ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCHES VOLUME XXVII Scores of Deaths Reported As Result Os Tornadoes In West; Property Damage to Run High TEXAS TOWNS ARE THE HARDEST HIT Seven Persons Reported in Garland, Texas, With Many Deaths Re ported in Other Towns. MISSOURI ALSO FELT TORNADOES Six Reported Killed at El don, One Is Known Dead at St. Louis and Five Re ported Killed Elsewhere. (By the Associated Press))' At leaßt fifty persons were killed, more than 100 injured, mid property damaged beyond $2,000,000 by torna does and high winds that lashed the west and middle west over the week end. Death lists were expected to increase momentarily as additional re ports are received. Texas was hardest .hit, with 25 deaths reported at Garland and Ne vada, both within 35 miles of Dallas. Early today in Mirrouri the tornado toll reached 14 dead. In Kansas, where the tornado swept four counties Saturday -night, ten were reported dead. In lown a woman was drowned when her motor car was swept into a ditch daring a heavy rain and wind storm. Garland, Texas, May o.—(49—Sev en persons were reported killed and a score or more injured by a tornado which razed part of the residence sec tion of this town of about 2,000 per sons early today. Two hours after the storm four bodies had been re covered. and fourteen injured had been sent in ambulances to Dallas. The identified dead were: Monroe Todd, Mr and Mrs. C. O. Smiley rtnd a Mrs. Nicholson. Belief' workers said several other newtons were mißsiug. Most of the victims were trapped in their beds ns the storm struck between 3 and 4 o’clock this morning. Among the two score or more seriously injured, were the four children of the Smileys. Thundershowers and high winds fol lowed the twister. Only a small por tion of the residential district was rased. A few small houses were lift ed bodily for a block or more, and more than a dozen were demolished. Six Reported Dead at Eldon, Texas. Jefferson City, Mo., May 9. —(4 s )— John Hankln, of Eldon, which was struck by a tornado last night, ar rived here today and said at least six persons were killed by the storm. Rankin said the twister struck the west section of tbe town and demol ished everything in its path. He said he spent most of the night in first aid work, and helped carry at least a dozen persons from demolished build ings. Red Cross Advised of Casualties. St. Louis, May 9.—(49—Eleven persons were killed at Garland, in Dallas county, Texas, and sixteen at Nevada, in Collins county, Texas, by tornadoes, according to telegrams re ceived by Red Cross mid-western head quarters here from chapter represen tatives. J. E. Gibson, chairman of the Col lins county chapter, telegraphed that fifty to eighty persons were injured at Nevada, three-fourths of the resi dences, and nine-tenths of the busi ness buildings were destroyed, and property damage was estimated at be tween $500,0(10 and SBOO,OOO. Heven Killed at Nevada, Texas. Dallas, Texas, May 9.—Seven per sons were killed at Nevada, in Collins county, .Texas, and fifteen injured by a tornado early today, say reports from Plauo, about twenty miles west of there. Five More Deaths Reported. Fulton, Mo., May 9—(49—Five persons are reported to have been killed and a number seriously injtrred in a tornado last night at Auxvasse, New Bloomfield and Kerriugton, towns near here. At New Bloomfield, Rufus Phillips was killed and his daughter, Della, was seriously -injured. Miss Clay al so was reported killed. 1 John W. Sameson, about 70, former assessor of Calloway couuty., was killed near Kerrington. Near Auxvasse, Mrs. R. E. Biggs was killed and her son, Thomas) was injured. Mr. Biggs escaped injury. A farm hand on the Biggs place is reported missing. A child named Culver also was reported killed. A number of persons was seriously in jured. i' Telephone wires were blown down and communication disrupted. One Killed at St. Louis. St. Louis. May 9.—£49—Charles Williams, 40 years old, a negro, was killed, Annie Edmunds, 29, a negro, seriously injured, and considerable property damage was caused by a heavy wind storm which struck St. Louis early today. Numerous threes were blown down and window glass shattered. ’ V's, 1 ■ • The Concord Daily Tribune - North Carolina’s Leading Small City Daily Waters, Affected By High Winds, Cause More Damage New Orleans, May 9.—(4*)—High winds which spot waves knawing at the earthen embankments protecting south central Isiuisiann from the Miss issippi, today increased the hazard against which an army of men was lighting along a far flung levee front. Hundreds of men guarded the em bankments. and the slightest -indica tion of weakness brought reinforce ments on the double quick to carry sandbags into position and rear pro tecting abutments. A, sand boil de veloped on the levy on the east side of Baton Rouge, but quick work avert <<l danger of a break. While the high winds increased the peril along the main Mississippi front SEEK TO BREAK WILL OF JUDGE GEO. H. BROWN Suit Involving Estate of Half Million Starts at Washington Today. Washington, N. C., May 9.—State wide interest is being .manifested in the effort of relatives of the late Judge George H. Brown, for many years one of the outstanding members of the legal profession in North Coro lonin, to set aside the will which the judge made about two months before his death, on March 16, 1926, and in | which, he left his entire estate, valued at approximately half a million dollars, to his wife, Mrs. Laura E. Brown. The case comes up at the May term of Superior court, which convenes here oil Monday, Judge Frank A. Daniels, presiding. Judge Brown for 14 yenrs was a judge on the Superior court bench and at the end of that time was elevated to the Nortli Carolina Supreme court. He was an active meitfber of that judiciary body for more than 15 years, at which time he retired. When Mrs. Brown, as excutrix, of fered the will for probate, a caveat was filed 'by relatives of the judge. Among these were two sisters and severnl nieces and nephewH, Mrs. Minnie E. Shepherd, of Raleigh; Mrs. Murtha B. Crabtree, of Goldsboro; A. D. Mnc lyean, of- Maxton ; Rhv. Sylyester ; H. Mac Lean, of Charlotte; J. Dixon Mnc lieatr, of Red Springs; Rev. John AHeli Mac Lean, of Richmond, Va.; Arthur Mayo, of Washington ; Thomas and Sylvester Sparrow, of Gastonia; Evans and George Sparrow, of Char lotte; Minnie S. Keyes, of New York; Robert I). Groom, Jr., of Maxton, and Mattie Browh Baldwin, of Maxton. Davidson is After Eight Months Sshool. May 7. —Two confer ences between the board of education and citizens of Thomaeville, Abbott* Crpck and Midway township have failed to definitely solve the proposed school consolidation that would pro vide eight months’ school for all the pupils m>t now ijj consolidated areas on the northern side of the Southern Railway. which divides Davidson county almost in half. However, de finite proposals lipve been made and Dt\ J. H. Highsmith, State high school inspector, will come here May 11 and take a tour over the territory with Superintendent Hasty and members of the county board of edu cation Three present consolidations and four districts not now in consolidat ed area, one of them the largest six months’ school remaining in the county, arc concerned in the matter. Midway, Wallburg and Fair Grove consolidated districts all desire por tions of the territory. THE STOCK MARKET Reported by Fenner & Beane (Quotations at 1:30 P. M.) American Tobacco B : 131% American Smelting : 350% American Locomotive 111 I Atlantic Coast Line 182% ■ Allied Chemical 139 I American Tel. & Tel. 165% American Can .' 49 Allis Chalmers . 109 Baldwin Locomotive 189 Baltimore & Ohio * 123% Bangor 93 Bethlehem Steel : 51% Chesapeake & Ohio 176% Coca-Cola 107 DuPont 245% Dodge Byos. 21% Erie . 55% Frisco 115% General Motors —, 196% General Eleptric 08% Grent Northern 89% Gulf State teel 53 Gold Dust 53 Hudson , 82 Int. Tel 135% Kennecott Copper 64% Liggett & Myers B 102% Mack Truck 115% Missouri-Pacific 54% Norfolk A Western 181% New York Central S 150% Pan American Pet B _t 58% Rock Island 101% R. J. Reynolds 122% Stand. Oil of N. J. 37 Southern Railway 126% Studebaker ; 64% Texas Co. 40% Tobacco Products 100% U. S. Steel ; 109 U. S. Steel. New 121% Vick Chemical ‘ 57% Wcstinghouse 73 Western Md. 37% I Chrysler - 44% danger of a break was not believed imminent. Above Uatou Rouge, along the Bayou Glaisses, where the levees are encountering the crest of the in land lakes pushing down from the breaks in the embankments along the Mississippi and, a break was declared inevitable. The crest of the flood had been lost by observing experts. Apparently, they said, it was somewhere in the surging sea which covers northeast I-ouisiunn. The river at Baton Rouge remains stationary, although a rise of .1 foot was shown at Donnldsonville between Baton Rouge and New Or leans. SEES SMITH AS BOON TO SOUTH Paul Green Says Election of New York Governor Would Liberate “Solid South.’’ 1 New York. May 9—.“ One of the best things that could happen to the South would be the nomination of AI Smith," Paul Green , 32-year-old auth or of the Pulitzer prize-winning play, “In Abraham's Bosom,’’ snid "I be lieve Smith’s nomination, with the end less arguments and difference that would follow, would 'break up once for all the old loyalties of the ‘solid south’ —political, religious and social—and set the vigorous new south free to come Into its own." Mr. Green spent part of his Pulitzer prize money last Friday to come from the I'liiversity of North Carolina, where he is assistant professor of philosophy, and see his play. “The Field God," which has been running three weeks’at the Provincetown play house and moves up, town to the Cort theater Monday. He will return to his classes at Chapel Hill Monday. The young playwright who started j life ns a Nurth Carolina farm boy and taught school before he could go to college has abiding faith in his part of the United States. "The old windjammers and windbags have had tlieir day,” he said" today.'' “the south is changing and changing fast. The groups of independent think ing and reading southerners, who don't feel that their first duty is to he good democrncts and Episcopalians, are growing bigger ever day. More books are ibeing sold and read Minn ever be fore. In fact, the south is the great book mnrket of the near future l be lieve. “And ns-a source of art, the south has got about everything, it seems to me. Once it wakes up, with its varied life and industries and its highly di versified population, it may well be come an inexhaustible spring of literature and art.” Mr. Green has not the slightest wish to live in New York, he says, and intends to stick to the south for a long time to come. He also intends to stick to a job of some sbrt, no matter wliat financial success mny come to him. “If I ever give up teaching, I'll probably go to farming,” he said. “People who do nothing but ‘practice their art’ all the time are apt to get long-haired and queer.” Mrs. Green accompanied the play wright oil his flying visit. They have two children, a boy and a girt Mr. Green was graduated from the Uni versity of North Caroliun in 1921, his education having been interrupted two I years by the war. Darnell’s Sentence Reduced. Raleigh, May 9.—The commutation was for Zeb V. Darnell, of Mecklen burg county, serving a term of four to five years for manslaughter, and reducing it to n minimum of two years and a maximum of five yeurs on the j county roads. The commutation was ! strongly urged by Judge James L. | Webb, the trial judge, nine of the ' jurors who tried, the case, the solicitor and many citizens in Mecklenburg county. In commenting in this case, the governor said: “Investigation shows that Darnell had not been a bad man prior to the time of this trouble and except for the fact that he went on the witness stand and by reason of his honesty and integrity in making a statement of the facts, it would have been dif ficult to have convicted him.” This commutation will leave only a few more months for Darnell to serve.' A village of 152 inhabitants hither to unknown has been discovered in the mountains of northern Japan by census takers. The inhabitants do not speak modern Japanese. PROPERTY LISTED FOR TAXES AS OF MAY 1 The tax listers are now ready to list property for taxes, and all persons are required to, list property as of May ,1, accord-r ing to May Ist, according to the Courtty Tax Supervisor. Penalties will be exacted by the j collector from all who fail to 1 comply with the law in this re gard, it is stated. & CONCORD, N. C., MONDAY, MAY 9, 1927 Enormity of Health and Sanitation Problem in Mississippi Flood Areas -' Tribune Bureau ,s' Sir Walter Hotel. Raleigh? ylnyfi.—The enormity of the henjgiil'niiri sanitation problem-in the ■flood-torn nreas ill Arkansas. Missis sippi iind Louisiana, and the size of the rehabilitation problem after the waters have receded, is graphically 1 given in a letter to the State Board !of Health from W. H. Weir, Assist- Innt Sanitary Engineer of the Board, land one of the seven men loaned the 'Flood Belief Organization by the State I Board of Health. Weir is stationed lin northeastern Arkansas, Dr. H. A. 'Taylor has been assigned to duty iii ■'the levee district in the southeastern part of Arkansas, while Dr. .1. S. Uar j ley has been sent to the western part jof. Arkansas. ' Word being received indicates that the Arkansns State Health Depart; ment Is sorely in need of additional help of all kinds—-physicians, sanitary ! engineers and snnitary inspectors be !ing the most immediate need. Condi tions are daily growing more and more acute, the situation in Arkansas being (more serious from n health and sani i tary viewpoint, than in the other two 'states. Conferences are being held between Arkansas State Healt officer and the Governor looking toward the adoption of a plan to divide the state up into districts, according to health problems and administrative officers nnd sani tary engineers assigned to these Weir advises, nnd a better system than now being used is expected to be evolved. “The local state sanitary euginer ing organization is, as far as I can ascertain, only one man, and fhere are little or no comity health organizations in the affected areas,” Weir continues in his letter. “The problem is large from both an engineering and medical standpoint. Immunization of thous ands of refugees 'both in concentration enmps and in villages or small groups, together with the mass of rural popu lation, offers the big, medical problem. “Sanitary engineering problems take almost endless forms. Refugee cnuip sanitation, water supplies and Hewer CALL IN OUTSTANDING I SECOND LIBERTY LOAN ; Treasury Will Use Every Device to Notify Holders of $1,700,000,000 of j Call. Washington, May 9—Using one of,, tlie greatest publicity machines ever j adopted by a government agency, the treasury will call the $1,700,900,000 1 outstanding of the second liberty loam These bonds, representing the balance of the original issue of $3,807,865,000, will be paid on November 15th. the tenth anniversary of their issuance, nnd will not bear interest after that date. Notice of the call will be advertised in every American language daily, weekly and semi-weekly newspaper, and placards will be placed in every post office and all banks nnd trust companies. Radio will be used by the treasury department for the first time Tuesday when Assistant Secretary Dewey will broadcast announcement of the call through a hook-up of station as far west as Kansas City. A similar broadcast will be made from San Francisco. Secretary Mellon explained that in view of the intensive drive during the war to get the bonijs into as many hands as possible, the treasury feels under obligation to inform every bond holder that his bond will cease to bear interest after the November date. The call does not mean that the bonds will be paid at the present. Both the second liberty loan 4 per cent and the second liberties convert ed 4 1-4 per cent are called and it was regarded by Mr. Mellon ns “quite probable” that prior to November 15th. the trensury will offer an op portunity to exhange the bonds for other government securities. If cash is desired the holder should present, the bonds after October 15th. The im portance of spreading word of the call over the entire nation was emphasized at the treasury, where it was pointed out that there-still are in the hands of their holders approximately $30,- 000,000 in government securities on which the interest has ceased. Os the original issue of the second liberty loan, bonds aggregating $750,- 361.000 have been redeemed and sl,- 360,166,150 were refunded this year into 3 1-2 per cent treasury notes. A total of 34.739,175 bonds were deliv- ered to owners. These bonde would weigh 222 tons, a statistically-minded treasury official calculated, nnd “if spread out would cover almost exactly one square mile of the earth’s surface.” There are now outstanding 3,624,416 bonds. Since they were issued, interest ac crued and payable to May 15th will he $1,327,006,885 representing issue nnd payment of over 7,750,000 interest cheeks and redemption of more than 130.000.000 interest coupons. < The weak man is apt to 'be restless; the great man always tranquil. HOLIDAY NOTICE TUESDAY, MAY 10TH CONFEDERATE MEMORIAL DAY, ! Being a Legal Holiday in the State of North Carolina, ■ \ the Banks of Concord will not be open for business. ! [ / CONCORD NATIONAL BANK I \ CABARRUS SAVINGS BANK CITIZENS BANK AND TRUST COMPANY iii¥¥¥Mnimnnr>twvvyMvvvw«wvwwvvvvvwwvwvvvv age systems for many inundated towns land villages, nnd their rehabilitation; jdis-jxwnl of animal carcasses by the I thousands as the water recedes, pro- I tection of the people from sewerage J vegetables now going to mnrket; in spection of milk supplies and an al most indefinite list of other engineer ing nnd health administration prob lems. v “All of this work must be bgun •at once while the nreas are covered with from three to 30 feet of water." Weir continued. “On our trip today from Memphis to Little Hock, our .train often travelled over tracks that were covered with flood waters. Arens in the southern section of the state l Arkansns) are tinder much deeper water and we must make our first trips to see these in hydroplanes. Biologies (Typhoid nnd other serums) are dropped from plnnes and distribut er! iby boats. “The first efforts nlong.pnblic health lines are necessarily emergency relief measures to prevent outbreaks of 'disease with the receding waters. Permanent measures will have to be , a port of the gneral rehabilitation program which will require a long : period of time, and many millions of contributed dollars. Dr. McMullen, director of flood relief work for the j Bed Cross at Memphis together with I the Arkansas Health Officers, have 1 both commended North Carolina for j being first state to offer the resources jof its Board of Henlth, both supplies nnd personnel, ns well as the work I which the seven men already sent are doing. Dr. McMullen has notified the Board here that if conditions keep on ■getting more serious, he will probably have to ask for still more men from .North Carolina. Dr. Laughinghonse, State- Health .Officer, has already announced that he will be glad to hear from any physi cians or others who are in position to volunteer their services for flood relief work, nnd that he will at once put them in touch with relief headquarters (for assignment to duty. The Red j Cross will pay all transportation and living expenses. URGE P. & N. EXTENSION. Business Men Tell Commerce Com mission Line Has Done Great Ser vice. 1 Washington, May 9. Business man along the Piedmont and North ern railway are urging the interstate commerce commission to grant the company permission to continue its lines north and south. Many letters have been received sayina the 'jJSftA |ms Hone a"great service ’(« th<fc"ferrf tory through which it passes. The Union Storage and Warehouse company hns sent in a very enthu siastic endorsement of the interurban line, saying that it is largely re sponsible for the industrial develop ment of the section about Charlotte. Other concern are equally as en thusiastic for the new extension pro gram. THE STOCK MARKET. Several Factors Contributed To Demonstration of Strength in Mar ket Today. New Y'ork, May 9. —(49—Continued easy money, satisfactory trade news, favorable dividend expectations and heavy investment buying all contribut ed to a pronounced demonstration of strength in today's stock market. Gratification in banking circles over action of Secretary Mellon in calling for redemption of outstanding Libert.v 4 and 4 1-4 bonds, and prospects of further gold imports from France were oustanding influences in a more cheer ful sentiment. Closing was strong. Total sales approximated 2,000,000 shares. Gov. McLean Planning Vacation in Wisconsin. (By International News Service.) Raleigh, N. (’.. May 9.—CarolinaV summer executive mansion probably will be in the Wisconsin lake coun try. While no announcement has been made by Governor McLean yet. it is expected that he will again spend his vacation at his camp in Wisconsin, The Governor spent a month at I Lake-o-hakes last summer, passing I away the time by wood-cutting, it’s told around the capitol that the Gov ernor is no mean ax-slinger. Peach Crop Cut Short. (By International News Service) Raleigh, May 9.—Chances of North Carolina producing a bumper peach crop this summer were blasted in the latest report from the State-Federal crop reporting service. Estimates place the 1927 produc tion at approximately 2,500 carloads. These estimates were made from re ports by- 300 peach growers of the sandhill region and also a personal survey of the field. Unfavorable weather is the cause of the decrease in this year's yield, it was stated. The golden thread of love is never broken by its use. COUNSEL FOR GRAY DENIES DEFENDANT EVER HIT SNYDER William Millard Tells Jury Gray Was Lucky to Have Escaped Blows by Mrs. Ruth Snyder. WOMAN’SLAWYER TO SPEAK LATER Lawyer for Gray Tells Ju rors They Should Find Him Guilty of Nothing But Manslaughter. New Y’ork. Mny 9. —(4 s)—Summa tion of the case of Henry Judd Gray was completed today and that of the of Mrs. Ruth Snyder follows. YVilliam Millard, addressing the jury for Gray, asserted that Gray never struck Albert Snyder at ail, and that only luck nnved him from being felled by Mrs. Snyder. He asked for a manslaughter verdict. ' Mrs. Snyder was likened to a “pois onous serpent” who drew Gray into her glistening coils yo that he could not escape, in the attorney’s argu ments. Counsel for Gray also charged that Mrs. Snyder had planned to poison Gray on the same night her husband was killed. Only Gray's steady drink ing of whiskey, the lawyer snid, saved him. Attorney Millard, for Gray, told the jury that “Gray struck at Snyder but missed him.” He added that “the blows that stunned Snyder were all delivered b.v a woman, Mrs. Ruth Snyder.” Mrs. Snyder’s attorneys moved for a mistrial during Gray’s lawyer's ar gument. but was overruled. When he started his summation, he devoted most of his time to assailing Gray's elaim that Mrs. Snyder domi nated him. The defense summations were elosed after approximately four hours. Court then adjourned until this 'afternoon, when the district attorney was sched uled to begin. With Our Advertisers. You get the good Goodyear service «free at the Yorke --A YVadswortU Co. This will often mean dollars to you. Your choice of any coat in the Gray Shop for only sl4. Many are worth twice this price. Your choice of sport coats now only $7. These are excel lent values, and ■ you had better buy them quick. See ad. Tennis rackets, balls, covers, nets, etc., at the Ritchie Hardware Co. They Will restring your old racket. See ad. in this paper. Rogers brushing lacquer, paints nnd varnishes at she Yorke & YVadsworth Co. Fibre furniture in the most allur ing colors now on display at the Bell & Harris Furniture Co. The Boyd W. Cox Studio has just received shipment of swing frames, all sizes. Vivette powder, perfume and cream at Cline’s 'Pharmacy. One of each for only $2.00; value $2.60. The summer suits at W. A. Over cash’s are selling fast. Several new patterns on display today. See the line of Dorothy Perkins toilet goods at the Pearl Drug Co. New line of shirts at Hoover's, from $1.50 to $4.00. Straw hats, new neckwear, silk and cool union suits too. One big table of ladies’ patent strap nnd blonde kid shoes at Efird's. On ly $1.05. Several other bargains just j as good from $2.45 to $5.95. See ad. for description. From May 10 to 25 the Concord nnd Kannapolis Gas Co. will install a No. 25 Ruud in your home for S2O. Terms $2 down and $1 monthly. If you ltnve no boiler, they will install a 30 gallon tank. No. 25 Ruud and necessary pipes for $55. Terms $2.00 down and $3.00 monthly. ntra-Violet light is now employed with marked benefit to keep monkeys, reptiles and other zoo animals in good health. CAN YOU SCORE { TEN ON THESE? j QUESTIONS 1 — Who fired the first shot in the American Civil War? 2 Who commanded the opposing forces ? 3 What American warship mnde a record-breaking voyage at the outbrenk of the Spanish-Ameriean war? 4 Why was a Republican governor of New York refused a renomination in 1898? 5 Who served as vice president during both of the Wilson adminis trations? 6 -What is the most effective way of getting rid of things you don’t want and oc acquiring the things you would like to have? 7 Name four southern border states which did not secede from the Urtion. \ i B — When did the first ironclad war | ship go into action? i 9 — What ia the factor in retail i business without which success is im | possible? t i 10 — What American city is located [ near the meeting point of four states? i (Answered 1 ou Page Seven) Definite Reports Fronfl§l Daring Airmen Lackingfl During Mor**’ g Hours! Flood i Concord Contributions. . Previously acknowledged.... $2,032.02 Mrs. Jno. A. Scott 5.00 Popular Tent t'liurch ...... 0.26 •Mr. and Mrs. ltidenliour. Jr. .. 10.00 I>. C. Bonds 5.00 Bethel School 14.00 -Nature Study Club 5.00 Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Barhardt Sr. 25.00 W. M. McEachern 2.00 Mary Virginia Hagler 1.00 Jno. W. Cook 1.00 (let). 1., Brown 5.00 1). IV. Moose 5.00 H. B. Emerson 5.00 Mill drove M. P. Church 6.40 Midland Community 56.00 Concord Total $2,156.02 Kannapolis Contributions Previously acknowledged .... $512.00 Mt. Plensant Contributions Previously acknowledged .... f 102.00 Jackson Training School Previously acknowledged .... $56.00 Junior Red Cross of City Schools Previously acknowledged SIOO.OO Grand Total $2,926.17 THE COTTON MARKET Opened Easy Today at Decline of 8 to 17 Points, But Rallied 8 to 10 Points Later. New York, May 9. —C4 3 )—The cot ton market opened easy today at a de cline of 8 to 17 points in response to easier Diverjiool cables, rather a bet ter weather map than expended and a tendency to reduce estimates of the cotton area flooded in the Mississippi River States. Active months sold 18 to 20 Points net lower shortly after the opening. July easing off to 15.66 and December to 16.11, but there were reports of heavy rains in some parts of the southwest, which caused ral lies of 8 to 10 points before the end of the first hour. At midday, however, prices had worked off to 15.62 for July and 16.08 for December, file midday market showing net declines of about 20 to 24 points. Cotton futures opened easy: May 15.61; July 15.78; Oct. 16.02; Dec. 16.20; Jan. 16.22. Assault With Ptetol Oner Trifling Matter. Charlotte, May 7.—Thomas. Tur ner, cotton mill employee, of Bel mont. is in a local hospital with bul let wounds in the neck and chest and George Hooker, tilling station pro prietor, is being held without bond pending the outcome of Turner's in juries as the result of a shooting al leged to have started over a gas bill. Hooker was charged with assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill. Roy Hooker, brother of George and a brother of the wounded man were af rested and released under bond. While arguing whether a gas bill had been paid, it tvas said, George Hooker shot Turner three times, the bullets taking effect in the back of his head and chest. Turner is expected to recover un less there nre complications, hospital authorities announced. Life Term For Trying to Pick a Pocket. Buffalo. May 6.—For attempting to pick tlje pocket of a man on a street car Charles Sta.uer. 50, of this city, was sentenced to life im prisonment by Supreme Court Jus tice Thomas H. Noonan today. Stau ! her had a previous record of felony convictions which made the life term mandatory. “For twenty-eight out of the fifty vears you have lived yon have been in trouble." Justice Noonan told Stnuber. “You’ve been in various prisons. You’ve been in hospitals for drug cures. You’re sentenced to Auburn prison for .the rest of your natural life.” Out to Kill the Joy of Sucking the Thumb. Des Moines. May 9.—Thumb suck ing is a vice in children and should be prevented Dr. Wesley C, Darby told the lowa dental convention. Sinus trouble, so prevalent nowadays can be traced to this habit, he said. “The gmns and jaws are thrown out of their natural position, causing nrotruding teeth.” Dr. Darby said. “The sinus is drawn down and nar rows the nasal breathing aperture, thus making the children mouth breathers.” Another Report. Havre. France. May 0. — (/P) —The French Steamship Line announced this afternoon that it had received ad vices that Captain T T ungesser,s’ trane- Atlnntic plane passed Halifax. N. S„ between 2 and 3 p. m„ French time, which would be between 8 and 0 a. m„ eastern standard time. NOTICE! City Privilege Licenses are due May Ist, 1927, to May Ist, 1928. Call and get your license plates for private automobiles and trucks, automobiles, trucks and drays for hire. CHAS. N. FIELD, 6-3 t-. City. Tax Collector. THE TRIBUNB I f PRINTS TODAY’S NEWS TODATfJg NO. 10j§ I ride Reaches of Atlantic Still Hold W&taJ in Their Grasp or Failure of Flight J| j variousreports j I GIVEN OF FLIGriH New York Times CdnHij spondent at Sydney* !*, § S., Says Airman There During Mornijjiifll (By the Associated Press))l|f| ■ The Nungesser plane. White BhHH was sighted off Cape Race, H Foundlnml. at 10 o'clock this ing. said a brief message X (lav by tile New York Timex frwp correspondent at Sydney, Novt .ttH| tia. Should this report prove rate and the daring aviators, uH 9 tains Nungesser and Ooli, sucoesxfyjfjgi I pursue the remaining thousand of their course over the misty .AtlaiitStti M they should reach the goal of Paris to -Yew York flight aboift. ■ o'clock tonight, daylight time, i Earlier in the day a report reedhMjEK by tlic French Cable <’ompany 9 that the radio operator at St. 9 Miquelon, had received word thst U§P S plane had been sighted ovef Foundland. This report lacked; m|Hl Urination. £» Havas Agency in New vised the home office in 1 they had a definite report froagpjH 9 Pierre that the plane had bean 1 over the island at 8:15 o'eloCfcwf.Srhe 9 French capital promptly staged'#«(| 1 ebration. Later a St. I patch received in New York stated (m|| 1 airplane had not been sighted the island up to 9 o’clock daylight time this morning. c ■ Tlie broad reaches of the Atlantic still hold within theif the success or failure of the ftigifgxH Reported off Capo Race, the have yet about a thousand miles o£?J9 sea to traverse in adverse conditions. “19 The weather off New r FoinullawJH was clear this morning, but off tt> southeast the daring pioneers of air were winging their way •■#&* ■(a.JB lowering gasoline supply, and fariugyd mist and rain with low visibility pkrtfflfi will try every hit of courage can summon. -,9 Aviators at Mitchell Field said. that » under the weather conditions now’ oWS tabling, if Captain Nungesser COUmPB make a landing ill New York He would 9 have performed a miracle even than that of crossing the Search lights were turned on iftasM9H the day at Mitchell Field to aid the X flyers. a Evidence of the distressing fiyinclß weather in and about New Yorli wj|9 had when Commander Francesca |||£9 I’inedo, the Italian flyer, was down in the heavy fog in lams M*s|B land sound in his flight to Philadelpia 9 from Boston. 9 If the White Bird was off OaMfl Race, her course naturally across Cape Canso. Nova Scotia. then skirting the shore linc'Ngf Scotia past Cape Sable. Tl{e avijgtjjß tors then would head the Whife. BjMg9 for Boston and New York. • *',jj M 9 I mini lies at noon at the Radio poration. ami independent companies, and the steamship cons|Bi panics with vessels at the response that no word from the White Bird. "WM Another Report. Nungesser in the White sighted passing Cape Race o'clock this morning. || telegram which the New York says it has received from it*. spondent at Sydney, N. S. The J'iintjß's says its Sydney correspondent wmowMj ed that the Marconi station at Bay informed him a wireless moWjBBl from a French liner off the j New Foundland stated it had the French plane. 'a Not Seen at St. Pierre. fl I St. Pierre, May 9.—GP)—The NniSfl gesser plane had not been from here up to 9a. m. today, _sS| ;j Reported at New I New York, May 9.—(A>)—TbaSSHB York bureau of the Havas Agency b&sjj advised its bendquarterx in Pari»|9 France, that S. I’ierre Miquelon has jj a reiHirt that the airplane White BihlCa was seen over New Foundland at Ijiß o'clock Atlantic time, this ..... Nothing Definite. j New York, May 9. — (A I )—A lepMjjß® received here this morning by mm I French Cable Co., that the plane had ben sighted by the WeafUßJ,j Union over New Foundland faildSgjl i confirmation from every was not credited. Inquires were at various radio stations, and WesteNH Union officials said they were to verify tlie reports. S New York, May 9.—CJP)—Thirflß c'glit hours after Captains NutniMH' and Coli hopped off from the ftrixM field near Paris in their atteoaS fly to this city, no substantial. advmKt have come from any sotirei’ as whereabouts. J , i. probably local showers Tuesday isß| west portion; somewhat waMKI night in extreme north portion* -J

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