Drive Safely You May Save A Life VOLUME 18, No. 46 ASHE COUNTY IS ... j Leading Livestock and Dalrv County in North Carolina Population: 22,664 $2.50 a Year in Ashe County WEST JEFFERSON. N C. THURSDAY, NOV. 13, 1947 $3.60 a Year Out of County PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY fVStill Short Of I Quota For War Memorial Fund Those Who Have Not Con tributed Are Urged To Do So At Once X It was announced this week that the county is still short of the goal set for the War Memorial fund. Veterans pointed out that contributions are still coming in but that there are a large num ber who have made no contri bution to either the iron lung or the monument to be erected on the courthouse square. Those who have not made a contribution are urged to do so at once. Published here is a list of con tributors not previously report ed: American Legion, $100.00. Ira T. Johnston. $25.00. Jefferson High School. $17.i5. Grant Bauguess. $10.00. Edward Barr. Joe F. Neal. $5.00 each. Mrs. Alice Bard. $2.40; Jef ferson Cafe. $2.22; Clarence Stansberry $2.00. Scott's Store. $1.12: Jefferson Service Station. $1.05. A friend. Bower Calloway. Dave Waugh. Dave Burkett, B ulah Cockerham. Phleat Fen der. Mrs. Sallie McConnell. R R Badger, Snepherd's Store. Paul Hash. W. P. Colvard. De ward Colvard, G. C. Shepherd. J. W. Huffman. Herman Bau guess. Marion Bauguess. Claude Perry. Clarence Perry. Stella Eldreth. Orion lj. Shepherd. Mr. and Mrs. D. P Stanley. Ronda Powers. Oscar Goss. Bill Stanley, How. :d Stansb- t ry. Lee Osborne Store. Joe Hampton. Carson Thompson. Mills Hartsoe, $1.00 each. A number of -mailer contribu under $1.00 have also been i rnrmrrs \ o Join 100 Svusitr! (Jn!) ^ ^ v;, I * ' Seal To County A H. D. Quessenlu »wn V * p in th 100 Bushel Cu H. D. Ques-'i :ii .■! ry. c;.u b< ng s] - ed to dt-lermu t increased corn yield in the .'tine. Mi mbci ship c rtificatc.- iv;!l i e sent tu Ash. l*i mei - . ■ ■ • *■ t. a y * 1 * ;1«'( In asi el .g * it K mers seeking m* mbi isnip - n.d s. nd in the following inf**: mr* t. on t ) tiie county agent's f! n ■ N ,nv • ndi:v s. county. * vi d : variety, yield, year, n*\v wid" th. ro\v 'sr'aciny. plant:::;; hot. and nun,her of acres. Also the pounds, gra V cost if fertilizer per ac; e. t..e cost p'a bushel and the total r -alized. Al vields and win the: lire c ve crop vi turned. A pi i/e will he aw a : : : the farmer with tea top yield in the* county. County agent Ques -enUwry stated. Any add:tional information may be secured from • he county ag< nt’p office. Vi . .1. Bund \\ ill I irn.if lca-1 Sim. Mrs. Lorene Perkins Dickson anr iunced this week that the Wes Jefferson high school band woulc jroadcast over radio sta tion > KBC. Norta Wilkesboro, on Su >day afternoon from 3:30 to 4:00 o’clock The eat ire band will play sev eral nun bers and there will also be some special numbers, Mis. Dickson said. Rolari. ns To <»o To l>i >\\ ing Rork Plans were i ado last wr>ek by the Jeffersor.s otary Club la-t week for a rep 'entative group 'M to attend the i rt'.iday of the ' Blowing Rock c.ub tomorrow night at 7:30 at Blowing Rock. The local club sponsored the club at Blowing Rr k and ap proximately 24 Ri nrians and Rotaryanns plan to , tend. Tonight at the regular meet ing at 6:30, John Reeves, J. L. Segraves and Dr. J. K. Hunter will have charge of the program ! Plan Opening Of Holiday Shopping Season Here Nov. 29 HAS BIRTHDAY - Representative Robert L. Doughton. oldest member of Congress was honored by thousands on the observance of bis Ntth birthday in Wash ington. Friday. November 7. Farmers l i* it <* Make Reports (>f Performances Those Wanting Limestone De livery Tliis Kail Should Place Orders Now Farmers are again urged to make peri'ort a nee repor'- to t AAA .ill ice - h in a - p. - - 1 . It is necessarv 1.,-r tics n-r»>r*s to he made at inice in order that f t War Brad Will Andvi* I rida\ N .‘.'s h>- i en reci , d h by nterrbo. - of the fa mil v. t: '. 1 1.x >c!y of ri E. Olive.. was killed in action in the Eu ro p n Ti ■ ' • and or:. !v buried ;n He".. Ch: pel, 1 ■ giurn, would arrive hc.o on Fri day. Plan.- f-T the fun ral service are narking metars in the lawn Wi : Jefferson. town nffici. id that thi 20!,: i:k• 11 rs n ;1 SKMDO for jihi.1 ! i: >t y rein T; . i '.n i il !>" g’\ en i.![a ‘ 1 of the total Hitoiia, :tach wei k, if w.i ■ |31 nl1 d ait. A number of .-hag# nnrl •• vvi'i e also fi> aid in the n > - tors. Attention oi ni1 >* < '■ f i st s Called t" the far' •; t 'a DO.00 will f>(:‘ ijpftf.’ -ad upon an on ■ found puttn:g .-anas ;n 1 n.aenines. There was some dircns.sioit concerning the u;., of the (Mak ing meters on holidays and es pecially on Armistice Day. ,\uv ; ember 11. However, jt was not the town ordinance concerning one of the holidays designated by parking meters Thanksgiving and Christmas Day will be ob served. however. Scwal tickets were given the morning of Nov ember 11, however, during the afternoon, the meters were n"t . checked by town officials. Oik* Of i own s Nrwot I5iiilnt: I: ■ I g .-j- ed 1)} 1 tic* Jefferson Dramate. : s. wit! plays scheduled for the afternooi f W flu : he winners. di.tiv.Lui U pia\ .. di-iei. 'UGlliUc'i iS u Scout I' U 2 its Vnv. Near Oiioli aal Luk 7.1 Vs!i<“ 5)ri \ <*rs aCilt’H ! Sevt nty-threc motorists re nevved their driver - license dur ing the month of October. Ralpl Stansberry, license examiner fn Ashe, Alleghany and Wataug; reported. Persons whose names begii with A and B were in this group Mr. Stansberry stated. T. (« Bov* i«* Now dr i i it*a ! I \ SI T. C. Bowie is critically il in the Wilkesboro hospital. Hi w; - taken there on Monday afte: becoming ill on Sunday. He was operated on Tuesday but nis condition had n-e nnprov cd y. steidaj afternoon. S ;i5 !5! Bern*;!!! S o Mf‘< I W\» incs Plans are underway for : month a of t F. rm Bureau a the Community building nex Tuesday. Nov n-hei 18, when ; special program has been plan ned. All farmers are cordially in vited to attend. M a k e V ! a n s I o r Woriion Of PM A (lommittoomon !>\ I armors Of Aslu* (!oiml\ I* rod u r I i o n ( H (»radc A Milk l o S»<* I)iscusscd ! ri. Meeting To lie Meld At Court house: Interested Farm ers Are Invited The production of grade A milk is to be discu.-si d at a meet ' ing to |if .mid at the mu: tit .us in Jefferson on Friday nig 7:ll!l to v, iii'-h all inter. ted fat Quo er • : i . ,i,i ty .-nt. . :i no1 i i -d this u ■ ■ I: A la ■ nun 1 ■ ■ pe .. ' .it; ■■ A milk ; ■ ■ Uun. Tin buy n L count' ’ you 1 the i ’ F vie DOROTIU l> CAMPBI L! 1*L.\( LI) ON !>i AN S LIST Car oh- 1. A. st .1 a : _ N Will! wtt art , ng t t u f . st > A sHie. nl must avctage :ill to h - i ,glide for t.i She has iilso 1 been named a. prnrtui in the dormitory in \v.,ich site liv« s ' DIC KSON TO SIM AK ON KADIi > TOMORROW C. M. Dickson will speak Fr: j day afternoon at three o’clock over radio A ' on WKBC. North Wi 11/ shorn, this week. His topic will be I.- Our Ed ucatiunal System Doomed?” t Ain Person Participating In 1!M7 Agricultural Conser vation Program May Vote EIi-ct 1' >n of Agricultural Con servation committeemen and del ognt. s tn tin- county convention for th” 'lection of a county com mittee will be held in A.-ae coun ty dui ing tl next few wo, ks, J. W. Gambill. chairman of the county Agi - ’iiltm al Cot.s'-rv: . : on C<• 'i: i r tt*. . announces Any p : on wl ■ is p i cit ;an n tl 1.147 Agr cub- r tl O :• gr r . t Va\ \. Waddell Died < hi fit tt jt : fe: •n n. .1 ed T ; tie lit ;oantnd :• ' " A-etc Men . ..; M W do il hah 1 me wit i ' In,' t. Funeral ser ic<. vvill he thd Jeffet i Methodist cbm tl is aftei ■' t ,,!:d In. il ■ c'. ineti ry. He is the foil.e.\ ,ng catidt v n, Mrs. Thelma Gamhiil. f New V. k. Hurl AVaddel 1. of Jeff -. oi .anil M"s. Maud' Kvdyn Wr:ght. f Illinois. Several Changes Avc Ma«lt* hi School Bus ItouU's In i ]«x ur: • D. J. Dark, safety division of education, h a survey of t.n county and has her of changes. In the Healii an ext >rtsion hc"i: nprovt 1 of the highway 1' t.he State board s just completed bus routes in the ipproved a niim -Springs district •' 1.1 miles has at tii pi sent on the SliatUo Springs road. The extension if s \. n-tenths of a mile on the Hi lton road, in the Virginia-Carolina district was approved. It was also recommended ti , the highway department that the >! road along New River on the Al leghany county, on which sever al children live, who are now at tending Virginia-Carolina high I school be improved so that ade In tiH' Naim an ext: nsitui of .MU"\umv ciutntv ex!'a trip i; as i fo: tin’ Dos Cre >n tl Crock bus route was ad vocal with improvemei ts to be m in the road. In tae Lansing district an t*>: tension of route No. 2ti-A for distance of one mile on tin J< . dan Branch road to the Hunt home has been granted. An extension of one mile was granted on the road west front (Continued on page 4) nave /vruiiciai Breeding Unit Program To Get Underway In County On January 1; Koontz Is Technician Definite plans for artificial breeding in Ashe county have been completed, H. D. Quessen berry, county agent, announced this week and the county Guern sey Breeder’s Association has agreed to sponsor the program here in the county. Clifford Koontz has been named as the technician for the county and will go to Raleigh, November 17 for special instruction work. The program will get under way in the county, January 1. Mr. Quessenbi rry stated. Ar rangements have been made fo. s-men from Guernsey. Jersey or HoLsteii es t b sent he Proven bulls of the three maj r da:rv breeds will be located ir. Asheville, bnvdir.g program, sign up the number of cows that lv will have to bred," Mr. Quesse-iberrv. stat' d. A system will be worked out in the future wncreby ti e farmer will b ■ able to notify the milk hauler for appointments. \\ am Public ()f \ I \\ Pretenders Families Of War ( asualities Heins "Robbed !>\ False Representatives a b‘. . -a: ill . ib' d !h . • ve- ■ ! YFW !' : * ■\>res I or P ill ' :: V, \:i!-o;?l5c< ;| l.i'Vs wt 11- victorious r ■21' \ li'llnivs: NOVtMiuii; is. iiii: Fleetwood at West Jeflersnn IKikiaml at Hivervieu Nathan's Creek at i ansiinj NOM'MBI K I'tlT Jefferson at \'iru'inia-t arolina i Mm!* 10 3la\r 'Nrv. (Jim <*!i !!!(|o •r. R-. \ !•' ■ ';:<• 1 S \t•.>i R - v ' i !••.-; t Par-one ,.| 1 ,.n >].. co - I' ‘ t to -:ncin::. Much interest was shown n P’o meeting and there were eleven additions to the church. A baptizing will be held Sun day morning at ten o’clock neat'" the home of Wiley Burgess.