PAGE SIX p SIOO,OOO Gift For This Building at Davidson College The above is the architect's draw of the $(500,000 Chambers Build of Davidson College, toward which unknown benefactor gave SIOO,- In the World’s Spotlight ife- ,a ‘ ll ■ —1 " ImL 'W I HAKS- VUTHER- WU/HEU* MARX gHARRY EXWJAT GEORGE- K SHULER. ' Sinner Chancellor Hans Luther was expected to be invited a form a new Cabinet in Germany, succeeding that of Chan- Sllor Wilhelm Marx, which was overthrown. Harry Bowly, aneral secretary of the Lord’s Day Alliance, asked New Kirk police to stop shoe shining on Sunday. They refused, gorge K. Shuler took over the publishing interests of mgeneV. Webster, who recently wed Corliss Palmer. PRE - INVENTORY SALE Wednesday, Thursday Friday and Saturday Good News For Thrifty Women No Left Overs Here All Must Go The most extraordinary reductions that have oc- Better news than this could hardly be expected; in curred in many years are now effective on women’s and view of the fact that our stocks still offer many pf the misses wearing apparel. Mode so by an honest desire to season’s newest and most popular garments. While close out all Winter garments within the shortest pos- space does not permit the listing of everything effected sible time, regardless of their actual worth or desirable by the price pruning knife of this Sale, yet these will qualities, for which thois store is so well known. serve as an example. DRESSES COATS HATS SHARE IN THE GOOD THINGS ■ Fisher’s 000 a short time ago. The left wing .tired thousand dollars is necessary to I of the structure was completed in 1925 restore "the heart of Davidson" which at a tost of $200,000.00. and is now was ravaged by tire November 21, being used for offices of college offi- 1921. Alumni and friends of the in oials and for ealssrooms. Four hun- stitution will be turned to for the re- Shot Ends Human Triangle Jh hl I ) , L'sk | L. {—kjgjl I Wallace M. Probasco, New York society man, was about to, j return to his wife, with whom he is shown at the top, when 1 Mrs. Robert H. Ingersoll, wife of the watch king, shot him tmd killed herself in her New York apartment The Inger golls are shown below. Mrs. Probasco is the daughter of “Bob” Ingersoll, the atheist, hut was not related to the Watch man. (International Newsreel., THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE maining $200,000.00 necessary to complete the structure. When finish ed it will be one of the moot hand some buildings on the campuses of Southern Colleges. JQJDotft Tell/.* LI B.COURTNEY Copyright 1926 Warner Brea. Picture*. Ino. ■DON’T TELL THE WIPE," starring Inn* Rich, la • Warner Bros, plcturlsatlon of thlo novel. SYNOPSIS /fenny Forbes, s tar polo play or. and his beautiful wife, Joan, are temperamental mlimate*. Joan Irants a divorce. Fanny hesitates. l oving her, although secretly know ing she loves Abner Gratman. While they are all guests on a weekend cruise on the yacht of B timer, a lumber king, a widow. Clare, vamps Fanny, arousing Btiv ner’e jealousy. But when Fanny avows Clare means nothing to him, Btimer aids Fanny punish Abner, Who is trapped with Joan. Abner is set in a dory behind the yacht. Joan defiantly joins Abner, who recklessly cuts adrift. They are lost in the stormy night. CHAPTER Xlll.—Continued Suddenly there rushed down upon Abner a great sea fear of (he storm, of the savage sea, of the Weird loneliness. The racing eaves, plucking at the oars, nearly lore the arms out of Abner’s body. He drew in the oars and whim pered: "1 can’t seem to make any headway!" Joan was as cool as he was ex sited: "My word, man. keep your bead!. Are you afraid?" Abner was too panicky to feel abashed by the hint of contempt in ter voice. Without waiting for a reply, she went on: "Chaps like you really shouldn't tmbark on this sort of Joyride, you enow! You’ve had no experience (t this sort of scrape. It take 3 a nan like Runny to make a woman !eel comfortable—in the open. What ever possessed you to cut oose, Abner, dear?" There was no reproach, only In lulgent wonder, In her voice She telt strangely impelled to mother his helpless male. Abner’s demoralization, however, vas so complete by now that his inly lucid thought was that he was “ You're mine — mine — mine/" it last alone with Joan- -under cir cumstances that put her under h.s tontrol A bestial blue flame made his eyes gleam in the pitchy darkness ilke an animal’s, as he rose in the tossing boat and lurched toward loan. “Abner, you chump, sit down!" tried Joan In quick apprehension as the man tried to reach her. ‘‘You’ll get a .broken head, or have ns both drowned. If you don’t alt down!" But there was no halting Abner now. The storm and the peril of the moment had been shoved into the background of his conscious ness by the desire to possess—by an all-consuming primitive lust. He was the tribal runt, quaking In a usurped cave with a stolen mate under the gods of storm and the wraths of pursuers, blindly and ’desperately bidding for one full mo ment of coveted delight and phys ical happiness before the mountain should topple down upon him. Joan fought to free herself. "Ab ner. have you gone Insane?” "Yes,” he mewled, "Insane about yon. Nothing else In all the world blatters but you. dearest—” "Tell that to me some other time, man!" "There will be no other time. Tve wanted yon so long, ached for you—and now I have you alone at last. You’re mine, now—mine alone!" “Not until 1 get a divorce. I’ve told yon I" “Divorce be hanged!” He was almost gibbering. “You’re mine— mine*—mine—” Deep within, Joan, too, felt a primal Impulse—a barbaric Joy In the wildnesa of the elements, the clutching hardness of her lover’s arms* the brutlsbnees of his hot breath and Incandescent eyes. For one long, burning minute Joan'e nature reverted ten thousand years. The whip of cold, wind-driven rata only served to sting her blood to greater frensy. The pitching of the boat intoxicated her. Something latent In her being, aome inherited passion, unstirred for countless generations, answered the animal glint in Abner’a fevered eyes. It was a moment of madness. A rare moment, in which the world stood wildly still sad trem bled on foe bruising Idee of seek tag lips. Deeds Farm To God. Milan county, Texas, is experienc ing something unique in Its farming history. About two miles northwest of Bockdale, that county, between the Bushdale and Tracy roads, lie an abandoned farm, grass-grown and neglected. According to the Roskdble Reporter, some years ago the owners of the property, one Ru dolph Bowling and his wife, now residing near Geuse, the same conn-' ty, executed a deed to the property nemtag God Almighty the benefi ciary. Since foe execution of this deed foe former owMm hare claim But a moment, alio, that thu storm selected to send along a par- I tlcularly high ware, which the dory ; crested —and an uncommonly deep , after-trough, into which It dropped slckenlngly. Fate, the humorist, as the dory crashed, brought together with a vicious rap the lips that sought each other In the darkness. And bumped .Abner's forehead hard against Joan's nose. The pain snapped Joan out of the primitive paat, to the perilous pres ent In her Irritation she lost all desire to kiss Abner. In his scare, Abner, too, lost all desire to kiss Joan. Jarred out of a miasmatic fog of passion, he CLUNG to Joan. The romantic side of Joan had been flattered to think of a lover who could be so oblivious to the possibility of death, which stared him In the face, and could think only of seizing the chance, how ever Inopportune, to press his love Joan had thought thaf this augured well for bis enthusiasm. : But Joan, being a woman, was romantic SEC OND—Iand pragmatic flret!' This practical turn of her nature was flabbergasted by the insanity of the situation She realized, fqr ! the first time, on a flood of reac i tion. that Abner was CLINGING to I I her. not embracing her There was j decidedly a difference. ! '‘Abner," she shouted sharply "brace up and do something to get us out of this before we’re swamp led!” "But I've told you there's aoth [ lng I can do." he whined "Come, come!" She broke h'« hold and wrestled h'm tow'd 'h i rowing seat “You row. in" hall Hurry, or we’ll found r iti n time!" i "I can't row!" J | Joan was coming more and more ieach moment to the r.-a'lzaHr>n thai If the crisis was to be mastered she would have to assume full charge She did eo. calmly pa tiently, and with an almost mother ly attitude of pity and protective ness toward Abner. Even when she sought to set him an example by scooping out hand fuls of the water which the dor* vas shinning In increasing amounts nch ins'ant, Abner cowered In actively. Joan thereupon adopted anothet tact, still mild "If Ra:.ay ware in this ti ckle," she yelled, “he'd say, 'Cheerio !ad* mine', While there's. M*e -b-rc’i tight We'll keep try'rv'*' rv-me Intw. whv can’t you b- like that dear* Do you want to see mtf drown *" "Blast Ranny! Why can’t yoti leave bis name out of this? I don’ care what he’d do or say There's no use In doing or saying any thing!" " A "e you nulttlng?" Joan asked The violence of her e<T’"ts rr ball the boat had wo-med her do spite the fact that she was knee! in? In two Inches of water "1 w*. ked to the skin by rai’i an' - me. and was growing (i-cthly IT f ojn the incessant lurching ant! spinning of the un~u!ded boat “Look. Abner! Montauk Light Is growing dimmer. We’re drifting out to sea Do something, for God's sake, before we go down!" “There's no hope!” he cried wildlv Pitching forward, he took a dr«thlikc hold of her. pinioning her arms so that she was helpless to ball, or to move. “Let go of me! Oh, th's Is all Ranny’s fault. He'll be satisfied now that heVk|!led me!" Joan wes‘ going to pieces It was In the nature of things that she should, for despite her unepmmoa physical courage, the psychological strain of Abner’s panic had subtly disintegrated her own fibre. The dory was whirling, bobbing, crazily threatening every moment to somereault from the summit of some wave. A last surge of fighting courage swept over Joan. If she must go down, she would go down lighting. She had Imbibed that courageous philosophy of the game of life from Runny. • Ranny! Oh, If Ranny were: only here now—no! Hang Ranny! She never wanted to see him again. It wa» all his fault All—his—fault— he’d—be—sorry— Desperately she threw ofT Ab ner’s twining arms, sobbing frame She crept on her knees through the water In the bottom of the dory and dragged herself Into the row ing seat Plucklly she worked to lift the heavy oar* Into the tholes, and tried to head the dory Into the wind. The atom snapped the oars oat of her hands like matchwood, whirled them away, and lh the moment Abner threw himself against her lege, clawing la fear. As thud they fought—she to com tinue the fight tor life, he to aban don It, a monstrous wave over wholmed tho dory. Two hamans spaa clear Into the boiling sea. "S*aay, Ranny!" Joan's wall rose above tho tempest, “it's all— your—daultr Than the sea gagged her, while tho storm furies howled their ri bald Birth. (To ho ed the property as being exempt from taxation and have refused to pay taxes on It. yet they want their reserved. The famous “God Almigh ty farm attracted so much attention that recently a suit in partition was filed in district court against the property, to which Bowling returned to the district judge a reply in which he wet up the claim that the land belongs o God, and that the Cre ator had instructed him to make the reply a* worded. New Year’s Day baa not always been January Ist What Is Service? It embodies sympathet ic attention efficient handling of all details — the foreseeing of all needs Years of experience have fitted render all of these things—and more— to those who have lost a dear friend. WILKINSON’S FUNERAL HOME PHONE 9 AMBULANCE, SERVICE 36 W. Depot Street CONCORD, N. C. It’S A NO MAN .has a change lawMIJZ.JIA.; .... y to give thanks unless he is comfortable in mitul and jfo s body _ our ourcoa!/ COAL will produce a mental and J ” IcV —rj, -"g physical thanksgiving. W gUTT J|TvrfTJ THE BEST BY TEST flSjLLallll£j Craven’s Coal We Have the Following Used Cars FOR SALE One Chevrolet Coupe, 1926 Model. 1 Ford Coupe, 1923 Model. 1 Ford Touring, 1926 Model. 1 Ford Touring, 1924 Model. 1 Ford Touring 1922 Model. SYLER MOTOR Co. j S. Church St. Phone 400 [ THE CAROLINE / We arc showing firs Pump I . J ust as Pictured, its a patent with ik a a color on apron. This is a VS. 'N. A Wonderful Pump. If you have \ \ trouble in getting a proper fit, \ TN. --X- *1 drop in. We fit your foot as it \ I should be fitted. \ The CAROLINE is An j-e* priced sO.dU J Similar Styles Much Less. "The Home of Gixxl Shoes” I V E Y’S ‘THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES" Christmas Has Past But we still have plenty of Good Home Made Candies at Christmas prices. For this week only wd still have the following prices. Good Mixed Candy, 16c per Mb. a for 26c Good Mixed Candy, 20c per Mb. 2 for SBc Fancy Candy, 25c per H>., 2 for 45c Fancy Candy 30c per Mb., 2for 55c. Good Home Made Chocolates 30c per pound. Good Mixed Candy 76c per 5 pound box Also plenty nice oranges and apples. Cabarrus Candy Co. PHONE MS 31 8. CHUHCH ST. A CLEAN - UP Before Inventory on ALL Pottery, Vases, Bowls, Candlesticks, Book Ends, Brass, Pictures, Plaques and Easel Picture Frames M£KE YOUR CHRISTMAS MONEY DO DOUBLE DUTY AT THIS SALE 1-3 Off on Everything MENTIONED ABOVE SALE CLOSES JANUARY Ist, 1627 KIDD - FRK MUSIC ud STATIONERY CO. 01PEIKY IDS. ILK GET RESULTS Wednesday, Dec. 29, 1926 We’ve got a line of Christ mas goods that will help you to play Santa Cleus. I can as sure you that if you want to make a sensible gift to any member of your family or to any of your friends you’ll miss a lot of Christmas-time joy if you don’t visit this store. Pearl Drug Companyj 22 PHONES -722 ?

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