Drive Safely You May Save A Life VOLUME 18, NO. 47 $2.50 a Year in Ashe County WEST JEFFERSON, N C. ASHE COUNTY IS ... Leading Livestock and Dairy County in North Carolina. Population; 22,644 THURSDAY, NOV. 20, 1947 $3.00 a Year Out of County PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY Thanksgiving I s Expected To Be .Quietly Observed Business Houses Are To Close; Quail Season Will Open Thanksgiving is expected to be quietly observed in the county next Thursday, November 27 with plenty of turkey, with early indications of an unusually good crop of this prize Thanksgiving fowl Stores as well as most all other business houses are expected to close but most schools will oper ate as usual. A. B. Hurt, county superintendent said vest. rday. He pointed out that several of the schools had planned dinners and other special programs for the day. however. A number of church s have al so planned ^oecial programs. .r e of which will be held next V 1 ' •• h.v - it V. : - an" iurr iiin ifrs ;i;v (''’vet eg a bin \s!h* SircVnN Fo (»\w Dramas r.'vlj- ,il \i .lef!'crs<>e f'ri'Lic At *’:•>!* I*. >1 . i<> Offer Vnriod Pint i u A ’•, of far O’ u-t pi will in presented Friday aitr , nri eaiht it tl- .T ff* -h - ail. 1 b; five A ■ e '•U"1y .1 • lie .1 . in ID "a C Ik • tl. A'-u* Dr : ' ic f ' . J is. H; sh 1 A. 11 ii . k- Ii ■ v “ ■ - *h; *,n by C; Ms Wl 1 ams. O'vector "* t'.e Appitlfcb ir.n Pi - ft i 1 Apt: I. Slate To, oh- i f Co 1 O .i C Scosil fita Is SraHa;: (.“a: t. ’ B > Si ■ ■ :• Ir.v \v n • C -1 Iti u.' a ' pi. iy C re' - K> >"5,00. Wit Mat tin. Fi-s: N’ar1 B . k, 1 x brer ('<-r- i > . K' ft c - Cm, Si0.11 a B - Lit': i.n : B v S . T op 11 fi Oki Si . i . Hi Vv*‘ 1 D C . I- "miO 1 aril. Ha l;n Plum!-I a an 1 Heathaa S4 F T V.' . ; • . S A.lri J • an W ikin-. .lie Mel a: ”. J. O.-•" : S2.Pa i : . > 1 K. F L. Plus#!' < Rex Jones, W. P Sheaf, Carl Blevins. Ashe Mi me . ,1 Wei fee Paul B IV ■ H Vaneev. n H Walk r. Lynch Colvavd. SI.00 each. VI I S MONT Y ( OM I S iio.mi; in si \ ija(; Surpri'-iiii' as it may seem, money belonging to a you tig Ashe county veteran, travell ed half around the world in a sea hag and returned to the owner, unmolested. The monev was the property ol Id ward Kalnh Hard. ot Idlewild, who served in the Pacific area and was wound ed on Okinawa. Yoon.: Hard returned home from service two years ago without Ins sea bag. I a-t week, that same sea bag arrived and with it his billfold that he had comple tely given no hone of ever seeing a ;ain. The S f'i he had left in his billfold was neai'y tucked inside, although I ather Time had worked on it con siderably. He also had a small amount of Japanese money which was also un molested. Farm Committee Elections Are To Start Today GIVEN AWARD : . ! *.* \V<‘ ‘ v ?*,•. •'! V < ils ! 1 >'■ t •« • . >er\ : r.‘, * £) / - , * P hon'd v ti *» i ss f ! I ' i ' I f Hi!! >iv;. L **!!!“-*. ? I'M < !i;!> !’r< sente ! V ateb f ■ r <i: - v:eo Fv rl-'h llrmhci s i Igin P'.'ji fn T r ri ■ F■’ 1; Ira T. If 15 : a Klkloi.d hoys vv ;; 4! I 20. doulolheader from 1-arsing on the Fans >.g cmii h the gi: !.- \v:n nii g 24-6 . id the bin . 26-Ft. Th< sefn dule for next \v - k :> as follows: NO\i:.Mi’»i:rt 23. m: Lansing .it West Jefferson Riverview at MeeUvood Helling spring', at I Iklatul NOviMr.nt :7. id;; V. - C. at Nathan's Cirok Different Dates Chosen For Election Of Community Committeemen The elections of Agricultural Conservation Community Com mitteemen and delegates to the county convention will get un derway in the county today at Ashland. Warrensville. Grassy Cri ek. and Crumpl'T, with oth- I ers following Saturday and throng.lout next week. The elections have been hold throughout the county on ore] dev. her -Info!-', hot an hr in" | held in a - - h- thi ' r r :e the \ • \ t «hm! Suit* v* ill sir i Sal ini' iv ? - H. D. Quis.- -id M: - John hi » rs. II '111 111 '' ■ t > Ii.iui'lh c; W -t Jr! iVr.'rn hiyu se.iool, will sim-' i' a .-.'ili- on Saturday rnun iy at HI o'clock at K: • . V Store, it war announctd this week. Kv i vi .nr u- cordially invit . tl in attend tins sale. T 1 V T 1 fir. tirs. Max in* \ ibrijjil \ isil ( oiihIn -.•••• t • * JM T ""T -«»««•••» ’=<?»•» m>?^£fS»j?©K«3a8 & ;v<; &Z&L. North Carolina's youngest candidate for governor in the Democratic primary. Ft. Mayne Albright and Mrs. Al bright visited in the county Monday in his trailer field headquarters. “The Challenger.” While here they talk ed with a number of Ashe county people. He spoke to the West Jefferson Woman’s Club, Monday night. Lively Bidding At Tobacco Auction Market ‘ •’ , ; . |ti;-fkv the iun n;.»i'ke*l iii \\ in^ton-Suil-'in. !,, S. -• t v I * * l . t • I :* ;,u «•,*;*' tUilil . t«. M* 5 tiieir n> ..CC-; <<l In n c In-, jcar tile '1 > i :■ , .■ i:, ' *i, 's' lis-■ ;. V»1 ■ »■-i s: .i ,i . i. i r-.iriot!. ( ' iv s ’Srrd 5 or V": ss<* P ! a II N i !1 :; i ' ‘ r ! • ;«!<• !' t ’ ■> •' \ I S ! 1S ( .,(:’(>■ : *■ > >' T V . : ,-i's •• V.'o’n • < hih Mr, Alb; i■>itt,. together with Mi .'. All:, u.hi spent t:>e day ir. t,K Jei’i'ersor.- and other .sections of the county. Miss Ruth Tugman va- h-».-t ss to t. dub at h : hi line he: and in the absence of tMc prisi dent, Mrs. J. A. Reeves. Miss henna Gambill presided. Mrs. h.d M. Anderson, program chairman, introduced the speak-ir Special (Continued on Page 5) hukcy l»ii\inji Slarls hi \sli( Turkey buying im tie Thank-' giving mark'd starts this week in A.-.he county, w .ten a number of tlr. s’1 prize lowiaie expected to be su’d. W. G. Vannoy, one of the lar gest buyers in t: 1 ; : he expected to start today, but had no advance information as to what the prices would be. The turkey crop in the coun ty is expected to be unusually good this year and growers are expecting worthwhile returns. Last year over. 9,000 turkeys were sold on the Thanksgiving market for more taan $50,950.00. r « £ 1 t i * i tliVt4 _v <Alusierai* ut lirld ”s liis Vy i*rk In CmmU For V* ar ?)<v.:d I 5 S * \ V ' : \ l:" i ’ : "t\ . ! Cl T. D. S .. W. M I, Mil’’ I ■ M) n. V. A:J. B r \ t G ' lg. J \ R. ' ■e; h. ju,-i - J, n ]i. ( ’enu ■ t, C. W H !. I!. C T'ick- . Av - (Confirm <S on page 4) TEXT BOOKS ( !!! KFD B\ \V \I)i: JENKINS Wa in .T■ !u■;:<i > t!i'- te-xl book* d> : ■ ; • in of th< St : Board of Education was in the county lot# \vw*k making an an :iua 1 check ■: the t< x■ link sued through tire county. ; :• r! ' 4 , k I:. i ■ 1 ! Arm m lion no " J. L Tugnu : iYmmm ( i*<n I it Asks I Yirt* i loi;'.. ■! •* ' 1 t • .5 j'l ,(i»•*)!- ■; shinglur. Pv called on cong And immediately h ■ had a battle on Kev Republicans j one Democrat. Sc j 1'liomas of Oklahoma, .-aid Mr Truman’s 10-point program means ’regimentation." House Speak, r Martin said the chief executive evidently wants ■‘a more colossal OPA" and: "The president, having hud set vice in the senate, certainly should know he couldn't get enacted . in both houses measures of this 1. t he v. Costs 1 ; \; Ala.) pi edirted new. i ■ . n. 1; he shook his head over price, rationing and wage controls a> nighly controversial. But Mr. Truman made t plain he wants his whole program en acted. The people, he said, want protection against inflation, they (Continued on page 8) Will Open Xmas Shopping Season Here On Nov. 29 Santa Claus Parade To Be Held; Schools Asked To Take Part The public is again reminded that the Christmas shopping sea son will be officially opened here on Saturday. November 29, when local stores will offer a wide selection of merchandise to the buying public The Christmas parade, to be led by the West Jefferson Band will start at 2:00 P. M. Here san ta Claus will make his official entry m the parade and a 11 schools are ashed to enter floats and compete for prizes. Anyone else desiring to, mav enter a Christ "i. float. Only <!)■■ schools will compete for the This leer • Ve 11 a sin publish : edition. 1 <'{i '* Tii form Yi < orn i ^4 ! i‘ /A '• i 3» St-a! Sum I o ween reuiat iciaiij t't '21 I J;||-U till' .'• ■ , ■ !. V K ervin:; i i! the ..- i 1 sale mitte - are Dr. Kobert r. \\ e Va u o>. A. B. ' M's-. Pulliam, Blanche \ ’lull. Mrs. Kobert King anti | Mrs. Leonard Shepherd. l The quota for the county has been set at $800.00. More details regarding the sale will be announced later.

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