Saturday, Jmtt iB, i 027 i_L *1 1 U *n- J. Johnson, superintend ent of the Sunday School, and Robert Eflrd, dde of the prime leaders of the church, will appear in short talks at tlie mohiing serv'ee in regard to the every member campaign being staged bjy the Presbyterian folks. ■ Rev.- W. C. Jamieson has returned from the Davidson conference and will occupy the pulpit it both ser vices. TWO PITCHERS CAST ADRIFT ,9- BY KANNAPOLIS CLU*. f The Necessary Prwrfrfil Oil Newberry. Wifgihio »UH*tr, and Parksf-, Piedmopter. f Kannapolis, Jjjpc 18.—l’cc;:s PoT kcr, Cooteemee \by who came here ffbu the l*iedmQtit League, afttd Hen ry N|>\v berry, out of tip* Virginia As sOCSolon, were yesterday afternoon tehdetrii their release by Mhimger Boh Kirkc. Both boys arc pitchers ahil twirled some neat ball here' for the Towcler dttb, but Kirke waif forced to cut his squad to twelve nietC and it was nec efifiary ffo cast adriftVtwo of the six ca tapirs. ■,& The -roster ns it now stands, sow low’s: Stiller, lb: Kirke. 2b; Mottsln ger, ss: ;-Hayncs, Bb.; Ldr, tt.: Irby r of.: McClain. rs.; Donaldson, c.; Laird, Antley, Jaeksou and Wilson, pitchers. Botii Clubs In Superb Tibi-and a Choke Battle Is Foraftfled. Kannapolis, June 18.—-XMliiey Lew eilyn will this afternoop fedd h's Con cord Weavers into local den for the second battle of jbo season with tlie Kannapolis TowWSrs. .The com bat wilt start at SfflO o’clock. Both outfits are fii superb trim for jELtlie struggle. Both have taken’ on three fees thus far this week and both will be fighting .toe and nail for the.bacon. Consequently the hardest fought affair of the year Id forestall ed. Boss Kirke will rely on either Wil son or Antley, both former Sally I.eagucrs, to protect his vassals from the slab while Shipper Lop will like ly select Bartel or Bonds, both also ■ ■- Jt..a. .m. .» r- -|f" ■■ '"VI.. > J ,7 —11.. 1,. 4 I a .MSI; .r . m ~ — ’ TILLIE THE TOILER v A POSTPONED ENGAGEMENT - _ HET--UUT BVLU.VSO O&SZan&StT] WQ OD IHhAS^ T’TdIdKSHT t USW’T -imt FOMNYI ! LBAVINtf g MAC RANG » WC)MDE£ t—* \ BOTH RACING l| |*SUI ffiSfclPF -*U*T ftW U«*> A UP A you, DIP ,/z TMEV/Rg^LJ IF -TUEVfcOjm iuJJ’we SjwS2 kpCOND feEFOfcB youtMCs AM§_ Ao wA-wiTKC) rnM 1 ni<4 * raMMMAx)! DECiDEJp NOT |>OVJM STRSET NIGHT - ME TO DO THIS SAME tHINSK>~ s<->T SAlt) \*t> <3O VWT’H Tsfope SO r-rHIIIPtwvI ~ vc> COME r I'LL TEACH ' 7 -LI I I, , J ' ~i.„ .u " J BBWMHU. I I, Jt I I I ‘ “ ’ ON Wtt former Sally leaguers, for bis mound Peepingiinto the situation with both •eyes it k learned that neither team kae the edge on the other. Concord won eight, games over Kannapolis last jrelr while Kannapolis annexed nine victories over the grand old riv al. This year the Towelers outclassed Coneord, 0 to 3, in the opening num ber but, this has been forgotten since, the latter 'was got in the best of con dition to battle the classiest contin gent in North Carolina. The other chibs of Toweler Town will remain- idle today, being guests at the Ooncoril ordeal. The “Y” had planned on meeting Badin in the aluminum city, but the Badinites, through conflicting dates, were forced into oanceHihg the affair. THK STANDINGS. Virginia League. W. L. Pet. Portsmouth 34 22. (107 IWlson 1 .30 27 .526 Petersburg— J 27 29 .482 gichmond 26 20 .478 inston 26 29 .473 Norfolk 23 31 .426 South Atlantic League AV.. L. Pet. CMdenifiJe : 38 24 .579 Knoxville 20 26 .527 Bpartafiburg 29 27 .518 Charlotte .. .... 30 28 .517 Asheville ! 28 28. 500 Macon ... 28 88. 49t Augusta ..... 25 32 .439 Columbia ■ 24 32 .4a) American League. ■* •> W. L. New York y 38 17 .691 Chicago .’..34 24 .586 Philadelphia ......30 25 Washington __ __..S7 25 .5J9 Detroit .... 25 28 .472 Cleveland _. BB *W .456 Bt. LOuis .i 24 29 .’463 Boston 14 86 ..264 National League. * - Wj JL Ilct. Pittsbudfii jil .34 18 .654 Chicago - .84 20 .630 Bt. liMls ..M) 21 5Wf New Yobk ...-«7 26 .568 Brflfpn 27 22 J 4!& I’hrtivdelphia V. ’111111.20 80 ‘lsP Cincinnati 20 86 .3J57 Piedmont Ldbgne • W. L. PcL Raleigh 4**- —32 24 .571 High Point ijL... 30 25 .545 Bocky MjMjff 1. ..31 26 .!W4j lVins-toiuSfiem ....27 28 .401 Durham 23 31 .426 Shlisbury —4— T, ! Lived Under All Presidents Except Four. Kgtdntori. Ga., June 18.—INS.— ! Living from the inauguration of the! first* President of the T’nited State* from Massachusetts, John Adams, unf til after the inauguration of ill# sec ond, President Cooiidge. is a long' time, but “ Uncle" Wright Busting aged negro of Pittman County, nob only llvgd (luring every presidential administration, except four, but up un-; til a short tii^f'!before Ills death re cently. his memory was clear and he was a veritable "talking American his tory.” *. "Uncle" Wright, whose age of more than 105 years Was a mattw Os rerord and uot ftiehs Work, belonged to the Bnsttn family betort- the civil war atjd was bom in Norfolk. Va. He was noted for */ remarkable.knowl-: edge Os American events that have made America fStnods. The aged darky ghs Only a 'plejcs ninily when President Adams wis’ln* augtifated and Was but '6 years nrw L ' iuiijilbujl, .ju gq BWW WAB "HOODOOED.” I Sheriff Comes to Albeumrle in‘ttmot of Man Who Deserted StjKily KeWc-Herald. .ptrarjgrr thaa fictiou is tlip «r --cumstguce that brought Sheriff Joe B. Powell, of Moniteau County, fttaapuri, of which California is tfie county seat, to Albeamrte, Tuesday night. Sheriff Powell came all the w|y from California, Mo-, pith ex tiidition pa tiers to get a man who hall given hi.- name as Clifford Gor don Wilt',ey, of Albemarle, N. d„ 'Route 4, Box 67, only to find when jie arrived here that his man had worked a ruse and had been living uittjer &n alias. ■The real Clifford Gordon Whit lesr, Sheriff'i’owell found here, 111 in t» TfiJly-prusom hospital, a married mfin with a wife and several ehil gren, who has been living here in Htfiidy county all bis life except for Vfiat time he s|ient ill the World Whr. The pictures Sheriff Powell brought with him of his man were nOj the image of Clifford Gordin Wbltley of Stanly county. ’( Tiawever, Mr. Whitley here re membered the face of the man who had been living under his name in California, Mo., as a soldier whom bo had. known and soldiered with in t* World War. It is alleged that t* imposter stole Mr. Whitley’s (Htebarge from the army. Mr. W(iit- Ibf as yet hbWevfir, has pot been able to recall tSe mfin’e name.. ■ According to Sheriff PoVrell. a nfiin who gave his napfie and ad dress as Olfford Gordon Whitley dame to California, Mo., in 1920. dad Married a young girl there. The gifl sta|ed thit she got in touch With him through a la-gion Club by (‘OVrespondencc. He was a soldier in the World War and/lived with Uia #ife In - California, &|o., Until abodt Sep tem her. 1926. when he disap peared from that town abandonmg hm wife ahd children. During tfie fime he lived there he worked in a firOolen mill,: having previously work-- ed in cotton mills before fioin# to Missouri, Two children were Tiofti to tbe marriage phile they fi-erc liflug together child was borii to the wife about'three months ago, fiittce he left. Upon this man’s departure from: California, Mo., he carried his wife' and children to her father's home and stated to her that lffi was going ] 4o Kansas City, Mo., io get wort firtij would .Rend for his family later. Mttwever, a day or so thereafter she. a letter post-marked Chi cago, wherein he stated he was going across the waters to see about some insurance. This was the ’first Intl mation the wife ]ptd that her llufi biuid had her and the, riuldren. The wife" then found th»t b|f husband ha(f'. drawn ail the Ainne.v front the bank there, some 4bns> hundred dollnrs. >. Thiit party had . claimed all along that we bad beeu nil jfWpUan since nihe years of »g. I>jM? r upon taking the matter up wfth the war depart ment. the wife turned that when kfir husband enlmfed on December »th. 1910. at Columbus. Ohio . he, gave his emergency address at Mrs. Fannie Whitley 4 mot baric K. F. D. 3To. 4. Box 67, • Aihewfiric. Novtb: flurolina. and gave tbs.-' date and P’ncc of birth .dfi August 15, 1896, ih Albemarle. i)R C. After receiving this information about April Ist,-1927. the finfe. lifid her lafeal. banker to take .the mut ttr up with an Albemarlfi_ hanker. Who that such a party as the mother was named was Iping ip'iir Alblpmarie and also her soil, Clifford Gordon Whitley, a married , .fiau with geweraU children. Shwiff Fdwril find other officio's then thmiglit It likely that Jtfic same man hfid a wife and children in Stuiiiy o&nfy before ((oming-«to their town dm marrying. ;s_On the. stfibngth of this informa tion, ft seems, Sheriff Ifoweli came so Albemarle to get bin man, arriv ing here Tuesday night. Upon ip-, tfistigatiou Wednesday he leariWtf that the real Clifford Gordon ley Was here in the Tally-BruqiaOi Moopital suffering with appendicips, married and with a wife and several Children Whoin be nad ■always lived with.’ .V Mr. Whitley remembered the face of thfe man after looking at the fibotjjp BUeHff Powell 'brought with him as being a soldier with him in THjc OONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE iMDYOUkVBjgt | Uwi. ! i mi, ' H B. managing editor of the Vancouver, B. C., Province, saya: That support of hOOc industries is the motive power driving the commun ity *bip to wares the harbor of go as sured prosperity. When you “buy at home’’ you keep your (foliar circulat ing among your neighbors, you pro mote confidence In ydttr City, you help to establish payrolls and payrolls’ mean families and 8 progressive community. In this western province of the Do minion of Canada we are educating our people to buy British Columbia goods for preference. Second choice goee to Canadian goods, third to goods produced within -the British Empire. In this young country it is some times necessary to make sacrifices in order to maintain the plan outlined but t>id you ever stop to think that there woo’d be no home industries if people purchased all their supplies from outside sources!... Asheville Cope Bring Us School. Asheville, Jime IT. Asheville policemen are going to school. The first Class will he held at 2 o’clock next Tuesday afternoon in the Police court room. The tfiaeibr will be Dr. A. G. Barry, expert criminologist, and assistant in economics and sociology at the Uni-, versity Os Wisconsin, who is a mem ber of the teaching staff at the Ashe ville Summer School. Announcement that Dr. Barry has agreed to conduct a series of classes for members of the police department for a study of crime lin'd police meth ods Acas Made by.U. M, Bartlett, com iriahionCr of public, rfafety. ' Ty (tobb knocked out a two-bagger the .first time he went to bat in the big league in 1905. ' ,ss a sfidfifij* ■■», the World' War. Mr. Whitley-, ’'lt'lfi' understood, alleged that this sclf ofiUie man stole hi* discharge papers. BUt as yet, Mr. Whitley has been Unable to recall the name the man went by while in the army. Sheriff Joe B. Powell returned hoine without his n»an Wednesday 'afternoon, after having visited the JpyOTi fiif fiadlii and other" adjacent point.-* of interest in Stanly. While here Sheriff Pijwell stated to . the News-Herald reporter that he was grdaily ini phased with Stai.dy coun ty and in her ifiue net- of 'higfiMtUys. - i. H M ij'O'i | i| * J Minneapolis 9; Columbus 3.« ’' Kansas City 8i Indianapolis l 0» “."fJW Mllwaukee-Louisville, rain. y <- ' 1 y, /■) "iff INTERNATIONAL./ .'; ;*, !*«§! Buffalo 2; Newark 5, ,/ I Toronto 6; JcSsey City " I.' -t j* ""MjKj Rochester Syracuse 0; -Beading 0. “ 1 ■ PIEDMONT. Durham 5; Salisbury 0. i Winston-Salem •» iit'i.frtrti DAVIS TO HEAR P. &N. . J APPEAL AT CHARI3OTTE l ’*« Finance Division Mjf C/C™ - * Expected tti Reach Charlotte q day... * Wifsbiagtoni 1 .Tuite 17.—Haskell Davis, of the finance division of .tlattiiiM' Interstate Commerce Commission, wittiiciij hold the hearings on the application! inoi of the Piedmont and . Northern way company at Cbatfette on the 20th.ts»!rt He is now in Pensacola, Florid#,.iljit but expects to apgivft-in • Charlotte iny Sunday night. He sits as and is to be the only representative v’li: of the commission present. Sir. Bavim v ii>'; came to Washington from Chicago; -iqt'i i W. S. Lee Thanhs Govermlr terest. Raleigh. .Tune 17. —W. S. Lee, presi-- '*ij blent' of the Southern Power Cwn* :I ‘Aj pany. today telegraphed'.Urovernor’Me- “ I,ran thanking him for'his decision to appear personally before (pc I. C. ’■ j C. hearing at Charlotte Monday iiCSfij stfjiport of the application Vof thoSSOtf I’iedwont ««d NartUeui authority to extend its ”™ Mr. lee telegraphed as foliowk.: !' M “Your announeemeiit today toroufh.,.'B the press of your attending our ing here Mondfiy is very pleasing aii|tipi very much ai)prcciated by myself anflL_| associates. I have heard n*ny very complimentary remarks regarding yottf presence here by our mutual friendSod' throughout this sectlou. I wish againdf . to thank you;” ntiw*. —i ’•'•■">dg. One of the outstanding features of the Western league season has been the wonderful improvement of the Wichita team under its new owners, Griggs and Crandall. With Jktle change in the lineup since last aqtaoff I the Larks have soared from last plane. to a perch near the top of the colfasEsSi