VOLUME 18. NO. 42 $2.50 a Year in Ashe County WEST JEFFERSON, N C. ASHE COUNTY IS. .. Leading Livestock and I lair' County in North Carotin* Population: 22.664 THURSDAY. OCT. 16. 1947 $3.00 a Year Out of County PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BOY SCOUT FUND DRIVE OPENS OCT. 22 Manslaughter Cases On Court Docket Next Week Armstrong Will Preside; Many Cases Scheduled Expected To Continue Throughout The Week To Clear Docket Ashe county's October term of Superior court for the trial of criminal cases will pet under way Monday morning, with a full docket including several man slaughter cases. Judge Frank Armstrong will preside and Wal ter Johnston will serve as solicitor. Manslaughter cases expected to be tried includi that of Mrs. Daryl lta e in connection with tile fatal shooting of Guy Dare, in August 1«M6. The manslaughter ca-e of Bryce Mash and Bill Miller in connect ion with the hit and run death of Claude Dancy, is also expected to be heard. The case of Alex F. Brown, ar rested in connection with the fatal shooting of his wife. Mrs. Judy Reeves Brown, is also to Come before the grand jury. Aurthur and Ezekiel Campbell, charged with cattle theft, are scheduled to be tried. There are a number of cases of breaking and entering, and lar ceny on the docket, including that of Paul Lewis and George Wood-1 ie. Charged with assault with a deadly weapon are Pago Sheets. A: val" Li w is. Ned Key. Howard ID ark. James Greer. Guy Brown. Ted Fa.-:ridge. Val Sheets and F ink Miller. Frank Miller and Val Sheets are charged with as sault in connection with injuries sustamed bv .He'-— Bare in con-1 paction wit ' :>i < xplosion, last Decerr .nfr. * rC nMrk is plso charged with disturbing a public| v. r.-rdp as a e Warner Roark and Eugene Roark. Wo; th D. 'Pile:4 s charged wit.i selling b.er without a license and operating gambling devices. Charge 1 with operating a car (Continued on page 8) Farmers t o Allend Show Labor Saving Show To Be Held In Independence Ya.. on October 27 H. D. Quessenbcrry. county agent, announced that the Labor Saving show, sponsored by ihe Extension service and the Emor I will be held at Ind pendence. Ya., on Monday. October 27.. Tl1.’ dio\v will benin at 10:00 a. m. and close at 4:00 p. m. This is an excellent show, consisting of over 100 ideas for reducing labor cost on the farm and in the home, it was stated. All items are simple enough to be construct ed by 'he average farmer and detailed plans will he furnished to those requesting them. The show will be held in the Grayson County bean ri arket ■> cated on the eastern edge of In dependence. and will be especial ly ini' resting and valuable to farm clubs, veteran's classes, vocational agricultural classes and home demonstration clubs, it was pointed out. Thb is to be the near' t show that will be held to this county and all farmers are urged to at tend. Mr. Ques-enberry said. The Man's Slor (Changes Owners The Man’s Store, owned and operated by Dan Campbell, wa - purchased this week by T. E. Parker. Mr. Parker was one of the original owners of the Parker Tie company and later operated Parker’s Store. He also served as town clerk and is now serving as mayor of West Jefferson. Mr. Parker stated that the Man’s Store would carry the same line of quality merchandise that Mr. Campbell had carried Mr. Campbell is leaving West Jefferson to accept a position else where. Brown Bound Over To Court Without Bond In Shooting DISTRICT CHAIRMAN Gale B. McMillan, chairman of the Ashe District Old Hick ory Council Boy Scouts of Amercia. Vs I it* Schools ! o AUgihI Alhlcltc .Mreling t Sal. Officials Will Be Org To * s igned Games V Three Counties All Ashe county high schools at the fall nicotine of the A"P J achian High School Athletic as sociation will be held in the gymnasium of Appalachian State Teachers college on Saturday, Oc tober 18, at 9:30 a m. T e n ing has been called by R. W. Watkins, president. Sixte n schools will be repre sent.d at the meeting, including schools in Ashe. Avery and Wa tauga counties. The football schedules for these schools will be completed. Ont important j item on the agenda will be the soc:;t!ion, so that officials can !• assigned for the games to 1 played in these three counties. Among the speakers for the occasion are expected to be Dr. B. B. Dougherty and Dr. J. D. Rankin, president and dean. Schools expected to be repre sented by their principals and coaches are: Appalachian. Boone; Blowing Rock: Cove Creek, Su gar Grove: Cranberry: Crossnore: Elkland. Todd: Fleetwood: Heal ing Springs. Grumpier; Jefferson; Lansing: Nathan’s Cre k: N« ' land: Rivvrview. Fig; Virginia Carolina. Grassy Creek: West Jef ferson a.nd Bethel. Sugar Grove. Arrested In Connection With The Death Of His Wife October .‘5 Preliminary hearing scheduled for yesterday afternoon before D; vicl Bc Uett for Alex F. l’.rown. arrested in conns etion with the fa’al shooting of his wife. Mrs, Judy Beeves Brown, on Octo ber 3. was waived and Brown was ordered hi Id in jail without bond, to appear lit fore the grand jury on Monday when criminal court opens. State’s witnesses called at the hearing and ordered to appear on Monday included W. R. Pre vette, Paul Reeves, Fred Hart Kenneth Absher, Mac Absher. Guy Lyles, Joe Davis. Reid Sturdivant. Hal ve Goodman. Paul Reeves, Harold Harless. Hoke Francis. Dave Houston. Doyl Pennell. Jim McLaurin. Edg.v Greene, Clifton Prevette. Lessi Porte r and Will Porter. Ira T. Johnston and Eugen Trivette, attorneys appeared f >i Brown at the hearing and Bowie and Bowie for the State. Mrs. Brown was found dead in' the kitchen of he. farm home in the Laurel Springs section or. Saturday. October 4. According to reports, the your: son of the deceased, Cha: It Brown. 8. returned home I'd and upon questioning his father about it. he was immediately • i ed t . b- d. He arose earls next morning, however, and voa;. to the home of relatives toll", "'hat had happened. Officers a: : tl: • con.orer were sent for ; nd lour.d her dead, on the flora ■■! tiv kitchen. Brown was in b 1 at the time and denied know] .*• • •f the si' "ting. Coroner Bail reported. Officers investigating, said M Brea.vn hail evidently 1m en silt : r by the table sewing at the tit of the shooting, as scissors, tint i and material were scattered around the room. (Continued on page 8) Elliott Kilos I fold Vf I ,a!isifi«i Last rites for Mrs. Jane- KIJi-.tt, 7.’. ef Lansing, were held M i y meaning at eleven o'clock at the For. ■ Honn Baptist church. Of ficiating were Revs. Tom Former, E. Z. Sexton and Rev. Mr. Shep herd. Interment was in the Ilam cemetery. The deceased, who had been in ill health for the past year, suc cumbed at her home on Saturday. She is survived by twit children, Mrs. Loura Goss and Fied Elliott, both of Lansing. Knsrrf a ad(‘t s t Prc-. Congressional leaders who were called to the White house by President Truman to discuss foreign aid crisis and prices at home, and the possible solution. Left to right are: Rep. Leslie Arends (R.. 111.), Sen. Styles Bridges (R., N. H.), Sen. Wallace White (R., Me.), Rep. Charles Hal leck (R., Ind.), Rep. Sam Rayburn (D„ Tex.), Rep. Charles Eaton (R., N. J.), and Rep. Sol Bloom (D., N. Y.) Canada Answers The Pulp wood Problem With A Log Jam Photos show the log-jammed Lake La Tu ;ue alter the drive down the St Maurice Ki\er. in Quebec. Twelve mi'lion logs are Kindled in this one huge operation and is the greatest pulp log drive in Canada's hist ry. It's Canada's answer to a world-wide paper demand. Logs make paper, and pap r makes the wheels of industry turn. Alii gator boats plow through the log-jammed lake: pulp logs are sent down a hundred loot chute and log jams are dynamited to k op (lie pulp moving to the sorting gap. \sh<‘ Ministers K<‘ - \ j) j)<> i il { r the.r re ! ■■ ■ ' i\'e ehurche. I.; v 1 h >yt Wo -d was ay a in named as pastor of ■ ■ W< ' Jetfi rsi>n chui eh; W. C. Eastridye. H< Iton: W. C. Crum metti I .aure 1 Springs; Ernest Stephens. Todd: Warrensvitle will he served by R, C. Goodchild and Jeffirson by G. 11. Needham. Jefferson has been served bv a supply during the past year. J. M. Taylor, former Jeffer son pastor was returned to Cool Springs. John S. J. rdan, former \\ • st Jefferson castor. w;is re turned to Franklin in Surry coun ty. A. C. Wagoner, who has of ten preached in revival services (Continued on page ii) To !»<•<* S £ i 11 l{(‘(jiiire r Of I*res I) v !e rv Foster Memorial Is Host To Group: \e\ i Meeting To Be Held \ov. 17 R. v. J• >hti Luke was elm-, n moderator of tl • Winston-Salem Presbytery in the stated fall me, t ir.g heid at Foster Memorial church, on Tuesday, when ap proximately 150 delogat. s from the various churches of flic Pre byeti \ w 1 presnt. R e \. R It. Sr me. a former | >; tor and now executive secretary of the Mecklenburg Presbytery (Continued on page 4) (ilaudr Phipps Succumbs I ucs. Funeral service for Clauda Phipps. 72. of Crumpler. will be held this ;ift■ . on at 2:00 o'clock at tm Mt. I’!> . it Chape; T:;t ■: men! will follow in the Sc-.a cemetery. Mr. Phipps, who ha tl been i: i ill health for sometime, died at his home at Crumpler. Tuesday. He is serve ed In his wife ami one son, .Tohr. Wiley Phipps. Huntington. W. Va. People faking Scr S res! He o'\ Request F o v ? Savings rid Vi learnpH \ 'ti ' ay by t ’ Pre-;lent T: • td; request for nn .tli' Tut - ! ■ . IT r.v • rupean count r C'a fo. n . owners ti ? ... \V st Jeffers have va ni in.- : : ■ i - One ■ icuvi report 'd to ' it v. tild he in - j os.-ible I. r ii i'j >)' bushn ■ to refuse 1 customer • n,: ed. . it w on thi. n. lu; So fa- ..II cm i rs have con ::i . .1 to i Ii meat and none v< . leni ; - Are tin !' although ! . |' dtry ,■: d ays ! act not bee- t ■ pt f mi tin. menus oat i req nssl .! ' ' t it ! ! ■' 11 nt • 1 : , eii early d ’■ . O . cm-'■ tn . person who . u; v c.d.-\- th in < >re sol ,1 : ■ .. . 1;." ■■ i. !y denied hin in the d > - dc s:: a.'ted liy f. t - -dent. llou.-.ew I'. ■■ ' t I- 1 i ■ <■' r t' idle tli : .111' ill :■ "I i if any good . ; ; ice. n id ,- ti i it vnil, oi o! I ' cc -inpli ■1 - I tliruueh ! i (Wi 1 J‘-t ft i'm'll . ■ « * 7 * 1 py isc1 S V s The \Y prow to in Hr uoeimng gun,i ball 1,ramie. crowd at I.an idr. West Jcffer fnn capturi.il a 10-2 victory over >!ic I.ansin:. ball club, v inters ..f the first half of the season in the league. On the mound for the winners was Awry Miller, who ga\ up in hits and struck out six. Lefty Blevins pitched m the Lansing men, giving up 12 hits and striking out 11. No horn ■ runs were scored during the game. Approximately 1.000 spectators saw the 3-2 victory won by West Jefferson here on the local dia mond. It was a pitcher’s duel be i„ m. doss \k>vi:s STtiRI-: AT LANSING L. M. G< ss, deal’T in grocerii s and notions, has moved his store at Lansing into the Maxwell budding and will r.mv Ik located there, the owner announced this week. The store was rennet ly located in the building directly across from the new location. Goal For County Is $ 1500;Luke Drive Chairman Plan To Increase Number OI Troops To Include All School Districts Ashe county’s annual Boy Scout fund Drive will open next Wednesday October 22. when a goal of $1500 has been set in or dor to continue to expand thi important youth training pro gram. Rev. J. W. Luke, long active in Roy Scout work i . chairman of tic drive and Gale B. McMillan i. treasurer. Supporters are asked to nvol in contributions. Letters :uc b ing mailed out to a number of individuals and the coopera tion of every one is asked. Chairman Luke said that the drive to raise funds would be a short one. opening October 22 and closing October 20, In speaking of the drive, Chair man Luke called it a great invest ment. He cdecl he fact that a fine way to ..top the present crime of today i to invest in charade: building of youth. He asked the support of everyone. A. B. Hurt is vice president of the Old Hickory Council, of which the Ashe district j...- part. Gale B. McMillan - chairman of the Ashe district, Millard Graybeal. vice cha .man, I. P. Colvsrd. commissioner, E. W, Powers. Chain an of ore oilsaMon and exten -. a: L. B. Tyson, chairman >f leadi : nip t amine: s. S Shoe* and Wade E. Eller, chairman of \\ i I i S j> <> n o i* Etsdina Fc-lhal I’:4!i Schools ot County In vited To Enter Event Spon sored It. Jclferson t place EY-uiiingloii Is i hi i)(';mV I Jj*t i: : c;- B !'■ : ■ : ,f N - ■■■■ ht, :P V. : ty North C ■ I ! n . d on <.! 1. go of , mi , ic i:,. pa t i n’v; lit, urses ior ■■ to make t'i. t quar ■ jm : 5 led All 5 ■ . '• Service Tlir all >l. v • vies held at El> a < i -h\ an church, on Sunday. m .■;i:■ i ■ lion with the cold': at * 11 of the r ftieth anni versary of the luuHing of the duicch, was wa 11 attended, in spile of the rainy weather. Or. E. E. Gillespie, organizer and builder of the church, was present for the celebration, as j was Rev R. H. Stone, who ser I ved as pastor of the church for many years. Rev, J, W Luke, I pastor, was also present.