PAGE TWO ■ BUSINESS LOCALS — f pfcl Insertion, 1 cent per word for I' eiiHSubsequent insertion. Mini ’ 7 FOIWf CAPS - 8 MpTSle—Eight Room House Close ■Hit jW North Union street, two nice if homer- on South Union. six room HgjlliHiae on East Depot street, lot 200 K“ feet* front, new five room house on p Saifiti Charles street beautiful lo- HHHISff. Two nice homes on Dou f gtes Aveinte. large lots. Six room g fSoufce Oil corner of McGill and Ann HHMKii, Modern home on South street, 8 4-room liouses on P- GoH street, with beautiful lot 120 x 150'feet S9OO, a real bargain. Also P|l|idiE dozen cheap liouses. four build fe ing.elots on Meadow street, one Ce | P lonfj Several good farms at har ts gaijn including small farms and ■jplifat lots on National Highway, || 8 lia house close in on North r Uiljpp street for rent. Jno. K. I’at- K, tergon & Co., Agents. 25-3 t-p. I €h»Wg Out. Store Fixtures For | sale* . > few mid-summer hats cheap. I . Mies 'Brachen. 25-2 t-p. I iept —3 Rooms For Light Hotise || keeping. Water and lights. Also | one"i*oom furnished, close in. Phono 87 E. Depot St. '.O: Ar Carter Is Now Running Shop run by It. C'. Overcasb. He s is prepared to do dressing and rip ping lumber, wood work, blacksmith and' jobing. Shop rear D. P. Cov | Sngton Candy Shop. Concord. 19-7 t-p. SCOTTIA SEMINARY FINALS BE GIVEN JfEBNESDAY, JUNE 1 Kl' 2 . ” Fiftj-Seventh Annua? Com- r s nsencement of Colored Fffesbyterian Setoinary to Be Held Morning June I. 1* " i K. v: Th? 57th annual commencementl exercises of Scotia Seminary will be] J bold June Ist at the Westminster, Presbyterian church. West Depot y Street? beginning at 10 a. in. A splen did pjogi'um has been arranged for % the gsaduation service, f. The program, in full, follows: ! Processional. JJ Invocation. k; Chorus: Roses Everywhere. Penza. Essoy:' Education in the 20th Cen tury. Lottie Meachem. | EssTty: The Old North State. Inez : JJeVape. §r Chta-iis: The Call of Summer. For man. * iKEMpy: Training For Citizenship, Beatrice Click jp Esiny : Railroads in America’s De- | velopment, Alice Johnson. \ Chffriis: Pale Moon. Logan. Esijpy: The Individual in Race Progress. Lossie DeVane. | ' Esshy : The Value of an Education, 3iabu| Belton. ; Chferus: Merry June. Vincent. I I Week End Specials lIgIDAY PEW SPRING DRESSES ill |Big ? ot Rayon and Silk Dresses in plain jlji I For R«nt—Bed Room. Gentleman /preferred. 59 West Depot street. 26-3 t-x. It Looking for Bargain in Sewing machine see me or phone 872 or 350 W. H. D. Carpenter. 26-4 t-p. FuH FMfontd Knitters Desiring In formation about work write imme diately, stating, age, experience, and machines operated. G. E. Hay es, East Durham P. 0., Durham, N. C. 25-3 t-p. A Paying Proposition Open to Rep resentative of character. Take or d&s shoes hosiery direct to wearer. Goo# income. Permanent. Write now. "Parmers Shoe ifcfg. Co., 4*il -5 C St., Boston. Mass. 25-2 t-p. Young Lady Desires Position as Book-. keeper, stenographer or steno-book keeper at ouee. Call phone 509 J. 25-4 t-p. For Rem—Newly Renovated Eight room house on Georgia avenue. Rea sonable rates to desirable party. Phone 345. 25-2 t-p. j Ladies Wanted—To Make Arrange- j ments to be present at the big 2, for sl6 dress sale Friday and Satur- j dav at the Gray Shop, 22 South Un ion St. 24-4 t-p. For Sale—Second-hand House. Lum- j ber and bricks. See J. IV. Tarlton. 24-3 t-p. For Rent—Rooms on Second Floor, j 197 N. Church St., furnished or un- 1 furnished. Call 31Y. 21-6 t-p. j Punctures Fixed on Short Notice. Cars washed by experienced washer. 1 Phone calls answered and served. Tell us your wants. That good gulf gas and Supreme Motor Oil. City Filling Station, West Corbin St., Boyd H. Carpenter, Mgr. Phone 750. Real Service. 5-19-27 t-p. SPECIAL TERM OF CIVIL COURT WILL BE HELD IN JUNEj List of Jurors Who Will Be! Summoned For Duty.— j Judge Clayton Moore to j Preside at Term. I A special term of civil court will J be held in Cabarrus county beginning | (Monday. June 20tli. it was announced I 1 today. Judge Clayton Moore will preside at the s|K*cial term and the following ( men will be summoned to serve as I jurors: D. Mcic.hor. W. L. Burrage, Eu gene Morgan, John A. Slither. W. O. Ritchie. W. 0. Raymer. Coy M. Dry, It. D. Joyner, W. D. Ritchie, S. SbirjTr, V. Walter. W. C. Flowers. Guy C. Miller. C. S. Sides. N. J. Ov ercash. J. L. Alexander. It. C, Crook- I and C. O. Earnhardt. The civil docket for Cabarrus is | said to be very congested and it is | thought the special term will clear it great extent, re presentation of Diplomas Benediction. Piano Duett: March Hongroise. Gounod; Friedham Foster, Lillian Aneruni. members of cast SCORE SUCCESS IN CLASS PLAY GIVEN “The Charm School” Is Very Entertaining Play and Ev ery Member of Cast Acted His or Her Part Well. Members of the graduating class of the Concord High School who were in the east of the senior play given last evening scored a great success and presented a play that did not have a dull moment in R and which was greatly enjoyed by a large number of liersons. Members of the cast were good and went through their parts like veteran performer!. The audience, which com fortably filled the auditorium, loudly applauded the-characters for the man . ner in which they pi-eseuted their parts. Following the performance of the play, members of the east were loud in their praise of Miss Margaret Virginia Ervin, w/io had directed them and . had given considerable time to coaching the cast. With all the students acting their parts in a very able manner it was j hard for the audience to pick those I outstanding. Miss Mary Cannon, as Miss Curtis, the secretary of a girls' I school, was unusually good in her part ! and responded to a curtain call. Archie i Cannon, as Austin Revnus, who had I inherited the girls’ school and had his own very unique ideas of how it should be operated, wits' also unusually good. Miss Julia Rowan, taking the part of Elisa Benedotti. president of the seni or class of the school, acted her part I unusually well in playing Opposite to | Archie Cannon. | The play was a well written one with lines which often threw the au i dience into laughter. Hilly Mabrey and Jack White, in the parts of Jim and Tim Bitnpkins. twins, had some very clever lines and put them over in a line manner. In addition to those mentioned above the following students were in the east: Chalmers White, Fred Hunter, Hiram Caton. Jr., Miss Nett Fleming Harris. Misses Askius Ivey. Mary Orchnrd Roger, Millieent Ward. Mary j Lee Peck . Carrie Mae Griffin and j Margaret Corzine. The following committees were of II assistance in staging the play : stage committee. Misses Elizabeth Smith and Rebecca Dayvault. of the school sac- I ulty. and Misses Virginia Reed and Frances Howard and John Brown: I advertising committee. Eugene Hoover ] and finance committee Miss Helen Dayvault and Eugene Hoover. I Approximately SIBO was taken ill as admissions at the doors. Tht j money will be used to purchase a back drop for the school stage .which will j be presented to the school as a gift of l lie graduating class. ROTARIANS HEAR MILLER AT MEET HELD AT HOTEL jA Very Interesting Talk Is Made to Members of Club by Cabarrus County Ac countant. John L. Miller, Cabarrus county ac countant and tax supervisor, made a very interesting and instructive ad dress to members of the Concord Ro tary Club at the regulur weekly luncheon meeting of the club held Wednesday at Hotel Concord. Mr. Miller spoke of the work of the- list takers ami assessors Who will place a valuation upon property in the county. He urged members of , the club and other citizens of the eoun -1 ty to co-operate with the men as they seek a proper valuation of property for taxation. "The iitw requires that assessors . value property as of May Ist and the list taker and assessor is required to get an actual value of property and ( list it at such u value for taxation," Mr. Miller said. . In speaking of the work to be done Mr. Miller said: "The intent and pur pose of the tax law of the state is to have all property and subjects of : taxation assessed at a true and actual value in money in such manner us such property and subjects are usually sold, but not by forced sale thereof. ; and the words ’market value or true value’ wherever in the tax laws shall be held and deemed to mean what [ the property and subjects would bring ; at cash sale when sold as sueli ip'oper j ty and subjects are usually sold." "Work is now in progress," Mr. Miller said. "and. when completed. , will enable us to show actual frontage ] of property on both sides of North and South Union street. We will ulso be able to show the number of , houses and the total number of rooms in each house.” Practically every cent of the money that, is paid in as county taxes is used in the county, he suid. "The money goes back to tile citizens of the county, and none of it goes to the State. There is a tax of sl.lO on every SIOO and the money is used as follows: 55 cents goes to schools. 25 cento to roads. 15 cents to interest and sinking fund, and 15 cento for ull county purposes. The last named 15 cents is used as follows: for the welfare department, for the farm agent, the home demonstration agent, the upkeep of the county home with 60 inmates, the taking cure of poor and indigent persons not in the coun ty home, repairs on all county prop erty and grounds, and the sulury of the sheriff, treasurer and accountant of tho county. “The value placed on the comity property as of May Ist this year will stand for four years unless improve ments of .over ,thc value of SIOO are made or there is a loss from fire, wind, etc., of more than SIOO value,’’ he said. W r e are never a great way from hating those we envy. Let us there fore guard against the danger and greed of,an envious mind. I Cheerfulness is an amulet bringing {happiness and contentment to itis {wearer. ■ THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE - LIST OF PRIZES IN ESSAY EVENT IS GIVEN TODAY —_ * Several Cash Prizes As WcU as Valuable Gifts Will Be Awarded? Winners in E - Homes Essay Contest. The list of prizes which will be in warded winners in the essay contest iu connection with the observance oif Better Homes Week in Concord, wag given out for publication today by Miss Ophelia Barker, Cabarrus home demonstration agent. The prizes include: A set of books, donated by Kidd-Frix & Co., for the best essay on "The Influence of Good. Books and Good Music in the Home Cash prize of SB.OO by Citizens Bank & Trust Co., for best essay on “ The Necessity of a Household Budget and How to Plan It.” In group one or the individuals un der twenty years of age submitting essays on the subjects suggested, the following awards yfrill be made: First prize. $3 second prize. $2: third prize sl. The Cabarrus Savings Bank and the Concord National Bank contriattt ed these cash prizes. In group two or the individuals over twenty years og age submitting essays, prizes, ns given below, will be awarded to winners: First prize, bed spread; .donated by Hartsell Mills; second prize, a dozen towels; donated by Luther Brown of the Cannon Mills, Kannapolis: third prize, pair of silk hose; given by Hoover Hosiery Cnd get l.rder one of ■ Bdk " all 7 to $4.95 MEN’S FURNISHINGS FOR HOT WEATHER %J 48c AND 69c Big Counter Men’s Dress White, Fancy and Stripes | 75c a, " i SI.OO (/IJA Values on this tabic up Big Counter Men’s Work Va,MS U " 10c 15c 19c ; ' H I ■■mtf Ims iliimir m' I ~ v " r '-' L -- — 11 ' j* ■■ . -j ?*■■-".. . nsiNmirn ROGERS BRUSHING LACQUER 8 Us® only Genuine Rogers Brushing Lacquer for j | B all kinds of decorative work. Porch furniture, any- 11 g thing that needs a coat of paint, 34 different colors ! ' o to select from. Dries in five minutes, oldest on the ] ! 2 market, no experimenting when you use genuine 1 5 Rogers. Every can absolutely guaranteed or your ' jb money back. - | ; Yorke & Wadsworth Co. THE OLD RELIABLE j ; | A Good Start. - sos a Boy A BANK aecoutjt started ih early youth ' gives valuable training in thrift and Business experience. A small weekly allowance will- enable your boy to havte a growing bank ac count of Ms own with the benefit of cbmpwtmd interelt. *2) tpoUts rtitty bi rriHefk hi amouuts of $1 or more. I and CoMpafly utwrtmmn—in I7| 1111 ,I „ I Jl! Thursday, May 26, 1927