Wednesday, April 6, 192? KANNAPOLIS DEPARTMENT (By-JAMES L. MOORE) ■■ .—.—. J Rockwell Highs in return CLASH WITH KANNAPOLIS HIGH FRIDAY AFTERNOON Towel City Diamond Soldiers Seek Atonement for Last Week’s Licking by Tackling Rpckwellers in Home Lot Friday Afternoon at 4 O’clock. —Other News Bits.—“Toweler” to Blossom Forth Thursday, a New Weekly for Kannapolis.—Two Au tomobiles Stolen From Kannapolis Owners—One at Salisbury, the Other at Charlotte.—"Y” Glee Club Appears tonight. Kannapolis, April G. —Seeking atone incut for the !> to 0 loss suffered at the hands of Rockwell high last week the hard scrapping company of local highs are undergoing some ripping practices, preparing the way for the return clash here Friday afternoon witli the Rowan boys. The inelec will be fought off at the Cabarrus park and from all indications should be a stringent affair. Every local man is in top condi tion and a tale entirely different from that of last week should ■ result in the r outcome. Red Fowler, JJic heavy j i sockjng shortstop-pitcher, will receive the call to display his slab wares for Kannapolis, while Rhinehardt, who I slow balled the locals out of triumph last week, will again tackle the task for the aliens. “THE TOWELER’’ MAKES DE BUT. “The Toweler,” a brand new week ly newspaper, will blossom forth here Thursday afternoon in its initial ap pearance to the local reading popu lho(v It will be devoted entirely to] Kannapolis news 'eVCnts, ■ being pub lished Thursday of eftch Week if plans are not punctured. ’ Local citizens ty-e acting as goefc 1 ''■ - A...: ,it tJ Sc" ■' I I -11. II I 11, ml, l- IHGItWAY COMMISSION l J RULES ON MILEAGE Wilt Ifaireafter Consider u>nly \ Roads Approved By Local Board. >\ Lets 19 Contract*. ! Raleigh, April 5. —On aecoufit of j tlie numerous requests for mileage to' the state highway system the com-1 mission will consider only those | roads approved by the local govern-1 ing body, it was announced today I following an all-day executive ses-, siou of the commissioners here. Local road governing bodies were J reuiyested to stpte preference of th • life of expenditure where more than one road was recommended. Contracts today were awarded for 111 of the 20 projects on which bids were received March 20. Nine of these projects are subject to a map being twisted on the courthouse door in the" respective counties showing i proposed changes in route. If no ob jection is made by the road govern ing bodies of the county or town in which the" changes occur, the eon tracts- wij automatically become valid. ... Fenner and Beane Cotton Letter. New Orleans, Apr. s.—Cotton was strong and prices a shade higher to day owing to the return or gains and prospects of further delay in plant ing. The map shows very little raw fall outside northern sections from Dallas to Chattanooga, but reports gathered at midday told'of consider able precipitation in southern and central sections. The forecast is for generally unsettled rainy weather in the southern and eastern belt. Cables were some easier tban due owing to renewal of hedging in Liverpool and domestic dry goods markets are re ported to have quieted down. Trac tion My alt branches of the trade are waiting to see how the crop gets off. The generally accepted view is that both preparation and planting are backward at the present time and the market is more responsive to bad weather than to favorable. Reports were in circulation of the suspension of an important Japanese house TILLIE THE TOILER SHE’S WEAKENING Si^ ' 7 H o 1 *&-'■] CJQODTSTSiEF ’. Xi you' owje’S.-TH.S * m-o i have i e>oreeovu&D vow. W robbing i^ Amed MEI to ‘Jin it some-I Peel, tha . vu/xy about »•• , IN My F*OOfc&T &OOC TO V//> /%%/, THINK WABD- CAt-i'Y K/0., V V,A ~ T MEVU -JpAyHHiiE £,&-! BACK IT GOES MMtO MV POCICtT. IT r jWV/ V O'J 3ENEM6ER , | r' ,-r < t i B>OQi< , EVEKJ IF IT'S V-'TfeMIK’C? ) .*> X- /Pi&s. feoeftovM&io rv fi&cm ; V -T°Q |C _.T_ PHotocipaphed I—Snever 1 —Snever loam a. u OL t , rj | T _ ~. ... '" JERRY ON THE JOB TflE BOSS IS KIDDING HIMSELF • . b.f i, uwzx? n*i quo 9ao\ JIJBUi v»au» has -3 parents to the publication. Just how many pages it will require to convey the news it is not known, but present plans calls for six or eight pages in its first appearance. HERE AND THfSRE. Miss Antley, of an At’nuta producing company, will arrive on Thursday to begin the direction of re hearsals for “Rosetime.” the mammoth musical production to be presented •April 15th. Inability to secure a| local stage will cause the .play to be, liven ’at the Landis high school. I The local post of the’ American! Legion of which S. Z. Phlieger is com-1 mander, will sponsor the entertain- 1 ment. the proceeds going to the dis- j abled ex-service men at the Oteen hos-! pital. A Ford roadster, bearing license | tag 04,688, was stolen from the front,- of the Strand Theatre at Salisbury Monday night while the owner, Harry Tucker, a local youth, enjoyed a vaude ville program. The vehicle was decked out in four new tires and was report ed to be in good running condition. ' A model of 1924, it bore the rnofor number 83441772 and the title number ] 261878. Coincident with the theft of young Tucker’s machine at Salisbury, Ray Hoffman, a toweler citizen, had his Ford touring ear purloined while via j iting at Charlotte. In conjunction with the rcyiynl ser vices, the. Y. M. C. A. Glee Club will appear this evening at 7:3() o'clock at Trinity -Methodist Church. Rev. Janies ,F. Moser, who is delivering the ] sermons, is attracting large audiences each 'night and with the api>earance tonight ff the “Y” singers an excep tionally large crowd, js expected in uttcndajicei - ■ - ijjij. .' =• rV-Hh' >otfoitf cdhiieetlofi -dsttf Ajgd', no effect on tmding. The weather is j the dominating influence at' the . moment. Prices . are apt to hold steady or advance ps long ns the j weather delays planting or prepara tions. FINNER AND REANE. j The most of the Chinese in Aincr | ica are from the Cauton district. I SALE OF TOM SHANKLE PROP ERTY. ] l ; ndor ami by virtue of an order of Superior Court of Cabarrus Coun ty, made in the Special Proceedings entitled C. A. Isenhour, Administra tor of Thomas Shankle, deceased, against Annie Shankle and others, the undarsigned commissioners will on ( Saturday the 10th day of April, 1927, at 12 o'clock M., at .the courthouse door in Concord, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder, at public auc tion, ail the lands of Thomas Shankle, deceased, lying in Sbaukletowu and al so the portion of the Whit Shankle estate owned by said Thomas Shan kle deceased, as shown upon maps made by Reece I. Long now on file in tlie office of Register of Deeds Cabarrus County in Book of Maps No. 2, page 65, Subdivision of home place Thomas Shankle, and Map of Lands of Whit Shankle estate. Said maps may be seen at office ofi C. A. Isenhour, Cabarrus Bank Build ing. or office of Caldwell & Caldwell in Morris Building, and property will be shown persons interested before day of sale. The residence lot will be sold last aud will not be gold if other lots pro vide enough to pay debts and coats of, administration of Thomas Shankle <*>-! tatc. I TERMS OF SALE: One-third cash, balance in six and nine months; deeds delivered when all purchase money is paid. This 15th day of March, 1927. C. A. ISENHOUR, J. M. CALDWELL, Commissioners. Yribuue March 16. $); Apr. 6-13. ! ork. April o.—Th, ‘‘rubbrr neck wagons" stationed at * strategic points throughout the city, chiefly in tlie Broadway section, furnish an un official but decisive tent of that “metro politan air” which visitors desire and comparatively few New Yorkers have. The barkers for the, great busses, decorated with Chinese lapterno as a lure to visitors, watch the pawing | throng with an eagle eye for potential j sightseers. If the bnrker singles out | ah individual (roii! the passersby for j his “spiel” it is considered ail un j failing sign of tlie bucolic air. Con sequently it is the ambition of many New Yorkers to pass the busses with out being invited to “see Chinatowu j while you're in the city.” I Some New York names with a rural sound: Inwood, Throggs’ Neck, Itiv erdnle, Featherbed Lane, Gun Hill Hoad and Hunt’s Point. A general impression, formed from talking with no less than six motion picture actors and actresses on the eve of their departure for California, is that screen players prefer New York to California. The tears at- leaving the environs ] of Broadway, however, in some in stances suspiciously resembled the croeodile variety, llt was revealed that an actress who reluctantly gave up her apartment here when Holly wood called, formerly had a “west const contract,” meaning that her ex petises, including rent, were paid as i long as she wep away from California. It seems that no show house is’ really .complete without an art dis- j play of some kind. Expressionistic ! paintings, in keeping with the type, of plays offered on the stage of the : New 'Playwrights- Theater!,- Are hung I .ij». the theater’s balcony. j “Mmc j every day for 'a week. Joe —That’s too bad. Is lie m ,oiis ■ ly ill? Elmer—Oh, Robert is all right. Bqt the shock of seeing him fall put my wife to bed with a severe nervous attack. i The young husband was anxiously awaiting news of the birth of hlk first child. He was paciug up and ; ] down .the hall when the doctor came ■ lout aud told him to control himself ;or else take n walk around the block. , “But. I tell you I'm scared to death,” 'protested the young man.. ; I “You tieeduAt\be„” replied the doctor. •'l've brought more than 2,009 babies ! into ■ the ■ work), and.: I .haven't losif'#’ Mfotltdir; yet." , - ■—)4— The Way it Went. i “You remember that watch 1 lost five years Ago?” said Twitter. ! "Yes.” said his friend. ( "You remember 'how I looked high and low for it? Well, yesterday. I put on a vest I had not worn for years, and what do you think 1 found in thep ocket?” "Your watch- —splendid !" 1 “No; I found the hole ft must have dropped through." Sum Relief ajaH|) iN 2!?M% O y Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION j 25$ and 75$ Pkgs.Sold Everywhere j - NOTICE. | I’jqdmoqt & Northern Railway Com l pany hereby gives notice that on the J 26th day of March, 1927, :t filed with j I the Interstate Commerce Commission ! at Washington, D. C., its application j • for a certificate that the present and \ future public convenience and licces-] sity require the construction by it of ] extenpious of its railroad (1) from | Spartanburg to Gaston-a, approxi- i , mately 53 miles, in Spartanburg and j Cherokee Counties, South Carolina.: ] and Cleveland and Gaston Counties,; i North Carolina, and (2) from Char j lotto to Winston-Salem, approximately !] 75 milea, in Mecklephurg, Cabarrus, , | Rowan, Davidson, and Forsyth Coun . ties, North Carolina, ITEDMONT& NORTHERN | RAILWAY COMPANY. I 30-6-13-c. TODAY’S EVENTS. Wednesday. April 6, 1927. Ten years ago today -President Wikon signed the joint resolution jvhieb maTkcd the formal entrance pf the United States into the World War. The anniversary of tlie battle of Shiloh, or Pittsburg Landing, which began sixty-five years ago today, is Special Rate On | Permanent Waving j during March and April !j sls ! ! You may have either the Eugeneol or the Fred- g ;i[ eric wave for the wliole head at this special price. ]![ Trained Operators in attendance. Write or phone !]! for appointment. jj IVEY’S BEAUTY SHOP | Mrs. Martha W. McGee, Manager js | J. B. IVEY and COMPANY 1 ii CHARLOTTE. N. C. | PAINT NOW! Select the paint, hut that is not the only important thing— you need a Painter with experience and equipment to do the job right. If you want reference just ask for it and we can supply a book-ful and show you some of the most prominent homes . j that I have painted both inside and out. '! or instance—-going up North Union: Residences of Mrs. j Dr. Young, Mrs. Joe F. Goodman, Mrs, J. P. Allison, Mr. A. R. i Howard, Mr. A. Jones Yorke and many others, i As to paint that is as important as all other parts of a good j job. I recommend i PEE GEE PAINT SOLD BY RITCHIE HARDWARE CO. I because in all my experience I have not found a better paint and very few its equal. Let me figure on your job. 1 will the job by time or by contract. Just call me. J.T. COGGINS, Paint Contractor j Allison Street Phone 204 L observed in Louisiana as Confeder ate Day. The Prince of Wa'.es is to pay a visit today to the historic English • city of Hastings to preside at the dedication .and formal opening of a new pavilion. “The "Thin Gray Line'' in vade Tampa,' Fla., today for the owning of the thirty-seventh nation al reunion of the United Confederate Veterans. M. Paul Claudel, the new Frencn Ambassador to the United States, has accepted an invitation to speak at the annual dinner of the Massa chusetts American Legion in Boston this evening. Memorial services commemorating the eighteenth anniversary, of the discovery of the North Pole by Ad miral Robert E. Peary will be held Have IT Dry Cleaned! I “Send IT to Forest Hill" 1 137 W PHONES 175 J Forest Hill Cleaning Co. I J There will j IIITT j Inj be less wear llf ■ 1 1 3118 and tear on I | I JON your car if 1 §[l you use 1 I Sj* J HOOD Tires Ritchie Hardware Co. I SPECIAL EXCURSION FARES 8 —VIA— ff SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM fl| —TO— S FLORIDA, HAVANA, CUBA AND THE MISSISS- fl IPPI GULF RESORTS 8 Tickets on Sale March 19th, 26th, 1927 1 April 2nd, 9th, 14th, 1927 8 From To Round Tnp Fares 5| Concord, N. C. Jacksonville, Fla. $17.50i Si Concord, N. C, St. Augustine, Fla. $18.90 9 Concord, N. O. Tampa, Fla. 25.88 KM Concord, N. C. St. Petersburg, Fla. 28.83 l| Concord, N. C. West Palm Beach, Fla. 29.37 9 Concord, N. C. Miami, Fla. 32.01 8| Concord, N. C. Havana, Cuba 59.13 O Concord, N. C. Biloxi, Miss. 27.57 93 Concord, N. C. Gulfport, Miss. 28.05 X Proportionate reduced fares to all Florida resorts. X Final limit of ticket 15 days, prior to midnight of which date B*l return trip must be completed. 5 Tickets good in pullman and parlor cars upon payment of pull- m man fares. Baggage will be cheeked. X A fine opportunity to visit the wonderful resorts in Florida, Cu- v ba and Mississippi. 9 Fine hotels, good fishing, fine surf bathing, golf, boat riding, mo- Bsj Tickets good going and returning on regular trains (Except on jHI trains 37 and 38.) X Stop-overs permitted in Florida. © For further information and pullman reservations call on any X 1 Southern Railway agent or address: M. E. WOODY, T. A., R. H. GRAHAM, D. U. A., 9 Concord, N. C. Charlotte, N. C. IS SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM I announces | SPECIAL ROUND TRIP EXCURSION FARES TO|l CHARLESTON, S. C. I account I Magnolia GardcAs and Middleton Place Gardens, FRIDAY and SATURDAY, APRIL 1-2-8-9, 1927 1 The following round trip fares will apjply from the following station* 1 FROM . FROM I Charlotte, N. C. $7.00 Marion, N. C. $7 00 # Concord, N. C. 7.00 Morganton, N. C. 7.00 I i Elkin, N. C. 9.00 Reidsville, N. a 9.00 I Gastonia, N,,C. 7.00 Salisbury, N. C. 7.50. it Greensboro, N. C. 8.50 Shelby, N. C. - 7.0® ij Hickory, N. C. 7.00 tatesviUe, N. C 7.00 iS High Point, N. C. 8.50 Winston-Salem, N. C. 8.50 I Tickets on sale April Ist, 2nd, Bth and 9tb. Final limit good to reach 1 original starting point prior to Midnight Wednesday following date 1 Proportionate round trip excursion fares on sale from intcrmejilat^M Southern Railway will also sell round trip excursion tickets basis one I fare plus one-balf fare for the round trip daily Match 25th to April 3 10th inclusive. Final limit seven days in addition to date of saleU! I This is on wonderful opportunity to visit HISTORIC CHARLES- ■ TON and see these beautiful GARDENS. . I .. Call on any Southern Railway Agent for further information ' mSm ■| sleeping car rcservationa. / . M WOODY, R. H. GRAHAM, I I J - ' PAGE FIVE at the explorer’s tombr’in Arlington j| Cemetery. . J| to be the first city!* on the Atlantic seaboard to eiitertathjH the annual tournament of the Amortejli can Bowling Congress. When the odMI gress meets in Atlantic. City next year *5 the New Jersey metropolis will a strong bid for the 1929 tournanHgggJlg