May 26, 192? KANNAPOLIS DEPARTMENT \ ' (By JAMES L. MOORE) KANNAPOLIS BASEBALL CLUB I HEADY FOR FIRST PRACTICE THIS AFTERNOON AT FIELD j Towciers Unable to Remain Idle Un til Mcnilay and Begin Warming Up Today.—Every Man in Can*) and Hectic Times Expected Among As-; ph-ants.—Ralph O’Connor, Former! Greenville Spinner and Salisbury 1 Colonial Signs for Trial at Third Rase. Kannapolis. May 26.—With the! opening game just one week off and interest among fandom steamed up to the boiling point and then some, Boh- i bing Bob Kirke and .his championship ' Towelers will be in uniform this as-1 ternoon at Cabarrus field for the first I workout of the season. Lord of local basebali, Edd E. Lady hail planned to launch the training spasm on Monday of next week but when Bob Kirke poked his noble nose into Toweler town, saw, heard and confabbed with the prexy a decision to wait no long er was effected and everything was ■fßltrlared ready to ramble. T Wires were tapped far and wide for the-flfteen or more candidates to pack their grips and board the lim ited for Kannapolis, ready for some pepper drill*. i r »! t| |g|g| ~ ' Hardly before Informing his aspir ants, Oscar Donaldson, a reliable re ceiver. cheeked in from Spartanburg, raked the cinders from iiix eyebrows, and said it'd take a mighty classy baekstopper to bump him off his pros pective berth.' Newberry, doped to be one of the lenders in local chunking, was expect ed to breeze into town this ifioming from Kinston, where he lias been hurling fair bull in the Virginia loop. Rube Wilson, who is looked upon to make or break the Toweler slab staff, dispatched glad tidings from his Ca barrus County farm that he was in capital shape and would be up this af ternoon with bells on. The cargo of ---.“elders that will trek out to Cabarrus park today will include Cooper, Albemarle boy, who will fight it out with Parker, Salisbury Colonial, for first base. Bob Kirke has second base clinched as has Rab bit Mottsinger at the short field. Mott capered at short and second base last year for the locals and Boss Kirk re gards him as second to none. Ralph O’Connor veteran of the Sally and Piedmont Leagues, is al most certain of the position at third bpse. although lie will confront oppo sition in Johnnie Murphy, Salisbury rookie and member of the MeKadden contingent of Texas, champion outfit of the Lone Star State last year. For tile outfield Kirke has lined up Whitlock, McLean, Irby and Lee. Whitlock has seen service with Sal isbury. biting at a lively clip anil fielding in satisfactory manner. Ho is a combination outfielder and in-, fielder. lie is bookeiKto take care of the rightfield unless the Ktring of lo cal boys who each season go 1 Out for a lrOTT''sno\v ’ii'fi'as’wMr iii Hltftijf, as in fielding. McLean returns from last year’s outfit, and if he shows improvement to correspond with that of last seas on lie will beat somebody out with fly ing colors. However, Mack is expect ed to be retained, regardless of his chances iu the garden, as a utility performer. He-managed the Towelers in years gone by and is bolirvd to be as gpod as any amateur or semi-pro hair player in North Carolina, bar ring none. Irby is in need of no introduction to baseball fans here or elsewhere in Turheeßa. Red is one of the smart est outfieldrs in the state and has fig ured prominently in several pennant fights in the Piedmont League, where lie was a star for five long years, be t ing manager at one time of the Win .ston-Balem Twins. Lee was one of the leading per formers of tlie local clan Inst year, and lie will be in the thick of the fight this summer for hatting honors. Besides jieitig an outfielder of considerable note, Lee can also fill the utility role, stepping into file breach If any iu fielder. catcher, or outfielder, happens to get hurt. TILDE THE TOILER TOO MUCH MONKEY BUSINESS FOR THE BUSS ftS: bgO Yfwwc '—sf fiosßE* T'Vake i’ you -sse- my (c?ooc> bye ' ——■ i~n I The catching 'end will be looked af ter by Oscar Donaldson, who will c<- I perience stiff competition in Miller, celebrated in collegiate circles, as a classy chap. Against Newberry and Wilson the prospective mound candidates will be j Guk Hartsoe, Mt. Holly pitcher who I rang up 20 wins in a row last yenjf, I and Parker, Cooleeinee youngster. | Newberry, Wilson and Parker are be ing counted upon to make the grade, j Since the rehabilitation of the Ca barrus Park lias not yet been complet ed the exhibition game billed to come i today against Davidson or Gibson ' Mills was cancelled. The opener, as i scheduled, will be staged here Friday | cf next week against Fayetteville, the i ' 192,5 champions. Newberry will be the choice for mound duty in this fray with Rube Wilson heaving 'em over on Saturday in the big dedication exercises. Watch out Concord! FOUR DEAD AND OTHERS HURT IN NORFOLK STORM Portsmouth Also Hard Hit. AIF Dead Are Negroes Except One White! Man. Norfolk, Va„ May 25.—Four per sons dead, six or eight more probab ly fatally injured and between 25 and 30 hurt in varying degrees was the toil of a 75 mile wind and thunderstorm that swept over Nor folk and Portsmouth this afternoon shortly before 4 o’clock. Richard Mc- Williams, of Portsmouth, was killed and upwards of 40 men, women and children injured when the right wing and press box of the Virginia league baseball park fell on the crowd. The other dead arc\ all negroes who were killed when the wind lift ed a section of a warehouse roof on the Norfolk water front, carried it 200 feet through the air and drop ped it on a gang of section hanas on the tracks of the Norfolk awl 'Western railway near Union station at the east end of Main street. Four i other negroes are expected to die. Commissioner Kenesaw Mountain ■ Landis, commissioner of baseball, ■ was in the ball park with officials of tlie Virginia league and city offi cials from Norfolk ami Portsmouth . When tlie Storm broke just before the game between Portsmouth and . Petersburg was scheduled to start. . | He, however, was in the left wing 1 1 ami was unharmed. • J Approximately 40 persons were •' treated at hospitals but a score or i j more of these suffered only stipCr : | tieinl injuries and were allowed to leave for their homes after reeeiv ing treatment. At Kings Daugmeis , hospital^:it was said an nnidefiiifiVd .man of'about 45 was expected fi> die. I Others reported In scrip us condition . there were J. 1). Rider, of West ._Hnven: J. J. Perkins of West Nor i felk and 11. W. Nolin, of (’fnimock. . At Pariah Memorial hospital where , seven victims of tic storm were ear . vied it iw-wd-H. <’. Everhart, ot Suffolk was in a serious ikiuditfon, . having received a crushed jaw, . broken arm and probably internal injuries. Two men taken to the naval hospital also were reported badly ’ hurt. Expect Big Crowd at Duke Finals. , (By International News Service) ' Durham, May 25 :—More than I',- i 000 ajjuinni and alumnae are expected - to return to Duke University here Tuesday, June 7th, for their animal i class reunions, it was stalisl today i b„v Richard E. Thigpen, alumni seerc - tary. Special reunions are being hold by ‘ tlie classes of ’77. 'S2. ’B7, 1)2. .'O7. ‘ and ’2O. John H. Small, Washing ton. D. 0., former congressman. is to • represent the class of ’77, while I)r. Fred Peacock, Winstofi-Salbhi, will | represent ’B7. A„fcw tish and game law id Ohio limits the number of minnows that may be purchased by an individual in one day to 100, and limits the number that dealers may have on 1 hand in one day. to 4,000. But who is going to count the minnows’' HERE’S WHAT WORLD FAMED AIRMAN SAID Lindy’s First Word* on Landing In Paris Wets: “I Am Charles Lind bergh.” Paris, May 25.—What were Lind bergh's first words ou landing at Le Bourfpt is a question being animated ly discussed in Paris. According to some, he said: I am. I have done it,” while others insist he said “Is this Paris?” But an eye witness declares he simply remarked : “I am Charles Lindbergh,” and this is confirmed by the flier him self. Stephens Lausanne, managing editor of the Matin, wanted to clear up the matter, so he afSked the aviator per sonally, ’’ls it trite that you said ‘I am Charles Lindbergh?” “Yes, that's what I said,” was the answer. “But why?" the editor arked. “I was afraid they might think I was somebody else,” Lindbergh re plied. “Ail the same,” M. Lauzaune ob serves “there were not so many iieople expected at lie Boiirget from across the Atlantic, but Lindbergh is an unaffected hero." * Fenner and Beane Cotton Letter. ! New Orleans, May 25. —Cotton re acted further today owing to disap pointment over weekly review of good weather bureau and prospects of good weather everywhere except in north west. The review while it contained many unfavorable features turned out to be better than expected and induc ed some long liquidation. Another factor was a private condition estimate which made conditions of crop a shade better than a year ago. Some heavy rains fell iii (lie north central sec tions and shfnters were reported in parts of the drouth sections of the east. No rain occurred in west Texas however and the forecast indicates' generally clear weather. High con dition estimates and small decreases jn acreage do not appear to be con sistent in view of the fact that prac tically till of the crop was planted before this date last year while now several million at-res cannot be planted in the v.est aecoiint drougth and at least 1 1-2 million acres of best lands in belt are under water in the Mis sissippi valley. Market may . react further but we belive declines will prove temporary. FENNER AND BEANE. Take just one day at a time and determine to make it unique in your whole life history for the light you can cast about you. WE ASK FOR YOUR IN SPECTION OF THE FOLLOWING USED CARS One Ford Coupe One Ford Roadster One Chevrolet Sedan One Buick Roadster One Studcbaker Sedan One Anderson Coupe Standard Buick Co* PHONE 993 THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE t YESTERDAY’S RESULTS I. .. ' r i ■ National. I’ittsburgfi, 2; Ciuiccati, 0. St. Louis, 8-4 ; Chicago, 5-8. Only games played. American. Detroit, 0; Cleveland, 9. Chicago, 5-1; St, Louis, 1 -Or Only games played. Southern. Chattanooga, 6; Atlanta, 1. j I Memphis, 8; New Orleans, 1. Little Rock. 3 ; Mobile,; 9. Nashville, 4; Birmingham, 3. -■ ’' Virginia. Kinston, 2;’Norfoljc, 2. (Seven in nings, called allow players to catch troinl. Others rallied out. International. Buffalo: 2; Syracuse, 5. Newifrk-lteading, rain. Only two scheduled. Piedmont. Winstob-Salenf, 6; Raleigh, 1. Durhairi-Salisbflry, rfiin. Rocky Mount, 2; High. Point, 9. • Pacific Coast. San Francisco, 4,: Seattle, 3. Sacrameutft', 7; Missions*. 8. Oakland, 4; Hollywood, 3, (13 in> uings). Los Angeles-I’ortland, rain. Sontji Atlantic. Greenville, 12; Columbia, 0. Asheville, 8; MaeOn,jl. Knoxville. 2-4; Augusta, 1-10. Charlotte, 12; Spartanburg. 3. Southeastern.' Columbus, t; St. Augustine, 2. Pensacola, 10; Jacksonville, 24. Selma,. 5 ; Savannah, 6. Montgomery, 7; Albany, 2. Western League. Omaha, 0; Oklahoma City, 3. Denver, 2; Wichita, 0. Dps Moinse, 3; Amarillo, 4. Lincoln, 1; Tulsa. 2. Texas League. Dallas. 3; San Antonio, 4. Shreveport. 6; Beaumont, 7. Fort Worth, 1: Waco, 7. Wichita- Fall's, 12; Houston, 14. American Association. , Toledo, 13; Louisville, 4. Indianapolis. (1: Columbus. 7. Minneapolis, 5; Milwaukee. 4. Kansas City. 10: St. Laul, 3. Threh-I League. [ Terre Haifte, 4; Quincy, 8, Danville, 4; Peoria. 1. Governor to Get*New- Car. The Tribune Bureau,-- J 0 Sir Waller Hots!. • Raleigh. May 20.—At last! Qfiv k envoi- McLean is really going to get I a new automobile! And it will hi' a ' brand new, snappy Cadillac, in the newest design, but the color has not yet been selected. It -vyill be with something akin to regret, however, that the Governor will say farewell to his present car, a Cadillac sedan which has been driv. en between 110.000 to 120,000 miles. It was purchased by the State for Governor Morrison, who drove it some 30,000 miles, the remainder of tile almost 100.000 miles having been put on it since Governor McLean took office. Virtually all these miles have been rolled up with Hugh, colored chauffeur to both Governors, at the wheel. Hugh is smiling broadly at the prospect of. a new car. Pittsburgh baseball fans arc. con -1 j fidcut that if the Pirates Can main tain their present pace they will beat out the Giants for the National la-ague lVeiinniit. Babe Until has played with oiny two major league clubs—the Boston Ift’d Sox and the New York Yankees. l igSEEN ApOUT ! New York—The gay metropolis now * has shock absorbers for plate glass j windows, hut they are not on Broad- ' way. On Eighth Avenue, where there is ‘ considerable blasting for subway ex cavation, Crossed sticks pressed against ' tlie windows are attached by wires (gem the intersection to edges of the ' glass to take up vibration. j New Yorkers who "go in" for futur istic entertainments sometimes profess -curiosity as to the inspiration of the ] artists who produce the glaringly col- 1 ofed canvasses or the musicians who ' compose the unfamiliar sounds of ul tra-modern symphonies. One New Yorker, at least, believes ’ she has an rfnswer. At the lower . end of GreCnWieli Avegue laborers are yvorking on the new subway. The ' toads are torn up, the streets are (boarded and the heavy derricks and drilling machines-make endless noise. 1 Two of the muses were represented at ' the scene Saturday. A bobbed haired girl in a smock was sitting at an ease? on the street a 1 short distance off, trying to get the 1 “subway of the future’’ in oils, while resting ngainst the frame of one of 1 the temporary crossings a young man 1 with an open pad, on which* music 1 eta ITs were lined, was marking notes. 1 Tinted candy Venn sc s have entered tuio competition with candy bride* i and grooms for places’ ,of honor on elaborate wedding cakes, * The ancient goddess of love is dis- i played in this sweet guise in tlie win- i •lows of an expensive confectionery •Shop, aiong with candy dogs, cats. • cupidx and automobiles labeled "just nianied.” . The police of one precinct are tak ing u leaf from Bre’h Rabbit and the Tar Baby, although the opportunity came uninvited. Anyone fodnd hr a certain neigh borhood with tar on his shoes is quite likely to be put in tlie colder without a chance to explain. The explana >tion is that two cops were clmshing a much wanted fugitive, who fled over ;i roof newly covered with tar. It fetared progress of the police, mid the fugitive escaped. TODAY’S EVENTS. Thursday, May 2», 1027. Today tlr- British people will pay tribute to Queen Mary, on tlie oc jJrasioii of her liOth birthday nn . Adversary. ~ The annual meeting of tlie Mid- States Conference oil Tuber culosis wjll open today at St Joseph. Slo. i San Frunc-sco is ;n lie the meeting wince today of the 139th session of jpßjp General Assembly of the Norta "■lef® VresbyToriaiis. ~ ' “ K,i>>g Victor Emmanuel will open the; Vfcrlri Congress on Agriculture in Home today, when seventy ’ na tions will be represented by dele gates. 'Today's .sessions of the National Foreign Trade Convention iu De troit will be featured by an address of "Secretary, of Commerce Hoover on tij£ subject of “American Foreign World Congress on Agriculture. Rome. May 2().—The Internation al Congress oil Agriculture, for which preparations liuvo been going for ward for more than a year, was formally opened in Romo today with an address by King Victor Em manuel'. Seventy countries have nont delegates to the congress, the ses sfofys of which wi l continue over ii period of ten days. Many distinguish ci| agricultural economists are on llie.qirograni. In 185(1 the great Epsom Derby wjis won by Ellington. Tlie horse’s ehajioes were so lightly esteemed that in Ids two-year-old days his owner allowed his coachman to ride ( him as a hack- DID YOU EVER STOP TO THINK *- .--n-- John D. Dun, editor of the 'foledo, , Ohio, Times, csays: v That the "Slow Club - ’ idea, launched recently in Philadelphia and in a few weeks time spread westward as far as Chicago, can be applied profitably to many other lines of activity, in cluding both business and pleasure. Gin, jazz and the "black bottom" are among those things that a new younger generation is including in a Category of cast-offs. So far. so good, but if this back to-grandina’s-day movement is going to encompass the counry; why not < make the list of “Thou shalt note” even more comprehensive. ■ Hetardation in the speed of living would not be such a bud idea for grown-ups to grab. In the tempestuous twenties the days remain twenty-four hours long. Only up much living Cun be crowded into that space. Increase in the speed of transpor tation and communication ; addition of many different varieties of available entertainment and last but not least, a bewildering national prohibition law. which has not been universally accepted, all have tended to substitute new ideas for old ideals. The human constitution, however, hasn't been altered much. Because we ' can cover more territory today in ev- i er.vthing we do, it does not follow 1 that more can be safely drawn from , 'physical reserves. i "Preserving the’ health by too strict , a regime lis a wearisome malady.” i wrote la Itochefoeauld in one of his ] maxims. But there is a happy medi- i um and ft lighter pressure oil the ac- 1 eelerntor of living which may in the , long run add to the genuine good that can be had from life, even in this fast moving age. CLUB STANDINGS. National. \V. T,. Pet. Pittsburgh 110 11 .045 New York 1!) 13 .504 Chicago 10 13 .504 St. Louis IS 13 .581 Philadelphia 15 15 .500 Brooklyn 15 22 .405 Boston 10 10 .385 Coneinnati 11 14 .314 American. I W. L. Pet. New York 22 11 .007 Chicago 22 15 .505 Philadelphia 17 10 .515 Washington 15 15 .500 St. Ijoijis 10 17 .488 Cleveland 10 10 .457 Detroit 15 18 .455 Boston 0 21 .300 Piedmont. W. 1,. l’ct. IJifJh Point 21 15 .583 Winston-Salem 20 10 .570 Raleigh 17 17 .500 Rocky Mount 10 18 .471 Salisbury 10 10 .457 Durham 15 20 .420 South Atlantic W. 1,. Pet. Charlotte 10 15 .550 Asheville 10 15 .550 Greenville -IS 15 ,545 Spartanburg 18 17 .514 Macon 17 18 .480 Augusta 10 17 .485 Knoxville 15 17 .400 Columbia /... 12 20 .375 Virginia. W. L. Pet. Richmond 20 14 .588 Portsmouth 20 14 .588 Wilson IS 17 .514 Kinston 10 18 .471 Norfolk 10 10 .457 Petersburg 13 21 .382 San Francisco is the latest cil.v to announce plans for a mammoth athletic stadium—a million-dollar structure with a seating capacity of 150,000. One-cent pieces were among the first coins minted by the United States. ANSWERS 1— Stephen A. Douglas, Lincoln's political rival, and one of his two Democratic competitors for the presi- 1 deney in 1860. 2 London. Tokio and Berlin. 3 John Bull and Uncle Saih. 4 A simpering, ladylike man who makes himself ridiculous. i 5 Monday—moon’s day. 6 Australia. 7 Canberra, midway between Syd ney and Melbourne. 8— Walter Burley Griffin. o—Joseph Smith, who declared he found the Rook of Mormon. w j 10—Virginia. As a rbsult of lavish expeadit urgs during the last few years, Belmont Park, home of the Westcheatmt .Rnc- . ing Association, is now on* .of the most beautiful racing plants in {he world. *si >. . »■' The grounds of the national Capitol in Washington contain twenty-two and one-half acres. -*■ '- '"‘"-J— l__ j. S OOOOOOOO °OOOOC©GGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOO I SPECIAL SALE OF | FOOTWEAR ;!; 20 to 25 per cent, reduction on all light 8 COLORED FOOTWEAR, IN FOUR GROUPS-*- I $1.95 $2.95 $3.95 $4.95 j!| They arc all late arrivals, STUNNING NEW iji STYLES. 'File last minute in fashions. Come and see. ; ;i| G. A. Moser Shoe Store t3o °oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ~ ~ ■========-«•--- ' Tv -Tr,y||) SELF-HANGING Vudor X • VENTILATING PORCH SHADES : BELL-HARRIS FURNITURE 09. he Store That Satisfies, and the Home of Beautiful *• b. . '-- i Furniture. • a-* | We sell Auto Supplies Do not wait until you get a long distance ffom home and become “stuck” to find out you need some automobile Look over your car today and see if you do net iiviuj something to equip it, then come to our store and get it. Our PRICES are LOW; our goods the BEST;>'«hl| X Our Hardware's BEST; it stands the TEST. j, Ritchie Hardware Oil PAGE SEVEN I This On e ? ' No' Charge. "What ■ w I j First Cannibal—'.'The Ol fever ' ' ''ifig 1 Second' Cannibal—"Btrvcs J ' rjgbt. .We warned him' not to eat that gras* widow.” . j ■ V Employer (sternly)—There arc „ fwo shiUmgis missing from my desk, 'and only you and I have a* lrfs. fWhat/.about it? N •** Office Boy—Well. sir. lets fpa* shilling each and say notHing übont it. - _ fill