PAGE FOUR BS«' s.^ "‘’ »PB»CKXPTIOW RAT—. °* O®*®® l * or by Special Carrier: \i{ OiJsidVtoi Statfthi'^bTCitotton' U"Si same All Subscription# At# Pua In A#vufice PPBUSHKR’S UPTICK. ~ " § . Ix>ok at the printed lab a’ on your paper. The Apt* thereon shows when the subscription da ta uKm. Notice date on label carefully, JM if net correct, please notify us at once. Stfhbotflf aas' doslrin* the address on their paper* chant ed. should state In their communication both tge •m ahfl *n#w address. ■ Communications must he accompanied by the MPs same and address of the writer In ataer to attention. K ‘TjS* Tribune, besides recel- ’mg the Associated " PfjnaA reports, receives also service of the In tejrnatlonal New# Service, as well as a number o? other Import##** special features. This paper Is not bMy a ted to receive com town lea t! aim containing new# Items, hat Invites Stoh.’ We do not ptMlsh such communication* eltoss We know the author. It is net custonf publish the autnoA name, but We trust , paper Chartres regular advertising rates '.#* pubitanlng obituaries, cards of ihtnxs, r so idtlons of respect i®» rata Is 6 cents a line. When you' subscribe for the papeer you oye entitled to receive every Issue for the time you Aprs paid for. L yen do not receive IT tegu- Hlly, It Is a favor, not a bother, to let us know ajfd we wll' make every effort to correct the >»< ■ j • m£* THE jVfo.N. ROUTE. I It is virtually i sa| jthe Pied mont and Northern Railway v oo,'will not buildi its main line through Cqnqprd should ,jjfie Interstate Commerce ’ Com j grint! permission for its propos ed extension from Charlotte to Winston • Salem’;- iEqrrphl, 'announcement of the route to be followed, has not been made but developments, within the,g?ast several days indicate thait* Copqprcl ,\yin j get bil ly a branch line at the best aba possibly will not be directly connected at with the interurban. Concord citizens a*, we see it, have worked diligently for the extension. City 4b l county officials as well as organiza-l tfons and individuals have devoted much timje, and thought to the matter, doing eerer-ything they thought necessary and fc —Wise in an effort to' get ihe line here. have given such co-operation as they could to P. & N. representatives !;• who have handled the matter from a lo- CJH standpoint, and if the interurban of ficials desired more than they received Atiey have not let it be known. We feel that any route except one * through Concord will prove a mistake, and we say this with due regard to the ■ community to be served by the route it ?£ is understood here to have been agreed upon. Concord is one of the largest I manufacturing points in the State, with a-score of textile plants, whereas the ter | rftory from Derita to Kannapolis, the |f route understood to have been agreed up ft on, will offer service to no manufacturing ip concerns. | r The territory from Derita to Kannapo §r lis is not thickly populated although there I is much rich farming land along the rbute and this no doubt will be developed P. extensively after the interurban is built. > Cabarrus will prosper to an extent re gardless of where the line is built but the Igpommumty and the public, it seems to us, f would be better served by a line from | ! (Charlotte to Concord, gi Effort to avoid building a parallel line H°iS said to have influenced the Ij\ & N. officials in their decision to build the line r via Derita, Cox’s Mill and Kannapolis, seems to us that such a route does not eliminate the question. A parallel line, one that follows the general direction rfuff anot^er li ne - and certainly from Char lotte to Derita the line of the Southern |-3tis followed, and the same is true from to Spencer, even, if the P. & route does not follow every curve in fe-the tracks of the Southern. Ife, The territory from Derita to Kannap- Hpolts should develop energetically with ■i .the conting of the P. & N. That section | "of the county is now without rail facili- KTies closer than Concord and the coming P of the interurban there may result in a if thriving community in a few years. Yes, |;We repeat, Cabarrus county will benefit' • from the interurban regardless of its lo- ■ .. * K THE PRES*DENT GOES WEST/ ! P jjj n C Fd —T sition from the South Dakota White House to learn conditions in that section than he would have- if be had estab lished his headquarters somewhere in the east. We do not argue that the farm relief hill the President vetoed was the best thing for the farmers,*but we argue that in the manner of its opposition by ad ministration forces it was not given due consideration. Secretary Mellon espec ially, was bitter fhd energetic in hfe op position not only to fftC bill that was ve toed but to all similar bills. ThaT, wfc think, is the real reason the farmers have a right to kick. Not be cause this particular bill was vetoed but because the administration has declined tq give due consideration to the needs of the' farmers. i Secretary Mellon is a manufacturer. H or the cynical, was the sole cause of that fist assemblage: Recently an oratoete*J prise was awarded to a young person who attacked the newspapeto for inaccuracy, bias and general mendacity. Often statesmen, confronted with the press record Os a fact unpleasinff to tfefm, hard announced that they don’t believe if; that the only evidence they Spire had of its occtatrene* was tbtmngh tbe neitopipirs. And then they hare turned haughtily to someAf|tag Wen, did LmdbSMh really fly from San Diego to St. Louis without Stopping? Did he then fly from St. Louis to New Tor* without stopping? Ipd he then span the Atlantic and land at L* Bouyfet in Paris without stopping? Was be mobbed by admiring throngs, did he wehr that borrowed suit, did he receive homage and decoration* fptm kings and ihinisters? Did he return qh the Mem phis?. Was he the center of an amazing demonstra tion at Washington? Was it rpnUy *>ye ars of age, -while the' groom has weathered the ravages of about eigh teen winters. The happy couple have returned and are- making their home in WilkeSboro. Mrs. Milam’s first husband was killed in this pity in a truck accident two years ago. The groom is jin em ploye of a factory. SOCK SHEETROCK, tha lord* a perfectly ttnooilr ' ' surface lor any.dote— tkm. All joints art ocm- ; ——— r— I —■ ■ ■ 1— "■ £’■ —r 7i -,. .. •....- 1 . —' —: —— : —■ V :t ■ _ Fetzer & Yorke Insurance. AIT Kinds of INSURANCE Cakafras Sanaa* Bank ] BulMbg v -- , y . -- r sy • | i ■■ 1 t DELCO LIGHT flkMitt Battery iWt aod Non-Stonge Warns Pwpjha SfodtoW^Weii ' .-•$ R. ROwen PkwNl 6mm*, N. e* IS *TH*'TrtlH€' - Os vmvcH pnotcular ! A flower garden is the W«)frt beautiful thing that can bd placed oh the etterior of l m man’s home. ■> Dptb-date plumbing is the most effic ient, charming thing that can t be placed in its interior. folks Healthy’ - and happy? [I -flmpb” »p wbit. CONC&H& PLiimtM |l j' jn DON’T FORGET DAD FATHERS DAY, U V j| jomfp* r Oy-w 2m,, Remembcfr 'hOw much Wv */ v';:. he appreciates' : ';*a Tie— ffwm L. / just a mere little token .»f love and kind remem- \ mejl h grand . % A • ■ld smile lie gave in exchange for that last ' f Tie you presented him A wide, range to select from, beapti- MUM ful patterns in all Pure Silk. fUHRP We are ready to care for yoijr very MB Choicest Taste, and the price is front liMspß 50c TO $1.25 Now that’s not much hut Dad will not forget it soon. ' THE HUB H JOE GASKEL H| >Wi : —-EEE US—-- " 3# : ‘ r FOK BEST COAL AT igST PRICES CRAVEN’S PHONEi 74 ANOTHER CAR LOAD - - * ' ■ iv. Hoosier Kitchen Cabinets A.’vVv;"-' ' ; ’• V. •* " ‘ Grey, decorated Bine, White, decorated Blue, Wedgewood Green, decorat ed Orange. ' ' "j . 'v" • . $} .< ; Th« moat beautiful and most cp|hi>tete prorkihg unit ever placed in the kitchen ■ bw