ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCHES VOLUME XXVI Important Measures In Senate Are Threatened By Filibuster Methods With End of Congress ini Sight Strange Mixture of Emotions Is Gripping the Members of the Senate. HOUSE GOING ABOUT AFFAIRS It Will Be Ready When Adjournment Comes But Filibuster May Block Legislation. Washington, March 3. —C4*)—The old Congress approached its end today ninid the stirring of a strange mixture of omotioua. While fury brooded over a henry, eyed Senate with one all-night seaaion behind it and another In prospect, the house 1 proceeded quietly to put ita af fairs in final order The Senate’s suffering centered about a filibuster-bound attempt by Reed of Missouri" to put through a resolution extend.tig the life of hla campaign funds committee, and it np (reared possible that the battle might squeese the life out of the a.ien prop erty bill, a deficiency appropriation measure, and the $125,000,000 public buildings bill. At the house end of the capltol the only remaining busi ness consisted of the usual legisla tive odds and ends. As the sun peeped dismally through the skylight ceilings of the two chain hers, it looked upon a picture out of all harmony with traditions. It seemed certain that the Senate, called many times the greatest deliberative body in the world, had fu ly determined to die with its boots on. And the house, celebrated for its robust pugnacity, was like one who looked upon the end with utter resignation. A single senator, R'ease, of South Coro ina. dominated the situation in the Senate. Enlisted at the start by the fi.ibusterers against tbs Reed reso lution, tbe tempestuous South Caro linian, ojberted to all agreements reached by ieadera on both aides of the fight, by which there might have been a fespitc and passage of the public hot dings, alien property - anff tbe second deficiency appropriation ings of both republicans and demo crats who followed him about the chamber and sought to pacify him in more private conferences in cloak rooms and corridors. At one time while bis colleagues were pressing him on the floor, Sena tor Blease ealled upon chance to de cide the issue, flipping a coin on tbe floor of the Senate. As he picked up the coin he shouted “I object.” At another point after he had been called from b.s scat in hack row' of the democratic side of the chamber to tbe front row of the repub icau side for a brief conference with Sena tor Wadsworth, republican 'of New York, the South Carolinian an nounced "Mr. President, I have four aces, and on that hand I stand', pat.” The fight over the campaign funds committee resolution began just at nightfall with the democrats and tbe republican insurgents forcing the is sue against a comparatively small group of republican regulars. Under the leadership of Reed, of Pennsy.vanla, a distant cousin of the Missourian, the latter group an nounced that It was ready to battle to the end of the session to prevent action on the resolution. Reed, of Missouri, countered with a declara tion that he would hold the Senate in session until a vote had been ob tained Senator Redd, of Pennsylvania, add ed fuel to the filibuster by present ing tbe new credeutaias of William S. Vare, senator-elect from Pennsyl vania, thus starting an argument that helped to kill time. The credentials were signed by Governor Fisher, of Pennsylvania, and superseded a more indefinite election certificate sent to the Senate by former Governor Gifford Pinchot. MR. COOUDGE SIGNS THIRD DISTRICT BILL His Nomination for Judgeship is Ex pected hi Short Time.—Offices at Greensboro. Washington, March 2.—President Coolidge today signed a bill creating a new federal judicial district for North Carolina to be known as the midd e district. Chariot ;e Gels Offices of the Western District, Raleigh, March 2.—Charlotte, un der tbe judicial measure signed by President Coolidge, becomes sest of the federal judicial district of North Carolina which will take in but four counties from tbe eastern district of which Raleigh remains tbs sest. McDermott Denim He Made Confes don. Columbus, 0., March 3.—(M—Pat rick McDermott, convicted slayer of Don R. MeSiet, Canton editor, today emphatically denied reports that be has made any confession or revela tion-concerning the murder. < , ■— - Doheny Doses Millions In Cancelled I ssnns Washington, Mar. I.—Edward L. Doheny will lose $21,686,928 as a re su't of the supreme court’s decision of yesterday cancelling his leases of Elk Hills, Calif., oil reserve from the nnvj department. The Concord Daily Tribune North Carolina's Leading Small City Daily TWO BRING BOOMED FOR NEXT SPEAKERSHIP Graham, of Orange, sad Nettles, of Buncombe Being Boasted for the Job. Tribune Bureau, Sir Walter Hotel. Raleigh, March 3.—Two booms for the speakership for the next Ueucrsl Assembly, two years hence, have got ten under way coincident with the final rush of what should be but is not the final week of the present ses sions. These booms are for-, Repre sentative Harry Nettles of Buncombe, and Representative “Sandy” Graham, of Orange—Nettle* from the western part of the State, and Graham from the central section. There are rum blings that a candidate from the east ern pert of the state will also be en tered, bat as yet these are mere mm blings. No statement has been ipade by Nettles ae to his candidacy, and his boom is being fostered almost entire ly by his friends, who paint to his record of five terms in tbe legislature, during which he has taken a large part in its deliberations, They also hold it is due time that a man from Western North Carolina be elevated to tbe office of speaker, and that Net tles is ably fitted in every way to con duct this office with ability. The boom for Graham is much old er, having gained some headway early in Hie session, and having increased since. Graham has been chairman of the house finance committee, and has made an excellent impression by the manner in which he conducted the many hearings before the committee and p-’toted the revenue bill through the committee and'the house. His friends point to the fact that he is level-headed, ban common sense and has demonstrated marked ability to handle difficult situations. Thus a campaign that has two years in which to grow h«s already got un der way. While there is a possibility for many upsets to occur in that time, there in no doubting tbe old ap plicability of tbe saying about the early bird, as far as races for the speakership are concerned. legislators will have to DO A LITTLE OVER TIME •f Mu! Wmll ' r% *~~ •. Raleigh, N. <J„ March 2.—INS.)— Indications are that the North Caro lina General Assembly will have to do a little overtime for which they will twelve no pay. Auyhow this probability faces the legislators as they dig into congested calendars dnring the final week of the 00-day constitutionally-limited stay at Raleigh. The solons have abandoned all hope for a sine <He adjournment by the ex piration of the 00-day session which falls on Saturday. They are hoping to leave the capital around the mid dle of next week. Despite its promising start, the 1927 General Assembly is just as far behind with i|s business as any of its tardy predecessors, and now is recon ciled to fan-king* few days extra, e A number of the big issues of the session are yet to be disposed of. These include t|e support of the six months school, several constitutional amend ment bills, tbe anti-Klan bill, county government reform legislation and the workmen’s compensation bill. In addition to these statewide bills, calendars of both houses are crowded with local bills. Bach day brings in additional local bills in quantities of SO or more. With Our Advertisers. • Get ready fr Oliver Day at Y’orke & Wadsworth Co’s. Tuesday, March Bth. All, fanners Will be welcomed. Efird’s ha* jnst received a big ship ment of spring suits for men and young men that are 100 per cent. wool. Prices $25 and $27.50. Rxtra values in new spring hats and broadcloth shirts. Only $1 cash puts a Sellers kitchen cabinet in your borne, with 4 32-piece china set and a lot of groceries free. This offer ie -open at tbe Concord Fur niture Co. for only two more days. See ad. Wilkinson’s Funeral Home is open day and night. Ton will find everything to make your party .attractive at the Kidd- Frix Co. See ad. for list. Don’t miss “Tell It to the Ma rines” at the Concord Theatre today and tomorrow, a good pictures. Prices 15 and 85 cents. Vaudeville tomorrow night, 25 and 60 cents, Let the Boyd W. Cox Studio de velop your snow pictures. ScMoss Bros, spring suits, many with tow pain of pasts, $26 to $45, at Hoover’s. Gdats in tbe manner of Paris cre ated by America’s greatest designers, at the Gray Shop, This store spe cialises In odd nixes, and can fit you. SUk Sale at the Pariu-BsOt Co.’s. The big Silk Week Sale at tbe Parks-Belk Co., begins Friday, March 4th, and continues through Saturday, March 12th. All alike, including tbe new novelty spring silk, will be in cluded in thin sale. These include fiat crepe, canton crepe, crepe de chine, satin crepe, stipple crepe, georgette crepe and printed pussy willow. It will be to your interest to visit this big store every day during this silk sale. Great thoughts never cou»« to a man while e is discontented or fret ful. , LEGISLATURE TODAY AUTHORIZED BONDS FOR HIGHWAY WORK; Senate Passes Bill Carry- 1 ing s3o,ooo,ooo.—Meas ure Already Passed by; the House. SPEEDING” WORK v ON LOCAL BILLS New Measures Being Pre sented Much Faster Than Old Ones Can Be Dis posed Os. Raleigh, March 3.— UP) —The North Carolina General Assembly today au thorized the issuance of $30,000,000 worth of bonds for continuation of the state’s highway program. The Senate passed a House bill au thorising tbe issue without opposition, after voting down amendments that would have cut the issue to $25,000,- 000 and that would have prevented counties from loaning money or giv ing bonds to the State Highway Com mission. , With time before tbe end of the session growing short, both branches of the Legislature today were speed ing up in an effort to care for neces sary business and to reduce the num ber of days they might have to serve without pay. The House required a half hour to day for hearing of committee reports and then received a deluge of new bills. When the second reading roll call was reached, 106 members were In the hall, despite waist-deep snow drifts surrounding the capitol. The House deferred action on the administration measure known as the ■ounty finance act after debating it half an hour. It passed bills to create sanitary dis tricts in the state and deferred action on the Royall loan limitation const!- ’irons’ amendment bill. A bill to re lieve a Presbyterian orphanage near Danville, Va., of payment of North Carolina inheritance tax on a bequest was passed. The State revenue machinery act was passed. Its provisions were the -aine as heretofore, except for ehaari e» allowing for quadrennial resolution* if 'lUßjlrln |n ’gl’-'l - - * Six new local, bill a came as 4 re-i suit of the call for new bills in the senate before it swung into third read-1 ing roll call. The permanent im- '■ provement bill on motion of Senator Pat Williams was put on the calen dar and made first special order for consideration on Friday morning. The maintenance bill was set as the sec ond special order for Friday. By unnnimous consent this morning ! the senate agreed to give the old rock quarry . property east of the city to Raleigh. The bill now goes to the House. ROWAN YOUTH RILLED WHILE HUNTING TODAY Bonks Ritchie, Son of W. L. Ritchie, Accidentally Shot When He Slipped in Snow. Banks Ritchie, l-», won of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Ritchie, of Rowan county, was accidentally shot and killed this morning while hunting near his home, relatives here have been advised. Mrs. James L. Ridenhour, of East Depot street, this city, sister of Mr. Ritchie, aays she has beelt advised that the boy slipped on the snow while rabbit limiting, discharging his gun, the full load entering his body. He died almost instantly. Further par ticulars were not given to Mrs. Riden bour, she said. Mr. Ritchie formerly lived in Ca barrus county and he and members of his family have many friends in Cabarrus who will regret to learn of the accident. Hartness To Be Federal Court Clerk. Shelby, March 3.—UP)—Definite decision as to where be will maintain headquarters aa the seat of the west ern North Carolina Federal Court district has not yet been made. Judge E. Y. Webb said at bis borne here today. He said be was as yqt unde cided between Asheville and Charlotte. The judge said however, that J. A. Hartness of Statesville would be ap pointed clerk of the western district. Waterfront Fire Under Control. Jersey City, March 3. — -UP) —After six hours of toil ia a driving gaie and sub-freezing weather, 27 companies of firemen today conquered a -fife that had threatened to barn out tbe Hud son River waterfront.' The loss was estimated at from $750,000 to $1,000,- 060. Dr. R M. Morrow Dead. Burlington, March 3.— UP) —Dr. R. M. Morrow, of Burlington, who was trustee of Eton College and president of- the state medical, society and 4 prominent church man, died here early today. He had been ill for some time. Funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon. Another Indictment in Mallet Case. Canton, 0., March 3.—04*) —The Siarf county grand jury returned a first degree murder indictment against Floyd Btreitenberger, a former Can ton policeman, today, charging him with complicity in the Don R. Mellctt assassination. British Auto Rarer Killed. Pendiue, Wales. March 3. —J. G. Parry-Thomas, famous British aqju facer, was killed this afternoon in an attempt to set another speed record. CONCORD, N. C., THURSDAY, MA RCH 3, 1927 OILY TWO n MYSOFSKTM SESSHU HI It Seems Now That It Will Take at Least an Addi tional Week to Finish Up the Urgent Work. just twcTmore DAYS OF PAY At Present Only a Few of the Outstanding Import ant Bills Before Body Have Been Passed. Tribune Bureau, Sir Walter Hotel. BY J. C. BASKRRVII.L Raleigh, Mar. 3.—Two more days of the present 60-day session of the General Assembly remain. What lias been accomplished? Very little, in one sense, and it appears that it wifi require at the very least an additional week alter the official 60 days—and the $4 a day pay expires, for the assembly to finish up even the most urgent of it unfinished business. For at present only a very few of the outstandingly important bills have been enacted into law, although more of these important measures have passed the house than the sen ate, , In addition, the general assembly is now faced with the necessity of providing nearly $1,000,000 adltion al revenue than provided in the rev enue bill. This makes the enactment of a supplementary revenue nil! necessary, in order to meet the ap propriations. It is only necessary to glance over the calendar of tbe house and the senate, and pick out the more im portant measures, to sec that thfe situation is aa depletes!. Here pre some of these bills, and their pres ent statu*: Educational Bilk —Graham Mil, where the tax on tobacco rnanufa >- turing companies has already been stricken out, and which it won esti mated would yield virtually $166, 660 a year in revenue. This section was . inserted by Represent* riv- Townsend in the house, after the fi . nance .committee had deleted it. ’Ehis MB nowYaok* nearly U yielding sufficient revenue to meet j appropriation*. Maintenance appropriation* bill— , This bull now on the calendar in the senate, and will be, taken up ns soon as consideration of tbe revenue hill ia completed. The appropriations in this bill were increased from hut' a little more than $l5j)00,00l) to $15,850,000 by the house, the biggest ! single increase being the educational equalization fund, which was boost ed from $2,500,000 -to SBJ2pO.OOO. Permanent Improvements Appro priation Bill—Now on. the calendar in the?, senate, after having been passed by the house-’,pud approved an recommended Iby the budget coinm!- sioti, with the exception of the item for $90,000 for a state radio station, which- was deleted. Confederate Pensions Bill —Has passed the senate, now- on calendar In house. Provides for material in cissasq in pension to Confederate vet-? erans and their widows, amounting to approximately $1 a day. Appro priations -for this bill i* included in the general, maintenance appropria tion bill, and cal’s for $1,400,000 the first year of the biennium and for $1,100,000 tbe second year of the’ biennium. Assured of passage in house. Educational Billo—Graham bill, calling for state-wide ad valorem tax for school purposes, has passed house and is on senate calendar. Woltz bill, providing for continua tion of present school taxation sys tem, with the equalizattion fund of $2,500,000. has passed senate and is on calendar in bouse. Opinion is that Graham bill will be defeated in senate, and that the house will com promise on Woltz bill with gqualizaz tion fund increased to $3,250,000 as provided for in the general mainten ance appropriation bill. Bill to Increase Judicial Districts to Twenty-four—This bill has passed both houses, but was amended in senkte. Bill is now in conference but, its status is regarded as precarious, due to. inability of various factions to agree on the re-districting of the state. Bill to Re-district tbe State into 24 Jud total Districts—Not yet brought out by the committee, pend ing outcomeq of conference on bill to, increase number es districts. County Government Reform Bills— Passed by tbe senate and on the cal endar in tbe house, where their fate is doubtful. Designed to regulate county affairs more economics ly, espe cially county fiscal affairs. Bill to authorise purchase of an ad ditional Prison Farm—Passed by house and on senate calendar. Calls for expenditure of another $400,U00. Farm Qttlony for Women Prisoners Bill —On calendar in both senate and. house, and .already considered In sen- - ate,' v ith action deferred. Calls for, appropriation of $60,000 for build* Ings, but nothing for maintenance provided. Outlook unfavorable in both houses. •s And so the list might be continued almost indefinitely, since with almost tbe exception of the $30,000,000 high way bond issue bill and the Smoky Mountains Park bill, scarcely a single , bill of state-wide importance has been | enacted by both houses, v *--v * '} Neither can any definitepredictions i be made concerning what win happen 'to a bill when it goes from one house Working Day ahd Night On the Bill To Redistrict the State The Tribune Burenu Sir Walter Hotel Raleigh. March 3.—Will the re . districting of the state to provide tin* ifonr additional judicial districts as proposed in the hill now iu confer ence between the house nnd the sen ate prove the rock ujmn which the hill will meet shipwreck? That ia a question that is being much discuMted. now that the othpr major hill* are ont of the way—tbe maintenance and permanent improve ment appropriations hills, whose pas sage by the senate is virtually assured. For white there is a decided disposi tion to compromise on the passage of the judicial bill, calling for four ad ditional districts, with a judge nnd a solicitor for each, with no reduc tion in the salaries of the solicitors, ami with the proposal for two perma nent emergency judges eliminated, there is still doubt in the minds of a number ns to whether the state can be redistricted in such a manner ns to prove satisfactory to the major ity. Those who have followed the situ ation closely recall that two years ago virtually the same thing happened that now threatens to he repeated. A hill was Introduced almost identical with the present bill to provide four additional judicial districts, but when it came to the task of creating throe foqr districts, there was so much dis cord, and so much scrambling on the part of various counties to be changed from one district to another that the bill finally went on the rocks. The result was the last-minute pn«- sngc of the emergency judge act, which has now expired, and which no one wants to «ee renewed. Yet if an agreement is not reached on this present bill the judicial congestion in the state will be even worse than it was two years ago, since if this new bill is not enacted, there will not even be any emergency judges and the ex isting twenty jqdjeial districts will be j even more congested with litigation to another. For the first, four or five i weeks, the principal indoor sport of | the house was tbe slaughtering of | senate bills. And for the tost week or so the senate has been retaliating by amending bouse bills until they are 'scarcely recognizatble. The reason, of course, has been the almost opposite point of view taken on a majority of subjects by the two [houses, and by the warfare in the house itself between the 75 “I’oor” counties and tbe 25 wealthier ones.,. TM) senate on the whole has run tmt to ftr*. its-staiSiF moae or -less eoneidiug with the attitude of the wealthier counties. Bo it is that with but two more official days left in the present ses sion, the great majority of the more important state-wide measures are still hanging fire, with but meagre .indications of what will become of them in the final rush. ,It is taken for granted that at least an additional week will be required to Untangle the situation. Important hills fully enacted to data : ’ , • Smoky Mountains National Park, providing $2,000,000 bond fsttue. Hargett Highway bill, with $30.- 000,000 bond issue for roads. State-wide game law. Consolidation of Fisheries Com mission with Department of Conser vation nnd Development. Cape Fear River bridge bill, for $1,250,000 bond issue. To provide, right-of-way for inland oaiial. That’s nil we can think of now. Seek to Halt Auto Thieve*. (By ’lnternational News Service.) Raleigh. N. C., Mar. 2.—A con certed effort to thwart automobile,) thieve* steallug automibile* iu Norta Carolina and fleeing into adjoining states, where no effective automobile title law is in force, will be made by the Department of Revenut, ac cording to plans announced here to day. Commissioner of Revenue Dough ton has been advised by Senator V. M. Simmons, of North Carolina, that he will very probably be given Federal assistance in pursuring into adjoining states thieves of automo biles taken from North Carolina. Literally hundreds of automobiles were claimed to have been stolen in ■Western North Carolina recently and run into Tennessee and Geor fia. Christian Advocate Raps Duke Dances Chaperoned University’s Professors Greensboro, March, 3.—The North | Carolina Christian Advocate to be received today by the hosts of Method ism throughout the State, contains a leading editorial paragraph which bids fair to arouse a great deal of comment find perhaps some action in regard to the control of Duke University at Durham. ; Naming no names, the paragraph •gets there just the saute, and is in reality a striking denunciation of the sance which Duke University students gave in Durham on Friday night, Fehruarjr 11. Coming from thhe auth or, it does come from, there is bound $o result, say leaders of tbe denom ination here, a reckoning between the Opposing factions in the church, those Vbo would permit the university au thorities to sponsor such n dance and those who are unalterably opposed to it. | “Jesus was accustomed,” states the paragraph in question, the first one of the first page, “to pray at mid night, but He never chaperoned a dance at midnight pr at any other hour. Heredias wait the dance chap erone of thoee eventful days, and it was at bet hands that John the Bap- | than during the past two years. Largely ns a result of the realiza tion that if these four additional ju dicial districts are not added to. that the courts will Is- more crowded than they have ever Is-en before, the friends of this bill are hopeful that the Vari ous differences can he successfully ironed out nnd an agreement reached ! whereby the state rati be successfully redistricted and the four new districts created. They say that there is a greater disposition to compromise qow since it is either this bill of nothing, and that many who earlier in the session were ready to fight for what thpy wanted or nothing will now make reasonable concession* rather than wreck the whole business now at the last moment. Consequently, the house committee on courts and judicial districts is working day and night on the bill to redistrict the state and Reprroenta tive Willis Smith, of Wake, chairman of the committee, is hopeful that a satisfactory bill will yet be worked ont to which both the house and sen ate will agree. Evidence of the fact that the house is becoming less belligerent and more inclined to compromise is seen in the fact that virtually no objection was raised when it was announced that the house and senate conference com mittee had agreed to eliminate the two permanent emergency judges, rather than cut out the $750 expense allowances of the solicitors. If the announcement had been two nr three days earlier, while the house was still iu its insurgent mood, it would have scrapped the hill rather than agree to this change. But its mood lias changed greatly in the last few days as the end lias grown nearer nnd the mountain of on the calendar daily larger. Thus whilO it is by no means cer tain that an agreement can be reached on this present bill and the one for redistricting the state, the outlook is certainly much brighter than it was, all agree. THE COTTON MARKET Opened Unchanged to 4 Point* Higher With May Later Setting Off to 14.54. New York, March 3.—o4o—The cot ton market opened unchanged to six point* higher with near months rela tively firm on covering, but eoou eas ed under southern selling and realiz ing, the latter being promoted by rel atively easy showing of Liverpool. ” May sold off from 14.54 to 14.45, and October from 14.81 to 14.74 fey ’the end Os the first hour, the general list ruling about 3 to 5 points net tow er. No special news factor was par ticularly emphasized in explanation of the decline, hut. the extent of the re cent advance appeared to have creat ed reactionary sentiment. It was re ported that European buyers were showing signs of hesitating around tbe higher level of prices. Private cables reported hedge selling and London selling in Liverpool, but houses with Liverpool connections were among the early buyers here. Cotton futures opened steady. March 14.45; May 14.54; July 14.68; Oc tober 14.80; December 14.93: Jan uary 14.85. THE STOCK MARKET. Good Buying Support For Recent Leaders Appeared At Opening of Market. New York, March 3. —(A*)—Good buying support for recent leaders ap peared at the opening of today's stock market. Announcement that George F. Baker’s illness was'not as serious as firet reported led to active short covering iu stocks of which he is believed to be a large holder. Houston opened two points higher, General Railway Signal crossed 105 to a new high record, and Asphalt moved up a point. American Woolen Preferred dropped 1, nnd Stromberg j Carburetor touched the lowest price in five years. Bow Legged Woman Seeks Beauty; Leg Amputated. Los Angeles, March 3. —Embar- rassed by fashion's decree, Helen R. Goldman, who was bow legged, sought beautification by surgery. She de veloped blood poisoning and one leg was amputated. Now a jury, in cluding four women, has awarded her a verdict for $25,000 against two doctors. I tist lost his head. False prophets may get on very well with chaperones of midnight reVels, but true prophets never.” A prominent Methodist of Greens boro, has lately received a clipping from the Southern Methodist, of Mem phis,’ Tenn., which clipping gives an account of the Duke dance in the Washington Duke Hotel. Over the top of the clipping is written in pencil, “A stigma, a disgrace; the beginning of the end of Few." The clipping ip question is n reproduction of a press dispatch from Durham ou Feb ruary 12, stating that the regular junior proin was one of the liveliest social events of the season. The dis patch cornea to the heart of the matter in the second paragraph. The list of chaperones included many members of the Duke faculty. (Among the chaperones enumerated were Prof, and Mrs. Harvle Brans comb. As will be remembered, Pro essor Jlranscomb was the chairman of the noted Findings Committee of the ’young people’s convention gathered in j Memphis about a year ago. He is I aim) professor of New Testament in Duke University.) EUTOIESE DIRECT DEFENSIVETOm WIHMID The Object is to Gen. Chang’s ese Forces Their Supply Base. RAIDINGPARTY BEGINS DRIVE British Marines Land in Shantung.—The Ameri can Marines to March Through Streets. Shanghai. March —(A>)—lncreas ing indications today were that the next major effort by the nationalists would be a thrust in the direction of the Nanking Railway, with the ob ject of tutting off General Chang Tsuug Chang's Shautungese forces from their base. A nationalist raiding party is re ported to have engaged the northerners at Wtikiang on the Nanking Rail road, aud there are other indications that the southerners nre advancing in st rength. , The. retirement of Li Pao Chang ns defense commissioner of Shanghai was in accordance with the elimina tion from the Shanghai area of all those connected with the collapsed forces of Marshnl Sun, who until ten days ago was the chief defender of this city against the nationalists. Li Pao Chang has left for the north. It. is reported he feared to remain ow ing to the beheading of strike agita tors, for which he was responsible. The American marines will march through the international settlement here Saturday. One thousand British marines land ed today and marched through the settlement. Thousands of foreigners and Chinese gathered to welcome them. Squads of soldiers and police were re quired to maintain sufficient room for te column to pass. WHAT 18 CAUSING IT? Big Slump in the Manufacture of Cigarettes in North Carolina. The Tribune Bureau Sir Ytftlter Hotel I Raleigh, M*rch-2^\yhat.isca*tiiq{ the slump in the mariufncWre 6f cig arettes in the slate for the last month or six weeks? Are the tobacco man ufacturing companies purposely cur tailing production, waiting to see what the general assembly is going to do about taxing them, especially with re gard to a tax on production? While no exact information can be obtained as to What the reason is, the fact remains that there 'aas been a big slump in the production of cig arettes in-the state, as indicated by the decrease in the amount collected j by the'United States internal revenue depnftmen! for February, the figures having just been announced by Gil liam aSrissom, eoliector for North Car- olina. Collections for February were $250,- 817 less than for February, 1920 which is the largest decrease over any other corresponding montli for the past two years, aecohding to Mr. Grissom. But Mr. Grissom positively declined to venture any reason for the decrease, aside from a decrease in the demand for cigarette revenue stamps. However, despite this large decrease i in collections for February, collec- j tious for the entire year are still $7.-1 500,000 in excess of collections for the j first eight months of the preceding j year. For the first eight months of the fiscal year 1925-20 collections were $121,500,214. while for the first eight months of the present fiscal year, through February, collections have amounted to $129,003,518. But as a result of the slump in collections in January and February it does not now appear that collection's for the present fiscal year will amount to $200,000,- 000, as was at first thought possible. But since it is generally admitted that there is no decrease in the de mand for cigarettes, a number are of the opinion that the manufacturers are merely “sitting tight” to gee what the general assembly is giong to do before putting on full steam ahead for full capacity production. PROHIBITION MEASURE IS PASSED BY SENATE Bill Creating Bureau of Dry Law Enforcement Amended Before Being Approved. Washington, March 2.—Operating under rules limiting debate, the sen ate late today passed with amend ments the house prohibition reorgani sation bill. The vote was 71 to 6. Prohibition, the Anti-Saloon League and politicians came in for scathing attacks as the measure, which would create bureaus of prohibition and cus toms in the treasury department, was brought to a Vote with the aid of clo ture. Minor amendments force a return of the bill to the house for concur rence. It has been demanded by As sistant Secretary Andrews, chief of the dry forces. In addition to separating prohibi tion enforcement from the internal revenue bureau it also would place dry employes under the civil service. Reject Muscle Shoals Bids. Washington. March 8. —C4*)—Bids of the American Cyanamid Company and the Farmers Federated Fertiliser Association for Muscle Shoals were rejected by the House Military com mittee today. THE TOIBUNM PRINTS isl I TODAY’S NEWS TODAY I sihF NO. 46 BRIGHT MIKES 1 SMI MOVING TtSL] 'ISM STATE Clogged ffiMMji r ways Will Be ! Some for Traffic Durfi#a j the Day. BUILDING ROOFS BADLY DAMAGED I Six Buildings in Gmmm boro, One at Wilson tiftd Two at aged by the Snw* Charlotte, March B.—" I sunshine that quickly started . *h* J heavy blanket of snow to iapottflri> greeted North Carolina, this morfiing; adding to the hope that clogged K ways throughout the state soon SHOW be cleared. Prospects today were that fcgyfllfe night most of the difficulties by the unusually heavy snow that jtt some places reached new record pHf portions virtually would be ovetfiJflt eept for the sloppiuess underfoot.SM of the cities had cleared their stfußlV . by this morning and traffic and tftMifii car services resumed something, ife normal appearance. State High#®#' Commissioner Page in a stat«Mß;, this morning said highways woullpti cleared by tonight and traffic beedWe normal. The snow that began failing day in many places ceased the State last night, but. not WMBpS the heavy weight had caved £h roofs of six buildings at Goldsboro, one at Wilson and two at Snlisbnrfc j Street car service was suspended' Alt Winston-Salem, and badly dhnnMlW' in other places. Automobile and wit traffic was barred or badly hautjMfpfeif everywhere. Freezing temperatures last night added to the discomfort caugedjjfc the snow, and in many places added icy covering to streets and rocdwhjpS The drop in temperature, howeVhr:fi was not extreme and by 9 a. m. the snow was beginning to meit in naaay-, 4 places. -,l3|g( Hickory and Asheville reported the lowest overnight temperature, with . 21. High Point reported 24, Gusto*-,« ia 28, Greensboro 25, Salisbury “be low and Winston-Salem Raleigh 25. The mercury here de scended to 27. Eastern North Carolina suffered the most heavily of any section euf*- '■ cially in the disruption of oommwiiijgggf tion lines. Albemarle Sound seetiwi ? was completely cut off from wire com munication in . any direction; flßßjijjl beth City and Edeuton having Mid. - without wire communication of any kind since yesterday morning with little prospect of resumption tw. New Bern has been without comtnW* y icatiou with the outside world yesterday, although the Western Jap ’ ion Telegraph Company had oae no# today working in that city. ■■{■2-4 The roofs of the Goldsboro Argus and the Goldsboro News, the fifch i papers of Goldsboro, caved in yegfitip.- day, along with the roofs of four oth er buildings. A tobacco warehouse at Wilson fell in and a garage arid n warehouse at Salisbury. Schools were closed for the remainder of the week in many sections. STEAMER AGROUND - j i Steamer Finnore Driven Aground by | Gale Which Swept Coast Yestof. ; day. Baltimore, March — (An —The steamer Firmore today was reptfPQ« aground off Smith's Point, Va., the mouth of the Potomac RiiNjr, She was driven ashore by the jm which swept the South Atlantic tidbit yesterday. The Firmore, which lb bound from Daiquiri for Baltimore with a cargo of ore, was reptjnM.-; aground last night, bnt her poiMHm then was not known. No particuTjjH T : were given in the radiogram reotMtH here, but the ship is not bclievfll be in a dangerous position. Heaviest Snow in Half Century in Statesville. rMK Statesville, March 2.—Statesville today looked out on the heavwbt blanket of snow in this section Wm 54 years. The official weatheF w server l-iqiorted 18 1-2 inches i» nth level aikl in many places drifts pi several feet deep. Older inhabitants remember that on March 18,1873, a total of 20 inch es was reported officially. - ffija Business was completely suspends ed for several hours this morning. Trains, mails aud bus lines arc up. Eaetbound Southern railway train number 15 was tied up hegu four hours by suow ami the IfidjK from Charlotte, due at 4:50 a. was five bourn late. y Baby Found on Highway £■■ Elkin Adopted. M'S Elkin. Mar. 3.—The little gM baby thnt was found on the highway, just outside of the i town Umit* ?|vj3 weeks ago has been adopted by and Mis. J. A. Homers, of this -bPjfe Doris Fay is the name givwn li*Ma her it -ter parents and the little iß|fc is fortunate to have fallen uttWylH care of these good people and slmrl with them the comforts of thekfAMß home. >li •itsa jk mirarn nvtDn/i A AMMfcv W EATHKR FORB(MiK|^| Fair tonight Friday, continued cold, frecaing temperature -

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