PAGE EIGHT r%. 11 ' ? -f-' ._; r . Big Trunk Sale Seventy-five High Grade Trunks on sa’.e at 1-4 Off the regular price. Wardrobe, Diess and Steamer Trunks, all vulcanized fiber covered. Heavy brass trimming, with draw bolts and spring locks. % Off For Cash Army Lockers or tourist trunks. Can be carried on running board of car. All vulcanized fibre. Heavy brass trimming with draw bolts and spring locks. Get your trunk now and save one-fourth. See our big window dis play. Concord Furniture Co. - .-oojrr-. - ■- ——— Saturday Shopping News Extraordinary Special SILK PRINTS Many new Spring and v Summer Patterns in i oM printed silk dress mater- Mn I | ials in dark and light col- • • ** ors. . Os a desirable all ®silk quality for street or home frocks and offered at a very low price at a time when every woman is planning on having one or m6re silk frocks for the Summer season. Extraordinary Special PRINTED FABRICS A special offering of the new printed effects in fast colored wash fabrics. Thirty-six inches wide and offered in an espec tally wide choice hf dainty and colorful patterns jffK, / from which to fashion tub fU v \ frocks for women and girls. qualities are includ ed in this unusually fine selec “YOU CAN GET IT AT ROBINSON'S” f ICE ICE ICE BIG DISCOUNT IF YOU USE COUPON BOOKS A. B. POUNDS |r ICE COAL SERVICE YOUR CAR WASHED WHILE YOU WAIT We hive installed a Hardie Car Washing Machine which en ables us to remove the mud, grease and sediment from the motor and running gear of your car and it is only by the use of this ma chine being equipped with a 3 horse power motor which gives three .hundred pressure, and same can be easily adjusted so that it will throw a fine mist for work on the body and polished surfaces. |■, Call 228 and we will call for your car and return same to you. MMaaMHaaMHaMHaMmM.. Concord Daily Tribune TIMK OF CLOSING MAILS. The time of the dosing of majls at the Concord Poatoffice is as follows: * Northbound. 130—11:00 P. M. 30-10:00 A. M. 34 4:00 P. M. 38— 8 :*> P. M. 30—11:00 P. M. Southbound. 39 9.25 A. M. 45 3 ;20 P. M. 135 8:00 P. M. 29—11:00 P. M. RAILROAD SCHEDULE. In Effect May 29, 1927 Northbound No. 40 To New York 9:28 P.M. No. 30 To Washington —2:12 A. M. No. 136 To Washington 0:05 A. M. No. 36 To New York 10.23 A. M. No. 34 To New York 4:43 P. M. No. 12 To Richmond 7 :09 P. M. No, 32 To New York »:03 P, M. Sountbound No. 45 To Charlotte 3:36 P M. No. 35 To New Orleans 9:56 P. M. No. 29 To Birmingham 2.15 A. M. No. 31 To Augusta 5:51 A. M. No. 33 To New Orleans 8:15 A. M. No. ll To Charlotte 8:00 A. M. No. 135 To Atlanta 8:37 P. M. No. 39 To Atlanta - 9:45 A. M. No. 37 To New Orleans 11:29 A, M. Train No. 34 will stop in Concord to take on passengers going to Wash ington and beyond. Train No. 37 will stop here to dis charge passengers codling from Wasn ington and beyond. Ail trains stop in Concord except No. 38 northbound. Bible Thought for Today Honor and Life—"Ye shall fear ev ery man his mother, and hie father, and keep my sabbaths; I am the Lord your God." Lev. 19:3. Prayer—Help, us our God. to love our parents, and keep holy Thy Sab baths, and live long in the land. LOCAL MENTION No arrests were made by city po lice officers during Friday and Fri day night, it was reported at head quarters this morning. The offering of the Sunday Schoo' department of the First Presbyterian church tomorrow morning will be contributed to* the Barium Spring Orphanage, near Statesville. The sum of $75 was collected Fri day afternoon at Recorder's i onrt before Judge A. B. Palmer. The majority of the defendants who ap peared for trial had minor clnyges placed against them. Rev. R. M. Courtney is expected to return this afternoon from Duke University, where he has been at tending the summer school for preach ers. He will be in his pulpit at Cen tral Methodist Church tomorrow.' L. V. Elliott, register of I iced.--, reported today that no marriage licenses had been issued by him for the last two days. Comparatively few licenses have been issued during this month dispite the fact that it is supposed to be the month for wed dings. Mr. Elliott said. The elements still have ill-feeeling toward June. Friday brought more rain and cool winds, while today is more typical of a winter day. There seems to he little doubt that Con cord is experiencing a stimmeriess summer. A warm day in June in this age is becoming almost rare. Atmospheric conditions forcing smoke issuing from the Y. M. (!. A. to hover about the building led per sons to believe that the “Y” was on fire shortly after 11:30 o’clock this morning, and an alarm was rung in at the Concord fire station. The call to the department was the first in more than three weeks. A large number of "Dokies" from Concord attended the “Dokie” dance and reception Friday night in Char lotte at the meeting of the Dramatic Order of the Knights of Khorassan of the four temples of North Caro lina Pythiandom. The dance last evening brought to a close the sXth Convention of the Grand Isidge of the Knights of Pythians- More than 700 persons visited the clinic Friday night at the Kannapo lis Y. M. C. A. More than 600 of this number were given either the first or second treatment of the typhoid vaccination, while the re maining number were given toxin anti-toxin to prevent diptheria. The Kannapolis clinic is being conducted by the Cabarrus Health Department. Swiftly the old church of the Saint James Lutheran is falling before the attack of man. Only the tower and walls now remain to be torn, away, and workmen Monday will busy them selves with the task. It is probable that the tower will be the last por tion of the structure to be wrecked. It will be pulled from its foundation, in all probability, by means of a trac tor. The committee on furnishing of the Better Homes Movement locally Friday afternoon met to discuss plans for furnishing the girl’s bed- 1 room of the model home at Jackson! Park. This afternoon, weather per- 1 mitting. the committee on beautify ing the grounds about the mode', home will meet with Mise Ophelia Barker, home demonstration agent, j (to prepare plans. The model home I I will opened for public inspection (Tuesday afternoon, June 28th. Major 8. F. Telfair Dead. | Raleigh, June 17. —Funeral services \ were conducted here this afternoon for Major Hamuel Fowle Telfair, 64, one time active in State politics, whose death occurred yesterday, i Major Telfair was private secre f t*ry to three governors of North Caro lina, serving from 1889 to 1898 un der Fowle, Holt and Carr. He was a graduate of Davidson College. For the last several years be had been Prominently engaged in business af i THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE BRAMHAM APPEARS TO HAVE CLEAR FIELD A. J. Draper Withdraws From Bare For Republican Nalicnal Cam miUeemanship. Charlotte. June 17.—W. G. Brain ham, of Durham, appears to have i clear field for the office of Republi can national committeeman, says the Charlotte News in a story appearing today. A. J. Draper. Charlotte capi talist. has withdrawn from the rare that starred with the apiHiiutment Johnson J. Hayeo as judge of the middle district federal court. The News says a telegram has been received by Mecklenburg coun ty Republicans from Mr. Draper an nouncing tfcat hr would not be a candidate for the place. f' "Whether Mr. Bramham would find the sailing as easy as thought." the News says. however, “was prob'ematieal in the opinion of many,” adding that the support of Judge Hayes, and David H. Blair, commissioner of internal revenue, i>- problematieal. Mr. Braham is quoted as having said recently, while here in connec tion with his duties ns president of the South Atlantis Baseball associa tion. that lie would not make an n< five light for the place. “John. I am really too good to you. You've heard of people being killed with kindness?' “Yes, my dear, but don't be afraid —that kind of murder newer gets into the courts." BELL and HARRIS Funeral Home v \ Day and Night Service Phone 640 ~ Save yl Irf ■ LAJ Saving is a pleasant art m That you ought to lean arm Jil by heart. t I One thing that a lot of M 11 folks in this town have y . IJ learned is that when they IT send their clothes here to k 1 1 be dry cleaned or dyed A Ik they get 'satisfactory re suits. This fact satisfies I I them and us too. C B T 7rramßi CONCORD COTTON MARKET f SATURDAY, JUNE 18. 1927 Cotton —., .15% to .10' Cotton Seed 34^ CONCORD PRODUCE MARKET * (Corrected Weekly by Cine A Moose) Figures named represent prises paid tor produce on the market. Eggs .2S Sweet Potatoes ... SI.OB Turkeys ! SS Onions SI.OO Pees HM Butter .25 Country Ham .30 Country Shoulder : 28 Country Sides ... JJB Young Chickens 25 Hens .18 Irish Potatoes - - , 81A8; Hams Hams Hams ■M Big Lot Country Cured I Hams j Just Like We Sell All the I Time This lot won’t last long. J Sell Whole. Slice Hams Each Tliurs-1 day, Friday and Saturday. I PHONE 339 J I C S£HS •■-TT | P ■ ,‘ . * . ' ( ,' I V Father’s Day, June 19 REMEMBER HIM WITH A GIFT FROM OVERCASH'S STORE \\ r NEW NECKWEAR—Beautiful Patterns 50c TO $1.50 NEW SILK HOSIERY—In Plain or Fancy Patterns ,50c TO $1.50 PAIK 25 DOZEN NEW SHIRTS—Price $1.50 TO $3.50 NEW SUMMER’ SUITS —Price $15.00 TO $35.00 Come and Let Us Help Select DAD A Nice Gift W. A Overcash Father’s Day JUNE 19th REMEMBER YOUR DAD i And Buy Him a Necktie or a Few Pairs of Socks FOR FATHER’S DAY We have a Showing of Fine Neckwear Ready For Your Inspection. RICHMOND - FLOWE CO. High Grade Merchandise MR. FARMER, BUY FROM THE GROCER WHO BUYS FROM YOU. We buy what you grow You get a job at some public works To help you pay what you owe, Then you spend your money at a Why snarl and growl and fret, store where . they work no Over a lttle bit of debt? clerks. Yoirr wife works the garden and They buy goods produced by the 'tends to the cows, farmers of the North and West Your son feeds the horses and does n< l send your Dollars off to feoth the rununing of the plows, er their nest. Your daughter does the cooking XT ~ , , , and washing of the clothes, Now ls we have what *<>« want Your "kiddies” pick the blackber- an UU ' Fares For Short Trips 1 KW, Sh.v- C|» i I A* ■H" Tickrt Regular e*> Cn Fre * h Shi P ment Price VMtDU i North Carolina Honey, in „ . . • the Comb $1.50 3u.y.r, qe_ Supply Limited , ; . , , § Also Fresh Shipment Small GIBSON’S! UIDJUII W | BtOOOPOOOOPOOOOOOOOOOOg PHONE 571 YOU ARE NOT GOING TO FORGET TO REMEMBER—ARE YOU? FATHER’S DAY, June 19th Father really has only one day of his own—and that’s next Sunday. Yes*—at Christmas time you fill his stocking with gifts—but on January Ist the postman fills it with bills. SO —on Father’s Day give him a GOOD gift with out a string attached. Here is a small list of a large number of fine pres ents for Dad— Neckwear Smart Shfrts Or Golf Togs Or a New Straw Hat Or a Belt Set Or a Palm Beach Suit HOOVER’S, Inc. The Young Man’s Store LET US DO IT FOR YOU When it comes to packing, crating • Y and carting we are no the job any Y time you need our services. We are \ in the transfer business every day of —\ the year and will move your goods IB J—!| I and chattels whenever and wherever ** Lr || / yon desire. You simply phone us V|j‘ W what you want done and we will tell ■—yon what it will cost and now quick -862 PHONE 133 J ZEB P. CRUSE 11 Startena and Baby Chic Chow | Will grow you a 2-pound Chicken in eight weeks, if ; you will feed them according to directions. We will guarantee. ■ We also have Feeders and Dflnjt- | ing Fountains to suit all. Cash Feed. Store rHONK us ’ll H~!r Home Comforts Vfts=g£' Ihr ft) jg ■ W To enjoy life to its utmost one I - r V**y must have a good home to live in, a ■i ~ Ifc. ***■—-J good bed to sleep in and a good bath , room to keep clean in, with three meals a day , of course. It is our business to equip your bath room. We I have the fixturea that represent real I II F luxury. Ask us to give you an esti- mate to fix up your bath ( room the E. B. GRADY When- the Limited Pulls In A good engineer inspects his loco motive after each long run. And the wise houseowner looks ov “Warm er his f urnace after the winter run. Air This is an ideal time to put your HeM Is furnace* in condition for next season’s Best run - For Every Home ” H you will phone for our heating expert today, he will gladly look over the system for you and tell 'you what must be done to insure comfort for next winter. There will be no charge for the inspection. / F. C. NIBLOCK WARM AIR IS THE ONLY HEATING SYSTEM THAT WILLiSUPPLY THE 3 ESSENTIALS TO COMFORT—HEAT, HUMIDITY AND VENTILATION " Saturday, June 18, 1927 1