Silas Creek News Mr. W. A. Campbell who has been somewhat indisposed for some time seems to be improving at present. Miss Ruby, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. E. R. McClure, was mar ried to Mr. Albeit Neaves. son of Mr. and Mrs. Coleman Neaves, of Clumpier last Thursday They are making their home at the home of the groom's parents at present. There was a get-together meet ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Now Open the watch shop Clocks Repaired Rm. 5. Above Lansing Cafe Lansing, N. C. C. M. Dickson Sunday. Those1 present were Misses Ronnie and Clgo Dickson of Bessemer City and Concord respectively; Dr. and Mrs. Bryan A. Dickson and son Charles of Marion, N. C.; Zeb of Wilkesboro, N. C.; Dr. and Mrs. Glenn Dickson and R. Timte of Philadelphia, Pa.; Mrs. J. R. Phipps and Mr. and Mrs. Colonel Francis of Silas Creek; Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kirk and son, Lan nie, and Mrs. Parker M. Dick son and children, Kay Rita, Har old, Reggie, Sheldon, Chase and Eugenia. On account of sickness and other unavoidable circum stances, a few members of the immediate family could not be present. Dr. and Mrs. Glenn S. Dick son and Mr. Robert Timte of Philadelphia. Pa., are spending a few days with Glenn's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Dickson, and other friends and relatives in the community. jp This House flight Be ^ ours Protect ^ our Investment N u is tho time to check your chimneys. \\ iri 11 ” and other sources that might cause a fire. MM TV PERCENT OF ALL FIRFS MAY BK PREVENTED O-O REMOVE HA/AItDS — PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY FROM LOSS THROUGH INSURANCE O-O Sei£ra\es. I hoinas Insurance Co. J L. SEGRAYES WEST JEFFERSON X. CAROLINA Necessities and Accessories For Your I Ionic ALUMINUM kettles, dip pers and wash pans. STAINLESS STLLL kitch en utensils including knives, forks and spoons. Mixing How I Sets, with five howls only.SI.I!) Assorted Dishes Large selection of assorted plates . . . only 23c. Also De corative Plates in sets of six, first quality only .... $2.00 Other dishes to choose from. t For Personal Tones Plastic Bags -----. $2.98 Bill Folds -----.$1.98 • §2.98 Made of genuine calf. Either plain or with fancy f fevering. Some with plastic change section. S Lewis’ 5 & 10c Store West Jefferson, N. C. Aslie Boys And Girls Show Fat Calves Shown here are a group of Ashe boys and girls with calves entered in the Elkin Fat Stock Show. Reading from left to right: Betty Lou Thomas. Joe Thomas, Clyde Ed mundson and Tommy Barlowc. Proclamation Issued By Pres. On “Fire Prevention Week” "WHEREAS each year prevent able fires claim the live.s of thousands of our citizens, both young and old, and cause per manent disability or painful in jury to countle.-s others: atid "WHEREAS the destruction by fire of our natural and created re sources has almost doubled dur ing the past decade, and cost this nation more than five hundred and sixty million dollars in the year 1946: and "WHEREAS this ravage, if un abated. threatens an even more calamitous loss of life and waste of material wealth; and "WHEREAS the program prom ulgated at the President's Con ference on Fire Prevention held at Washington in May 1947 is designed to assist in stemming the tide of death and destruction from fires: "NOW. THEREFORE, I. HAR RY S. TRUMAN, President of the United States of America, do hereby designate th week begin ning October 5, 1947, as Fire Pre vention Week. "1 earnestly request every citi zen to eliminat all pos.-ibh caus es of destructive fire in his home and in his place of business, and I urge that vigilance against fire be extended beyond Fire Pre vention Week and zealously con tinued throughout tire year. 1 in vite State and local governments, the Chambi r of Cornua rce of the United States, the National Fire Waste Council, the American Na tional Red Cross, busim ss and la bor organizations, churches and schools, civic groups and agencies of the press, the radio, and the motion-picture industry to coop erate fully in the observance of Fire Prevention Week with the objective of initiating a fire pre vention campaign continuing throughout the year. 1 also din ct the appropriate agencies of tin Federal Governm -y to as-ist in every feasible way in arousing the public to the seriousness of the fire problem. "IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States of America to be affixed. "DONE at the City of Wash ington this fourteenth day of August in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and forty-sev en. and of the Independence of the United States of America Ihe one hundred and seventy-sec ond.’’ Bv the President: "HARRY S. TRUMAN" Robert A. Lovett, Acting Secretary of State, Landmark .News Mr. Lake Burk -r. who recently underwent an operation at the Ashe Memorial hospital, has re turned home and is getting along fine. Mrs. J. R. Phipps lias been ill for the last few clays. Mrs. W. E. Denny has return ed home from a Winston hospital, where she underwent an oper ation. Mr. and Mrs. Din Barker and sons, Jerry and Junior, Misses Geneva and Gay Barker and Gail Barker, of Silas Creek, Mr. and Mrs. Edd Lambert and son, Jim mie, were the recent dinner Film Developing One Day Service Any 6 or 8 Exposure Boll 25c Westbrook Photo Todd, N. C. 1-11 Calves Bring (vood R v I u r n s Ashe county 4-H and F. F. A. boys and girls not only made records in the recent fat stock show at Elkin, but sold their fat-' ted calves for a profit. The grand champion in the in termediate calves and runner up to the reserve champion in the entire show, owned by Tommy Barlowe, of Green Valley, sold for 50 cent.- a pound to W. O. Hendrix, of Elkin. The Reins-Sturdivant funeral home purchased the calf belong ing the Betty Lou Thomas, of Grassy Creek, for 32 cents a pound. Ashe Hardware bought Joe Thomas' animal for 33 cents; and the Jeffersons Rotar, Club purchased the animal belonging to Clyde Edmundson, of Hemlock, for 32 cents a pound. Scollvillc* NYws Rev. Paul Phipps filled his r g ular appointment at Scottviile Baptist church Sunday. Mrs. Emma Roupe and daugh ter. Romona, were dinner guests of Mrs. Cox Absher. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Gv altney visited relatives in this eiimmun ity, Saturday. Rev and Mis. Paul Phipps and daughter. Pauline, were dinner guests of Mrs. .1 T. Allen, Sun day. Mr. and Mrs June r Shepherd visited relatives in West Jefle: son over the week end. Rev. W. C. Crummett filled his regular appointment at Scottville Methodist chun k. Sunday night. Misses Wilma arid Karen Reeves, of Nathan's Creek, spent the week end with their grand part nts, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Mr Millan. Farmers in this community very busy making molasses due to the early frost Mr. Oscoe Woodie cut his h. ad Saturday in a sdage cutter. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jamc E. Barkc fr. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Neaves were the dinner guests of Mrs. T. A. June-, recently. 0 The Everyday Counselor Rev. Herbert Spaugh, D. D. “But I was right, dead right! I was going into that intersection first. I had the right of way— that truck driver should have stopped when he saw me—I was right, dead right!” ‘‘Yes dear—you always were right—the other fellow was al ways wrong. That's why we're here.’’ This conversation, reported be-1 tween two gravestones, appeared in a TOCCOA RECORD (Georgia) advertisement appealing for safe and thoughtful driving on the highway. It is expressive of the reasoning of many who drive our highways, and reminds me of, an epitaph I once read, "Here lies * the body of Dan McKay. He died maintaining his light of way. He was right, dead right, as he sped along. But he's just a.- dead as if he'd been dead wrong.” THE TOCCOA RECORD is one ol many newspapers through out the nation which is conduct in a vigorous campaign for safe and thoughtful driving on our streets and highway- Automobile traffic is one of the nation's greatest headaches. It is filling I our laispitals and grav< yaids ai an uncomfortable rate. Too much of it is caused by an attitude of I mind reflected in this advertise- I ment. While we wrestle with selfish ness in every coiner of life it seems to become more prominent 1 when we get behind the wheel of an automobile. There are drivers j who are scrupulously polite on foot, but the minute they get be- ] hhul the wheel of an automobile | they leave politeness on the ground. There's many a driver who will stand hack to allow! another to precede him in enter ing a door, hut when he’s in an j automobile, he rushes uncere moniously ahead. He may own h; ve the legal right of way, but In reaches the ho-nitul and per haos the gravovurd just the same Professor Joad, the English philosopher, was oncp conversing v ith a certain Indian sag b praise of the technical marvels „f the Sage, "you can fly thro the air like birds and swin 11a sea like fish, but how to v urn in the earth as a man yoi e i yet know!” We have outrun ourselve the race for mechanical ache p ■ nt. and have left the man b--hind. Unless we pause concentrate on improving ■■ n wlio operates the mach v. have invented, we face ■ vi utter destruction. Books come and books go. the Bible goes 0n forever, still greatest book on human relati It teaches us how man can happily and safely with mar b aches us that our most imp tart lesson is to learn hew r Mrs. Ruth Oliver and - .1* • k. Jrmmie. Joe uno t dm ted Mr. and Mrs. Jan . i ko:. Saturday evening. Mr. Roscoe Oliver visited ! Mrs James E. Bark. r. w lv. in - —wan ■ , in right relations with our God and our fellow man. It’s “Golden Rule” is still the Number 1 rule I for us to learn. The next time you pass a graveyard, you might think of that. The production of burley to bacco in North Carolina is esti mated at 15,000,00 pounds. Beware Coughs from common colds That Hang On Creomulslon relieves promptly be cause it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, in flamed bronchial mucous mem branes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulslon with the un derstanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis ; Let your “T-Zone” tell you why! Try Camels on your “T-Zone"...that's T for Taste .. . T for Throat.See how mild and flavorful they are You'll under stand why more and more people are learning try expen errce that Cameis suit them best! \ I (. Il l I I M K i i; \ (, i: n v Night and day the screams of sirens ring out over the nation. A large proportion of these fires occur in (canes 'I tie pri i] :1 home fire hazards, are: defei equipnii : rublgsh, careless smoking hah. • faulty electrica wiring ii house circuits and a . Fire proof y air house t< day by checking your m i gainst our large stock of useful safety appliance Specialists in utility home a|)pl # Johns Mans\illt* IV« tin U Prevent Firr> Ashe Hardware, Inc. West Jefferson, \ C ►IT Ol’T LIGHTED MATCHES and Cigarii throw them a'way when lighted. PUT Ol Never R EPLACE HORN AND frayed electric cords. I^LIMINATE unnecessary accumulations or rub ^bish. \VERTICAL OPENINGS in, buildings must be cut off to prevent spread of fire. EDUCATE SCHOOL CHILDREN in simple rules of fire prevention. Never smoke in bed. TRAIN EVERY MAN, woman and child in what to do when fire endaftgers life or property. A LAME-PROOF decorations in all public pi.tees. INSPECT all places where lire may oco fre quently REPLACE WOODEN SHINGLE ROOFS with tire retardant roof coverings. Ej1 EXAMINE and maintain all fire appliances SAFEGUARD all heating equipment and ap •s^, pliances from surrounding combustible material ‘>0 Per Pont Of All Fires Are Preventable! Langdon Scott Insurance Agency

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