Thursday, Jgnugry 27,1927 ■ gtLU V I SOCIETY! ■ii I ttt imam, -g •Sea Hoped Pastel Taffeta tor the Girl in Her Teens. Au u()|)ropriute party frock for the girl in her early teens is often a dif ficult tiling to find in the shops. A model,like the one above should solve the problem for any exacting young girl', and could be easily copied by one’s' dressmaker. Pale blue 1 taffeta is the material used, for pastel'.tints are by far the smartest for the young girl. The hem line dips mpdishly at the back and is scalloped, while a tiny bouquet of French flowers finishes the front. This would also be smart in white with colored flowers, or in lavender with pansies. * 1 . JI ftwly Presbyterian A foreign Mission Study Class will b? jondlicted Monday, Tuesday ami Wedn<*3ay afternoons, January 3i, Kehruary 1 and 2. at 8 ;30-i» the First Pie.sbyWsiAn Cbuiich. Rev. Frank F. Baker, a missionary to Brazil; who is home on furlough, will teach the Book, “An Open Door in Brazil.” Mr. Baker is a teacher and a preacher who has seen actual service on the field, and hjs knowledge of the work in Brazil assures an interesting series of studies. Not oply is every mem ber of tile WoraatvV Auxiliary' urged ~ tO . atJJW! who is interested wiU be heartily wel come. li. I-.'- 1. ,i„- =?=» QjHs? Relieved / / i jR® Vicks’ healing, ip antiseptic in / t —gradient* bring SOME D& YOUNG Otiters take Cline’s Cold Cap aftd get rid of their colds quqickly. ' All Well Known Cough ' Syrups Carried in Stock Cline’s Pharmacy PHONE 333 POSSESS THE STAR YOU DESIRE IT The pearl necklace or the dja ’ utoud ring that fascinates you, may bo yours if you arrange your expenditures wisely. Care fully guard your allowance, put aside a bit every week, and some smiling day you will come into possession of the star of your desire. Consult us now and de termine on the piece you intend to have. S. W, Preslar g “Soft affd Silken Little 3 nHead x Nestling Warm in Tiny | Bed” O In later years you caynpt fam*# 8 rtf*" 1 8 BQYB W COX STUDIO i |.pver qo. I o . - -a-: 1 . . ■ - I OpOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCXJOOOO “—i w r;."‘ ; PERSONAL. Mias Effie Pharr, of Mitchell Col lege, Statbsville, la spending the- week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Pharr. Hiss Pharr was ac companied by her roommate; Mies Elisabeth Caldwell, of Charleston, 8. C. A Jllf J, ft. Sherrill will leave tonight fog Rulcigh to do *owe work for f£e Hogth Carolina Press Association in the State Library and to look in oh the legislature. * * S' Among the out-of-town visitors that attended the banquet and initiation of the Eastern Star chapter last eve ning Were the guests of Mrs. Laura Tailor' and Mbs Eva Taylor: T. Lane Monroe, grand treasurer, of South Carolina, past worthy grand patron of South Carolina, past worthy patron of Adah chapter No. 6, Laurense, S. C., apd Mrs. ’Pestle M. Monroe, past and present worthy matron of Adah chapter No. 6. Laureiis, 8. C., and grand representative of Connecticut. Mm. James Springs, of Charlotte, is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. -Hendrix, on West Corbin street. ' m m » Misses Virginia and France* Bntte arrival today from North Carolina College for Women, Greensboro, to spend several days with their par ents, 3Jr. and Mrs. G. A. Bntte.. • • * Mrs. R. G. Kizer, of Salisbury, was the. guest Wednesday of her mother, Mrs. J. A. Sims. • • • Miss Viola Durant and Mias Eu genia Estridge returned to Queeus College. Charlotte, this morning af ter being the guest for several days of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pounds. • • • Mrs. Ernest Robinson was a visi tor in Charlotte Wednesday. • *- E. S. Towcry, who returned from Atlanta, (in., on Wednesday, was called back there today by the death' of his mother. ■ v v • Miss Nola Barrier, of North Caro lina College for Women, will arrive today to spend the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Mamie Barrier, und' will have as her guest Miss Blanda Lee, of Moreheud City. i • ’ • T. Miller White, of Raleigh, spent last night in the city with his sis ,ters Misses Addie, Lou and May White.. • • • Mrs. Eller Lowder and Miss Louise Ervin attended the funeral of Sirs. John Hudson in Albemarle Wedncu ffay. Mr. and Mrs. John Inman, Mrs. 5 Jt .G. Sberbondy and Robert Isenhour attended a party iu Albemarle -last evening given by M. K. Strafe, man ager of the J. C. Penney Co., fro j. B. Gibson, who is leaving for Bristol, Va., having, been transferred to the J. C. Penney Cb. there. • . - B. L. Crowell left today for ‘Knox ville, Tcnn,, where he will spend sev eral days on business. • • • Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Davis returned yesterday from Raleigh and Fa'rinville. Miss Helen Suthcr joined them in Durham and accompanied them homo. • t 7 Mrs. M. H. Caldwell, who has been ill for sometime, is able to sit up a : short time each day, her friends will be glad to learn. „'■•••? Mrs. Charles Johnson, of ton; was theguqst of friends here on Wednesday, * • • Miss Jessie Combs, returned last night from Greensboro, where she had been visiting relatives for several weeks. > MUSICAL COMEDY TO BE GIVEN HERE Forty-Eight Local Young People to Present “Cupid Up-to-Date” To night at High School. The following young people of Corn cord will take part in the musical comedy, “Cupid Up-to-Date,” which will be given tonight at 8:15 o’clock at the high school: * M»«»ew Lorraine Blanks,. May Heg ler, Margatct Melehor, Sudie Mae Dry, Dorothy Hartsell, Frances Bo ger, Virginia isenhour, Billy Sapp, Orchard Lafferty, Virginia Dayvault, Barali Mae Smart, Theluia Turry. Sa rah Johnson, Gertrude Ross, Carrie Foil, Alice Mae Fuller, Miriam Earn hardt, Annio Utley, Sarah Deaton, Elva Craven, Alice Moore, Dcjdfiuc Foil, Beatrice Carpenter, Betty Youngblood,” Ruth Jrtvm, Alina Lois Fulljer, Kithrync Davis, Nancy pike. Lavyru Pharr, Mary jßJhson Jun ker, Mary Green, ’ Eugene Junker, Adeline Widenhousc, Virginia Lentz, Lois Green, Alice Cress, Laura Jane Crowell, Louise Green, and Millicent Ward, accompanist; and Jack Han cock, Jack Helms, Paul Query, Billy Caldwell, Roy Litaker, Brown Goodman, and Frank Caton. Miss Luo.velc Duckette, of Atlanta, Ga., who is directing the play, will also take part in it. The admission price to the musical comedy will be 50 and .75 cents. RoCarians to Observe “Indies Night.” Concord Rorarians will observe “Ladies Night"ou February 22nd, it Was announced at the weekly meeting of the Olid) yesterday. C. W. Byrd is chdirman of the pro gram committee for the meeting and be has named Ur. J. A. Hartnell and R. E. flidenliour, Jr., an luembors of Cbictflo^f ill '/J«n x *>7- - .MW.' Thruc CaptWe by the ft* 'locked .tbeiF tugboat in the middle of a big ice floe in lower Lake; Michigan, were through to their aide. BWEETEB’ Ll’L’ FELLER Sweetes’ liT feller— > Everybody knows; Dunno what ter caU ’im, But be mighty lak’ a rose! Lowin’ at hie mammy Wid eyes so shiny-blue, Mek’ you tbinjt dat heaven Is cornin' elost ter you! z \ W’ep he’s dar a-sleepin’ Ip hjs UT place; Think l see de angels Lookin’ tbfo’ the lace. W’fo de.dark Is failin’— W’en de shadders creep, Den dqy comeß on tip-toe Ter kiss ’im in hie sleep. Sweetes’ ii’l feller — Everybody knows; Dunno what ter call ’im, < But he mighty lak’ a rose. —FRANK L. STANTON. DINNER OF MEN’S BIBLE CLASS TONIGHT AT HOTEL Rev. J. C. Rowan, Patter of Firm Presbyterian Church, to Make the Address of the Evening. Rev. J. C. Rowan, pastor of First Presbyterian Church, will address the members- of the Meu’s aud Woman’s Bible Class of the First Presbyterian Church at the dinner of the Men’s Class tonight at Hotel Concord. The members of the Men’s Calss will have as their guests at the dinner the members of the Grier Woman’s Bible class of the Church. It was said today that 200 covers would be laid for the dinner tonight which will be given in the Ball Room of the Hotel. Mrs. Ridcqhour Entertains Virginia Dare Book Chib. . The Virginia Dare Book Club held tfte regular meeting Wednesday af ternoon at the home of Mrs. R. E. RideuUour, Sr., on West Depot street. Pink carnations, narcissus and cy clernen were attractively arranged in the hall and music room, where the elpb members and invited guests were assembled. An article written by Kathleen Nor ris, “Home Sweet Home, But No Home,” was read by Mrs. M. L, Marsh, who had charge of the pro gram. The modern American home was described fully, showing how little actual home life there is. An account of illness, two active members were unable to be present, Mrs. M. H. Caldwell and Mrs. }V. D. Pemberton. Many expressions of re gret were beard that they could not attend the meeting. The members present were: Mes dames R. B. Rankin, U. E. Bideu hdur, Jr., J-. B. Sherrill, J.- L. Hart sefl, M. L. Marsh. N\ A. Archibald, W. S. Bingham and J. E. Smoot. Mrs. Ridenhour invited the follow ing guests in for lunch: Mesdames*!!. G. Kizer, of, Salisbury; R. S. Arro wpod, Ben White, Gales Pickard, E. F. White, Jr., Ernest Robinson, It. -G. Gibson, Nell F. Edison autLYUse Naomi Mdore. A delicious salad course, fallowed by ice cream and cake was served ut the conclusion of the afternoon’s pro Visiting Girts Complimented. Mrs. A. B. Pounds entertainod at a charming . bridge party, Wednesday afternoon fn compliment to Miss Eit gepia Estridge and Miss Viols Dur ant, of Queen’s College, Charlotte, w‘ho are the guests of Mrs. Frank Pounds, and Mrs. James Springs, of Charlotte, who is the guest of het par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hendrix- After an interesting game of bridge Mts. N. K. Reid was found tb have high score, and Mrs. Joe Hendrix low I score. They were each* presented a prize. / Souvenirs of the occasion were giv en to the honor guests. An elegant salad course, followed by a sweet course, was served to the following guests: Mrs. James Springs, Mies Eugenia Estridge, Miss -Viola Durant, Miss Pink Willeford and Mesdames N. K. Reid, R. M. Housel, F. M. Youngblood, E. B. Grady, N. Deaton. Jr., Stowe Green, GeorgC 'isher, Gilbert Hendrix, Joe Hendrix, f. R. Pounds, Ernest Hicks, Charles plmson, of Lexington and Frank pounds. At Hotel Concord. Guests registered at Hotel Coneprd Wednesday included the following: O. D. Blackwelder, Greenville, S. C.; L. L. Estes, Danville, Va.; James T. Sowell, Charlotte; David O. Oates. Raleigh; J. Q. McLeod, Italeigh; M. ij. Wajjers, Raleigh: Mrs. Q..S. Cox, Charleston, S. C.; M. H. Brimmer, Greensboro; Gene Clark, New York City; C. |j. Cates, Chapel JYill; M. Q. H“ncy. Spindale: 'K. A. Murphy, New York City; J. Milton Todd. Charlotte; Misses Catlett and Folw .«■«. Asheviltp; Stearns H. Kling. Ifouding. Pa. ; J. 'Ul'diime. Jamaeia ; N. Y’.: C. E. Smith, 'Greensboro: Al fred. Uulren, Washington, Mo.! H. E- Phillips. Danville. Va.; Mr. aud Mrs. jffi. J. Sheridan, gavennah, Ga-; Mr. and Mrs. C. 6. Long, Rifehtnond, Va. ; A. ‘L. Miller, New- York City, and jC. 6. Lemmond, Baltimore, Md. Rome Demonstration Clubs to Meet. There will he a ineetlhg of the Fed yp ration of Home Demonstration -Chibs of Cabarrus County a't the Y. M. C. A. Saturday. January 2»th, at 2:30 p. m. Miss Martha Creighton. District Home Demonstration Agent, yill talk pu the Better homes catn- Club metabbers and non-dub jnem bers cotoe. Each lady please bring two sandwiches. • OPHELIA BARKER. Home' Demonstration Agent. with Mrs. Thomas H. Webb Friday after noon at 3:30 o'clock. other fohiis entertainiheut All young itcoplc arc invited and . die girls are requested to bring boxes. Proceeds for improvement of school "HE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE ORDER OF EASTERN STAR HAS BANQUET HERE Large Number of Visitors Attend Ban quet and Meeting at MaaOWe Tem pie Wbero Jrt Degrees Are Given. l%e banquet given by the Wright G. Campbell chapter No. 181 Order of the Eastern Star which waa held Wed nesday night In the ball room of Hotel Concord, was enjoyed by a large num her of guesta of the members of the Concord chapter. ' l ’ The tables were arranged hi the shape of the letter E and were deco rated with pink carnations. Approx imately 100 guests were present and all found their place by a place card with their name on it and the emblem of the Order of the Eastern Star. Each woman present was presented with a shoulder bouquet of sweet peas and fern. Tbe men’s favors 'wen white carnations. A four course dinner was served and during the dinner toasts were given. The general toast of welcome tva* given by Mrs. Julius Fisher, Grand Matron of the Concord chapter, a'nd the response was made by T. B. Sturgis, of Concord. A toast tq the boqor guests present was given by Miss Maude Brown and the response was by Mrs. Grace K. Edwards, Grand Copductorist of the Grand chapter of North Carolina. A toast was given to the Kannapolis chapter by Miss Janie Klutz and the response by Mias Lucile Cline, Worthy Matron of the Mary Winslow chapter at Kan napolis. Miss Helen Patterson gave a toast to Charlotte and it was re sponded to by Mrs. Marjorie Hogan, Worthy Matron of the Mizpah chapter at Charlotte. A toast to Salisbury was given by Mrs. J. W. Pike. Following the dinner at the hotel the members of the local chapter aud their guests went to the Masonic (Sem ple where the degrees were conferred upon twenty-five men and two wom en. The class that was initiated into the order here \Vednesday night was the clargest class of Master Ma s Ons that has ever been initiated - at ony time at any chapter in North Carolina, it is said. After the degrees were conferred short talks were made by the follow ing : Mrs. Grace K. Edwards. Grand Conductoyist, of North Carolina, -who , lives in Charlotte; T- W. E. Culling-, ford. Paet Grand Patron of North Carolina, of Charlotte; T. Lane Mon roe. Grand Teasurer of South Carolina and Past Grand Patron of South Car olina, a member of the Adah ehajMeV-1 No. 0, Laurens. S. C.: L. T. Hartsell, i Sr., of Concord; Quint E. Smith, of j Concord, Gilbert Hendrix, of Con-i cord, and- L. T. Hartsell, Jr., also of | Concord. After the meeting at the Masonic j Temple punch and cake were served ■■ ■ 11 -- -» ■—l~- "jZZ” ■ j SctSS pis HER ’S ; We Alone In Concord Are Privileged to present Co-ed Frocks of Youth Co-Ed \ Tuo-pitq \\ 11 I frock of. \ \ P>-Ea\ \\ I Wool Crtpo \ \ Frock cf \\, 11 II 115 \ Wool Ai\ *ls \ \ Jersey ||| I|| H Co-Ed Frock of \ V Cnpo-dt-Chini andjiraj \ \ Cjfor the Cfashion- c Wije School Qirl \ \ /QO-ED frocks for Spring em- fj k V&j 1 ph as ‘ ze authentic, smart, y U youthful iosbipfls pf tEeSieason. " pf itS-BP Sfyfet?, result i# 9. colleaion of youtjiful modies tha| djfjight t3|e smart miss or feshion able young matron. !•? Other ttfw Co-ed(f- is (Jor to *35 the guests. 1 Out-of-town guests present included the following: F. W. E. Cullinford. ■ Mrs. Groce K. Edwards, Mrs. Marjorie Hogan, T. N. Edwards, Mrs. Eliza beth CulUngford, Mrs. Mattie Smith, Miss Elizabeth Capell, Mrs. Bertha ' Mauney, John Ward, Mrs. Vernon Ward, Mrs. Pauline McCleary, and M. Barr, all of the Miepah chapter, Charlotte; Miss Lucile Cline, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Rutledge, J. P. Hardester, Mrs. IV. J. Cline, Mrs. li. B. Yarborough, Mrs. D. A. Jolly, Mrs. T. P. Moose, Mrs. Charles Jones, Mrs. T. D. Ingram, Mrs. J. Y. Kin caid, Mrs. J.’ F. Brumley, Mrs. O. P. Lowdermilk, Mrs. Irvin Graham, Mrs. C. C. Ewan, Mrs. James Walton, Dr. i and Mrs. M. L. Troutman, Mrs. Kate j Miller, and Miss Mary McKinley, all of the Mary Winslow chapter of Kan napolis ; Miss Nancy Prince, of Raton, New Mexico; Miss Myrtle Saunders, Cibsonville; Mrs. Hutton, of Scot land: Mrs. Mary Cullingford, of i Crescent chapter, Camden. N. J.; T. N. Monroe, of Laurene, S. C., and Mrs. Pearl M. Monroe, Worthy Ma tron of Adah chapter No. 6, Laurens, -! 8. C„ and grand representative of Connecticut. Birthday Dinner at Allen. 1 A most beautiful joint birthday diu der was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Allen Sunday, January 23, 1027 in bopor of their eldest daughter and son, Mrs. S. M. Barr, of Concord, and Mr. W. A. Allen, of 1 Charlotte. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. ' S. M. Barr and son, Watson, of Con cord ; Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Allen and son, Gice, Jr., of Raleigh; Mrs. J. F. Barr and son, Fj-ank. Jr., of Con cord ; Mr. \V. A. Allen, of Charlotte; ' Misses Cora Bell aud Fannie Mae Ab ernethy, teachers of Clear Creek School; Mr. and Mrs.' B. W. Brooks and family; Alice Allen and Betty Brown; Mrs. J. C. Russell and (laughter. Margaret: Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Allen and daughters, Misses Wil ma and Walena. ONE PRESENT. ‘Cupid Up-to-Date” Tonight. The pay •‘Cupid Up-to-Date” will j be rendered nt the High School audi j torium tonight at 8.15 o’clock. You will miss an evening's excellent enter tainment if you are not there. parents of Daughter. | Bora to Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Beav- I er, January 22nd, a daughter, Evelyn | Lee. I Mr. Ford is satisfied with a quick, jsafe turnover, which would also I please a lot of his customers od j frosty mornings. “where saving s are greatest " ’ 50-54 SOUTH UNION STRUCT, CONCORD, N. C. Distinctive Coats for Spring In Sport Fabrics and Fine-Woven Twifla Coats that stand out in a crowd—that are remembered by alii | who see them—that are a constant pleasure to their wearers! | Such are the new Spring Coats we are showing now. Won’t you | drop in to see them? Well- Tailored, Straight-Line Models Lead * y. . The slenderizing silhouette is the popular style. Embroidery, /y stitching, and contrasting colors lend enchantment to others. All are attractively and durably fined. Fur-Trimming Enhances Many AotEla KTA Charming Colors I A A Many have tnra-1 A 7 \ vOa gw jflhjj mings of light, summed (V \\ "nA /m^m\ furs. You’ll find the \ IM / 1 Vo/ft f /ll \ new ccdors ver y becom / IA/ i/ X \ h»g. too. And, 61 j VP j\ V\ \ course, our prices »• j % ) 1 \ Y\/ 1\ \ / fleet"the savings made . \\ J / ,/T 'i\ VI VnA possible by our nation* I 1\ I / Ju V>3 wide institution! I \ 1 IV J M For] Women and J MIMj ‘1475 I f 124.75 ' . .i wanianenwaMwwwai'wiriiiiianiii iwws»frwiMßWH imumr ■ SHmeHMcaneiai We Give Away More Tire Miles l Than Any Dealer j In Concord 30 x 3£ * AWT Clincher Cord ‘ j|j \ (Oversize) ~ v 'Wa Big hearted? No sir! But we’re dead $9.95 gure thatT Concord car owners are 00X4 41) M smart enough to buy their tires where Pathfinder Balloon they get the most miles for their money. $9.45 j 30 x 4.95 ; Here ’ 8 what we do ‘ We Bell Good * Pathfinder Balloon j year Tires. We maintain complete d*l F* service facilities for giving our cus- 1 v«v J tomers every convenience, and to cn- able them to get every last mile Good- * , ' s|| year builds into these wonderful tires. . _ A** "**l* We put tires on your rims correctly, wlv*«lD '■ .''Jg inflate them to the proper pressure— -31X595 *sß also inspect rims, valves, wheel align- ■ *** vsUH Gr AWT Balloon Come in and get some of this free tire Always use Goodyear Tubes mileage. —for Satisfaction and Eron gj umy—we have Goodyears a*| Yorke&Wadsworth C