PAGE EIGHT TIES IS THB SELLERS KLEAR FRONT CABINET ™LSetoHcrf-th. alll the 15 tunou, fcatores, include porceliron ovvcsod iwk giving half fin Dorcolima S»^to^ aCC ~ aUt ° ma^® Xtcnding shc **«“* almost hands and pans, etc. This is the greatest hhrr cotv Vans hitchsa sl.ooDowcPutsaSellersinYourHome Dishes and Groceries Free During This Sale Only. The Big' Sale is now on. Get your Sellers now, while the Free Goods last. 52 weeks to pay. Look for the Big Four .Page Circular in Colors. . ’ SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY Concord Furniture Co. . THE HOUSE OF QUALITY 1 SUGGESTS FOR GRADUATION Gifts Os Taste GET HER f Milanese Underwear A SMART HAT Pure Silk Hose 2 Piece Dress Smart Silk Scarfs Lace Collar Set Hand Made Handkerchiefs Hand Embroidered Towel Hand Made Gowns Silk Lingerie Milanese Silk Gown Silk Negligee Pure S : lk Slips Hand Made Lace Silk For Dress Linen Coat Suit Beaded Bag Silk Gloves Tailored Blouse Bridge Set v AND GET IT AT ROBIN SOM'S . ICE ICE ICE] BIG DISCOUNT IF YOU USE COUPON BOOKS A. B. POUNDS ICE COAL SERVICE I * ALEMITE LUBRICATION and CAR WASHING I. fr Let us grease your car with ALEMITE high pressure compress ti or and genuine Alemite solidified oil grease. Drain your crank case g f . and refill with QUAKER STATE MOTOR OIL, the highest grade oil in the world. \ SALES AND SERVICE g Dodge Brothers Motor Cars and Graham Trucks STUDEBAKER Ip AUTO SUPPLY & REPAIR CO. I PHONE 888 .Mi.,. iU Penny Advertisements Get the Results Onions |I.OO Pea. $1.25 Butter „ .25 Country Ham X Country Shoulder 2C Country Sides _ .20 Young Chickens „ .35 Hens .18 Irish Potatoes tiJSO ' >' ■«' Concord Daily Tribune TIMK OF CLOSING MAILS. The time of the closing of mails at the Concord Poetoffice is as follows: Northbound. 130—11:00 P. M. 30—10.00 A. M. 34 4:00 P. M. 38— 8:30 P. M. 30—11:00 P. M. Southbound. SO— 025A. M. 45 3:20 P. M. i 135 8.00 P. M. 20—11:00 P. M. 1 | RAILROAD SCHEDUI F.. j In Effect February 27. 1997. Northbound No. 40 To New York 9:2S P. M. No. 30 To Washington __2:l2 A. M. - No. 130 To Washington 5:05 A. M. No. 30 To New York 10:25 A. M. ! No. 34 To New York 4:43 P M. No. 12 To Richmond 7:09 P. M. No. 32 To N.ew York »:03 P. M. Sountbound / No. 45 To Charlotte 3:36 IVM. No. 35 To New Orleans 9:58 P.M. No. 29 To Birmingham 2.15 A. M. No. 31 To Augusta 5:52 A. M. No. 33 To New Orleans 8:15 A. M. No. 11 To Charlotte 8:00 A. M. No. 135 To Atlanta 8:37 P. M. No. 39 To Atlanta 9:45 A. M. No. 37 To New Orleans 11:29 A. M. Train No. 34 will stop in Concord to take on passengers going to Wash- . ington and beyond. Train No. 37 will stop here to dis- ■ charge passengers coming from Wash- i ington and beyond. All trains stop in Concord except No. 38 northbound. Bible Thought for Today Our Neighbor—‘*Thou *halt not de fraud thy neighbor, neither rob him.’* Lev. 11) :13. Prayer—May we, dear Lord, love our neighbors as Thou hast loved us. LOCAL MENTION L Miss Black in the office of the Ca barrus county health department states that one case of measles was reported Wednesday. R. I). Goodman, farm agent of Ca barrus county, has gone to Raleigh to attend special meetings there when an expert English agriculture agent will speak. In the decisions handed down by the Supreme Court of the State yes terday was one affirming the decision readied in Cabarrus Superior court in the case of Ross vs. Breilizer. Commencement exercises will be be d at Central and No. 2 Grammar School tonight at 8 o'clock. Certifi cates of graduation will be presented and short literary addresses will be ! delivered. The public is invited. Those who have not secured their season tickets to the Redpath Chaut auqua which opens here tomorrow afternoon are asked to get them at once. The tickets may be secured from a member of the woman's club. Charlotte won rrom Spartanburg in the South Atlantic while Asheville and Greenville were both winning. In the National League Pittsburgh won again while the Yankees and Athletics were idle in the American League. Considerable improvements are be ing made at the Pearl Drug Company, including installation of new fixtures and rearrangement of the fountain, candy and cigar cases. Only recent ly improvements were made on the front of the drug store. The Supreme Court of the State handed down another batch of deci sions on appeals yesterday but the Pentuff appeal was not among them. This case was tried in Cabarrus and was argued before the court four weeks ago. The Redpath Chautauqua tent is be ing erected now on the Central school campus. The opening number of the 1927 program will be presented to morrow afternoon, Chautauqua offi- I eials here declaring that everything will be in readiness for the opening tomorrow. Capt. Quint E. Smith, city engineer, who has received orders to report for duty in the flood area of the Missis sippi River Valley, has received orders to go to New Orleans, La., int r-i? H of Memphis, Tenn., as his first orders were. Captain Smith will leave dur- • ing the afternoon. Temperatures dropped some in Con ! cord yesterday afternoon, following a light shower shortly after noon. Heavy black clouds hung over the city for about an hour and there was some i lightning and high winds but little I rain. Iti some other sections of the county refreshing rains fell. | Webb field will be the scene of a * aecond amateur baseball game this ! afternoon when the lawyer-doctor i team will find opposition in the Con cord insurance agents. The game begins at 4 o’clock, and admission of I 25 cents will be charged of each cus tomer for the benefit of the Missis sippi flood relief fund. : The Redpath Chautauqua will open in Concord Friday afternoon at the ! tent on the grounds of the Central , Grammar School. The afternoon num ber will consist of a popular concert by the Arcadia Novelty Company, and j the evening performance will be a short concert by the Company and a I lecture by Charles H. Plattenburg. 1 His Watch. “You look all in, Ned. Didn't you • sleep well?” ; I “No! My roomate and I suffer! »: from alternate insomnia.'’ ' a | "What’s that?” I I “Why, whichever of us gets to I I sleep first keeps the other awake.” L Ba*>y Announces His Presence, j She—“lt’s nearly six weeks . now since baby was born. Have you told . the registrar yet?” I He—“lf the registrar lives any i where within ten miles’ radius he’ll ’ (know already.” , r l, ;■ 'jA-’- -v ■ .A THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE ■ We Wish to THANK the ladies of Conc'ord who call ed during the visit of our Dor othy Perkins Toilet Goods demonstrator. To those who did not Jjave ! this pleasure we extend out in vitation to come in and ac quaint themselves with thi| de lightful line. To the old and new patrons wc assure a full line at all times. Pearl Drug Company 722 PHONES 22 r BELL and HARRIS Funeral Home Day and Night Service \ Phone 640 Fetzer&Yorke Insurance Agency All Kinds of INSURANCE Cabarrus Savings Bank Building —* ; HAKES n* J&Jjl j I The Sumner ' season’s la never sad fT If nifty clothes arc to be HI Ik had. I! U Dry cleaning—the ex ■ ceptional kind of cleans- M ■ I ing we do—will solve vB PLI your* summer clothes , 111 problem. Your last sea- I 111 son’s dresses will look M quite charming if they y_| are made fresh again. We (I Isl w * nt t 0 **rve you. L [ R E INI Pi ; I ine/Ss"'**’* ...... J ..'.jfL— ■ concord cotton market WEDNKW)AYVMAY *6. ittf SSE?- • - '*&*■*' • • ■ s - •• G* Got ton »eea IT FAIB TO OSkTeNM ADS. Yfli, ■' " ii: .!: ■ ■-' • ■ . ~ " "T~. - -S5» Chaluauqua Is ,'ML HERE mil We ttm Are H “' l W’th tke Light VC eight Suits, l V'X Shirts. Underwear, Neckwear /1, j and Hbsiery r /-A ) Light Weight Suits of Linen, * I/ Mohair, Tropical Worsted and /I V\» * Coolspun. Prices pl J ' $15.00 T 0 $35.00 I Straw Hats J 2.50 TO $5 |j ,7 $5 $6 $7 I j NEW NECKWEAR J\slf W. A. OVERCASH gooooooooooooooooooooooooogooooooooooooooooooooor j Snappy Styles in Sprang Oxfords and !|| Pumps ! !]! New Styles come in daily. You will find | [ here what you want, and you can depend on the j j! Quality. !ji A new shipment of those Young Men’s Plain [ I]! Toe Oxfords in black and tan. Straw Hats and Panamas Are Ready. RICHMOND - FLOWE CO. High Grade Merchandise ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooc Why Worry About What You Are Going to Have to Cook? Tell Central to give you “68”, then tell us what you want. We can supply you with the Choicest Meats, both fresh and cured, Fresh Fish, Fresh Country Butter, Eggs, Poultry, All Kinds of Fresh Vegetables, Berries, Fruits and a Complete Line of Staple and Fancy Groceries. If you give us your orders your worry is all over. Try some of our home made Sauer Kraut. We are now on our last barrel for the season. C. H. BARRIER & CO. F^S^IG'REmJCTIwB^O^ 66A WIILLY’S KNIGHT OH Price New Price j! j \ OCA—S-Passenger Sedan $2295.00 $1995.00 i[; ;!| 06A—Cabriolet $2295.00 $1995.00 )l| 00A—Foursome __ $2295.00 $2095.00 j!j j \ OCA—Roadster __ $1900.00 $1850.00 ![! All Prices f. o. b. Toledo com. MOTOR CO. Phone 630 ] ; ; P. S.—A Few Used Cars at a Bttrgam g f PAjffi"' 1 ' ’ PAPER PAPERS 9 Make your home new inside with nice wall and ceiling ] | O paper to match the room. Let it be Dining Room, Living ] j X Room, Bed Room or any room in the house, I have the i 8 sample book to select from. Paint the doors and wood ] jo work and paper the walls to match. Makes old rooms ] 1 2 look like new. q Call me and get an estimate on the work and material, j H I will be glad to make suggestions to you. JOHN R. QUERY TELEPHONES 891 OF 147 | odd FKixews notice -, * Meets every TbunMay evening at eight o’clock. M A. L. SHINN, N. O. A. M. HITNSUCKKR. R. S. Vlaitlnc Oerde Printed »t Tfanoe Job! Office. Panelled viaiting card* beau tifully printed. 50 for SI.OO or 100 for $1.50. Ordefa filled on a few ' borne' notice. ts. Engraved Watftaipg. vwttaOoM^and iisn&AS&J 1 11" 1 FRESH VEGETABLES And They Art Getting Cheaper L«|t us supply you with fresh String Beans, Squash, Toma j toes, Greens, Country Cabbags and New Potatoes. Fresh Fish Friday and Sat urday. *. , CABARRUS CASH GRO CERY CO. PHONE 571 «.L, ~ 1 V "~ r: " 7-^- Captain Lindbergh WENT TO PARIS IN ONE BIG JUMP AND WON THE PLAUDITS OF THE ENTIRE WORLD You can get to Hoover’s in just a few jumps and win the plaudits of all those with whom you come in contact by supplying yourself with the same styles in Clothing and Furnishings that are being shown in Paris. We are up to date in everything that men wear. CLOTHING HATS FURNISHINGS > y. l' and COOL UNDERWEAR HOOVER’S, lac. The Young Men’s Store f * - i-- - . ■ 1 All Jobs Guaranteed We Move Anything On Arrival of Anywhere Destination Any Time ! ZebP. Cruse T Z' f " Office Phone 865 Residence Phone 133 J Warehouse Phene 865 I Am Equipped to If It Is Moving We a< Store Furniture at Have the Best Experienced ' A Minute Notice Packers in Town I IStartena and Baby Chic Chow 11 Will grow you a 2-pound Chicken in eight weeks, if '! you will feed them according to directions. We will guarantee. We also have Feeders and Drink- ] [1 ing Fountains to suit all. Cash Feed Store rHONE m j Up/todate your daily shower fa L* f ly 1~~ Men, as a rule, prefer the j KlUmbinQ I—r1 —r - Shower to the bath tub, partic T"f~ Jrjjp the modern type. It will please ( l us to h ave the opportunity _to jj mil* LI.JgL date shower in your bath room ill if 4 l* -1 Y/i o 1 and to g* v e an estimate of the lllw ' d A./■■ ■ ■ a cost We can install it for you |g\ o 5 < l uickl y and you can thereafter 1 take your daily shower in lux- E. B. GRADY Plan now for a comfortably heated ■ I home! f9~W\ We are here to n . give you guaranteed ti , ln”gij> Heating Service at if • * *V ,> a fair price. , Pipe and Pipeless Furnaces CAkffrfkKfi SYSTEM OF CIRCULATING HEAT ■ Thursday, May 26, 192?P®