Drive Safely You May J Save A Life VOLUME 18, NO. 44 $2.50 a Year in Ashe County WEST JEFFERSON, N C. THURSDAY, OCT. 30, 1947 $3.00 a Year Out of County PUBLISHED EVERY TRTTtSDA ' Tobacco Market Is Assured Of Buyers Tobacco Grading D e in o n stration Today And Friday All Growers Invited To At tend: Schedule Of Places Announced H. D. Quessenberry, county agent said that ho wanted to again remind farmers to attend the hurley tobacco grading demonsti . lions that arc being hi Id in the county today and Friday, when Mr. McDonald, government grader will be present to demon strate tin proper methods of grading. \ The demons!’. Means u ill h1 held in tiv. county today and 1-r - lu’ld at the iollowing piaii’ Today at 9:30 a. m., Grady C«*r lu'U s. c • i ston 11'.rushy toi^ i-oadt: 2:oU p. m- Vlad. Wean l ». Lansing tat barn opposite Coble p! lit). Oil Ft '. > .it : M.l a. n . m . 1/ ster Young's, Grassy Creek. i All hurley growers are urged te attend these demonstrations, j Lillie \ l l <* ii . V . ; t c ■ 1 IV W " Si... f.und'!?."- Dr. Kobiot. I Dennett, ii: • elr.r of physical medicine ; t the founda'ion. sp .ke *o the group on prevent ing disfigurements by early col1 1 ct VI !M iittV.l lit. Thu: s'. IV the No fa Ca dinn delegation heard Ralph Mcl loll,,;.!. N. c. S! 'i!1 I h lit man .it a dinner meeting. Ftieh del. g a’ 1 maili In lef •• pi Mrs. Phillips: Russell. secretary and St. te ditecto- of the organi zation v.a s also present Mrs Little accompanied Mr. Little t< the meetings. HLA If* Planning Lxlciision Program -. Ti.e R. E. A. now serv s 1.021 fponv. m A-lie county. Floyd Triplett, line foreman for the R K A -taled ’in 1 k As soon as possible tin te are appi i .x match 900 !: 'tins which will be reached through the R. E A. 1 (iOVI KNOR nil KKV W ANTS FOOD SAN I D Raleigh — Governor Cherry has called upon North Caro lina's citizenry to "cooperate to the fullest extent " • 11* President Truman's food con servation program. In a proclamation, the gov ernor urged ‘‘every citizen to contribute to this effort by ob serving meatless, poultryless and eggless days: by saving bread and other wheat pro ducts and ' 4 . Jr » ne pro* the governor had appoimeu the state nutrition committee to handle the food conserva tion program in North faro lina and he asked “all may ors and city managers in the state to organize food com mittees to assist the state nu trition committee in efforts to aid the distressed countries abroad.” Work Started On New Theatre Bldg. On Main Street AT JEFFERSON Rev. ('. c. Murray, who was recently appointed pus tor of the Jefferson Methodist charge. \\ J <» f f <* ix) n Defeats !.anvnn!l t'h'h: Season Of iciuMy I aided T i.. We ■ r'f. r-rn I 1 T 1 captured t of the M"urit in B. el. 11 1 ,a-: Sue be i ire 1.500 spectators at L: Using, Sum', .< ;,t rr mi tv.n n lli-.-y defeated L.a sing CM. 0-1. In a gar a where scoring wns made posltt through er; ors, the last official game of the sea son wc played. Trie season would have officially ended last v. ■ k when WV-t Jefferson won a 18-5 victrny over Lansing ending in a prod st. On the mound Sunday for t'v v. r,tiers was Abo Miller, who struck out 4 and allowed 2 as a Lofty Blevins - as on the mound for Lansing. .Inking out 7 and allowing 5 hits. Teams seemed ev< nly nmteh f ■ the ye: ios the L; using Cubs ■ \ "■.■■■of o ,! , M >nd ha*. it Lattlod to f; d place. ■i given $55 oat the losers. $45. W. L. Hughes, president of the Bogun staled. Plans are now to honor the West J('ff o,i|i club. t.ii. presi de nt stated. Preliminary Grading Started On Otlier Building Pro j eels Here Foundation work on toe new the;.Ire building to bi erected on t ne i oi ’w i s,11 of the A: lie motor • uni'.inv, i" ■ i to h: • pi sent tlu .f. e toil1. g. w.,s s I a i U .1 111: - i-.u ai d ee a. to ju< sent j,...■, , the new building will be n a.ty ior occupancy by April 1. Tite new budding is being imini by h. \\. Barr and Ben (Jeeves and will be leased to Al-legh ny Tueaties, Mi'. Burr j announced. He explained that it would be 5(1 x 125 feet in size and would seat 750 pi ople. Ti e new budd ing will have new equipment throughout and will have a large stage suitable for stage shows, it was explained. Mr. Barr said that it would have a porcelain front similar to Recvtcs then!re in Klkin. Grading work was also started this week by John Weaver on the vacant lots beyond t.u Cash b aid ng. Mr. Weaver point d out that he expected to 1 I id a 'arc- Im idmg : re . nit able for a department Mrm! or* l*v (i;?r=H* di.r1 A“rr ' in is .0fdl 4 t ■ | l• v t ■ A he (' ''.'St;■ nd Fi-dr Ohth, n . ,T K. Hr’* c : n ■ 1 I out. tin ' '.1 p - In aw:nr ’• • I i,if ’ cur - , ir most it. mist: s. T ■ >ivo is rum- under” ir,? •• i’l continue through Jan ; 1. On t:h< mend t:sl ip < jui 11: sen-ine with Chairman ■ TTiiTit an- Fif'd CVlvr d. Waite: T • ■! " I’d .in.” \V " :: • and Fr' Sti-V !1s. Tii” drive for addinc now no mbers ti» to, <■ 11111 win voted nirn ,-|t a rtf, nt meeting. Mrs. ^liormakri' f »nri<*i! (Mon. Funo ••! .service for Mrs. Ca.-sie She, ir: in r, who died in Hurling I ton, p. i pain i ’ Colv M s. Sh'" maUi i . fern • rlv A ■ ty, v\ . tin i the late Mr. and Mrs. Kamilla i | Bare, of Wagoner. She is survived by her inis hand, 1 tick Shoemaker and s v [ oral children. I{. L. Douuhlon is Honoml IU i)emte for speaker of the House. AU brought greetings and high praise for Mr. Doughton's out standing service to state and na tion. Others paying tribute to Mr. Dougiiton were Walter Woodson of Rowan, Wade Brown of Boone. Hugh G. Mitchell of Statesville. Zeb. V. Turlington of Mooresv hr. and V. D Guire of Lenoir. Mr. Guire presented res olutions recounting the splendid record of having been re-elected every year since his first election in 1!I20, of the distinction he has won in serving the district, t te and nation so well. The resolu tions of appreciation were unani mously and enthusiastically ad opted by a rising vote. Congressman Doughton, visib (Continued on page 4) Returning World War II Dead To United States Tin* first of the* war i:i the I'nitt'fi States. I transport. "Joseph V States casket which nv*«)t i eluded S.fiiMt <,l dead—the heroes in the Pacific and in Europe have arrive) *hoto shows United States' Honor Guards <> 1 the l S. < 'onnollja the> tint watch • : represented United States World War il dead. ! lie iirst the dead veterans return-. from l.u opt ! back army ,'nited ship Vsii<• A 11-Slars S'a *V ii (jairn > Frhiav. Nov. 7 Hu' s And K gelations An- ' ituunced i>\ Pres. Jackson: S c h t‘ ,1 up 01; arc: 1- No playei will be able transfer t» another team alter sinning of the season. 2. High .■ ; i ,i. 1 and college v; ary play • r- will not be cligibl . 3. F: eh team must file list < I I layers ■ .1 h R. O■ J a c k.-11 n. Je i! a: -1 < i i, hy end ol second wet k of cents! - t nee games. 4 If for any reason visiting team is unable to play e'.ioduled game, the home team must be notified at lour! two days before date of game. 5. Teams are requested to send re sults of each game to this paper in order that standings n.,,y be kept up to date. Tin schedule for the first week of playing b ginning Fri day, November 7. is a follows' Va.-Carolina at Lansing: River view at Elkland: Ashe County Rebels vs. V. F. W.. at Jeffer son: Fleetwood, bye- The remain der of the schedule will be pub lished next week. \)r. liaver \ isiLs Slate Test Farm Dr. L. D. Baver, who recently resigned ns Dean of Agriculture of State College and Director of Exeprimcnt Station, to accept a position of director of research of Sugar Refineries, paid his fin al visit to the test farm at Tran som yesterday. He reported that he was highly pleased with the progress made there. Another visitor from State College, at the test farm, this week, was J. C. Pierce, who has recently been placed in charge of Beef Cattle and Sheep Re search at State College. lie suc ceeded John Foster, another Ashe county man, who resigned recently to accept a position as head of the Animal Husbandry Department of the State of Maryland. Some Of Vshe Counlv e* V4? ar Dead Anions Fallen i\vnn v < y * , % r \ f * A « \ V J o Arrive i.n A. i. I ais •>, eex sic • nolds i l ca rd I i ar h c i> At '',*j i i a, Program Also hubides ia'ld ijiU'rlainiiit'iH; (iray bt'al Presides D ■. Lee K y-ml, . ,,! ASTO, C. e/a. I... i i. hi i-< e ’ • Wednesday. cio -i . his • , eel "We On:. ■ .as 'l i acai as," and stressed tin i t t . e. n ny have left this profess, it. “We hive not yet la i !!: c: v: m t e teacher ; . pi.. t a a ■ - > in the elementary glades,’’ re (Continued oa page 4i * * i ais!*>% x <. • i MI I Jul> Mcds The G i (' 4 !1 rL met on October 14. and elected officers Those elcctid for t,.e coming year a: Audio y Colva !. president: Joe Young, vice-presi dent: Carol Doan ILindy. secrc 'a: y: and Bal'ba. a .le >n Ilaii. r> - porter. ,\<> Ph A . >u '15' : r ■ era!' i.« .., e > - *s S. t ::: W' ■ ' J- : : -on. ill' An/ ■: ! giim P1 > Most of th< C in exhun ed fr- :ii *!..• Ho:' -C' !•■:). !!•:■ m '.tar' eeir • • >. hi n>. • n .'the. t of I IV W’h ch was e-’ iuh.-.n i S ; ' her 23. 1944. h\ tin- F: .-* . n ' a- it drove througi nor: . : France and wth-s IVlmiee in the victorious fail campaign that (Cpr.tinu ,i or; j. ..••• ■ Preliminary Approvn (iiven Hospital Explansion ’he proposed site for the ex pansion program for the Ashe county hospital was one of the 37, this week, gi\ • n preliminary approval by the executive com mittee of tiie medical care pro gram at a meeting in Raleigh. )r. John A. Ferrell, executive director of the Medical Care commission, said that following preliminary approval of the hos pitals, the communities must submit detailed plans and that these must be approved by tie m a' by the U. S. public health service before contracts for construction can lie let. Dr. Ferrell said that ins) oct tions are being made this w'-’k of tnc three state tuberculosis hospitals and mental hospitals at Raleigh. Morganton and Golds boro “to determine the construct - ion items eligible for federal aid and to approximate the cost for each.” He said that when these insti tutions file their applications and the University of North Carolina applies for funds for a teaching hospital and 1 a state hospital fo; spastic- at Durham is 1 ■ a :v< 1. "t t <■ ' - mission will prepare and recom mend a schedule for aid for these state-owned hospitals to he spread over a period of thrci or four years." Then, lie added, the commis sion "can estimate approximtaly the time when and can be given to local hospital projects” other than those given preliminary ap proval this week. i) i s ! i i v I Su jiL To IVra< li Sun. Row J. H. Armbrusl. district superintendent, will preach ni the quarterly conference at the Helton Methodist church, Sun ; day morning at eleven o'clock. | it was announced by Rev. W. C, Eastridge. Toe public is cordially invited ' to attend. Work Now Going Forward On New Building Here Will Be Ready When Burley Season Opens Dec. 1, Of ficials Announce Members of the board of d; rectors oi tne local tobacco ware house announced this week that they had been assured of buyers, by tobacco companies for t a is Yea’ and that the building now under construction in West Jvf fersctn would be ready for use w.H'n th but lev season opens December 1. YV n markets w' 11 a: S' n D t* v i'Ui (1 Plane Si i' V; ) 8 or : t / a fk*u if . \\ lie i'!; ig S. la . ■ a , ■ :y V. • dr.oa i • ;!, Hi . ; .u ; nd found T I' )d\ u 1 tuk1 a ti Me V:ai.c an-Gwynn Fun<. a l Home I Parking Motors (»o Into l so Sai. The parking meters now being installed in the town | ol' West Jefferson will be ready for public use, Saturday morning', town officials an i non need this week. Although the actual installation work ( may be completed before then, the meters will not be used | until Saturday. The meters can be used two hours or tor 12 minutes in j tervals officially. A complete ; explanation of use of the park* .! mg meters may he found else ; w here in an advertisement in | this paper. 11 Persons working at various j business houses in \\ est Jef fers-on will lie able to find parking space in lots designat ed for them, it was pointed out. It is hoped that a lot will be available behind Rhodes Furniture company and Ilelk's Department store by this time.