ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCHES VOLUME XXVI SQLONS GATHERING IN STATE CAPITAL FOR LEGISLATURE Their Work Will Not Start Until Wednesday But They Are Gathering Just the Same. CAUCUS MAY DECIDE FIGHT Speaker for House May Be Chosen at the Democrat ic Caucus to Be Held on Tuesday Night. Raleigh, Jan. 3.—(A>)—Lawmakers of the 1927 Legislature, convening Wednesday at noon, began arriving today. Tomorrow night's scheduled election of the Speaker of the House drew immed'nto interest. • RepreseotiKives 11. G. Connor, of Wilson, R. T. Fountain, of Edge eotnge, and X. A. Townsend, of Har nett county, were momentarily ox- IK'Cted to take personal charge of their respective bids for the speaker's seat. All three had backers quietly busy. At tomorrow night's Democratic caucus. 104 House members will have a vote in the race, the first and from strategic standpoint probably the the most important balloting of the Legislative period, which holds the )>opular .interest of the state from now on through the middle of March. To elect a Speaker, S 3 votes are re quired. Os the 104 Democrats about 20 were generally considered unpledg ed. a cheek at hotel lobbies had it. In the House Speaker’s hands, and those of the Lieutenant Governor lie appointment of all the committees in the House and Senate respectively, and to these cnuimitteex nil bills must go for consideration. Lieut. Governor Lour, who will pre side over the Senate, probably will announce his committee appointments Wednesday when the Senate convenes, but the upper body will wait on organ isation of the House before function ing actively. IS THE SALARY AND WAGE COMMISSION DOOMED? A Vigorous Fight Will Re Waged to Sir Walter Hotel. BY 4. C. BASKERVILL. Raleigh, Jan. 3.—'That the Salary and Wage Commission, as it is now constituted is doomed, but that the principal of general supervision over the salaries paid to state employes will unoubtedly be returned, is the opinion of a large number of people, both politicians and laymen, who have been observing the workings of the commission. In its stead will be created according to those who are considered to bo “in the know," a commision with the same name per haps. but composed largely of heads of state department, with its powers largely to the fixing of niax jriimutn and mimimum wage limits, with the power to fix individual lml aries more largely in tie hands of each department head, to be concur red in perhaps to the commision. One of the principal criticisms ot the present salary and wage commis sion is that every inemben of it is an employer of 'abor mostly of but one type of labor —and that there in not a single member of the commision that might lie looked upon .is a ’e presentative of the employees. Be cause of this fact some hold that tlm commission has taken a too one-sid ed attitude with the result that too much consideration has been given to the unrt of the state as the em ployer and not enough to rho angle of the emplyoe. However, there is reallv very lit tle opposition, either among slate employes or othera. to the principle of the salary and wage commission, since its operation so far, imperfect ns its functioning may have hceii. has of the efficient and coneient ms emp’oye. while the list’ess and in efficient are quickly weeded out, making for greater efficiency all a loug the line. But those who would revise the commission think that cer tain changes are needed which would muke it much more effective.. For instance, they say that the best judge of the efficiency of an emplyoe is the executive of the de partment in , wbic that employe Works, because there is closer :■ con tact there and better opportunity for observation as to industry, faithful ness and devotion to duty. Thus rhev hold that s the department head is a much better judge ns to whether t'oe salary of on employe should be in creased than is n commission of em ployers oftimes of a different sort of labor—who do not know the appli cant, the kind of work he is doing or any of tiie personal details about him. Thus there in no doubt hut that an attempt will bo made during the session of the legislature to recon struct the salary and wage commis sion bo that individual department beads will be given more gny-so a* to the pay of individln’s in their de partmenta. with the wage commis sion proper being more an advisory bodv, either composed of state offi cials or others, who will fix the max imum and mimimum limits of salar ies only. And from present indica tions. it seems likely that It will not be difficult to get a largo number bly to concur in the movement, bly to loneur in the movemeut. Sir Walter Scott at college was known as “the Greek blockhead.” ; The Concord Daily Tribune ~ North Carolina's Leading Small City Daily I In Business and Statesmanship * I ■ |j| ' ,: igi§|, Wfaz 1 aHi!m .. *I ■ file ft> uißi : -wjS JL 1 p. /.ANGUS* D. r Mitt H F. MT.., COURT J l «T• L/ES’LdE, KINTCAID ''E.tX'MVRD I. ET3VAT2DS*. After twenty-five years of service, Angus McDonald was elected president of the Southern Pacific. Miss H. F. M, Court was named head of the accounting department of the House of Lords, and was the first woman to hold such an Important office in the House. J. Leslie Kincaid, hotel man, left for Italy to invite Premier Mussolini to Norfolk, Va Senator Edwand I. Edwards, of New Jersey, demanded a Senate investigation into Government poisoning of alcohol WILL BUDGET REPORT BE CAUSE OF BIG BATTLE? Will Connqr Name Murphy. Who Op poses the Budget System? * Tribune Bureau Sir Walter Hotel as a number of people are doing these days—what would liapiien if the House finance committee would de cline to accept the report and recom mendations of the advisory budget eomm:4*fc(>ti£ lyftwise its figures, throw out the n’pnropiiiUiouß.'Uod revenue bills, start new heariugx n'nd decide to make up a new budget, a new ap propriations bill and a new revenue bill? Then all predictions as to the coming session of itie general assem bly beiug quiet and un-wnrilke would be blown sky high, and there would lie some sure enough excitement! Os course this is just the merest conjecture and no one reu’.ly believes such a state of affairs all like ly to exist. Still, quite a number seem to think that at present the moot likely of the three candidates for the speakership is 11. G. Connor. Jr., and many think, that although Connor has said that he has made no commitments ns to who he would appoint as committee chairmen, it would not be unlikely for him to appoint Pete Murphy as chair man of the House finance committee. They point to the fact that Murphy's opposition to the budget, commission, the entire executive budget system and administration is most pronounced and that if lie were chairman of the finance committee he might, through the influence he would exert over the other members, make hard sledding for the measures submitted by the gov ernor and the budget commission, so that there be a possibility of very great revision of these bills. Thus there would seem to be some basis for the supposition that there may be a possibility that the revenue and appropriations bills may have a hard time getting through the finance committee intact, should the commit tee be composed of members who are avowedly unfriendly to the adminis tration bills. However, the majority of political observers here do not take the sug gestion seriously and do not expect much trouble will be encountered by the outstanding administratiou. meas ures jn the committees. They say that even should Murphy be selected as chairman of'the finance committee —which they admit is likely, should Connor be elected speaker—that it is very unlikely that sufficient of the other members would be of the same mind as to greatly endanger the meas ure coming before the committee for its consideration, and that any radic ally revolutionary move to mutilate either the appropriations or revenue bills would be promptly checked by the majority of the members of the committee. Thus while it might be possible for the committee to embarass the admin istration considerably and cause it some worry, the more far-seeing of the politically wise hold to the view that , the principal administration measures will not suffer greatly, re gardless of who is elected speaker. They admit that there probably will be a large number of revisions made — there always arc —but that in the end the measures will be enacted pretty much in the same form us when submitted. So while it is regarded as a good thing to look at the situation from ever; angle and to consider ever; pos- ST JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH AT SALISBURY Handsome New $250,000 Edifice Used For First Time Sunday Morning. Salisbury. Jan. 3.—St. John's (.a-, therae congregation started the new V>flr macs By* wordWpptiig. In their Ucw church which is .one of the fin est church cd Hides in this section. It stands on the corner of Church and limes streets opposite the postof fice. Ipfar.qiie center of the city and is quite all imposing structure. St. John's is one of the oldest con gregations in the city and is prob ably the largest Lutheran congrega tion in the southern synod. It out grew its old church ' home and soon after the coming of the present pas tor, Rev. Edward Fulenwider, plans were put on foot for a new and lar ger church. The new building is English Gothic of gray brick trimmed with Indiana lime stone. It is 175 feet long and 100 feet width. The nave ts OS by SO feet and has a seating capacity of 1,250 including the gal lery. The interior trimming is oak and pink Tennessee marble. The art glnas was made at the Payne studios. Patterson. X. .7. AH of the furni ture is quartered oak and was built by the Huntington Seating com puny of Huntington. IV. Va. The organ is a tlirec-mnnual in strument with harp and chimes made by the M.. I\ M oiler Organ cnninnn.v. of Ilnfferstown. Md. The Sunday school departmonr is three stories high and is arranged in departments. On the ground floor is the adult and senior departments boy scout rooms, ladies parlor, kit chen, Sunday school superintendent mid secretary's office; also the pas tor's study and office. The furnace room and fireproof vault are nlso on this floor. On the second floor arc the nursery and cradle roll, begin ners and primaries departments, each separate and with its own equipment- On the third floor are the junior and intermediate depart ments. All departments are equip ped with telephones, there being 15 . telephones in the butiding. There are 1 45 class rooms and the several de partments can accomodate 1.500 i scholars. There are seven automatic sanitary drinking fountains, and six pianos. ) . j The construction of thP building was begun enrly in 1025 and finished I the latcd part of 1020. The first , brick was laid June S, 1025. The eor [ nerstone was laid Sunday, June 20, 1026. The main tower is 100 feet high nnd arranged for tower chimes. The heating plant consists of two Gurney boilers with vacuum pump and auto matic water feed, giving 50 per cent more heat than needed in very cohl weather. The building and equipment cost cost $35,000, giving the congregation a church property conservatively es timated at $250,000. t A feature of the first service Sun day was the reception of a clows of 50 new members into the church. Figure skating was a well de veloped winter recreation in the countries of northern Europe 150 years ago. Bible eventuality that may arise, still that t'aere is no cause for alarm, and that there will not be nearly as much fire when the legislature feta Into action ai there it smoke before it con venes. CONCORD, N. C„ MONDAY, JANUARY 3, 1927 APPROPRIATION FOR NAVY PROVIDED IN BILL BEFORE MOOSE There Are Little Changes in Operation of Navy ; Provided in Bill—Less; Funds for Cruising. TOTAL LESS THAN GIVEN THIS YEAR The Total Is Also Less Than Estimated ip Bud get-Bill Carries Total of $314,552,680 for Year. ■Washington. Jnn. 3.—UP)—Propos ing h cut of $1,650,000 in the funds for cruising activities of the United States fleet, but otherwise providing for maintenance of the navy about as. it iij now, Vie annual naval depart ment appropriation bill was reported to tjie House today by its appropria tions committee. It enrrios a total of #314.552,080 for all branches of the navy for the; fiscal year beginning next July Ist; a decrease of $5,304,805 compared with current funds, and $150,970 be low budget recommendations. . The committee refused to accept the pro posal for a budget of 1,200 men lij the enlisted strength of the Marine Corps, and provided for continuation; of its present size of 18.000 enlisted inen, 1,020 commissioned officers, and 155 wnrrant officers. Provision is made for continuing naval enlisted strength at 82.500 and the officer strength including line, staff and warrant officers at 8.710. The food ration is based on 53 cent per day per enlisted tnan. The allotment for cruising is cub from $13,950,000 to $12,000,000. The measure was drafted, (lie com mittee report asserted, with a view to providing for operations and main tenance of the airplane carriers SaraJ toga nnd Lexington, nnd the submit; rine Z-4, all to be launched durinf the year. It also said the air ser vice appropriation of $19,790,000 pint a contract authorization of $5,000, 000 was designed to carry out the five, year building program approved bj Congress last winter. “The 1,000-ptane program was base « 'VftSt agft -a£ 33 'l-3 per «*U»i annually,” the report said. “Mqjri recent studies suggest that approxi mately 2 per cent, would be more nearly accurate. There is a a in crease (in appropriations for next year) of $724,712 and of $900,000 in, the contract authorization.” Women Lead Raids on Moonshine Stronghold. Greenville, S. C., Jan. 3.—Crusad ing women have done what revenue agents found impossible in Greeiivil'e county's "Dark Corner,” where the distilling of corn was an established, albeit outlawed? practice loug before prohibition. For years, the "Dark Corner" re garded the “revenooers" as mortal foes and many a bloody battle was fought, but the production of corn whiskey went on undiminished. In recent months, however, with women taking the leading part, citizens of the district have launched an attack against the moonshiners. Xnnerous stills have been destroy ed and some arrest by parties that included no officers of the law. Min isters have encouraged the move ment. Wake Forest Has Veterans For Basketball- Wake Forest, N. > —Seasoned veterans answered Coach Jim Baldwin's call for basketball pi'actiee hero today. Monk Ober, twiee-eaptnin, re mained on the campus througuout the Christmas holidays. Coach Bald win got'bnck last night, l’layers have straggled in at intervals. Intensive practice starts tonight in preparation for the season's first game witti Atlantic Christian eol 'ege here Thursday. Every member of last year’s quint is back except Joe Ellington, nnd Campus dopesters are predicting a team as good as the 1920 five—which licked the Southern Champion University team, To plan Accident Prevention Drive. kaieigli. X. C., Jan-. 3. —(A 9 )— Plans for the formulation of a real accident prevention drive will be drawn here January 6 by representa tives of the University of Xortli Carolina, the Carolina Motor club and other organizations. The meeting is preliminary to the Safety coufereneo set for February 14-15. The conference city will be select ed by the meeting Thursday. It will mark the first concerted effort in Xorth Carolina to cut down the automobile accident toll in the state. Planes Now in Guatemala. Guatemala City, Guatemala, Jan. 3.—C^>—A short hop of fifty-five miles to San Jose, Guatemala, and theu 110 miles to San Salvador are the next stages ahead of the United States army goodwill fliers. The five planes came down on the flying field here yesterday afternoon, completing rite 383 miles from SaKna Crux, Mexico, in five hours. Call for Nationnl Rani, statements. Washington, Jau. »'i.—(A*)—The comptroller of the currency today is sued a rail for thiu condition of all national banks at the cktw bf busi ness on Friday, December 31st. CONGRESSRETURNS TO WORK; BIG JOB TOeOfLETETASK i Leaders Know the Mass of J Business Will Require i Unusual Work if Con ! gress Does Anything. SMITH PROBLEM IS NOT SOLVED It Is Expected to Come Up During the Week and May Lead to Fight Now or at Later Session. Waslkngtoh, Jan. 3.—(A*)—Congress returned to work today. Members went to their desks con fronted with the almost hopeless task of completing action on the varied New Year calendar in the two months left in . the C9th Congress. Leaders, however, had planned to put through the legislative thresher the more im portant measures, and leave the chaff for next December's session. Some of the questions that will eoine up during the week nre pri mary expenditures, provided Frank L. Smith, senator-designate from Illinois, appears to take the oath; the Lau sanne treaty with Turkey; rivers and harbors; annual supply bills; farm re lief : railroad consolidation: sale of federal patronage charges ; coal; and Contested Dominations. There are also prospects that the latest baseball scandal will come up for an airing, as well as the contro versy born in the holidays over the use of poisonous dennturnnts in indus trial alcohol The Senate’s program was uncer tain, due to the impending battle over the seating of Smith. This, however, is not expected to get underway before the middle of the week, when the Mc- Kinley successor arrives to take the oath. Meanwhile both sides are mar shalling their forces, with Senator Curtis, the republican leader, trying to persuade the senate to admit Smith and then refer his ease to the elections committee, and Senator Ashnrst, democrat of Arizona, re maining firm in his purpose to press to a vote his resolution withholding the oath pending investigation by this committee of his qualifications. F?Today the senate had onty miseri itmeous bills to consider for the first two hours, with the Lausanne treaty (t probable vehicle thereafter. In the House Chairman Dempsey of the rivers and harbors committee, had ■planned to ask immediate aequiens- SeetH'e in Senate amendments to the omnibus rivers and hnla bors bill to stave off the delay that would result in sending it to confer ence with the senate. With Our Advertisers. You can find big reductions in dresses and coats at Robinson’s dur ing the Birthday and Anniversary Sale. See new ad. for particulars. If it’s hardware you can get it at the Ritchie Hardware Co., says new ad. today. C. Barrier & Co. want hens and tur keys. See ad. for particulars. When you think of groceries think of the J. & H. flash Store. Some people think of saving only after an unexpected financial emer gency makes them realize the import ance of having a reserve fund. See the attractive new ad. of the Citizens Bank and Trust Company. Suits from $18.50 to SSO, and they are made by Schloss Bros, at Hoov er’s. If you need a coat now is the time to buy. says new ad, of Farks-llelk Co. Prices from $7.95 to $27.50 on sizes 16 to 52. The Boyd IV. Cox Studio can make a picture frame to suit your every need. v • Artificial flowers, reduced in price, at Cline’s Pharmacy. Give t'-ie young man a watch. It teaches punctuality and pride in own ership. See the line carried by S. W. Preslar. ■ Attractive living roam suites, at re duced prices, can be found now at the Bell & Harris Furniture Co. See ad. for particulars. ,v v The Star Theatre in a front page ad. today carries; the week’s program of good pictures. Atwater Kent radios, complete and installed, only 1 $125 and $135 at the Yorke & .Wadsworth l Co. When you send your clothes to Bob's you have sent them to a master cleaner. See in new ad. what com pany must do to be classed a “mast er.” The Progressive Farmer FREE for a whole year to every sub scriber of TheConcordTribtuK Who P»y» his Subscription a Full Year iu advance This offer may be withdrawn at SPEAKERSHIP RACE STILL IS PROBLEM FOR STATE SOLONS All of the Candidates Are Optimistic But So Far None Has Much Advant age in the Race. CONNOR APPEARS TO HAVE EDGE Supporters of Wilson Man More Hopeful as Time for Showdown in House Draws Nearer. Tribune Bureau Sir Walter Hotel By J. C. RAWED Yl LI. Raleigh. Jan. 3.—Frobi out of the haze of rumors, reports and ctm IKM reports issuing from the camps ■Rite three candidates for the epealJßfep it is nothing if not difficult ant any definite trend or to even pick >ut one candidate who for file moment may have the edge over one or both »f the other two. especially since the candidates themselves decline to dis cuss the situation. However, one fact does begin to loom as a verg real possibility and that is that the Fight undoubtedly will be carried from the caucus Tuesday night to the floor )f the house Wednesday—with still another possibility that a speaker may not be elected until Thursday. And in this event, the governor would have to postpone the delivery of his mes sage until Friday. However, despite the fact that H. CJ. Connor. Jr., of Wilson; X. A. Townsend, of Dunn, and R. T. Foun tain, of Rocky Mount, the three can didates, all seem to be assiduously refraining from making any further statements with regard to their enn ilidaeies, their friends do not seem to be s'naring in their modest retirement and the proponents of each candi date freely prediet the election of their favorite man. For instance, the friends of H. G. Connor assert that he has gained much strength in the last few weeks, and that at present he is undoubtedly the strongest candidate in the field, with more pledged votes than any other. They point to the part he played in the framing of highway legislation ami in p'utting through hllrnmistintloh measures in the last legislature, and declared that he is the logical choice for speaker. As to thi> claims re garding the nutnbcr of votes pledged, it is estimated at from 40 to 44. And since it (fttpeoted that there will be about, -20 unpledged votes, Con nor’s friends say it will not bo diffi cult for him to get the nine more needed for election. They say furth er, that if ho loads on the first bal lot, as they expect him to, that the band wagon jumpers will hop on, and put him over. And while these Con nor boosters are not over confident, they are earnest. But then there is the grout)—and a good sized group it is—that is for Townsend. They are not doing any ball.vhooing, but they are working. While no claims are heard regarding t’ue number of votes pledged to Town send, his friends say that when the time for a vote comes, the public gen erally will be surprised at the strength he will exhibit. * They point to his record since he has been in the legis lature. and especially to his work in this committee and to the results ob tained. He may not have the drive Connor lias and may not be so well known to the members ns some of the other men, but ns to his sheer abil ity as a legislator, there is no doubt. And many who are not particularly for any particular man admit that Townsend is undoubtedly a formida ble opponent and likely to become more so when things go into action either in the caucus or in the house. And ns to the hinted surmise that has been gently whispered nbout here that he may retire from the race—his friends laugh at the suggestion and »ay that someone may retire, but that it will not be Townsend. But the Connor and Townsend groups have by no means eliminated Fountain—not by any means. His friends point to the fact that while he has not had much to, say during the present Campaign that he has been working steadily with his candidacy for the speakership in view for at least two years with the result that he probably has more pledged votes from the old members of the legisla ture than either of tbe other two candidates. They do not mention tbe number of votes he has pledged, but several have hinted that it is well up toward forty, if not fully that many. They point to his continuous record in tbe legislature since 1918, the fact that he was chairman of the judiciary committee in 1925 and that he Ims consistently been active in sponsoring and championing construc tive legislation. They also point out that there is probably no man in the bouse who is more popular personally and better thought of by the mem bers than is he. And they casually mention that personal popularity goes ■ long way in a contest like that for the speakership. Fountain’s friends say that there ia not a man in tbe entire house bet ter fitted by temperament and train ing and experience to be speaker— that he never gets excited or loses bis head, no matter how hot the battle may rng<* about him. Thus it will be seen that the Dem ocratic caucus when it meets Tues day will have a real problem before it and that there is every reason to : MM! # fffff 1 v tJhHI flip m/F / / / if Justice Albert H. F, Seeger, of Carmel, N. Y., was named to hear the Peaches-Daddy Browning separation action, replacing Justice Josaph Morschauser. THE COTTON MARKET Opened Fairly Steady at Decline of 7 to 11 Points in Response to Rela tively Easy Liverpool Cables. New York. Jan. 3.—(A s )—The cot ton market opened fairly steady to day at a decline of 7 to 11 points in response to relatively easy Liver pool cables. There was some south ern selling on the opening decline to 12.75 for March and 13.10 for July, but offerings were comparatively light and prices held fairly steady during the first hour on covering and a little trade buying. Private cables said thorp had been hedging combined with local mid con tinental liquidation in tile Liverpoo market but reported an improved de mand for cotton cloths from the con tinent and Near East. A feature of tbe trading here wns the switching from March to July at a difference of 33 to 34 points, nnd ■ftre first hneincss in December, 1927. contracts which sold at 1.3.40 or about 12 points above the price of October. Cotton futures opened fairly steady. Jan. 12.60: March 12.78; May 12.96; July 13.12; Oct. 13.28. Belnsco’s Condition Improved. New York, Jan. 3.—(A s )—David" Belnsco, 67, noted dramatist, who wns severely injured in an automobile col lision Now Year’s day. spent n com fortable night, and although he wns reported as still very weak, improve ment in his condition was evident. British air experts are hopeful that one of the three new planes under con struction will attain five miles a minute. believe that the fight will be carried to the floor of the house) before a speaker can be selected, And while the Connor forces are counting on the first ballot, both Townsend and Foun tain tuEierants believe that the latter ballots —the fifth or sixth or tenth or fifteenth—will be the ones that wil. really tell the tale. And while they all admit that the band wagon jump ers —the unpledged delegates of whom there are about twenty individuals— will wait to sec which way the wind is blowing before they jump, all three factions are confident that they will get a goodly number of votes from this suorco. The fact that there is little if any difference in the platform of the three men. all three having solidly endorsed the present administration and its measures, makes the outcome all the more difficult to foresee. And in the final analysis, the outcome will be based very largely on the individual personality of each candidate, unbi ased observers feel, and the man that wins out will be the man who can make his own personality count" for the most during the caucus- and dur ing the election in the house. Will the next speaker then be Nat Townsend, or Dick Fountain or Tobe Coutior? Only the gods know ,and they wont tell. In the meantime the merry fight goes on and will until next Wed nesday. Star Theatre Week of January 3rd to Bth MOXDAY-TUESDAY “You’d Be Surprised” With Raymond Griffith and Dorothy Sebastion. WEDNESDAY ONLY Back By Special Request “Sandy” With Madge Bellamy and Harrison Ford. It’s a Fox Special. THURBDAY-FRIDAY “East Lynn” With Edmund Lovve, Alma Reubens, Lou Tellegen, Marjorie Day, Frank Keenan, Belle Bennett, Leslie Fenton and many other*. It’s a Fox Special SATURDAY “The Rambling Galloot ” With Buddy Roosevelt. A red hot ■western. Also a comedy. , January 10-11—Foetfcall ALABAMA VS. STAMFORD THE TRIBUNE PRINTS 1 TODAY’S NEWS TODAY;! NO. 310 DETMLSOFBITTLf IN KIM GIVE LIBERALS THE EOflE About 3,000 Troops Were Engaged in Three-day I Battle at Pearl Harbor— Several Hundred Killed* NO ATTEMPT TO BURY DEAD MAfi® | Frank R. Mitchell, War Veteran and Sohßtf " of Fortune, Saya Se«he Was “Indescribable.” Managua, Nicaragua. Jan. 3.— with the coffee harvest, but the says the laborers must go to the front. Charges of Mexican intervention in Nfnfragtm are renewed -tn a • (data- - • meat issued by Adolfo Diaz, presi- s dent of the conservative government, in power here. AMERICANS FREED BY 1 PAYMENT OF MONEY J. W. Wiley and E. B. Conners Freed by Bandits Who Were Given $350. Mexico City. Jan. 3. —04*)—Ransom of $350 effected the release of J. % | Wiley and E. B. Conners. American employees of a British mining odifi pnny, at San Francisco del Oro, Cfti huahua state, who were kidnapped By a bandit gang last Tuesday. • The bandits after seizing the two meii in formed them they would be held until they or their friends produced $5,000. The Americans dickered with their captors, and finally bargained the guin down to $350. States Taxes Off in December. j Raleigh. .Tan. 3. —(A*)—State taken j collected in December for the general fund purposes were slightly lower than those collected in December, 1925. ures made public today by the State | Department of Revenue showed. i J The figures showed collections of $300,067 in December. 1920. a* against collections of $315,126 in De cember 1925. Taxes collected during the past lie- 5 eember were from tile following sourc es; Income $75,423: inheritance $70,- 971; License $45,000. j . ; 4j. '.:J More Tremors in California. 'j Calexico. Calif. Jan. 3.r-(A*)—A heavy earthquake shock was felt here shortly before 5 o'clock this worhlM. No damage followed the tremor which fame as two severe jolts. A railroad worker reported shqeks occurring at intervals of about one j hour. The movement at about ;5 | o’clock was the most noticeable, of the shakes during the night nnd early | morning. Young Reynolds Fined. I Winston-Salem, Jan. 3.—04*1 S Richard ,T. Reynolds, son of the late It. J. Reynolds, president of the R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, pleaded guilty ia municipal court this morn ing to two charges—retesting an offi- . oer. and violating the prohibition law. For the first offense he was fined SSO, i and on the second $25. Coets were i added in each case. No evidence waisTa introduced. Landis Wants to Question PlayeW.;-*^ Chicago, Jan. 3.—C4>)—Comn>(£||S sioner Landis today sent telegrapMc :;l requests to thirty-eight baseball pMka M ers, urging them to appear here at IHH a. m. Wednesday in connection with Jj charges involving the Detroit-ChitJttilS “sloughed” seriee of 1917. More than 300,000 fish have baa Jj placed in Kansas streams this year, fsH breaking all previous records. JH WEATHER FORECAST. « Fair tonight, Tuesday increaiildfcijl cloudiness, probably followed by UmtM rain in extreme west portion! wanWk : fi in east and central portions. Mode** M ate west backing to southwMt ttJKH south winds, increasing Tuesday,^