PRESS RUN 4,000 Net Paid 3,595 c ° vers Ashe County | VOLUME 18, NO. 12 SUPERIOR COURT OPENS MONDAY Record Spending Program Adopted By N. C. Assembly Ended Saturday Night After Appropriating More Than $360,000,000 By Staff Writer Raleigh—(Special)—The 1947 General Assembly, which con cluded its activities Saturday night, wrote approximately 1,000 new laws into the books —laws which affect in one way or an other practically every citizen of North Carolina. In appropriating more than $360,000,000 to be spent during the 1947-49 biennium, the 1947 session embarked the State on the greatest spending program in its history, and the session may be known as “The Spending Leg islature.” Enactment of a far-reaching program of highway safety legis lation may cause it to be known as the “highway safety Legisla ture.” The Legislature enacted a law to prohibit the closed shop and along with it the union shop, and maintenance of membership shops, and it refused to pass leg islation providing a maximum 48- hour week and a 40-cent mini mum hourly wage. Good Health On the other hand, the session appropriated $6,2£0,000 to be matched with Federal and local funds to construct hospitals throughout the State and com pleted carrying out recommenda tions of the Medical Care Com mission by appropriating $3,790,- 000 to be matched with $1,500,000 in Federal funds for a four-year medical school and teaching hos pital at the University of North Carolina. This mav win for it the name ot “The Good Health Legislature.” The biennial appropriations ( Continued on Page 4) Baseball Group Meets Next Tues. Players And Fans Invited To Attend Meeting At Com munity Building It was announced this week by W. L. Hughes, president of the Mountain Baseball League, that there would be a meet ing of all players, managers and fans as well as all others inter ested. at the community building next Tuesday night at seven o’clock. At this time plans will be made for the season provided there are enough teams interested in taking part. Last year there were several teams in the league and interest throughout the season as well as in the series was unusually good. Scottville was the winner of the series. Walker Rites Held Yesterday Funeral service for Mrs. Sarah Walker, 78. of Fleetwood, was held at the Big Flatts Methodist church at 2:00 o’clock yesterday afternoon. Interment was in the family cemetery with Rtv. G. C. Burkett officiating. Mrs. Walker died at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Emery Parsons. Tuesday afternoon. Survivors include one son. H. V. Walker, of W< st Jefferson: on. daughter. Mrs. Emory Parsons, of Fleetwood: seven grandchil dren and ten great-grandchi dr n. Legion Spelling Bee On April 12 Schools were again remind >d this week that the finals in the American Legion Spelling Bee would be held on Wednesday, April 16, at the courthouse. All schools are invited to take part in this event with students from the fourth through the twelfth grades. County winners in each grade will be presented medals by the Legion, J. B. Hash, chairman said. (Hie WlflUß $2.50 a Year in Ashe County School Committees Will Be Named At Board Meeting Fri. SCHOOL HEAD A. B. Hurt, who was named superintendent of schools on Monday. He will begin work July 1. County Is Short $622.74 In Red Cross Fund Drive Churches That Have Not Done So Are Asked To Take Collections Sun. Reports yesterday revealed that Ashe county is $622.74 short of the Red Cross campaign fund drive quota of $2330, with only $1707.26 raised. All schools that have not turn ed in their collections as well as all others are asked to do so. Churches or Sunday schools that have not yet taken a collection are asked to do so on Sunday. Contributions not previously reported include the following: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Colvard. W. W. Dickson. Mr. and Mrs. (Continued on Page 4) VI’W Ins tails New Officers At the regular meeting of the Albert F. Lewis Post 6513 of the VFW held on Tuesday night at the community building officers were installed for the year. Sam L. Davis, past post commander was in charge of the installation. The officers installed were James L. Smithey. commander: James C. Gambill. Jr., senior vice commander; Howard Hodge, ju nior vice-commander: Arnold Little, officer of the day: Sam L. Davis, adjutant; and Lee Caudill, trustee. Meetings will be held every second and fourth Wednesday of each month at the community building here, it was announced. Will Head Cancer Control Drive i- ■* SMI WO/- -JMlbt ■ ' '•;#. 'K % ' S3Q uA?jr JHk “W w Todd Gentry, left, has been named county chairman and Miss Ruth Tugman, right, commander of the cancer control fund drive of this county, which will be held later this month. z Hurt Is Elected Superintend ent Os Schools To Succeed Duncan Ashe county’s newly elected school board held an organiza tion meeting on Monday, named Larry P. Colvard chairman and elected A. B. Hurt county sup erintendent of schools. Kyle Dickson, who had earlier placed an application with the board members for the superintendent’s place, withdrew his application. The board will meet on Friday, April 11 to name school commit teemen it was announced. It was pointed out by members of the board that this would give school patrons and others interested an opportunity to consider the mat ter before the new committee men are chosen. In addition to naming the va rious school committees, the board will also take up other school problems. Members of the new board are G. O. Burgess, Cleve Francis, Clyde Houck, Bradley Sturgill, Arthur Rose and L. P. Colvard. Colvard was also a member as well as chairman of the outgoing board. A. B. Hurt, principal of Na than's Creek high school, served as superintendent two years ago (Continued on Page 4) Jefferson Wins First Round Os State Debate Both the negative and affirm ative teams of debaters from Jes-, ferson high school were victor- j ious in the first round in the an nual high school debating con-, test held this week and will ad vance to the district contest to be held in Boone m xt week. The Jefferson team defeated Boone at Lansing and Lansing at Boone. Members of the team are Ruth Dixon. Sara Neal, Bil 1L Oliver and Anne Frances. Lansing negative team won over Boone at Jefferson. In the contest at Boone, next week, two teams will be chosen there to enter the finals at Chapel Hill to compete for first place among the high schools of the State. The subject this year is. “Re solved That the Federal Govern ment Should Furnish Medical Care For All Citizens.’’ Dr. Gaul Coining For Clinic Wed. It was announced this week by Miss Ruth Tugman, welfare sup erintendent. that Dr. John S. Gaul would be in the health de partment next Wednesday at 1:30 o'clock for a crippled children's clinic. WEST JEFFERSON, N. C. HEADS SHEEP GROUP W. B. Austin, who has again been named president of the Ashe County Sheep Growers Association. Austin Is Again Named President Os Sheep Growers Other Officers Are Also Re- Named At Annual Meet ing Held Saturday W. B. Austin was again named president of the Ashe county sheep growers association at the annual meeting on Saturday. Named to serve with President Austin were the following offi cers: R. B. Brown, vice-presi dent, H. D Quessenberry, secre tary and Mrs. Mary Grant, treas urer. of the past year show (Continued on Page 4) Closing On Wed. P. M. Announced By Mere ha nls Following the usual custom, a large group of merchants of West Jefferson will begin closing on Wednesday aft' rnoon for the summer months, starting nex 1 Wednesday. April 16. As pointed out b fore, this wil 1 enable employees to do garden ing and. other outside work nec essary during the sum me r months. Th cooperation of the public is asked in doing Wedntsdav shopping in the morning instead of waiting until the afternoon. The announcement, together with the list of those closing is published elsewhere in today’s papi r. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MET ON MONDAY. APRIL 7 The members of the Ashe coun ty board of commissioners met on Monday for the regular April meeting wi t h Commissioner Wade Witherspoon absent be cause of illness. A number of routine claims were paid and a petition for a short section of a road in the Grassy Creek section approved. Re-Valuation Group Named At a meeting of the board of aidermen of the town of W*‘sl Jefferson on Frdav night, the re valuation pro gram was disci ssed and the following named on the re valuation board: B. B. Gray beal, Ed Osborne and Dean McMillan. The measure, introduced by J. O, Blevins in the legisla ture, ratified last week. The measure provides for the following: “The governing beard of the Town of West Jefferson mav, in its discretion, list, value and re-value all property for the purpose of town taxation separately and independently from and without regard to any listing, valuation or re valuation of such property for nurposes of State and County taxation.” THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1917 V irginia-Carolina Girls And Jefferson Boys Win Tourney Attendance Unusually Good; All High Schools Os County Take Part By Elizabeth Oliver In one of the most hotly con tested and widely attended Ashe county basketball tournaments ever held among the high school teams of the county Virginia-Car olina girls and Jefferson boys captured the first places in the finals Saturday night before a crowd that could hardly re main seated, so keen was the in -1 terest. Jim Graham officiated as ref eree during the tournament. With Reedy leading the way with 19 points the V-C girls de feated the Jefferson sextet with a score of 29-20. At the half time V-C was leading 14-5. However Jefferson rallied in the last half I to ring up a few baskets in their ) favor. Bare led the scoring for Jefferson with 12 points. In the hard fought game be tween Jefferson and West Jeffer son the Jefferson boys came out on the long end of a score of 33-32. At the half time West Jef ferson was leading by 6 points. West Jefferson led the scoring until the last quarter when the score was tossed about between the two teams. During the last quarter the score was tied time after time and in the final min utes of play West Jefferson was leading by one point when Dean C. Jones looped a basket from center to terminate the game. (Continued on Page Two) July 18 Will Be Dale ()f Guernsey Breeders’ Sale Members of the sales commit ee of the Ashe County Gut : ' soy Breeders' Association m. t w : th ‘he State committee in Greens boro this week when July 18 v ■■ ntat'vely sc', as the date for the Tu. rnsey Breeders’ sale 1 hen . These : (tending the met ting in Greensboro includ d Paul Shan ley, Bower Walters. J. 11. Payne, md Winn Edwards. Details of the salt' are to be worked out latt r but it is < xpect od that this will be held at the State Test Farm at Transou f > both Ashe and Alleghany coun ties as it was last year. SER VIC ES AN NO UN C ED Rev. William C. Crummett. pastor of the Laurel Springs cir cuit. will preach at Laurel Springs on Sunday al 11:00 a. m.. it was announced hi re. Rev. Mr. Crummett will also preach at Transou at 2:30 p. m. The public is cordially invited to attend these services. Discuss (Conference On Polio w'•' W M 2? > ss ■•• ;w>> ;• /•&• '• V v '\ w,<4 w ,> -- ■3 w3k ■*< WSBjg- igM-i feg-i w-' -.1 ii »oii &&& ’ sjHsjs y " lx y . ... | Governor R. Gregg Cherry (left) and Philip S. Ran dolph, North Carolina Representative, National Founda tion for Infantile Paralysis, discuss the state-wide “Preparedness Conference on Poliomyelitis” held last week at Goldsboro. Aim of the conference was to prepare communities for quick action in case of a polio epidemic anywhere in the state this summer. $3.00 ’a Year Out of County NEW SOLICITOR r . i I j L | '•W I ( Walter Johnston, new solic itor, who will be here for superior court next week. Rotary Club To Sponsor Debate In Schools Again J. B. Hash Is Chairman; Medals To Be Awarded The Finalists Preliminaries for the annual high school debate sponsored by the Jeffersons Rotary club will be held on April 21 at 7:30 p. m. at Jefferson when finalists wil’ be chosen for the finals to be held before the Rotary club on April 24. J. B. Hash, chairman of the event, announced this week. As in previous years, in the oreliminaries there will be two sets of judges for the negative and aff:rmative teams. Those winning in this will debate be fore the Rotary club in tiie final. Thu subject is the same as that of tiu State t: angulai debate deals with, the sponsorship of public health by th* Federal gov- (Continued on Page 4) 1 homas Ballou Dies Al Crumpler Funeral s i vice for Thomas E. Ballou, 74-year old resident of Crumpler, was held Sunday at the Healing Springs Baptist church. Officiating was Rev. W. E. Denney and interment was in file Ballou c< metery. Mr. Ballou died at the Ashe Memorial hospital last Friday after a serious illness. The son of the late Martha Wallace and Napoleon Ballou, he is survived by one brother. N. F. Ballou, of Gordon Grove. Calif. ASHE COUNTY IS .. • Leading Livestock and Dairy County in North Carolina. Population: 22,664 PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY Manslaughter, Rape Cases On Docket For Trial Judge J. H. Clement To Pre side; Walter Johnston Jr. Is Solicitor Ashe county’s April term of superior court for the trial of criminal cases will open on Mon day with Judge J. H. Clement presiding and Walter Johnston Jr. as solicitor. With only one manslaughter and a rape case to be tried along with a number of minor cases and divorces to be heard, this term of court is ex pected to be a short one. This will be Solicitor John ston’s first appearance in court here since beginning his duties this year. Mrs. Daryle Bare, charged with manslaughter in connection with the fatal shooting Guy Bare last August, is expected to be tried. On docket are the cases of Earl Severt, James Gambill and Junior Petty charged with rape. Paul Davis charged with the burning of an automobile be longing to Claude Eldreth is ex pected to be tried as is the case of Page Sheets charged with as sault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill in connection with injuries sustained by Don Miller and John Cox in an affray on the Glendale Springs road recently. There are also a large number of divorce cases expected to be heard as well as a number of petty criminal cases. Several charged with operating a car while under the influence of liquor will also be tried. Demonstration Os Blasting April 15 Il was announced this week by H. D. Quessenberry that there would be a special demonstration of ditch blasting with dynamit on Tuesday. April 15. on the farm of S. V. Alexander a" Crumpler. All farmers interest ed are urged to attend this dem onstrat i< >n. H. M. El’.is. agriculture engi ne! i t xt( rsion specialist, will be in charge of the demonstration PUBLISHER AN I) ERSON IN TEXAS THIS WEEK Publ sher Ed .VI. Andei - r. • of the legislative com mittee and research bureau o: the National Editorial Associa tion. is attending the annual con vention in Fort Worth. T<_xa? this week. VFW Train Will’ Play Jefferson To Play Saturday Night. Business Men And School Faculty To Play Also The VFW basketball team w:l. clash with the Jefferson high school boys in a game to be play ed m the Jefferson gym on Sat urday night at 7:30. it was an nounced here this week. Immediately following the VFW-Jefferson gam; there will be a game between the faculty of the Jefferson school and th. business men of Jefferson ano West Jeff rson. The busims men’s team will feature suer, playeis as I).. Dean C. Jones. Austin Jones Carry Colvard arc ■ thors. it was .-tated. Basketball f; is an. remind; c that this will I e the last of has k.ti'.'iil game.- u> be played tins vi a: The | rocreds of the garni - \\ill go ion., J buying warm-u; ,’aek.’.- nr trit Jefferson hi;--. ■ uo. . . s it pointed out Show Is Hold Bv School Th..? home economics depart ment of Jefferson high school held its annual fashion show on Tuesday evening when a larg. number of students took part. The stage, decorated in spring colors, formed an attractive back ground. The ninth and tenth grade girls modeled cotton, silk and woolen dresses, which they had made.

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