Wednesday, Dec. 29, 1926 rs O CTE TV! ■ODD FELIjOAAS YULETIDE FESTIVAL AT HIGH POINT Odd Fellows to Meet In High Point Thursday—JJigh Officers Present and Degree \Vork to Be Given. A lurge representation from the local lodge of Odd Fellows will at tend the Odd Fellows Yulctide festival in High Point Thursday, December 30th. ■ The Yulctide festival wili be held throughout Thursday. It will begin with a parade in the morniug.s At 11:30 o’clock in the afternoon debtee work in all four degreco will be given. The degrees to be conferred by expert degree teams from all over North Carolina. ‘Sovereign Grand Sire Thompson, of Washington. I). C„ will bejn at tendance at t lye Yuletide festival. ‘Witter Sovereign ’"Lodge officers as well ds Oraitd Lodjle officers of North Carolina WATI he present. > ' The Yulctide /estival will bc'a gala day for Odd Fellows and a large num ber are expected to attend ,jl„ The festival will close with a'met ing of the Grand Lodge of North Car olina in the evening. Barrier-Penninger. J On,. Thursday evening. December 23rd. at 7 SMI F. Lewis Harrier, of Rockwell, arid Mils Margaret Pcn ninger, of hear Coftjmrd, were married at the Reformed piiiaonage.TJllt, Pleas ant, Rev. C. W. AYarlfek, paitor pf St. James Reformed Church, officiat ing. The ring service of the Reformed {Church was used. The young couple imotored to Mt. Pleasant accompanied ;by Glenn Penninger and Miss Annie AVatker. , Mr. and Mrs. Barrier have Imany friends who wish them much bnppinem jn their wedded life. They (will be at home' td their many friends at an early * dkfe a\ their home in; Rockwell. i . 1 '■ V ‘1 I i Entertains at Movie Party. r Miss Nancy Haywood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. .1. Haywood, enter tained several guests at a movie party Tuesday in celebration of her eleventh birthday anniversary. Her guests were Alary Cottrell Archibald, Alary McKay and Loruine Blanks. ' After attending the movie Miss; 'llaywood and her guests returned to her home where refreshments were servdtf. ■ —.. q- Death of Miss Fannie Smith. ; Alias Fannie Smith, aged 70. died ■ Tuesday night at 10 o'clock at the) home of 'her sister, Airs. C. K. Alauld-1 en, on Valley street. Funeral services were held today at New London, ] where interment was made. The deceased was a daughter of the late Air. land Alp*. F. 11. Smith, of Stanly county. She had been making her home with her sister here for some time. Dabys Colds U' A Checked without Dosing” \ Appliedextemal- V y ’ c^s relieves jwithout upsetting delicate stomachs WICKS ▼?/YAWR U B Over fr/touro" Jars Used yearly We thank You Our Holiday trade was good but wc didn’t quite ~ sell out. We are offer ing from 25 to 50 per cent, discount on all . goods in stock effective i only during this week. t S. W. Preslar Now that you received pho tographs for Christmas, why not let us color them in oil to make them look life like and : natural and frame them to pro tect them. Beautiful line of frames to select from. BOYD W. COX STUDIO “Concord’s Lading Studio.” "JUSTAfctNT” San-Tox Velvet Lotion kreps the hand soft, smooth aftd white. It lcaves'iio sticky, gummy alter effect, rubs right in to the sk,in and dries al most ., 1 'Hinds f Honey atid Al-* mond Cream, Vrostilla. CWKfiiS PHARMACY Phone $33 PERSONAL. Miss Nettie Sue Alexander has re turned to Concord after visiting '.ier father, T. Neal Alexander, of No. 2 townhip, during Christmas. Aliss' Annie Miller has returned to Concord after visiting her parents, Air. and Airs. Charlie Miller, of Rocky River, during Christmas. Air. and -Mrs. Frfink Carroll and Aliss Esther Alexander, of Concord, spent Christmas with the latter's sis ter, Airs. John AVeddington, of Char lotte. '* ’> • * „ Air. and Airs. Fred Lefler, of Con , cord, arc spending Christmas with Airs. Lctler's parents, of Fayetteville, Tenn. * » Air. and Airs. Alack Alexander and family, of Norwood, spent Christmas Day with Air. Alexander's brother, I). S. Alexander, of Concord. Al. L. Upright, of Chester, Pa., who has been spending the Christmas holi days' here, will return to his Penn sylvania home tomorrow. I * v ', • Air. and Alts. W. F. Hartsell have returned to their home in Alt. Pleas ant after spending the holidays with relatives in the city. Aliss Lula Belle l’aris, of Salis bury, is trie guest of Alisses Lucy and Alargaret Ilartscll. • • f Air. and Airs. John Graham Webb and daughter, who spent the holidays With Mr. arid Airs. T. H. AVebb, left today for their home in Hillsboro. • * • Rev. and Al rs, I* A. Thomas and children are spending several days in Blacksburg, S. C.j with relatives. • . .. . Best and L. P. Best, Jr., of Warsaw, are the guests of Air. and Mrs. A. Jones Yorke. Air. and Airs. C. Al. Happenficld, Jr,, and daughter of Columbia. S. 0., are visiting at the home of Air. and Airs. C. Al. Sappenfield. * * * Aliss Lula Bell Paris, of Salisbury, is the guest of friends here. Air. and Airs. John Al. Youug had as their guests during Christmas Air. and Airs. It. E. Slither and daughter, Nancy Ann, of Charlotte, and Air. and Mrs. A\\ G. Foy, and AV’. CL, Jr., of High Point. They returned to' their respective homes on Tuesday. Airs. D. A. Garrison returned to I her home in Gastonia today, after a i visit to her father. D. B. Coltrane. * V • ! Air. and Mrs. R. K. Jones and won. 1 Bobbie left Tuesday for Franklin, A’a., ■where they will visit relatives for sev eral days. s'" I Air. and Mrs. Pearce AAPUiains, who i spent the Christmas vacation with ; Air. and Airs. J. Ed. Cline, left today \ for Petersburg, Va., Where they will j visit relatives. They plan to visit in | Richmond, A'a., also before going to ' Philadelphia, Pa., Where they'will con tinue their art studies. * • « I Airs. Wiley Rogers, and son. AA’ilcy | Rogers, Jr., of Raleigh, are of | All', and Airs. A. C. Cline. * • • | Mrs. AA'. AA'. Stringfellow left today for her home in Auuiston, Ala., after ! a visit to Air. and Mrs. J. Archie Cuuuou. . . . | Rev. and Airs. AL L. Kestcr and i children and Miss Leona Broome arc I spending the "day in Statesville with | Airs. Hester's parents, Air. and Airs. R. C. Little. 1* * * i Mr. and Airs. C. C. Riddle and j children, and Alisses Frances Tarle ton and Dorothy Hartsell spent Alon ! day in Lexington with Mrs. ttiddlc's fsister, Airs. Hutchins. * • • j Miss Sara Brice Joliuson left this 'morning for Gastonia to visit Aliss i \ Kutbcriue Koontz. , • • » ! Air. nud Airis. 11. Y. Galloway aud children, of Deritu, arc the luncheon guests toduy of Aliss Lola Query. • * • Air. aud Airs. It. P. Lentz have returlied from Salisbury where they spent the holidays with their daugb- I ter, Airs. D. D. Harwood. * * * ! : Carroll AfoKuy has returned to fjliHcrest JusWitoU irm yhlttr tvjsjttng in Mrs. G. F- Boat, Wo has bee.n ; visiting her parents, Mr. aud Airs. G. I AV. Pctreu, returned to her home in Charlotte Tuesday. Ivey Ritchie, of New London, visited his sister, Mrs. C. J. Wil liams during the holidays. 9 9 m Miss Gladys Downum has return ed to Greensboro aftter visiting Miss Ruth Williams. . , Misses Cordelia Ritchie and Cath erine Riidenhour have returned from Boone where they spent several days as the guests of Miss Ruth Ben field. * * * < Air- and Mrs. C. J. AVilliaips, Jr., and daughter, Elaine, have returned to their home in Greensboro after •spending the holidays with Air. and Airs. C. J. AYHliams. . 9 ’» 9 ' I Miss Edna Ervin, of Salisbury, is spending several days here as the guest of Miss Leona Broome. • * « Miss Anil Lutz, of Shelby, is visiting at the home of Dr. am: Mis. Juo A. attersoii. • * *■ Ed Miscnheimer returned lust night to the University Hospital. Baltimore, after spending some time here. * * * No improvement is shown in the condition of Airs. Henry Blackwelder, who is seriously ill at her 'home on Young street. • r • Rev. and Airs. George H. Linglc, Elizabeth, Rudolph, George, AA’oodey and John Aliles Linglc, of Aloores ville. spent Tuesday with D. B. Cas tor and family. • » » Airs. Joe Young, of Richmond, A'a., returned home this morning after vis ting Mrs. It. U. Young during the holidays. * 9 * Aliss Irene Cline, student at the Laura Sunderland School, is spending the holidays with her parents, Air. and Airs. AA". N. Cline, at their home on the Kannapolis road, f• » - Airs. It. S. Templeton and four children, and Aliss Janie Kelly, of near Atooresville, are spending the day with Mrs. Roy C. Crooks. Murr-Griffln. Coming as a pleasant surprise to the many friends of the contracting parties Is the announcement of the marriage of Aliss Javie Griffin, ts Monroe, and Air. Kiah Alurr, of this city, the wedding taking place at the home of the groom on Christmas E\'. The spacious living room, wliy.-e the vows were spoken, was lovely with its bright, Christmas decorations, forming a unique setting for the im pressive ring ceremony, which was performed by the groom’s pastor, Rev T. F. Higgins, in the presence of the immediate families and a few invited guests. Tile bride wore a beautiful fro k of powder blue georgette, elaborately beaded in crystals, a blue picture lmt, with harmonizing accessories. Airs. Alurr, a daughter of Air. and Airs J. I. Griffin, a prominent family of Alon roc. is an unusually pretty blond, with a most pleasing personality. Mr. Alurr, a soil of Air. and Airs. AA". R. Muit, Sr., is a young man of sterling qualities and is held in high esteem by a large circle of friends. Immediately after the ceremony Air. and Aire. AA". R. Alurr entertained in honor of the bride and groom with an elegant buffet supper. For the present. Air. and Airs. Min 4 !' will be at the home of the groom's parents on Pearl street. Out-of-town guests here for the wedding were: Airs. Harry I*, l’owell. of Richmond. A'a.. and Alilis Catherine Alurr, of Cooleemee. Attend Reunion In Danville, A'a. Air. and Airs. C. Al. AA’entz, and family have returned from Danville, Va.. where they attended u reunion at tho home of Air. AA'cntz's mother, Mrs. Al. J. AA'eutz. Those present during the holidays were: E. J. AA’entz aud family, C. F. and family, I. C. and family, J. P. Floyd and family, Air. and Alt's. Jene I’ryor, Miss Laurene and Hansel AA'eutz, all of Danville, Airs. J. C. Combs and children, of Greensboro. C. AL AA'eutz and family, of Con cord, Aliss Lililan AA’eutz, of Flat Rock, X. C.. George AA’entz. of the United States Navy Band, AA’ushing ton, D. C. Mott-Kideidtoiir. The following announcement will be of much interest here: Mr. aud Airs. H, C. Rideuliour announce the marriage of their daughter Ella Pauline to Air. Fred A. Plott on Friday, December twenty-fourth nineteen hundred twenty-six Alt. Pleasant, North Carolina At Home after January N, 11120 (Kil llcnry Street Detroit, Mich. At Hofei Concord. Guests registered at Hotel Con cord Tuesday included the following: R. 11. Boykin. Riebmond. A"u.: Air. aud Airs. AA'illiam Haynes, Norwich, Conn-; J. C. Bates. Tampu, Fla.; Air. and Airs. Hallie Morton, Tampa, ; - Flu.; Mr. and Mrs. AA r . J. Bodie, Staunton, Va.; Afr. and Airs. Oscar J. Lambert,-AVoodsocket. It. I.: AA’. A. Baden. New York City; AA’. 0. Gibson. Atlanta. Ga., and G. G. Dun- 1 lap, Itrpley. Tenn. , Dinner. Air. und Airs. AL L.' Penniiiger en tertained at t'lieir hopie in No. 7 town- Iship at a Christmas dinner on Christ-" mas Day. The honor guests were: Mr. and Airs. J. N. Pcuuinger, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Blackwelder, Airs. B. AL Pcu : uiugcr, Homer Penninger, of Suiis- I bury ; Aliss AA’illie Penuiuger, nurse, of Charlotte, and Alurray Penuiuger, , of Cutuwba College, Salisbury. P. Mrs. Mauldin To Entertain For Her Nieces. ■ Mrs. L. 1,. Mauldin is entertaining cTluirsday. jiltoriipuii, at bridge. Tor her* of Oxfdjrd. w : h'o''|i#e spending ’the liol idays here.' ~ Artemisia, widow of Alausoius, King of Carin, erected a magnificent tomb to his memory; hence our word. , mausoleum. , THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE Mt. Pleasant Holiday News. Christmas services were held iU the different churches of the town, at the Lutheran and Alethodist on Christ mas Eve; at the Reformed on Christ mas morning at (i o'clock. Those visiting home and friends* here during the holidays arc: Miss AVilma Tucker, teaching in Caldwell county; Aliss Alary Lowder, teaching at Red Springs; Air. and Airs. Skin ner, of Rocky Alount, at the hoiite of C. G. Heillg; Robert Foil, of Spar tanburg, S. C., and Airs. AlcTyeire Richardson, of Rocky Alount, at the home of Air. and Airs. John Foil. Aliss Elizabeth Foil, senior at Brenau College, Georgia, is at home for ten days wit'll her parents, Dr. and Airs. M. A. Foil. Aliss Clio Kluttz, nurse at the Charlotte Sanatorium, spent one day with her pal'cnts, Air. and Airs. S. C. Kluttz. Air. and Airs. F. AL AA'ar'.iek and little daughter, of Salisbury; Charles AA'arliek, Jr., of Catawba College: Max AA'arliek, of Charlotte, and Joe AA’arliek, of the Alaiden high school, are at the home of their parents. J. L. C. Miller and Dwight Kluttz spent a day this week in Spartan burg, S. C. detus and Herman Kluttz and sisters, Myrtle, Katy and Susie, of AA'ntts Cross Roads, spent a day here wit'i their brother, Dwight Kluttz and wife. Aliss Susie Huddle, principal of the graded school, remained here after the closing of the school for the holi days. Aliss Alaude Catheart, teach er of science in the high school, is spending tile vacation with borne folks in South Carolina. A’irginia McAllister, having under gone an operation on her foot at the Charlotte Sanatorium, is at home again, and her improvement gives hope to her many young* friends that she will soon be able to be out again. Christmas morning, Immediately af ter the early Christmas service, Air. and Airs. H; E. Foil left for a two weeks' trip to St. Petersburg, Fla. Tom Foil accompanied them as far as Savannah, Ga. Aliss Lula Belle Paris to Sing at Alusicale Tonight. There will 0c a inus'.cnic at "the home of Aliss Alillicent AA'ard on "South Union street given under the direction of the Smoot Alissionary So ciety of Central Alethodist Church this evening at 8 o'clock. Some ,of the most talented musicians of 1 lie city will take part, assisted by Aliss Lula Belle Paris, of Salisbury. Pro ceeds of this entertainment will he used for the benefit of this society. The public is cordially invited. Informal Tea for Mr. and Mrs. VA'ebb. Airs. T. H. AA'ebb entertained in formally at a tea Tuesday afternoon in honor of Air. and Airs. John Gra ham AA'ebb, of Hillsboro. Christmas decorations, predominat ed throughout the home. The tea table, presided over by Mi*s Alary King, was arranged attractively with holly and eliuriiiing red candles. About twenty-five guests enjoyed t’ac delight ful occasion. Attend lnter-Fraternily Dance. A large number of the dancing con tingent of Concord attended the inter fraternity ball given in Charlotte on Tuesday evening. Native of the lower classes in mirts of India believe it unlucky to call a rat by hits own name, so they speak of him as the ''rat-uncle.'’ Concord Theatre * ing ° u ' ,h ' o,d Ring in the New GREAT PROGRAM TO BE PRESENTED NEW YEAR S EVE Beginning at 11:30 ‘Summer Bachelors’ From the Famous Novel by the Author of “FLAMING YOUTH” The Most Daring Story Ever Featured ADDED Triumphant Return of Mabel Normand in a Comedy “ANYTHING ONCE ” Get Your Tickets at the Box Office Now to Be Assured of a Seat Our New Year Wish Whatever you lack— Whatever you seek Be it Love or friends or gold, Whatever is needful to fill your cup; May it come to you threefold! Ritchie Hardware Co. Beginning Tonight We Will Remain C|,en Until Up. m. l. 1-T IK': 11.U*>>l» A-- ‘ ■; A Surprise Birthday Dinner. On Sunday. December 2. Pemberton, Mrs. O. 1,.- Smith. Mrs. G. B.‘ Lewis. Mrs. D. L. Bost, Mrs. E. A. Moss and Miss Jenn Col trane. • THURSDAY-FRIDAY A HOLIDAY SPECIAL 1 I I rfiif * y i // / i 7 y namu Mf \ / _ 1 ' ## A Classic Cast in a Classic Tale by Thomas Burke Directed by Charles Brabin A First National, Picture Mrs. D. B, Castor Honored by Show er. A very enjoyable time was that Monday night ivhen a number of folks gathered at the home of Mrs. H. G. Ross, Kannapolis. A number of humorous games were -entered into, along with them a box contest which afforded much laughter for the happy crowd. The box was passed around for a given time, then the persons whose hands the box was id at the time given had to open the box. do the thing designated by the Slip of paper inclosed. Then the folks enjoyed a trip to Paris which brought forth much laughter and liveliness. H. C. Castor and Callie Winecoff well entertained us by each getting at one end of a string and chewing to the center. Then the one who reached the destination first was favored with a "life saver." This was won by Miss Callie Winecoff. After tliis a lovely course consist ing of fruit gelatin and whipped cream and cake was served. Then Miss Castor said : “Now, we want to play a game. We need two people to take this trip.” Rev. I). P». Castor and his newly wed wife were spotted to take the trip. They were each blind folded and given a string to follow. After following the string a few steps the folds were lifted from their eyes and a lovely table of the prettiest packages lay before them. After, prying into two packages they found them to be useful arid lovely gifts for their new home ill Tennessee. .V number of very beautiful gifts were', given to the new couple. Then the We Have the Fol lowing f USED CARS For Sale or Ex change: One 5 passenger Essex Coach, 6 cyl. One 2 passenger Essez Coupe, 6 cyl. One 5 passenger Ford Touring One 7 passenger Studebaker Sedan One 5 passenger Buick Touring. One 7 passenger Buick Touring. One 5 passenger Franklin Touring. Standard Buick Co. Goodyear llil Tires iyfwLfe* For All Kinds Os Weather Never Before Have Goodyear Tires Been so Cheap and So Good* £ i You are Safer Riding on Goodyears on Mud, Ice or Snow We Have a Goodyear To Fit Your Car. Come in and Get Our Price on Your Size Yorke & Wadsworth Co, The Old Reliable bridge and groom each expressed their appreciation for the nice presents. The shower proved to be a complete surprise to the couple. A lovely and enjoyable time was expressed by each present. ONE PRESENT. HAVE CONFIDENCE IN COBB Pcop’e of His Own Home Stick to Him. (By International News Service.* Augusta, Ga.. Dec-. 29.—What ever eke they may say of him, or at tempt to connect him with Tyrus Raymond Cobb. America's baseball idol, is Augusta’s First Citizen, and this Georgia city—Cobb’s home—has confidence in the innocence of Oobb with "fixing" any ball game. to every man, woman and child, it would seem. This much was evidenced when Ty returned home from Chicago after certain charges had been made bv K. M. Landis, eear of baseball, that ▼ 0/wr/ov-war I m If * iNSTnUJTON- I ,||, rennay Va Ur «V»JL DKPABT7 DENT stopjcj 40-54 South Union St., Concord. N. C A Store You Can , Absolutely Rely On „ Customers tell us that one of the reasons they like to buy here is that they have complete confidence in our goods and wha'f we say about them—in our Advertising and in the Store. By thus being able to eliminate all’doubt io the supplying of their needs, they have added satisfaction in buying. They KNOW before hand that every purchase will PROVE UP and SQUARE UP with the CONFIDENCE ! they have in our ideals and our plan of? i operation. A definite part of our plan is so to conducl our business that every customer Avift'feel ab solute and positive assurance or this Confu dence whenever they enter our Store or mak« a purchase. You have felt this satisfaction when buying here, knowing that your interests are safe guarded—that you have been provided the ut most in QUALITY for the least possible money. PAGE FIVE ho and Tris Speaker had jp* to do with a “fixed" game way back B in 1919. City Council passed a r«*g|B S lutiun expressing their al his innocence of such a charge, •«nBB well as Speaker's, and thousands -M fl tended a mas- meeting for OoDb beneath the Confederate Monum«i«3^Bjafi when all Augusta expressed tkßfl Bj confidence in the integrity of I idol. At the conclusion of B speech making, Cobb was fl with a Horal offering. : fl vf. !’ S No Standing. fl The impecunious young inn it,’-31 9 writing to his bank requesting thutJgF 9 a new cheek book no forwarded hHS him. concluded iris setter: ''ivindljoi ■ let me know how my account stands fl -He received the following "Sir : In reply to your letter, we twBBH to say that your account does not Jj fl stand. You withdrew its last suppottPafifl on Coe 2ml inst." B