I _____ j Drive Safely j j You May j ! Save A Life J 1_! VOLUME 18, NO. 41 $2.50 a Year in Ashe County WEST JEFFERSON. N. C. ASHE COUNTY IS... Leading Livestock and liiir' County in North Carolina Population: 22,664 THURSDAY, OCT. 9. 1947 $3.00 a Year Out of County PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY ^Announce Chest X-ray Clinic To Be Held Oct. 15 Will B* Conducted At Office Of Health Department In Ashe County Hospital Tt' w«f Enounced this week by L)--. Robert King, of the District H. f 1th Department, that a chest >' ray cimij would bo Held at the if.ice of the ccur.lv health de triment in the Amv hc-oital, next Wednesday. October 15. At this time Harold Satterwhite, X rav technician for the N. C. Sani torium. will bring a portable X ray machine to be used. It was pointed out by Di King that this clinic would be available to the public at a cost of one dol law per person. An effort is be ing made to contact persons, who have a positive skin tesi for tu berculosis. who had had tuber culosis in the past or have been associated with it. It is nopod that they will avail themselves of the benefit of the clinic. ii was further explained that a skin test is used to eliminate people who have news oeen ex t posed to tuberculosis so that thty need not go to the expense of a chest X-rav. Dr. King also po j *ed out tin \ no- n-ray is e.. ntiai to gi defir. u- as.-ur-j en.^ of how a positive skin test j should be in! riot eh Funeral Home Is Being Remodeled Badgers Add Columns To Building Making It A Colonial Type A remodeling program for Badger's funeral home is under way and tin' brick building now has at its entrance, large white column- of a colonial type. Tin entire front of the build inc, including the columns, has been eavc’.od with white stucco . of the build ng is to painter, white alse R. R Badger stated. The tune Horne is also being1 nlarged. A 56 x t'O f t > > ti Bill B: bulance I rip beer, r now a.. hoy R. Badly T, Guy B. . ’ Guv l.. J : ivl James Badg.. r. 1 »iij>lif*!* 8 <> led Al i’lsslon Fomc Bia Fl-itts, B: Ridgy. I Mi,unt O! • - Old F Rev. J. I d leg Krecling iowc r On Negro Ml. Work is now going forward on the foundation for an ob servation tower to be built on the top of Negro Mountain, by the 1'. S. Forestry Service. A road is also being built from the roek on up to the top of the mountain to the tower base, where a bulldozer has been in operation for the past few days. A number of local people made the trip to the top, last Sunday, to view the new road and the excavation work be ing done for the tower. Negro Mountain, which is around 4,728 feet high, af fords a view of mountain ranges for many miles in this vicinity. Air Force Shows How Soldiers Use Troop Carriers In N. C. At Fort Bragg. N. C.. the army air force shows how the army ground forces are us ing the troop-carrier C-82 packet in conducting howitzer and jeep drop tests. Top left: shows the C-82 with rear cargo doors removed. Top right: the 105 howitzer, all bund led up for its parachute journey. Bottom: this split-second shot caught the howitzer just after it left the plane and before the canopy ’chutes opened to slow the descent. Ashe County Unit OfNCEA Makes Plans For Year; W ill Hold Annual Banquet Soon Mrs. Gertrude Vaught Is President: Committees A r e X a m e d The advisory council of the Ashe county unit of the NCEA met last week l > make plans I.li the ye. •vossed • a. ..QU -t :te V Mrs, (. X.uni. ] Public t. ati .is. Mis. J. sc; aim Smith L asm. sea >oi 1\ 1 el ■' ai... V . ; Ji : ■. a-,m Miss R Kik ; nd k y haling Sprug.-t .A _ Vaught, JefF-rson: Mrs. R. C. Latham. l!i' cnv:..-v. : James Church, Nathrr . C a la Hayden Gt > Mauui. FI ' vra - i: Mrs. Julia Hr . V:rg::::a C; a - lina. Membership: Hi- beat C.-ajbc. ’. Rivi ‘View; Miss (... .a Pi;.. . . Lansing: A. D. Geoumnn, Wist jale.s-.it: Ai ;>> An., Ca r IA . i ll.g Sp. a. - . 1. ■ J -Rets -it; M . ch.-rie M her, Flk «>-i\cu [’or \nui(<‘iir i am t : >m - > hi hi id on H Any nijJ'it i icti iii- , 2-1. at 7 hi. 1 ']’• ichii'- Associuti.jp and will hr j.I'lcr at tin hit sM'OQ't la e. Furth- v dota1 is will ho an nouncer! later, it was explainer!. Schools [ m ilcd i n See Iron Lung Want Contributions Turned In To Treasurer. L. I*. Colvard Group.- of - iiool c: ildren I tc 'Chej are nviled to view d ■ • : i • • 'ill;, p1 rcln.-ed iron are .• jtai 1 i'i ‘be wav nv nnirinl. TiY: v. sbing to see it and have :t ex !• 1.;;1. are asked to contact J" • (.;■ •. n at V. J. I\ ■ I. oi, pa;:', . (A Uc'Ctlpps v. o ' h . t a! i ;! \V. i - ai ]'oi ■ !■- d t ■ ' t . tl '; ■ :n it' ttj. tie : . ■ i • : til' t : i''it; - I. L. P. Col vai 1. ;i| once. The pillowing entri! ati h; recently In. a : t . fi \; o i; Prod Colvard. W. G. V;>r SSiUlO e; ch. Mr.- . K on ice Dix m. «20.00. V cyan Guild of i W .liffet on Method, t cluir.-ii, 1 fi ■ m: -on, D iricr to I ir ... -10.00 each. I Cantfe;.: d on P.. . 5) si!. If. Brown. 7C>. Succumb- \l l L ‘ 1 Pa'S ). Willi ii. lit. Pi ■ i i . 0, .of i ridao Jiteniog at eii-vepAcillk at iIk i - nuance. ( >i: icial iuc. v. - o lievs. 'i om F. rnii J. IP fell '.'t and Arthui A-diloy ; ivi inti t;-1- id was in til'1 Rich Hill cemetery. Tt ■'i.-Cease 1 oo. i .nr *e 1 at P h> the. . i Fi& Suixii-... i II -:ur vi w'd1 In. hi v. ili ''! V i Brow and .four sops. An..': > W [--own, Of | a. an Jatne nd ill;:cel Brown. . ’ Sr ’ ai jspl't. \\ ill Speak At illu sH'/er Sunday Dr. E. E. Gillespie, founder and former pastor, left, and Rev. R. H. Stone, right, another former pastor, who will take part in the fiftieth anniversary service to be held at Ebenezer, Sunday. 31 a ii \ Expected For Anniversary At Elienezer Sun 50th Anniversary Of First Presbyterian (.'burch In Ashe To Be Observed Friends 1mm neui and far1 '-■re expected to atund tile all- | day service at EIhnezei Pre.-by- i I'-SMtiit church on Sunday, when 1 ct; eg ,1 tins c:.' ivn will 1 : L,! IliSiOil Vr l II Speak At Uoiarv c J. T. "Job r Caro la tir \ ! I > v Mar Hill Wars Hil.1.Special—Four stu enls from Ashe county are en- j illod at Mars Hill college this til. These are: Roy O. Freeman f Jefferson: Royce Gene Miller f Toliver: and George Truett Eller and Jarties Walter King of Hina. The total enrollment at the col lege is 981, exclusive of special students in the departments of j speech. art, and music. These | come from 18 stales. District of Columbia and two foreign coun tries. North Carolina, 717: South! Carolina, 80: Virginia, 58; Florida. 37; Georgia, 35; Tennessee, 21: Alabama and Kentucky, five each: Maryland, four: Indiana, three; Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Ohio and New York, two each: Texas, Rhode Island, Missouri, New Hampshire, and District of Co | lumbia, one each: Cuba, two; i Brazil, one. The North Carolina students I come from 88 counties. Ashe Man Held In Connection With Shooting Of Wife Hearing Of A. F. Brown Of Laurel Springs Is Set For Next Wednesday Alex F. Brown, Laurel Springs man is being held in the Ashe county jail, pending a hearing scheduled for next Wednesday, in connection with the fatal shooting of his wife, Judy Reeves Brown, which is believed to have taken place last Friday, at their home between Nathan’s Creek and Laurel Springs. Mrs. Brown was found dead in the kitchen of their farm home by the officers and coroner R. R. Badger, called to investigate on Saturday morning, at the re quest of Lon Reeves, a brother of the deceased. She had been dead for some time officers reported, and in vestigation proved that she had been shot in the head as well as the chest. According to reports, the young son of the deceased, Charles Brown, 8, returned home late Friday and found his mother dead and upon questioning his father about it, he was immediately or dered to bed. He arose early the next morning, however, and went to the home of relatives telling what had happened. Officers and the cornorer were sent for and found her dead on the floor of the kitchen. Brown was in bed at the time and denied knowledge of the shooting, Coron< r Badger ft ported. Office!s investigating, s. id Mrs. Brown had evidently been sitting 6 > H' ft I HEADS ATHLETIC ASS N James J. Miller, newly el ected president of the Ashe County High School Athletic Association. Mclliotlisls \<>M Hold ( onfrrcncc Ashe County Ministers Now Attending Conference In Charlotte Ashe county Methodist minis ter- along with others in West.- rn No't; lim; art ; ttet dint the annual mnierence new in >e ion ir, Charlotte. Tht -- 1 •' > v. o i . . I • !;, ! :! at tin 1 'i ' a ■ in. eh. \ iU 1 I r £ o A 5 vV ; J, * o 1K n * jc Series •nihmiuv Ashe county ba i ball fans v .11 have an opportunity to witness their own series here at at Lan sing, beginning Saturday, \V. L Hughes, president ot the Moun tain Baseball 1. ague, stated yes terday. The decsiun of the date for the league series came after a meeting of the managers of the Lansing and West Jefferson ball clubs here. Tuesday night, Helton was runner-up for first place in the second half of the playing season, being eliminated by the West Jefferson team last week end. The West Jefferson team defeated Helton 7-2 here hist Friday and Journeyed to Helton on Saturday for another victory, 12-8. The opening game of the series will be played Saturday at two o’clock at Lansing and Sunday, Lansing will play West Jefferson here on the local dian hk A three cut ot five game division was voted on and the nest two games aiv scheduled for October 17 and lh. at Lansing and West Jefferson. In the event that a fifth game is necessary, it will be pla\ ed in Wi . t Jefferson tile tal lowing week, if any one of the games of the series is rained out, it will be scheduled for the fol lowing Saturday. President Hughes pointed out. Gilt)I P TO WOKK ON C 111 K( II. WEI). There will be a public working on Wednesday, October 15, at the South Fork Primitive Baptist church for the purpose of repair ing the church, it was anouncec . this week. Miller To Head Athletie Ass’u For High Sehools Opening Basketball Games Are To Be Flayed First Week Of November At the organization meeting of the Ashe County High School Athletic association, held at the West Jefferson high school on Thursday night, James Miller, principal of Elkland high school, was named as president of the group. Others chosen to serve with him were Colonel Francis, vice-president; Glenn McGuire, secretary and treasurer. The group adopted rules gov erning the coming basketball sea son and decided that the open ing games would be played the first week of next month. It was else decided that officials would again be used from Appalachian State Teachei . < lolli g< 5 h > | are to play one game eacn week ! on nights o', tor than Friday and uniform admission is to be charg ed. The < vccut vo committee / '.he A.-he County Athletic Assocn.ti m is composed of one member front each school, it was pointed out. (e e r t i f i <• a I <“ s Midwives Mrs. Elsie 1‘. Guffey Gives In structions And inspects E q u i p m c it t Mrs Elsi l ’ Guffey pu health nut- with the State board of health, has just completed a course of instruction for mid wives of Ashe county and inspec tion of tin ir equipment and rec ords, The ii ■ I wive.- met .,t. the health department in Jeffeison A number «.i • hi* county ou.'t'iis. ,ii m il w ith those from .sp.u! i a.lit Roaring i ij> at Uic telephone healing hold in Kali- gli last Tlmrsdai tn pro test tlir service In ini; remit reil lit tiie Central Telephone Com pany. now asking for an in crease in rates. The local group commended Mrs. Wyrick in charge of the local office, but asked for im provement of equipment, ex tension of lines, more prompt long distance service and other improvements. Those attend ing included <1, It. Graybeal, 1*. It. Graibeal, II. 1). tjuesseli berry, A. B. Hurt. Austin Jones, Harvey Payne, Dean McMillan, Glenn Little and .Mrs. Ini Al. Anderson. Official decisions regarding the hearing have not been re ceived here, but it was learn ed from authoritative sources in Raleigh today that better service can be expected. 1