PAGE EIGHT Beginning Tomorrow g?VV '* his Silver King, arc • starred! Read it, beginning “Big Bill” Thompson Wins Mayoralty sElection In Chicago Over Wm. Dever jft'hicago, April 5, —William Hale iO®B Bill" Thompson, Republican may dr of Chicago from 1015 to 192:!. today was elected to that office for the third O Thompson, who conducted his eam fiiigii with a slogan of "America Burst" won over Mayor William E. SPever. Democratic incumbent, in one [pf .the 'bitterest and most closely ctm f sited elections in Chicago's history, r. John Dill Robertson. who ran as t Independent, offered no serious op position. !s,f">n the basis of returns from 2.000 the city's 2.384 preeints Thompson Wits returned a winner by upward of S®,ooo votes. With 354 precincts - • ;——- == ■DANIELS AND BURLESON | ON SMITH AS CANDIDATE FMow President Wilson's Old Cabinet Stands on the Matter. ■ [ Time. HrOu the fourth day of March, 1921, Koodrow Wilson, pathetic, stood be (fore t.he eapitol in the last a«-t of his Official life. Nearby, the saddened (Jnenibers of his cabinet stood, saw • their leader broken by struggle and warn lysis; heard a man they did not leiuii re take the oath of office of Presi flfent of the United States. Through )'§heir minds must have flashed tnemo aHes of the glorious days of 1913. when fne. (tarty of freckle-faced Jefferson &Uody was first discovered, it was believed to be that of Billy Gaffney, New ltork child for whom a an lion-wide search was instituted, (intenmthmu Nwraei) STORM AT ASUKVILLE CAUSES SOME DAMAGE Cottage Hurled Across Street But 11 Occupants Were Not Hurt. Asheville, April 5. —A big black elephant's snout eauio (Hiking down out of tlie sky when a sudfleu storm cloud struck Asheville this after noon. ripping off roofs, wrecking houses, and creating havoc in the Depot and Fagg street sections. The home of laift Taylor. 28 Fagg street, crashed iti about the hcadu of two wAmen and nine children who were huddled there. The cottage was reduced to kindling wood and hurled on an embankment across n ent track. Articles of furniture were thrown for several hundred yards. X stove in the house was wrung and twisted. All occupants escaped. The home of H. P. Taylor, near the top of a steep hill several hun 5l) MILES d/Vtel In tbe Chrysler "50”, Walter P. Chrysler and his corps of engineers, studying the field of fine and low-priced Wirwa Umaa six-cylinder cars, strove to produce a four-cylinder Z?v/ JOQUT car which would unmistakably advertise its greater 1 vs rt ue by its greater performance, greater sturdiness Jj) to 25 MIIiES £fl In its 50-npiles plus per hour, sto 25 miles in 8 sec -Bonds, 25 miles to the gallon, they gave the public COMM sic something, immediate, something convinang, some 'LU¥l(4/3 , thing final and conclusive with which to measure Chrysler "50” against and a>ove anything around its *%;Jf t?C 7 class either in six pr four cylinders. J IVllJLlju t 0 t/0€ Chrysler "50” has been overwhelmingly accepted by // the public for what it was designed and built tp be Pctliotl _ —the giant of its class in Standardized Quality, out > O ! Tl standing performance, full family size, complete ap- # \\ StaQdin § aQd iodispuuble value. 11 \ Ml Coupe, Coach, 47$°; Roadster, (with rumble seat), f 795; Sedan, ll H\\ SB)