—Bi——< PRESS RUN 4,000 ■ Net Paid 3,595 xlllllß/ Covers WW Ashe County I VOLUME 16, NO. 7 Clothing Drive Will Be Closed • Early Next Week Schools Asked To Observe Special Collection Day On Friday Rev. W. P. Boyle, county chair man of the Victory Clothing Drive, announced yesterday that the final collection of clothing would be made early next week and asked that all who had not done so, to turn in their surplus clothing to the schools or some of the other collection points. Schools that have not observ ed a collection day are asked to do so on Friday or Monday. Mr. Boyle said that the cloth ing would be collected early next week, sorted out, assembled and then sent off to be shipped to the needy countries, devasta ted by war. W. J. School To Meet Saturdays Rural Children To Be Given (Opportunity To Make Up i Lost Time It Was announced this week by Zeb V. Diekaoti; principal of West Jefferson high sChQQI, that as soon as the condition of the roads would permit school would be conducted on Saturdays for the benefit of the rural children who have lost time due to the fact that buses have not been able to operate. At a faculty meeting held on Tuesday, the teaching staff unan imously voted to hold school on Saturdays without pay and give their time to help the children catch up on their work. These days will not be counted in the monthly report, it was pointed out. The buse«! will.be operated, ljut Mr. Dickson pointed out, that children living in town would not attend school on these days. Nettle Knob and Obids as well as other school roads have been impassable due to the weather conditions, therefore forcing the children in those sections to miss a great deal oi time from school. Want Polio Funds Turned In Now T. E. Parker, chairman of the Infantile Paralysis fund drive in the county, announced yester day that he wanted all collections from individuals as well as or ganizations in immediately. So far, a little more than sl,- 500.00 has been raised toward the quota of $2,650.00, Mr. Parker said and urged that individuals who have not given, to do so this week end. Mr. Parker also an nounced that the “March of Dimes” banks were to be collect ed immediately. “The need is vital and I hope we will receive some more generous contribu tions before the drive closes, he said. Specialist On Poultry To Speak C. J. Maupin, poultry specialist of the extension division of State College, will be in the county on Wednesday, February 27, and will hold an informal meeting in the county agent’s office at 2 o’clock in the afternoon. All poultry growers are invited to attend. Mr. Maupin will explain opportunities of improvement in quality of “chicks” for marketing and other problems relative to poultry growing. Textile Industry . May Be. Secured During the past week interest in this area has been shown by representatives of the textile in dustry. Some officials, who met with local representatives this week said they were favorably impress ed with the possibilities of a new plant here, but were not ready to make any definite decisions as yet. A number of local people have shown inclination to cooperate in every way possible to secure an established industry here. W WiKjm Post $2.00 a Year in Ashe County WEST JEFFERSON, N. C., THURSDAY, FEB. 21, 1946 New Hotel Company Secures Charter; To Meet Here Monday WILL SPEAK SUNDAY z J. Melville Broughton, wild will be the “Baptist Hour” speaker on Sunday morning tor the program to be broad cast at 8:30 A. M. His sub ject will be “Christian Men For A Better World.” Republicans To Hold Convention Saturday, Mar. 2 Township Primaries Are To Be Held On Friday, Mar. 1, Chairman Announces It was announced this week by B. B. Graybeal, ef the Republican executive > |NMM|ttee for Ashe county, that a Republi can county convention would be held at the courthouse in Jeffer son on Saturday, March 2, at 1:00 o’clock. The purpose of the meeting, Mr. Graybeal pointed out, was to elect a chairman of the Ashe county Republican executive committee, the executive com mittee, and to name delegates to the State and Congressional dis trict conventions, and for such other business as may properly come before the convention. Republican township primar ies are to be held at the voting place of each township in Ashe county on Friday, March 1. at 3:00 o’clock to elect the dele gates, he also announced. Plant Diseases To Be Discussed L. E. Tuckwiller, county agent, announced this week that How ard Gariss, plant disease special ist of the extension division of State College, will be in the coun ty next Thursday, February 28, and will hold a meeting in the county agent’s office at 2 o’clock in the afternoon. All seed deal ers are urged to attend this meet ing as Mr. Gariss will discuss problems relative to plant dis ease that should be of interest to them. W. J. School Will Sponsor All - Star Tourney Mar. 18-23 An all-star memorial basket ball tournament will be held for the returned servicemen and women at the West Jefferson gymnasium during the week of March 18 to 23, it was announced this week by Zeb V. Dickson, principal of the West Jefferson high school. The tournament is being spon sored by the physical education department of the West Jefferson high school for men and women of this county . and adjoining counties. Mr. Dickson urged that as many servicemen and women as possible should play. High school students, however, are ineligible. Teams desiring to enter the tournament should send in their entries as soon as possible, as en try blanks should be in the hands of the officials not later than March 11, and are to be WilL Purchase Business Site For Proposed New Hotel Building Here The charter for the New Hotel Company, Incorporated of West Jefferson has been approved with 32 original stockholders and the group will meet on Mon day evening at 7:30 to elect di rectors and officers and to fur ther activate plans for the pro posed new hotel, here. Charter members subscribed to $2,650.00 of stock before the char ter was applied for and plans have been made to purchase the Rhodes property beyond the Duncan Motor company on the Boone Road. Much interest is already being shown in the proposed hotel and the meeting which will be held, at the W. G. Vannoy furniture gdmpafiy,- when further iiwiuding a finance end building committee Will dis cussed. All interested parties are urged to attend. At the meeting last week, Wade Eller was named process officer to se cure the charter. Baptist Leaders To Hold Meeting All Ministers And Religious Leaders In Association Urged To Attend The Baptist ministers and re ligious leaders of the Ashe Bap tist association will conduct the annual school for leaders at the West Jefferson Baptist church during the week of March 4 through March 8. Every minister and leader in the association is urged to take advantage of these important meetings, which are being held to give helpful sources of infor mation and inspiration to them, it was pointed out. Appearing on the program dur ing the week will be the Revs. G. C. Burkett, Herman Gentry, W. F. Barker, W. E. Denney and Miss Virginia Dare Teague, all representing the association in the devotionals. The Revs. M. D. Hart and E. W. Powers will also be heard on the program, it was announced. Ministers visiting from out of the county will be the Rev. J. C. Pipes, of Asheville; the Rev. E. V. Plemmons, substituting for the Rev. J. C. Canipe, and the Rev. Srady Hamby, of Boone. Preaching services will be held each night and the public is cordially invited to attend. Want Red Cross . Work Turned In At the meeting of the Ashe Red Cross Chapter Tuesday it was an nounced that all work which in dividuals now have out should be completed and turned in. Mrs. F. C. Nye is the new pro duction .chairman and it is im portant that she have a check-up on the work now underway. postmarked not later than March 9. The blanks should state the name of the coach or manager of the team, the names and ages of the players and if possible, the standing of the teams should al so be sent in, it was pointed out. An elimination contest will be held for the girls’ teams, Mr. Dickson said, provided enough girls’ teams enter. FRANCIS INFANT IS ' BURIED ON MONDAY Funeral service for the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Francis, who died in. the Ashe Memorial hospital Sunday morn ing, was held Monday afternoon at the home of the grandparents. The Rev. Cicero Ashley con ducted the service and burial fol lowed in the family cemetery. Where Tons Os Granite Blocked Highway After Landslide ‘ w 11 k JI A partial view of the tremendous landslide of earth and granite that completely block ed around 75 feet of Highway 88, between Warrensville and Trade, Tennessee, just below the power plant, several days last week. The road is now open with much of the debris yet to be removed.. It is estimated that the slide poured around tons of dirt and rock into the highway. (Staff Photo) Drive To Kill Rats Is Started In W. Jefferson Sanitarian Eller And Town Officials Plan To Exter minate Varmints Work was started this week on the rat killing campaign for West Jefferson, with the first bait be ing distributed yesterday after noon. Sanitarian Wade E ( Eller is working with the town authori ties and he explained that the only type of was to be Red Quill. This S’only pois onous to rats and not Jiarmful to 1 cats, dogs or othfer animals, he pointed out. Business houses as well as those in the residential sections I are asked to clean up all garbage that might harbor rats, in order that the campaign against them might be more effective. Link A. Absher Buried On Sat. Succumbed At Ashe Hospital On Thursday Night After Long Illness Funeral service for Link A. Absher, 46, well-known Ashe > county man. was held Saturday l at 11:00 a. m., at the Primitive Baptist church at Nathan’s Creek. The Rev. Arthur Ashley and Elder Davis officiated and burial followed in the Senter cemetery. Mr. Absher succumbed at the Ashe Memorial hospital Thurs-; day night, after a lingering ill-! ness. A resident of Nathan’s j Creek, he was well-known throughout the county as a road constructor. Survivors are his wife, Mrs. i Beulah Little Absher, and seven children; Cleon, Clarence, Sid ney, Helen, Lucille and Doris June Absher; and Mrs. Wilma Witherspoon. Two Ashe Men Given Discharges Two Ashe county men, Jessie W. Miller, of Wagoner, and Don B. Goodman, of West Jefferson, were honorably discharged through the U. S. Naval Person nel Separation Center at Charles ton, S. C., on February 17. Goodman, who served as a radarman, second class, saw 16 months of overseas action and wears the Asiatic-Pacific ribbon and the Victory ribbon. He serv ed a total of 20 months in the service. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Goodman and the husband of the former Miss Clyde Morton, of West Jefferson. Miller served 20 months in the U. S. Navy as a seaman, first class, and saw 15 months of serv ice in the American theatre and the Asiatic-Pacific theatre. He is the son of Floyd T. Miller, of Wag oner. Miss Polly Austin visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Aus tin, this past week end. AAA Committeemen To Meet This Afternoon To Report On Farm Plans For Year Plans Received For Sanitation Os Ashe Schools Engineers Are To Make Sur veys Before Cost Can Be Estimated . B. H. Duncan, superintendent of schools, announced today that plans had been received for sug gested sanitary improvements in the central schools of the county. These plans are to be taken into consideration by engineers who are to make the necessary surveys for water supplies and other adjustments necessary for carrying out the proposed plans. If the high schools are to re main accredited, they must have sufficient drinking fountains as well as indoor toilet facilities and must meet the standards set up by the health division of tne N. C. Board of Education, it was pointed out. Local People Go To GOP Dinner A number of Ashe county peo ple attended the Lincoln Day Dinner in Winston-Salem, on Saturday night when Represen tative Harold Knudson, of Min nesota, was the speaker. A member of the Ways and Means Committee, he lauded Congressman R. L. Doughton in the beginning of his speech. Among those from Ashe coun ty who attended were: B. B. Graybeal, Rex Morton, Don Blackburn, Edison Thomas, Les ter Gilley, Wade Poe, Lee Bow ers, Jim Yates, Reid Sturdivant, Dr. W. J. Robinson and John Tucker. Approximately 1100 people at tended the dinner. Annual Meeting Os FSA Group Well Attended Here Tuesday Practically all sections of the county were represented here Tuesday at the annual meeting of the farm ownership borrow ers of Farm Security Adminis tration when reports were heard and farm problems discussed by leaders. Thomas H. Sears, FSA super visor, gave an analysis of farm problems during the past year and this was followed by a gen eral discussion. Van Miller, also a FSA super visor, discussed the means and methods of increasing feed and food. L. E. Tuckwiller, Ashe county farm agent, told of pas ture improvement suggestions. The morning session was clos ed with special musical selections rendered by Mr. and Mrs. Os borne. Following the luncheon at the $2.50 a Year Out of County Around 60 Percent Os Farm ers Have Made Plans; Oth ers Urged To Do So There Will be a meeting at the courthouse this afternoon of AAA committeemen for both the county and the varidiis communi ties to report on the number of plans already made for this year by farmers who will cooperate in the AAA program. The county has an allotment of $97,771 for improved farm practices under the AAA pro gram, but in order to be eligible for his share of this, the farmer must make his plans with the community committee before March 15, Melvin Campbell, chief AAA clerk, explained yes terday. After the meeting this after noon, when reports are made, the exact number of farmers, who have made plans, can be deter mined and efforts will be made to include others in the program, while there is still time to make plans. It is estimated that to date, around 60 percent have r ade theirs. Members of the county AAA committee include J. W. Gam bill, chairman; T. J. Graybeal, vice-chairman; H. H. Burgess, (Continued on Page 4) Anderson Will Speak To Press Ed M. Anderson will be the banquet speaker at the annual institute of the Georgia Press As sociation to be held at the Uni versity of Georgia this evening. Publisher Anderson recently spoke before both the Kentucky and Tennessee Press Associa tions. Harvey Laffoon, president of the North Carolina Press Asso ciation accompanied Mr. Ander son to Georgia. community building, a moving picture on Victory Gardens was shown, and further reports were heard. Reports on the work last year showed that this group of FSA farmers purchasing their farms, had enjoyed a successful year, both from the standpoint of farm improvements as well as food production. Plans and suggestions for the coming year were also outlined and objectives agreed upon. There were around 45 persons who attended. ATTENDING FARM MEETING Misses Dorothy Fennell and Doris Whitesides and Messrs. H. D. Quessenberry and L. E. Tuck willer are attending an agricul tural meeting in Asheville, this week. ... ASHE COUNTY IS ... ■ Leading Livestoek and Dntay County In North Carolina. Population: 22,6 M ■ . ttr -'i i\- ■■ PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY Quessenberry To Head Red Cross Drive For Ashe Work Os Organization Dis* cussed By Field Workers At Meeting Tuesday H. D. Quessenberry, county agent, has been named by the Ashe County Red Cross Chap* ter as drive chairman and Mrs- F. C. Nye as production chair man. They were chosen at a meeting of the chapter Tuesday night, when the regional director* Mrs. Marion Rirzert and Miss Elenore Jones, who spent 17 months in the Pacific spoke of the work of the organization. Both speakers highly commend ed Mrs. W. G. Vannoy, chapter chairman and other members of the local unit on the fine work done during the war and stressed the importance of Red Cross car rying on in times of peace. Officials and members of the Ashe chapter said that they were happy in securing Mr, Quesseru berry «« chairman of the fund drive which will be held next month. Mr. Quessenberry* who has recently returned from over seas duty held the rank of cap tain at the time pf hi§ discharge. Before entering service he wad? assistant county agent and b well known throughout this section. He was also secretary of the Ashfc County Fair Association, and has been active in other organizations in the county. A planning meeting for th* coming drive will be hold within the next few days and details ot this will be announced next weeK The chapter welcomed Mm Nye a§ the new production Chair* man. She replaces Mrs. LeVetn Johnson who recently moved tn Tennessee. Theatre Owner Buys New Site Ashe Motor Company Build ing Sold; Plan New Build ings In Early Future One of the most valuable piec es of business property in West Jefferson was involved in a real estate deal last week when the Ashe Motor Company building, next door to the Parkway thea tre was purchased by R. W. Barr, theatre owner, for a proposed new theatre building. The amount of money involved in the transaction was not reveal ed. B. B. Graybeal, owner of the Ashe Motor Company, announc ed that he planned to erect a new building for the Ford agency and •garage on property he now owns ■ located on Jefferson Avenue, I across from the Greystone Serv- I ice Station. Mr. Barr said he expected to start on the new theatre build ing as soon as he is given pos session of his newly purchased property. Ashe Teams Will Enter Tourney A number of Ashe county basketball teams will enter the elimination tournament to be held at Boone this week end, in which teams from ten counties will be entered. The tournament is one of sev eral in the State to determine by process of elimination, the State championship team. Baptist Film To Be Shown Sunday Rev. E. W. Powers has an nounced that ‘The Romance of a Century,” a picture showing one hundred years of Southern Baptist history, will be present ed at the West Jefferson Bap tist church on Sunday night, February 24 at 7:30 o’clock. The picture shows the prog ress of the Southern Baptist Con vention since its organization and was made for the centennial celebration last year. The pic ture will be shown at the two following places: Tuckerdale Baptist church on Saturday night, February 23; and the West Jefferson Baptist church on Feb ruary 24. The people of Ashe county are cordially invited to attend this movie.