j DISPATCHES VOLUME XXVII Additional Marines To Be Sent to China For Service In War Arena War Department Orders 1,- 500 Marines From Vari ous Eastern Bases to Be Sent to China at Once. THREE CRUISERS * ON WAY THERE It Is Evident That United ( States Will Be Ready for v Any Further Emergency | in the War Theatre. Washington, March 30.—040—A force of 1,500 additional marines have been ordered to,China, by the Navy De partment. The marines will be drawnvfrom the Atlantic coast expeditionary base at Quantico, Va., and other marine sta tions along the Atlantic coast includ ing the navy yards of New York, Boston. Philadelphia and Paris Is iaud. 8. C. They will ‘be carried across the country by rail and con centrated at San Diego, Cal., for em barkation. About 4,500 men, counting ships’ crews, now are in the Chinese con tingent under Admiral Williams. The total includes some 1,500 marines al ready ashore mostly at hanghai. Os the remaining personnel probably about 1,000 could be taken off the : r sliips in an emergency without crip-; pling operation of the craft. Three cruisers are on tbeir way to China from Honolulu, carrying about I 1.200 men. of whom 400 or 500 could : be spared for landing parties. Six de stroyers carrying about 10 men each I also are en route to the trouble tone. The army units that eonid be dls-j f' patched most as any one of these groups: , .' 50 electric fans i i ' 36 electric toasters ‘ 36 electric percolators , 32 electric waffle irons 32 electric washing machines 29 electric vacuum cleaners 11 electric irons 4 electric ranges A BLOCK OF ICE CANNOT GET OUT OF OR DER, THEREFORE DOES NOT NEED THE SER VICE OF A $15.00 PER DAY MECHANIC TO MAKE * REPAIRS. SURELY YOU WILL DECIDE IN FAVOR OF ICE. Youa-for SERVICE, A. B. POUNDS The Concord Daily Tribune North Carolina’s Leading Small City Daily j* i.LOCATK MISSING BOY AT HOME OF A SISTER Ralph Lyerly, Who Lift Blltmorc lltspilal. Says He Made Escape j Alone. i | Asheville, Mar. 25.--Sheriff Laur ! ence E. Brown took n hand in the j myxlerimw. “disappearance ease” .from Riltmore hospital with the re sult that the boy. Ralph Lyerly. 15. : was located early this morning at ! the home of hies sinter in West Ashe-, i ville. v : j The boy dee’nrod that be loft the I hospital unaided by dropping from the window of hi.s room nnd bobbing to a telephone whore he ended a taxi. His reneon, lie said, was that he started worrying about who was jtoing to pay his bill. As soon an Sheriff Brown learned of I.yerly’s disappearance, he set to work on tin* case anti wau occupied with it until nearly midnight Tphurs-, day, he said. First he managed to locate the two men, suspected ns lin ing the outs named by the boy ns having taken him to the hospital. The sheriff said that lie threatened to put the two. in jail if they didn't ' tell him where to find Lyerly. They told him immediately, he said, nnd the hoy was found in short oruer. The sheriff said that the two men denied, having had anything to do ’with liquor, contradicting the story Ljerly is said told hospita authorities shortly after his arrival j there. (Furthermore, the men said, they took Lyerly into the hospital anj ( did not Icavo him on the stteps, ns had been previously reported. The j names of the two men were hot made j public by Sheriff Brown. Lyerly said Thursday night that-his )eg had been t broken in a jump across a ditch, j According to attendants of the iu>s | pitnl. Lyerly was taken there last Friday at midnight suffering frtqu | fractures of both bones on bis leg. jAt first it was sni-1 the boy refused Ito make any statements. Later he told’ them that he had sustained the injuries at noon Friday but. tnut ac I had been forced to keep guard over I some liquor belonging to two white men until midnight, when they took , him to the hospital. KAIJSIGH GIRL BADLY , HURT IN AUTO WRECK Two Charlotte Young Men Blightly Injured When Roadster Turin " **”Sa^slmi^' t r aro ' Fish, of 524 Biotin) street, Raleigh, was seriously injured and Paul Whit lock, Jr., nnd Garrett Morehead, both of Charlotte. ' were slightly hurt when a Packard sport model roadster, in which they were riding, turned over three times several miles south of Salisbury on the national highway late this afternoon. Tho car was demolished. They were .coming from Charlotte and passengers on the Piedtnohd limited, who witnessed the neeident, said the machine was racing with the train. Passing Cars brought the injured to the Salisbury hospital and pbysi cans- and nurses were summoned from Charlotte. Miss Fish had a badly fractured leg and is thought t—Japanese women and children were outraged ; and assaulted by the Cantonese in 1 Nankng, says the Shanghai corre spondent of the Daily Express, in an ■ account of the release of the foreign - ers after the last ultimatum by the 1 1 foreign naval commanders. SOL KING BUIS SUITE GEMINI FOG HIITI TROUBLE' Says He Was Excluded From Haiti Because the State Department Did Not Want Him There. LOCAL PEOPLE HAVE NO POWER He Says President Homo Does What He Is Told to Do by American High Commissioner in Haiti. New Y'ork, March 26.—(A*)—Sena tor William H. King. Democrat of Utah, hack in the United State* to day after his unsuccessful attempt to enter Haiti, blamed his exclnsion on the attitude of the State department at Washington. President Borno notified Senator King when the latter wan in Porto Rico and Santa Domingo, that the ’senator was regarded as undesirable, and could not enter the country. ’“President Borno has no power but what he gets from the State depart ment, and General John 11. Russell, American high commissioner in Haiti,” the senator said upon hie arrival on the army transport St. Mihiel. “He is merely a puppet. If the “State department and General Russell had demanded that I be admitted Presi dent Borno’s opposition would have been swept away.” * APPOINTMENT OF NEW NORTH CAROLINA JUDGE A White House Spokesman Thinks It May Be Made Soon. Washington, March 25.—Reports concerning the appointment of a judge for the newly created middle judicial district in N«tfh t’urolina. and the naming of additional judges in some other sections of tho coun try. ns they emanate from the white House nnd the department of justice cannot very well be reconciled. Such reports are to some extent, at least, in conflict. Those who have called at the department of justice of late days to inquire about thexe appoint ments have come away with the im pression that no early action need be expected. This was mentioned in a dispatch from this bureau last White House” indicated that action: with resiiect to the naming of additional judges, might be expected in the near future. But there was the intimation, at the same time, that the President and not a« yet come to a final determi nation as to the men to be named for the North Carolina, and- for oth er judgeships. ,\s a rule judges are named after eo'lnborntion between the White House and the department of justice. In Isomd oases the President will in dicaate a desire to name a certain mart, and will inquire of tile depart ment aat to whether there exist any reasou why his uume should not be sent to tlie senate. In-other cases the initiative comes from ■ the depart ment of justice, and the President is furnished the name of some man who appears to bo acceptable, and i« believed to be qualified. Forces Now bt China Adequate, Says President. Washington, March 2Ti.tt Presi dent Coolidge believes American naval forces -now in Chinese waters are adequate to take care ot the situation as it now exists in connec tion with protection of Americans. Reports from Ameritan naval of ficers on the scene have assured the I’residcn that the situation at Shanghai is less tense and that al though serious trouble still is brew ing at Nanking nq further outbursts by Contonese irregu'ars or soldiers are in immediate prospect. the stock market Reported by Fenwr & Beane (Closing Quotations.) Atchison ,—I 176% American Tobacco B 123% American Smelting 145% American Locomotive -***- 116% Allied Chemical 139% Baldwin Locomotive 183 Baltimore ,A Ohio ——- 114% Chesapeake & Ohio 162% DuPont 209% Frisco j * 11? v General Motors —-- 17# General Electric 85% Hudson —-s-'-v ®*% Standard Oil of New Jersey 37% Kennecott Copper 62% Liggett & Myers B Mack Truck 104% Maryland Oil 50% Ran American Pet. B 64% Rock Island 86% R. J, Reynolds 109% Southern Railway ... 124% Studebnker 52% Stewart-Warner 5D% Texas Co. 48% Tobacco Products 103% U. S. Steel 104% Westingbouse 74% Woolworth - 125% American T. & T 167% American Can ...— 1 47% Allis Chalmers 95% Dodge Bros. 20% Great Northern 86% Lorillard 27% Montgomery Ward - ..L-. 66% Norfolk & Western ..... 173% Rep. Iron and Steel _J 70% 1 New Steel 119% CONCORD,N. C., SATURDAY, MARCH 26, 1927 1 ' " ir m Budget System for Schools of State is Explained by Allen Tribune Bureau Sir Walter Hotel. Raleigh. March 26. —With the re * 'turn of the 1.000 or more teachers who have been attending the North Caro lina Education Association convention to their homes today, following the , adjournment of the convention at noon, one of the dominant Wens they are oftrrjing away with them is the size of the state, school system, of which they are' a part, as a result of the address by A. T. Allen. State Superintendent of Public Instruction, in which be explained the provisions of the newly enacted .School Budget {Act, nnd told of the necessity for such Inn net. ■'The school business in North Caro lina lias come to be a tremendous en terprise. involving an annual expendi ture. of 140,000,060 when we include operating cost, capital outlay mid debt seVice. Thus the [icople engaged in this work must place themselves in a position to render an accurate accounting of the expenditure of this money. This cannot be done, as I see it, without a uniform accounting system that makes the proper dis tinction among the funds for com parative and analytical purpose*! and for the determination of unit cost,’’ Mr. Allen said. Because of not having a proper bud get and accounting system, the State Deimrtment of Public Instructions found itself in the einbnrassiug posi tion this year of not being nble to fell the General Assembly cxndtly what it is costing North Carolina to operate its schools, and this was one of the fnctors that brought the new budget nnd accounting act into being. Heretofore none of the school expendi tures have been standardized except teachers' salaries. Another thing that has complicated school accounting is the fact that technically there is no such thing as nn eight months term or a nine months term, but, merely a six months term —at least ns far us the state is con cerned. Ail expenditure above the six j months term must thus bes kept separate and distinct. Thus an ac counting system has to provide to take care of these differniug condi tions. This new budget act, therefore, was created to take care of these conditions and to fit in with the nevy i-ounty government reform acts, deal ing with the fiscal affairs of the counties, nnd to provide a better basis of support for tlie six months school term, it was explained by Mr. Allen. ‘‘Only four things have been chang ed in this new budgeting act,” Mr. j Allen explained. ‘‘A different nomer- i datum lias been provided for the var- j ious funds, so that the accounts will ; be intelligible to the people of the JURY KINDS PINK MULL * GUILTY-OK MANSLAUGHTER Burke County Man Sentenced to Serve Not Less Nor More TUan Three Years in State Prison. Morgantou, X. C„ March 36.-- UP) —l'ink Mull, charged with the slay ing of I’aul .Gibbs, whose ‘body was found by searchers near the MnU home three weeks ago, was found guilty of manslaughter today and sentenced by Judge P. A. McElroy, ortefi calling, covering I and Bombay buying in Liverpool. The I amount of cotton on shipboard at the j end of the week was estimated at 180.000 bales against 97,000 bales last | year. ! Uotton futures opened steady: May 114.06; July 14.27; October 14.48; De cember 14.62; January 14.65. New York, March 26.— UP) —Cotton, futures closed steady : Jan. 14.69 ; May 14.10; July 14.31; Oct. 14.50; Dec. 14.66. ! Protest Against Blue Laws. ! Greenville, S. C-, March 25.—(INS) —South Carolina motorists were urged to write Governor Richards and rep resentatives in the Legislature pro testing against continued enforcement of the State's ancient “blue laws,” in a statement issued bere today by Eu gene B. Smith, president of the South Carolina Motor Club. Keep Out of China, Says Korun in Speech. Washington, March 25.—A plea to let China work out her destiny un molested by the United States was voiced tonight by Senator Borah iu j an address before the National Good Housekeeping conference. ANNOUNCEMENT The 59th Series in this Old Reliable Building, Loan and Savings Association will open April 2nd. Running Shares cost 25 cents per share per week, matures SIOO.OO in 328 weeks. Prepaid Shares cost $72.25 per share, matures SIOO.OO in 328 weeks. Tax Returning Time Is Here , Remember That All Stock is Non-Taxable. Now is the accepted time to take shores and mabo a safe invest ment which will bring you the best return and you will be helping some good family get a home of its own. The Cabarrus County will be 29 years old on April 9th. Think of doing business that long without the loss of a cent on any loan or in any other way, and in the past ten years maturing its stock in 328 weeks. How many individuals have such a record? You can take shares any time now. A lot of people already bare token a running start by taking shares in SERIES NO. S9—NOW OPEN Cabarrus County Building Loan 1 and Savings Association OFFICE IN THE CONCORD NATIONAL BANK l ’ ' SECRETARY MELLON GIVES OUT TODAY OPTIMISTIC STATEMENT of the Treasury Mel- ■ ion. sailing on the Olympic today, gpve out an optimistic statement. 1 as follows: , “I see nothing to indicate that j business wilK not continue good | throughout the country thi« year. The stock market seems to be go- j ing along in very orderly fashion I #nd I see no evidence of over spec- ) j illation. There is plenty of money j | throughout the country. Brokers' I loans give very good insight into stock market and they show a healthy condition.” MOREHEAD MAY NOT PLAY FOOTBALL AGAIN Captain of 1927 Tar Heel Squad Injured in Auto Accident Friday. Salisbury, March 26. —t^ 3 )—Garrett Morehead, captain-elect of the Univer sity of North Carolina, may not be , able to play football next season ns ] result of nn injured knee sustained late ! yesterday afternoon in automobile ac- ' eident on Salisbury-Chariot to highway j about four miles from Salisbury, the Post learned this morning. One physician said there was pos sibility of Morehead'* knee being frac tured, which if true would give him lots of trouble and might prevent his playing football. The eonditionof Miss Caro Fish, of Raleigh was reported about tlie same this afternoon. Miss Fish sustained u fractured hip and nrm and was badly lacerated amt bruised. Her condition was reported serious last night. Paul C. Whitlock Jr. of Charlotte, the third occupant of the car suffered only from bruises aud cuts about the head and may leave hospital today. The car turned over three or, four times while traveling at rapid rate of speed when the brakes locked. The accident was witnessed by passengers on Train 34 who said the car was racing with the train. This was denied by Morehead who was driving the car, who said he was forced from road by u car which came from behind a car he was passing. Fenner and Beane Cotton Letter. New Orleans, March 25.—Cotton market was two sided again with HuctuatioiiH small and close but lit tle changed from the previous finals, j There was some selling and liquida- 1 tion during the early trading on ) weak cables, Chinese troubles and outlook for good weather. This was offset biter by Large spinners tak ings and rumors that the forthcom ing report ou weevil emergence would be bullish. As a n-sult there ool anil Manchester were rather | [►e.ssimii-tic owing to smaller sales of yarn and eloth recently and prob ability of a domestic coal strike came in for considerable attention. The interest of trader* however was mostly centered on the forthcoming ' report on weevil emergence. The Tul- I lotah , La., experiment station says it i« being prepared and will be re leased by Washington. The market will be considerably influenced by the chaaeter of the report. FENNER AND BEANE. To Put Now Law* Into Effect (By International News Service) Raleigh, March 26. —Plans are go ing forward here to put the three eoun i, ty government reform bills enacted by the 1927 legislature, in operation by early April. The 160 counties of the state will be aided in putting the county fiscal control act into effect by the county advisory commission. The act re quires counties to nppoint a county accountant by tbe first Monday in April. The accountant will be required to submit estimates for the maintenance of the various county governmental departments. These will have to be turned in early next, month. i; Teachers Want 8-moot ha School Term. Raleigh, N. C., March 26. —(A 3 )— I I The North Carolina Education Asso ■ I elation in concluding session of its i j annual convention today adopted tbe i statewide eight-months school term as I j its chief objective. Adoption was i unanimous. Americans At Nanking 1 Safe Aboard Warships J Following Ultimatums i i] 1 KANNAPOLIS IS DEFEATED IN THE j VOLLEYBALL TOCB^^t* Atlanta, March 2C.— OP, won its way to the final* . ine Southern Y. M. C. A. volleyball tournament today by defeating Kannapolis. N. C.. 15 to 0. and 15 to 9, runner-up for high place in the winners' bracket, JOSEPHUS DANIELS KEEN AS AL SMITH’S SECOND | Tar Heel Editor's Recent Arts Looked | Upon as Leading to Vice Presidency. I Brock Barkley in Charlotte Observer. 1 ltnlcigh. March 25.—Josephus Dan iels' current contributions on the sub ject of democratic presidential politics huve inspired his afternoon neighbor here to put into ould print the blunt question North Carolina politicians have been whis|iering to one another for months. The Raleigh Times, siieaking editor iall, wants to know if Mr. Daniels is “steering his personal ambition toward the berth of Vice President to the [iresent governor of New York?” Some of those who have been enter- I mining their suspicions for a good while recalled that once upon a time the editor of The News and Observer wrote an editorial praising the New York governor mightily for honoring n requisition for a New Yorker wanted down here. They said that Judge (ieorge Pell clipped out a copy of the editorial and mailed it to Governor Smjth, which pleased both the gover nor and the editor very much. The Times, with the assistance of The Durham Herald, has undertaken to give a layout of the significant straws on which the curious are build ing their conjectures. It counts as one the advocacy by Mr. Daniels of the abolitionof the two-thirds rule in the democratic con vention. a change which it is admitted | will help the Smith cause materially. [ Another is the careful restraint of ! Mr. Daniels, the. editor, in applause lof the Anti-Saloon league, of which he was once state president, and a signfieant absence from last Sunday's Tom Heflin meeting at which the Alabama senator heaped a furious us suut on the Smith head. Still another is a "recent failure to denounce as anarchists, in accordince with •J'he Bryan ultimatum, all who suggest a luck of virtue in, the Volstead act” Bumper .Strawberry Crop. Italeigh, March 25.—(INS) —Plans | are now under way here for the har vesting of North Carolina's bumper strawberry crop. According to Frnnk I). Grist, com missioner of labor and printing, some thing like 5,000 laborers will be needed to gather the berries this year. The greatest strawberry growing sections of the state are around Chad bourne and Wallace, and Commission er Grist will leave for the Southeast ern corner of the state this week to inspect the situation first-haud. The Department of Labor and Print ing has been active iu looking after the harvesting of the strawberry crop for several yeurs. The berries are super-perishable, and necessarily must be picked as fast as they ripen. Tough Break if You Issued Bad I Cheek For Tax. Raleigh, March 28.—The State of i North Carolina will not trifle with! bad check givers even in the rush of collecting income taxes. The last legislature handed it a j weapon with which to chastise the j ' worthless autograph gentry. It pass ed a law adding ten per cent penalty j 1 on all cheeks for income taxes re j turned not paid. The minimum j ’ jienalty was placed at one dollar. ■ Hundreds of checks have come! 1 back to the revenue department un- ! ' paid this year, employes say. The! penalty is being added. Belated returns ran the State’s j . total collections close to the five and - three-quarter million mark today. - Last year the total was only *5,349,- s 103 on Ihe same day. s Dave Blair Satisfied With His lTe»- s ent Job. Winston-Salem. 'March 25. —David H. Blair, of Winston-Salem, Inter ! nal Revenue Commissioner of the Cnited States, has no desire to be judge of the new middle North Car olina District Court and would not accept if the appointment were of fered him( according to statements he made while in Winston-Salem this week. Mr. Blair has been frequently mentioned as a possibility for the judgeship in the newly created trib unal and is suid to have strong sup porters, both in North Carolina and among the powers that be in Wash ington. i But Mr. Blair does not want the office, be naye. Friends querier him during his visit here and learned that he is not interested in the prop osition. Sum of *75,000 b> Sought In Two Suits. Charlotte, March 26.—Two suits for a total of *75,000 were filed in Mecklenburg superior court today. M. C. Nichols, a Seaboard A’r Line switchman, demanded *40,000 of that company, for crushing nun between two freight cars. Miss Bessie Gibson demanded *85)000 of the Came! City Coacli 1 Compsuy and the Indemnity Insur ance Company of North America foi allegedly crashing juto a car in which she was riding, breaking never,! bone*. THE TRIBUNE PRINTS TODAY'S NEWS TODAY j NO. 66 Only One American Was |l K n * City so Far as From - iteports. THREATS STOPPED CHINESE FIRING Warships Were Ready Ip Bombard City When tin j Chinese Leaders Ga¥s | Order for Protection. Shanghai, March 20.—AH 4 Americans at Nanking other than *.«• J one known to be killed and four I**.'?3 jured are accounted safe in dispatches received here shortly!. bft- "8 foreXft o'clock tonight. Tlie 120 Americans who took refuge | in Nanking I’niversity from the riofe M ing Chinese are all reported nboardpuf, ships in the river. The known Arog*- -1; iean casualties are: ' Dead: Dr. J. E. Williams, of Shaw nee, Ohio, vice president of Nanking "j University. Injured : Miss Anna E. Motfatt, of Fort Sheridan. 111., of the l’resbytenfj ,un Mission. Shot twice in the body -i b.v a nationalist soldier. She will,rot j cover. I’rivate Plumley of the Mlrili | Corps. ' " is&S*i An American bluejacket, uni dent l- ] lied. Earl T. Hobart, manager of thf Standard Oil plant at Nanking. broken. All Americans Out of Nanking. ' Washington, March 20.—OP)—--VH Americans have evacuated Nanking and have boarded American vessels at the port, rear admiral Hough ad- . } vised the Navy Department todfifljlpa With the exception of Dr. J. K. Wil- j liams, the admiral/ said no other Am erican dead had been found. Defies Foreigners. 3 Shanghai, March 28.—<#)—The for. • eigu powers cannot send enough war- ,3 ships to t’hina to suppress the aspljS ?; utious of the Chinese people, says 4 statement issued in the name of Gen- ja era! Chang Kai Shek. the Cantonese | commander in chief, who arrived iti Shanghai today. Wants Destroyer at Chef on. l’ekiug, March 28.— OP> —The Am- : Jj crican consul at Cheloo on the Shan- - timg-pewinsufar, has requestwt ttSr 'dtaW&Sl patcli of a destroyer there following clashes between the poliee and Shan tungese (northern) troops. Tong Warfare Halted. ' New York. Marcli 28.—C4>)—Chi- nese tong members were told b.v their chieftains today that there is no war fare and there must be no killing*. The onler. in the form of a letter, / signed b.v the presidents of the On Leon and Hip Sing tongs, was drafted at a conference called by District At torney Ranton, who threatened wbotaii sale deportations if the warfare which already has taken a toll of ten] lives in six cities, did not cease. „ ' jga Will Make Protest. Peking, March 20.—(A I )—The Aiper- V ican legation lias instructed the con sul at Hankow to call on Eugene Chen, Cantonese foreign minister, ami protest the “outrageous and unpro voked attack upon, and the killing,of i American citizens by nationalist | forces” at Nanking. Coi Seems Certain of First Plate iu Legion. . lea Charlotte. March 28.—The way 1 was cleared today for election *• of | Gen. Albert Cox, of ltn'cigh. as Com mander of the North Carolina us- J partment of the American I.eglalt, ; whtn letters were received by Legion j members here stating that Alien j Attains, of Greensboro, and Artuiir :1$ Corey, of Greenville, will not bo 1 | candidates. The two men themselves ia re authority for statements mat i they will not be iu the race. " * That leaves no one out but Gon ! oral Cox. The election will be made jat the Legion Convention in Wash ington, which will be lield on August ■ | fifteenth. 1 Offers $1,200 For Return of Child. Chattanooga, Tenn , March 28. —lmmunity from arrest and rewards totalling .$1,200 with no questions asked, await t)ie person who return* I two-year old Virginia Jo F razier, kid j napped from her home here, to her ’ parents. The offer was made .today with the consent and agreement of the . J city detective department and Cotn missioner and Mrs. Ered B. F'ratier, . J parents of the girl. . Chief of Detectives W. H. Haekett I I guaranteed the good faith of the offer. With Our Advertised. el Wrenn at Kannapolis wants to call tl : and get your clothes to clean. Kan- J | napoiis phone 128. i- 1 Fresh pies, buns, cookies, ilough -1 nuts, honey cream cakes, layer cake, i rolls, etc., at the Kannapolis bakery, o Now is the time for your new spring suit for Easter, April ITtb. * See new ad. of M. It. Pounds. 1 a You will find charming creations In . : new spring hats at Robinson’s. ’ii r - ■ '■■ii ——' • • o jjfißgßjjjjSSg mm I ' 1 I'■ T | ' | mwv® d W AI Him -1. If JuiTLl A ALjuLVI ' 1 mmmmm—mmmmmw , j »r Generally fair tonight and Sunday, ? h colder Sunday in extreme west port 3 il tion tonight. Increasing southeast 1 , winds. 00 ’ ’