' i—— inn • - GIVE TO THE RED -—■if- CROSS I VOLUME 16, NO. 8 Red Cross Fund Campaign Opens Friday Directors Os New Hotel Co. Named; To Meet Tonight Much Enthusiasm Shown By Stockholders; Will Name Committees / ~ ... At an enthusiastic meeting of original stockholders of the New Hotel Co., Inc., of West Jeffer son, on Monday night directors were named and the possibilities of erecting the proposed hotel in the near future were discussed. The following were named di rectors: Wade E. Eller, L. B. Ty son, W. G. Vannoy, J. B. Porter, M. G. Edwards, J. G. Rhodes and J. L. Segraves. It was announced that these directors would meet tonight immediately after Rotary to appoint committees and to make further plans regarding the hotel. Wade Eller, who had previous ly been named process officer presided over the meeting on Monday and following the elec tion of directors all of the stock holders were called upon to dis cuss the views of the proposed new hotel. All were enthusias tic. It was announced that the sale of stock would be pushed in the near future following more complete plans to be made by the directors. Plans Underway For V. F. W. Post To Be Named For First .Ashe Man To Die On Foreign Soil In World War II Plans are now underway here to organize a Veterans of For eign Wars post in Ashe county, it was announced this week by Paul Swanson. Charter mem bers will be installed at a later date by old members from an other post, under the direction of Jimmi? Davis, of Albemarle, it was stated. The new post wil be named in honor of the first Ashe county man who made the supreme sac rifice for his country. The prop er authorities are being con sulted for this information, it was stated. * Any veteran who joins the V. F. W., post within the first 90 days after it is officially declar ed a post, will be considered a charter member. Veterans are considered eligible if they have served outside the continental United States during some ma » jor or minor campaign, while the U. S. was at war or when the country was in a state of emer gency, since 1898, it was an nounced. Any veterans who wish to join should contact’ Sam Davis, Paul Swanson, Ray Tucker or John Hardin for additional in formation. It was also announced that an auxiliary for the ladies may be organized at a later date. German To Assist In Filing Taxes F. L. German, deputy col lector from the State Department of Revenue, will be in the West Jefferson post office on Wednes day and Thursday, March 6 and 7, it was announced here this week. He will be here for the purpose of assisting any person subject to filing either of both of the fol lowing State tax returns: in come or intangible personal pro perty tax. Tax returns should be filed on or before March 15. Reports Wanted By Jr. Red Cross Mrs. Herman Haire, chairman of the Junior Red Cross Drive, announced today that all Red Cross contributions and reports should be handed in before to morrow, March 1. This is the second time that this request has been made and Mrs. Haire stated that she was anxious to make a 100 per cent report and urges that the teach ers cooperate. , SM fKiw# Post $2.00 a Year in Ashe County WEST JEFFERSON, N. C., R. L. Doughton Is To Run For His Seat In Congress Again WILL RUN AGAIN |||||| • Congressman R. L. Dough ton, who has announced that he will again be a candidate to succeed himself. County Schools Will Again Have Spelling Contest Final Contest Will Be Held At Courthouse Wednesday, May 8 At a meeting of Ashe county principals held yesterday after noon, at the courthouse, initial plans for the proposed annual county-wide spelling bee were discussed and it was decided that the finals would be held at the courthouse on May 8. Details of the preliminary elimination con tests will be announced later. Principals also discussed the Red Cross Fund Campaign and accepted their quotas for this. These are announced elsewhere in the paper today. Lester Miller Is Given Discharge Pvt. Lester Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Miller, of Lan sing, arrived home, after re ceiving his honorable discharge from the U. S. Army on Friday, February 22, at Fort Bragg. Pvt. Miller served 20 months with the Air Transport Com mand and wears the American Defense ribbon, good conduct ribbon and the World W : ar II Victory ribbon. NATHAN’S CREEK ALL-STARS PLAY FRI. The Nathan’s Creek all-star boys team will compete with the Lansing all-stars on the Lansing court tomorrow night at 7:30 o’clock. The Lansing all-star girls team will also compete with the married women. Proceeds from the game will go to the Nathan’s Creek school building fund, it was announced. Ashe Schools Are To Enter Winston-Salem Tournament Several of Ashe county’s high school basketball teams have en tered the annual Northwest tour ney, which opens at Reynolds high gymnasium in Winston-Sa lem, on Tuesday, March 5, it was announced this week. Entries which have been made known are Nathan’s Creek boys’ team, the girls’ and boys’ teams from West Jefferson, and both teams from Virginia-Carolina high school. Many others, howev er, are expected to enter, accord ing to information received here. Schools may still enter, it is un derstood. The Cove Creek boys and girls from Watauga county, the cham pions in last year’s tournament, Public Pleased Over An nouncement That He Will Again Be A’Candidate Ashe county people, along with countless others throughout the State and nation, received the news that Congressman R. L. Doughton would again be a can didate for his seat as representa tive of the ninth district, with gratitude. His announcement, made last week end, that he would seek re-nomination for his 19th consecutive term in the May 25 Democratic primary, came after widespread demand that he again offer himself as a candidate. Chairman of the Ways and Means committee, a capacity in which he has served longer than any other man in history, Con gressman Doughton’s announce ment was brief and to the point last Saturday. He said: “I am today filing with the chairman of the State Board of Elections notice of my candidacy for renomination as Representa tive in Congress from the Ninth Congressional District, subject to the Democratic primary on May 25.” There was more to it, of course, than the mere text of the an nouncement. Mrs. Doughton, his wife of 48 years, died recent (Continued on Page 4) Seven Ashe Men Go To Ft. Bragg Twenty-one Leave For Pre- Induction Examinations On Monday Seven men from Ashe county were inducted into the military service at Fort Bragg during the month of January, it was an nounced this week by Mrs. Louis J. Yelanjian, chief clerk of the local draft board. Those inducted were: Frank lin H. Church, Warren O. Pow ers, Jimmie Edwards, Ralph S. Roark, Barney B. Shepherd, Robert S. Wolfe, colored, and Billie E. Gentry, colored. Twenty-one Ashe county meh left Monday, February 25, for pre-induction physical examin ations at Fort Bragg, it was an nounced this week. Those leaving were: Chester B. Pennington, Thom (Continued on Page 4) Many Rats Are Killed In Drive Unofficial reports from the rat drive which was opened here las" week show that the casualties were high.' The day following the time th< Red Squill bait was placed ir strategic places, a number of deac» rats were found. Some busines? houses reported as many as foui or five in their back alleys. are -slated to be one of the toughest teams to enter. All schools in the twenty-five Northwest North Carolina coun ties and four Southwest Virginia schools have been mailed entry blanks and it was pointed out that entry blanks should be in the hands of the coaches not la ter than Saturday night, March 2. Counties already represented in this tournament, in addition to Ashe, include: Watauga, Rock ingham, Stokes, Wilkes, Ran dolph, Surry, Davie, Caldwell, Rowan, Yadkin and Montgom (Continued on Page 4) THURSDAY, FEB. 28, 1946 Saying Goodbye And Hello To Official Washington _ \ •, ,'t ■i ■■ Sx Former Secretary of the Interior Ickes i ; shown at left as he waved farewell at his final conference before announcing his resig nation. In the center is Paul A. Porter, chair man of FCC, who has been named by President Truman to succeed Chester Bowles, right, as OP A administrator. Bowles has been named as director of economic stabilization. Burley Tobacco Acreage Will Be Lower This Year Reduction Deemed Wise In Order To Bring Supply In Line With Demand Individual farm acreage al lotments of Burley tobacco in Ashe county for 1946 will be re duced by 10 percent below 1945 in accordance with a recent an nouncement by the U. S. De partment of Agriculture of a de crease of a similar amount in the 1946 national marketing quota, it was stated today by J. W. Gambill, chairman of the Ashe County AAA Committee. This reduction, he said, was. made possible through a recent amendment to the Agricultural (Continued on Page 4) STATIONED, IN FLA. « ML; a * MMMMtei > - Lt. Col. Roger F. Barr, who was recently promoted to his present rank, is now stationed at Bay City, Fla., where he is head of the dental department of the veteran’s bureau. Lt. Col. Barr recently returned from overseas, where he serv ed two years in England and later served with Patton’s third army in Germany. Cage Tourney Friday, March 1 W 1.1.. ! I ■ I A basketball tournament, £ sponsored by the Appalachian high school association opened yesterday in the college gym nasium of ASTC at Boone, it was announced this week by Eugene E. Garbee, president of the as sociation. ‘ The tournament dates are set for today, Friday and Saturday, March 1 and 2 and is to be held for both the boys and girls teams from the member schools. Exceptions will be made in this tournament only, it was pointed out by Mr. Garbee, that ex-service men who have been in school since Christmas holi days, will be eligible. High school graduates, he stated, were not eligible. Proceeds from the games will be deposited to the account of the association. Schools are urged to partici pate so that a successful tourna ment can be held. $2.50 a Year Out of County iHi w r |||X ', wfiMlili mhl M Farm Agents Make Plans To Increase Sheep Production; Specialist Will Be Heard Jefferson Will Enter Debating Contest Again Debaters Are Chosen In A Recent Preliminary Con test At School Jefferson high school will again enter the state-wide an nual debating contest this year, according to an announcement made this week by Mrs. Gertrude Vaught, who will again serve as coach and instructor. The dramatics club recently held a preliminary debating con test in which the following were chosen to take part in the State wide contest: Sarah Neal and Imogene Barker, affirmative; Mary Gordon Austin and Ruth Dixon, negative, with Dean Jones and Walter Bare as alternates. The subject will again be on military training. The following students took part in the contest: Anabel Col vard, Bernard Bare, Helen Houck, John Willard Porter, Calvin Miller, Edgar Burkett, Clayborn Sheets, Mary Gordon Austin, Ruth Dixon, Walter Bare, Dean C. Jones, Betty Jo Bare, Imogene Barker, Sarah Neal, Mary Jo Bower, Dairliene Burk ett, Wava Eller, Wanda Weaver. WELCH’S STORE IS SOLD TO FRANCIS Welch’s Store, located at Lan sing, has recently been sold to Mr. and Mrs. Don Francis. Welch’s store had been owned and operated by C. E. Welch for the past 29 years that it had been in operation. Appreciation has been expres sed by the owner for the coop eration and confidence given them in the years they have operated the store. Both Mr. and Mrs. Francis are v ell known in this section and their many friends will be glad to know that they have purchased this store. Senate Passes Measure For Public School Lunch Program Washington—The Senate this week passed and returned to the House a bill authorizing the Fed eral Government to contribute $100,000,000 annually to State operated free school lunch pro grams for needy children. Passage was by voice vote. The amount is double that pro vided in the House version ap proved last week. The Senate also authorized a maximum of $15,000,000 yearly to assist states in providing lunch room facilities and nutri tion education programs. A sim ilar provision was stricken from the House bill. These are the major differences *: F e • ; ■ HF - OHBI < "Wk. ' * %8m! Demonsirations Are Planned For Next Week; To Get More Ewes It was announced this week by county farm agents, L. E. Tuckwiller and H. D. Quessen berry, that a special effort would be made next month to increase interest in sheep raising in the county. The demonstrations planned include picture shows on the in dustry, docking and castrating demonstrations as well as lec tures and a discussion of plans to secure more ewes now. Spe cialists from the extension di vision of State College will be present and assist with these demonstrations. The first demonstrations have been scheduled on Tuesday, March 5, at the following places: Oscar Wilson’s farm, Creston, 9:00 a. m.; J. F. Graybeal’s farm, Laurel, 10:30 a. m.; Lester Eller’s farm, Tuckerdale, 2:00 p. m. “It is very important that we do this job if we expect to get the top price for our lambs. Come to the demonstration most convenient to you and learn how to do this work in an approved way so that unnecessary losses may be avoided,” Mr. Quessen berry said. The second demonstration, scheduled for Wednesday, March (Continued on Page 4) W. J. Fire Dept. Is Called Out The West Jefferson fire depart ment was called out twice this week with both fires being of a minor nature. On Monday, an outdoor fire across from Walter Weaver’s on the Nathan’s Creek road, spread so rapidly that help was needed to put it out. Late yesterday afternoon, W. E. McNeill’s car caught on fire at his home and was badly damaged as was the garage. The help of the fire department was needed to extinguish it. in the Senate and House versions. The Senate sent its version di rect to conference with House agents for adjustment in dif ferences. * Both measures bar ' aid to schools or States discriminating against children on the basis of race, creed or color. Before the vote the chamber defeated 50 to 21 a move by Sen ator Robert A. Taft (R-Ohio), to cut the Federal aid fund to $57,- 500,000. Taft maintained that the higher figure would place a heavy tax burden on wealthier States and suggested that it might be advisable for States to shoulder the entire costs of the program. GIVE TO THE RED CROSS , ■'•A. x PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY School Leaders Named To Assist Drive Chairman Quota Os $4,525 To Be Divid ed Between 10 School Districts Os County H. D. Quessenberry, chairman of the Red Cross Fund Campaign, announced yesterday that every thing was in readiness for the of ficial opening of the drive on Friday Morning, March 1. “Initial gifts are already com ing in and with the fine coopera tion we can expect from school principals I do not believe we will have much trouble in rais ing our quota of $4,525.00,” he said. ; Initial gifts started coming in today and a list of these of $5.00 . or more will be published next * week. At a meeting of the school prin cipals called by Supt. B. H. Dun can the details of the drive were explained and various districts assigned their respective quotas. The quotas are as follows: Elk land $175.00;* Fleetwood, $175.00; j Jefferson. $500.00; . Healing L Springs, $225.00; Helton, $175.00; Lansing, $450.00; Nathan’s Creek, $200.00; Riverview. $350.00; Vir -1 ginia-Carolina, $275.00; West Jef ferson, $2,000. The schools will be given credit for all gifts from their respective districts, it was explained. For the convenience Os the records, in dividuals mailing in their contri ’ butions are asked to designate the district which they wish to re ceive credit for this. - Plans Announced For W. J. Tourney Entries Coming In; Ashe County Teams Urged *T6 Send In Theirs Now Plans for the all-star mem orial tourney, to be held March 18-23, sponsored by the W. J. physical education department* are well under way and entries keep coming in, Zeb V. Dickson, principal of the West Jefferson school, announced this week. It was reported that requests for entry blanks have already been sent in by the Merchants Basketball club of Mocksville and from the all-star basketball team of Mineapolis, N. C. Ashe county teams are urged to get in their entry blanks as soon as possible, as the dead line has been set as March 11* and entries should be postmarked not later .than March 9. Blanks should be sent to Zeb V. Dickson, principal of West Jefferson high school and names and ages and standing of teams should appear on them. W. B. Austin Is Rotary Speaker W. B. Austin was the speaker " at the regular meeting of the Jeffersons Rotary club last Thursday when he spoke to the group on possibilities of Ashe county and its growth in the fu ture. Langdon L. Scott was in charge of the program and in troduced the speaker. The West Jefferson high school band will be featured on the pro gram at the meeting tonight. James Story will be in charge. Scouts To Meet Tomorrow Night It was announced today by the Rev. E. W. Powers, scoutmaster of the W. J. Troop, that a court of review will be held tomorrow night at 7:30 o’clock at the com munity building. All scouts of Ashe county who wish to pass first and second class and who plan to receive merit badges, are asked to attend this meet ing. / A dinner will be served in the fcommunity building at 6 o’clock, prior to the court of review for • the members of the West Jeffer son troojl