i\ v . ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCHES VOLUME XXVII Kellogg Statement As To Arbitration Given Much Close Attention r — . The Preliminary Obstacles Would Have to Be Sur mounted Before Arbitra tion Steps Are Started. WILL EITHER BE THE INSTIGATOR? Both Governments Have Indicated That They Will Not Take Initial Steps Toward Arbitration. Washington, .7an. 20.—(A*)—Wtiile no definite move has boon made either by t lie United States nr Mex ieo look jr>tt to arbitration of the oil land low dispute, Seerelnry Kellogg’s announce ment thnt he has considered the possi bility of applying this principle to the question has aroused eonsiderable speculation in Washington and Mexi co City. It is concerned chiefly with the many preliminary obstacles that would have to be surmounted first before any step was taken to submit the con troversy to an arbitrator or some im partial tribunal. Secretary Kellogg's statement on the Knbinson arbitration resolution has been interpreted officially as car rying no idea that the United States would initiate an arbitration proposal, while the Mexican foreign office has pointed out the difficulty confronting it in committing itself until some of ficial suggestion has been received ns to ihc points to he arbitrated. There is speculation in many Mexican quftr ters ns to whether the United States or Mexico would make the proposal to arbitrate. Meanw’.iile Mr. Kellogg’s reference to arbitration relations already exist ing between the two countries has given rise to observation that he un dnubted'.v had in mind the Root- Gisloy treaty of 1908, providing for submission of disputes under certain circumstances to The Hague examina tion of the treaty incloses. However, that resort to it is surrounded with special difficulties, and for that reason it specifically provides t'.iat no other means of arbitration upon which the governments, shall agree!, shall be be deemed excluded under the treaty.' The treat that after the questions to Tie submitted in the form of a "siieeinl agreement defining elenr ly the matter in dispute, the scope of the powers of the arbitrators” and the ’time wit’.iin which each step in nf bitration must Is- taken, such special agreement must he ratified by both the Mexican and American senate be fore arbitration could proceed. It also provides that the arbitra tions it contemplates shall take place only when “they do not afreet the vital interests to iiidpemiejice or the honor of either of the contracting parties, and do not prejudice the interests of a thrid party.” While an arbitration protocol not Vfrnmod under this treaty would not re quire senate approval, the provisions of the treaty disclose the difficulties that confront any attempt to bring such questions os those in dispute be tween Mexico and Washington before an impartial body for judicial verdict. Neither country could lightly submit to such judgment the fundamental dif ferences between them and prolonged examination and interchange of corre spondence along could be relied upon to arrive at a mutual understanding on the delicate point involved in drawing np a satisfactory arbitration formula. MRS. 4USSR GRIFFIN DIES AT HOME HERE Had Been 111 For Several Months With Complication of Diseases.— Funeral Flans Nut Made. -Mrs. Kmma Phillips Griffin, wife of Jesse Griffin, died this afternoon at 12:45 o'clock at her lmine on South Spring street. She had been in de clining health for some time and her condition had been critical for several weeks. Death was due to a complica tion of diseases. It was stated at 2 o’clock this af ternoon that funeral plutis had not been completed. It was intimated that the services probably would be held „ Saturday. rMre. Griffin was 51 years of age, having been born in July, 1875. She was a daughter pf the, lute Jacob Phil lips and Elizabeth Phillips Cook. She moved to Concord while a young wom an anil spent the remainder of her life here. The deeaesed was married about 29 years ago and. three children were born to the union. On* of these, Miss Gertrude, died several years ago. Mrs. Griffin was a lifelong member of the l.ntheran Church and held her mem-| hers hip in St. James Church here for many years. Surviving -are her husband, two children, Charles and Bessie, of Con cord, and several half-brothers. One of the latter is C. A. Cook, of Con cord. Bill Relating to Disbarred Physi cians Meets Its Doom. Raleigh, Jan. 19. —Opposed by I)r. W. S. Rankin, formerly stat* superintendent of health, and others, many of them practicing physicians and members of the -state medical board, the Smith bill, which would nl’.ow appeals of disbarred practicing physicians wh<n licenses has been revoked by the state board, to the Superior courts of their own coun ties and-trial de novo by jury, went down to defeat beford the health committee of the senate this after- noon- i . The Concord Da ely Tribune North Carolina’s Leading Small City Daily - - ■ 1 THE LATE JNO. 8. EFIRD! For More Than SO Years leader In Civle and Business life of Albe marle. Albemarle, Jan. 19.--Former. State Senalnr John S. Kfird. president of the Kfird Manufacturing company and millionaire textile manufacturer of this city, died at his home here , thie morning Shortly- after 8 o'cleok. ' after an illness of three days from ; pneumonia. Mr. Efird was taken ill Sunday with pleurisy which develop ' ed into pneumonia Monday. The funeral will be held at 2 o'- clock tomorrow afternoon, in the First . Lutheran church. The dentil of Mr. Efird removes from Albemarle and the stale a lead er in the textile manufacturing busi ness. He. with his father, the late, I. I*. Elird. of this county, started the first cotton mill ever built in this county more than 30 years ago. At that time the Efird manufacturing company was capitalized at $00,001). It is now capitalized at upwards of two millions and Mr. Efird held large interests in other manufacturing plants and business organizations, controlling an estate generally esti mated to he worth around two mil lions. Mr. Efird is a native of this eountly. He was nearing his 70th birthday an niversary. For more than 30 years he had been a lender in this county and section, having served in a num ber of offieiui capacities, among which were two terms in the state senate. He made a number of rather lurge donations to various institu tions. among them Lenoir-Rhyne college and Jackson Training school, of which he was a trustee at the time of his death. He was the largest contributor of the building fund of the First Lutheran church here and Was one of its staunchest' members and regular contributors. Just a few days ago lie was making plans for the building of a large annex to the church at his own expense, but difd before his plans had been completed. Mr. Efird was popular with all classes. Although counting his wealth by the millions, his friends and neigh bors aud even the humblest operative in one of his textile plants never felt out of place or uneasy in his -preseilfe* and he was never too busy to talk wjth the okl friends of hie , mat* Mylwmfl • ifcw'iwwir ■ ■s»f - tenant farmers. Mr. Kfird was twice married. His first wife was Miss Sophonia Fore man. daughter of Rev. C. C. Foreman, of this county, who in his day was one of theh outstanding Baptist minis ters in this section of the state. To this union were born seven children, five sous and two daughters. The two daughters and three of the sonW are dead, the surviving sons being Titus Efird, W. G. and Jap. J. Efird, all of this place. His second wife, who is a daughter of the late sheriff I. \V. Suggs, of this county, survivess. Mr. Ktird is survived by the fol lowing brothers, and sisters: J. W. I>. E. nml K. I*. Efird, of this city: Arthur, of Albemarle route 0; P. J. C. Ktird, of Union county and Adam Efird; Mesdames Arthur Teeter, I). P. Whitley itnd James Halm, nil of this county. The stores and places of business in Albemarle, and the tevtile mills, will close during the funeral tunnor mow as a mark of respect to the man who did more to build up Albemarle and Stauly county than any other person. With Our Advertisers. Tlie Ritchie Hardware Co. carries a complete stock of Firestone gum-dip ped tires. Tlie Firestone gum-dipped tires run from $(>.75 to $23.75, and the Oldfield from stt.oo to $9.00. See half page ad. today and let them serve you. First presentation of spring hats at Fisher’s. The hat that was made for you, $5.95 to $11.95. Read the new ad. today of the Bob's Dry Cleaning Co. Phone 787. Twenty per cent, reeduction in prices on gas ranges. While they last the Concord and Kannapolis Gas Co. is offering the entire stock of reeon tioned gas appliances at a reduction of 20 per cent.. > i|!2.oo down and six mouths in which to pay the balance. Make your wife happy by buying her a new kitchen cabinet. They add comfort to convenience, says new ad. of the Bell M Harris Furniture Co. A representative of the Hopkins Tailoring Co. xirill be at W; A. CKer cash's Friday and Saturday to take measures for spring and summer. The Clarence Sale at Hoover's will close Saturday. Bny now and you will avoid the last day rush and save from one-fourth to one-half on your , purchases. . j Not necessary to wait for your ship . 1 to come in to get rich. Start a sav ings account at the Citisens Bank , and Trust Company, with interest . compounded. . Silk “undies” dresses, coats and mll . Unery at Robinson's. Special prices during present C-learaway Sale. The January Clearance Sale open . ed at the Farks-Belk Company's Btore this morning. Wonderful bargains - during the sale. New goods at sale . prices. This is Winter White Goods Week i at the J. C. Penney Co’s. Only bra mis I which stand for true worth are sold 1 at - this store. Honor muslin. Belle [ Isle muslin. Pence aud Nation-wide i sheeting. Each fabric is tested for ? strength. t A phonograph having records of i brass ha# been invented and the - records may be beard 10,000 yean from now. PEACE PROPOSALS OFFEREO BY DIAZ! ARE HOT ACCEPTED It Is Reported in Conserva tive Sources That Dr. Sacasa Declined to Ac cept the Proposals. liberalsglven CERTAIN DEMANDS The Proposal Called for an Election in 1928, United States to Supervise the Election. Managua, Nicaragua, Jan. 20.—04*) —The proposals for peace advanced by General Adolfe I)iuz, head of the isinservative regime, have been refused by Dr. Juau Saras?, president of the liberal regime at Puerto Caliozas, it is announced here. General Diaz proposed a conference with the object of making peace ou the basis of liberal participation in the government, liberal representation on the. bench of the supreme court, elec tion without contest of liberal con gressmen in two departments, and sup ervision by the United States of free elections in 1928. Dispatches through conservative sources say a detachment of Diaz cnl alry defeated liberal forees at El Pozo. in northwestern Nicaragua. DAN MEEKER MISSING FROM HICKORY HOME After Leaving Monday. Wrote Wife He Could Not Endure Financial Plight. Hickory, Jan. 19.—'Dan L. Meeker, former enminandtfl - of Hickory Post number 48 of the American legion and present member of the state ex ecutive committee, has beeu missing from his home here since Monday when he told his wife he was leaving for Lexington on a business trip. The following day Mrs. Meeker said , she received a letter from him stating that his financial circumstances were j more thnn he could endure. It be en me known today that Meeker was , heavily involved in debt here and his creditors have agreed to take over the Meeker art studio on a division .basis in case Meeker does not return ■ WrtMftPvauwimMMime. •■■■ Mrs. Meeker, who is left with a two-months-old baby, is working with - the, creditors in an effort to save ns much financial loss as possible. She . said today thnt she believed he was so depressed by money worries that lie became temporarily unbalanced hut will eveutiiallv return to her. When questioned today she said she has uo idea of his whereabouts. She believes lie is headed toward Floridu. Meeker came her about four years ago from New York for his henltli. , He was gassed during the war but his condition has improved consider ably during the past few years. Before going to France Mr. Meeker was stationed at ('amp Greene, near Charlotte. He is about 35 years old, is of slender build and has dark hair and eyes. ANDERSON IS ELECTED TO HEAD GRAND LODGE Other Officers. Elected Yesterday, Will Be Installed at Today’s Ses sion. Raleigh, Jan. 19. —Acting Grand Master John 11. Anderson, of Fay- , etteville, tonight was elected grand master of the North Carolina Grand Isxlgc of Masons. He, with other officers, will be in stalled at tlie closing session of the communication tomorrow. Other officers e’ected were: Depu ty Grand Master It. C. Dunn, In field : senior Grand Warden, J. ,T. Phoenix, Greensboro; junior gram) warden, A J. Harris. Henderson: grand treasurer, B. It. Lacy, Ra leigh ; grand secretary, W. W. Wil son, Raleigh. Past Grand Masters S. M. Gattis. B- W. Royster and Le Grande Ever ett, and Assistant Grand Secretary C. H. McCienaghnn were named on a special committee to draw , plans for replacing the present Masonic temple, built 20 years ngo. “The growth ofthe Grand Lodge since the erection of the temple has been sueh that the present Grand Lodge loom is totally inadequate,” i said Grand' Mastek Anderson. ’ Big nothing Hale at Browns-Catinon Company. The Semi-Annual Sale of Suits and Overcoats at the Browns-Cannon Co. 1 will begin Friday morning, January ; 21. They have put final winter sell-out prices on their entire stock of suits ' and overcoats.’ Overcoats and suits ’ are being sold at from 25 to 30 per ‘ cent off regular prices. They are also giving 20 pec cent, off on silk ties, 20 to 30 per eent. off on shirts, 20 per cent, off on felt hats. Shoes and Ox * fords valued up to $12.50, any pair now $5.05. See half page ad. today. ! Will Rogers and Dr. Mayo Meet ' For the First Time. ■ Charlotte, Jan. 19. —Will Rogers, cowboy comedian, met Dr. Charles 1 Mayo for the\ first time here tonight- J Dr. Mayo, noted surgeon, is the ■ man Rogers has selected for secre r tary of the interior if he becomes p president.' r The comedian says has practiced | long enough to know all the interior and ought to make a ideal cabinet i 1 member. e Rogers was here to lecture and s Mayo to attend a physicians’ con vention. CONCORD, N, C„ THURSDAY, JAN UARY 20,1927 School Supervisors! Are Worst Needed in the Country Districts Tribune Bureau, 1 Sir Walter Hotel, Raleigh. Jan. 20.-—The members of ! the joint senate and I louse appropria tion committee at least know 4 lot more about how the state department, of education operates, as well as where ; the money is spent as a result of the hearings being held before the com mittee during its consideration of the ! apropriaiion bill. Though the mem bers of the committee are questioning every item contained in the bill very carefully, they are at the same time showing a desire to do what is neces sary, observers at the committee hear ings agree, , Numerous phases of the state edu cational situation were discussed, and A. T. Allen, state superintendent of public instruction, was plied with questions for nearly two hours Wed nesday afternoon by memberß of the committee as they sought better to understand all the ins and outs of thel complications of administering at large school system. For a time some members of the' committee could not see why it was necessary to employ supervisors for. county rural schools, on the theory j that the county superintendent should be able to attend to this supervisory work. At this point Mr. Allen called on L. 8. Brogden. director of state rural supervision, and when Mr. Brogden had recited the duties imposed upon the county superintendent by the leg islature—that is his duties as prescrib ed by law. the mAnbers of the com mittee began to realize that the county superintendent had very little time left to supervise the work of teach ers. Mr. Brogden said that accord ing to the most recent data obtained from county superintendents, they 1 NUMBER OF JUDGES WILL BR INCREASED And Is Possible Without the Crea tion of Additional Solicitors. Tribune Bureau. Sir Walter Hotel. Rqleigh, Jan. 20.—The number of superior court judges iu North Caro lina is going to be increased, and it iwssible. .without the creation of additional solicitors or more judicial districts, but these judges must be more or less permanent in nature, and their courts must be regularly constituted courts, and not emerg ency courts. These facts were learned louay, following a number of conferences between a number of senators and JiffigrMtii aar^sfe&H that will solve the present dilemma I and take the place of the admitted-! ly unsatisfactory emergency judge! act. Neither is any effort going to he | made for tfie creation of additional j judicial districts nn«| solicitors, if any constitutional way can tie' found to increase tlie number of j judges without adding a solicitor for! each judge, according to Represent!-! live R. O. Everett of Durham, de-j spite the fact tiiat lie has already in- • traduced several bills which have as I their aim the creation of four addi- 1 tional judicial districts. "It has been my opinion that the! only way to get the additional judges j needed, without amending the con-1 stitution. would be to create new' judicial districts,” said Mr. Everett, j "and I offered my billA, not to op j pose any plan recommended by Gov- j ernor McLean, but because I thought my piaii offered tlie quick-! est and most feasabie solution of I the present problem. "But if it is found possible, and; the supreme court will so advise to I create a number of permanent I emergency judges, to be elected for' a term (of two or four years,* and who can be assigned by the Gover nor to those districts which needed I additional help in civil dockets.. then I am heartily in favor of such a p’nn,” said Mr. Everett. “M.v only I objection ljas been to emergency! courts, equal in power and jurisdie- i tion to any other, even if the regu lar judge were not presiding." It is expected that a satisfactory measure will be worked out by the joint action of the senate and house committees on judicial districts, and that the bill agreed upon will be readily enacted. ■ —73 T i RAID ’EM OFTENER I IS MERRICK’S ORDER Plans For Renewing Warfare Against Moonshiners Discussed at Charlotte. Charlotte, Jan.. 19.—-Plans for re newing the warfare on moonshiner iu western North Carolina were dis cussed here today ill' a conference of prohibition chiefs and agents. R. Q. Merrick, of Richmond. Va. t district administrator, and It. A. Fuliler, Merrick's adviser, ere here for the meeting he'd in the office of Ben Sharpe, deputy administrator in charge of enforcement in this slate. More raids every month, as the order given by Merrick who said that this policy would drive the manufacturers out of business. "You can’t raid them too ofVfn,” Mr. Mer rick deeared. Reorganization of the prohibition forces in the district is complete and it was necessary to drop only five men in this state, Mr- Merrick said. Mara’s Efforts to Font Cabinet Fail. Berlin, Jan. 20.—14*)—Chancellor Marx’s negotiations for the formation of a cabinet of the middle parties have failed. He returned his commission ; to President Von Hindenburg today. I The President reserved decision as to 1 what further steps would be taken to solve the ministerial criais. ( ...... i i , Every man should keep . a fair sized cemetery in which to bury , the fhulta of his friends. were able to spend an nverngo of only 37 minutes per year with each teacher in the county in observing theeir work. The need for supervision was further emphasized when Mr. Brogden cited the fact that 31 per cent, of all rural elementary teachers had virtually no teaching experience and with training amounting to only high school educa tion or less. About ten of tlie large cities of the stale employ 48 supervisors for the jlt-achera in the city elementary schools ( alone, yet in the state as ft whole [there are but 29 rural supervisors, 'with more than 4.000 teachers whom they are expected to instruct and di »eet, Mr. Brogden said. And these 20 uperviflors cost the state less I than SI,OOO each last year, since the f Cost is evently divided between the -state and the county that has the sup ervisor. Another significant fact is that the I supervisors are most needed in the j poorer counties where the bigger allot | ments of the state equalization fund 'go. Thus it is very important that ft he state exercise some sort of sup ,'erv'sion in those counties to see that j the state iR getting the full value to which it is entitled from the money (hat is spent. .When Mr. Brogden completed his brief but pointed argument for the s (Continuance of the appropriation for supervision, none of the members of tlie committee could say that they did not understand the situation, at least. At a later hearing, the committee has asked that Mr. Allen make a de tailed explanation of the operation of the state equalization fund. Representatives of several branches of the state department of education were also heard before the committee ; adjourned. MANNERS IN MEXICO. Mexico One* of Biggest Countries in the World and One of the Richest. Washington, D. (\, Jan. 20.—Pim ple are apt to think of Mexico—so much in the public eye just now—ns ! a small country and a poor one. whose national industry appears to be the fomenting of revolutions. As a mat ; i ter of fact, it is one of the biggest : countries in the world, and, naturally, i one of the richest. Yet this vast and naturally rich country is iu'.iabited by only about fifteen million people. And what man ner of folk arc these fifteen million , inhabitants of the southern repub ; lie? t To begin with, less than ofie-fifth of-tketu or* white, the remainder being i*fKgrans Tifif persons 8r I And of the total population more than j t\v<>- neither rend nor write. ! The Mexicans, generally speaking, inre a hnpp.v-go-luckv lot. ami primi j live in many ways: but Cney are nmnz j ingly indite to each other. The school children are given special lessons in I urbanity and are laught to utter all j manner of pretty, speeches. A well- I bred child in addressing an older per j son will say. '‘l kiss your hands." i while a gallant will say to a lady. ! “I kiss your feet.’ I Acquaintances take off their hats - both when they meet and when t’.iey [part. It is no uncommon thing to I I hear a half-nakei) aborer, bent double i under tlie weight of a sack of coffee | berries, murmur: “With your permis -1 sion,” ns he passes in front of, say. | a bricklayer who is preparing u wall. The modern Mexican is usually a ! small, spare man. But he has im ; mense strength. A luggage porler, ! with bands slim as a girl’s aud small, slender feet, thinks nothing of ear ! rying on his back for a mile or sb, ! and frequently up a steep hill, a huge I trunk, a smaller trunk, half a dozen | suitcases, a bundle of rugs, and a i ileck-ehnir. A load that a, horse I might light shy of! : Theatres in Mexico are not places , providing great enjoyment, for it is customary (or the prompter to rend i everybody’s part, whether ’lie requires j assistance or not. in a voice as loud ! or louder than those of the actors. He yells through a whole phi.v at the : top of his lungs, often rending the lines after the actors, instead of ahead of them. When the prompter's ser , vices are to be dispensed with; as bap pens. once iu a while, the fact is ad vertised widely. At promenade concerts the men walk in one direction while the wom ™, escorted and otherwise, revolve in I the other —a convenient arrangement which permits the men to behold ■ | the tharms of the women, and vice | versk, without effort or boldness on ' the pkrf of either, j Many other oddities may lie m«-n I tinned as peculiar to tlie people south ■j of the Rio Grande. Mexican womcil ■; ilo not attend funerals! The hostesd .is served first at table, The bride- N groom purchases the bride’s trousseau. • Men speak first when passing women acquaintances in the street. The sofa . i is the seat of honor in the parlor, ‘.and n gnest waits to be invited to i [ occupy it. Men and women in tlie i | same soeinl circle call each other by . i their Christian names. Even the ’ I youngest children of the family are II dressed in mourning upon the death *; of a relative. Young ladies never i | receive calls from young men. and - - are not escorted to entertainments by them. Mexican gentlemen remove their i hats as scrupulbusly upon entering i' a business office as in a private resi r | deuce. .. 1 | Kilts Mud Turtle in Top of » Tree. Charlotte, Jan. 18. —Firing into a r ! squirrel's nest in the top of a large n 1 tree* Roy J. Dulin, of this city, to p | day killed a mud turtle. How the n turtle climbed in the tree is not . s known. The story is well substantiate o jed. ° =feg "'' ' ■■ "'ill _ Ten Pages Today Two Sections SMITH’S FRIENDS MAKE DESPERATE FIGHT IN SENATE To Overturn Odds That Have Forecast His Ex ( elusion as a Member ofi That Body. STATE’S RIGHTS ISSUE AGAIN Smith People Are Seeking Support for the Resolu tion Introduced by Sen-1 ator Overman. Washington. Jan. 20. —OP)—Rally- ing in unexpected force, friends of Frank L. Smith made a desperate fight today to overturn the odds thnt have forecast his exclusion from the uennje. As the second day of debate dragged on with n possibility of action before .adjournment, partisans of the Illinois senator-designate privately sought by means of personal suasion to wipe out tlie slender majority that lmd been claimed against him. When yesterday’s session adjourned the opposition bad the advantage of a handful of votes and the opposition leaders still were claiming today that this advantage would be held until file showdown. On the other side, however, predictions began to grow rosier. The state's rights issue again was the dominating note of the whole dis cussion on the floor and In the pri vate consultations. The Smith people were seeking support for tlie resolution introduced by Senator Overman, of North Carolina, providing that tire Il linois appointee be seated without prejudice to any future inquiry into the financing of his primary campaign last year. Tlie arguments addressed b.v Senator Overman to his democratic' colleagues was that not a single southern senator would have been ad mitted to the senate after the Civil war under the rule now invoked in the ease of Smith; Republican regulars who stand sol idly for admission of tire Illinois man and investigation, afterward, saw in tlie Democratic ranks their chief hope of. winning over th*u votes needed for Except for Overman aud . Blease of South Carolina. Democrats have stood almost as a unit in support of the resolution of Senator Reed of Missouri to deny Smith the oath of office pending an elections committee investigation of his pre-primary onm paign. METHODIST DISTRICT MEETING IS HELD Allotment of $7,000 For Salisbury District Oversubscribed More Than 100 Attend, Salisbury, Jan. 19.—More than a i hundred preachers and lay workers were here today in attendance upon u missionary institute for the Salis bury district of the Methodist chore. The meeting was held at First church and was presided over by Dr. Z. Paris, presiding elder. Much enthusiasm for the cause was exhibited and the body in session over-subscribed the $7,000 allotted the district out of the million to. be used by tlie Southern Methodist church as a sustentntion fund dur [ ing the present yoa,r for the cause or J missions. Dr. J. W. Perry, representing the southern mission board; J. W. Clay, returned missionary from Brazil, and M •s. C. f. Weaver, president of the Woman's Missionary society of the Western North Carolina eon- ■ ferenoe were among flic out of tlie! district speakers. Morning ami after noon sessious were held with an in termission in which local women served a splendid lunch to the visi tors. Funeral of Jas. T. Burris Attended By Large Crowd. Albemarle. Jan. 19.—The funeral of James T. Rurris, Confederate ran, of western Stanly, who died yesterday, hold at Stanfield this afternoon at 2:30 o’o’ock, brings to mind the fdet that the deceased as possibly the first out and out advo cate of prohibition in this county. Mr. Burris fought for the abolition of liquor when the wots nbused him nnd the temperate element, -or sober drinkers, ridiculed him, but he lived to see “der tag.” as the Germars wopld put (t. Xlte funeral was at tended by one of the largest crowds ever assembled in the little town of Midland. The widow and seven chil dren survive. Samuel V. Garland Duried. Salisbury, Jan. 18. —The body of Samuel A. Garland, ex-serviee man, arrived Monday night from Otben where he died Sunday. The funeral took place from St. John’s Lutheran church at 4 o'clock Tuesday after noon. Hotel Concord SPECIAL ROOM RATES 130.00 and $35.00 Per Month Single . $40.00, $50.00 and $60.00 Per Month Double Coffee Shop Open From: 6:30 A. M. to 9:00 P.M. REBELLION OFTHE W> l i «fii m end j Rebellion Has Entered the I Final Phase, Mexican i War Department Says, and Indians Seek Peace. INDIAN SDECLARE THEY WERE TOOLS Tell President Calles They Were Deceived by Adol- I so Huerta—Now Willing to Give Up Their Arms. Meoxieo City. .Inn. 20.— UP) —The rebellion of the Yaqui Indians in the state of Sonora is reported by the War Department to have entered Us final phase, the Yaqui chieftains announc ing a desire ti> surrender. General Manzo, military commandant of So nora, sent to the War Itepartment a petition of the Y'aquis for amnesty. They claim they were deceived by Adolfe de la Iluerta and will deliver up their arms and devote themselves to agricultural activities henceforth. General Amaro, minister of war and navy, conferred with President Cool idge and the newspapers declare that the Chief Executive instructed him to accept the unconditional surrender of the Indians, appointing General Ob regon special representative to carry out the negotiations. Once the. Yaqui movement is com pletely subdued the War Department says the troops now in Sonora will be mobilized in Jalisco and a few other states where the so-called “Catholic rebels" are active. WORK TODAY IN STATE LEGISLATURE Six Statewide Bills Introduced in the House.—Dr. Haywood's Marriage Bill. State Capitol, Ualeigh, Jan. 20. (A*) —Tile general assembly settled down to the grind of passing laws to day. Introduction of new measures gave way in a measure to committee reports and passage of bills on the final readings. The house was ill session more than an hour, and the senate convening an hour later foufad .itMU.-4aeed. wiUr the largest -calendar of the session. The house introduced 21 new bills, of which six were of statewide im portance. It passed 17, but all but one was local. 1 The one statewide hill passed and sent to the senate re ferred to making Confederate' veter ans' pensions payable quarterly. In tiie list of new hills was the marriage bans measure sponsored by slate women's federations. It was presented by Rev. Oscar Haywood, of Montgomery, aqd would require post ing of intention fifteen days before marriage license could he issued. Representative Falls' Australian ballot hill also sponsored by the wom ans' organizations, was introduced. Representative Stancil, of Mecklen bug, moved to amend the "stop law” and two insurance bills were present ed by Woodward of Nash, and Brewer of Moore. Both houses received a message from Governor McLean outlining recom mendations for judicial reform from Chief Justice Stacy. The provisions were adopted at the recent judicial conference here. THE COTTON hLARKET Easier Under Selling Which Appeared to Be Promoted by larger Ginnings Than Expected. New York, .Tan. 2(l.— UP)—' The cot ton market was easier early today un der selling which appeared to bo pro moted by larger private ginning fig ures than were expected. The opening was steady at a de cline of 2 to 5 points, and the market soon sold nbout !) to 11 points net lower, March declining to 13.32 and July to 13 72. Toe decline to about the 13 1-2-eent level for May seemed to reach some trade buying orders which steadied the market slightly, but prices were within 2 or 3 points of the lowest at the end of the first hour" It was reported a Memphis authority estimated ginning* to January 16th at 16.539,'000 bales, indicating ah out turn of about 0115,000 bales ginned after December 13th. t Liverpool cables reported hedge sell ing, but said there was good trade calling and continued good business in cotton goods. Cotton futures opened steady: Jan. unquoted, Mar<*ii 13.40; May 13.01; July 13.77; Oct. 13.08. LITA GRAY CHAPLIN WANTS TO GET CASH Has Discovered Her Husband Has About 91,000,000 in Cold ash Los Angeles, Jan. 20.— UP) —Lita Grey Chaplin looked forward to a pay day today as her attorneys prepared ■ to go Into court to collect from Charlie Chaplin temporary alimony awards in the divorce suit against the wealthy comedian., who it was disclosed has almost $1,000,000 in cold cash. Receivers of the Chaplin fortune ap pointed at the wife’s instance yester day reported an examination of bank l books found in the studio safes showed bank balances for Chaplin and his cor poration totalling almost $1,000,000 . scattered in banks in Hollywood, Los Angeles, New York, England and France. Os this amount, $74,547 is in the ac tor’s personal accounts; approximate ly $17,000 of which is in California banks in the jurisdiction of the cotarts. THE TRIBUNE PRINTS | TODAY’S NEWS TODAY® 1 - - NO. 12 ; COTTON SPINNING... IN DECEMBER WHS SOMEWHAT BETTER Active Spindle Hours To i tailed 8,563,136,989, or Average of 229 Hours Per Spindle. AVERAGE BETTER THAN NOVEMBER Average Number of Spin dies Operated Was 37,- 511,552 —Average Better Than Last Year. Washington. .Tan. 20.— OP) —Cotton spinning was slightly more active dur ing December than in November, the Census Bureau's monthly report in dicated today. Aetibe spindle hours for December totalled 8.503.130,980, or an average . of 229 hours per spindle in place; compared with 8,480.410.447 or an average of 227 for November last; and of 8, 271,570.487 or an average of 218 for December a year ago. Spinning spindles in place Decem ber 31st numbered 37,404,472, of which 32,496.250 were operated at some time during the month, compar ed with 37.426.048 and 32.586,770 for November last; and 37,885,488 and 33,000,874 for December a year ago. The average number of spindles op erated during December was 37,511,- 552 or at 100.3 per cent, capacity on a single shift basis; compared with 37.877,570 or at 101.2 per cent, ca pacity in November last; and 87.- 083,720 or 99.5 per cent, capacity In December a year ago. LENOIR-RHYNE FIRES CONTINUE A MYSTERY No Clue As To Origin Has Been Found—Flan* For Rebuilding Are Under Way. Hickory, Jan. 19.—Officials of Leuoir-Rhyne college are no nearer tlie solution of the mystery surround ing the tires in the science and gymna sium buildings, following closely on the heels of the blaze that wrecked . the Administration building on Jau uar.v 0, gave rise to the theory that a pyromaniac was at work here,, and college ait t lKWtioi, assisted ■ * " Chief H. K. Whitener and Fire Com missioner Frank M. Jordan, of Ashe ville, began an investigation, which so far. has failed to reveal a clue. The question now uppermost is the rebuilding of the destroyed property. President 11. B. Schaeffer said that tlie committees appointed by the ex ecutive board were functioning and that some favorable reports had bean received. Stairs have been erected on the orrt side of the left wing of the Adminis tration building and the rooms that, were not destroyed by tire are being rapidly arranged for use as class rooms. Meanwhile work of restoring the college library is going forward, and it is believed that in a week’s time, 8,000 volumes will lie collected to re place those destroyed by fire. Citizens of Hickory and friends of the insti tution donated over 2,000 volumes-of books before tlie general drive was started today. Four hundred dollars in cash was also contributed. . The largest single enotribution to come from out of town friends was that made by I'rof. Charles I. Coon. su|>er intendent of the Wilson school sys tem. who forwarded 155 volumes-tb the library commission here. ijHj USURY LAW IS BEING , l 'i VIOLATED, SAYS JUDGE Harding Scores “Better Element of Society'’—Likens Them to Boot leggers. Winston-Salem. Jan. 19. The law prohibiting tlie charge Os mbre than G per cent intercut for money loaned in this state is being Judge William F. Harding ho *.ijs presiding over Forsyth country Su perior court.' declared in addressing ’ the Winston-Salem LLotls club here : today. “The banker ill tell you he can not make any money lending at 6 per cent,” said Judge Harding. “I 1 reply that neither can the bootleg | ger make any money if he obeys the 1 prohibition law. Bolsheevism. soviet ism, soliali»n|, are not nearly so dangerous to this government as are the members of the better element of 1 society who hold that there is no harm in violating tlie law of they ■ don't get caught nt it. There can • never he law enforcement as long as the better elements set aside the laws that interfere With their self ish interests and pleasures.’’ rj. Smith Has Abacas of Kar. fj s Washington, Jan. 20.— UP) —Frank L. Smith, senator-designate from lUi t nois, its suffering from abscess of the t ear at his hotel here. He wag visited i by a doctor during the night, but at e his rooms it was said today he would i probably be able to attend today’s y session of the senate, where the ques- - s tion of seating him still is pending. \ - A late feminene fad in Paris ■- the tinting of the finger naila i* <i It bands of three colors. 1 m •- - 0 WEATHER FORECAST. s . ' -r i Cloudy tonight and Friday, ratrt % Friday in the west and north central;.* !- portions tonight; colder Fridge in MB'* west and north portions. Gentle‘mb it able winds becoming moderate easterly >. along the northeast coast

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