The Everyday Counselor Rev. Herbert Spaugh, D. D. Ciji t' me Lord, the serenity to vvnat 1 cannoi change: the courage U> change what I should; tile wisdom to distinguish be tween them." This prayer, at tributed to Saint f rancis ol As *isi, hits been passed on to me by COi espondent who has found »t he.'jcd jj ]t is one of the choice prayers of all time. It could pro fitably be placed on tile walls of CH'ery office, shop and home. flow u e all need the philosophy contained in that prayer. How 'we figJit against, fume about those things we cannot change or utter. They're out of our control, "h et we use up so much energy und time en them that we don't tiavc enough left to devote to changing those things which we should and can. Individually, neither you or I can do much about improving re lations between our State De jartment and Russia, and theii elation towards the world peace Jut we can do something about winning the pe'ice in our own it arts, and improving the rela ions in our own homes between lie members of our own family, \h yes! We can do that But we want Vo do something bigger. We want to join the League for the ^Preservation of Democracy, all the while forgetting that there may be some little democrats back home where we can make our influence felt for good much more than by writing speeches and articles and signing petitions j for world peace. From my observation as a pas toral counselor, the battlefields I >f human heart and mind con cern us more right now than j world battlefields of tomorrow. There are some things that we simply can't change, and have to Photo Finishing ONE DAY SERVICE Any 6 Or 8 Exposure Roll 25c Westbrook Photo Todd, N. C. RUAWARE ? I The PIGMY HIPPO IS ONE OT THE ■ f?AGEST ANIMALS ON EASTH TO • GIVE YOU AN lOEA OF ITS S'Z' TCk I ON' V CNE-FOURTEENTH THES Zt OF THE NILE HIPPOPOTANLiS The BURGESS FURNITURE COMPANY has the rare combination of courteous, friendly service: fine furni ture: and reasonable prices. We've been serving the people of discriminate taste in W. Jefferson for some time notv and are continuing our police of good furni tnre at fair prices. One trial will convince you of our suprjniu it.\. / f 'l / f * it.!, r . ' „ / *, * t * * ) *\ * ( (f ( /' . ' ' f > 4 f * A U I I I ( J (/ j ★ (.oinc in toilay ami -<><• llir-r 11<-MTV injr |)icrrs ill In .mliliil (iorliam Slrrlinji. I llir arislorrat of all .“ilwr. It. w. shillings, Jeweler BOONE, N. C. Miss Brown, Mr. Weaver Are Wed Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Brown, of Grumpier, announce the marriage of their daughter, Dorothy, to Charles Weaver, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hobert Weaver, of Scott ville, on August 8, at Jefferson. Officiating was David Burkett, justice of the peace. For her nuptials, the bride wore a dress of light blue with black accessories. Mrs. Weaver attended Nathan's Greek high school. The groom was a member of Sparta high school nd served two years with the !J. S. Army. After returning from a short wedding trip through the east ern part of North Carolina, a wed ling supper was held at the home if the bride’s parents on Sunday light, when a number of friends and relatives were present. Mrs. Carson Is Honored At Part\ Mrs. J. R. Carson, of Crumpler was honor, d last Sunday with ; surprise birthday dinner in cele ! bration of her seventy-fiftl | birthday. A table was set on the lavvi under the trees and a number o her children, grandchildren am other relatives and friends wen present. Mrs. Carson, the mother of tei children, all of whom are living J is still very active. She does he | own house work, tends her gar den. does her laundry and a num her of other things. Mrs. Rebecca Johnson, of At kins. Va., sister-in-law of Mrs Carson was present for the cele bration. She is 84 years old am this is her first trip back homi in twenty-seven years. Those attending the dinne: were Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Phipps and son, Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Hud ler. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Hudler anc family; Mrs. Mrs. Rebecca John son. Mr. and Mrs. Mack Nor man. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Huttoi and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmt Anders and family. Misses Sybil and Anne Lee Norman, all of At kins. Va.: Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Car son and family. Mr. and Mrs P M. Jameson and family. Mr anc Mrs. Upton Blevins. Mr. and Mrs R. F, Carson ar.d family, Mr. anc Mrs. W. A. R ed and family endure. Well. then, why not er dure them gracefully, pray f .strength to bear them. There no use getting all steamed u over circumstances, condition and people whom we can't changi We only get a phobia or con: plex on the subject. Some of u have jobs to do which w dis like, but have to do. Well, ther Go on and do them gracefully Don't be one of those who is chronic complainer. You nal: yourself unhappy and t verybod. else around you. I he biggest of all is i be able to disci rn what we cai change and what we can't. Tha takes judgment, end disco rnmeni Of this we cat all be ei rtith that when wi ■' : t ' . r: are '’forma! mi; prog. to irnorot conditions v hid; so ■ ,.md u 1 he first one j . > i .■ a. , Ot r la. Td j , 'OU’ri at {Mr i WEDS IN JEFFERSON Mrs. Charles Weaver, who was before her recent mar riage. Miss Dorothy Brown, of Grumpier. — ASHE SONG WRITER Miss Tava Bare, of I)og Creek, who is to have three of her songs published in the "Rhyme *N' Rhythum." The songs are “'Texas Cowboys. “Love Me,” and "Rose of My Dream." Miss Bare is now do ing work with "Hollywood re representatives." Her vings are expected to he broadcast also at an early date. Iimel\ lliiih CLEANING PAPER LAMP SHADES. Skirnnulk is a g cleaner for paper lampsha i s. both those of unfinished pap< and those wit:* a shellac, ! ,r waxlike finish, according to I home management specialist' 1 tiv U. S. Department of Agri culture. Do r.ot use water < paper shades because it softens and may bre.«k or damage the paper. Milk on the other ham •loos not penei ate paper readily • >ecause oi it.' casein ro.den. slips uvei tn surtace ca. in.; soil with it. A small amount ot milk p a. - ed on tne shade anil : oiled around •lean.' mam papers well. A.- me nilK dtifue...' with dirt. a Ires! .u : _ t ■■ S( •' ru i: ! k on with a soft cl.w etoru l! I Pit ..OIL llilV.C'.r: . c c! II. P D: ... v: V WWNC ' Serves All of Western •& North Carolina \ BEST! ! d&hwiikA. Onlif, 5000 Watt Station BOTH DAY AND NIGHT WWNC 670 ON ■ _ ,YOUR D1AU' Miss Blevins, Mr. Ashley Wed Mr. and Mrs. William Blevins, of Jefferson, announce the mar riage of their daughter, Louise to Mr. Walter Ashley on August 11 at the home of Rev. Wesley Eldreth. Mrs. Ashley is a graduate of West Jefferson high school. Mr. Ashley is the son of Rev. and Mis. Joseph Ashley, of Mullens. W. Va. He spent 40 montns in the army, 14 months of which were spent on active duty in the Pacific. The couple plan to make thei home near Wytheville. Va. Civil Service Position Open The United States Civil Str ife Commission has announced in open competitive examination for postmaster at Whitetop. Va. \pplications must be on file with he commission at Washington r). C.. not later than Septembei 11. Application blanks containing detailed information regarding the requirements, may be obtain 'd from the local post office or from the civil service commission in Washington. D. C. or hand vacuum cleaner. Then sponge the surtace very lightly with a cloth dipped in mlliy us ing about a fourth cupful tor a large shade. Support the shu‘. e by placing it on a table and hold it by the top wires, turning as you clean in order not to bend the paper. Use a fresh cloth and fresh milk as either shows soil. The milk should not stand on the shade or moisten the glue. If the milk seems to be softening the paper, allow the shade to dry before continuing. A very soiled shade may need a second applica tion after it dries. Be careful with shades made of two layers of paper. If soil has seeped in between the layers, cleaning the lining with milk may leave streaks. Fruit production will lx lar ger than in l!Mn Export demand may fall off because of dollar shortages abroad, and probably | less deciduous fruits will be can ned. Smith Serving On USS Fargo Raymond P. Smith, seaman, second class, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul O. Smith of Glade Valley, is serving aboard the light cruiser USS Fargo, which is touring the Mediterranean area. The Fargo, flagship of Vice Admiral Bernard H. Bieri, USN, Commander of Naval Forces in the Mediterranean, will visit Al giers, Africa; Ville France. France, and Rapallo, Italy, on the two month cruise. For quick results use the Post classifieds. LOWEST PRICES - • ANY SIZE OR COLOR MARBLE OR GRANITE I Monuments C Memorials 3 ASHE MEMORIAL WORKS See \\ . B. Reeves WEST JEFFERSON. N C. KNOTTY PETE THE WAY TO GET A CUSTOMER TO SPEND SOME MONEY WITH YOU \S TO SPZXO SOME TIME <, , * > WITH HIM. . - | —r - - v~j&?- X Yd-£ \\ e Bax* |>l(‘lll\ of li 3114* to show von a 1*0111 J>lc*tt* Builders Line If \oii plan to build or remodel, come and talk it over with us We can offer helpful suggestions. WE HAVE (lahinet N*ts for Immediate 1 )eli\ er\ Yum C()>ipu:ti: iu n din<, mtim it i d arker Tie Company LUMBER • BUILDING MATE RIALS‘HARDWARE EVERYTHING FROM CELLAH TO KS&Of PHONE 23 WEST JEFFERSON, N. C. i UBERAL TRADE-IN EASY TERMS I'T'S TRACE TIRES TODAY t f vl l h \a k a u ItA l* Jpr— * 34% More NON-SKID Mileage t Stronger Cord Body * Wider. Flaltei Tread ^ « Improved Shoulder Deslg:1 W4S £1