ASSOCIATED PRESS s DISPATCHES VOLUME XXVII Mississippi Overruns More Towns And Inundates More Land On Wild Dash To Sea MORE DEATHS ABE REPORTED IN AREA Indianola, Miss., and Ar kansas City and Marked Tree, Ark., Latest Town to Be Visited by Floods. RIVER RISING AT SOME POINTS Crest of Flood Is Moving Southward and Much of the Land Below New Or leans is Under Water. Memphis, April 25.—OP)—Follow ing somewhnt freakish courses, flood waters from the Mississippi and its tributaries overran more towns today in both Mississippi and Arkansas, rendering additional thousands home less. and adding to the already stag gering total of property damage. Oceasional reports of deaths filter ed through from the vast inundated territory, but careful cheeks of the list placed the known dead at a little more than 100 was the estimated death toll of approximately 300. Tndianola, in Mississippi, and Ar kansas City and Mark Tree in Arkan sas. were the latest towns to be visit ed by the waters. Their combined population is about 0,000. but eaeh had a large quota of refugees and the encroachment of the flood waters had created a serious situation for the relief authorities to combat. The Mississippi town which is about 25 miles east of Greenville. was over-1 run with flood waters rushing down from the yawning crevasse in the levee at Spotts Landing, which caused the flooding of the rich delta lands. The flood water is moving on to Vicksburg at a rapid rate, and tb« engineers reporting today that it was approaching Rolling Fork, 43 miles mmtk of Green vide. A number of plantations and villages were flooded overnight, but it was assumed that the inhabitants had beetled the urgent warning sent them yesterday by of ficials to flee the levees. Waters from the Rig Lake district were descending upon Marked Tree, but little alarm was felt there, as ob servers said the flood would not become deep enough to stop automobile traffic. I South of Now Orleans a vast terri tory was being flooded by waters rush-' ing through a break in the levee at Junior Plantation, caused by the steamer Inspector ramming the dyke. Evacuation of a section about 30 square miles was under way. Backwaters in northern Louisiana also were spreading, forcing malty of the inhabitants of that section to high ground, or nearby cities and towns which it appeared would be safe from the floods. . j Levees along the Mississippi were holding well today except that weak spots were developed around Helena, Ark., and abdve Vicksburg. Large forces of men were at work strength ening them, and the engineers were hopeful that they would hold. While these reports of new and po tential disaster areas were coming to the engineers’ office here, rapid steps were being taken for extending the relief work throughout the more than 9.000 square miles of flooded terri tory. Arriving here from Washington as the personal representative of Presi-! dent Coolidge Secretary Hoover and Major General Jadwin, chief of the army engineers, went Into conference with Henry M. Baker, director-of Red Crofts flood relief, to outline a pro gram of relief. Later, the Commerce Secretary, Gen. Jadwin and James L. Pieser, acting National Chairman of the Red Cross, left for Vicksburg on the steamer Er Chisca, so make a per sonal survey of (he situation in that area. The crest of the flood was moving slowly down the river today from Memphis, the weather bureau an nouncing that the river above this city would fall indefinitely trith slow ly falliug stages here by Wednesday, j At Helena the river will rise, the weather bureau said, reaching a stage of 50.8 feet to 57 feet by Wednesday if the levees hold. This is the high-* est stage on record. _ •! Announcement was also made that, there were indications of a stage! of 31 to 32 feet on the St. Francis lake lock guage, and 20 to 21 feet at the Marked Tree guage by the middle or end of the week. These too would he record figures. Hoover Reaches Memphis. Memphis, Tenn., April 25. —(A 1 )— Secretary Commerce Herbert Hoov er arrived here at 7:35 this morning as President Coolidge's personal rep resentative in the direction of relief work for the flood stricken Mississippi valley. The secretary was accompanied by Major General Jadwin, chief of the army engineers corps, and James L. Fieser, acting national chairman of the Red Cross. Mr. Hoover planned to go into con ference with representatives of the Red Cross, government officials and local relief workers, to nrrange a pro gram for relief work. Tentative plans called for a per- The Concord Daily Tribune North Carolina*s Leading Small City Daily flood fund: The local chapter 6f the Red Cross is collecting a fund to be forwarded to be used in the aid of the flood victims in to he used for the aid of the flood victims in the Mississippi Valley and anyone desifiqg to contribute to the fund may send it to L. D. Colttane, Sr., at the Concord National Bank. The National Chapter of Red Cross has stated that the quota for Cabarrus County is SI,OOO, and the contri bytions received will he acknowledged through The- Con cord Daily Tribune. The following had been received up to noon today: Cabarrus County Chapter of Red Cross $150.00 Mrs. Elizabeth C. Jones 5.00 R. E. Jones - 5,00 L. T. Hartsell 10.00 G. B. Lewis 10.00 J. A. Kennett 5.00 W. L. Burns 5.00 C. W. Swink 10,00 Mrs. C. A. Cannon 50.00 C. A. Cannon 50.00 Mrs. J. P. Allison 10.00 Total $310.00 Minn I survey of the flooded areas. The trip would be made by boat down the Mississippi. The secretary would be accompanied by General Jadwin and probably Mr. Fieser. A. P. MEETING Voting Privileges to Re Investigated by Special Committee Named at the Meeting. Neew York, April 25. —(A*)—Mem- bers of the Associated Press at their annual meeting today unanimously ! adopted a resolution for appointment of a special committee of six mem bers to investigate and reporl on the situation in regard to outstanding bonds of the Associated Press carry ing voting privileges, and to review the subject of protest rigbtN. The committe is to report to the board of directors not later than the next annual meeting. -Tbe resolution was drafted after a eonfereuce of a committee of the board and the proxy committee, and wns presented by J. R. Knowland, of Oak land, Calif., representing the board, and was seconded by John Francis Heylan, of San Francisco, represent ing proxy committee, both of whom spoke for the adoption of the resolu- I tion. A unanimous vote carried the reso lution and Frank B. Noyes, president of the Associated Press, appointed the following as members of the special committee to consider in all its as pects the bond and proxy questions: Robert Ewing, New Orleans, State; Robert McLean, Philadelphia, Pa., Bulletin; John Francis Neylen, San Francisco. Calif-' Frank B. Noyes, Wmishingtou Star; Adolph S. Ochs, Ne.w York Times; Arthur H. Vander berg. Grand Rapids. Mich., Herald. Winston-Salem Girl Sets Jumping Re cord. Winston-Salem, April 22. —Clara Styer, 13-year-old freshman of the Richard J. Reynolds high school, broke the American collegiate record for the standing broad jump when she jumped eight sett, five inches, bettering the record held 'by the New Jersey Nor mal school by 1 1-t inches. The re cord is not official, however, as it was done in an inter-class meet. She is said to have broken the record a nnmiber of times in .practices. THE STOCK MARKET Reported by Fenner & Deans .(Quotations at 1:45 P. M.) Atchison 181 American Tobacco B. 125% American 147% American Locomotive , 110 Atlantic Coast Line lBl ARied Chemical 130% American Tel. & Tel. 163% American Can 45% Aliia Chalmers 102% Baldwin Locomotive 183% Baltimore & Ohio 117 Bangor 71 Bethlehem Steel 50% Chesapeake A lOhio 168 Onca-Cola 107 DuPont 238% Dodge Bros. 18% Erie 53% 1 Frisco - - 113% General Motors 2 180% General Electric 05% Great Northern 87% Gulf State Steel 52% Gold Dust 53% Hudson 1 73 Int. Tel 135% Kennecott Copper 64% Liggett & Myers B ... 100% Mack Truck lOB% Mo.-Paeifie - 50 Norfolk & Western 180 New York Central 147% Pan. American Pet. B. 57% Rock Island 06% R. J. Reynolds l2l Stand. Oil of N. J. -2 36% Southern Railway 124% Studebaker 53% Tobacco Products 'OB% U. S. Steel ITO U. S. Steel, New 122% Vick Chemical 54% Weatilnghouse 73% Western Maryland 36% Chrysler ™_' 42 CHARLOTTE VOTERS TO NAME OFFICERS TODAY Will Nominate Candidates to Partici pate in General Election May 3rd. Charlotte, April 25. —)—Charlotte voters today went to the polls to decide which of fourteen candidates for, city offices should be ballotted for in the city election on May 3rd. They today were selecting on a non-partisan basis the two candidates most favored for each office, and who will battle it Out in the next two weeks. Miss Julia Alexander and F. M. Redd are certain to he candidates for mayor, as there are only the two of fering for this place. There are five candidates for commissioner of pub lic safety, and three for commissioner of public works. There are only four candidates for two places on the school board, and all will be on the ticket May 3rd. • y"' ■ ■ n’Q' ■». isAWfL With Our Advertisers. Marvel Paint and Rug Cleaner for house cleaning saves labor because it cleans with little rubbing. Sold by the Ritchie Hardware Co. Snappy styles in Spring Oxfords and Pumps at the Richmond-Flowe Co. New styles coming in daily. You will be at the head of the style ladder if you get your hats at Hoover’s Light weight felts $5 to $8: straws $2.50 to $7. Boyd W. Cox is attending photog raphers convention so studio will be closed until Thursday. Good fortune becomes a fact when you open a bank account and start regular deposits at the Citizens Bank and Trust Company. Kitchen cabinets save steps for the housekeeper. They are convenient, clean and roomy. Latest models sold by the Bell-Harris Furniture Co. Efird's is offering unusual bargains in the Wash Goods Department. Read new ad. today for price particulars. Wrorough iron fern stands for $1.85 at the H. B. Wilkinson store Wednes day. These stands are 42 inches high with 11-inch copper basin. Only five of the stands to be sold. Special (prices on coats and dresses at the Gray Shop. Dresses at $lO for special sale. No. 3 can Red Rilpe Tomatoes for 14 cents at the J. & H. Cash Store. Don't forget Mother’s Day. You can find appropriate cards at the Kidd-Frix Co. Also appropriate graduation cards. Juniors’ modish frocks at $14.75 at the J. C. Penny Co. Lates in design and colors. Bolero effects, jacket ef fects and two-piece styles. Mrs. Me Vickers' Estate Sues South ern For $30,000. Charlotte, April 23. —A civil ac tion for $30,000 for the death or Mrs. Lillian McVioker* at, a grade crossing on the Charlotte-Concord road last October has beeu started against the iSouthern railroad by the administrator of Mrs. McVickers es tnte. The suit alleges that the young woman was killed as a result' of negligence on the part of the rail road. Robert Fesperman, Charlotte fireman, driver of the ear, also was killed when the machine crashed into a standing freight train. The road is being sued for $50,000 for his death. Heavy' Frost Visits Rutherford County. Rutherfordton, April 23—A heavy frost did much damage to gardens and truck crops last night in Ruther ford county, especially the western part. A prominent Chimney Rock farmer was in town early this morn ing and stated that he enme to town for more seed beans as he had a half acred killed by the frost. Frnit, strawberries,etc., suffered much dam age. It was the largest frost for the time of year known in this section in many years. The thermometer was around 35 degrees early this morn ing. Ice Was reported in some places. It is said to be practically im possible for anyone to play golf regularly in England for less ’than $lO6 a year, hnt in Scotland i the | vest of the game is much leas. CONCORD, N. C p MONDAY, APRIL 25, 1927 These women nnd children, vi« ims of the disastrous Mississippi floods, are dependent upon the generosity ol fellow Americans for food and hoi sing. Red Cross is aiding them with funds sent from over the country. YOl can help. Photo at left shows pert ans living in a box-car at Laconia Circle. Ark., right, women and children hov ering around a relief truck at Hicjfnan, Ky. Send your contributions to L. I). Coltrane, at National Bank. Will State Health Board Be Satisfied Without Real Inquiry? The Tribune Bureau Sir Walter Hotel By J. C. BAKKERVILL Raleigh. April 2q.—ls the State board of health really going to bt investigated as a result of graft charges brought against it, or is if going to be satisfied • with the thill coat of whitewash applied when tlif attorney general receutly reported that there was nothing upon which an iu teagslZnc~***i.*i If the board of health, the State Medical Society and many laymen who fed that the.hoard should either be given n dean bill of health or that the charges should be substantiated have anything to say about it. a titorough investigation will be con ducted and carried through to the bit ter end, letting the chips fall where 1 they may. This wns indicated when the house of delegntes of the State Medical Society, meeting in Durham this week, almost unanimously adopt ed a resolution presented by I)r. W. S. Rankin, former state health officer and until this week a member of the State board of health, insisting that an investigation be made, since until the charges made are either proved or disproved, the board of health will re main under a cloud of doubt in the minds of many people. In fact, the fact that this resolu tion, coming from a man who has been closely identified with the work of the State board of health for sixteen years and who until this week has been an integral part in all its ac tivities, received such whole-hearted endorsement from the Medical Society, would indicate that in its collective capacity it felt that only a fainting and gasping effort had been made to find the "basis for an investigation” and that the report of the attorney general to the governor to this effect was little more than n thinly veiled attempt to refrain from stepping on some one’s toes. That this same position has been held continuously nnd consistently by Dr. C. O’H. Laughinghouse, state henltli officer, is well known. Ever since the charges of graft were voiced in the legislature in its closing days THE STOCK MARKET Highly Irregular Price Movements Ushered in the New Week. New York, April 25.— ) —Highly irregular price movements ushered in the new week in the stock market, with industrials tending downward and rails pointing upward. Initial losses of a point or so were recorded by General Electric. Baldwin, Inter national Nickel, New York Central and Pathe with Maryland Oil and R. C. LEE’S 3 VP-TO-DATE RIDING Q DECIDES FOR WHITE PEOPLE ONLY Opening Tuesday, April 26th CONCORD, N. C. AUSPICES AMERICAN LEGION \ • Clean Outdoor Amusement That You Will' Enjoy. Remember, We Will Take Care of the Kidies ENOUGH SAID by Senator Rivers Johnson and Dr. J. It. Wright, who incidentally is a member of the board of health, the State health officer has iterated and reiterated that in his opinion the men who made the charges of graft against the board should submit these charges,! under oath, in a formal investigation by the attorney general and substan tiate them under oath, or else admit under oath that they are unable to sqtwtautuua their charges , and ..suitv, that wlmt they had said had been based on nothing more than idle gos sip. in other words, it is felt that those who made the charges should either prove them conclusively or pub licly admit that they had been mis taken. And so far this has not been done. True, the attorney general reported to the governor that neither Senator Johnson nor Dr. Wright had volun teered to give him any of the charges made or any proof of the charges. But neither have either of these men in any public- manner volunteered the information that they were mistaken. Thus the board of health and the State Medical Society feel that the necessary steps should be taken to adduce these facts'by means of a formal investiga tion. » i Hence it is that pressure is being brought to bear from almost every side so that matters will not be left as they are. and to the end that the in vestigation. already directed by' the governor, be carried through to its ultimate conclusion. The sentiment that this be done is all the more in sistent because of the fact that Dr. Wright is a member of the board of health, and that because of this the assumption is that since dirty linen is Usually washed in its own household before being hung up in a public place, that the board consequently had de clined to undertake an investigation within itself before Dr. Wright made his charges before the legislature. Thus it i« that those who have been following the inner trend of the situation are. eagerly watching to sec w T hat the next move, which is now up to the attorney general, will be. Phillips Petrol sinking to new low rec ords. Delaware and Hudson opened 1% higher at 207%, the highest price since, 1!M)7. and Union Pacific, Frisco common. Chesapeake & Ohio and sev eral others improved fractionally. Jesse Sweet ser, who won the British amateur golf championship last year, has announced that he will not return to England this sum mer to defend his title. THE COTTON MARKET Opened Firm at Advance of 18 to 21 Points. All Months Making Big Ad vances. New York, April 25.— (A 1 )—The cot ton market opened firm today at an advance of IS to 21 points, all months making now high ground for the move ment. Tlie demand was promoted by a sharp advance in Liverpool which some of the local traders considered an indication that Europe was becom ing alarmed over the Mississippi val ley situation. Trading was very active during the first hour. July sold up to 15.42 and December to 15.01, net The price of March went through the 16-cent level advancing to 1(!.12. The higher prices attracted a great deal of realizing, but nervousness over the coming crop outlook seemed to bring in a broadening demand from commission house sources and prices held within 2 or 3 points of the best in the early trading. Private cables reported trade calling and general buy ing on the flood news. Cotton futures opened firm: May 15.15; July 15.38; Oct. 15.67: Dec. ’15.88; Jan. 15.93. LUTHER LEAGUE WILL MEET AT SALISBURY National Organization Will Hold Con vention In That City July 2-5. Hickory, April 23. —Preliminary plans for the 17th biennial convention of the Luther League of America, which meets in Salisbury July 2-5, were announced as virtually complete here today -by Miss Rose Sox, chair man of the convention arrangements committee for North Carolina. Hotel reservations for the national meeting of the Lutheran young iieole’s society have 'been coining in since December, it was said, and officials are predicting at least l.tKKi out of state visitors. A special train has been chartered to 'bring delegates from the north, while many are expected from as far west as California and 'Nebraska. A post convention expedi tion to Mt. Mitchell has been planned and will attract as number to see the “famous top of Easter America,” according to Miss Sox. An leaborate exhibit showing the scope of foreign mission activities and lectures by 'prominent church lenders will feature the program of the con vention proper, it was announced. Rev, A. .T. Traver, Rev. R. J. Wolf, and Miss Brenda Lehlhouse, all of Phila delphia, will be among the oustanding speakers. All sessions of the national meeting will be held in the new St. John’s Lutheran church in Salisbury, recently completed at at cost of $250,- 000. J. L. Norris, of Boone, and Miss Aibbie Peeler, of Salisbury are assist ing Miss Sox. of Hickory, in arrang ing for the entertainment, of the visitors by the North Carolina Lu ther leagues. The coming meeting is said to be the first national con vention of the Luther league ever held in the South. The smallest estimate of the num ber of people who p’.ay lawn tennis in Great Britain is 22500,000. and this number is rapidly increasing. City Tax Notice All property on which 1026 Taxes have- not been paid will be advertised and sold after May Ist, 1927. Also all 1917 street asessments that expired December let, 1926, on the following Rtreets: South Union, East Corbin, North Church, Franklin Avenue, North and South Spring, Buffalo, Mc- Gill and North Kerr. CHAS. N. FIELD. City Tax Collector. PRESIDENT WILL ADDRESS EDITORS IN new york nr* Washington. April 2,5 President Coolidge lefj,-' for New York, whey' er an address to**'' j#ot ing of the Unt\ associa tions. The Presidentia party included Mrs. Coolidge, Edward T. Clark, personal secretary of the Presi dent: Col. S. A. Cheney, and Caps. Wilson Brown, m-ilitar.v and naval aides, and Major James F. Coupal, the president’s physician. 10 to 25 CALLS DAILY GRIST ON NEW YORK-LONDON LINE Trans-Oreanlc Telephone Service Set tles Down to Normal Basis. By JAMES L. KILGALLEN (International News Service Staff Correspondent) New York, April 25.—Trans-oeeanic telephone service has settled down to a normal, routine basis which is grad ually being developed, an official of the American Telephone and Tele graph Company said today. New York to London calls are be ing made at the rate of from ten to twenty-five each day. Other zone points, such as Kansas City. New Orleans. Minneapolis. San Francisco and Cleveland are doing a "normal” although not heavy busi ness. No longer are "curiosity calls" be ing put through. The calls now be ing made have to do with actual busi ness or are social in nature. A daily business between cotton ex changes in New Orleans and Birming ham, Eng., is being done in "satis factory volume.” The telephoue people are striving to eliminate static and report progress in this direction. Os course a great deal depends upon the atmospheric conditions on the day the call is put in. Officials of the company were re luctant to discuss the possibility of any immediate decrease iu rates, say ing they are concentrating their at tention on improving the service. The present rate from New York to Lon don is $75 for three minutes and $25 for each additional minute. West ward in the United States the price mounts in $3 steps until the Pacific Coast is reached where tiie rate is SB7 for the first three minutes and $29 for each additional minute. With the spring travel season on there has been a noticeable increase in calls from this country to ports such as Southampton and Liverpool. The service was inaugurated on January XIU, tips year, aptj. egaphed. stable basis about the first of April. Recently one hour was added to the daily service period between New Y'ork and London. Heretofore calls between New Y’ork and London had been made between 8:30 a. m. and 1 p. m. On April 10th the service was started at. 7:30. closing at 1 o’clock. The company is also working hard to develop commercial possibilities for Television, "seeing over the telephone,” a demonstration of which was made not long ago when persons in New York saw an talked with persons in Washington. Officials of tiie company say that the first commercial use to which Television will be put probably will be the broadcasting of prize fights. It is believed that some time in the future it will be practical to exhibit, for example, in a Chicago or Ban Francisco theatre or hall, a champion ship fight as it takes place in New Y’ork. There is. however, the possibility that inauguration of such a service might result in legal difficulties as in some cases transmission of the fight pictures over the telephone might vio late interstate laws with reference to the traffic in fight films. The work of development of Tele vision is largely under the direction of I)r. Herbert E. Ives. There is some talk of the company ultimately establishing “television stations” in a few leading cities of the country, and gradually extending the list. Dr. Ives said the company thought there must be "plenty of pedple willing to pay for the privilege of seeing the person they talk to,” and that the general reason behind the television research now under way was the cor poration’s policy “of doing everything possible to further communication be tween the people." WAREN SCHNEIDER IS FIRST WITNESS CALLED First to Take Stand in the Snyder— Gray Murder Trial. New York. April 25.—UP)—War ren Schneider, brother of the r. Neail described the Snyder home in detail as he found it on March 20th, after the murder was discovered. •T. A. Goodman has returned from Atlanta, where he attended a meetiag of the Southern Gas Associa tion. The earliest woman’s newspaper was “The Ladies’ Mercury,” published in England in 1693. —— THE TRIBUNE J PRINTS TODAY’S NEWS TOD/tH NO. 9Q|| RESIDENT NOYESI SCRIBES rail OF NEWS AGENCY Tells Members of the Ayauj ciated Press Somethin of Early Struggles ofnft Now Famous Agencj^H NO PROFIT IS j MADE BY A, fl This Was Thing Fouiultijjfl Had to Fight Harafl But Plan Won and Aafl cy Has Had Big Gr Beginning with the first -’tnWfO in 1850. thti speaker traced tory of cooperative news down to 1893 when the final took place betweeen a former eawtCfft organization, then called The J Dress, which was proprietary and meroial in character, mid the old weals ' ern Associated Dress whieh ytyjgjN tual and not profit making, nnd YfoMtij that year was reorganized uneaker wgjgH on to say : 'And how does this apptijfij to the press association business? JmEI as any other strictly newspaper motion applies to the press asseftfl tion business—the same—only tmgSH so’.” ’l|| Mr. Noyes here interjected Associated Dress is founded on a tally different basis. Fortunat«dj®M' said, no reporter of the A«sociat#H Dress can write to suit the' poiftt view of that organization, “for 'it no point of view of its owtv-au# fjSjl intelligence could define a eomfMfeMH point of view of its members.”, In oousiderable detail Dr. Noye* scribed the activities of Mr. Stow* building up an independent world wide news, including the ing of contracts with the leading Worij|l agencies. He described also luettKHnS of financing the new orgaotalnfH through a guaranty fund and *Jc#ii|i sessment plan. Next the fight was carried tO'lflH East and Mr. Noyes told of the sading ilone by his associates and JlfttMl self at a time when there was greattej intensity of feeling in uew*pap«i|iflH Victor F. Lawson, of Chicago, and MW Stone devoted all of their time to jejiflW ing new converts to the cause operative news gathering, worki#®! said Mr. Noyes, as they never woalfl have worked for any private interest of their own. Continuing, Mr. NoyeSi said: “Each new convert secured in turn a crusader himself and it:tw no uncommon oecurrenee fdr twet#H or fifteen busy newspapermen. aside their work to try mass sion on some other newspaper .uitoß who had not yet decided in our fa von Day by day. month by month, verngibSi - Please Turn to rage Thrdi'j| I «fw I r\ I I - I: 1§ Fair tonight. Tuesday lurreitjflH cloudiness, rising temperature.