PRESS RUN 4,000 e Net Paid 3,595 Covers i Ashe County | VOLUME 18, NO. 19 Ashe Fanners Want Program Continued Local FHA Will Be Crippled By Agriculture Cut Has Served Many Farmers In Ashe And Alleghany; Need Still Great / Because of the drastic slash in the proposed budget for FHA along with other agricultural groups, many farmers in Ashe and Alleghany counties will be badly hampered in their work. The Appropriations Committee recommendations for administra tive funds reduced the Presi dent's recommendation of $30,- 000,000 to $18,000,000 or a cut of 40 per cent. The president's recommendations for the rest of the program, FO loans and mort gage loans have also been great ly reduced. Officials pointed out this week in, that unless some of this can be V restored by the Senate before the bill gets the final approval by Congress, the program will be so reduced that it will be im possible to render the service for which it stands. Not only will much of the planning and super vision work now being carried out be done away with, but loans will also be cut down. A tentative survey reveals that there are a number of veterans now taking advantage of this program as well as many others which it is helping to re-establish in their work. At the present time there are 283 farmers being served by the Ashe-Alleghany unit. Figures reveal that in Ashe there are 148 active loans; in Al leghany. 62; a total of 30 tennant purchase farmers of the two counties and 43 others. Figures further revegl that Tn the i. .u laities; 83' ,t r tel- ling $12,733 were ipade for 1945-1945 as compared to 145 loans totalling $27,735. or an in crease of 81 per cent in number and 117 per cent in total amount, thus showing the increasmg need. Loans made through this pro gram are to farmers, who are unable to secure adequate credit elsewhere. r Since the program has been activate 1 in Ashe and Alleghany counties, a total of 897 farm fam ilies haw. been served and this number included 604 that have paid up loans. Farmers have not only been helped to re-establish themselves and become home owners, but to improve their standards of living as well as health through the program. Rock Creek Has 4-H Club Sunday Members of Club in Charge Os Program; Rev. S. S. Graybeal Is Speaker Members of the Rock Creek J 4-H club were in charge of the service held at the Little Rock school Sunday morning when Rev. S. S- Graybeal was the guest minister and speaker. The club, composed of 11 girls and 12 boys, had the program in observance of National 4-H Club Sunday. The program pre sented was as follows: Invoca tion. Mary Lee Jones, club presi dent: salute to the flag. Mis Ella Mae Crosby; welcome. Len son Osborne; service of dedica tion. May Alin. vice president The sermon, delivered by Rev Kir. Gravbeal was enthled "De mocracv.” Sp.cial mi s c wa presented by Bitty S’e Marti and Jo Ann. Graybeal. Shalley Springs Open To Public Pep-ir and remodelling wort on Shatl v Springs hotel, which has been underway for some time is row opened to the public The buildings have been re modelled, painted and severa additions made, including a new bath house. The hotel is asain being managed by C. L. Collins. Mr. Collins pointed out that new furnishings including inner spring mattresses had also been bought for the opening. the jMo) Bst $2.50 a Year in Ashe County Young “Ike” Is To Be Married Soon ha t JSRWSiWi Barbara Jean Thompson, daughter of Col. and Mrs. Percy W. Thompson, who will get General “Ike” for a father-in-law. when she weds Capt John Sheldon Doud Eisenhower, right, son of the army chief of staff. They will be married at Fortress Monroe, Va., June 10th. Help Promised To Restore Vocational Agriculture Dept. For County, At Jefferson District Supervisor Expects To Visit County Soon In Connection With Plans It was learned this week from Tai H. Stafford, District Super visor of Agricultural Education that his department will be able to provide its part of the funds in the re-establishment of a vo cational agricultural department at Jefferson. In a letter to-B. H. Duncan, su perintendent of schools he points out that the regular appropria tion his department does not provide for sufficient funds for re-opening of many closed de partments, but there are other funds that might be used for this. "I might add. however, that this money is subject to the whims of an economy - minded Congress. Should the appropria tion be eliminated at any time, we cannot make any definite promise to continue the depart ment until our own appropria tion is increased." he declared. Mr. Stafford also pointed out that he was pleased that S. B. Lacey has accepted the position as teacher and that he feels that he will do an excellent job. He also announced that he olans to be in Jefferson in the mar future to talk with local (Continued on Page 4) Service To Be Held At Lansing Memorial service for Edward Ham, who died at AbJagdon, Virginia, on November 9, 1946, will be conducted at the Lansing Presbyterian church on Sunday, Tune 15. at 11:15 a. m., it was announced this week. Those taking part in the service vill be Miss Betty Tinley. Revs. L. J. Foreman. Jr., T. A. Farmer T . D. Sexton and E. Z. Sexton Edward was the son of J. A and Mary Ham. of Lansing. Awarded Diplomas At Woman’s College On Monday ?Im® DAPHNE ELLER WEST JEFFERSON, N. C. Smethport Will Hold Dedication Os Baptist Church Newly Completed Church To Have All Day Service On June 29 Plans are now underway to hold an all day dedication at the newly completed Smethport Baptist Church on June 29. when a special program will be carri ed out. to which the public is cordially invited. Rev. J. R. Short will deliver the opening address and Rev. W. E. Denny, will preach the de dication sermon. S. C. Eggers, of Boone, will give an address afternoon and Rev. Jesse Shu mate. of Sugar Grove. Va.. will deliver the closing address. The Smethport singing class and the Lewis quartet will render special music. Dinner will be serv. d cn the ground, it was stated Rev. A. C. Ashley is pastor of the church, and he along with others have spent much time and effort in making the new build ing possible. Two Injured In Highway Wrecks Two more highway accidents in the county occurred Sunday 1 morning and as a result one man is now being treated for severe shock and badly broken bones in the hospital. R. B. Shull, of Boone, driving • a motorcycle en route to Jeffer -1 son on U. S. Highway 16 Sunday morning about nine o'clock collided with a 1 1Z 2 ton ’37 v ord truck, driven by Ed Mullis, m route to Grassy Creek near (Continued on Page 4) -’i i i M ■ ■ I CLAIRENE OLIVER THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1947 Need Teachers In Several Os County’s Schools Some Vacancies In Both High Schools As Well As Elementary Grades It was learned yesterday from the county superintendent of schools, B. H. Duncan that there is a shortage of teachers in sev eral of the schools of the coun ty at the present time. The va cancies included those in some of the high schools as well as in the lower grades. Lansing has a number of va cancies in the central school as well as some in the smaller schools of the district. Healing Springs and Fleet wood also have vacancies. It is understood that most of the other central schools have most of their positions filled. All prin cipals for high schools have been named. James Stanley will re turn to Fleetwood. Other princi pals have already been announc ed. As far as it could be learned this week, a number of teachers of the county are now making (Continued on Page 4) Officials Will Meet June 16 To Consider Budget Heard Representatives From Several Schools On Sani tary Needs, Monday The Ashe County Board of Commisioners nut in regular session on Monday morning and in addition to routine claims, heard representatives from Jef ferson, Nathan’s Creek and Elk land schools in connection with the current sanitary im . <_ment projects and buildings The cost of the supply for the Jefferson chool was brought to the after i on of the group. It was announced that the board of county commissioners would again on June 16 to co- sider the budget for the com ming year. At this time the tax rate and other related matt, rs will also be considered. 11. H. Burgess expects to com plete a recap of th. tax listing books within a short time show ing the tax valuation of the county. Final figures are now being worked out on this. To Meet June 13 To Arrange For Selling Os Wool Ashe county sheep growers as well as those from Alleghany and Watauga are asked to save their wool pool which will be conducted for the three coun ties at a later date. H. D. Ques s.nberry, county agent, stated. A meeting of the county agents from Ashe. Alleghany. Watagua, Grayson and Carrol counties, the wool pool committee. Will be held at the courthouse in J. f ferson, on June 13. at 2 o'clock. Mr. Quessenberry stated. . ...a ' 1 ROBERTA AUSTIN Want Farm Appropriations Restored IP • s Senator Clyde R. Hoey, left and Congressman R. L. Doughton, right strongly in favor of restoring appropria tion for agriculture and continuing program. Motorists Are Reminded Os New Regulations Requiring Issuance Os Driver License Meeting Os Ashe WMU Planned For Tues. June 10 i All Organizations To Send Representatives; Of ficers To Be Named ! The annual meeting of the ! Ashe Associational Woman's Mis ' siJ try Union will be held at the Bethel Baptist church on it Wfs nounced this week. All of the organizations of the 1 county are planning to send rep resentatives it was learned and j a special program has been plan -1 ned for the entire day. The morn ing session will open at ten o'- clock at which time the regular business session will he held. Reports will :6s > b. heard from the following committees; sup erintendent's report. Mrs. Ha'ph > Parsons; miss : on study report. Mrs. Fred Weddell: community missions report. Mrs. Worth Phillips: stewardship r port. Mrs. B. E. Reeves; and literature re port. Mrs. James Bradshaw. Miss Mary Jordan will speak (Continued on Page 4) Elkland Box Supper Nets S6OO The box supper, which was held at the Elkland high school gymnasium on Saturday night. May 31. was very successful, with slightly over S6OO raised for the purchase of a badly needed school bus, it was announced here this week. Paul Weston and his Hammond electric organ furnished the music, which was enjoyed by all ( those pres nt. it was stated. i Boxes were sold from $30.25 down. myrtle d. graybeal $3.00 a Year Out of County Re-Examinations Will Begin July 1; To Be Issued Alphabetically Ashe county motorists along , with all others throughout the State are reminded that in accor dance with the law passed by the 1947 General Assembly of North Carolina requiring the re issuance of Motor Vehicle driver license the following schedule has been made: the period beginning July 1. 1947, and endin g on De ■( cember 31, 1947, is the time for f all driver license holders whose •'.ur-names begin with the letters A or B to apply for new license. Persons whose names do not be ' gin with one of the above let : ters cannot apply for re-issuance I of license in this . period. The period beginning Jan- I uary 1. 1948. and ending on June 1 30. 1948. will be the time for all j operators whos< sur-names begin j with eith r of the letters C or ' D to apply f.>: n -issua.ic ■ of li cense. Alf Motor V. mcle drlvem 1 whose sur-name< begin w th. a I h Iter other than A. B. C. or D i will h notified lj. press releases lat the proper time as to when j they should appear for the re examination. j Ihe operators license issued lund.r the 1947 Safety Act shall (Continued on Page 4) J. C. Spencer To Issue Licenses Anyone desiring to secure a I driver’s license or learners per mit should contact J. C. Spencer at the courhouse in Jefferson each Friday between the hours I of 1:00 p. m.. and 5:00 p. m. ' The date for contacting Mr. • Spencer had been changed from i Saturday to Friday, it was learn j ed. Four Ashe County (Uris Are Among Graduates Os \V. C. GiecDsboro, June 2-Ano)n£ th 413 seniors who gradual ci free the Woman's College' of ttie Un: wrsiA (J North Carolina Mon iron; .\stn cou'd.} •■v ■ - ; 11 ' \■(‘i i A|• ii Graduates from Ashe county and their records ar. as foiiox .■>: Miss Myi tie Graybeal. daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard B. Graybeal. of West Jefferson, re ceived a bachelor of science de gree in home economics. She holds membership in the Dikean ASHE COUNTY IS ... Leading Livestock and Dairy County in North Carolina. Population: 22,664 PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY Requests Sent T o Washington By Large Number H c n u d t r ‘A Ji xp t ess Regret la Cut Os Funds; Express Hope of Restoration Hundreds of Ashe county farm ers have expressed their regret over the tremendous slash in the agricultural budget which the House has approved and if pas sed by the Senate will cripple all phases of the farm program. The AAA program under the proposed cut, is being reduced, around 45 per cent and 3900 xarmers of the county partici pating will also be cut from $60,000 to $50,000. The FHA program will alsn be gi eatly hampered for lack of funds as well as personnel under the proposed cut. Hundreds of county farmers have realized this and have sent messages to congressmen and. senators asking that the farm programs be restored. Both Con gressman R. L. Doughton and .Senator Clyde R. Hoey have re ceived many messages on this from local people and have both expressed themselves as strong ly favoring the restoration of the rarin program. In letters to this paper and the West Jefferson Merchants' mator Hoey wrote (Continued on Page 4) Mrs. Caudill, 75, Buried Moudav Well Known Ashe County Woman Had Been Criti cally 11l For Sometime Funeral service for Mrs. Mar garet Loretta Caudill, 75, held iXoncax at eV*’.-:, o’clock at the Smethport Meth odist church. Officiating was Rev, Hobson Houck and inter ment was in the Jefferson ceme tery. Mrs. Caudill. well known county woman, died at her how Saturday afternoon after a lin gering illness. The daughtei i tlie late Mrs. Lizzie Burki tt Pai k.?r and John Parker, sue v. native of Wilkes county, althougr. she had lived most of her 1:1- She is survived by her band, E. D. Caudill and tin children. Mrs. Myrtle Hodgs •/.. Donald Jones and Clare Mo;-a She was a sister of T. E. Par ker, Mrs. Ed Jones, and R M. Parker, all of West Jeff./- son. Are Now On Wav To West Coast Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Segraves. accompanied by their neice Ha zel McSwain of High Point, left early Sunday morning c; motor for the West Coast. They will attend the Rotary convention and will visit a num ber of other places and expect to be gone for several weeks. Society. Ch mistry. Education icr e Economics. Square Dance Qu ; 'i and International R-...- 'to Clubs. in addition to : :e meraders and Play-Like '■$ i ’ V.’ C. A. and Recreation As a1 s< ■... > • t'. United Daughters of ’1 - i Cons- dei .'icy. Mis C iren Olivcr. d igi t M . an. M-.s. W. B. Olive:. . : l ■ ■ * ■ t n. was awurdeu ■ arts degree in E -- S 1 . ttended Mai ;■ first vear ; - ( - :> .. tn n bei of Co:r ■. i S