►Saturday, June 18, 1927 ACHED AIL'OVER ITu Suffering Dreadfully, Jut “Waiting Away.” look '' Cardui, and Says It : Helped Her. tAzttngfon, Tenas—A resident of Boa town for many years, Mrs. J. H. aduoo, says: * ■ >•, "t had suffered dreadfully with an tchiag aU over my body. At times ny head would give me so much rouble I could hardly stand it. 1 lad been in bed for weeks and it ooked like I was just wasting away. "I took 9 bottles of Cardui and my ■tnwgth began to slowly return. "Since that time I have used this nedicibe a good many times and it iss always helped me. ] "At one time I took Cardui for leveral months regularly. I would be afflicted with sudden spells oi ■haziness when I could not stand on '■JKSBL- eet ~ Everything would • turn before piy eyes and I would ■Mtd as if I were going to faint At Bimes I would be quite nauseated. 1 Burned at once to Cardui and took ■t till I was Safely through." ■ Cardui is a mild medicinal toni<v Blade from purely vegetable ingredi ■ents. It has been in use for over 60 ■years, and in that time thousands ■of women have written that Cardui ■helped them back to good health. J Sold by all druggists. NC-183 fijaWPiai JUNE 7 19th /jk Py I M . I ®i|g!ggjg|| (fT Snoke-Citey „ Smile with Dad on his day. Don’t let any-» one else beat you to it. Give him smokes — there’s nothing better. , Pipes, cigars, cigarettes, tobacco, pouch .l . es, holders —everything for the smoker. A t real gift to a \%e-irian.” GIVE DAD SMOKES. ‘SMOKES MEAN SMILES” > Pearl Drag Co. ON THE SQUARE ■isjmCkrtwe- , Enjoy a Buick now! TWs u the logical time of year to buy a car—at the ]*gini.n»g of the period of greatest wyoyment. And Buick u the logical car to buy, because it will pro vde the greatest usefulness with the greatest i - economy. * Buick is a beautiful car—in design, in coloring and m appointment. It is powerful, speedy and' dependable. Enjoy your summer driving. Buy a Buick. WHBN BBTTBR AUTOMOBILBS ARB BUILT BUICK WILL BUILD THEM * rm 8$ a«mj ..v..3 t MILLS RCNNINO AT FI LL BLAST 350 Textile Magnates Gather tor Sam. mer Convention In Asheville. Asheville, June 17.—With cotton mill magnate; from all parts 'of the South reporting fu. 1-time operation of plants that were running on half time pr cloned entirely two years ago, optimism dominated the summer con vention of the Southern Textile As-, sociation. formally opened here to day. t • Prospects tor continued prosperity were stressed in the opening -address of W. Es. Gibson, ther association's president. One of the" chief reasons for optimism, he said, is the good prospect before the farmers. He said that cotton manufacturers are pleased when the cotton market is stiff, since a good price for cotton means a good market for the manufactured product. ! Don’t Forget Father’s Day. \ New- York, June 18—Tomorrow wi'J be observed as Father’s Day. The third Sunday in June has been set apart as Father's Day in different, sections of the country since 1010, when the first observance of the kind was held at -Spokane. Since then, with strong support from the neck wear and slipper manufacturers, the idea has developed rapidly. The of ficial Rower of the day is the dande lion, which was selected originally by the members of the Martin *W. Cal leiter Kib e, class of Wilkiifsburg, Pa. They, picked the dandelion because the more it is trampled on the better it grows. j “I’m so sorry to learn that you have buried your unele.” , “I had to. He was dead.” Church Services West Concord Baptist. (W. O. Rivenbark, Pastor) Sunday School 9:45 a. in., W. F. Stegall, superintendent. ’ Service 11 a. m. Subject: “A Great Teacher to Learn From.” Service 7:40 p. m., Subject: “Joy a Duty.” B. Y. P. IT. 6:45 p. m. Prayer service Wednesday at 7:45 p. m. Come and worship with us. A Warm welcome awaits you at this chnrch always. Kerr Street Methodist. Sunday School 9:45 a. m., It. A. Hullender superintendent. Preaching 11 a. m. All parents re quested to come and bring their chil dren if they wish to have them bap tised at beginning of service. Junior League 7:00 p. m. Preaching at 7.30 p. m. Prayer service Weilenesday/ 7 :30 p. m. The Brotherhood will entertain the Ladies' Aid Society Tuesday evening at 7:30. A delightful time is expect ed. Come and worship with us. G. L. WILKIXS9N, Pastor. First Baptist. (C. Herman Trueblood, Pastor- Itible School at 9:45 a. m„ H. B. Bollinger, superintendent. Preaching at 11 a. in. by Rev. J. IV. Strider. At 8 p. m. the First Baptist congrega tion will worship at Central Methodist Church, in the union service of several churches. Central Methodist. (R. M. Courtney, Pastor) Sunday School at 9:45 a. m., .T. E. Davis, superintendent; H. W. Blanks, assistant. Preaching at 11 a, m. by pastor. At 8 p. m. union service with Rev. W. C. Lyerly, of Trinity Reformed Church, preaching. The Foursquare Gospel Mission. Will hold Sunday School under the big gospel tent as usual. About 350 were present last Sunday and all the lieople are invited to attend, ail ser vices in the mission have been dis continued while the Revival is going on under the tent. Sunday School at 2:00 p. m. Come. St. James Luilteran. (L. A. Thomas. Pastor) Services conducted in the New High School building on Marsh street. Sunday School 9:45 A. M., F. H. Addcn superintendent. Prof. J. B. Robertson, teacher of Men's Class. Chief service 11 a. m. v Vespers 8 P. M. This church welcomes you. First Presbyterian. (Jesse C. Rowan. Pastor) Public worship and sermon at 11 a. th. No vesper service as there will be a union service at 8 o’clock p. m. at Central Methodist Church. Sunday school at 9:45, C. F. Ritchie superintendent. Bible class at ten o’clock for men, W. G. Caswell teacher. Bible Class for women at 10 o'clock. Mrs. .T. F. Cannon teacher. To all services you are cordially invited. Kerr Street Baptist. (A. T. Cain, Pastor) Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. Smoot Baker, superintendent. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. Morning subject: “Rich But Broke.” Evening subject: “Rejecting the Cross.” Come to Sunday School and stay for preaching. You are welcome: JACKIE COOGAN, 13, PASSES A MILESTONE Enters New Phase of His Career With Cutting of His Hair; Con tinues Training. Jackte Coogan, the "million dol lar child star” has passed now in his twelfth year, the first milestone in his phenomenal career. He has emerged from babyhood to boyhood with'the shearing of his bobbed hair. Jackie’ sfirst appearance sans long hair will be in his latest production, “Johnny Get Your Hair Cut,” from a story written especially for him by the late Gerald Beaumont. Mas ter Coogan has eight years of achievement in the motion-picture in dustry to his credit. His is the only fcareer of its kind on record in theatrical annals, and if his new film Is ahy indication of what the future holds, then Jackie Coogan ■ jntertain the public through all tne seven ages. of.man. ■. From Doug Jackie learned the art of twirling the Australian whip. The elder Coogan fins a hard time these days keeping a cigar in his mouth, as Jackie practices cutting the “smoke” in two with a,crack of his fifteen foot leather whip. “Johnny Get Your Hair -Cut,” Monday and Tuesday at the Con cord Theatre, is Master Coogan’s latest Metro-Ooldwyn-Mayer release. It was made at the famous Tanforan race track in northern California. Mabel and Ted were going through the museum. Wide-eyed" they passed slowly from one glass case to the other reading the inscriptions on them. Finally they came to a case that was unmarked and Its contents pussled thesm. It was a model street scene, carefully worked out and designed by some plastic artist. It represented a deserted section of city street. “Why dear, what ia that anyway T” said Mabel sweetly. For a moment Ted seemed to be stumped ; then he aald brightly. “Why dear, that is a parking apace!” THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE McKinnon Presbyterian. (R. 8. Arrowood, Pastor) A Decision Day program will be conducted in the Sunday School at 9:45. A meeting of the session for the reception of new members will be held at 10:45. McKembee Long, evangelist, will preach at 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. A cordial welcome awaits you here. Forest HBI Methodist. (Thos. F. Higigns. Pastor.) Sunday School at 9:45, S. J. Sher rill superintendent. Morning worship and sermon at 11 o'clock. Evening worship and sermon at 7 o'clock. Senior Epworth League at 7 o’clock. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. 1 The public is cordially invited to worship with us in all our services. First Methodist Protestant. (G. H. Hendry, Pastor.) 9:30 a. m„ Sunday School, \V. J. Widenhouse superintendent. At 11 a. m., morning worship with sermon by pastor. No night service this week. Monday at 8:55 a. m. the Daily Vacation Bible School will open. All children of the church and community are invited to attend. No tuition.' Calvary Lutheran. (M. L. Kester, Pastor) t Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. Chief service nt ll a. m. Luther League at op. m. The pub lic is invited to all services. St. Andrews Lutheran. (M. Ia Kester, Pastor) Sunday School at 9.45 a. m. Light Brigade at 10.45 a. m. Luther league at 8:30 p. m. Vespers at 7 :30 p. m. Bayless Memorial Presbyterian. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7 ;45 p. m. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. Mr. A. J. Kelly superintendent. Everyone cordially invited to these services. Trinity Reformed. W. C. Lyerly, Past™-) The service at 11 a. m. Subject: “Cheerfulness.” Special music by the choir. Grided School at 9:45, directed by Superintendent .T. H. A. Holshouser. T'nit.n service at the Central Meth odist Church gt 8 p. m. This congregation welcomes yon. Epworth Methodist. (J. M. Varner, President) Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. Preaching by the pastor at 11 a. nt. and 7.30 p. m. Epworth League at 6 :30 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7:30 p. tn. 0 We welcome you at Epworth. Associate Reformed Presbyterian. (M. R. Gibson, Pastor) Sabbath School at 10 a. m., J. E. McClintoek, superintendent. Preaching- nt 11 a. m. Sermon by Rev. C. O. Williams, pf Charlotte. There will be no night services on account of the Union services. Y. P. C. U. at 0:30 p. m. Prayer meeting at 7 :S0 p. m. Wed nesday. Second Presbyterian. (M. E. Hansel, Minister) Public worship at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sabbath School at 9:45 a. m. Noel C. Cobb will conduct the morn ing worship apd the evening service will be in charge of the men of the church. * A Young Old Man. The Pathfinder. • Elbert H. Gary, who recently passed life’s 80th milestone, denies rumors that he intends to retire. He is still active enough in mind and body to be entrusted with what the business world considers to be the “biggest job in America,” namely— the chairmanship of the steel cor poration. This corporate empire is greater in income, resources and area than the average European nation- It sends its own industrial envoys to 60 countries. It does an annual busi ness of nearly $1,500,000,000 a year. It employs more men than our army and navy combined. On it 1300.000 persons depend for support. It runs a fleet of more- than 100 ocean steamers. Its rail system, if straigh tened out, would stretch from coast to coast. “Judge” Gary—he was a former Illinois county judge—has done more than any other man. perhaps, to reconcile “big business” and the public. Some years ago he roundly condemned the higli-hamted, secretive methods of industridl leaders, warn ing “this must be stopped by the rich themselves or the mob will stop it.” He inaugurated the system of monthly financial statements. Mr. Gary is somewhat of an idea’ist and has had many run-ins with as sociates because of his “play-fair with-the-publio” policy. In fact, he is credited with reforming the steel trust. He frowns on speculation and claims to never indulge himself. H» favors prohibition. Born on a farm not far from Chi cago. Mr. Gary preferred school to chores and later read law while he taught school. He became the first mayor of Wheaton. 11l- He became Interested in the Illinois steel com pany and in a subsequent merger drew the highest salary then on record—sloo,ooo a year. Mr. Gnrv is a Munt but effective public speak er. He is married but has no son to incceed him. There are two daugh ters, however. EFIRSB CXXJ&.XXT SAX.S 7 v Compare Merchandise and Prices and You’ll Buy AT EFIRD’S Fenner and Beane Cotton Letter. New York; June IV.—Cotton na'l a fair sized rally at' the start today on weevil reports and rains in the east but turned reactionary later. Buying powfr was noticeably small er while selling increased in volume considerably. Mr- Hester s «era-end figures were favorable but had lit- FREE INSTALLATION RANGE SALE June 20 - 30 , Nothing Down 12 MONTHS TO PAY SIO.OO FOR YOUR OLD STOVE '■ \ l . • j-lfaß Why not enjoy Cooking on a Nice Clean Brand New Gas Stove these hot days. If you are not now using gas for cooking, you can have 30 Days FREE TRIAL. Concord & Kannapolis Gas Company GAS The Universal Fuel 1 1 ■ '■' • “unusual distinction plus six-cylinder performance - and the uncramped comfort j of a full-sized body!" * « « i This is the day of the vid.es, at lowest pricey every / smartly styled automobile. ▼ fllW element of unusual # 4 :jm And one glance at the Oak- I A T/J tion, plus six-cylinder per land Landau Sedan reveals undauThdTn formanceandtheuiicramped T how superbly it answers comfort of a full-sized body. j todays demand for cars of arresting You can Bpcnd , a week a appearance and distinction. month comparing; but you’ll never Many buyers are making it the car discover a value like this! Come in of their choice largely because it pro- —and let us prove it. Oakland Si*. $1025 to $1295. The Neui and Finer Pontiac Six. $775 to $975. AU price* at factory. Delivered '' S price* include minimum handling charge*. Eaty to pay on the liberal General Motor* Time Payment Plan. S & S MOTOR CO . South Church Street, Concord, North Carolinn. %eQreaUr I tie effect. The privnfe bureaus ie i sued reports showing a condition ! around 75 or better than last year. I The market acts like it will react ; further, especially if the weather I outlook over Sunday is good. FBXNEIi AN’P. stEAXE. I PENNY ADDS GETS RESULTS. PAGE THREE Not So Good. Prisoner —I’m sorry, your honor, J I took the money; -but you knqtfcq the more a man gets tbe more hy.a wants." Judge—Well, you're getting «*•-»- en years. Kow muon more do want? *4^l

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