P «ESS BUN _ 4.W0 "E I | Ashe County j VOLUME 18, NO. 15 High School Finals To Start Next Week County Made Record In AAA Grass Seed Plan To Discontinue Seed Order; Farm Allowances Are To Be Set Up Under .kAA During the past few weeks Ashe county farmers have re ceived AAA purchase orders for more than one hundred thousand pounds of grass and clover seed, which is believed to be a record amount since records for the State show there was only : -ound one million pounds issued 4 *r the entire state. AAA officials pointed ot that if this seed was properly used it would prove to be a great help in the improvement of pas urts in the county and would also tend to increase the dairy 1 pro gram. Members of the Ashe . -A A k committee said that they wish ® cd to thank all s< d di alcrs f>r their splendid ci operation in putting Uiis program across “It should mean much to the cou It v. ..s on -oi n.'id by the / A It was also ar.nouneed t a farm allowance will b ■ o v .thin the n- xt fi w \w• r each farm in t:i< count', t artiCi- I atir.g :n th 1947 AAA program. Last yuir no s< t allowance was accessary as many was avail able to pay each producer for all practices carried out. Anyone buying material ths year can only be paid an amount equal to the farm allowance. Any material received through the AAA office will be charged ■ . gainst this allowance. Lansing \\ inner Os Debating Cup Has Won Debate Sponsored By Rotary Club For Past Two Years r The annual debating contest sponsored by the Rotary Club was won this year by Dawes Graybeal and Thomas Roberts, Lansing High School s negative team. They were victorious in the semi-finals at Jefferson April 21 when they met Jefferson’s nega tive team. On Thursday night, April 24, they were guests of the Rotary Club, where they debated Jefferson’s affirmative, Ann Francis and Billie Oliver. These four final contestants receive medals from the club, and Lan sing receives the debating cup, which, since it has been won for the second consecutive year by this school, may be kept in per manent possession. The victorious team has won every debate in which it has en & gaged this year. A state debate was held earlier at Jefferson where Lansing's negative won over Boones affirmative team. Lansing's affirmative team was composed of Ruth Campbell. Pauline Weaver, and Wanda Weaver, and the Lansing coach was Mis. Stafford Smith. The question debated it: Resolx cd that the Federal government should provide a system of complete medical care available to all citi zens at public expense. Ceci I Callis Is To Be Ordained Rev. Cecil Callis w ll be or dained as a minister and install ed as castor of the Jefferson Presbyterian church on Sunday night at eight o’clock, it was an nounced here. _ r , Rev Denver Blevins, of Kenly, formerly of Ashe county, will preach the ordination sermon. Others who will take part in the » service are. Hoke Henderson, of Elk ; n moderator of the Presby tery who will make the charge to the congregation. Rev. Ralph Ritchie, of Elkin, will charge the pastor; Rev. John W Luke who will lead the ordination prayer: and Rev. W. P. Boyle, it was stated. . The public is cordially invited to attend. She WoB Host $2.50 a Year in Ashe County Construction Work On Three Highways Is Now Underway ROTARY SPEAKER Jht 1 * r - A f' * I • fOfl I Henry S. Villard. Deputy Director of Near Eastern and African A Lairs. ui‘l address the Rotary District Con ference. Ma n x Expected To Attend Annual Rotarv Meeting Will Be Held In Charlotte May 5-P- Near East Representa * To Speak A large number of the member ship of the Jeffersons Rotary club is expected to attend the Rotary District Conference to be held in Charlotte May 5-6 when Henry S. Villard. Deputy Director of Near Eastern and African Affairs will address the group, local president W. B. Austin said this week. Mr. Villard has served as Po litical Advisor, U. S. Delegation to the United Nations Assembly, and Political Liason Officer, L T . S. Delegation to the United Na tions Conference on International Organization. He has a distin guished career as a Foreign Ser vice Officer with the State De partment, and members of the (Continued on Page 4) Rev. Sam Moss To Speak Sunday Rev. Sam Moss, pastor of the Methodist church, Boone, will preach at the Jefferson Metho dist church on Sunday afternoon at 3:00 o’clock, it was announced here this week. Every member is urged to at tend and the public is cordially invited. Doughtoii Seeking Community Tax Law For All Os The States Washington—Application of the community property principle of ax returns to all states, reduc ig federal income taxes by SL -000.009,000 in 1948. was proposed in a bill iiAroduced by Rep. Doughton (D.. N. C.). The North Carolinian, who was manager of f ?.x legislation while Democrats controlled congress, •old reporters “I will insist on ac tion in the present congress.” He expressed hope that the son de will attach a community prop erty amendment to the $4,000,- 900.000 income tax reduction bill soon to bt voted on in that body. While the tax cut now before congress would be applicable to the current year. Doughton’s bill would not be effective until next year. Nine states now have commun ity property laws which permit their married residents to split their income equally between husband and wife for tax re porting purposes. This often puts them in lower surtax brack- Glendale Springs, Beaver Creek, W. Jefferson-Smeth port Roads Included Construction is now underway on three sections of major high i ways in the county and is ex | pected to be completed this surn i mer, according to information re i ceived here. Work was started this week on . the Beaver Creek-Obids high way and this will include the' I paving of three and one-tenths , miles from Oak Lodge' to a point Intar the' Cal Greene place. I Work is going forward on thi ■Glendale' Springs-Jefferson sec tion. which also includes re-pav ing and straightening The* < : d I pavement has been torn off on a ! sire tch of this road, but it is un- eoi tract, this road will not b. closed for trawl. Th- new Im!; o! the West J : ft i son-Smethport road. whie: follows Jefferson Avenu. befi.r ■ (Continue d on Lag. 4) Jefferson \\ Hi Have Election Tuesday, May 6 L. P. Colvard Again Named As Candidate For Mayor; Books Are Open i At a mass meeting on Tuesday night at the courthouse L. P. Col vard was named as a candidate ; for mayor to succeed himself. He is unopposed for the election that will be held May 6. Named as candidates for aider men are J. Bruce Porter, Roy R. Badger, and Lawrence Tyson. ; who are also unopposed. It was announced that the reg istration books would remain open through Saturday, May 3. All residents not registered and otherwise eligible to vote are asked to register by that time. Apiarists \\ ill Hear Stephens H. D. Quessenberry, county agent, announced this week that plans are being made for a meet ing at Bower Walters’ farm near Jefferson on May 9 at 1:30 p. m. at which time bees from the old ■ type gum will be changed to a patent bee gum and re-queen the colony. “W. A. Stephens, Extension Bee Specialist, will be present for this meeting, and I am sure will be able to answer questions in re , gard to beekeeping in Ashe coun ty.” Mr. Qutssenberry said. ets and results in substantial sav ings. The nine states with commun ity property laws are Arizona. California. Idaho, Louisiana, Ne vada, New Mexico, Oklahoma. Texas. Washington. Hawaii als • has such a law. In other states income is reported individually by members of the family earn ing it. “'This is an inequity.” Dough ton said, “all persons should be treated equally in federal taxa tion. If the cut in revenue is too much then we could adjust rates to make up for it. But we should not let this inequity continue.” SERVICE WILL BE HELD AT BEAVER CREEK Elder Charlie Hall will preach at the Beaver Creek Primitive Baptist Church on Sunday night, it was announced this week. The public is cordially invited to attend. WEST JEFFERSON, N. C. Newly Elected Officers Os Jeffersons Rotary Club i ~ • • IB rak w ■’ ill Jillllll * JO W These new officers will begin their du ties July 1. Reading from left to right: Hoyt Mood, president; Dean McMillan, vice-president: Tliomas Sears, secretary and treasurer. VhhhJ Is Named New Pr e s i d e n I Os Rotary Chib Dean > ’c'’’ !; an Is V . e-Presi dent; !' :■ S A«« -A v hosvn S.’i'i’ctar.v . •. , f 1 li< V ' '■ '• ' r.t of the J ff r- son’s Ro* u y C ub to suceed W- B. Austin. (. >t ai r .; ■ i ice i's mi mi 4 to serve with him include Dean McMilian. vice-president and ”9. r, as Soars, s< c: etary and treasurer. Members of the new board of directors include, in addition 1 ) Wood and McMillan. L. P. Col vard, A. B. Hurt. L. B. Tyson and Todd Gentry. W. B Austin, *he outgoing president is an ex officio member of the board of directors. The new officers will begin their duties with the new Rotary year. July 1. Certificates Os Teachers To Be Renewed 1947411 Were Not Renewed By N. C. Legislature As In Past Years The attention of teachers is called to the fact that their cer tificates were not renewed by the legislature this year as in the past. B. H. Duncan superintendent of schools pointed out that the State Board has been given the power, by law, on renewals. He explained that all certificates re quiring renewal are given one year’s renewal for 1947-48 term, but that all teachers who have certificates that have expired, must meet the renewal require ments by September 1. 1948. He further pointed out that teachers should take advantage of summer schools this summer as wt 11 as next so that they should be sure of validating their cer tificates before September. Scout Camporee To Begin Sunday Complete plans for the Ashe county boy scout camporee have been announced this week by Harvey Payne, chairman of the ■amping and activities commit tee. Thu camporee which will open near Ambrose Bare’s below Jessi rson. Saturday. May 3. and continue through Sunday, May 4, is exp. ct' d to be atti nded by more than 50 boys. Parents and all those interested in the scouts are invited to stop by the campine grounds and sec the scouts at work. Scouts will represent the Jef ferson, Fig.. Crumpler, West Jef ferson. Glendale, Grassy Creek, and Fleetwood troops. Mr. Payne pointed out that he hoped that it would be the most widely attended camporee ever held here in the county. The full program will contain many interesting features of scout work. THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1947 (kmcer ('oiilrol Ftiml Quota For County Is Surpassed o yv 4 is s k • / x .’Hop “s’'■ y'; > ' “f' Df? £ ji .c. * z 3.11 J- -j 4 x m 5.. X Il 7 v.z M.- x .1 ik . ? k>' * 1 5 t- ’Xi * a V 7 * Be Started Here Saturday, Mav 10 .‘ l auagcrs t'f Six Tcu.m.s A:e Lamed: Equipment Now Being Secured At a meeting of the by-laws committees and the managers < ; f the t< ams in the Mountain Base bal' 1 ague, plans were made for the season and the schedule for the games which will open on May 1(1. was worked out. The West J-. fferson team met at the Man's Store Monday to bi measured for the suits, which were made possible by donations of the merchants of the town. Those to purchase suits were The Man's Store, Quality Cleaners, Bulk's, Blackburn’s, The Skyland Post. First National Bank, Quon set Grill. Reins-Sturdivant. C. & H. Service Station, Parker’s Store. Ray Hardware. Davidson s. Graybeal’s Drug Store, Ashe Hardware. Duncan Motor Com pany. Burgess Furniture Store. Parker Tie Company. Each of these merchants gave S2O to pay for a suit. Dan Campbell, secretary of the (Continued on Page 4) Section Os River Closed May, June Announcement was made this week by Roland Koontz that the portion of the North Fork of New River from the dam to the South fork junction would be closed for the spawning season from May 1 to June 30. both dates inclusive. The cooperation of all land owners and sportsmen is asked in this protective measure. Several Are Siightlv Injured In Ear Wrecks hi Countv Several people received minor injuries in highway accid nts (>\i r the past week end in the coitnty, but only one pi rson. Glade Caudi’l. of Slratford. re ceived si i i >us ii’o.iries when the ear which he was dri\ing ovi r turned on the Nathan’s Creek- Sparta highway near the Stringer niece or, Sur lay. He received a broken shoulder and arm as well as cuts about the head and is now end rgoing treatment in Aslie hospital. Dean Hedg ard Dalton Miller had a slight wreck near the Van noy flooring plant on Saturday when both of their cars were slightly damaged. No one was injured, officers reported. John Sutherland sustained slight in juries in a motorcycle accident, which occurred on the Beaver Creek road on Friday. Slight injuries were sustained by several riding in the car driv en by Glenn Rose, of Bina, when $3.00 a Year Out of County L..t-.c Is i urffvd 1; . morning. The county's quo ta was .-i t at to date ed v> ith some moi i contributions to conu m. A large amount of li'erature relative to the control of th dis ease was also distributed by those making the canvass for the drive. Todd Gentry served as county chairman. Miss Ruth Tugman as county commander. Assisting them in making the canvass were Mrs. Ed M Anderson and Miss Jennie Clyde Worth. Contributors to the drive were as follows: Skyland Post. Todd Gentry. M. G. Edwards. G. W. Edwards. Car olina Briar Corp.. Burgess Furni ture Co.. Belk's Dept. Store. Rhodes Furn. Co.. Cash Whole sale. Reins-Sturdivant Funeral Home. $25.00 each. (Continued on Page 4) Ashe Teacher Dies In Boone Mrs. Ellere Milam, of Milam, teacher at Toliver school, suc cumbed in the Boone Hospital Tuesday morning. Mrs Milam had resigned her position there a month ago. She is survived by her husband. B. H. Duncan, superintendent of schools pointed out that Mrs. Milam had rendered good service as a teacher during the year, and it was with shock and regret that the news of her death was re ceive d. it collided with a milk tanker truck near Lansing, on Friday. Among Rose s passengers wi-'e Haze! Roo . Lm < ne Moll's. Stum ’ Mullis and How; rd Rose. Both vehicles wei\ reported slight'v damaged b\ the investigating of ficer. ' Harold H- iluss was slightly in jured on Sundav afternoon in front of th'? Dave Weaver res! dune.'', at Smethport v. I'.cn the cm i wl’.i' h lie was driving was wreck 1 cd. WORK GOING FORWARD ON MOTOR CO. BUILDING I Work is now going forward on the new building to be occupied by Ashe Motor company, on Jef ferson Avenue. The building is under construc- I tion on the opposite side of the street from the Greystone service station on the outskirts of West Jefferson. ASHE COUNTY IS ... I Leading Livestock and Dairy County in North Carolina. Population: 22,664 PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY Elkland To Be First To Award Diplomas, May 9 Full Schedule Os Programs Os Nine High Schools To Be Announced Next Week Commencement programs in, some of the nine high schools of the county will get underway next week, with others being held later in May when a total of 154 will receive diplomas. Elkland high school finals will be tne first in the county with the 22 graduates being awarded, diplomas on May 9. Finals at Healing Springs will be one day later as the members of the grad uating class will receive their di plomas on May 10. Most of the exercises will be held tne following week. Lansing and Virginia-Carolina are sngnt ly later tnan tne others, witn. Virginia-Carolina tne last, witn Imais srmduled foi May -Jl. 1 I’ 11 • ■ - !. 'o U Oil r’Ui» Will Mark Opening Os School 1 iiial>. “?tlama s liab.v Box V, ill Be Presented Th< s-aim class piay. ’’Mam./- Baby Boy." a 3-act comedy, v, be presented on Saturday mgat, May 3. in the Elmand scaool gymnasium as the opening num ber of tiie commencement pru- The theme of the play cen ters around the romance and financial difficulties of Anna Mc- Lean, a 40-year-old widow, with an eignteen yeai old son. and Luther Long, a widower of the same age with a 17-year old daughter. Each parent is prac tically broke, and though they really care for each other, the contemplated marriage is one of convenience. Both, to conceal their correct ages, persuade these teen-agers to dress as mere chil dren with the promise that each may go to the college of hts choice when the necessary mon ey is available through this mar riage. Events become involved when young friends of the son and daughter arrive and set the fun in motion. This finishes the ‘‘pretenders” and they dress again as they should be; the truth comes out —the wedding seems in danger, but all is saved by recent investments proving suc cessful and the wedding bells still ring. The characters will be portrayed by: Mattie Jones, the young wid ow, Mrs. McLean; Joe Bledsoe, (Continued on Page 4) Guv Brown Now Wanted In Rowan Guv Brown, who ha.- been held in the Ashe countx jail since Monday, pending the arrival ot officers from Rowan county, win re it is reported ’hat he is wanted on the charge ot car theft among othei s also has tin miMortum ’o inn into the arms ol th< law here. Brown first made his public appearance- d the Lone Pine service station and was brought to tn, A>lu hospital for treat ment ot slij-iii wounds, which he appari ntly received in an alter cation. He became annoying th' re and h< spital authoritie call.d for ; n officer of the lav. to remove him. As he reached the j.iil he con - plained of severe pain and asked Sheriff Todd to assist him in get ting out of the car. He then took advantage of the situation and slipped the sheriff's gun from his pocket, which the sheriff soon re covered in a tussle, but Brown escaped temporarily. He was later picked up mar the Bau guess residence just below Jef ferson. Officers stated that ha was apparently under the influ ence of some narcotic.

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