I V A County Courier. BUSHED WEEKLY BY tor & Proprietor. cqjscBipnos ter&s. J .copy, .1 year. 1 copy 6 months $1.50 .75 Jntered Recording to Postal Regnla ' Turns, at tbePoetofficp, at Roxboro, ri G. as second class matter. mrTVilin'W--2. Oct. 7 nror joson ig unon us.' - See notion of C. B. BrooVs, Ad ministrator ot W. Winatead, dee'd. Tbo Synod of North CaroHna will convene t eid8viile on the Mih Inst Dr. FnUcr sa i, the aick In differ ent parts of the. county are doing well. A shipload of German immi grants have armed at Galveston. Tex. vl fine lino of fancy proceries at J. A. Long& Co 's Drug store. The Mississippi papers saV the cot ton crop is cut off twenty fie per cent by the wot weather. J . -Thanks to .Vb. J. Juicer, for a nice afle. jfrfljWfrlrcpreeent promintnVCllfsery of Guilford county. Rend noticVofT. B. Ray, he wilt . H all his personal property on the 6th f next month. Commissioners report crowded out again this week; will appear next vreek. ' y : : .. ; , i;L' ' Head notice of R. I. Feathcr f ton, Administrator of Ss. Feather ston. - fin elegant variety of fancy cakes, candies, 4c at Long's Drug store. - We learn there are Hx. enscs of typhoid malarial lever at the poor house. These cases are closely looked 1)T Dr. C. E. Bradahfci. When you arc hungry step in to line's Drug store where yon -can get canned meats of all Kinds, crackers, (p-kci, chcoso &c. ' . - The.Wilininpton Str haH entered on another new volume. It is on of the bet-t papers in the State, and one of the oldest. Go to Long's Drug store for con Iectionar:c8,: cakes, jellies, nuts, can ned goods-&&, a full lino always on hand. . . ' Remember Mitchell & Brooks are ..llin.r nut at COST. Go und aeo the hare-nns they are offering Bargains! Barons ! ' We were pleased to see Mr. W. K. Bradshcr in town las': week. He is Bendir.g a siiort time wjth relatiires fnemls in our miust. To the Weary Traveler. . i If, perchancl?, jou arc hot and dry, and something to drink yon r would try, then I'll tcft you where to go. D. il. Andrews, yib Celebrated, can "fix you up" tlj'e nicest drink any where t be foutd. He can cool the hot summer beat, or warm the cold frosty cheek. Always has n fine as sortment of champagne,; ginger ale, cool bcei and the sparkling wine. Dan is no doctor, and does not ad- visc you to dnnk unless yon want it,' and "have the chihk. HtS liquor sold on time is not recommcndJ. If you want pnre brandy, com whiskev, wines, cigars, &c., icall on J. I. Brookt", Roxboro, N. C. Lanterns, : lanterns, ; lanterns at Mitchell's drug store. Fir't installment ot a lot of nickle stem wind watches which will) be said at $3.00 each. This is a bargain Mr. Fricker secured while in, New York. This watch would be cheap at $5 00 Call early befoio they arj all crone. James Fbicker. Jeweler GO 2ain si. Danville. Va. Mitchell & Brooks want: atl -'kinds of dried fruidj pared and unpare' .bright, dark; apples and peaLes, They want all all kinds. , - 1 ... ! ..- Tc.bicco! .Look! Read ! Tubacoo has advanced considerable during tne past week All goo rich working tobac; selling will, with a strong demand. No troublu at all to pkHsc our frtn s. We can mike you a godl aycrge if you will bring your tcbcco to'ns at the Scar" Warehouse, Dinville, Va. TeJJ the jrood news! Come to the "Star.1 Jdo M. Ilutclnngs. & Son. For i Heat vt smoke; the "Hidden Ti is pivfen itself par cx- yot furfjicr particulars i titles t Zcb of justice w regards .fine cigitrs. Mr W. P. Vluakcr. of Durham is tuer ding Jjk lew days with frieuds in town, lie representing the large music house ot MeDuffie, Durham, N. u Wo ar requested to say, that ltv. T. 11 toman, DD., Biahop ""J4rth CuoIiuW. will . preach in Cuu ningham's Chapel on Thursday Octo ber 22ud, at 11 o'clock, a. m. -We return thanks to the President of the Nrth, Central and S ut i Atnrnca rixoosuiou wiucu raicea imC5 ntHow Orleana' ou the 10th of hof. for an invitation to bo present at tno .'oreniuB." It is stated that the "Day & intended to be u tribute to Peace and goodwill.'' JvMt-g. Druse, who. with the aid of 8on,danghter, and nephew, munler cdher" hrsband m Warren, New York last December .and afterward cut nn aud burned the rcpiams. will hflhnnnrnn H'ednesdiiy. Nov. 2o. It is stated that if the sentence passed on 3Irs. Driise is carried out she will be the first woman executed m ccn- tral'Kcy rork for over forty years. Among our farmers, who hare made fine cures ; of tobacco, ana a quanity of the "waed" are Nr. Sam Barneltr-16 barns; Mr. Hugh Bar nett, 20 birns ; Mr. It. K. D.tmel, 15. Mr. Daniel hasn't completed bis cures. Mr. J. S. Jerritt is superintending the curing of several barns. All of these gentlemen are experienced to bacco raisers, and when we '.say, they have fine tobacco, kngw whereof we speak. Despite the still s nail voice and noble efforts of the whole community ; Mr. O. V. Wilson, took his departure for 3issouri last I uesday. W by, he announced his change of gcelv3, ' so soon is a mystery to us all! Perhaps some "Lilly has cope down with a vengeance." Some one has said : "You bet." This may be true, but we will 'take some future ccasion to speak of his good fmalities, as a school teacher, and as a citizen, while m our midit: ' We Were please to receive a call from Mr. J. L. rCritchcr-last weeJiThiS' young gentleman is engaged in tcacU- ing school at Mt. lini ih. He says his school is flourishing. TUe Coukiek has often said, and will continue to .advo cate the cause of schools und railroads, for they are tho. main "drive wheels toward the builJiDg-up'iif any com munity. We are informed bj Mr. O. V. Wilson, who Is teaching a public bchool three miles from town, . that the school house is needing repairs to make the little ones c;niirtable; the people, everywhere should look after this matter. k A visit to our jail a w, days ago, revealed the fact : there behind its walls can bs seen three nble-boditQ men young colorod men, awaiting tho process of the law. The youngest 1 the three, is only 20 years of aged. His name is Bird Puller, when asked what he was captured for. he an3wercdi "I 6hot at random, but there was a man closo by.' Ah! Birdie, it maki's no d i ffe i e n c e; it m3y t", that you loaded with ppper, and shot at1 ' ran dom," or whether Or not, yov used one nf Tlrtom Crf.ntrvi 'tl "Kptill t i fill lwttit-fl1' or the American J3ull dog. tho great M),Q JOE PKR iSONH iroa door does upon yau all th same; iU-AtO. 0JJ V and it may be, tuat your vwmgB," ana your "t-iir' will be cut " short in tho endl 'Chippy." the Binriff's -jailor, is very oitcntive- ket p his . birds wel supp led with fresh waUr, and ood food. , For fresh beef, sheep and pig, call at the stall of Daniel Turner. He has the best of heef on hand every day in the week.. Dan undeitands the art ot utcheriug , has h dniany year3 ex perience, lie pays no attention to the loild hissof the pig or the ''Ricking up'' of the fat ox, but makes it a busmt ssto crafch the bones ot lat animals, lie al so turns a deaf ear to the shrieks of the imprisoned iambs. -Last Monday morningrwhilo the remains of Mrs. LucyJiarnett were be ing carneu irom her lsiuence t3 tne iuvbltvuiov UHUi vtJ) UIJjT ' ...v.. being tolled at the tfme broke, very rUS V SLATER GORLIAO. firm. MEW GOODS! LOW GR4HD OPEHIHG, Fall 188S. Notice: O l Friday, the 6th day of) Novem- brr next I will exposo to public sale all of my personal property consisting of my crop of corn, wheat, household and kitchea furniture, orio vvagouyone buggy and harness, one cowhand calr. G hogs and all o my farming tools and other things too tedious to inentv. This, October 7th. 1S85. T. B. RAF, - Near Moore's Mill. Mrs. JOE PERSON, Manufacturer and Proprietor of At GlsssFnnt. Opposite Carr's itore. ; Dru 1 ' -'- FOR Ahb Everybody Invited to At- '.' , -.":' tend. .. THE FINEST AND Most Complete Line of j-'-'," "l IM.' 1 -11 .- .. .1 1' !. I .H'U WW iMIftP i Mm M&Mwl After a two creeks sojourn in Jie Northern markets from Richmond to Aew lorlc, I havejooughi (as I think) the moat complete stock of General Merchandise ever brought to Person County. I Jjotice f - I Lire had the R-ixboro Steam Mills thoroughly fitted up with ,tho latest improved machinerr; it is as Rood as (ew and ruus like a top; Person hay in2r:nding(1will'do well lopatrotilu this mill. - Kuna nicht and daj. Satis ran ion warren ted, I Jtef3cifu!lx. ' . . s. P. SATTERFIELD. ; )".' v-i'V' Manager. Mj stock of wpolon effeefs, flannel suitings, plain and embroidered, cari ous colors and shades. Cashmere. S-.Ua B.rbers and other leading and popu lar dregs goods with trimxingsio mttcb, and tbey are well wrlhy jour in- spection. 113 :mt mm i was never ljeforc in s- good a fix. Short, lon and separable are vcorr ucut Huu tftoncajo uotUBtjiian. and sensible. The ever opuhr JERSEY i uu io ue uaa av pucn prices mat all can afford that comfortable and almost mdispensible g-rent. The girls and misses so often neglected, have not been overlooked, s I have a handsome line of claks fmm 4 years to 16 For the little boy what shall I say Well, everything from the red tou boot to the bird gun, so he is to be made happy. - The comfort hi old-(entlemen and o!d Lvlie h-ts also been looked af ter. Everything from the wide b ttm; fl a heU comfortable wearing shoe te the Long Cut Overcoat, and soft texture wooku fl insets or underwear. In CarpttsJ sm prepared to faruish everything from a low priced to a first class, super exira all wool Ingram Body Brussels or Velvet, by the piece or made up to fitiany room. - , Where to buyj a good Silver or G Ad Watch, Gold Ring, Breast Pin, Ear Rings, &c, is a creation otten askod and heretofore hard t answer, but no longer difficult, ay I have in stack a beautiful and fnlendi.t lino nf .1-oirv iitld I'XTarv urfiPlo iucirro.iti .i , " Tiie Drug Department is now run ty Mr. Carraway, an -experienced Pharmacist who has had Tax Notice. LAST IAXD TH E ON LY BOCK D. i - . I will attend tho follow i times and lacc for.tlio purpose Df collect ing Taxes due for lu jcar JSS5 to wit:- . f - . . Cnnninfrtiam Storr, TumUj October Kth ISA Yintet illlU, Wr.lne3by tlat, " P.ubT Fork, Ttir.Ujr, KihI m , Hroas Mill. KmUr. - Vl it U TiTLnh. MiunUr. AHcnstiltf.Won.tay, Hoilowajsrilie. TuAlay( VoatUttals WctlacwUiy, 40 iia. r,th, - hands It woulJi be well for all to come forward and rayiheir Taxes, it is madojby law a m:sdenieanor to fail or to rcf uso to pay poll Tar, tako iiotice and; govern yourself accord inglj. Remember 1 will not make but one round to collect 2axes. I will put out all Vuxes due mo for tho year 1 885 by tho first dav of Decern ber no xi, don't loreet r Sheriff -if Peison Cgl- Oct 7, 1883. - Notice. T) r virtue of an order of U Superior Court mt XOrentoBrntnitr. I rilt ell ton tho tremioa at public auction to the bijrbet bidder, on lb Ui da) ot November, 1S83, the tract of Und lx- wonnsio uie mm vtiun t eautenioa, aitaata in i'eraon rounir, ad jot nine the lands of A. J. Heater, UC Winatead and other, conUininir ssoacres mote or ica. Terms ot aale: f toueah: uaunre on a rrwiii niux raonui rita bond and security. Inierctt from day of aal. i lu I. f KATtl JhlCsTC?!, AdminUtrator of Jaa. Feaihenton. tato tfy all Piifiiif8 Juid Gents' long experience. best aud purest drugs to be had. laud in whos i hands we may all feel saie.; We buy only the Tmm Department! ia presided over by Miss Sallie Thaxton, an experienced and accomplished Milliner, who la always in a good humor and has a smile for every one, especially when you want a new hat, neck fixings r other novel ties of the seasoi, of which she always carries a nice and tasty hue. Give her a call. ) ij THE -TIH-WARE AHD STOVE DISEASES, WILL BE IN Department, Meesrs. Austin and Puh flatter themseltos that tly have the best Cook atid Heatinp: Stovtsto bo had, and at prices in the reach of ev ery one. They are prepared to do roofing upon short notice in any tart of Person or adjoining counties. , , t Any article not kept m stock will be cncerlully bought it to le had in the United States. - 1 . NOTICE. jy tcv- f aat t ITaTinc qnaliaed as administrator n the ea to of V . 11. iViutead, deceased. I li ncraons indebbetl to tbe esta H. WiuUead to come turwanl and settle tito same with tbe undersicned, and all persons iioimnjjciomfc jiminri me saut csute ar like wis notified to preterit them to the urdrrirtjed for pa vnjent on or be for thelst day ot lH-cro-ber. l&Jti, or this notice will Im plead la bar ot Uieir recovery. I. D.PKOOK8, Administrator of v. n, w instead. Having strator NOTICE Sep fbfS. Notice. sudden, but the $olnf$n march wa '-Kt' kept up; on reaching4 the church P H. a larga crowd of mouriiiug relative -Married at the residence of the rule s father, last buturday, Mr. w.t8 found . - bride' AVcstly A. Davis, to Miss Lula 0. Oleiih, Rev. Mr. J. R. Griffith oftici- atinir. The lianpy couple have our best w:sbcs. i A young man was seen the 6th er day with a Lot of pictures; at first siubt, they resembled David Living- tzq crowd oi mouriiniff relatives and friends wero-preieiit. TJie ,oc casion was mdced a eloomy , one. We all hoped that time won finally dis iielled the clouds and let lfktuC. slnho. But it continued to rain. Rev. Mr.JVlL Griffith .conducted the fun eral ceremony, puring the discourse he said in substance, m shaking oi the Christian character- of tkis'good lady, that duty was to her a living nothniff could swerve her isthin duty. "Her heart as pure as the . ucwdrop which hung upon the hps of the velvet rose. It continued to rain, out tne gravo was du j and the coffin let down. Died. I Denaited this life on the I3lhinst.J Roxboro, Nj ' On OCTOBER 1st, ONE WEEK. She invites all peraba the sul ject of her stonr, but upon close inspection, it after a long and painful uln.ss, Mrs. wn.eay vo ie,i tna. t-neywere.s vyu . T3arnctt wife of the late" Mr. laCtf. 1 I LT 11 L . II 111 1 UlUllrl LV. Ultb. IlltUA I " - O "I r you, thtre is music iu the air.n Samuel U. Barnctt. bhe was known 1 I $ j-. r K 1 a l-r nvil It M rill 1Q county,, died and was buried two Christian life; which months as?0. His wife liot finding forty-fifth year. IFe any money among-tho dead - man si effects, had the body disinterred the VVUWt UWJ i tail v vuii msw i kuiu i'aivio cuvuiwu luciuu wiv wtv i " Robt. (7ib8on who is said to have boon bom in Randolph couuty, this Ktatc, but who iiow. lives in iacon county, Missouri, was bom in tho yoiir, 17C7 which makes.him 118 years pld. Ex. Tho trustees of the State Libra ry choso Mr. James U. lialeigh , to bo libriuau m place of ant. R. A. Shotwell, deceased. 21ie -Visitor &iys, tho selection is a good one and wiil doubtless mvo satislac- tion." , ; - A cotton picker said tho other day: I'll be dinged if I dont oat parched corn and 'taters before I'll pick edttou at 40 cents a day, dat 1 vill." Ex Say, old coon, what's frustrating your brains Remember tho old saying. "A half loaf is better than no, brcadr warmest sympathy to and friends, which is her eternal tnded m her I extend our her relatives their loss but In calling attention to the attrac tive adyertisement of Mr. J. A. Long, which appears in another column, we pan only say, visit his store and see for yourselyes. As to the Millinery Pepartmeut, which is presided pyer by Miss Sallie Thaxton, who is an ex perienced milliuer, it is enough to say that the imagination is dazzled; ia look jug over the latest styles The dry goods department, in charge of Messrs. Harris, Johnson and Thompson, wtjo will take fcreat plasure in showing j,heir friends through their immense stock; these goods are being 'sold at rock, bottom prices, and is in no wise a twicej to.d tale The drug depart ment is in the hands oi jlr. Carrawny, i gentleman, wno nas naa ien years experience in the drug businees. Go From Home to Hear the Nowsl We clip the following item from the Richmond Dispatch, from a correspond ence at Blue Wing, Granville county. N. C. "A charter has already- been obtain ed in North Carolina tor a railroad from Durham, via Roxboro and this place, to(the Virginia line. Thence a continuance to Clarksville, ' Va., con necting with the railroad already com pleted to Keysyille, on the Danyille road, A direct Jiqe to Clarksville from the minds will not; exceed fifteen miles and the topography of the country i3 favorable for the rapid and cheap con struction of a railroad. The scheme 'is practical, and enterprising capitalists will prosecute the work, Theauthori ties of the Richmond and Mecklenburg railroad think highly of the project.'' Dr. G. G. Taylor, (graduateBf le Baltimore Dental CollegeTDeiitist the Baltimore Dental CollegeTDentis will be in Roxboro at November court Parties wishing to have their teeth and mouths put in first-class order would do well to call at the Roxboro Hotel during that time, Will visit persons at their homes in Person without extra charge. Address G G. Taylor. Henderson, N. C. Reference by permission A. J. Hester Esq., Oct. . 2m. Mrs. Joe ' SIS rm I'lVn III lLli LiW T?.-vlnrr N. (; . t tn )tr 14. 18S. ' oin. I - ' -. -Jr . " ; V . . -A i -r . "v w i ' av i- Boots. Shoes. Hats. ! Caps,' Tiunks and 1 . I v 't1- Valises. MulWA? nTl'imffii U i -i si mm mm mm mm '.ikb mw . aVX mVmttT ZA I lillllll (NMIIJl .111 irilaltflltH I t " I mmmmmmt aw mm Bar W aw titUaVM a W Vtay mm mm I 1 I AT VT P n i i ii ii si n ii ti ii ii i n i ii nn ii ii mr ti ii nil ii n i I yy j Am VwW aj tjVjJ ,; I , ' s . . - 1 I -.i ! ' ' I How Is The Time For Bargains. . : I this day qualified. as alinln on me estate oi Jobn- Brooks decM, I hereby notify all pec as indebted to cstatcd or said John Brooks to come forward and settle th same with the undersigned, and all per ing claims agnins the estate it Paid John Brooks are liKewise liotl ded to present them to, the undersign- . ed for payment on or before the 1st j day oi September, 1880, or this notice wul be plead in bar of their recovery ! Of John Brooks. bX nf Ida fintuwlnr Prairt f To call on her at the lintel, where she can give tham more extended in formation than she can by letter. Where the patties cannot conveniently call Mrs Peasbn will take pleasure in vis itins them if requested to do so. In formation in both cases Person's REMEDY All kinds of dried fruit wanted at the store of Mitchell & Brooks, for which the highest inarkef price wilJ be paid. " - WILL CURE - ' RHEUMATISM, CANCER in its early stages, ERYSIPELAS, ciIRONIC COLIC, ERUPTIONS, SKIN AND BLOOrj DISEASES, IT WILL CURE INDIGESTION ! Infallible for SCROFULA, It relieves CATARRH. It is a perfect antidote for MALARIAL POISON, and trouble from P6IS0N OAK. As a TONIC ana BLOOD PURIFIER it is endorsed by all who have used it. As an AL i jl.ua i i v jl, it : is- u nequaied, ii vou need a Blood PuriSer try it. Applyvto your druggist for pamphlet coa taming testimonials of remaikab4e cures among our home j people. For sale-by all Druggists and dealers. I "Starv Warehouse .Danville, vS., sold last week for Albei t O ' Brian t, Person county, 0eo, Florence and Archie Baines, Caswell county, Clay Murray, Alamance caunty, and many other jfromment North Carolina far mers who were well ; pleaded with your prices. Try next load. " the "Star" with LADIES & GENTS' Fine Hand & Ma chine Sewed Shoes a Specialty. WE KEEP A FULL LINE OF . - Wetmore's Penitentiary Shoes. Weliavc Polite and Atten tive Salesmen ,11 ho MlllAi waits be on Hand tO Show Our GoodSt and We WM be Glad to Have You Call and Examine Our Stock Before Buying Elsewhere Be Sure to Give Us a CaU. Lamtie, Slater & Gorman, Durham, -)- John J. Thaxton. Tbaxloo. j - ' ilj virtue of an Ii to the lu' V i t . .f . . ii aa . wiffwl " "f; xriiesi muuer ai ue vuu iiuusa door fvro on 'Monday Slst ol atiriist 1885. a hiatal eslate U funzinir to the lult John HrSTWies dee'd. - - Tvrnss made known on day ef sale.. Tbli 20th Jnly lis5. N. I.UNSFOItn. July 29tt. Oromtwtonw. Look out for what I am Going to Say and don't forgo t it. I will on the first day of January, . tftKrt. malrA a rrAunt I M r U fi old Watch or a $45 Eldridgo Sewing Ma chine to some one of mr customers. Each Customer will have one chanca for the Watch or Sewing Machine tor each $5.00 Bpent with me during tho present year. I also keep a good bwck Watthea anu Jewelry ot every- u. scn'ption and am also prepared to do all kinns.of work in that lino. Repair ing clocks a snecialty. Ul"lO sulzmiw, Jeweler, South Boston, Va. For School Books, Blank Books, Autographs PholoTtavh Albums Fancy Goods, Musical Instruments, l. i ' Cigars, Tobacco, J ; Sedto e now offer our entire Stock of GoMs at Cost for Cash. tJ3al Eeirly For Bargains as wejjare Determined to close out, comehone; comf all; R33p ectfully, 111. Dec. -21 6m. Confectioneries i J.Y-TRAVER, Icncp, YiigJr Notice By Tirtu of power glren ma in a mortjrsra deed executed by ii. If. Iy and wife the 39th March l2. I wiU sell at puliie aucUoa for rab on Wednesday the tSnl day of heitem ler U9, Uie tract of land that U aa!4 u. if. Ijov formerly nve! on adMninir the laiids ot T. W. BlarkartLCG. Marrn stwl others contain ing 70 acres more or leas. Tbe said nortrjra is rejri'ered to Book Y. page ln. This Aug. 17th !!&. J. K. lUKKla. Auc. M It 1 ' : ' : : i DO rOU KNOW T1IAT LORILLABir CLEIaX . PIsUO TOBACCO Red Tin Tap; Eoae r O0 With sr, uase ieai ine vu Chrwing; 2?arr Clippinffli, oOd I Brown and YeUowfr bnuns ar Jieapeat, qnality cooahlered ? Aug. 27 If. NOTICE. Tirtoeof order aad larree of the mify tAf uvwti ot uuwcu coutitr. t wiu sell oa tins premise of George KeaLherte to l'ni N. O.I I rouaty on the lt Monday IO 6th (lay of Oeto ber, fa, ute laaa oi um UK athaa Oakley, Irtoe la aawl countr. and kW tbaan aera tract of Mrs. Susan C Oakley. , These laatU adkna CalTtn Hester, Eitiab fimf, Martha Daren port, d erre Wbitflekl nd George lUrers. and ar sou tor uaruuoa. lama ma know tn offcale. W. if. MOBTOI Eept,M4L nds Cooqaxcsioaer, 1 - -A.

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