THURSDAY, DEC. 4, 1947 $3.00 a Year Out of County PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY 1 OPEN WEST JEFFERSON TOBACCO MARKET Ashe Schools Are To Attend Child Education Meet Special Program Is Planned For Saturday: Will Have Special Exhibits Members of the Association for Childhood Education will meet at the Boone Demonstration School Saturday. December fi at 11:00 o'clock for their annual re gional meeting. Each high school in Alexander, Alleghany. Ashe. Mitchell. Surry. Yadkin, Yancy. Watauga and Wilkes counties is requested to send a representa tive from the elementary depart ment. Dr. W. Theo Dalton, Principal Curry Training School, the Wo man's College and A. C. E. State Advisor, will be the speaker for this occasion. Other outstanding leaders in the field of elemen tary education, who will be on | the program, are Miss Hattie S. Parrott, former national chair man of this organization, and Miss Eloise Camp. State Library Advisor. Assisting these leaders in the meeting are John T. Howell and the Boone Demonstration School faculty: Mrs. Chapel Wil son: the A. C. E. branches of Ap palachian State Teachers College and Watauga county; Leonard Eu:y and Miss Eunice Query of the college library department. There will bi exhibits of chil dren's work. A. C. E. publica tions. and the new books for Christmas. Ti e meeting will close with a "Dutch" luncheon in the college cafeteria. IV r. A. Bazaar To Be Held Sal. Public Cordis Ti InvfL-u To Attend: Mrs. Sells Is Chairman Final plans i the bazaar, sponsored by the Pa: mt-Teachers Association of W >t Jeffers m high school, have been made, Mrs. Dewey S-Us. chairman of the bazaar, nnr.oti•■■■ d yester day. Articles will be >n display at the community building Satur day. between du hours of two and i. .t. o'clock. The public is invited to attend and purchase any oi the gilt suggestions on dis play. Bocco Eulri l> Now In New ^ ork Rocco Cutri. who operated the Carolina Briar corporation here for several years left last week with his family f.n New York. Mr. Cutri pointed out that he regretted not being able to see all of has friends here and tell them goodbye before ue left and that he wanted to do so through tins paper. ‘‘Again I want to say how much I regret to leave West Jefferson, but for business rea sons. I must." he said. "Again I also want to tnank everyone for their kindness and cooperation during my stay here,’ he concluded. Play To Be (men At Healing Spgs. The Negro play, “Oh Doctor' v/Il be presented at Healing Springs high school, Thursday Night, December 11, at 7 o'clock, it was announced here. The characters in this play were chosen from local talent outside of the school. There will also be other entertainment. A small admission will be charged, the proceeds of which will go to the Boy Scouts. The public is cordially invite'’ for an evening of entertainment S E R V I C E HELD AT JEFFERSON WED. The Jefferson Methodists and Presbyterians held a Union Thanksgiving service at the Jef ferson Methodist church last Wednesday night, it was an nounced here. Ashe Woman Held In Fatal Shooting Of Tam C. Miller BURIED YESTERDAY Thomas Wyatt, whose last rites were held at the West Jefferson Baptist church, yes terday. Final Tribute Pa it1 l \\ vail Here ^ olenlav Services Held At W. J. Bap tist ( hurch; Interment fn Hardin Cemetery I A , „ , , . . A la, ge crown assembled 1 1 pay final tribute to Thomas Noah Wyatt, tlje first of West .Teffer son s sons whor>aid the supreme sacrifice to be t ought home for final int meet. ’ the West Jcf ferson Baptist c-i'urch \ sterday afternoon at tw- o’clock. Ints r m-.-nt was in the Hardin ceme tery. Busine.-s houses of We.-t .T< f f- rson were closed during service in tribute to West J. t fi . son's war dead. Officiating were Rev. W. T. Whittington, former West Jef ' fees’ on Baptist pastor and assist ing wire Revs. M. D. Hart and Gr dy Hamby. Also taking part were Rev Hoyt Wood, chaplain I of the American Legion, Ashe (Continued on page 4) MB., M R s. PORTER VISIT IN COUNTY Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Porter, originally from Helton, row of Waitsburg. Wash., have been [visiting Mr. John Sturgill and i other relatives in the county. Mr. 'and Mrs. Porter left here in 1898 and this is their first trip back to tne county. They expressed amazement over the many changes that have taken place and of the progress made in the county. Died After Being Shot By Sister-In-Law On Mon day Evening Miss Myrtle Woodir, 42. of the Laurel Springs section of the county. is being held in the Wilkes county jail, charged with fatally shooting her brother-in law. Tam Calvin Miller, 42, i shortly after six o’clock on Mon day. Sheriff C. G. Poindexter of Wilkes county and Coront r I M. Myers said that date for a pre liminary hearing had not been set. pending further investiga tion. The coroner added that Miss Woodie h;:• some time, and that she had told Miller if lie didn’t stop she's stop him." Sheriff Poindexter sairl. The shi riff added that M - Woodie also s. . i that Mi lei (Continued from Pane 5) Vslu* T <* a <• h v r * To V.vvl Dev. 10 \ I J <* f f ISO II Work Shops To 15c Discussed: ASTC Faculty Mem bers To Assist A county-w de t":|eh'-rs ing will be held at th> Jet’! - son school on Wednesday. D< - comber 10. at 1:30 o’clock, it was announced here this week. The discussion will be "Work Shops" and Dr. John Bardin. Dr. j Workman, Dr. Lee Reynolds. Julian Voder and Miss Burch, all of Appalachian, will be at the. meeting to help with the dis cussion. MISS SARAH M AI <<\ DEBATING TEAM Miss Sarah Gordon Neal -n nt Thanksgiving with her parents in, Jefferson. She has been elected.; by process of elimination, from a large number of students it V:r giuia-Intermont college. n in the debating team which wdl de flate with Emory and Hot y. Dec ember 3. S,te has also been selected to 1 sing in the Vested choir at And e: son Street Methodist church each Sunday. Junior Rod Cross Drive !s Now l n(leeway In Schools Mrs. W. G. Vannoy, chairman of tiic Ashe county chapter of the American Red Cross announced this week that the annual drive >f the Junior Red Cross, of which Miss Virginia Dare Teague is chairman is now underway in all of the schools of the county. The cooperation of every teach er is asked in securing one hun dred per cent for each school room. “We would like for each child in the grades to contribute a dime and each high school stu denft, twenjty-five iVnts,” Mrs. Vannoy said. She pointed out that the Ashe unit of the Junior Red Cross had been active in sending gifts, and cards to veterans in hospitals at Christmas and on other occasions. Some of the funds collected are kept in the local treasury and can be used for emergency re lief when homes are burned on some occasions. Mis. Vannoy ex-j plained. Mrs. Vannoy said that she felt that the chapter was very for tunate in again having Miss Tea gue, who is associational worker for the Ashe Missionary Baptist Association. as the chairman. "Miss Teague is very much in terested in the work and with the cooperation of the teachers we feel sure that she will make , a big success of this year,” Mrs. j Vannoy said. Miss Teague has made an out-1 standing record with the work of the youth in connection with her work with the Baptist churches, since coming to the county. S E R VICES TO BE HELD SAT. AM) SUN. Services will be held at the | South Fork Primitive Baptist church on Saturday and Sunday. December 6 and 7, it was an nounced this week bv Leo V. Bagiev. Th service will be held ' at eleven o’clock. Services will also be held at the Beaver Creek church on Sat urday and Sunday night at 7:30 o'clock. Elder Mayford Cook is expected to preach. Russia Reported To Have Set Off Atom Bomb In Test i ^ r Report from Prague that Russia is makii\g .sample atom bombs and lias alrcads set off one in a test in Siberia, is being questioned in some quarters. The map above, indi cates by a cross, where the baby "a" bomb is supposed to have been exploded. June 15th. which was beard for 20 miles around the proving ground. A large gathering of Russian academy of science men and high officials were present, according to the re port. Election Of Soil (lommittco Ends In Couiilv. Sal. Ashe Farmcis ITged To Vote To Naim- Soil Conserva tion Committeemen Ashe coir My farmers will con tinue t.: v ' for candidates of th Ashe County Soil Conserva • •' through Sr : tirman of the el< r' m-nded *he p lie this week. C u.o i ■■, re fou" local ho rn- i s. Wade E. Eller. J. W. Gam lull. W. Raymond Francis and Ralph Tomlinson. As was pointed out. the three men receiving the highest num ber of votes will be chosen. The Roil Conservation C ommittee will have the responsibility of rep resenting the people of this coun ty and developing and directing. The chairman of the committee will represent the county on the New River Soil Conservation Board of Supervisors. Candidates are nominated by submitting a petition to the State Soil Conservation Committee in Raleigh. The signatures of 2d qualified voter. a. ..ting within the county are necessary to place a name in nomination, Eller I n Speak To Kolarv Club Dr. J Bruce Porter will be in charge of the program at the meeting uf th*- Jeffersons Rotary club tonight at 6:30 o'clock. Plans are now to have Wade E. Eller, district sanitarian, as speaker. Rotarians n’ose: ved th. ■ Thanks giving holidays and m- meeting was held last Tuursdav. Windows Will Be Judged Fri. Merchants are again re minded that the Christmas windows are to be judged early Friday night, in the an nual contest being conducted by this paper. Judges will be a group of local professional men and women not connected with the business firms and the prize winners wiM he announced through this paper. Many of the stores now have in attractive Christmas win dow displays and the attention of the public is called to them. Due to the fact that there are many new gift items this year as well as a greater abundance of others and more decorating material, many of the stores are planning to feature unusual windows to display holiday gifts. Santa (Ians is \\ eleometl 15 v Thousands; To dome Here Aj^ain On Saturday Onoin Is Sliorl i )f (/oai Set I*or War .Memorial Solicitors Arc li-ged To Turn In Contributions At Once The county is still short of th■ | goal set for the War Memorial; fund, it was announced this week. Contributions are still coming in but there are a large number who have made no contrihut: m to cither the iron lung or! monument to be erected on the courthouse square, it was pointed' out. Some solicitors have turned in no contributions and are urged | to do so at once. Published here is a list of con tributions not previously report ed: Carolina Briar. First National; Bank. Oolvard Oil Co.. C. & H. Service Station. Rhodes Furni ture Co.. Bulk's Dept. Store. $25.00 each. W. J. Food Center. $15.00. Ashe Hardware. Inc.. Barc (Continued on oage 4) Huge Crowds Throng Stores „\s Christmas Shopping Season is Opened San' C! 'is. w: . p • • h I the f-tia ‘ts if Wt si Jefferson, last .S.;t11. ■: tv ah- ■ ird me f:: a t: uck was i. i'i ted be tholts nds who rr •••.>. (t t th sfrt i ; s ;.nd stores !'. the tin oil opening of the aoliday shopping season here. Led b\ th< West Jeff rson it inn scliei ,1 I .a i. the p i: eii got un derway et 2:l)i) o'clock when San ta was given a warm welcome. Due to the fact that the crowd was so In: go. :, large number of children did not havt an oppor tunity to talk to him about their wants: but Santa a. ill be in West Jefferson ;h: ougkoiit t.iv day this Saturday and will welcome everyone, lie will visit the var ious stores and can also !:n seen on the streets. A numb'1, of stores reported unusually r "'.1 bast ness from the crowds lore on Saturday and people who were not ready to make tin s purchases were im pressed by th.ia unusually large number of gift.- now on display here. (Continued on page -t) In The Thrislma* I'arade. Salimla\ “Buddy” Blackburn, son of Mr. and Mr*. Don Black burn, had his pony decorated for the Santa Claus parade last Saturday. Now Receiving Tobacco; First Sale On Monday Have Buyers From Largest Tobacco Companies: Mo dern Building The Tri-State Burley Tobacco Warehouse of West “ Jefferson opened yesterday to receive to bacco on the floor in preparation tor the sales which open here Monday. December 8. As soon us it was announced that the mark *t was open, far mers of this section, who has been waiting for the good news started to br ing in their tobacco. -Lie new warenuuse, recently completed, wita aa.uuu lcet ei Boor space, is one or the best puddings ut its kind m the stale. Beie ev cry tltort Will b< to give toe runners the best of service. | Buyers from the larger tobacc; | companies will be on the mar ket. which is to be operated by t-ie Taylor Brothers, well known to tobacco growers of this section. "farmers are cordially invited to sell their tobacco at the new iri-Stute Burley Warehouse. T...S warehouse was built to serve tlie farmers and we want to ren der every possible service and get the most money for the war mers." Steve Taylor said. "Lures, store and oil,, - bu-i I v a <■ li < f > ( oiift n iicc l»i. Matilda. \u>|ior. Is ( hid' Speakci: Others Are On Program D: Ju . W • Boom and W Mary Vann Rockv Mi "nri Kcilpli (.ambill Joins \ir Force \ • ' an at' til e y r... - f:-st out-of-county team for tire i *fttl all-stars to plav and in U cations are that it will be a close contest. Girls all-star teams will play at 7.00 immediately before the boys’ game.