ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCHES VOLUME XXVII MIEM in : IN NICARAGUA ARE READ! FOR ACTION They Have Been Sent to Matagalpa Where Fight ing Between Liberals and Conservatives Reported. WARNING ISSUED TO THE LIBERALS They Are Told That If At tack Is Made on Matagal la Marines Have Orders to Open Fire at Once. Managua, Nicaragua, March 7. —(/pJ —I". 8. Marines—l3s of them—today 1 were on their way to Matalnlpa to prevent fighting there between the lib eral and conservative factions. Major H. G. Hartlett, In charge, of the contingent, made known that a note would be sent to General Mon oada, chief liberal military leader, ih forming him that If the liberals should attack Matagalpa they would be fired on, as the Marines were being sent for the express purpose of preventing combats that might jeopardize the lives and interests of Americans in Meta galpa. The Major gave his views to liber- 1 al mission which met the marines when the mission was returning from Muy-Muy after unsuccessful peace discussions with General Moncadn. More Marines Due Today. Corinto, Nicaragua, March 7.—OP) —The U. S. transport Henderson, with about 1200 marines aboard, is due here today. The British cruiser Colombo which anchored off Corinto a week ago t,o af ford a refuge for British citizens if that became necessary, left Corinto on Saturday. Just where the warship is going is not known here. WINS HONORS Miss Uh Paul and Miss Augusta Redmond Win Trips to Washing ton. Tribune Bureau Sir Walter Hotel. Raleigh, Mil rob 7.—Miss Lela Paul lit' the j*Uiigo Girls’ Club at PAW) Hoard Beaufort County and ■ Miss been selected by the home demonstra tion workers of State College as the two outstanding dub girls in North Carolina last year and will be re warded with the trip to Washington, I). C. to attend the National Club Encampment to be held June 16 to 22, according to an announcement from Miss Maude Wallace, assistant .State Home Demonstration Agent.' Both of these girls attended the short course for club members at State College last summer and were out standing iu their leadership Courses. Miss Paul is seventeen years of age and helped to organize her club at Pungo in Februury 1923, four years ago. Since that time sbe has been un usually active nt all kinds of club work, serving as officer and leader at various times. She has worked with bet* home agent Miss Violet Alexan der. with the women ns well as with girls and recently enrolled 15 would} in a kitchen contest conducted under Miss Alexander’s direction. Miss Raymond is also seventeen years of age and np until last Septem ber when she entered the College for Women at Greensboro was very active in club work. She was President at the Lucille High Club for three years and plan* to continue her club work during the summer while not at Col-, lege. According to Miss Wallace, Miss Raymond has been of great help to Miss Myrtle Swindell, the home agent. Both of these young ladies come from the Tidewater District which is under the supervision of Miss IJauline Smith ns district agent, states Miss Wallace. The honor which has been accorded) them is unusual but is in accord with their accomplishments an dub members during the list three or four years. Miss W’allaee states that North Carolina will have two girls and two boys at the National Club Encampment at Washington this summer. The boys have not yet been selected but their names will be announced in a few days. Four Die til Electric Chair. •Rockview, Pa.. March 7.—CP)— Four men condemned for killing a po liceman in jun attempted'hbidup in Philadelphia last May, paid the pen* nlty with their lives in the electric chair in the Western State peniten tiary today. TTiey were: Joseph. Curry, 29 year* old; Harry Rent py, 23; William JttU ano, 27; ahd Frank Doris, 27, ail of Philadelphia. Recorded at University of Virginia. University, Va. March 7.—</P)— Earth tremors of great intensity were recorded by the seismograph at the University of Virginia today. Begin* ning at 4.53 a. m., and continuing until 5.48 o’clock Eastern Standard Tinge, the shocks were of greatest in inten sity at 5.31. It was estimated that the source of the disturbance was abottt 6,000 miles away. The direc tion was not clearly indicated. ■ Mrs. NataSs Schley Dead. New York, March 7.—CP)—Mm. Natalie Schley, widow of Buchanan Schley, Jr., who was deputy collector of the port pf Baltimore, in the ad ministration of President Cleveland, died today after a fail or a leap from a window on the 15th floor of the Ho tel Buckingham, in West 07th Street. The Concord Daily Tribune North Carolina’s Leading Small City Daily | CzantCan! ! J 2 I Wmm m &si v* ;J|K * i Warn btto Czant, twelve, wanted a Bog house for his pet The louse would cosi $5; he had $3. ffe went directly to the presi dent of the bank at Orange, p. J., and his “initiative, con fidence and personality” was tccepted as security for a $2 loan at 6 per cent 2lfwe9flU LABOR FEDERATION IN STATE WILL CAMPAIGN New President Plans Drive For New Members.—Safins Harmony Reigns New. Charlotte, N. C„ March 7.—CP)— Harmony reigns in the ranks of the North Carolina Federation of Labor, and an immediate campaign for ex tension of its membership will be un dertaken, Roy Morton, of this city, elected President at Salisbury yester day, said in a statement today. Mr. Morton was elected to succeed U. P. Barringer, of Salisbury, who re- I signed. that the resignation of w Barringer wag accepted under roe organization because they did not approve of the methods of handling it, would now join. He added also that there was not any likelihood of •by action regarding funds of the or ganization, saying that accounts were ho Involved that nothing definite could Be drawn from them. .He said also that a hands-off .policy would be con tinued regarding politics. PART OF JAPAN FEELS EFFECT** OF EARTHQUAKE In the Osaka District Telephone and Electric Lines Put Out of Commi slon. Tokio, Mareh 7. —UP)—Reports from Osaka say an earth shock today put the telephones and electric lines out of commission there, but appar ently there was no other damage. It Is reported but without confirma tion, that the Tnjiron district which was wrecked in the 1925 earthquake, may be severely damaged. Felt In Chicago. Chicago, March 7.—CP)—Severe earth shocks were recorded on the United States weather bureau seis mograph at the University of Chicago beginning at 3.41 a. m., Central Stand ard Time, and lasting until 6.30 a. m. today. / The maximum disturbance was re corded at 4.24 a. m. It was indicated that the shocks were 6,300 miles from Chicago. THE STOCK MARKET Rtportad by Fenner A Beane. Market closed today at the follow ing figures: Atchison 167% American Tobacco B 121 American Smelting . 147% American Locomotive 112% Atlantic Coast,. Line 186% Allied Chemical 138 - Baldwin Locomotive .. J. 184% Baltimore A Ohio 111% Chesapeake A Ohio 156 Dupont '. 188 Frisco 110% General Motors 185% General Electric 84%. Hudson 69% Stand. OH of N. J 37% Kennecott Copper 62% Coca-Cbla J 181% Liggett A Myers B ' 93 Mack Truck 103% Maryland Oil 54 1 Pan Amer. Pel. B 61% Rock Island 80% R. J. Reynolds .....1 110 fkmthern Railway 123% Studebaker 1— 50% Stewart-Warner 61 Texas Co I 50 Tobacco Products 106% V. 8. Steel ----- 157% Westingbouse --jo— shrdleta shrdl Wool worth ——i 124 American Tel. A Tel. 158% American Can 48% Allis Chalmers 96 Dodge Bros. 24% IB&sssrrrrr 8* SnJtatt* Western 165% Rep. Iron A St« 4 ; 70% Vick Chemical I 54% SOLONS WORK HARD 111 AN EFFORT TO WIND UP BUSINESS Bills Sent Flying Between Both Branches by Spec ial Messengers Through out the Day. MORE MONEY TO j BUY PRISON FARM Woltz Bill Passes House I and Goes to Senate.— I Would Have State Buy Nitrate of Soda. State Capitol. Raleigh, Mar. 7.—UP) —The General Assembly in hangover legislation, working, without pay, and bending efforts on adjournment Wed nesday in conclusion of its biennial session, sent bills flying between both branches by special mesengers today. Bills passing one house were im mediately sent to the other for final disposal late today or tonight. Senate made the first final legisla tive step of the day when it passed tbe House bill authorizing issuance of 3400,000 of bonds to buy additional land for the state prison farm. Enactment of tbe measure brought the total amount of bonds.for buying land fog the prison to 31,356,000. The House passed to the senate the Woltz equalizing bill on the third reading for the senate's concurrence, and the senate finally passer! the Con ner bill abolishing presidential pre ference primaries. The Senate entered into a debate on third reading of the bill to allow the State to buy nitrate of sdda and self to farmers at cost. Senator Dtuilop deduced the scheme was impracticable and the state would stand to lose a large amount of money and the farmers would not get soda for-less than be was getting it at present. Senator Hargett spoke for the bill. Senators and Sedberry spoke against it. The vote of the bill was 22 to 23, the bill failing to pass third reading. Senator Sedberry moved for a re consideration in order to table the bill. The effort to clinch the measure failed by a vote of 22 to 18. ■ -1 Ojtyuaford. made M and pages of both houses an extra dol lar a day. but the senate. 30 to 9, voted tbe extra pay and the. bill went to 1 the House by special messenger. New bills in the senate included, one by Williams of Pasquotank, Broughton of Wake, and Woodson, of Rowan, co-jolutly to fix the salary of the State commissioner at 36,00 P; ode by Hargett and Broughton amend ing the motor vehicle law; and one by Maguire of Surry requires the state highway commission to coimect state roads with those of other states. The Woltz equalization bill was passed by the House on final reading, and was sent to the Senate by spec ital messenger. TOBACCO USED TO GIVE LIQUOR COLOR Bootleggers Find Way to Give New Liquor Taste and Color of Old Age. 'Atlanta, Ga„ March 7.—(INS)— Modern methods are being used by bootleggers in getting their prepara tions ready for sale. A neiv and quick way of “aging whiskey in a charred keg” was re vealed a- short time ago when investi gators, after a raid on a bootlegging joint in a downtown hotel, found that the large funnel through which the whiskey was iioured into bottles con tained a quantity of plug chewing to bacco and grouud coffee, to give it "that charred color and taste.” The detectives, who were operating out of the Solicitor General’s Office, found eight gallons of whiskey in cans and 30 pints iu bottles. Three men were nrrested in the room and a fourth in another room on a different floor of the hotel. All were placed 'in the Fulton county tower, The officers went to the hotel on a tip that a big poker game was in progress in one of the rooms. They learned in the course of their probe that liquor was being delivered to the players from some point nearby and the investigation then turned into a liquor raid., All of the men found in the room denied ownership, saying “they had just happened into the room and there it was.” Fruit Not Ruined. Atlanta, Ga., March 7. —Reports frdm various sections of tbe South east today Indicated fruit has not suf fered as severely as at first thought from recent cold snap which swept over this section. Although the peach, pear and plum trees in many sections were in, full bloom it is believed the blossoms have protected the bud from the freezing winds. .Although the mer cury sank 5 to 7 degrees below freez ing, there has not been thus far what is known as a “black frost,” and most of the buds examined indicate sur vival of weather hurdle one. The WiacMsett Mills Case. Shelby, March 7.—Judge James L. Webb, bf Superior Court, is expected to render a decision within the next few days on the 31,700,000 mandatory suit involving the Wiscassett Mills of Albemarle. Horses continue to decline in num ber in tbe United Staten. There were 15,279,000 horses and colts January 1 this year, compared with 19,833,113 in 1910. CONCORD, N. C, MONDAY, MARCH 7, 1927 Much Good Legislation Has Been Enacted by Legislature The Tribune Bureau Sir Walter lintel i By J. C. BANKER!’ILL i Raleigh. March 7.- Much legis’ntion ■ pf real merit and foresight that is stir< \ to rehound to the eredit of the stfffe j as a whole has been enacted in ftie I sixtj - days which the general assetnW.v j lias been in session, a survey of fisj j aheouiplishmonjK shows. True, fhbn i have been many measures that failed to be enacted which many hoped might be. But on the whole. <lespit£ the fle lay which at times grew irksom/, thbre is no doubt that the present' session will go down in legislative history tisj one of the most" important in years.* One rtf rhe most outstanding fAi tures of the session has been the fil most unanimous approval given the “hnsiness administration” of Gover nor McLean by both houses, and- the absence of anything even bordertiig upon a fight on the executive budfe* , system. In ffict, the greatest endow ment which htt« been given the exqjn tive budget has been the adoption By the general assembly of tbe three id ministration county government reform bills, which in reality is nothing more than the extension of the exeeutJv' l budget system to all the counties, in : tbe state, at least in the supervision! of county finances. There are man.' j who regard the enactment of tMasej county government reform bills as | among the most important acts of.(hr present general assembly. A.though the house has been nothh ly independent, ' refusing to acknowl-i edge or follow any particular leader ship—not because there were none capable of being lenders, but beeiisr there were no followers—both tin hOnee and senate have stood for tin' most part solidly behind the governor in the majority of his major requests. Os course, there have been sporadic outbursts of opposition to the gover nor from time to time, such as jjh’- veioped during the debate on the eon -•enled weapons measures, which wen hooted down to defeat iu the house. But for the most part both houses ’lave stood linn in their support of .he executive. This is further evi denced by the feat that the majority of the recommendations ipade in tin governor’s biennial message have been put into effect. In fact, it is only necessary to 1 gla qce over the lint of the more fin portnnt measures already enacted, or certain of enactment before adojuru ment, to see that for the most jakrt isle bulk of the legislation has barn distinctly constructive and that Ihc general welfare of the people of jjjie ntpjp generally has been the eeangelltu# ■wfie, 1 (here was a tendency 1 for at while toward purely local and section- ! as legislation—but that is always to be expected. And after the members! had gotten what they wanted for their j own localities, they settled down to business on the general statewide! measures. Here are some of the major bills j enacted during the present session: j Equalization fund for education in-d creased from 31,500.000 to 33,250.000. Bond issue of 330<l)00,000 for furtli- 1 er highway construction, which also! prohibits further lending by counties] to highway commission. Three county government reform j bills, regulating bond issues and put-j tihg counties on budget system, enact ed. Maintenance appropriation bill, car rying approximately $15,000,000 year ly for the maintenance of State de partments and institutions, approved. Revenue bill to provide sufficient in come to meet maintenance enacted. Bond isspe. of $2,000,000 for Smoky JONES BROTHERS ARE FREED BY PRESIDENT Nusfleld and Winfield Jones Have Sentences Commuted By President —Serving Two Years. Washington, March 7.—OP)—Presi dent Coolidge has commuted the sen tences of Nuefield and Winfield Jones, serviug sentences in Atlanta peniten tiary on prohibition violation charges. The, brothers were convicted in Baltimore and eac-h was sentenced to two years in the penitentiary. Neufield Jones, formerly was assistant Federal prohibition director of Geor gia. They entered the prison last June. Their conviction was based on the misuse of denatured alcohol owned by the Jdaryland Drug and Chemical Company of which they were officers. Efforts to obtain clemency for them have been in progress almost since they began serving their sentences. SPRINT RACES SCHEDULED FOR CHARLOTTE BOWL Whether or Ntkt Races Will Be Held Depends on Attitude of New Owner Os Track. Charlotte, March 7. —CP)—Although the Charlotte Speedway is bankrupt and the property has been ordered auctioned off for the benefit of holdere of $150,000 worth of bonds, the con test board of the American Automo bile Association has assigned July 11 for a series of sprint races nt the track, it was learned here today,. Whether or not the races will be held, however, it was said today, de pends on whether the purchasers o< the Speedway decides to continue the property as’ an automobile racing; plant. 36 Children In 36 Years Os Wedlock. Canges, B. C., March 7.—After giving birth to another son, her twen ty-third child, Mrs. 1. Tasakn. wife of a Japanese fisherman of Salt Spring Island, near here, has jnst established what is believed a record for British Columbia if not the whole Dominion. Mrs. Tasaka has had 23 children in SO years of married .Ufa. Seventeen are livlug. She is .her husband’s fifth wife. - • , * Mountains National Park, j Bond issue of $1,250,000 for bridge (across Cape Fear River at Wil thing (foil. Appropriation for pensions forCon ; federate soldiers increased from sl,- j ‘JOO.OOO to $2,500,000 for the bienninm ■so that veterans may receive approxi | rnalely $1 a dny for balance of their lives. Statewide game law finally enact ed. Law giving State highway commis sion greater authority in locating and 'abandoning roods enacted. i ) Numerous new provisions for bet ! ter regulation of highways and truf fle on highways enacted in Hargett highway control act, increasing speed limit to 45 miles per hour, modifying j stop law at railroad crossings and providing for tail lights on all vehicles on highways. , Salaries of supreme and superior court judges, as well as several other State officers increased so as to be in keeping with dignity and duties of the offices. Administration of bankrupt State banks put in hands of banking depart- I ment of State corporation commission, : instead of in hands of private reeeiv ! ership. | Consolidation of fisheries commis j sion with department of conservation, j These are but a few of the most im i portant meatures enacted nnd might jhe increased with a score of other measures, all more or less far reaeh i ing. but not bh greatly affecting the state as a whole. Next to its belief in continuing the policy of “business nnd economy iu government” was the interest sliown by the assembly ns n whole iu im proving the educational system in the state. ■ especially the elementary schools. And the result of this in terest is shown in the large increase given to the state equalization fund, now fixed nt $3,250,000. In order to get this much the house had to convert the senate. But the bluff worked—or lmd the necessary jisyeho logica. effect —nnd both houses finally agreed on the larger equalization fund ns neompromise. j But the assembly has made mis-j takes, naturally, since it is but human, j and a number of important measures i were killed in both bouses, which many people over the state thought should past. Chief among these meas ures that failed of enactment was the statewide Australian ballot bill and and three or four other measures spon sored especially by tbe women's or ganizations of the state. The foal ure as tbe auti-Klux bill, ;afier being pawed, ♦«** .and then .*<jc 1 «lkd, wag .also disappointing to many. TbebfHs recommended by Governor McLean for the better control of carrying con cealed weapons, and imposing heavier i sentences, also failed to carry. All the measures designed to revise the constitution, especially by a con stitutional convention, failed to pre vail, ns did most of the judicial re form bills advocated by the judicial conference. The hill which would have permitted banks to charge a col lection fee of 10 per cent, of the face value of notes tlint were overdue was kißed after three attempts to get it through the house. Its opponents saw iu it an attempt to circumvent the (i per cefit. interest law. The bills designed for the examination and licensing of barbers, plumbers, nature opnthists nnd such allied “professions” also failed as did the highway police hill and the bill to license automobile drivers. But for the most part the session haw been constructive and productive of much valuable nnd beneficinl legis lation. BARRINGER RESIGNS LABOR PRESIDENCY R. AV. AJorton, of Charlotte, is Elect ed By Executive Board of State Labor Federation. Salisbury, March C.—C. F. Bar ringer. for the past three nnd one balf yearn president of the North Carolina Federation of Labor. re signed his position here today nt a meeting of the exentive hoard of the organization. R. W. Morton, of Charlotte was named to succeed Mr. Barringer- The reason given by Mr. Barringer for his resignation was that* he will not be able to give sufficient time to the office in the next few months on account of, entering a new line of endeavor. He expects to resume hio law practice later in the year. Since taking the office in August, 1923, Mr. Barringer has seen the staate federation grow from 47 to S 3 local unious. Tw.o other men were named to fill vacancies by the executive board, Caude Albea, Charlotte, was elected sixth vice president while A. H. Brooks, Raleigh, was named seventh vice president. THE STOCK MARKET -Tires Moved Irregularly Lower at Opening of the Market Today. New York, March 7.—(A>)—Stock prices moved irregularly lower at the opening of today’s market. Further profit taking and bear selling caused Initial declines of a point or more in Houston Oil, International harvester and Baltimore and Ohio. A few is sues in which pools were active such as Hudson and General Asphalt, showed early firmness. V- ~ ' Williams Endorsed. Washington, March 5, —Copies of resolutions passed by the Cabarrus County Bar Association endorsing H. S. Williams, of Concord, for ap pointment as district nttorney for the new Middle North Carolina Fed eral Judicial district were received today by members of the State dele gation in CongrcSs. FIGHT FOR LONGER SCHOOL TERM GOES TO SEIATE FLOOR The Bill For Constitutional Amendment Defeated in Committee But Minority Report Will Be Made. ALLEN FAVORS THE MEASURE The Minority Report Will Bring Matter to Floor of the Senate Where Battle Will Be Continued. Raleigh, March 7.—(A s )—The bill proposing an amendment to the con stitution to provide an eight-monhts’ school term was reported unfavorably by a vote of 12 to 5 by committee on education today. Senator J. M. Broughton filed notice of a minority report, so that the matter will be threshed out on the floor of the Senate some time before the end of this ses sion. Senator Broughton, sponsor of the measure, spoke briefly in its behalf, arguing that the bill would merely submit the question to a vote of the people. He thought this legislature should give the people of the state an opportunity to vote on this matter at the next general election. The bill in volved no expenditure of money at this hour. Senator Spalnhour, of Burke Coun ty, opposed the bill because he found that it was being supported by Sen ators and representatives of those counties which already have an eight months' term. State Superintendent A. T. Allen spoke briefly for the fav orable report on the measure, but (here was so much confusion in the senate chamber where the committee meeting was being held that he had to cut his speech short. NOT RAISE CHINESE UEKTION AT GENEVA China’s’Representative Says Question Is Not One For League of Na tions. Geugva, March 7.—(A>) —Dashing into tbe league of nations palace for the private session of the council this morning, Cbu Chao-Hsin distributed a fteclxrlttg Hint'CMua wotfld not rnise the Chinese question in the council. “Our attitude,” the statement road, "is conciliatory and our demands are most legitimate, since we have noth ing to ask for but non-interference with our sovereignty and territorial inegrity. "Some thought that China would suddenly raise in the council the inter national situation in Chinn, but I can assure you uo such action will be taken.” With Our Advertisers. Why worry about your food? Call at the J. & 11. Cash Store and get wlmt you need. Don't suffer from photographic in digestion. Get your work done right at the Boyd W. Cox Studio. San Tox Antacid is guaranteed by Cline's Pharmacy. For sick headache, vomiting and heartburn. S. W. Preslnr. jeweler, hns moved into his new quarters in the Dixie building. Your patronngc is invited. New yard goods including silks, zephyrs, dimities, woolens and others nt Robinson's. Now is the time to place your or der for awnings. The prices arc low er now than they will be later. See ad. of Concord Furniture Co. Stetson ami Schoblc hats from $5.00 up at Hoover’s. In latest colors and shapes. You get both style nnd quality when you purchase clothes froth W. A. Ov erensh.* See new ad. for particulars. Spring's newest things at the usual savings are offered now at the J. C. Penney Co. The big Silk Sale at the Parks- Belk Co. is proving a great success. The sale closes March 12th so you would be wise to make your silk pur chases now. See ad. Russell’a Round Rub Salve is sold here by the Porter and Gibson Drug fltoron. Money back guarantee with every box. The Southern Railway js offering speeial excursion fares to Florida. Havanna, Cuba, and the Mississippi Gulf resorts. Round trip fare to Jacksonville $17.00. Read an. ear particulars. Furniture of distinction enu be found at the Bell-Harris Furniture Co. See new ad. in this paper. John Barrymore in his latest and greatest feature,’ “The Beloved Rogue” at Concord Theatre today, and tomorrow. Out of 25,000 Bills Only MR Arc Acted On. Washington, March 7.—The record of the 00th Congress discloses that out of an avalanche of nearly 25,000 bills' and resolutions only 908 suc ceeded in overcoming the Legislative barriers to finally become laws. In the number added to the statue books are hundreds of a purely private character and several hundreds more pertaining to local or sectional needs so that the number of new lows so that the number of new laws affecting the nation as a whole is probably not in excess of two hundred. Members bf the House far out stripped their less numerous colleagues in the Senate in' the bill introducing melee, lhtring the two sessions of the 09th. House members offered 18,312 bills and resolutions while the number in the Senate waa 0,4i7. • j Sweet Baby 1 , . t -Mg • cffHF "V f J v M - S • On a doctor's orders, Nancj AJice McKinney, of Cincinnati, Ohio, was placed on a diet of tour milk at the age of three creeks. Now she is more robust than most children her age. REVENTE mix MUST ~~ PASS LOWER HOITSE Senate Amendments Are Expected to Be Accepted By Members of the House. Tribune Bureau. Sir Water Hotel. Raleigh, March 7.—Wr tli the rev enue bill back in the hot.,'- and all the senate amendments accepted, ad journment of the general assemoly now appears possible by Tuesday, but not before, since the revenue bi ! l cannot be passed on third rending until that, day. The general mainten ance appropriation bill is also back in the house, but the house refused to agree to the senate amendments increasing the total about .$55,000 a year, and a conference committee, composed of RCpresentaffices Tur lington, Towsend and Folger was named to attempt to work out an agreement in conference. Thus final action on thin measure is not likely until Monday or even Tuesday. Both the revenue and mainten ance appropriation bills are in hal rmcc tigw, utpl -fr-ls-tlnhrght that httr little difficulty will he ' >xpMemed in working out an agreement. Tile principal changes in the appropria tion bill were in the allowances fdr the two state hospitals for the in sane both in Raleigh and Morganton, and the allowance was increased $25,000 a year for each. The house also took exception to the increase granted the Smoky Mountains Na tional park commission, from $1,500 to $7,500 yearly, taking the stand j that now after approving the park appropriation, it should not be ea'l ed upon to do anything more. Although the revenue bill came back to the house much amended b.v the senate, these changes were al ready pretty generally known and went through without much opposi tion. The tax imposed on the pro duction of tobacco manufacturing companies, written into the bill in the house by Representative Town send, was removed by the senate, and the tax on manufacturers of bottled soft drinks wnx lowered somewhat. However, in order to make up for these losses of revenue, the corpora- 1 tiou incomes tax was increased from four to four and one-half per cent, while the franchise corporation tax was changed to include both capital and surplus. Heretofore it has hern, upon capital only, and not upon me surplus. These arc the major changes, though a number of other changes of, lesser importance were made. The senate spent most of its time Saturday working on local bills, and acted on no measures of outstanding state-wide interest. The house was in a belligerent moot! and tabled measures froe.y whenever there were any features in them that they did not like. Among those that were tossed upon the growing heap of dead measures was the bill imposing further restrictions upon those seeking to practice law in the statae, by making it more dif ficult to secure a license. The bill was ably defended by Representative Lee of Buncombe, its author, but the laymen opposed it more than the lawyer, and it went to its doyim. Another bill that would have permit ted county officers to chase law vio lators beyond the county line, was a'so tabled, on the grounds that peace officers would >•. chasing petty offenders from Xmteo to Murphy” if the law whs passed. Another measure that would have rejtenled the present regulations with regard to separate eontrncts for plumbing, heating and wiring tn public buildings, especially state buildings, was defeated by tabling, when Representative Squires of Caldwell pointed out the good fea tures of the law as it is now, saying that to repeal it would cost tne state thousands of dollars. A biß curtailing the powers of the highway commission, and requiring it or its contractors to give due notice and to pay damages where damages arc incurred, was passed with a roar of yes, as was the bill marking the minimum seutencc 30 days for those convicted of driving an automobile wblile 'lntoxicated. Another byi requiring that all coun ty officers be required to give bond was also adopted without opposition. The bill putting the control of ferries in the htyids of the highway com mission was likewise ddopted. THE TRJJBUNBIS \ PRINTS TODAY’S NEWS TODAY ! NO. 40 FEAR NEW CYCLONf | HAS STRUCKALOiI MAOABASCARCOi: Many Deatjgf .<ere From Thursday*® r" Reports Denis, Reunion, Indies^ SEVERAL VESSELS ARE NOW MlSSl^g ft Vessels Due at St. Densis Are Believed to REfre Been Caught in Sti||| J and Crews Perished. - St. Denis. Reunion. March 7.—OW —A new cyclone of great intensi» ; -■ following that of last Thursday''mEel menacing this island today. Reunion Island is Abd-el-Krim.'* 3 place of exile. It was feared thfttlKie new cyclone had swept over the is land of Madagascar where there wtjra many deaths and extensive prO]£p|s,.j damage in last week's cyclone, No details were available as tp JmOjj exact number of dead at Madagascar, 'J bur there came confirmation that' tpft town of Tamntave on the east coas was virtually wiped out by Thms'tfti|fS Several small steamers due here were missing today. It wap that the steamer St. Anne from Ma<p agasear had been lost with all olntM. THE COTTON MABKET 3 ||| Opened Steady Today at an AdvaaA ; of From 4 to # Points. New York. March 7.. — cotton market opened steady today I '®! an advance of 4 to 9 points in spouse to higher Liverpool cables'jflHS soon showed net advances of 10 points on trade buying and coveftnK | Offerings were comparatively ligtt’Wtgg ter the heavy selling of last week, and there seemed to be Rome rebujrlwt: by interests that had taken pfoflyS on long contracts on the recoup 'ndP- Private cables reported trade call*; ing and French buying in the Liver pool market, wijh a small supply Ufa The advance later extended to 14.48 for May and 14.72 for October cbn-j , j? to ateai r Saturday’s closing quotnfiorts. IWes reacted a few points on light offerings, but the market was quriet and steady within 4 or 5 points of the best at mjdday. Cotton futures opened steady. March 1419; May 14.30; July 14.49; <VL i 14.57; Deo. 14.72. CHARLOTTE GROCER IN ill WOI'NDED BY BIRGLAR& J. T. Wilkie Greeted by Shot Wham ’ He Opened His Grocery Stoiylß * Charlotte, March 7. — (A*)— j. Wilkie, a grocery, was sliot and seri ously wounded by burglars as he op ened his store here shortly before day light this morning. The robbers Mti: without warning. Wilkie told police who talked with him at a hospital, that he was greeted with the flash of a gun ns he opened the front door of the store. Two negroes, he said, ran from the place. They had forced their way through a rear entrance. No trace of the assailants was found this morning. Wilkie was shot through the jaw. FORMER OFFICER SAYS ' HE SLEW DONALl}sf&t C. E. Fltcliett’s Statement (Tear* Mystery of Atlanta InvestuwEani Death. • Atlanta, March o.—Charles E.•? Fitchett. said to he a former :.|H lanta policeman, is under arrest Chattanooga. Tenn.. and has con fessed to ltaving killed Bert DowHljp soil, special investigator attached To the solicitor general's last July, George W. Chnmblee.'ljE-. mer solicitor general of the Chatta nooga district, announced hero- fd- ; night. Mr. Chamb'ce brought a duly signed manuscript admission front Fitchett, who said the slaying of the investigator was a part of a plot to "get" Donaldson and Solici tor General John A. Boykin. R« named several others who. he were implicated m the killing, xipfc Prefers Jail Term to Living Witit Ills Wife. M Winston-Salem. Mur. 4.— “ Give six months, 12 months. 18 months, anything you want to. IT! do anje-’ thing Inn I in n'l live with tbajt woman,” and Herbert .1. Caudle, white man, standing before Assiati me) Judge Moses Shapiro .in implicit*# court today, pointed n finger At. itii wife, who was sitting near bys^.Ssa Caudle was given a nuspenibJi' flentence some time ago. conditioned upon his contributing to the eupitort of his wife. After.vainly tryittg'-'lljj get along, be told the court, be hjWG been trying for the past week get the suspended sentence execuMll Judge Shapiro complied with- ‘£|| request and gave Caudle 'SffiH months' term. j. One thing that cah’t be BtpilHfl in alcohol is a secret. ~ MEATHER^EORE^gj^" Rain tonight and proba^l^^SH

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