PAGE TWELVE (Cut io nnnutes C ■ See the latest Perfections H You can sleep a little longer in the When the cooking is done, no sooty kettles morning when you use one of the to scour. For every drop of oil is completely latest Perfection Oil Stoves! It cooks burned in the long chimneys before the any of your breakfast favorites quickly—light heat reaches the cooking. No smoke, and ; muffins, crisp bacon, fragrant coffee. no odor. Touch a match to the wick. At once full- Quick to light! Quick to cook! Perfections fledged heat is driven up the long chim- can be depended upon for any cooking neys, straight to your cooking. The newest task. Ask your dealer to demonstrate the Perfections hurry meals. newest models. Miss Hall Says — Ready for instant use, no coal "The Perfection is easily lighted,and Perfections range in size from or wood to haul, no fire to intense heat is quickly produced ’'’ one to five burners. Priced Miss Margaret Allen Hall # coax into action. Use only Nutrition Expert, Battlecreek from *7.25 to *l3O. Be sure « , n College of Home Economici. , , kerosene, the safe fuel. to see them! Perfection Stove Company, Atlanta Bruch—ll3 courtiand st.~s.~e? PERFECTION I■ ■ • Oil Stoves & Ovens [BU ?r _ m \ r_j J odor wtth Perfecttot WARNING: Use only genuine Perfection Wick* on Perfection Stoves. They mro stamped with red trian[les. Others will cause trouble. long chimney burners. iL ; TODAY’S EVENTS. Thursday, June 23. 1027. The Bank of Montreal, the oldest j British North America, is 110 IK old today. Sheetings to the Prince of Wales, Sty celebrates his 33rd birthday jjivensary. Bids is the golden jubilee of the jiir of the Royal Arcanum, first ntnized in Boston in 1877- rhe Archbishops, of Malines and Posen will. be created Cardinals today’s public consistory in Rome. |g*rehandising and other problems tSe industry will be discussed at If annual convention of the Knit Bi Finest Oil Stove PERFECTION with SUPERFEX BURNERS With the fast-as-gas Perfection with Superfex Burn ers in your kitchen you will not envy housewives who cook with gas. The Superfex Burners—no smoke, soot or odor. Come in and see the newest models— finished in two-tone gray and with porcelain enameled cooking top. , * ' ' ted Outwear Association, meeting j today at Atlantic City. ! Social and other activities among j the Jews in America will be con sidered by the Conference of Ameri can Rabbis, which meets in annual session today at Cape May, N. J. The finals for the third national intercollegiate oratorical contest-, when in cash will be awarded to thp seven winners, are to be held today in Los Angeles. Violet Ray Glass. (London, June 23. —The new type of glass, which, unlike ordinary window glass, admits the violet rays of the sun, is to be te’ted in green-' houses at University College, South ampton, and at Kew, the famous botanwal gardens. At Kew, one-half of an experi-1 mental greenhouse will be fitted with the new glass and the other half i with ordinary glass. A typical selec tion of plants and flowers will be duplicated in each section, while a similar course will be followed with a wide variety of plants, including radishes, sunflowers, and beans, in a large glass corridor with a southern aspect. It is hoped to discover whether any advantages, such as earlier cropping, better quality, heat saving, better color, hardier constitution, and great THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE er resistance to disease, are obtain ed by the use of the new glass. j A safe-blower doesn’t blow about j it later. PERFECTION OUCook staves anaovem The Quickest Way and the best way to satis fy you that the Perfection is the best oil stove you can buy Is to come in and let us show you what it will do. Come in any time. We will be glad to demon strate. Yorke & Wadsworth v C« v - WANT CHAPEL AT PORT BRAGG CAMP Start Campaign Par SIOO,OOO For War Memorial and Chapel For Soldiers. A drive for SIOO,OOO with which to build a memorial chapel, with plans to build a house of worship for the 3.400 soldiers, officers, their wives and civilians employed at the camp, who now have no place of worship except the war department theatre. This chapel, which is to be a memorial to the men of North Carolina, who gave their lives for their country during the World War. will be non-sectarian. The club, which has been formed to head this campaign, is cnlled the Fort Bragg Memorial Chapel Give and Get Club with headquarters in the Prince Charles Hotel building at Fa.veteeville. The work of getting the chapel was initiated by the late Dr. John A. McKethan, of Fayette ville. who organized the Fort Bragg Memorial Chapel Association. It is under the guidance and ns a part ot this association that the Give and Get Club will operate. Dr. J. M. Lilly is president of the association, which will make a State wide appeal for funds for this chapel. The aim is not for a few large contributions, but for*" many Small ones. Many towns with not more than 3.400 population boast several churches, the association points out. whereas the one hall available for religious services is lacking in both facilities and the necessary equipment for Sunday school work. The government has donated a site for the chapel, and maintains a chaplain. Walter B. Zimmerman, but will not donate funds for the chapel. The residents of the post have already made generous contri butions for the erection of the chapel, but this falls far short of the amount deemed necessary to erect a chattel commensurate with the needs of rhe post. - An appeal, issued by the associa tion states: "Inspired by Dr. McKethan’s pioneer effort, the forthright ap proval of the General Commanding tin* Post, Brigadier General A- J. Bowley, Major General Johnson Ha good. Commanding Fourth Corps Area. Major General Charles P. Summerall. Chief of Staff, U. S. A., Governor A. W. McLean of North Carolina, Hon. Josephus Daniels, ex- Socretary of the Navy, leading citi zens of the State have launched this campaign to provide a fund of SIOO,OOO with which to build and equip this chapel, and give it to the congregation at Fort Bragg. "As a memorial to those North Carolina hero sons who have given their lives in defense of their Na tion’s flag, nothing could be more ac ceptable, and as an net of genuine beneficence to a worthy cause, noth ing could be more effective.” France’s War Generals. Paris. June 23.—France’s national fete day next month will witness an extraordinary ceremony when six teen of her “most glorious dead” will he laid to rest beneath a magnificent cenotaph in the Church of *St. i Lou is, which stands beside the tomb of Napoleon I. in Les In valides. The French Government has decided that the greatest of the mili tary lenders of the country during the World War shall have a right to a, common resting place around the greatest of French generals of all rime, and their bodies will be ex humed from the various places they haye been buried, and solemnly laid together in the crypt beneath the hew cenotaph. The sixteen are: Marshal Maun oury, who was one of the great lead ers at the first battle of the Marne; Onernls Grossetti, Roques, it** Maud ’buy. Dumbest. Maistre, Buat, Dubois, Nivellft De Mitny, Laurezac, Dntz.’ Mnngin. De Boissoudy,: Ger ard, and Land le Cary. .• Make the best of your surround ings. The duck-pond is an ocean to the tadpole. ,j IT FOB MX, SORE, lED FEET Good-bye, sore feet, burning feet, swollen feet, sweaty feet, smelling feet, tired feet Good-bye corns, callouses, bunions and raw spots. No more shoe tight ness, no more limping with pain or drawing up your face in agony. “Tii” is magical, acta right off. "Tig” draws out all the poisonous exudations which puff up the feet Use “Tlx” and forget your foot misery. Ah I how comfortable your feet feel A few cents buy a box of “Tig” now at any drug or department store. Don’t suffer. Have good feet glad feet feet that never swell, never hurt, never get tired. A year’s foot comfort guar anteed or money refunded. 1,1 ■*— i' 1 i"-- ■■ Too Much “Acid?” Excess Uric Acid atoms Rise to Many Unpleasant Troubles, An ‘HORITIES agree that an excess of uric acid is pri- to faulty kidney ac material often makes Its pres* cnee felt by sore, painful joints, n tired, tonguid feeling and, sometimes, toxic backache and hraiinrbT That the kidneys are not functioning right is of ten shown by scanty or burning passage of secretions. Thou sands^assirty their kidneys at Damn's see recommended by FCOtte. Art your '■-■U. . 'l'", 11 -—. M... "■'■■U-lggTT :[6^G^ I 6 Famous Cooks I (Cnrttsy o< the Domettic Seinee Defrrt. met . lectin Sleee Cempnjj WELCOME CHANGES FOR 1 THE BREAKFAST MENU (Editor’s Not*: TUi is one of s serin 1 of cooking srticles by six of the country 1 !. best-known cooks.) : Bacon, egrgs, toast, cereal Mighty good for breakfast, : but don’t we sometimes gel! ; tired of them? >Mk Hot bread* Vnißk are always welcome, and 1 4 they don’i take very J * ,7 long to pro f L. pare. And \/fly waffles mak« ma JUT aulen haul though they require a lit tle more work on the pait oi the cook. However, it’s worth it, when we see‘the look oi pure joy on the faces of thf youngsters while they eat. Berry Muffin* Blueberries, huckleberries, rasp -5 f7 , . e *—®. nr b ” rl «s * n Mason—arc n Miss Margaret AlUn Hall, nutrition specialist al the Battle Creek College of Home Economics, gives her favorite muf fin recipe. 1 cup fresh berries 2 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons sugar 1 egg \ cup. milk 2 cups sifted flour H teaspoon salt 4 teaspoons baking powder Sift the dry ingredients together. Srr”„ t th# i'll 181 !. and sugar. Add the milk and the dry ingredients al berries At the ** Bt - fold ,n th « „ Always flour berries before put ting them into the batter. This keeps them from going to the hot tom. It’s always best to have a hot oven for muffins and biscuits. II you cook with a modern long-chim he?r, oU stove, turn the flame until yellow tips appear, about 1H inches high above the blue area. This flame pre-heats quickly. Golden Corn Muffins Corn muffins, crisp and golden eruated. are delicious. This la how Hiss Hail makes them. % cup cornmeal 1M cups flour 2 tablespoons sugar H teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon molted butter 1 cup milk 1 egg 4 teaspoons baking powder Sift the dry ingredients together Beatthe egg, add the milk and stir in the drr Ingredients. Then add the melted butter. Turn into muffin t'o* and bake In a hot oven twenty live to thirty minutes New Pancakes _ Pancakes T Os course! Every family likes them, sour milk, and buckwheat. But have you ever tried rye pancakes! Delicious. The fol lowing recipe is contributed by Hiss Csiey G. Allen, principal of the Boston School of Cookery, e .Hlx one cup each of rye meal and breed flour, one-fourth eun of > two teaspoons of cream of tartar, one teaspoon of soda, ons teaspoon of salt and one-half teaspoon of grated nutmeg. Add one well-beaten egg and one cup of milk. Beat well and drop by spoonfuls Into deep fat. Drain on soft paper and serve hot with maple or any good swaet syrup. Rice Griddle Cakes Rice griddle cakes havs made a name for themselves down south. And there’s no reason why folks everywhere should not like them. Itlss Rosa Hlehaells, New Orleans ! cooking expert, gives her recipe for ’ them. 1 cup boiled rice i l cup milk 1 cup flour 1 egg 2 teaspoons shortening 1 teaspoon salt , 2 teaspoons baking powder i Mix rice, milk, melted shortening, salt and well beaten egg. Sift the dry Ingredients and add to first : mixture. Hlx thoroughly and bake 1 oa hot greased griddle. Hot Waffles l And where can you And a dish ' more enticing than waffles, served with rich maple syrup, corn syrup, or molaaseet The following reolpe is also Hlsa Mich sells’: ri cups flour cups milk 4% teaspoons baking powder 2 eggs n 1% teaspoons shortening 1 teaspoon salt Sift dry Ingredients; add milk to the yolke of eggs. Beat thoroughly and add to dry Ingredients, now'the melted shortening and mix In the beaten whites of the eggs Bake well in hot waffle irons Some of the modern devices require no grease in tbs baking. Serve at onoo. Many women set the table tho night before, and have all eooklng utensils needed for breakfast laid out. to save time In the morning. This avoids much needless early morning confusion. OH stove users will bo glad to know of a wick cleaner which fits Over wicks, and removes all char and unevenness at a simple turning. . Very inexpensive and haves hands. Whiter Clothes Did yon know that clothes rinsed ! In hard water roanlre very little .* pd . * r *J*jf r **“ w® -BwH f . iWmteh sssHhg I FAITH. John Ritchie from above Salisbury wss in Faith today. hjr. Cook showed us a shoe that he is making for a man who has only !**• ; V-. ■ t We found -out how to trap the: smart rata and will tell any one how; for ten cents in stamps. i j We are having line seasons now and 1 .fine crops will be made everywhere, j j The beat and prettiest business girl; , works at the Western Union tele graph office. One lady at Statesville and one xt Charlotte sent cash for some ectema salve today. Bill Way gent ue a picture of the Southern Hotel. Rock Hill, S. C. • The Stanly News-Herald, the Con . cord Times and the Carolina Watch man ail had a fine lbt of Venue’ items this week. Look them tip. Every house in and near Faith is full up and running over. The lowest price in FRIGIDAIRE history a genuine Frigidaire complete > s l9s A, lAJLtAVrON ONI# THINK of it! A Frigidaire today. See genuine Frigidaire, for yourself its value, complete with cabinet, Learn what a small frost coil and com- down payment will put pressor, ample in size Frigidaire in your for the average family, home—hertv easily you designed, built and can pay the balance ori finished to exacting the convenient plan of Frigidaire standards— General Motors, and its price is within You will see for the means of every yourself that your home that has electric home nped no longer current! be without this great- Visit our showroom est of modern con and see this new veniences. FRIGI D A I RE STANDARD BUICK CO. Phone 363 PERFECTION OUCooK Stoves and Ovens In Your Kitchen Try a Perfection in your kitchen. If you do not find it the finest liquid fuel stove—the cleanest, quickest and safest—we will come and take it out and refund your money. We have a complete line—a size and a \ P ri ce to auit your requirements. Convenient pay ments if desired. BELL-HARMS FURNITURE CQ. , s* 7.4 • • -y, Thursday, June 23, 1527 . . ■— Faith is a mighty good place to live. So much work to do and every body hag all ke. can do and makes good- money, and then it is one of the healthiest places in the United States, good freestone water and good sandy j land, no storms or tornadoes, no high | waters and everybody is happy. | Ray McCombs and some of the boys f has gone to Salisbury today in Mr. j McCombs’ • big fine car to attend the : ball game. Peeler & Fraley has some of the largest cabbage heads we have seen anywhere. The old Civil War veterans here has gone to Salisbury to get their pension. VENUS. A. L. Burke who has just written a successful play for a London thea tre was until a few weeks ago n waiter in a small restaurant, work ing fourteen hours a day and living mainly off his tips.