Drive Safely You May Save A Life VOLUME 18, No. 45 $2.50 a Year in Ashe County WEST JEFFERSON, N C. ASHE COUNTY IS ... Leading Livestock and Mr; County in North Carolina Population: 22,664 r THURSDAY, NOV. 6, 1947 $3.00 a Year Out of County PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY 'Boy Scout Fund Drive Still Short Of Quota f Nov. 10 Date For Drama Festival At Jefferson Seven Of County’s Nine High Schools Are Expected To Take Part In Event Ashe county’s first locally sponsored one-act play festival will be held at the Jefferson nigh school next Monday. November 10 when seven of the county's nine hign schools are expected to take part. The afternoon performance will open at 3:00 o’clock and there will also be a night performance, it announced. The public is cordially invited to attend. Tick ets will go on sale in advance, Alice Lee Austin, pn -ident of the Jefferson Dramateers an nounced today. Cratis Williams, director of Appalachian Playe: afters as well as several of his group will as sist with t festival. Miss ] ^Shipman. English n structi1 and dramatics critic will also assist. Mrs. CL. rtrude Vaught, who is in charge of the Jefferson Dra mateers. said tnat various com mitters were at work on the festival and that everything would be in readiness for the opening. Prizes are to be awarded win ners. Thieves Killer Business IMaees Forced Entrance Made In Theatre And Wholesale Grocery Firm Thieve? forcid their way int ' two business linn.- i •. during tlv. la>! i\ w day.'. Th° P.e k way ; i.> :>t m v. .,s o:: - te: ■ ! by tl . V . V S. . m n.: , anl .. >pn \ :• .1 ly $20. rh" tii:• \ ■ ' i . : • i 1 he buil : iii.U ! v liie.ik.r.e a pan-' nf glu-s in tin front yvnd'-.v and then l". eak a ': 1 a. "ii 1: a lb11 • .to the office inside tin- building. •'Eva 'it- ii! ns had attempted to 1 ak t • • T: ■ t, ■ ft v, is d; vc. < -t.i Sunday a ft err. : . .w y< b no f • :s .1, d. l!a: • -Little. wf de !■ y v. y company w s al o i y 1 1 Tut - lay nic: t. As i could , be learned no; ny w taken front this cstablishrni nt, e\e: pt possibly some i u.o tt ■ Ti is v, as the sect nd i in . :..: 1 v i • ken into thy r "in v. it'n:n tii" pa.-t h w v. v'.d; Jefferson (Jiar«j[e Ser\ iees (»i\en % Tin pri services for th< •-Jeffer.-on Methodist charge have been announced this week by the pastor, Rev. C. C- Murray. The schedule is as loilows: Bothany. fourth Sunday morning. 11:00 o'clock: second Sunday night. 7.110 o’clock. Jefferson, first Sunday morning. 11 Mitt o'clock; third Sunday night. 7:30 o'clock; Orion, third Sunday morning, 11:00 o'clock: first Sunday after noon, 2:30 o’clock. Zion, second Sunday morning, 1!:UU o'clock fourth Sunday afternoon, 2:JO o’clock. P.-T. A. I’I ;ins To Hold bazaar Plans are now underway for 1he Parent-Teachers Association of West Jefferson to sponsor a bazaar on Saturday. December (i. at tne community building. Mrs. D. A. Sells, chairman of the bazaar, stated this week. Articles will be on display at community building botv\- i 1he houb of 2:00 and 5:00 o'clock. Those on display will include pillow cases, aprons, handiwork of any kind, canned goods, cakes, pies, candv or any other kind of sweets, meats, eggs and butter. Anyone who wishes to sell any thing at the bazaar should con tact the chairman, Mrs. Sells. Work On Tobacco Warehouse Bldg. Well Underway FOOD CONSERVATION —T'3 Charles Lucktnan. chief of food conservation, has been having his troubles trying to get industry, agriculture and all factors together on his food program. Mail i )i<> \llrr S > <• i n «;• I j j l Im ' rain. Mon<!a\ Injuries I a'al To Howard 1C op: ltii | ’lionda'i >, ;ht 1.1 \!iinudon 1C -;>i‘ai A! : nd ; r s «' (I'' ■: l: to li t.‘ Ab 0 : a died t! : on >Tr.i-1. my .. Fill . d s . , ( v. i this !, 'i at ll.:Ul.j icl- * ... V, .liK 1 i. . . .. 1 . V . follow in til'. )JaiT com I.:i y \vi 1 H - Ar ■h. M 1'• l a:. 1 Ai' Ho A ell ofl . t Rg, Su; vivois include i ... w. . Mrs. G ai e Blevins i. ■ . a d the following tiiildren. Mo. (Continued on page 4) ino IVImhhts Still \t Larjjc E/ekial Campbell and Jon s Gieer. two of the four prisoners who broke jail at Jefferson two week.- ago. are still at large. Ashe county officers reported yc sterdav. Although N. C. State authori ties as well as othei state officers have been put on the alert ever since the break October 22. and every effort is still being made to apprehend them. Expect Building To Be Finish ed Within Next Few Weeks Construction work is well underway of the new tobacco warehouse building here and it will be completed witnin the next three weeks in pi nty of time for use. when the season opens. As announced b. fore, buyers from the larger tobacco com panies have be n assured and everything points to a success ful opening when the burh y s ri sen opens. Taylor Broi lers, who are to operate the warehouse are now here and nr working with the group as well as farmers. The new warehouse is to be called the Tri-State Burley To bacco War. house since it wdl not only serve farmers in this im mediate section, but many in T' urn ss e and Virginia, the dir ectors pointed out. Northwestern Hank Purchases l> n i I <1 i n ! lerc .1 A. Reeves Business Build ing Purchased Bv Bank This Week Sume ol' Wc.-t J<■ fft : r.\ ■, •-*. vn!liable 1 ms:ness p i e p i t y chanced hands this w k. \>. ■. '• part of fne J. A. R ■ v-- bui: - inn new t . a h;. 3 V R \ e- |ei d si : , j|a 1 S" am Oft t ial !: u ■ - of t'.r ; r ■ •! : t'i i > p> 1 1 mop S. I Is Is ■i Avon** : ! 1 t S(T' ‘ leg i if. i ■ ‘ Psop.,, ty .v:dilation,.S !\) t Jimvh \? Bras * r % !rr< \ A >ui’ mg is . n und rwnv f< r 111 B>-:,ver ('••< P. ti.-t church. IT v. Havvov T* lips. ;sist:ir has :innsunci ; : ■ . number <>f members have made nledges to its supp The old church building is !•< ing tom down and the new will be built on its site, it w:.. learned. Those to (sedge their support included Mrs. L. R. Fieri". Mont Goodman, Mrs. Price (i 'dinan. Mrs. Hayden Goodman. Paul Goodman, J. M Goodm.'i Cod Bark- .. W. F. Goodman. War • n Goodman and F; d H irom. S100 earn. Mrs. Fred B1 vm . lilwomi Goodman, Mrs. Mont Hardin. (Continued on page 4) sket ha 11 Season Opens In doniity High Sc hools The basketball season in Ashe •aunty officially opened on Tues lay night with six of the nine ligh schools sc*i ing action. Nathan’s Cre k took both ami" from Klkktnd, the girls ■inning 37 18 and the boys, '5-17. Fleetwood and Jefierson broke von. Flee twood girls winning j '9-18 and Jefferson boys winn ng 40-28. Last year’s champions, Vir ginia Carolina girls defeated Lansing 44-3, while Lansing boys defeated Virginia-Carolina 24-21. Tonight Healing Springs meets We.4t Jefferson at West Jeffei* son. The schedule foe next week is as follows: NOVKAIBER 11, 194* Meet wood at Nathan's t reek Ionising at Jefferson West Jefferson at Elkland NOVEMBER 13, 1947 niverriew at Healing Springs Attention was call'd to the , fact that the home gymnasium I'm Nathan’s Creek this year is ■ at West Jeffi rson. This is due to the fact that the Nathan’s Creek gym is being used as a school building. All gnnie.s .sched uled for Nathan’s Creek, there f*r«, will bo played at the West 1 ^jflRinun gymnasium. Uncle Sam Believes This Nation’s Wealth Is Health MJWSMM'fo mmmmm On the premise that a nation's health ;s a nation s wealth, l tide Sam lias recently he<;-"" itlke more interest than h: retofore in the well-brim; of his nieces and nephews This project is the ship ‘'llyjriem " a veritable floating clinic--that vo\ages along the far-flung coast of Alaska, giving prenatal rare to mothers and taking care id the ills of the children. 1). i \ Jon o s. (>2 \\ SIiii'mmI i loro \\o«!. \ftornoon Dieii Sn hi. ■ ■ 1 \ Fro >1 \ Heart F .ttuda\ Night l was held ves .n at the We-t ■disc churcu ‘ ihr T^m - who died 1 ' H- f|* ale k. - i - st ; d ' ■ C ni d . st u tv; Whih ii1:' ■!■'■ i ■ i .• . ills -’i death -• !> shi' 1; to h . friends and |-(d ' tv ed by his wif' 1 I d a. 1 T ck' : J ,1 - tWi 1..'ifM'.-. Lynn N. Webber •i C1 •!••:, hi Springs and Jackie IJ uvs. student «.( Colorado Sr ah T> - College. (1: elv. , C'llni .tin. arid om g: r.nddatighter i.yrida Webi r, of Culm-ado Spriggs. Surviving also ;re the follow ing brothers and sist rs: Mrs. (Continued on Page 4) employment office TO BE CLOSED TI ES. It was announced here this week that the employment office :n the courthouse at Jefferson will be close! on Tuesday. Nov ember 11, for Armistice day. All persons seeking work or filing claims are advised that the office \\ ill be open on Tues iay. November 18. New Patrolman Bc<i 111 s Duties Patrolman Joe Wilson, ol Bakersville, began ids duties here Novcmb r I pat, I'ing Asia county. He', will be trained here at West Jefferson and will serve this area, Cpl. Dave Houston stated* Patrolman Wilson will be the tliird patrolman stationed here. |n addition to Wilson anc Houston, Patrolman R. D. Pen nell ist also stationed here. Iv\4,oveninr J. }<\* I{rouj»litoii Enters Stare E or t , S, Senate W fill William !>> I msteaji YxU Schiioi !» H 8 P i! i* chus F. italics ( >n»inf.:Ht* X i n/oiii r -mi i s i ! s i! J ■ v Silitml A I .ill.. : i.iio A piiinu i!i.i'. Jam- Si : v. : The li-t of : iif1 " (Continu-• ; mi i■■■ . c A i LunHi)": To tioM \ <>i: I Si Program Assembly's Yotit'i Sunday wil ' • • h.-a rvcd San ! . ,\('Veml'i• 0. throughout tin- General As i sembly of thf Prosbytoriiit Church. The Lars Presbytoriai Youth Follow p will assist it the regular 11 clock churcl : service at the Lansing Presby •t.iian Church mi this date. Formn! ’ mnncrmonl A I i ill-. V. Uh Slate i;,>a (i (if ' I- i .m’s te st in tl. ■' :cr . Iv '« n;. i • •. . \ ; ■ t' ■ the Senate, Fur sevei I h . ! louring |F Slate h ik '!*eechc- ! j lions and c • ■ ITmsti d. v ■- ipi ■ eiteri i th St’r. • I-. (e \ ■ C ' (Continue.! on p •*) (1 r v i\ i ! i> is v i n<2 i lonln » c Su«»ar I Vico Lid Yit I on sugar was lil’.sd at midnight I last Friday night and c< 1 over installment buying have | also expired. ! In both eases experts declared the actions need not add to tli money troubles o! housewives and of the men who 111 their purses —providing moderation i exercised by all. New York sugar brokers f ■: e I saw no price increase tins year, but they diffe red as to the future outlook. Some expect a world sugar surplus is in store which would keep the price tags low. Others point out. however, that the European aid program will divert a large portion of the I crop to Europe, which may affect w ishingt Is report foresee no prii\ advance, ll.mvv, i'. or. t - manor of i: stallmont i :i\ o. ' t'viels i \|'1 o' ■ ooncvrn 1 \-t en isijsS of c.vdii r gulntions will ra ; to tin f ■ ■ ,.f irflati»n. Tivtv is a-iilo .-pot-illation the r id< #! Tiunian m :i ask Con ft to revive cu-dit control v, !h n it mi-' ts \ov. 17 on his ca! to combat high prices and con sider aid to Europe. For t ic first time in more tha six years, sellers will be free 1 fix the amount of down pay ments and the time of extensio I for the balance. In general, tb expiring controls required one third down. Want All Gifts Reported Not Later Than Sat. Those Who Have Not Sent In Contributions Urged To Do So At Once -nccormng to the latest reports ivaliable yesterday afternoon, the ■ounty is still slightly short of hr Roy Scout Fund Drive Quota >f $1500, by around $300.00. As ■very effort is being made to ■omplete the drive this week, all those wlm have not sent in the:; ■onti ibutions are urged to do in now. Driv chairman, Jo,in W. Luke aid that a" t ppieciated the fine •oopei'atam e! all of those who 'ad been h In :ig in the drive, nit that he lent that then- worr it hers would like to as •'ist and urged that tney do so immediately. All schools an mind 1 that basketballs go to tiie winners and they are asked to turn the.: collection in. Contributions not previously reported include the following: Fred Colvard, $20.00. W. ,] Esso Service $10.00. 1’hipp. Dairy, Mrs. Con best r. Victor Clark, L. B. Tyson. George Perkins, D. A. Perkins. Robert Colvaid. Fie,I Key, Wai 1 : Dickson, Paul T.iomas, J, L Roe, A F: iend, Margaret Phillips, Leima 11a11:11 i 11. Quality t ieaners, R. 1.. Rale u, $5.00 eacn. Service Stm , S-t.UU. Dewey Sods. Winkler's Store, j it and O. Giucery, $ each. Mis. C 1., V. C Lil .$20! h. J F. '■ I.; i 1) . 1! .uston, i i! ir 1 ’ . - o Ci:in It. Gilley, It . iti ->2.uC b iivUl )Sf4 T ^ bntiiam ns vv - Won na v. c \yi i he Li >IIS. I*11IT >t»W VI V>. J. [\>S\ Office Mi.-, l': is \ B..i. has been -inn’il ail::..-', po.- [mast vr of the I’St Ji f! pi at . ... to suc d Mill AI.-ft Phillips, live 1 Fi .n . October 31. i ,i I: i L d this b.’it 1 i * i.iaa two years Hit : Situ is now ! SI I. scent to • • B; it iiti 'i : t was ed th, Asl.e e'.iunty eratii Idv -cutis e Committee, to : 'il..e the position , post on ice site was em a' by tl I EA and had pre i s oiiids- taught in tin West Jet : ->on high school. Inspector R. - S. Fisher checked Miss Phillips out and Mrs. Barr in.

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