SANTA IS COMING •t HERE THIS SATURDAY j SANTA IS COMING HERE THIS SATURDAY WEST JEFFERSON, N C. THURSDAY, NOV. 27, 1947 20 PAGES TODAY $3.00 a Year Out of County VOLUME 18, NO. 48 $2.50 a Year in Ashe County Local Merchan Over 7,000 Turkeys Sold In County tor Around $35,300.00 W. J. Tobacco Market Is Now Nearly Ready New Tri-Slate Burley Mar ket Expected To Open Within A Few Days Officials of the new Tri-State Burley Tobacco War. house at West Jefferson announced yes terday that there was a slight de lay in the completion of all de tails for toe opening. “Due to complications in Waso ington relative to the assignment of graders to this .new market, with which most of the farmers are familiar and which have been aggravated by those working in thi interest of other markets elsewhere, we are unable to announce this morning just wnen we \\ill be able to receive to bacco. We expect to at any mom ent, however,” Steve Taylor said. The new market has been as sured of buyers from the larger tobacco companies and the newly completed building is now in readiness for use. It was also announced that ju.-t as soon as every detail was worked out and the house here was ready to receive tobacco, that announcements would be madt over all the radio stations in this vicinity. Mr. Taylor, long experienced in the operation of warehouses (Continued on page 8) Damage i)«nc Bv StroM ;7. imls Light And Tel. , V-nc Lines »-o Crippled: Build ngs Are 1) ged Wintei came : • t.i a ru. here on Monday alt ’ "ti win '■ strong winds ; lowered the ‘ mp1 ...u.e. but did con side- . .. damage as well. Th" v. some brief out ages or. part of the to trie power company: the telephone lines were damaged wor> ‘. how tv r. Two poles were broken, one at Jefferson and another at West Jefferson. Other objects t.iat were blown against lines also caused some damage and slight delays in service. Some trees were blown on lines Most of the roof of tne now Colvard building at .1 fferson was blown off and this also damaged lines. Roofs of a number of barns and outhouses as well as some dwelling houes were also damag ed. The new Ford motor company of Jefft rson Avenue had some of the large plate glass windows blown in. POST GIVING FREE T II E A T R E TICKETS Again The Sky'.and Post is conducting its annual Christ mas gift plan when dozens of tickets to the Parkway Theatre are to be given away absolute ly free. In practically all of the ad vertisements except those of national products in The Post today Xvill be found the names of Ashe county people. Read all of the advertisements care fully and when you discover your name bring the adver tisement in which it appears, into the office of The Post and you will be given a ticket to the Parkway Theatre. The names printed in the ad vertisements were chosen im partially from the post offices of the mailing list of The Post. The tickets must be called for and used by December 111. Read all of the advertise ments, it may mean a free ticket for you, as well as the solution to your shopping problems. Yumber Raised In County This Y'ear Shows Decrease From Last Year Thousands of Ashe county tur keys are playing an important part in the observance of this American holiday, along the At lantic s aboard. today. Unofficial estimates placed the number sold at around 7.000 much less than the number dis posed of on the Thanksgiving market last year. Buyers re-port ed. however, that there was no decrease in the quality of toe turkeys and that many of them were shipped out to distant points including Baltimore. New York and Philadelphia. These prize fowls averaged a round 14 pounds and brought an average price of 35 cents per pound, slightly higher than last year. The total estimated income to the growers is estimated at . around S35.300.00. It was pointed out that duo tr the increase in cost of feed trial , even with the increase in price per pound, growers found their margin of profit less. The de crease in th1- number of turkeys ! grown, is attributed to the rising cost of feed. Teachers Will Hoy e W orkslioj] Plans are now underway t* have the next county wide I teachers meeting in the form ol a workshop, with teachers frorr ASTC assisting in the organiza tion r' *h plans. Th • drloite date for the rn et ■ ing has not been decided upor lye;, but it is expected that it j will be held early in December : Plans were discussed at thi: meeting of the advisory council of the. county unit of the NCEA held last Thursday evening. IGAKD OF EDUCATION WILL MEET ON MONDAY P "is announc . *’hs week t.. ' Me county board of t ducatii.r would meet at the courthouse i . Monday to consider a numbei of school problems. It was pointed out that work is p w going forward on some ol the sanitary projects in spite ol I the fact that materials are still j hard to get The scarcity of ma ; terials has caused much delay. Fii>t l o Brinjj Tobacco To \\ archoiisc Hugh Halsey, left, and John Kennedy, right, of Piney Creek, had the distinction of being the first to bring tobacco in to the new Tri-State Burley Tobacco Ware house that has just been completed. its Now Ready For Christmas Businer s Santa Claus Will Arrive In West Jefferson Saturday Afternoon For Parade \ew Auto Tags To Go Oil Sale In State Oil Monday Will Gel License Plates For Both Front Back This Year Ashe county people along with others in N. C. will have an op portunity of buying their new automobile licenses, on Monday December 1. They will however, 1 have to order theirs from the N. C Moto: Vehicle Department in Raleigh or secure them els" j where as th y are not to be handled locally, as far as it could be learned this week. Those de siring to do so may pun rv theirs from the office of the Car olina Motor Club in North \V:!kes boro. A license plate for the f: .nt of the v< hie le as w< will b- issued for the first time since 1942. when the wartime steel shortage brought in the me plate plan. The 1947 Legislature. simplifi ed license rate's, which formerly were different for every W‘ ight i and model of car. Next year the man with a Lin I coin or Cadillac-or with a bus or hearse-will pay $15 for his I tags. But for $12 he can get tars f r a Buick. Chrysler. Lincoln Z p . hyr. Packard or comparable cars | no longer made. | Lighter-car licenses will cost $10. Tags for taxis and othe: t»as 1 senger vehicles for hire will be $00. Rosser said 1940 registration cards would be mailed by Dec. 1 (Continued on page 8) County Quietly Observing Tli a n k s £ i v i n <*: Churehes Holding Special Services Remind Seliools Essa v Con test Contestants Urged To Have Entries In By Closing Date Ashe county hieh schools are reminded that Monday. Decem ber 1 is the final day to submit entries in the county newspaper essay contest which is being sponsored by this newspaper. The contest was launched the first week in October in connec tion with the observance of Na tional Newspaper Week. All of the details were explained fully at that time. All high school students are eligible to enter the contest and prizes will be aw arded the county winners by this paper. Prizes of S10.00. $5.00 and $3.00 will go to the winners of first, second and third places respectively. The subject for tne contest this year is "Your Newspaper Serves Freedom by Serving You.” I n Hnl inty sup i dent, has appointed the follow ing special committee to assist wit.i ' i n: P. G. Wright (American Legion): Lowell Srni they (V. F. W. >. Upton Bit", ns. (A. C. E.). FI 1). Quesserbe: ry, county agent. W. B. Bowlin. Frank James wid Mrs Fat M. Anders a. School- \rc I o CIom*\hv. A. B. Hun. superintendent of schools, announced th:? week that :t h.'id b, on decided at a meeting with principals to ob *»••* ■ a week of holidays for Christmas Tne schools are to o’ >se on Fri day Decembei 19 u 1 v 11 re open again m Monday D c h 1 or 29, it vi Mr. Hurt 1 that except Wf Jef fersiin u - | tting day but that thesi two were observing T ing holidays Santa To Parade Saturday; Many Gifts Featured W J. High School Band To To Play; Schools Asked To Take Part In Parade TO STOP METERS Hundreds of people are expected to begin their Christmas buying here in earnest this week "end when the .noliday shopping s°a* •son is officially opened with the appearance of Santa Claus, the tinning on of the Christ nia-' lights and the completion of the street decorations. Santa, along with the West Jefferson high schol band is ex pected to had the parade, which the spools of th ■ coui t> have been invited to participate ,n. The parade will start promptly at 2:00 P. M., at the community building. And if the worth r per^ niitr, the West Jeffen • gh school band, under the direction of Mrs. Walter Dickson, will march and play Christmas car ols. The public is cordially invit I ori t° come to se. Santa on pa rade. hear the band and do Christmas shopping. Santa will | have candy for the children, I In cooperation with the open ing of the Christmas shopping season, town officials said that the parking meters would he 1 closed, beginning Saturday at 1:00 P. M., until Mondry morn* inn. West Jefferson citizens are asked t leavi 11 space for out-of-town shoppers. Local merchants n port an un usually large assortment of gifts as well as much practical mer ndise. In f; t t ■ items back this yea: that ha\e not been available since before the war. Window a no inter.or display all reflect the gay holi n >| to ass : blit th Cl ;st* (Continued on page -t ) < -iildurll i I c s Sri For Friday Jerry Caldwell. Age 1 Dies Suddenly As Result Of Heart Trou hie Fu’.v-rol service fur Jerry J -e Caldw. 11. four-year old sort of Mr. and Mis J- W Cakhv 11, of Cntmpler, will ho held Friday morning at eleven n'clt ck at the Ml. Zion Methodist church. Oft oiating will b' Rev. E B Barton arc! burial will be in the ceineti rv. Toe cli 1 ilied suddenly a"ound nine o'clock Saturday night at the Ashe Memor.: i hospital whe e iie was rushed f