Christmas Shopping Season Opens In West Jefferson and Ashe County - Santa Is Coming SANTA IS COMING HERE JsSif FRIDAY AND 0*) \?7 SATURDAY VOLUME 15, NO. 48 Local Merchants Now Ready For Christmas Business Increase In Sale Os Victory Bonds Next Week Being Planned Ashe Red Cross Chapter Will Be Saluted Tuesday Special Radio Broadcast Will Call Attention To Excellent Work Os County Chapter The Ashe County Chapter, American Red Cross, will be salu ted Tuesday evening, Dec. 4, at 1:15 p. m., in the first of a series of five broadcasts on the role played by North Carolina chap ters in the Red Cross program at home and overseas. The broad cast will come from Station WSJS at Winston-Salem. This honor will be rendered to the Ashe County Chapter in rec ognition of its outstanding work in Claims. The salute to the Ashe County Chapter will come at the end of an interview on Red Cross services to veterans, in which two other chapters will al so be cited. In referring to the forthcoming broadcast, Mrs. W. G. Vannoy, county chairman, emphasized the need of greater numbers of work ers in the chapters to carry on the ever-expanding services to veterans. “Every day more of our men are out of uniform and coming back home,” said Mrs. Vannoy, “and it is the pleasure and priv < Continued on P- Army Recruiter Coming To W. J. Wi 11 Be Here To Seek Enlist ments Tuesday; Cites Regulations The- ” .* ■-miter will be in West Jefferson Tuesday, December 4, from 8 a. m. to sp. m. Men between the ages of 17 through 34, who are interest ed in the regular army, are urged to contact him in the post office building then. Men enlisting for the three year “hitch” now have their pick of the branch of service and the overseas theater that they want. There is also an eighteen months and two-year period of enlist ment. It was also pointed out that men who have been discharged from the service only have twen ty days to re-enlist to receive full benefits that the army offers. . The recruiting station in Le noir is located in the post office building and is open six days a week, from 8 a. m. and 5 p. m., it was explained. POST GIVING FREE THEATER TICKETS Again The Skyland Post is conducting its annual Christ mas gift plan when dozens of tickets to the Parkway Theater are to be given away absolute ly free. In practically all of the ad vertisements except those of national products in The Post today will be found the names of Ashe county people. Read all of the advertise munis care fully and v hen yon discover your name bring the adver tisement in it appears, into the ofMjf The Post and you will i ticket to the ParkwayTjfimter. • * The names in the ad partially frol| offices on the mailing list of The Post. The tickets musphe called for and used by December 15. Read all of the advertise ments, it may mean a free ticket for you, as well as the solution to your shopping problems. m jftnLiraft Post $2.00 a Year in Ashe County County Still Below Half-way Mark Os E Bond Quota Os $127,000.00 According to reports received yesterday afternoon, only $60,- 881.25 worth of E bonds have been sold to date in the Victory Loan toward the quota of $127,- 000.00. Due to the fact that next week marks the anniversary of the Pearl Harbor bombing, all town ship chairmen are urged to make a special effort to raise their quo tas. Where it is possible, special programs are suggested. Person al contacts are also urged for the entire week. On Thursday, retail merchants j are asked to observe Merchant’s | Victory Bond Day, with each sales person contacting every customer relatively to buying bonds. As the tobacco market opens next week, farmers are urged to invest this extra cash in Victory Bonds. i On Friday evening, a special Victory Ball will be held at the West Jefferson community build (Continued on Page 4) i Miss Jennie Todd ) Died Last Night Miss Jennie Todd, well-known' Jefferson woman, died shortly after seven o’clock last night at i the Ashe Hospital, after a* long j period of serious illness. I Funeral service will be held at the Jefferson Methodist church! Friday morning at 11 o’clock. I l Miss Todd had been ill for more than two years and prior to that time she had long been identified with Appalachian State Teachers College, where she served as dean for many years. She is survived by two sisters, Mrs. W. M. Transou, of Greens boro, Miss Billie Todd, of Jeffer- 1 son, and one brother, Donald B. Todd, of Etowah, Term. She was the daughter of the late Captain J. W. Todd, who served in the War Between the States. Baptist Ass’n Is To Hold Meeting D. C. Severt, associational B. T. ,U. director, has announced this week that a meeting of all repre sentatives of the 53 churches of the Ashe Association will be held December 7 at the West Jefferson Baptist church. All pastors of the various churches in the asso ciation have been asked to meet j with the directors. | A well planned program has i been prepared and all members \ are urged to attend. One of the 1 main features of the program will be a short play. Will Speak On Youth Rally Program ■ Sp( $ MIIJB—i' Hfi i i \ Among the speakers for the district rally of young people of Winston-Salem Presbytery to be held at Jefferson, Wed nesday, are: Dr. William Rule, left, and the Rev. John Vinson, right. WEST JEFFERSON. N. C.. THURSDAY, NOV. 29, 1945 A \ ' («'HI •'« "" W *’ r \ Xj^^S'^=-\ysif \"A" V r=>B *> ZbL~ =£~> //± \ fe^w^ v A-< \ << > € W|A(A SA\ AW\A« AA a\ -\w Junior Red Cross Opens Drive In Schools, Monday Cooperation Os Teachers Is Urged By Chairman, Mrs. Herman Haire Mrs. Herman Haire, chairman of the Junior Red Cross work in the county, announced this week that the drive would officially open in the schools next Monday. School children will be asked to contribute funds and to make ar ticles as well. She pointed out that informa tion kits were being sent out to the school principals and that she hoped that each room teacher would raise her quota. The min imum quota for each room in the elementary grades is 50 cents and (Continued on Page 4) AAA Committee Election Friday Ashe farmers are again re minded to go to their announced voting places and cast their bal j lots for the communty AAA com imitteemen on Friday. These, in turn, will elect the county committeemen. A com plete list of the voting places was published last week. Sparta Lions To Meet Rotarians In Game Friday Will Be Played At W. Jeffer son Gym; Benefit Os The United War Fund Sports fans will have an op portunity of seeing some former basketball stars in action here on Friday night at 7:30, when the Sparta Lions Club meets the Jef fersons Rotarians. Another fea ture of the evening will be the girls’ all-star game between the West Jefferson All-Stars and the Lansing All-Stars. The Sparta Lions not only nave a reputation for roaring, but skul on the basketball court as well, and are expected to play the Ro tarians a close game. Sharpe S. Shoemaker says it [is his ambition to guard Robert j Allison, of Sparta. It has also (Continued on Page 4) Burley Sales To Open Mon., Dec. 3 Tobacco growers of this section have been busy getting their crop ready for market and many of them have already placed theirs in warehouses to be ready when the sales open on Monday, December 3. The majority of growers in this section sell on the Boone market and according to announcement by officials there, everything is in readiness for the opening of sales Monday morning. Chester Bowles, price adminis trator, has announced that ceil ings have been continued on the same level as of the 1944 crop. , Few Roosevelt Pictures Left There are still a few copies i of the last portrait of the late ! President Franklin D. Roose ! velt left for those buying I Roosevelt memorial bonds. Those wanting to secure one j of these pictures should come i by the office of this paper on Friday or Saturday of this I week before the supply is ex ! hausted. $2.50 a Year Out of County Special Victory Bond Day Will Be Observed By Ashe Merchants Next Thursday Victory Ball Is Planned Here For i Next Fri., Dec. 7 Will Be Held At Community Building; Victory Bonds Admission Price - ! The anniversary of the Pearl Harbor attack, December 7, will be celebrated with a Victory Ball! at the community building next Friday, when the purchase of a Victory Bond will be the admis-, sion requirement, it was an- j nounced yesterday. Bonds or applications for same; will be written in the foyer of the community building as a pre requisite for attending. Special music will be arranged for, it wasj i announced, and a good attendance j i is expected. On the committee for arrange ments are Miss Margaret Phillips, J. G. Rhodes, Mrs. J. B. Hensley, L. P. Colvard, L. B. Tyson, A. B. | Hurt and Mrs. P. G. Wright. Oth ers will be asked to assist, it wasj announced. Missionaries Will Speak On Youth Rally Program, Wed. Internationally known repre sentatives in the field of missions are scheduled to speak at the dis trict rally of young people of the Winston-Salem Presbytery to be held at the Jefferson Presbyterian Church, next Wednesday after noon and evening, the pastor, | William P. Boyle, announced to day. “Appearing with Candidate Secretary Richard T. Gillespie, of Nashville, Tennessee, popular young minister known all through the South, will be young men and women whose names are al ready bywords in many lan guages,” Mr. Boyle said. Dr. William Rule, M. D., of the Congo Mission, Southern Presby terian Church, will tell the large crowd of young people expected Every Sales Person Asked To Take Part; Prize Will Be Offered It was announced this week by members of the committee, that next Thursday, December 6, has been designated as special Vic tory Bond Day for all retail mer chants. At this time, every sales person in all stores throughout the county is asked to contact all customers and sell them bonds if possible. Stores needing bond applications may secure them from post offices. Store managers or owners are asked to give credit to their re ! spective township chairman for on unuea on Page 4) Dec. 1 Time For Essay Entries Ashe county schools are again reminded that December 1 is the deadline for entering the news paper contest. All essays should be turned in to the office of The Skyland Post on or before that date in order to j compete for prizes, it was ex | plained. to attend of his experiences in the heart of Equatorial Africa and of the need for medical missionaries. Dr. Rule and one other missionary doctor were entrusted with the en tire medical care of over two mil lion people, and all during the war have been the only doctors available to staff eight hospitals. A native of Knoxville, Tenn., Dr. Rule graduated from Davidson College in 1932, U. P. Medical School in 1936, and after intern ship at Bryn Mawr Hospital and Pennsylvania State Hospital has been stationed at Lubondai, Con go Beige since 1940. Also from the Congo will be Mr. and Mrs. Ira Moore, a suc ■ cessful principal and teacher from I Olanta, South Carolina, who to- I (Continued on Page 4) SANTA IS HERE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SIXTEEN PAGES TODAY Thousands Os Gifts Are Being Featured Here Everyone Invited To Shop Here And See Santa Fri day And Saturday Hundreds of people are ex pected to shop here Friday and Saturday, when the Christmas shopping season for West Jeffer son and Ashe county will be of ficially opened with the arrival of Santa Claus. An unusually large assortment of practical as well as special gift merchandise is now on sale here and the store windows as well as the attractive interior displays re flect the gay spirit of Christmas. The town will have Christmas street lights for the first time since the Pearl Harbor attack. Evergreen roping will also add to the decorations. Santa is expected to be here most of Friday and Saturday and will visit the various stores, shak ing hands with the children, find ing out their desires and giving them candy or peanuts. Every child in this entire section is in vited here to see him. His visit is sponsored by the merchants of West Jefferson. While the selection of gift mer chandise is varied, merchants point out that many items cannot be replaced and urge everyone to shop early while stocks are complete. Today, The Skyland Post is sues its annual Christmas shop- J ping edition officially ushering lin the Christmas shopping season here. Throughout this paper will be found hundreds of advertised values which are proof that West Jefferson is the place to shop. Nation-wide surveys show that this year, more than ever, peo jple are turning to practical gifts. Season Opens I For Basketball Much Interest Shown In Ini tial Games Played Tues day Night The basketball season officially got underway in Ashe county on Tuesday night with the opening games being well attended. Virginia-Carolina girls and boys won a double-header on their home court from the visit ing Riverview teams. The V-C boys led by a score of 30-18 and jthe girls, 30-11. Reedy, of V-C, was high scorer with 13 points, while Graybeal led the River view quintet with 5 points in the I girls’ game. Boys with the same names were the top scorers in the | boys’ game. Reedy chalked up 117 of his team’s 30 points and J. Graybeal, with 8 points, led the ■ Riverview Wildcats, j At Nathan’s Creek, the home team defeated Healing Springs girls, 30 to 20. And the Nathan’s Creek boys likewise ran away with the opening game, defeating Healing Springs, 56-9. TContinued un Pae<» Fourl WINDOW CONTEST TO BE HELD HERE In order to stimulate interest in the Christmas window dec orations of the business houses here, this paper is again con ducting a contest. A first prize of $3, a second of $2, and third prize of $1 will be awarded to the business houses having the most at tractive windows. The windows will he judged on Monday by a board of local professional men and women not connected with the busi ness firms and prizes will be announced in this paper. Many of the stores now have in attractive Christmas win dow displays and the attention of the public is called to them. Due to the fact there is a shortage in many items as well as some decorating material, local stores are using much originality along with some substitutions in their displays.