Person CouMy Courier. . PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY ljBC.- IIACKEirv. -. - - ' Editoar'fc Proprietor. ! Entered according to Postal Regula tions, at the PoatofficV: aV; Roxboro, - N O. . second class matter, ; ; ' suBscsjrrjoN tejims. 1 copy, 1 year, - . -1 opy 6 months - N $1.50 .75 UOXBORON. C.,' January 131837.- THE JAIL. V- ! Nothing yet has been done m re- ' gard to onr jail,' which is, as we hive S i before stated, an eye-sore to our peo pie. . . ' . - Theie are twojr plain, emphatical reasons that domand a new jail: : First--! t 19 not secure for the safe ; Veemnsr of rjrisrners therein. : r r o i v , Second That it is impairing to the health of prisoners, even if it was so . cure. From a reliable source of informa. (ion we learn -that the sills and fram ingi8Jm a decaying condition-yee; ; . ' nlmost rotten. If the comrnisaionera and magia- trates will meet in joint session and order that a new jail bo built we can devise a plan that will be only a nominal cost to the conn ty: Tear down the present j;iil, and sell the lot, appropriating the pro ceeds in the erection of a new oue in lear of the Court House. There is room near the Court House for a jail. Then why ' not: This would not only be an ornamont to the town, but to the entire county, r besides being areat convenience, 'i'i Again, we, in all earnest consider . nlion, appeal to the Board of County Commissioners and Justice of the Peace tolook into this important jjiatter. ' Suppose a capital crime was com mitted m this county, we could not keep safe the prisoner. Pay another county to keep what we should eur pelves. In the commiss'oners pro erodings of December 6th we find that they ordered our county treasu rer to pay theSbenff of Orange coun ty $92.52. For what - . For keeping prisoners, which we . should have kwpt ourselves, thus . keeping that amount in our county. At their meeting of December 13th th6 treasurer was ordered to pay $28.65 for repairing, wood work and . lilack-smithing, done on j.iil. - Itepairirig what! 'A jil, we ga-cK Lu, pardon ns, we retract. An old hull, we should have said, that is cap iul fuel for a fire. The Chairman of the Board of Commissioners have called a meeting . y of the magistrates to meet the 1st Monday ia' February to JooJf into this ' k matter. Let every magistrate Ui the , county turn out and give this most important matter a thorough, lmpar ' ml consideration, &e0 notice else ' where in this issue. . Is New York it has bcGolbe a qnes v tion whether people wholnre in ho ' .teU ought to be regarded as f 'of so. oiety." - , ' , Thro-VGH the efforts of Hon Ris ' - den T: BennettTPucesentativfrom - the 6th North Carolina congressional died net,, ; Congress has appropna . ted $150,000 for the purpose of erect ing a public building in Wilmington. Mr. Bennett is an able representative, 5,nd ever faithful to his constituency. T" ' - - . . - .J' '. :V;5ecretart.Lah ar, of Cleveland's Cabinet, was marned on the 5th nst. --in Macon, Ga.v to Mrs. Holt.who is a true Southern woman of tHo; high - est typer,tne sweewtieart 01 ina 1. youth - and to; whpm he has been .engaged for long time, fOf "AVaBhingtonCOr- respondents'" matrimonial -gossip; wi 111 cuatio iot: a wuue, . A Chicago" editor; and a-doctor . lias just' -fought a duel, with 'sabrcs. about a woman. Two Creoles, one , being an editor, of Tew Orleans, were - nbout to fight a duel recently, but r-was arrested by thVpoliceTwo da' W els bave just been fought in Mexico, - rjn each case between an editor aud a ' doctoriThis. doesn't Ioik like daeK ."Jng is onJ,he.wana. : It shows that it ja anything ijqt pleasant to bo an ed--jfeor. v;r ' . ' ' " ' H V y.em. ; , . THE TRADE DOLLAR, Jhe bnilntrodnced by Senator Se-- well for the redemption of trade dol ; Urs, provides that for a period of six , , months United States trade-; dollars) if not defaced, mutilated or stamped hali b8 received: at their race value in paying vof ill does' of the United States. Vor the sarne period, holders , of trade dollars,' on presentation of the s ime at tho JJnited States depositor lies may- receive ; in exchange like - nmounts-m face ; value in standard pi'ver dollars or subsidary coin, . The tn,rte silver dollars shall not bo reis ? ued, but sbill he rocomed into Btm- h FiKffEH, State sonemnenu. ent of Public Instruction., has in formed the -public that tha School fund receipts for the fiscal year, na In November 30th are $670,000 fto urease of $38,000 'over the previ ous year; that there are - :n the State 547.000 'children of school age; 305, TOOO enrolled in public echoels an iu- crease of 60,000 .over last year, xuv average attendance was 185,000. He has ts ti mated tbere are 20,000 pu pils in the state In private schools. Mr. John- R. Webster has been elected Speaker of the House, over Overnan, of Rowan, by 59 to 57, In legislature' Ho has al- wajs professed allegiance to the Demi nrWti tmrtrf- The a8sembiinsr of the legislature was never a better time for him to prove it; indeed, his dej mocracy was, tested. Any man that will allow himself to be used by the Republican party to defeat the Dem ocrats, we doubt his democracy, and as Mr, Worth, of Randolph, said, in speaking of such Independents 4,May tho Lord have mercy upon them." ? CONGRSSSMAJf REID'S RESIQ4 .. ... T , - NATION. - .. '. " W as u inotonD. 0. , Dec.3 1 j 1S86, Hon. J oiiir Q, Ca rlisle. Speaker op the House ckf Representa tives. " . , SirI heieby respectfully resign my office as a Representative iii 49th Congress from the fifth congres- sion district of the State of North Carolina, to take effect from date. . v Respectfully you rs, " --a " James IT. Reid. INDEPENDENTS. - e ' In reference to what Mr. Wortl said concerning Independents the Aetcs c& Observer 6t the Gth has this to say : As honeBfe.Mr. Worth said yesterday 'May the Lord have mercy on the soul' of the man who. having been elected by democrats,- coming here as a demcrat, and openly avow ing himself a democaat, permits him self to bo nsed fo? the advancement of the "purposes of the republican par ty. There can be no future for such a man. He will be ground to pow der between the tipper and nether rmillstoncs of public opinion. The people have no use for one who is neither fish nor flesh politically; and nothing short of contempt for' him who betrays a trust that is given him. How the man elected to represent democrats, who lends himself a tool to the republicans will justify himself before his constituents passes under standing.' NORTHERN CAPITAI. JN THE SOUTH. The Augusta Constitutionalist says: Some of the boys want a new North. Well, it would be a good thing! to hayo about the house, but is not easy tc procure. That old North is grad ually scooping up about all the avail able property in the new South." We are not so certain that there is not such a thing as the new North.. Cer tainly, the North is not in its feelings towards tbe.Poutn what it was tens or even, five, years ago. No one who reads the northern, papers can, we think, fail ' to ber convinced of -that fact. With the exception of a' faw organ's there is a growing disposition witn tue northern papers of all shades of political opinion to give the South' a f ur bearing. Touching the decla ration that the -North ia sradnallv scooping up all the available proper ttm Hhe pew South, we say let her continue to'scoon." ' We have no fear of oisastrous results to ihe -South 1 from such a proceeding v Nearly ev- ery purchase of property in the South by, northerk men .'means the starting of some new enterprise and a demand for southern plaek, braijig, and co-op- eratiDn, Richmond DispatcK ; 3aSsps. Editous ; Pleaso alfow us through. our paper to Wake our humble acknowledgement to'the kiiid friends of Roxboro for; the very gen erous and hospitable reception ei ven us at the elegant parsonage of the Per son circuit, on bl evening of 29tb ult. xou can better imagine onr ca pacity for appreciating a kiiidhess of thisort, wben you learn -.that nine bf us Uncluding Jr. Jebace's driver. tuiisboro) j rad: been packed up for seven nours, in a buggy, aud a, two seated, carriage, without any 'dinner, facing a bleak wii.d, accompanied by a drizzle of rainand ofconrse the cniwren and-band boxes must -be k ept dry, if the coarser material was exposed a lietle At last the sable driver called but Roxboro! ' Not knowing a soul we knew not what t do,'nor, where to go;' bhWwe decided to make as' if we would dnv. right through , and be ' gone; .but w? didn't,; Right m front of Jr..Lor,VR store three - men rushed - towards us as if they would say "y'on 'are" my State's prisoner', but they said"JUow are joa brother Hoy le." iV was brothcii- Sergeant, TiJJett aad Rev. M, T Recti tha latter my colleague oh the circuit.: X' l hese-throe walked Viih us to the front of one of the, nic est' houses 'm town, -and then brother Sergeant said 'turn In here." "Oh myl is that the parsonage ' was the choi rs rom the hoggies. Thoy took charge of the conveyance, and hurried us in to the house v here all the rooms were arranged an i warmed.. We will never fo get the hearty hand shaking and welcome of those ladies, Misses Jordan Gregory,4Vinstead and at terfield, and a little later Dr. and Mrs. Fuller, iind last'but not least brother Willie Webb., J . 'Come to supper.7. was the next dematut - upon -our excited nerves. And oh, such a supperl VJfhe coffee, chicken and a score of otjier nice things, and especialij the beautiful cakes r' Re soon diecovered there was a power behind the throne. The snpplies continued to come in. I wish all the newly married couples, upon whom I have asked tho benediction, had had such a supper as we had that evening. That - supper has iorever exploded tho - theory", that "many cooks spoils the feast. " For we have learned that many uQblehearted, aod well taught hands, had a part m that reception, with - whom we have not had the pleasure, as' yet, of meettng. We were again rejoiced, next morn Ing, to seetho corn and hay for Wil. liam,nd the ffonr, meat meal, lard, coffee, sugar and even stove-wood and kindling prepared right to hand for us. - - Respectfully, . t Paterfamilias. Roxboro. N, C, Jan, llth 1887. " iChteoco Journal. A dsal ot trsakags among glaW aal crockery can be prTaated by ti)9 almpls precaution of placing lamp chimneja, tamb lars and inch article In i nnt fl!In.l with' cold water tojajftch same common table salt ass oeen aaaea. uou tne water wan ana allow it to cool slowly. When the articles are token out and washed they will reaist any sadden changes of temperature. Girls In Knasla. '. (St. Petersburg Vedomoeti. Oar girls are learning tradM in order to make their own living. The woman's In I atrial tchols are overcrowded. The girls learning bookbinding, . typesetting, shoe- making, book-keeping, making of toys and artificial flowers, wood carving and paint ing. Schools,., libraries, women's and chil dren' hospitals ani many private offices are now superintended by women. Unique Design In Stlvevw , ICourier-Jouroa. The fartfctio moTement" has bean the means of reviving much that is beautiful, esneciallv in the t-ilversmith'i craft lfan of the richest and most unique artistic de signs or several centuries ago are now, re produced, taking the place of the monstrosi ties which have offeuled good taste so much in later epochs. Cinnamon for Ant. Powdered cinnamon will scatter blacW and, red ants effectually. If strewn in the cracks of cupboard shelves and along the edges of tin cake boxes the pests wul soon disappear. MoarnlBg; Bouquet. - " The correct mourning bouquet is strictly parpie and white. A faather tern or two or a little smilax may be used,butno other green. r : ' Dr. S. Jwbnson: llarriage is the best 'ate for a man in general; and every" man is in a worse state ' in proportion as he is in St for th TrtrHf tt. . ' The uuuju kiss in the churoh was snciently part of the marriage ceremony, as appears in one of tha Salisbury missals, . A woman made the fijst orange twx n,'ed ia California, and she now reus a factory vhlcu torn out 50,001 at them a year. ' Chiam - Bros., dealers in, Furnituri;, Crockery, MAttreeeg, Trunks, Clucks, &c, Upho.'ateting aud Repairing done in the bist style. Chiem Bros., 48 Union Street, Danville, Va. Notice. ' v,'. . . I am prepared to do all kiods of plaster ing both plain and ornamental. Don'i fail to give me a trial at your work. - - Yours rutly, John W. TuBmat. , Roxboro, N. O - " . -. Big Prices For Tobacco. :,'' Wm Carver, Esq, who lives four milef rom Roxboro sold - TFcdneadfiy, July 14th at Copper's warehouse, Hen derson, N C, t 30, 63, 45 17, 69 75, Average "for Ave, best grades , in cluding smoking luga $56 87 Mr. Car ver reports tbe tobacco market at IL.n derson booming for. all grades of good tobacco, and that for clever treatment and,- high prices Coi peiY warehouse takes the lead - Now is the time and Cooper's at Henderson is thejplace to sell your tobacco give him a trial and be pleased ' , , " The SJ;ar"Wareh6use, Danville.- Dr. J. M. Hatchings & &on, daring the . past year, sold several million pounds pf tobacco" for the fsruiers ol North Caiolmt and Virginia. They made high averages :for ,the immenpe quantity swld and we are clad to notr that the farmers Wre" well pleased with the prices. . They are earnest workers tot their pitrons : and never iaij to please them.. Give thema fair trial when' you go to DinvilL . ... Notice. Office Board County Commissioners. Jan. 6th . The Magistrates Person county are hereby notified to meet with the Board of Conutv Com- ia complete arrangements for the building of a new Jail, .r It is very Important that a full board be present, as It will not par to delay this im portant matter. Jan: 6th J887.. - v . . " ' w T.ojt;t,igiia rman. ., S. P. 8ATTERFIed, Clerk? ouiia mips V- AKD TJIAKY FOB - 1887 The BEST ALMANAC, and a COMPLETE MART for every day in tbe year. To be had FREE of all dralers in medicine, or mailed en ntveipt of a Sc. post- KeWl Advertisements, 1 NOTICE I have aualined s administrator of H. ft. Brooks, den'd, all persons holding claims against said deceased are notified to present tbe same for payment in due form of law on or before the to nay ff January 188 or this notice will be ulead in bar of their recovery.- Persona indebt ed to deceased are requested to cenio forward nuu seuie. - : t u. . liiiUUHSt AU n . .fan. lOlu, 1887. U :r . i- Notice to School .Commit- tees.." . , Your attention is calfed to the low average made by some of tb schools 'and you are hereby, notified' that no teacher spall j re ceive any compensation for teaching a school that does not average tea (10) and the coun ty Superintendent is forbidden -to counter sign vouchers for the same. Teu are also" notified t hat no teacher, holdinsafirst erade certificate shall receive more tlian thirtp(t30 j uuihwo pc ; muuui, uiiicss - eiua agreemeuii shall, iirst, be approved by the county Supers intendant. " - " J. S. Mekbitt, Chin. Co. Bd. of Ed. J. W.Tillktt, Secretary. , - - , ' ' January 3rd 1887, tf - ' - rvt . - Notice. y.J: 1 have thia day qnalihed as admmiitrator ot the estate ol Isabella Covington, dec "AH per sons holdingclaims against dee'd are notiSed to present them to the undersigned for payment on or before,.rannary 4th, 1888, or this notice will he plead in bar of tbeir recovery, All persons indebted to deo'd are requested to csme forward and settle .the same at once with :i , ,i . .4 B. E. BIoRTosj Ad'mr , l5-4t. of Isabella Covington. -, DR. C. W. BRADSHER , ."-. dentist; j -' Oflers bis services to the public.' Calls promptly attended to in Person and adjoining comities. Any one wishing work in his line, bv writing him at Bushy Fork. N. C. wiU be attended! at oaco Notice of Land Sale By virtue of a deed in trnst executed by Si n eon Bumpass and recorded in book Y. page 12 nd 127 1 will sell at the court house door in Kox bororo the 1st Monday tn February 1JW7 being the 7tb day ef the month, a certain tract of land situated in said county ami known as the KIti rs Peert Place, containing 16i acres adjoining the lands of David and Simeon Peed, S. 11. Clem ent and C. C. Cozort. Terms cash. - - T. II. & A K FOUU, Trustee. ' . . 1 Per Luntford AU'y. This 8rd January 1887. J- Land Sale, By virtue of an order of the Superior Conri ! rt,irete? I wm on the ,8t Wwnday in Feb. 1887 seU at publia auction to the highest, bidder for X cash balance on 9 mouths creditr-interest from date with bond and good securii v, a portion of the tract vf. land formerly owned by Wm. M jore, dee'd, containing about 100 acres. v - -; , UOHEIiT MOOltB, ExT. and Ce; 1-6-4 1. : : . . r .. , - of Wov Aioore, dee FOR SALE, Va.luable Real Estate - 1 1 0 1 5.Cf8 on "wth side of Itoaneke . .y R'yer. n Mecklenberg, Va.. nt teen miles from AVarren ton, tid 24 from Hen derson, N. cv Now tenanted in fnr separate farms. Can be bought as a whole or in separate smaller ' farms. Js in a high state of Cultivation and well adapted to all the crops of that section. Vel'ow tobacco from $10 to $70 has been sold from it in the past fer vears. . On one place is an old family residence and conveniences, nice !r ?,nc,0f?,Ja?lrn nther isaCrist Colt Saw Mill and Brick Store. Persons wishing to bur valuable property at a low price will do, well to write to , Buxisi. .JfJ&iF w? before JannaryllL 18S7, so as to avoid tenanting another year. WANTEP! Everybody in North Carolina who are not already subscribers, td send their .address on postal card, for sample copy of the WEEKLY NE AND OBSERVER and special ofier during December." Address, - - NEWS aSd OBSERVER,: 7 . Raleigh, N; CL ; Notice -By virtue of an order of the Superior Conrt of Person eoantyI wM on the 3rd day of January. 18OT, soli at public auction to the highest bidder' ?oM ?i,rt?a,,!e. donFJa RoKboro, that cer tain tract of land in said aounty," adjoining the i0t?3A,I H.arrett and others, containing aboiit 70 acres being tbe place On which the late ii?? I nick8 reLded. b,e rteie. and owned by. mil. ! ,the ?0",'P'J the a to "Jack" Hicks. The .bject of the sale is for paf-tition. Jt?V ?lx .months credit with ii ter est from the date of sale, except for $50 in cash US..?, i layL t,t,e retained till purchase money is patd. his 2Jlh of XovlRSfl. ----B6-4t, . , Ceranussioner. GARBLE, GO ANITE, BROWN STOfJE WORKS, S&" Designs and Estimates in IS HERE Just belo w the Tin Mr .-... jj. . .,; Than ever before known In Roxb oro If you wiant"Heavy and Fanejr Gro ceries, We can sell them to you cheaper than ever before known. Call to see us. r Jan. 1st. tax Execution Saje. ; By virtne of two several executions in my harCds as Sheriff of Person oon nty; one in the case of C, b. W instead vs H, H Garrett, Simeon Bumpass et al ; and ene in the case of Wm. Bow ling vs Simeon Bumpass et al, I will sell, at the court honse door in Koxboro, on the 7th day of eon Bumpass (for the purpose of satisfying said mend in. the following tracts of land in said coonty, to wit! one tract of 167 acres, more or lees, adjoining tbe lands of the said Simeon Bumpass, S. H. Clements and others, near the Snmnerojd Fhice. and known as tbe Elvira Peed Place" also anether tract of 178 acres, more or less, on Rocky Fork creek, adjoining tbe lands of said Simeon Bumpass, VV m. Bowline and-otkers, and known as the "lingoes Tract." Tbe sapie bcippthe excess after laying of the homestead of the said Simeen Bnmpass. . . VV. H. P0L1.Y, 8h. of Person Ceunty. . This 4th day of Jan., 1887. ,k l-6-4t . Notice I - By virtue of so order of the Superior conrt of Peron county to mi: directed I will on the 24th day of January,' 1867, sell at public auction to the highest bidder on the premises, the Dower lands of tbe late Barbara G. O'Briant, widew of Elijah O'Briant, situate in Person county, N. C. adjoining be lands of Alex; O'BriauV C. 8i Wiflstead, T. J. Carver, S. W. Glenn and others containing 167 acres more or less. r . c - Object of (be sale is to have partition among the tenants in common the heirs of the said Eli jah CBriant. Terms of sale: $50.00 cash, balance on a credit of nine months, with interest from -late, purchaser to-give .bond with good security, title retained until purchase money is paiain iuii, -. ;; aijca. u juiwivw , . 12-23-88 4U Com.- Annual Statement Of account attdited st th boabo or .-' COHHISSIONBBS POB ' TXKSOV CO0WTY. FOB COMPENSATIOS TO - COaUCISSIOllfcltS FOR THE TEAK BNDIKQ BKCXHBSXi list i88c -- - "i: i" - W. Soell, cbainnan, aervlces at com -r-. missieners 17 ays $2 j v ,$34,00 Mileasre S40 miles & 6 cents . . 17.00 D.w K. Eichmond, 15 days as coml- v sioner & ' ' - . , " " $30.00 - 270 miles travel ($ 5 cents 18.60 . V. $13.30 Tbos. n. Street, 18 days aicon.missio& er$3 " ' - I 252 miles travel $ S cents, - " $.oo r 12.68 - - J1 : ' . ' $48.80 Total expenses of commissioners , - $143.10 I certify to the correctness f - the above statement and state that there were no unvaried accounts allowed. . S.P. SATTERFTKLP, Clerk -Te" Board County Commlsaloners. Notice: Having this day qualified as the Administra tor of the estate of John C, Urooks Jr., deceased. I hereby notify all persons in.lebted to estate of intestate to come forward and settle the same with tbe undersigned: and iall persons holding claims against the estate of intestate are noti fied to present them to the ondcrsigned for pay ment on er before the fitb day of December, 187, or this notice will bo plead in bar of tbeir re covery. Tbiaj29th of sov. 1886. - - .. . J. J B UOOKS, Admr 12-2-,86, 4t. ' - of Jno. C. Brooks, Jr.. Publication of; Summons for - Defendants NOBTH CAROLINA, ( SUPERIOR COURT, ' Person c ounty. j - Beforehe clerk B. C. Carver, Plaintiff, s vs. ' ;X Stephen Pleasant, Emily Pleasant, fTayweod Pleasant, Jennett Wrenn and husband Warren Wrenn, Kate Villi nes, Jacobmer Harris and hnsband William A. Harris, Alvis Pleasant, Willie Pleasant The heirs at law of Willie M. Pleasant deceased, Mrs. Martha Ellison,- Merrlmon and husband James II.- Merrimon, Arra Flecsant, Mary jneasemtA, Pleaia.rU, Johnnie Jeatctnt and Annie JPleatanL- The last four minnors, without general or testa mentary guaidian. Mary Woods and her hus bandiiomulue Wods, Francis Abbott and iier husband Abbott, Defendants. It appearing to the com tan affidavit filed that the defendants Alvls Pleasant Willie Pleasant, The heirs of Willie M. Pleraant deceased, Mrs. Martha El:ison, Mrs. Mary Woods and husband UoranJus Woods; Mrs.'Francis Abbott and hus liand Abbott are non residents ot tne State of North Carolina, and that they cannot after dne diligence be fount Within the limits of said Stale and tbe tAaiottff bath a cause of ac tion against said defendants, prayf ng to have a Jiarcel of land s kl described in -he complaint, or partition among the tenants in common the hoir at law of Stepnen Pleasant, deceased and it appearing lo the court that the defendants are all the heirs at law of -said Stephen Pleasant, and are proper parties to-tbts action. - -It is therefore ordered that publication be made in the Person County Courier, a newspa per published in tbe town of Box bore, N. for six successive, weeks notifying the defendants above named to appear nt the Con it -Honse in Koxboro on the 14th day of January, I8e7 and plead answer or demur to the complaint which Is fll.d in the office of tbe Clerk of Person Supe rior Court or tbe srme will be taken as confessed and heard exparte as to them. In witness whereof '1 borenuto set my hand at office in Boxboro, N.C , This the 2&th day ef November, 186. ' - - . - I. - . JOUK C. PASS, clk 8. C. ' I2-2-6C " . j - - -, - of Persen county. THE DUBHAM ...... . -v r- DURHAM, IJ. O. . , , DEALER IN - ; , T American.; Italian and Granite Monuments, JTablets, Tomb-' - .1 stones Statuary, &c. , BROWN STONE FOR CURBING, ;iX)OR and wIN-T - - ' DOw-SILLS and BuiJding Purposes; , 'k " Ctmetefv Lois Enclosed! : Furnished on Application 1MI at AND SO IS Sliop, PASS & CLAYTON. : v. v-- :v.. - s- w-. 'v-.v: ' (f " ' " - f'l . -' 'v-- .-.".'. f . -y- S '"'"-' "J '" ' : r-". ' ';." - ' - -', ' - "j " " y . -' ; - . ; - f.' "V-.: f v . -'f ,j v "lv--;. - ;-' -r:'T"V-i ' mi mmM la ' - - r t- - - - . v . ... ::-.-.- ' r---'-ri -, - DURHAM, N. 'O. . x J-.:'-'k HAS THE REPUTATION OP BKINO THE BEST ARRAN'GffD. TH1 HT&f LIGHTS, TDE BELST.PAUMERS SLEEPING ROOMS OT AXY HOUSEjIir NORTH. CA-ROLINAi THS rnOPBIETOSS ARE KNOWN, TO BE' MENWHO x utAAi is anurA-i - TtlEYjHAVE CAPRIED TIIE RIPU 1 -2.. j-. : ' '-f -V .-M a -. .JLm -i ... . W . . 1 V - : -AAiiuw.yJT iSJCING THE HARDEST WORKERS . - i . -. ' -.- li.! '1 ' i." ? ' :. - ,. ". T ' v.- ...-L '. . . " .V;-,. J. .THETLARE LARGE DEALERS, TRET WLVJG LARGS ORDERS THIT BRIGHT WRAPPERS AND CUTTERS: uijc wiLObEBmnnrPji ?noirfRn THAT THE miTiirni i i ; k n ? r, - bTHET HAVE TWO CLEVER PERSON COUNTY BOYS, J. R. CHAMBERS and AT. CLAY. THIOARE WELL AND.FAVORABLY KNOWN mth ' LOOK CI OSiftY AFTEP THE, INTEREST 0 EVERY ONE WHO UN; uuayo Aiauu viauu v. AnanuuoCc XJxLiUW TV JJi UlVifi YOU A E t RECENTLY PAID TO THE FARMERS:, t : . , - . i&lot $23 50, -30, B0; 20 one Jot $J0, J. S Wearer J v W P. om' lot $39,50, 35, 34, 1Z, ene fot,l6t23, 34 5051,' WO, 80, 85, 21 50. ; ; a, so. - - . . ,70, 80. - - . ;; . - a f, Warrtn. ? -, Wm Bl Tk : R. H.TWvr. . .on lot 1 18.-85. 50. lit: one lot $35, 27 50, 14; 29 one 1t $ 15, 25 za. ' , - - ;nf, ou, o.ou, one lut-f 20; 35, 20, 25; - oue lot $ 12.50, ; Arcb Weatherspoon v?5. , .-v- onft lot $27, 40, 30, 45, 50.- O .TOIitpv :' . . H.C "Barker CJ on lot $25, 50. 12.50, 26 a -; : '. Lee IfcD-daC one lot $28 50t 23 50, 17.75 47- 53 , :' -T J. D Pttp r ' ' t?. r. onelote $9, 22, 39, 75, 80. t1 2s: What we did for tbe above farmers ua with a load of rood tobacco. -1 " " Do not listen, to vouy dramrnera uriyvxja if aiwuvuiihi - j iier? tw w plenty ot ruer wno are .anxiona tor BRIGHT WRAPPERS AND CUTTEBS. NO BETTER TIME TO SELL ALL ALONG. .fcDIUVE TO THE GLOBE, ; , V " -"- 1- ' - i - r- 4- -'i- ,4- WORK INCESSANTX.Y. FOR THttB H"RIMES' 4 umnnfi are: PAm irnw i ninr.. GRADE & EVERT PILJl 23, 33, 30, 59.;"; AlfrM W itmi,, Nwtrm. . n Jot $15. 51. S3. cL 8 50; 28, 89 50 ; 5. If. Wilson - s dw, a. one lot 10, Z3, X8t SSvSt, 30, 22, 50; A. Coleri . ' . . one lot $19.75, M, 57.M ?oe Io U5d f vv i u i ama, , - 75! 81- 80 T., . we wiil do forjfOtt if you "will enl Iry ;" - r-"1 :, -"' . - i but oome to Darbam &nd ' drir io'tkt..- ' i 'i' picuiijf ut uujr -wiin. plenty oi ssoatv, ALL GRADES but epeaallj i '; BRIGHT GRADES. w C01IS IU61IT -.' - -. si. J. B. VARREII 5 CO. - ft' 1 fi- i. VOLINA DRUG AND CHSICAX CO. c . . . EA!.TI?.'c?;sl ftp., V, C A

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