX MUSIC and STATIONERY CO. " 111 ■_ ' 1 ■ Monday, Dec. 20, 1526 » ii gif'," the justice said. “I’m smiling at you now and right in the praaeace of your husband.” Stock Market Back to Normalcy. New Yofk, Dec. 18.—OP)—The spec ulative frensy Vaieh swept over the stock market yesterday in response to the $300,000,000 United States Steel stock dividend seemed to have run its course today and trading quieted ilowu. l’refit taking sales checked the upturn In many prominent industrial issues, and although pool operations were re sumed elsewhere, considerable irregu larity resulted. United States Steel opened at last night's final figure of 15J> 1-2 but later fell below 159. Harry 15. Hawes, the new United States senator from Missouri, nad five great-grand-fathers who served under Washington in the Itevolu+iri. Cigarette selling sjo: machines in some of the public places in London arc said to yield a weekly profit ot S4OO each.