•• - ■ ... ' ' -jt :. •. - j. .. .. . . „ x .... L. ‘ Santa Claus Will Be In West Jefferson Friday & Saturday / 1 ■■■ "■■■■■" ; F PLAN NOW to do your Christmas shopping in West Jef ferson. The streets will be gaily lighted and decorated, the stores stocked full of Christ mas merchants and gifts. VOLUME VII, NUMBER 49 f IRSIH y. Au * mF I AJb WulM BS[™ n' Meet Meet 'fe If SANTA ilggOßli SANTA I FB IN Bl* ■'" IN ■■ West Jefferson West Jefferson «< ‘Ls • B?iyj Ji . JU , gven He Has “Something” for The BBMBt W"■ ■'^ ?; MMr He Has “Something” for The ™J ; Iml Children ' V? '‘ % ;&1T* > ***’ Children £J| ’a, —— ' Vvsfc?) t ® ' MAKE THIS A • j S i f Trade At Home ' . West Jefferson | la .. Christmas! Y 1 During the past twenty years West Jeffer- Gift Headquarters! | son has grown from a community of ’’wide 2 R 3 open spaces” to the largest town in this Come to West Jefferson tomorrow and Sat- I In Ashe And Surrounding SX-’-f progressive merchants and business firms S who have EVERYTHING that the people of , a Js Ashe and surrounding counties need or want, - • T *1 • 11 T • ■ 1 i CS ° rCS &re mounta * nous di s " S ; g at prices comparable and in many eases bet- Counties IS Cordially InVltCd fcfl nlerchan - ter, than can be found in larger cities. J aise and ‘he colorful street lights and decor- § ,|| Here there are four or five Toylands, a num- ations, as well as the Yuletide decorations in a S ber of Department Stores, Grocery Stores, nn A 1 npi .ZV • AP stores and windows, have created the holi- S I XtXa S:: a XfX * ° Attend Ihe Opening Os s.-*- - • ’“■• *■• -| $5 are owned and operated by Ashe county citi- * ft zens who are keenly interested in the pro- , ft gress and development of the county. * 1 ee .. merc an s ave een collecting g I ™. y need „d d™ Christmas Shopping Season • I MAKE THIS A TRADE-AT-HOME Every store is now prepared to give extra- ft CHRISTMAS BY SHOPPING IN WEST ordinary service, too. A most cordial wel- I JEFFERSON, ASHE COUNTY’S TRADING TM come awaits you. COME TO “GIFT HEAD ft S CENTER. 11l QUARTERS”. I West Jefferson! I See the Beautful FndSJT SgltUlTday Santa Claus I « Street Lights DECEMBER 10 &11 will have a lot of | 1 And Decorations Read this “Gift Land” edition from cover to cover. Candy | S • It contains excellent gift suggestions, at money sav- For the Children | ■ .I ing pricec | L;| This Giftland Edition Is Sponsored By The Following Progressive Merchants: I S ASHE MOTOR COMPANY FAUCETTE FIVE & TEN McNEILL’S STORE ROTEN’S STORE 5 S BELK’S DEPT. STORE GOODMAN BROS. MAYFLOWER BEAUTY PARLOR RICHARDSON’S FIYF & TEN 1 jg BARE’S FAIR STORE. GRAYBEAL’S DRUG STORE PARKER’S STORE REINS-STURDIVANT F. HOME ! Kg BURGESS FURNITURE CO. GULF SERVICE STATION PARKWAY THEATRE ij. f. SCOTT & SON I S CENTRAL RADIO SHOP IDEAL LAUNDRY PARKWAY MOTOR CO. SMITHEY’S STORE I I f CENTRAL HARDWARE CO. E. E. JONES STORE RAY DRUG STORE w . j. PARTS CO. I DUNCAN MOTOR CO. LADY FAIR BEAUTY PARLOR RHODES FURNITURE CO. THE SKYLAND POST W MM fl n D IJtot THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1937 WEST JEFFERSON, N. C. SI.OO a Year in Ashe County .ASHE COUNTY is the air - conditioned section of North Caro lina whose altitude ranges from 3,000 to 5,- 600 feet above sea level v 25 miles of the PARK WAY 'run through the county. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY