DISPATCHES VOLUME XXVII the mm snows 10,000,017 HALES GINNED TO LAN. 16 Census Bureau Report To day.—Ginnings to Same Date Last Year Totalled 15,499,893 Bales. 1 PLACE SIZE OF CROP “ . AT 18,618,000 BALES It Is Uncertain What Part of Crop Will Be Left in Fields in View of Low Price Prevailing. Washington, Jnn. 24.—C4>)—Cotton of the 11126 crop ginned prior to .Janu ary 16th totalled running bales, counting 611,052 round bales as half bales, and excluding lintern, the census bureau announced today. Ginnings to that date last -year to talled 15,409,603 running bales, in cluding 330,998 round bales. The department of agriculture, in its preliminary estimate of produc tion based on December lat condi tions, placed the crop at bales of 500 pounds gross weight, the largest crop ever raised. At t'jat time a large amount of cotton still remained to be picked, and it was un certain as to what part of it would be left in the fields in view of the low price prevailing, i'ntll the final government ginning report is issued on March 21st the exact size of the 1920 crop will remain doubtful. , North Carolina ginnings were 1,- H 153,265 bales. “INTOLERABLE CONDITIONS” ALLEGED IN WAIF’S HOME Food Served to Inmates Cost Only Ten Cents, a Day. )—The State and defense closed their testimony in the Norris murder trial at 9:50 a. in. today, and the judge began his charge to the jury shortly afterward. Argu ments to the jury are to bbe limited to six hours to a side. Fear of possible injury to Dr. Nor ris caused his friends here today to ask bailiffs for permission to sit near him within the railing. When court op ened a • circle of close friends sur rounded him. Charlotte Pastor Resign* Charlotte, Jan. , 23-—-Dr. O. F Bell, resigned as pastor of Caldwell Mrtnogial Presbyterian dhurcb today after having been pastor here for nine years. His resignation is to take effect on February 15. Dr. Bell has accepted the pastorate of the Cres cent Hill Presbyterian church, in Louisville, Ky. Before coming to Charlotte he was pastor of the first Presbyterian church in Florence. Alabama. W. M. Sherrill is confined to bis home today by illness. Concord Theatre TODAY ONLY BUCK MeKEE’S TRAINED DIAMOND BACK MEXICAN RATTLERS —and— -TALKING WILD PORCUPINES, "KIRK AND FALL OF JESSE JAMES” An Impersonation, and on the Screen A FEATURE PICTURE “THE FIFTH HORSEMAN” RIGHTEOUSNESS FROM THE APOCALYPSE SHOWS *:«fl «:M 8:SO AMte Me Children We (STEADY RISE OF THE I OHIO IS VIEWED I WITH APPREHENSION J . Residents of Five States j Along Nearly 500. Miles | of the River Note Steady Rise of the River. SOME TOWNS UNDER WATER I Many Persons Have Been Forced to the Second Stories of Their Homes. —Crest Expected Today. i Cincinnati, 0., Jan. 24.—OP)—Resi | dents of five states along .nearly 500 miles of the Ohio River viewed with 3 apprehension today the steady rise of | the river which has driven hundreds | of persons from flooded lowlands. While the water was receding some ' what in the Pittsburgh area, where 9 the Alleghany and Monongaheia riv ers merge to form the Ohio, with pros * peers that further danger «f floods had t passed there, the crest of the flood was lit moving steadily southward with dam- J age to Ohio, Indiana, West Virginia and Kentucky territory, jjj Flood stage has been reached and 1 passed in many localities, and fur '] flier rises were predicted for the next 3 24 hours as the angry waters swollen j by heavy rains, swept onward to the “ Mississippi The lower portions of a number of ! towns were underwear many persons \ were forced to the second stories of c their homes, or to seek shelter on high per ground; rail and automobile traf ] fi<‘ was hampered; water supplies j were endangered, and considerable t damage was done. Five days of rain in the Pittsburgh ,i area sent the on its rampage, ‘ and today the effect of the high wat er was felt as far west as Louisville. ■ The crest of the flood in Ohio was ( expected to reach Cincinnati today, ' with a 57-foot stage. Residents of I’.ie Louisville water . front also were preparing to move > after watching the Ohio creep to their i doorsteps. With Our Advertise**, i,. The BeU-Harrjs . is now making an extraordinary offer ' ing of Wilton oxl2 rugs. They have a rug for every room in your home. Read new nd. today. Atwell & Flyling is a new firm opened for business in near of Fisher's store. They do acetylene welding, lock smithing, general machine work and electric repairs. See ad. iu this paper. Triumph hosiery is in a class by it-' self. You will find it at Robinson's. The Ritchie Hardware Company is authorized agent for Westinghouse Mazda lamps. They cost no more. See ad. The Wiqkinson Funeral Home is open for day or night. Let Bob's Dry Cleaning Company put you on the weekly service call. Get in on the big bargain sale at the Parks-Belk Co’s, clearance sale prices every day. Phones 008 and 138. New spring dresses at Efird's, $9.95 to $24.50. New spring coats, too. See in new ad. several Wednesday specials at the J. & H. Cash Store. Hoover's have the syles in clothing, hats and furnishings. The warm weather has sent the poultry market down again. When the market improves C. H. Barrier & Company will let you know. You will find the new spring hats at W. A. Overcash's at from $5 to SB. Go and select yours now. Awnings for spring delivery at the Concord Furniture Company. Prices are lower now than they will be in the spring. A desk from the floor of H. B. Wil kinson’s Furniture Store will make a lasting impression on visitors to your office.- Keep a photographic record of your ’ children at all stages. See ad. of Boyd W. Cox. Possess the star you desire. See the new ad. of S. W. Preslar today. Some die young. Others take ' Cline’s . Cold Cap and get rid of their ' colds. Sec ad. of Cline’s Pharmacy. Ex-Judge Brock Convicted of Em bezzlement Charge. Winston-Salem, Jan. 23. —Walter E. Brock, formerly judge on the Su perior court bench of North Caro lina, wns Saturday adjudged guilty of embezzlement, verdict being rc ; turned by a Forsyth county jury. By consent of both prosecution. and de -1 ferae, ruling upen motions to set ’ aside the verdict was continued un -1 til the March term of court. The prosecution of Judge Brock arose out of claims made by Mrs. Lillie Campbell, who said that the ' jurist had collected $1,200 for her and had failed to turn over any part . of it. Judge W- F. Harding presided over the trial. k! Blind Preacher Here. | R- K. Fennell, a blind man who travels over the country visiting i penitentiaries, jails and convicts camps, preached, to the prisoners at the Concord jail for a time today. He ' said that he had been blind for 2 her predecessor received $25,000 in , property from her husband whets , divorce decree was granted, with the understanding she would never de . mand the enforcement of the alimony * 1 claim. News has been received in Ooocqdfl . that the mother of Mr. E. S. Towery** . of this city, who lives in Atlanta, Ga,, •; ; is still in a serious condition. Mr* $ - and Mrs. Towery were called, to At? J lanta several days ago by the illness of , Mrs. Towery. -- ' t . i | | in" WEATHER FORECAST* I "JEH t Rain tonight and Tuesday. Colds*.! - tonight and in west portion tteadtat* j Moderate northwest winds.