Drive Safely You May Save A Life ! \ f j ! i ! j ASHE COUNTY IS ... { Leading Livestock and D*ii? ’ County in North Carolin* * { Population: 22.6*>4 j 1_ _f VOLUME 18, NO. 43 S2.50 a Year in Ashe County WEST JEFFERSON, N C. THURSDAY, OCT. 23. 1947 $3.00 a Year Out of County PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY Superior Court Adjourned Wed. After Brief Session Ashe Teachers T o Attend NCEA Meeting Friday Annual Distiict Convention To Be Held At Greensboro A number of Ashe conunty teachers are expected to attend - the Northwestern District teach ers meeting to be held in Greens boro. Friday, October 24. Among those expected to attend arc A. B. Hurt, county superintendent. Herb.i t Grayberd. principal. Riv erview high school. Mrs Lola Portf ’■ and Mrs. Earl Graybeal of the \V st Jefferson school. Miss Blanche Pugh and Mrs. Fel la Wagoner of the Nathan's Creek s* ’’ool. and Mrs Gertrude Vaught of thi Jefferson school. “From Yesterday to Tomor row." will be the theme of this annual convention of the North western district teachers, and the meeting will be held in Avcock Auditorium. Woman's Colli ge. University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Four thousand teach ers are expected to attend. Om .if the outstanding streak ers of the occasion will be Dr. Walter Flick of Washington and 1, t University. Lexington, Va.. who will address the second gen eral session. According to Mrs. Gertrude V..light, president of the Ashe County Unit of N. C. F. A., the River view District is now one hundred per cent in the local and slab, organizations. the Virginia Cat'olina District is one hundred p. »• cent in tin local, state and national organizations and sever al other districts lack only two members to become one hundred per c'nt. (■ a in e L1 u li i o Dr I ** First Soc'ied Anti T1 Brizes To lie Award ed To Winners A ii: vc hr membership is now u:ui ;. w..y in tlie Ashe Fish and ( e ( 1 Dr. J K. H chairman of the drive has an nounced, Anyone becoming a tm,mbi,r. or wno is now a member of the club, i.- , ligibl' for the contest. 1! a.' ovi r it was pointed out tied, members must secure five new members before tuey will bo eligible for tin awards. Awards to be given will include a 12 gauge double barrel, Winchester shotgun. fir a bamboo fly rod and reel, third prize. The drive is now underway and will continue through Jan uarv 1 On the membership com mittee serving with Chairman Hunter are Fred Colvard. Walter Tuck r. Blanc Woodie and Rav Sturgills. The drive for adding new members to the club was v ted upon at a recent meeting. MRS. ED M. \NDI RSON ATTENDING X. V. FORUM Mrs Fd M. Ander=on is in Nt w York thF- we"k attending the annual New Ymk Herald Tri bune Forum on Current Affaus being held at tne Waldorf As toria Hotel. She will also attend the1 Unit ed Nations at Lake Success. Ashe Farmers To Attend Show In Va Farmers are again reminded this week bv H. D. Quessenberry. county agent, that the Labor Saving show, sponsored by t-ie Extension service and the Ernei gencv Farm Labor Committee, will ' be held at Independence. Va . on Monday. The show will be held in t ie Grayson County bean marke located on trie eastern edge of Independence, and will begin at 10:00 a. m. Ideas will be given for reducing labor costs on the farm and in the home, it was pointed out. The show will close at 4:00 p. m. Mr. Quessenberry stated that this is to be the nearest show that will be held to this county and urges all farmers to attend. Ashe Democrats To Attend District Rally, Saturday TO SPEAK SATURDAY ei Congressman 11. L. IDough ton, who will be one of flu speakers at the Ninth Dis trict Democratic Rally to be held in Statesville. l a r in c i> Asked To Make Keporls So \\\ Office May Sign l p For Phosphate When Reports /ire Made According to G. M. Campbell of tde AAA, the response ol farmers who received cards ask ■> that'> eohie to the office d make their performance re li "i ■ me time he n as ■ his perfurmanci report. if you hav. not n i-ivod anv matt rial through t :ie AAA. ol l a but have purchased hme plios phate, ol > eds ioi establishing or improving pasture, bring your bills for material purchased, make your report and sign an ap plication for payment. Orders for more than GOO tons of limestone have been placed (Continued on page 8) Dickson I{c!-ij>iis \s 1 leadf )f School Kyle Dickson this week resign ed h is position as principal at Healing Springs high school, A. 13. Hurl, county school superin tendent, announced and Paul Miller has been named to re place him. Mr, Miller, formerly principal i at Jefferson, lias been teaching at West Jel l i son t.iis year. Mi'. Dickson tendend his resignation j due to ill health. Mrs. Clifton Goings, of Boone, will replace j Mr. Miller. Gubernatorial Candidates Ex pected To Be Present: To !\Ieet In Statesville Ashe and Alleghany county Democrats along vvitli others in the ninth district arc expected to tie well repri s- uted in Slat'' ville at the Ninl.i District Demo cratic Rally to he held at the courthouse Saturday afternoon, at one o'clock. W. D. Ki/zi lit. District Execu tive Committee Chairman, of Salisbury, at "ounced that at t'd-' time the Roliert l, Doughton Victory Banner would be award - ed to Iredell county. The banner is awarded each year to the county in the Nintn Dictrict w.tich gives Representa tive Doughton the largest ma jority. Cabarrus County won the banner in tire last election. Congressmon Doughton, will be among the speakers for the Rally. Gubernatorial candidates Char les Johnson. May no Albright, and Oscar Barker have been invited as have Senator William B. Um stead and J. TVIelviile Broughton, candidate for the Senate, and Senator Clyde Tloey. Governor Gregg Cherry has been invited, but Mr. Kizzia 1 said he had ret learned whether or not the Governor will all' nd. Some 1.000 memhers of the Democratic party are expected (C'enfir! on page 41 Bo\ Seoul Drivr Is ' ou ! ntlri *•. Mme Than ' .OIMKl Puisc-I ') uard Goal t SI s'W.: Con tributions Atmouiuvtl Already coni - but io: to: i.that St'Oe.i'0 ,ia ve 1 icct ■. ;. ed toward the goal of SI500.00 tt; the annual Boy Scout Fund Dr.vt \- ai( ': is hr; - held to exp. O this import: at youth train . program. This drive which was stars yesterday, will clo-e on Oct and all persons wishing to tr. • contributions are asked to s -r-i them in to Gale McMillan. 1 urer. A prize will be given to t: ■ , high school, and one ‘:> the grade school turning in the most < r. tributions per capita. Tberei - Ismail schools will hay- as mu-,-;; chance of winning as the he ta - ones. Chairman J. W. Luk an nounced. The list of contributions re (Continued on page 1) IG VIVAC TO BEGIN AT JEFFERSON SI N. I A revival will begin at thf i Jefferson Presbyterian church on Sunday, October 26 and will con tinue for the week. Rev. Cecil Callis. the pastor, will preach. Services will be held each eve ning at 7:30 o’clock. The public is cordially invited I to attend t.iese services. Lansing Protests Last Game Of Series; To Play Again Sat. | Before more than a thousand | spectators at the Lansing base ! bull diamond. Saturday after | noon. West Jefferson won a 18-5 i victory over the Lansing cubs. J Tae game, however, was pro bated by Lansing due to the fact that th< W i team had used in ineligible player during what •night have been the game to end In serii s for the Mountain Base | ball laegue. Fans will again journey to Lansing Saturday afternoon at [ ddiO o'clock and if the local ball ■ dub wins again, the series will be over. If Lansing comes through, the other games will be scheduled next week, W. L. Hughes, league president, point ed out. At the game last Saturday. Mil ler and Triplett divided honors on the pitcher’s mound for West Jefferson with Anderson on the mound for Lansing. Home runs were hit by Triplett and Story for West Jefferson. REVIVAL WILL BE HELD AT BALDWIN A revival will begin at the Baldwin Gospel Tabernacle on Sunday. October 20, at 11:00 a. m.. it was announced here this week by the pastor. Rev. C. H. Capps. Rev. A. A. Somers, evan gelist. of Denver, Colo., will be the speaker. Rev. Floyd Detty will be in charge of the music. Services will be held each evening at 7 o’clock and the public is cordially invited to attend. Three American Soldiers Out Of Clutches Of Tito r - , trmmu ' ■ ■■■■"■'. v J-m The lliret* American soldier^ who were itianapcd hy \ugo:-!a\s and h' !cl Use despite Allied demands for their immediate are shown on return to thei pr*s!. scene of the kidnapping. Left to right on horseback are Id. William 1. Nan . Last ({range. N. .1.: Pfc. Karl (i. Hendrick. Arlington. Va.. and Pfc. ( ITrive All Solicia r- Arc Asked In Turn In Collections To Trcasi rer C ■nti'ii.ilitiun- for the Ir si Lung fund, being -pu..-- od by ■ ie tb r ■ >r in a atle's if veter • !. - ill' \ c 'll in.-, n v it a ■■ a ! .■ ."k by L. P. C- h ai'i'l. trot sic r. Tv.’ unl fan ; '■ ■ f. is A i'i 1! i fii'. t .- :vmi»J - ■ r .1 i I 1 .- s ami ".in : in, pert ant driv". a. stated, Contri-j but nl a tunu d iii r 1; st \vn : American L> giun Auxiliary i s:,ii.Od and Miss Lillie Leek. $10. 00. ' ContributlOfis turned in for t.v v\ a r rncniuriu] luiui ti.talrd -S1 bL:. i,4. The nape.- of the ciintributoi >■ • will be announced next week. True l>ill Found in Murder V o o k tobacco f )c:iioit'4i’alioit To BcOci.:]0-:n I'h'C" 1U“!'" ‘ I’.; V I H. I'. Cn- «j>-i Ijetrs II. D, Or agent, -tin. • t burl y t ■ CO* e : st ratt; \ i i . mnty i 1 Orb ■ ■ ■ i ,:(!.;! \ . Mr. Mi D ■ t;; 11. goven in g cl(. v. .11 be | :it t cl n strate Uu proper mcttieds o‘ grading. The den .anst rat mils will bi held at th i<>]lo\v:ng i11..■ -• Oct. 30 at 0:30 a. m.. Cor nett's. Crestoa (Brushy Fn: k road); 2:00 p. m., Wade We..vie' Lansing (at barn opposite CVb! plant); October Ml 0;M0 a. nr. Glen Kilby's. Sturgills: 2:00 p. m.: f.esti r Young’s. Grassy C'. 1 1 All burley grower^ ai urge o : > attend one of these demons'.;. lions ANNOUNI E SERVICES FOR NATHAN'S CREEK Rev. \Y 11.. :n C. Cruinir- !' pastor of tlie Laurel Springs Methodist <. 1 ni ui the following rvices for Sun day at Nat:...: s Creek. Sunday School will be held at 10:00 a. m: and worship service at 11:00 m. At 7:15 p. in., a special candlelight installation service of t k Woman's Society of Christian Service will be held. The public is cordially invited to attend. Streets V. >ng I’c-Mor! <•<, I."is Is Also Started v: 1; lit Tu s ty mi ni .. • • !. , ! V,' •' ,| ! . od revor Lie. Ot'i it -:. i -. and ta, w .. .s n . u • ••• d on i S{<\ .(!.£ the Jeff1 i - son Mi:. church, will guest sp t the iv* i 'ing o'' the Rot;.: i club tonight. Ca:1 Graybe.u :• .:. charge of pro gram. Mrs. K 1. A nek;. .>n was t guest sp'-'.1*: ■ at the meeting last w*. ok. jtp< a king to the griiup the newspape; as a publu* ser vant. A coni t on ci was given t:a group a id fit -A place w '.niu . a. 1 ra T .1 •: nsi< n. The sjyakcr was introduced by J. L. Sect a vos. Hides For Use i)f Conimuuit\ Buildin" Draw 11 By Committee In order 'to facilitate the use of the community building and to insure its upkeep, rules were drawn governing the use of the building at a recent meeting of the committee in charge. A. B, Hurt, superintendent of sc.’.ools was elected treasure; and will be in charge of col lecting and disbursing all funds collected for the use of the building. The rules state that the build ing may be used for the meet ing of civic, educational or pa triotic organizations in Ashe county when the meeting do s not conflict with a regular scheduled meeting of an organi zation now using the building. A fee of $2.00 will be charg ed for a non-profit meeting and this sum will be used for the purpose of repairs, lights, heat, water and janitor service. An> organization not having funds for this purpose may be spon sored by another organization and this fee paid by them. A fee of ST.50 will be cliar.g-i ed for all meetings for which an admission charge is mad-, or when a meal is served or en tertainment provided and funds derived from tais fee will make up a separate fund for maintt nance. repair and re placement in the building. It is als> provided that of the $7.50 fee charged, a sum of not to exceed $3.00 may be used for and added to the fund for jani torial services. The superintendent of schools was designated as treasurer of (Continued on page 8) Murder Case Is Continued; Daryl Bare Case Tried Brown Is Held Without Bond In Jail; Daryl Bare Put On Probation A true bill of first degree mur der was turned in by the grand jury against Alex F. Brown in open court here this week. The case however was continued un til next term of superior court and Brown is being held without bond in the Ashe county jail. Court adjourned at noon yes terday after a brit f two and one nail day r - o .. To major cu--‘ tried was that of Daryl Bare pleading guilty to involuntary o.anslauc.h; "ia Toe court put the defendant on probation for a period of five year-. Th man daughter case of Bryct Mesh and Bill Miller, in connection with the nit and run death of Claude Dancy was continued un id the next term of court, as was the case of Val Sneets and Frank Miller, charged with assault wot it a deadly w. upon. Ezekiel Campbell, chargee, with larceny of cattle, was giv en a sent ■■ of not lei two, nor more than six years in one case and not les- than two. nor more than ten years in tor second case, both sentences sus pended upon good behavior ho five ye:.’> and payment of S5’i tii Fa: I Mi 1 !i" . S:M) to R; y C; borne - ! >75 to Lillard Hoosie; Art.iur Campbell failed to ar pear in the -ante case and judg Ge :a. W •i.te ng, v. a •she MoSor Co. In Bsiildiiin 1 Dcal'-r. .M; \ s to New I> Complete.! iib!-. On Jeilerson ltoad The i.- .v budding which is .000 i ‘ i’ : ioor space and is . 11 1 eated wi.n e .sy approaches plenty 1 parsing space. Tin '• . fl.iti l i: >s front will ve the pub’n- a complete view th- >i room.- Fhe mech lieal department is located in e b-.ek and in tm basement is B.-th B. B. ;m • K. B. Graybeal said that tiie\ \\- pleased to It was p-ant--a ut that it wouId take j i ■ ■: 1 to com plete all : > of depart incuts in tiu ’a hiding and that a formal on .g would be held later. VmaU'iir Show I oiuoituw Nijilit Tin ainateu; content vvaich is mg '■ < .1 by the West Jefferson Parent Teachers As : ic'.atien will !k held tomorrow night in the high school audi torium. Forty amateurs are en tered in tin contest and re present tit Rivet-view. Sturgills. Lansing. Yu gmia-Carnlina, Jef ferson. and West Jefferson schools. Contest winners will be heard on tlie W' st Jel'fei-.-un Variety Hour over station WKRC from 3:30 to 4:U0 n. m. on November Tae show begins at 7:30 p. m. and contestants are asked to be at the auditorium not later than 6:45. Tickets are now on sale in each community represented, and everyone is cordially in\Vt cd to see and hear this show.