PAGE EIGHT New Cabinet Oil Cook Stove Gray Enamel. Will not Easy to clean. Will | i last three times as long as stoves that are not enam | 1 eled. One year to pay. Will cost you nothing to own if : this stove, as you save enough on fuel to meet your | ‘ payments on the stove. With this new cabinet stove, you have clean | 1 heat. Blue flame, as hot as gas. No smoke or odor. Costs less than one cent per hour per burner to op erate. Saves time and money. A small down pay ment. Balance in small weekly or monthly pay £ ments. Concord Furniture Co. SILK UNDIES Just the Sort of Dainty Under Garments You Will Want in Your fl. Wardrobe —Stepins. Teddies. Bloomers. Vests. Gowns. Pajamas and Slips, of the Finest Quality in all Pastel Shades and Specially Priced S; . for Immediate Sale. ICE ICE ICE | BIG DISCOUNT IF YOU § USE COUPON BOOKS I A. a POUND'S I ICE COAL SERVICE I t OUR CAR WASHED WHILE YOU WAIT . | We have installed a Hardie Gar Washing Machine which en | ables us to remove the mud, grease and sediment from the motor ; and running gear of your car and it is only by the use of this mu- Hff chine being equipped with s a 3 horse power motor which gives three I hundred pressure, and surne can be easily adjusted so that it will I 7 f throw a fine mist for work on the body and polished surfaces. HBIk, Call 228 and we will call for your ear and return same to you. 1 AUTO SUPPLY & REPAIR CO. <1 Ip Dodge Brothers Motor Cars and Graham Trucks A Sound Sleeper. j||g§John Larkin, of New York, ate a & t hig dinner and got nwrully sleepy. SppPith effort he found his way to the Elutvatcd railway and waited on the ijjwtform for the next train. John Hit sleepier and sleepier and just Ipppled t^ in the W *platfo™° n onto* tte BL first oar passed over him The Kptorman had seen him (all and ■Kit the train to a stop as soon as he could. It was necegsary to jack the wheels of the car up in order [ to extricate the man. He was still sound asleep. Examination showed no injuries except a dislocated shoulder caused by his fall. ■ .J — Mr*. Einstein, wife of the world- ( famous scientist, confesses that she \ knows no more of her husband's theory 1 of relativity than do the masses of the people,, who know nothing about, it all X | nrAs . . V -:L ■, n _■ ’w’''"'!, ' Concord Daily Tribune TIME OF CLOSING MAILS. The time of the closing of mails at the Concord Postoffice is as follows: Northbound. 136—il :00 P. M. 36—10:00 A. M. 34 4:00 P. M. 38— 8:30 P. M. 30—11:00 P. M. Southbound. SO— 9.25 A. M. 45 3 :20 P. M. 135 8 :00 P. M. 29—11:00 P. M. RAILROAD SCHEDULE. In Effect May 29, 1927 I Northbound No. 40 To N«w York 0:28 P. M, No. 30 To Washington 2:12 A. M. No. 136 To Washington 5:05 A. M. No. 36 To New York 10.23 A. M. 1 No. '34 To New York 4:43 P. M. j’No. 12 To Richmond 7 :09 P. M. ! No. 32 To New York 9 :03 P. M. Sonntbound No. 45 To Charlotte 3:36 P M. No. 35 To New Orleans 9:56 P. M. No. 29 To Birmingham 2.15 A. M. No. 31 To Augusta 5:51 A. M. ‘•No. 33 To New Orleans 8:15 A. M. No. 11 To Charlotte 8:00 A. M. No. 135 To Atlanta 8:37 P. M. No. 39 To Atlanta 9:45 A.M. No. 37 To New Orleans .11:29 A. M. Train No. 34 will stop in Concord to take on passengers going to Wash ington and beyond. Train No. 37 will stop here to dis charge passengers coming from Wash ington and beyond. All trains atop in Concord except No. 38 northbound. Bible Thought for Today Peace and Security—l laid me down and slept: I awaked; for the Lord sustaineth me. 1 will not be afraid of ten thousands of the people, that have set themselves against me round about. Psalm 3:5, 6. Prayer—Lord, we know that thou doe! watch over us and dost neither slumber lior sleep. LOCAL MENTION .r Mrs. Ed. Walters. Houston street, reports that she is getting home grown corn from her garden. The Luther League of the Saint James Lutheran church will meet tonight at 8 o'clock with Miss Mamie Sattenfield. The docket for Recorder's Court before Judge A. R. I’almer for this afternoon was very light and only a few defendents will be called to answer charges. Rev. J. W. Strider preached at Central Methodist. Church Sunday in the absence of the pastor. Rev. R. M. Courtney. Mr. Strider was heard with much interest and benefit by a large congregation at the morning ser vice. Babe Ruth is ahead of his 1921 home-run record. The Baht 1 crashed out bis 21st circuit drive of the season yesterday whereas in 1921 he did not make his 21st until June 13th. Ruth got two homers Saturday and hud four last week. The congregation of the McGill street Baptist Church had the pleasure of hearing one of their own young men, Jessie Hamilton, a recent grad uate of Wake Forest College, preach for them at the eleven o'clock service, Sunday morning. The Essex automobile of Dr. W. D. Pemberton which was taken from in front of his home on North Union street about 10 o’clock Sunday night ! was found this morning behind Gib son Mill. The car had been driven about lit) miles but was not damaged, it was said. There was a drop in temperature here Sunday, following an unusually hot day Saturday. The mercury climbed above the 90-degree murk Saturday hut was about 15 degrees lower during most of Sunday, follow ing a light shower during the morn ing. The First Methodist Protestant! I] Church will sponsor the organization j tonight at 7 :30 o'clock of a community (band at No. 2 grammar school. All 1 musicians and others interested in this organization are invited to come out 1 1 tonight. A competent director will be selected for the band. Two real estate transfers were filed for record Saturday at the office of L. V. Elliott, register of deeds. The i transfers were: Mrs. Laura J. Deal [ to Fred Deal, property in No. 11 Township, $1,050, and Mrs. Bessie j Reid to Milton Ellis, property on j Tournament Street, Ward 4. SI,BOO. Charlotte lost two games to Macon i Saturday; Greenville lost two to Knoxville; Asheville lost two to Spartanburg and Augusta two to Columbia. In the major leagues the Giants lost to Chicago both Saturdny and Sunday while Brooklyn was win ing from Pittsburgh on each day. In the American league New Y'ork won Saturday and lost Sunday. • Five members of the Senior Baptist Young People's Union of the First Baptist Chnrch presented an inter esting program at the evening service Sunday. The/ young people gave the stories of the Books of Esther and j Ruth. Those taking part in the pro ! gram were : Misses Virginia Isenhotir j and Virginia Bailey, Luther Bam hardt, Eugene Isenhour and Homer Bollinger. Treat ’Em Rough. “My dear,” said the host to his wife, on her finding him in the bed room with a damp towel clasped to his head, “I can’t possibly stand those people any longer. I’ve got a splitting I headache.” j “But,” said his wife, “I can’t pos sibly ask them to go home. They are ' our guests, remember." ' “Ortainly you can’t put them out,” , he agreed, “but don't you think you . could go and seat yourself at the I l **/ THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE We Wish to THANK the ladies of Concord who call ed during the visit of our Dor othy Perkins Toilet Goods demonstrator. To those who did not have this pleasure we extend our in- 1 vitation to come in and ac quaint themselves with this de lightful line. To the old and new patrons we assure a full line at all times. Pearl Drug Company 722 PHONES 22 ~~ "■■ ■ ■ ■ - > BELL and HARRIS “"Funeral Home Day and Night Service I w Phone 640 j *SMWITY- 111 | \ I ■ I ill r la Some folks think with my dough I’m rash I . Yet I am careful with H i II my cash- As a usual rule folks Ngf’ ■ I who are careful with U their clothes are careful ji* 11 with their cash. There 1 1 I i are a lot of thrifty well Jv I | dressed folks hereabouts r J who are pleased to pay |V Ij® their compliments to us. ||J ■ ■ ■*— - ■ 1 ium CONCORD COTTON MARKET MONDAY, JUNE IS. 1927 Cotton .15% to .16 Cotton Seed , 34% CONCORD PRODUCE MARKET (Corrected Weekly by CMne & Moose) Figures named represent prices paid fsr produce on the market. Eggs „ .25 Corn .75 Sweet Potatoes SI.OO Turkeys X Onions 2- SI.OO Pees $1.25 Butter .25 Country Ham ifO Country Shoulder 20 Country Sides J» Young Chickens .28 Hens : : .18 Irish Potatoes - tUW Hams Hams Hams Big Lot Country Cured Hams Just Like We Sell All the Time This lot won’t last long. Sell Whole. Slice Hams Each Thurs day, Friday and Saturday. PHONE 339 CLINE and MOOSE P. S. —We Deliver Quicfr Everywhere. . • i sls $16.50 ' jjHpyv $19.75 1 $35 W. A. Overcash Snappy Styles In ||| Spring Oxfords and j | Pumps ]i| New Styles come in daily. You will find J j!| here what you want, and you can depend on the j X Quality. ] |i| A new shipment of those Young Men’s Plain ji >| Toe Oxfords in black and tan. X Straw Hats and Panamas Are Ready. ]j RICHMOND - FLOWE CO. High Grade Merchandise MR. FARMER: WE WANT YOUR POULTRY, EGGS AND BUTTER FAT. < We cannot pay fancy prices for the reason that the market is low this year on account of over production, but you can ses a 2 pound rooster now for more money than you can get for him when he is a 4 pound stag or an 8 pound cock. Why waste feed on him? Sell hikn now and let the pullets grow. We want your cream and are still paying 36 cents per pound for Burner Fat. Why sell your Butter for “SOAP GREASE” prices? Let us buy your cream all tlie year round. We have more than a hundred .satisfied cream patrons and we can satisfy you. We are distrfiHiting more than a Thousand Dollars per month among the farmers of Cabarrus County for Butter Fat alone. C H. BARRIER & CO. PAPER PAPER' FApiER| j] Make your home new inside with nice wall and ceiling ! I paper to match the room. Let it be Dining Room, Living X i Room, Bed Room or any room in the house, I have the X [ sample book to select from. Paint the dbors and wood ![ | work and paper the walls to match. Makes old rooms X look like new. Call me and get an estimate on the work and material. ]|j II I will be glad to make suggestions to you. JOHN R. QUERY TELEPHONES 891 OF 147 ; Dandruff Tells a Storj You Can’t Deny 1 Get Rid Os It l \0 (Jou can, simply fciy using die Jane Curran Tonic for Dandruff and Irritatim. No case of dandruff ever withstood six application* of this Tonic. Buy Jttgday inour Toilet Goods Department sWine cußßfln Tomes jj ■ 'Wv t GIBSON’S i MOST COMFORTABLE and ECONOMICAL WAY TO TRAVEL • Is Via '• SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM Greatly Reduced Round Trip Fares For Short Trips Ask The Ticket Agent Fresh Shipment ‘North Carolina Honey, in the Comb 3 Lb. Jar, Only VUV Also Fresh Shipment Small Kingan Hams CABARRUS CASH GROCERY CO. PHONE 571 SLIDE KELLY And little Kellys are slid- A /« ing—wearing out clothes (. J so fast that Mother and Dad Kelly are wondering L-X / if their son isn’t on his way to a bad end. But don’t bother the boy in his fun-—bother us for the strong sport vacation Rothes and you won’t have to bother often. We have in stock today everything for a healthy boy to wear—and every article has been purposely priced to stand the strain of rigid comparison. | GOLF TOGS FOR DAD’S HOOVER’S, he. The Young Man’s Store LET US DO IT FOR YOU When it comes to packing, crating 1 \ \ an< * carting we are no the job any \ time you need our services. We are / \ in the transfer business every day of , \ tlie year and will move your goods J ■ iJI 11 III —(D | | 1 and chattels whenever and wherever U ’ ll " i 1 L, j I you desire. You simply phone us what you want done and we will tell I ——«■ -DMffiDJrj you what it will cost and now quick- ' fer* nsK®? iy 863 PHONE 133 J ZEB P. CRUSE S j Startena and Baby Chic Chow | ]!| Will grow you a 2-pound Chicken in eight weeks, if i[ I you will feed them according to directions. i ! We will guarantee. \ye also have Feeders and Drink- Q | ; ing Fountains to suit all. Cash Feed Store !! phone m jj OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ [Tp Comforts ft® I g) J/ To enjoy life to its "utmost one J r~ must have a goo<l home to live in. a good bed to sleep in and a good bath room to keep dean in, with meals a day , of course. It is our business to equip your bath room. We have the fixtures that represent real II I luxury. Ask us to give you an esti \J__S~ — mate to tix up your bath room the E. B. GRADY PLUMBING AND HEATING DEALER ’ p •••••«■•. Plan now for a comfortably heated home! * *1(1311 We are here to , give you guaranteed (i | Heating Service at a fair price. Pipe and Pipeless Furnaces is jlik iLO m. i li W'W W 'Ww* SYSTEM OF CIRCULATING HEAT F. C. Niblock arm mace and ioofinq depaktuenti 4 I Monday, June-13, 1927 flB

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