PAGE FOUR NAVFS NEWEST WAR TERROR * jC C Oli 0D L ' ! The V-3, latest submarine to be added to Uncle Sam’s sea forces, is in reality an underset tattle cruiser. It has a gun turret on the deck and carries lifeboats. A similar type developed £y Great Britain carries an airplane. Photo, shows the y-3 leaving Charleston, Main., navyi £ard for a cruise. _ _ , j . (International Newsreel.)! BURNING MINE BLOWS OFF ' _ 11..1 IWIT—W*-. - mi, | r,iiir r mil! 11 iin iiiiiiiini Ir-11 53881 ' *•' J With five men, believed dead, entombed, the Woodward Colliery, near Wilkes-Barre, Pa., was sealed to check the spread of fire. Accumulating gases blew off the cap, wrecking ihe superstructure, and broke windows within fifty miles. Picture shows the demolished struc r^^Ss^ITWK¥TOIJFEWFARMr~ * ' mmm - ~~ ’ "‘4, ' > • " : w ■'■ > ■•. IH2 BAttV TRiBiM —■ ■ • - i • - ..rr • ■ , Characteristic Sayings at Revival Conducted by Rev. McfCendree Long | Following art a few of the eharac 11eristic sayings of Mr. Long through out his germqns: .. .■ 1 A. The religious ideals of the ilnsur rendered, are stars that turn to me teors. The religious ideals of those crucified, with Christ are as the North Star "of whose true fixed and Mating quality here is no fellow in the flrniu lueut,” and all of the constellations of grace aud glory revolve about them. • • i v Revenge is itself the Nemesis of re taliation. Ambition Is a serpent which only hatches her progeny to swallow them. To understand all mystery will be ours in heaven. To believe andf>bear all things is.ours on earth. The thread of love's earthly labyrinth is jfust. Many church members petition (iod as If he had not an angel about His throne, nor an ounce of gold n His fining pot. To live a beggar is bad enough: but to jiauperuie i*t he prince of the kings of the earth” is a crime indeed. , " , The lines of earthly latitude, our circles of Christian difficulty get smaller as they get closer to the poles of trust and obedience. Money may talk, but the goddess of liberty on mtoat men's "dollars is struck dumb when she goes to church, j Christianity without the redemptive j cross, soon degenerates into a System of moral mockeries; and Christianity without cross bearing disciples, as a gazing stock, upon which heathendom | itself erics out in disdain. The tongue I of all the Godhead cries from that j cross, "It is finished.” And the fiery j tongues of Pentecost cry to the ages, r 'The sacred voice of the Holy Ghost himself sayeth unto all men every where. ‘Christ is the end of the law of r ; ghteousness to everyone that be lieveth’.” Bubbles are the more irrideecently i beautiful just before they burst; ice-j clad trees the more bewitching just . before the sun melts thorn. Take j care of your heavenly vision! They i descend quickly and vanish as quick- I ly. To obey the visions of hell, means damnation. To disobey those of hear- ; cn. the greater damnation. Many preach on faith, who have I never gone to the limits of trust. The | woodman must first cut the tree to! j i measure it. AA'e need more' of the wood cutting of daily reliance on Christ, and less ethereeal discourse ( on the transports of religion. Where th<‘re is reliance on Christ there will be rapture with Christ. , Os all preaching and testimony, the , Holy Ghost honors most that dealing with the blood. Beginning at that point, he leads us up, past pinnacle . upon pinnacle of happy trust to the sheknial summit of glorification it- 1 self. * As well try to quench smoking Si nai itself as conscience. "A wicked conscience mouldeth goblins more swift ' that frenzy thought.'" Deliberate sin- ’ tiers are breaking the decalogue ou the TToreh of their own hearts. ' ' j The formalist is the church’s under - taker. The Pharisee, like the Wandering Jew. leaves his ignoble footprints in j every community. The ourban, mon gerers, the tithers of mint, and anise, j and cummin, the philacteried Despoil ers of those who choose the modera tion. or even the poverty of Christ as their heavenly dowry, behold, how these are with us yet! And yet no man need envy the stupidiy of the world, nor the contumely of the Phar isee. If the devil were asked whom he pitied most of all the earth, he would reply, "I pity most the spiritual pau per who will deposit his dilusory rich es and honors with most of tragic bit terness at the river of death!” I pity most the Pharisaic wretch whose soul is po'soned with the folly of pride, pride, sin's mother and original. And who will scar the "sides of the pit itself with a bottomless fall.” The dove of peace alights on a cross bravely taken up, just where we laid it down. That cross may be hewn from the thorn* tree of agony, and the crown that encircles : ts head may have been east in the furnace of af fliction. but of our cross, we must take it up being “strengthened with all might according to his glorious power, into all longsuffering with joy fulness." One surrendered heart can change the universe, but a universe of change cannot alter aii unsurrendered heart. A little Scotch girl was converted un der the preaching of AVhitfieled. tjhe was asked if her heart was changed and gave the following beautiful an yer: "Something 1 know has changed; it may he the world, it may be my heart. There is a change somewhere for everything is different from what it was before.” Jesus under the black nimbus of separation from the Father. Jesus’ ajeroed body and torn and broken head with its last thought breathed out in love and city, these are the guaran tees of eternal peace. The Holy Ghost drives all the hooding devils of melancholy out of the heart He cleanses. The last thing'that can give ue peace is ourselves. Women are often strong when den are weak. The starlight of a wom an’s gcntler'counsel ; s often the reme dy of our souls after the scorching, blasting highuoon of life's fever, fret and fighting. Often the palmtree of woman's spiritual fortitude stands de fiant of the hurricane, when the moun tain pine of limit's moral might, more rigid, less yes'lient, has been twisted out of rootage by the whirlwind of the world. Idleness always distils the ichor of detraction. When conversation is without brains, it i« always w thout heart. Punplibowl revelries, and petting pruriencies, and midnight salirity, and all the chartered deviltry or pu treacent society w'th its * morals andj Pompeian cede,! will never produce Dririases t| Clothe tjie : and Abigalb* to feed them. The bigger the lion,' tne more the jungle fowl chatter at him. Not all the angels of joy, rnnjg gtUMJfa* ravished lyre of distru»! OabHel hlMself cannot tune to melody, the heart strings snapt by jealousy and betrayal! ■ Whew we repeat an old sin, we dou • We em's power, and divide opr power of moNII resist anee in half. The road • to perdition and wreck, is lined with • the mileposts of old sins repeated till ■ morally monotonous. i Samson went to Sorek! A bad : place for a Naxarite to wander to. f!:v --■ en n Delilah amid the vineyards, and ■ what can guardian angels do? If we stick cur heads in the lion’s mouth, v we need not expect God to send an ■ archangel to prop their jaws open. Surely we are maddest of all when we take a wild leap over the whirlpool rapids of our special weakness. . Faith can germinate in,grace only. . But when planted by giace in the I most barren ground, like the flower* ing cactus it can suck it), nutriment ! from the sterile bosom of the desert, and drop blooms of paradise from its thorniest branch. Faith is like an anchor: it can hold something apparently out of all pro portion to its size and power. One of its grapnel points, rests on the short of eternal grace, and the' other holds fast our surging hearts. The biggest soul, the lordliest giftip must be an chored by it. It is fairest jewel of mighty minds, and lack of it vulgar- I izes any man to the level of the brute I and the savage. I Doublemindedness has no satisfac tion. It is as if a man had two con sciences. one good and one evil, und | were daily endeavoring to satisfy the : claims of both. The soul becomes a frightful amphitheatre ren and torn [by the rolling battalions of conflicting f desire. ! The worldling is the paid pander of [time. The Christian, the bold crown t <‘d heir of eternity. Our life is above all a hidden life. | Xo noisy fluttering, no egotistic trum petings. no self publications must be ! tolerated. The fairest pearls are yet |on the floor of the sea, and though men behold them not, they delight the 1 eye of God. Many a beetle on a leaf | is clad in burnished mail no urmour l er can fashion, and wears a cuirass ' more resplendent than that of God fred de Bouillion. Many a gem in the crystal bowl of the unknown mountain gorge, is fairer than that on the throat of a princess. Be content to be hid with Christ in God. and you will be revealed of God in Christ. If we are not willing to be unknown be-, cause of Christ, we are not worth be ing known of men. God often suffers the devil to raise a storm to show us the security of our ship. Better one humble heart, heating with the passion of simple benevo lence ami fired by Christian love than all the decorations cf royalty and all the favor of princes. The humblest believer is of the seed royal, and bears the scutcheon of Abraham, the friend of God and the father of the faith up on his armorial field, his is a royal ty nutdating Nornrtn and planlugenet and Carlovington, and running back 11)00 B. C. Any weakness of relenting is bet ter than the undurable hypocrisy of those who hate. Better to stoop to I your enemy than cringe before yotir own conscience. I have read that James Bussell Dowell was once passing from Home to Germany. Ip his company was a friend from Germany who crossed the Alps with him. Is)well paused on a high peak overcome by the magnifi cence of the scene before him. Turn ing his face toward Koine and lifting his hat he exclaimed. "Glories of the past, I salute you!” Then his Ger man friend turned his face toward the fatherland and lifting his hat he like wise exclaimed. "Glories of the fu ture, I salute you !" Yet both of these saluted passing glories, while you and myself, earfh s cliiefnTost sinners, mere scions of The House of Worthlessness, we can stand on the top peak of the Alps <>f assurance and hail the King All Glorious, and the glory of H : s Kingdom which will never pass away ' And the chant of the Spirit in the of I>aul oomes up in our souls, ’’ l herefore let no man glory in men ; for all things are yours; whether I‘aul or Apollus. or Cephas, or the world or life; or death, or things present or things to come, all are yours; H nd ve are Christ's, and Ghrist is God's." 'Nearly nil husbands CU d wives think they are martyrs. n-^. reme. It banishes blackheads, pimple. reckl«, muddiness, sallowness and other lemishes. Almost over night you can restore sur sk in to its lovely white dearness of youth. Try this 3 Minute Test) Before retiring ap ly a coating of Concentrated Marsha Bleach 'reme. No massage, no rubbing; the secret h n the Creme, look into the mirror the next Homing and Jem will be amazed at the new leer, white softness of your skin. It will stonlsh you to see the improvedcondition oi nv blackheads, pimples, freckles or Othei n is not tfj^,your^black| SrraU "IfwMch PEARL DRUG COMPANY 660 Malaria, Chills and Fever Dengue or Biliotis Fever. It kills the germs. -'-gi-k. r~- "Til; Ba i §■ 5 / - '; , j jf - f | » '■ ' 7 ■ >' e \ \ { * .•' '. \ Until a product lias been proved worthy bj every known test itcan not cany the name of the Standard Oil Company^) "STANDARD” GASOLINE j ' - - ? * •i > J ' Made in The Carelinas m ■ ■■ , - v ' 1 ■ " ‘ Perfect Children Rhre in U.S. Schools , Asserts Engineer ~\ PEORIA. ILL.-More than 78 R lit. 1" 1 JP per cent of the school children of SfifW ' i , a * the United States have physical defects, according to 3. M. Ross. " , x neating and ventilating engineer. id *' ' U in an address here. i , \ ...Ipilllll * more thanks mi mU ||* , J., • ”The^ C other« C ill or less serious physical deep °res wnsi- ' C i' bUity but limited powers. Most - v TIIP iwMn % l SiSf sD'cl. V’fejPWß schools have programs of health *, and physical education, and a few A. ¥ have clinip. but^tto^ that SlSt. tfure water end which draws hi freab “Mental Progress of the school ft may seem, fresh outdoor air, passes ft over radiat- child is less of a problem to tin* the hardest of thy ors and diffuses ft equally through- teacher thafc the child’s to all pupils. Open- Out the room. On thehaphaiard condition. * Our curriculs areisd * sss sivsssis i~sgaffea otroUsd mechanical time. '. ,r WftrkJf. Wa health'is ao«od.? ■ j-jKULiiiw. ,|lillj|l| , ii'm i ’[ | . 1 iB ill TBIBII PEffi IBS. ALWAYS GET RESULTS j Thursday. June.M, Igj

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