Friday, March 18, 1927 The Concord Daily Tribune sa rSSSJSSK igasi tn J} 1 * *•• ?® r of all now I credited V lS£-*gFJ2Si , 52£ or ??, ,ted In Thll paTUrand local news published herein. Ail ri»hta al«o*raßarTaA.° n ° f W* «W53St WwS'SS »„ _WO», LANDIS ft KORN *?" \" rk - Atlanta, St. Leal*. Kansas ritr. San Fraarlsos, Las Angrlss and gentile aJ' Racond class mall matter at the :«a S r*^rm» COnCOr states at the bottom of the list the corporations did have total net in comes but the taxes they’ paid ranged from more than one to nearly five times their net incomes. These five unfortunate states were Mississippi, Montana, Okla homa, New Mexico and Wyoming. In South Carolina the per cent, of net income paid as tax was 95.23, in Georgia 42.96, in Alabama 33.57, in Virginia 39.89, in Louisiana 47.98 and in Texas 37.46. LAW WITH REASON. The Supreme Court of the State has just decided a point that will be of in terest. It has decided that pupils living less than one and a half miles from a school shall npt be carried to the school in a bus ooerated for the children nf the school district. , The interpretation of the law, as a general thing, is all right but the decis ion was rendered in a case from Gates county, that never should have been car ried to the courts. In that county the county board of education ruled that a crippled child liv ing fifty yards less than the required mile and a half shall not be carried on the bus. The court’s decision upheld the position of the school board. Law should be based on reason and justice and there is neither in this case. The strict letter of the law would forbid her being carried on the bus but the high er law, one of common sense and justice, should apply in cases. Giving his dissenting opinion, Justice Clarkson said: “Law is considered the perfection of reason and founded on justice and com mon sense. In this case there is no rea son, justice or common sense in the con duct of the defendants, the Board of Ed ucation, in regards to this crippled girl.” If this crippled girl has no other means of riding the board of education should have given her permission to use the bus. Such cases should be decided by common sense on the part of those who control such matters. “LAKE CONCORD.” Every person in this city should pay a visit to “Lake Concord,” the impounding dam recently constructed by the city to furnish an ample water supply the en tire year. . The lake is a beauty spot now and, of course, will be much prettier later when trees and shrubs along its bajiks are green and in hlooni. Built into a natural basin, the lake affords a scene of much beauty. Concord should not suffer for water for many years to come. More than 400,- 000,000 gallons will be available in the lake at all times now that it has been fill ed and this reserve should provide a nor mal supply for the city in sumer months as well as in winter months. The investment was a wise one. The city should derive much good from the lake and its contents. THE GOVERNOR LOOMS LARGER. Greensboro Record. ' It mußt be recognised and conceded by all that Governor, Angus W. McLean has won noteworthy credit by the confidence reposed in him by the General Assembly and by its renewed expressions of relianc upon his financial ability and bis sound judgment. In this connection it should also be said that he haN notably refrained from anything sav oring of an attempt to dominate the Legislature or to dictate to it in its action. On the other hand, his influence was spontaneous and was born of confidence in his demonstrated judgment. It is a rare compliment to an executive indeed that a Co-ordinate branch of the Government has so heeded his advice and so acted upon his wise suggestions as the record of an unusually harmonious session clearly demonstrates it has done. SALARY RAISES. Durham Herald. The mayor of Charlotte was handed a nice raise in salary by the last legislature. The same legis lature handed Durham recorder’s -court officials a handsome salary raise, also. But, the legislature refused to raise the salary of state officials. They were careful with the gate's money, hut in apend ; ing the money of cities and counties they were not , so particular. Evidently somebody with a strong ' political pull livea in Charlotte as well as in Dur- I bain. Not saying that such is the case, though I there is a possibility of it being true, the salary raiae in the Queen City will help out a lot in the 1 coming municipal election. In Durham, they hold ! the elections and get the salary increase with . which to pay the coat of the election immediately following going into office. Nice arrangement, isn't : Ut ", the Concord daily tribune - _„ n "*?/■"“ PISTOL-TOTING I NCONFINED. e Asheville Times. * Xt I* regrettable that the State Legislature did i not see fit to adopt the firearms measures advocated I by Governor McLean. The shooting affray the other in RobbinsWlfo brings* to attention very forcibly 8 the need for some sort of additional legislation S e °is'’ n!ne Syndic... la. c™.. B„um .«<,» w' MAll it. - ■■ r.i in. SEED CORN | SEED BEANS GARDEN SEEDS j Time to make Garden. Wo have a full stock of all these 1 fresh from the Growers Early Seed Com Adams Early Truckers Favorite Southern Snowflake Hickory King Improved Golden Dent Early Seed Beans H Extra Early Round Pod Red Val-! ] entine j i Stringless Green Pod |i Striped Creaseback Kentucky Wonder D. M. Ferry & Company's Garden-:] Seeds Lake Shore Garden Seeds ] We sell you seed corn and seedi] beans in bulk of by the pint, pick or ! bushel. • Why pay package prices. i . Our prices are cheap Seed Irish Potatoes i Red Bliss i Irish Oobblersi SEE OUR STORE ! s ' CLINE & MOOSE DELCO LIGHT Storage Battery Plant# and Non-Storage Plant# Deep and Shallow Well Pomp- and Walking Machine# R. H. Owen Phone 68* Concord, N. C. ACCESSOR\es ... Yae MOST fastidious VNIUL.PLeASe • • When most fastidious folks that ever lived in a modern mansion are pleased with our bathtubs and health accessor ies, that’s a mighty good sign' that Mr. Everyipan and his folks will be pleased by the manner in which we do their plumbing work. CONCORD PLUMBING COMPANY 174 Karr Si. Ph»*e 576 Engraved Wadding Invitations add announcement# on short notice at Timee-Tribune Office. We repre sent one of the beet engravers in the United States. ts. THE HUB ; Londontown Clothes For Well ]!j Pressed Young Meen < ! ft. The Latest Weaves and Styles ] 1 A' F Jf that have ever been shown in 2 r Our City 9 I'' jT "* \ I spend six days a week in the ]!| II v M market. Therefore lam capable ;|| / M I of showing the Newest that’s out ]|| I 1. I To convince you, come to The ji; I 'lvfea Huh and see for yourself. ;!; J it 1 Also the Well Knowq Griffon j|[ 1 _ Brand Clothing , j I JOE GASKEL 1 SEE US FOR BEST COAL AT BEST PRICES CRAVEN’S: PHONE 74 1 . ihgj II H ® A **** IpN )U 1 I t* f Beautiful—Yes, and Then some. 1 Comfortable—yes—and more. All Troy Swings are equipped with four large <&■§ springs on the chains. Patented automatic adjustable backs, found ONLY on, Troy Swings. H. B. Wilkinson OUT OF THE HIGH RENT DISTRICT J Penny Advertisements Get the Resul PAGE SEVEN