Forum Stresses Opport unity For Peace And Progress Through Cooperation World Problems Discussed By Noted Speakers “’Modern Man: Slave Or Sov ereign?" Theme of N. Y. Herald Tribune Event By Mrs. Ed M. Anderson "Man is a long time coming. Man will yet win Brother may yet line up with brother” —Carl Sandburg. The choice as to whether an individual is to remain shack led with old handicaps or to go forward in cooperative efforts toward a better life, must be made by the individual. T.iis de cision was symbolized in the theme of the sixteenth annual forum of the New York Herald Tribune held recently in the grand ball room of the Waldorf Astoria Hotel, “Modern Man: Slave or Soverign?" At this remarkable gathering, attended by people from all walk- .f life and pi actically all •nation.-- of die world, d stinguish d vpcake: s. brought such a v.c M i •! authoritative informa tioi ' nf tin : pa ticular fields that many of the problems of modei i ird ni ore; mks. i;i ti> t\ 11 ‘ >n ■» M s Ota n Retd. l u'n'. -lii'i of the New V .'. tt«T:.1ii Tribune .,1 t i ; iv.jH of ilie f»! urn. wel-: i.'nr ,i t-v audience, which she, - I. : r pre.-entative of ( the- whole count i v ami "im* | , tin ki IS. SV .! briefly t-ii- tin mo of, • i. ,,,i; and P’ld of the music v - to follow. The Collo a at, i ■: air. urui<• r Iho di' OC’1 - • t 1• I• 11 S 1 - t i-t ■ i ;,ili IHT tv yolld itself into the -|o It ot the icca.'-.on l,y the . nchtior. t f "Tin- Sta Spamth-d Barrel." "Toward t! Sun-" ■1 ■ lorn '11 ft in'- and 1 Atm rit ■ 1 uitiful." Then followt 1 y ■ ] S ■ dbtil: rv.1 h "Man 'A ill y. * w i.X* fi nm "The I Topic Y* ' M \ r st»t \ n - i<» \ v<‘*n v ■ G V." rs ehs . . .... orio . \ hmit ri t, , T1 ' ■ :=.n r ,n , . . i tv. ; arid an r- indivi -In;.. H( ct i til w i" ill ■' and tr'i i a: IT- v\ :t nan . i !■■ . . welt \V 1 nl - 1 t! ! no I. ; , a; \V. 1 ' Wa II. Wo ant f [n- . ■■ f ■’ v ctnry. . .. . , . ", so Hal car int; 1- .. . . as cell 1 to. a ' a n.” . , ■ rs-i|-.o tl'.O reed ol w aid !'" : - at la tf : >ts d *).. . •: man., n island en tire of ' e'f." I'lltH'.I I »>| t MM in V A .a , .* j !■ s f line, ty . d V-.y a • imp of ■ l r ■ ad -; I. a la ■ Jo'. n \V. •Sn i 'ie.'. S', er-■tii; y of i hi Tvcas '. ,• d ;!,a- mti-Hied thrift by •' - Undo Slat'-.- oati rchuid .a. ... "Id. "Mankind in far too r-r.a-y places is hiinttry. We can tr.d \vt must help. For h linger ■ ■ - y of freedom . . ! stning ;i'cminer,d to the American - , e continued ] ! 1 rchas of d rlfA " ’ ‘ sher Philip Graham de <a: 1 d W , shint-ton as "tin v<>t" - le.s City." Full statehood was ur Nesbitt Bottling Co. PHONE 74-W West Jefferson, N. C. Talking Over Problems Of U’ N Among the newest mem bers of the UN, above, read ing from left to right: Sir VTohainmad Zafamllah Khan, Pakistan: George Wakim, Ye man, and Prince Seiful Islam Abdullah. Yemen. They are representati ves of Pakistan and Yemen, the two latest countries to be come members of the United | Nations organization, and are 2 shown conferring during a re I cess <>f the U. N. general as-1 1 sembly. 1 A' the left is a delegate from 2 ’ndia at UN. Mrs. V’ijaya l.ak ish'ui, Indian delegate to the (United Nations, is shewn as lie addressed the general as nuhly Mrs. l.akaslnni is lmr suntry’■ ambassador to the Soviet Union. fin- Hawaii by Ji s. |>h P. Kan ington, delegate in Congro s f ‘in the island and the same i ir A1 • ka by Cio\ a i,>u Ei n st H. C!: lien in;;. James -ri estal, Seeieiary > I Deter si said that a st' mu I’nit. d S .it ■< is nee ry for a balaiuad world. Dr. t'arl T. Compton warned against d-. lay Hi a ' sal miliat ry t rain ini. u. red complete prepared ■ lie.-s la a\ ert war pe: il. Of pa tieulai inte . : to all \ th Ca. "linians was the •••«! •i s i.| Mrs. Elizab-th Grav Vno i . l. i merle of Chape! Hill, new the tutor of the young Jar a "SC C: >w i !r .a . S' e p e tl!'.' d J oeeur v \\ pm p!o are overwhelmingly bV' hind tht1 new education, hat need outa-id aid." she declared. Mrs. Vming's lute husband. M.a gan Vining . • : 11 t toi of t!i< extension division of the Univie-ity of N. he was killed iii an aul.'mobile accident in 1033. Sl’tlttmi MAN Tin th"ine tor the sen od si on \v s spiritual cnnti tbulions to tin d• eugth of man and in impio -ive letters on the back ground . it stare ws the nine at • . *1 from Hum.a e lie-1 oy: ‘•Uni -,, e an is fn t i chb >se betwi ■ n got I and evil ho cun ■ ot -la r; to too.a r 1 his i ay a evolution " P b hi) ! ..i:ton. S' \l ih r > . Y.d st.y: ) mi \ v v \n\ 'T'!■ n \ iv-u :c\v i. company 1 V 1 1 1NCISCO :• . CAL. (' i r n 11 t inn Doc. ‘IV!' i i Ml. 1940. ; i ... I nv/n by i‘! i; I'M A: ■ 1. 1,0 . t A-;, n 1). ■ :.i;t I : . u-' j 1 M. '7. , 1mm* um loo.l up Carnal. . TV,id; MM,Mr ne—From Policyholders, 82,897 02 1.29 Misc< e in-. MoMJ.5i7.M7; T.Onl. M.ifP. : 1 ir, ill- T I I’ciio;, U 81,10,019.21; a o:n, or. M-. 145.9: ■ M2. . T, : ... 2. RiM. 8!.M‘Jl,2!3.*j In V . . 2.901. All Othi-i I’: iniu.:WVitki m icnowi d du. :■.... y . ! >2.257,415. 15 I; ; : M. ASSISTS Wua of Bonds and Slack, C -,.i in C 'll-; •• > Office D i-c-ni :1 in T: s -I Com panic- & 1.1. nk.- a Agonls 1> M. fie : "o ... rg ; n.-.inr, \\ Mi r. quant ;.o Ociiih •. 1. 19-!M Agant ■' i •. 1.1: It • . :1 III • ,o: ,; . "... ..... : to Oat, "■ u1:■ 1. H14C D duct C- .. Ha a.-a B: .i.a, - ]' , Bill, •• :\ ;.nL. t ki n 1 .. !’: oounr hit".a-. ,;ul Rants due .i.'td accrued All alia 1 Ass,..t:n ;n- Mat: iiai.l in .-lataniaul TOTAL 1. - A- at.-. 3"! .a’m ittd Vi >1 AL ADMITTED ASSETS ! (ABB.ITU S I 24 42! !‘i 17,414.10 548.214.72 S,;, 100,37(5. 5 29.2o4.iR S3.451,172."4 .\vt an i u .1 n! unpa : msses ana claims Uriaria d p:. miums ... -. 2,108,984.42 Saia: !• s. > nuts, expenses. bills, accounts, fees, due or accrued _ _ . .. — 8.312 88 H'l.i -art payable for Federal, State1, caur.ty and municii al taxes due or accrued 74.009.aT Contingent commFsiiMts, or other charges due or accrued ... .. ... - . . 10.262 a All other liabilities, as detailed in statement 342,088.14 Tot d an unt of all liabilities except Capital $4,098,814.86 Reserves . ..._ .... $ 900,000.00 Capital paid up . - 1,000,000.00 Unassigned funds (surplus) — . 2,452,257.98 Surplus as regards Policyholders_ _ _ . ... 4,352,257.98 TOTAL LIABILITIES - $8,451,172,84 Business in North Carolina during 1916 Fire Premiums received $9,664; $ All Other Premiums received 4,214: ts incurred Fin ___ 097; Paid 1,134 Losses incurred- -All other 463; Paid 463.00 President, Jas. F. Crafts; Secretary, \V. Stanley Pearce. Treasurer, Edw. V. Mills. Home Office. -101 California St.. San Francisco 20, C lifo: ni Attorney for service: Wm. P. Hodges, Commissioner of Insur ance, Raleigh, N. C. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA INSURANCE DEPARTMENT (Seal) Rail igh, Sept. 15th, 19, F I, WM. P. HODGES, Commissioner of Insurance, do hereby certify that the above Ls a true* and correct abstract of the state ment of the Wistern National Insurance Company of San Francis co 20, California, filed with this Department, showing the condi tion of said Company, on the 31st day of December, 1946. Witness my hand and official seal, the day and year above written. WM. P. HODGES, Commissioner of Insurance. “Why Men Believe.” The emin ent. scientist urged the use of religious faith for a better world. “Systems of thought and belief are comforting little houses . . . They are as necessary to the well being of man’s spirit as food and shelter are to the well being of his body,” he said. Judism, was discussed by Dr. Chaim Weizmann; Catholicism by Barbara Ward, foreign editor of “The Economist,” London and Protestantism, by John Fostes Dulles, U. S. Delegate to the Uni ted Nations Assembly. Bidhan Chandra Roy, M. D., Governor Designate of the Uni ted Provinces of India, said that non violence and truth would restore the individuality of man and remove nations' distrust and hostility. He dispaired whispering campaigns and propaganda. Charles Morris spoke for American youth and Dr. Rein hold Niebuhr reaffirmed the necessity of an adequate faith for the present world crisis. FORCE OF FREE ECONOMY "Only the productive are strong, only the strong are free—" Wendt 11 L. Wilkie. The above quotation was out lined in the background for the third session which was opened by Whitt aw R< .J. editor of the New York Herald Tt bune, who g ve a vet v encomp; sing repot t on Amo a an resource. Paul G. Ilofi'n to.. chairman velopmc ..t offet d , or,air,am to eiise for either vioh tit or bo is.” fa said. . \ d\oc-ited measurt s that v •nil ; alt in n drop b tween thf valleys and peaks. AM ERIC vs TOWN MEETING The tadio program. America’s Cat; We K ' i i Eft dent of International Printing! Pressmen. The debates between: these representatives of govern ment, labor and industry were stimulating and informative. STRENGTH OF AMERICA David Lilienthal, chairman of j the United States Atomic Energy Commission, the final speaker of this session of the forum, pointed to diversity as the answer to world needs. i “The vast source of the strength of American civilization does not lie in an economic system. The well-springs of our vitality are not economic. They go deeper still; they are ethical and spiri tual,” he said. In conclusion of the evening’s program “Desert Venture,” a mo tion picture of the Arabian American Oil Company showed J how free enterprise could work i abroad. RECONSTRUCTION OF EUROPE Outlined in the background for the final session was the follow ing quotation from Horace writ ten 65 B. C.: “Your own safety is at stake when your neighbor’s house in flames.” General George C. Marshall, Secretary of State, opened the program and stressed the fact that the time is at hand to act in aid to Europe. He explain) I thi tint) tnd !: : t had been put i ■. 1 ,n p: d ' m '■ tiie rc con.-'t rui'tion of Ftp ope. of the European ( ntri) w,. ■- h :1 fr ,e-:. n, \yc\ ■ . ■ B Frauen was outlined by Jinn Miwnet, Commiss’o;-.." Genital, nian of mod -mi. .it'on and equip ment. Edmond Jaspar. represent ing lev countries, told of their ee.inem nact resulting in ' lowering of Unde barren* and putting the low countti.-s on tb(>ir feet. Jennie her member of Parlia i’. aril the health of c’.til CAPA INI) STEINBECK i: ( .r i J. n s ■■ ■! ' ; f • ‘ wouldFI ■ ■ VIA • ’ , li v ■ • i:.- ft :\ , t o. i. IM Deduct >'< <1 Rein.-' 1»; Payabl Billiot' ' Ik ■ taken far ptvi fntei-e-i , R. lit.- due m i ate u i All i ithtt A- t».ietiii]"il :n ' li •: nt TOTAL - Si'.47 - LiA ■ t- not ; Imittod TOTAL ADMITTED ASSETS IJAB1I I'VIES Not an uni ,1 imp-un los.-e-. ;.n t m. Unearm ;l pi emiums accrued Estimat d yn"Ui.t payable f..r Fl dviyl. county and municipal taxes due or accrued 4,366.955.40 AH other liabilities, as detailed m -tateniea; Total amount of all liabil.ta xo in t' pit;.! Capital actually paid Lip in ca.-.i >! .000.090.00 surplus over all liabilities surplus as regards Policyholders TOTAL LIABILITIES Business i 1 North Carolina During 1946 Fire Premiums received $101,110; $ •Ml Other Prt miun 121,260; Losses incurred--Fir-, 1 i -hn Paid Losses incurred—All other 54,584; Paid President, W. Ross McCain: Secretary, Ftank G. Bus Ass’t. Treasurer, Mn his R. Jewett. Home Office, Hartford 15, Conn. Attorney for s ..its Win. P. Hodges, Commissioner anee, Raleigh, N. C. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, i too.00 '.11.117 Sit.::; 955.40 507.27 18 45 ’.0* 00 338.00 INSURANCE DEI’ARTMENT (Seal) Raleigh, Feb. 6th. 1947. I, WM. P. HODGES, Commissioner of Insurance, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct abstract of the state ment of the World Fire and Marine Insurance Company of Hart ford, Conn., filed with this Department, showing the condition of said Company, on the 31st day of December, 1946. Witness my hand and official seal, the day and year above written. WM. P. HODGES, Commissioner of Insurance. sia want the same things our people do—food, shelter and se curity.” It is significant that in farm.( uses, they found peas ants still propose toasts to Frank lin D. Roosevelt. Four top-flight reporters of the Tribune, who had been mak ing an on-the-secene survey of Eastern Europe, gave a report of their findings “behind the iron curtain.” They had different ex periences in the various coun tries and reported that while communism was strong in some countries, that is was equally weak in others. Tney reported that people are free to worship as they please. In some countries there is freedom of the press and in others it is still restricted. HAROLD STASSEN “When Europe Staked Amer ica,” was the topic of the final address of the evening deliver ed by Harold E. Stassen, former Governor of Minnesota, who sta ted that Europeans had once helped America in an hour of need and urged that we now Trrr help Europe. Little Singers of Paris, a group of young boys furnished moving music for the final session. When the sixteenth session of the forum ended, there was a definite feeling of hope and op timism among the audience, that modern man through coopera tion can work out his problems 4 and be sovereign, not slave. UNITED NATIONS An impressive feature of the program was the audience, which was world-wide in its inclusive ness. A number of delegates of the United Nations attended some of the sessions. And in turn many people attending the forum, had an opportunity to visit the Uni ted Nations. It was a thrilling experience to see the flag of the United Na tions flying at Flushing Mea dows, with the flags of the mem ber nations in the background. It is important that the type of farming to be followed should be kept in mind when selecting a arm. TT i f . . /4mm A' *3 »■ .' 1 STVIKV.K T T- MA?ilVK )■•. ICHMONf) II VA 31-4.:; on U ned p: <■ Sr . ■ us, ■ i1 ■ Estimated amount p.yvrliie f • Fedi r.. . ..nd rmu e . .. Contingent coi; i '.i'd . ’3>G'" All >th -■ l.abi! dt h A :.. 21.97, ' Tel i .,n.. ir > - 1 .1 !:. i ■:lit ;i\- i-\, : . ■■ ipiit ■. 1 >2,311,7;.- 1 Capital paid up IJnassignt i fun Surplus ■ T la > i . 1.95U.111 TOTAL LIABILITIES . 54,261,79'■ -1M Business, in North Carolina During UilO Fire Pirnuunis . ••ci-ived S48.505; All Otl • 1’ •miunis rue. yd :: 1.693; Losses inclined -Fire 7,445; Pan 8,534.'-1 Loss, ncum \tl 23,043; Paid 21,760 Presid, p.i, y tii.p1 D Minor. Secretary, Hev r y C . Lewis, J Hume . . 1014 Hast Main Si. Richmond 11 Va, At iorni \ i, nr Win. P. lludges, O ' iv. r of Insa ancc, Raleigh. N. C. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, 1NSURANCE DEI’ARTMENT (Seal) R It’ll.* Sept. 15th. 1947. | I. WM P. HODGES. Comini .-ion* r of Inst. anco, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct abstract of the state - mem of the Virginia Fire and Marine Insurance Company of Rie. mond 11. Va.. filed with this Department, showing the condition of said Company, on the 31st day of December, 1946. Witness my hand and official seal, the day and year above written. WM. P. HODGES, Commissioner of Insurance.

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