. ' " im r-mT r . .. ! - A Rersoa-Xoujity Courier, V 'PUBLISHED INlROXBORO -: j Every Thursday "Morning. , -; ""rOSBORoTnT cZ Jin, 1.1887 , What Girls Can Do. ' - l . . .. j' L . af. 1 J BcA. Perley Poor, writes as follows la the "American" Cultivator;. AA good hbneewife suggests thai Vhe girls save their.rages and their fathers' old -clothes for carpet rags. , When a suf- ficient 1 numfari&re . collected ,niaKe them iijto burl, and iiave them' woren a dark gronud, with stripes of -red, yellow, and b!ae at interval I have , rag carpets look nicer than any ingrain Pon'Jt urn ..upyoar.no&os your v ' filena8pom to tee yon, not yoqwjarT - ' peO. Or iVm 1 kept 'clean End - "free fiom'greastf spotsfit Vwill do plenty Ood enbngh, Hinthe conrso of - - tinjeou.ecl a nice:Bf nseels; Wiltonj - oiMJaree-.pJy, J. jiare say yoa wilt'- ieei - iio better than vhen you trod on rags Tfte chairs may be ejther cane-acatv K -'splint. or' flag bottomed A little' toilet stand,1 with a red woolen cover 'ov JAnQ :ox,qii or vwlto.,; netted; oi;e, ". might (tQ placect ;cat a-cornered. in , one corner of the room. A lounge may be made easily thus : Ilavo a - t rPSrson, County Exhibits door : .i .-frame three feet wide and si long; - - - maderat the nearest mechanic' It iV-; ' Should be twenty inches high from thff.floor. 'Nail a "niece'of sacking of .. fofScient size round the edges. ' Fold an pll quilt p to make it sort. Cov er this with red nnglazed curtain cal ico, with yellow, green, 0 brown fig ures.. A pillow stuffed with straw or " feathers may ba. added at each end thesesbohl J J oe tacked down to the !twframe. A lamp niayt staud in the : center of the table on a little mat. : ;6h'eHs, daguerreotypes, and books may ' be ranged about it. A vace or glass tCup on aoh end of the mantle piece r make pretty ornaments; they should 0 1e filled with ; flowers in spring, with ' gray- withered leaves m autumn. y-j'3r : : Dried grasseswill All them iu winter. tfir&iVA. shell, srystald,nail shells, and cn- J X Frioius pebbles gathered in a walk vtill '-Opok well 'fn white saucers. 'i A pair ;.;;-:-::.-, v:' jo( brass candle sticks, jwlished biceJv, - ;;:;-;.' .v'W"' prove a pretty ornament; Brick g:OTered with cloth for footstools ' will ' ..be convenient "the wall will look '-ieThkre till a picture or two cun :yffy-r;be added. Curtains of white mnshn, r - - tani red ehmts for the windows will V' VC co8if but 'a or $3. They should be . ,-.-.- - .- .draped with vine in summer. Could not every one hare soph a I W'iM 'v, jParIor? 3ir Is, one suggestion. Ho w v v - many of yoot cbald take charge ot a f - .household? -Could yon make the good it? bnttelTKTCe cheese, and while Jight I f y ' -j., bread? vrYou could if to 'when to ;? ?r' 'press, hor long, how hot. tho. milk '-;Vf'iId"?l;'if told how mtich salt an4 :y:.--j: je.w put in, wnen to pub m the ' " P "'en. wlien to take, ouk tTSe parWi- SMPf-: fOr res,hbt for an -V'-.'.'i.'-A,' - .vu,i vu uaiiui uu x coma j';-.. make'goodxbrad; all abone, . 'Then, ana not ftm then, should I cross the .threshold. : ;i:;V A socjety youhlady throvrs herself ..94?5J Jaqtcenn, sooomg as if her i-'-r i : heai t were Ijreaklng and as if everv r oesc.iair young- me had - been , " -; jf- ?" ' Her- ptpa in4 an ..adjoining room, ; " -Vilears tK6' COmm&tion. nn ;fp'nnM im -fi nac.is tney matter darling? on J T nromised to - rn n ir thta 6 ofnJng.wi&redand . Wei!cahrJyTti go to tide -w:tl ' SSlfiliJ -n-n me. :! y z110;110 arou nfl, and oh I my poor : V ; -rlVVh'8 matte with the horse? SII?t:SIfta- banged !--3ostoa S " : ;0it iJOir.rfcP jnetbing For The Btiby 1 V :a terriWe afflictio boui.fie fiouse it a cross, crying. 6&yV A . - jroarg man on the verj edge of ma'tri- ;: inony might easily be frightened from - Jus pai'pbsfeby Aasduitf' too'imirli-F - jbhat eorti of mupicf&i thj homes of hta jiiaineu irienay : x n OADlts Cry eom ' jinoDly only when they aro sick. One : -,tepoonfaV of rker'a. Tuqic, given I o te iaby alno the -house . Oa3y ; Foo-Bashful In the Maine woodV half a -d? miles away from any other habitation there is a cli.tler of three rawer ier tile fciruis, JL "down.counti,,y ' man, who for witne .reason": wished to oTto farmingwjta negtiog foi the.par chasd ot one of these farm?, which Jio all in a row: and he asked the eople who-were tiyiug to sell what sort of - neighbors le would have next door. " ' g, If l!m:ta ilvejout therpraaid lie. it' itnp'rTtnt.tone to know what sort of fDsriiVoing to live among. - Well, sai l tho other you can . ksV old Uncle Jerrytf ones', aolives on the third farm,oveiLAbeyon"d: thero'd howheets-alongU, IIes a 'man that never tel'sany tiling bufe tlier truth. ; The'intQndiig ptti chaser wen foyer tfrUndle Jerry, and? asked Jum -how .v ,-1 . nri-4; , J.. he got.- along wuiujus- ne vFirtrfatVB2ilhe:' Ever have any trouble with 'them. xTlus was' enough, and the down- country man bought the farm. He it)?garivto':be' fne"ndly "wittr his next nefghbofsrbut foilnd them very quarrelsome. Their toys , got into tronblo, with Lis, they complained about their Jmefence, and set their dog on his hens "Whenever he went near them they "begnn to abuse him. 'Fihallyhe went to Uncle Jeuy, and said: ' . .. - -: See here, Mr. Jones, didn't you tell mo that you got along weir with these folks here between us? v; - Wal, I do. . .. I ; How do you manage it?;" ' ; Wal, I hain't Jen nigh 'cm fo nine yer! Ex, WhstTrneHeritWill Do. '" . , ... Tiie unpfecn'iented sale t)foschee German Syrup within a fow years, h-e astonished the worlclt ,-It is without dotibt the safest aad best remedy over discoyered for the speedy and effeut ual care of Coughs, Colds and the ie- veres-t Lung .tpouhtts. It acts on au entirely different prisiciplo frnn' the usual prescriptions given' by" Physi cian, as it' does rot dry tin a::Coujrh and leave the disease sti'.l in the system,' but ou the coctr-try removes the caus f the trouble, heals the parts affected and leaves them in a purely healthy condition. A bottle kept m the bouse for use when th3 diseases make their appearance, w m save doctor's nuts and a long spell of serious illn'cssA A trial will convince you of .these-'-' facts. It is positively sold by all druggists and 'general dealers in the land, pike, 75 cents. Urge bottles. The Editor's Prayer. -.; , The .following editor's prayer of fered for the beneGt of dehequent subeqr ibers, ,.is vtake tjc . fr om aaex change: . "' r " May lie, (the delinquent-subscri ber n0vei be permitted to kiss a pret ty woman . ' - 2:40 r.igbt mires trot quarter races oyer ins stomach every night. . Mav ms coffee be sweetened with jlies ahd seasoned with carpillars,- Way his boot leak,, his gun han? fire and his fishing line break. ; ' May his best friend run off wifh his wife,,. and his children take the whooping cough, . '- - ' . 7My-his cattle hAve, worms in m hi 'mules the bhud staggers and his pigs destroy-his garden. May . a troop of rrintoi's devils. 1 2 115 rs2 ;e oo 3 05 P0 Otice dard Co. Com Person : Co.', m 2: sis ,4 .'- - :v C'". - - Dec. 1st,-1886: A nan&l uxpensq hCou i t of Poron GiintN tuJ"'thft,yca' "ending 2fovmiHT 30th"183S; and puUbed 'required by the Code of Nort.b Carolina " l . December,-1&S3; " G. -T. Burton, witness f.e . - $ - VVyatLLuasfordwitne-sfee, , John JUxnilinwitnesa tee- John D, Chivton, . servicesj to . Grand Jury T " 1 -Winstead & Satterfield, - for " C. C Clayton, for brandy for - v Mitchell Brooksbr jada,v.'.ir 18 X instead & Loca:. Piovisions ' -135(? J A L'Lg amount, paid for. . merchanilise for poor house .125 75 Taa. Trtver amount tit ftr - building bridge at Bailey's - 745 CO John S Robertson amouut paid . for provisions tr pauutr -' " 2-S& D. C. E'Bradsber amti-pajd- -f-. for medical attention. " ,1525 Dc. Q. E. Bralshtr amt. paid f r mriicriil attention; 1 - 48 00 J, W. Slaughter ajnount- paid ' for sheriff tees " S 50 J. C- Pass , .amonntj'paid or ..blanks for C erks olfice m I 18 50 J,il.: Pentjcost amount paid,;-.- for .s vices at Poor Su?e ' ,10o 00 .J, T. Gentry amount .paid": for witBtss'te'S. , "1 5e V B,tV7b'df amount pdjor. : . - 1 65 - 1 -Go Amos AdcuckV ; ami. - paid ? f or witness fc : Ira Hurt on," anaount paid, for , Mnr-lm J.' Day; amount j-raid ; , " - for wittuss lets . - , " , h "u Elvia Watkins, amount; paid rtor witness feesj 7 ' v v $ 0? for witn-iss fee$ '" r -t!t.?. J.jfia-P. ,WAgataff,amfe .paid: vi tt. for witness fe"3 - 2 u0 S.-B Hog-n; amount paid7or V - - :- .-witrifs- f'6-i. jT t -.1.75 N, L..Wftst'jC,ani6uDt,pqid ; tor, witnes fees ' 4 Cornelia -Vjlsonamount paid lor itness fee - 1 ; Job S. Golftoan j atnoaht raid, : for jwxtness fees ? x ' .1 , . MTapp; amount paid forwit nefes fe3 ' ; " ' leanr lak and hungry, dor; his heelt each day and a regiment of cats eter nally clatter want under hia window eacji night. ( -.; May his, cow -give.sonr milfc? and' cliurit rancid butter; and m conclu sion Good Lord,, may his daughter parry -a onood, hunch back editor, acdjus J.usiaeas go. to-the d ! Amen. , - t rJV 4 AJwelldigex niDs-coIll.f found-a hollow log twenty eight feet below the surface uf the ground and in the log a, vigorous frog-. It has be?fl sTenfcely weelr sieca that frog was bia" tod out of a polid'rock m Nevada nd a fittle lmpro.tlia'a-.fortaigt-ffliic'sonru-ijlii. laiHnropifi reicasea nmi trom a cke of o m -Vermont. And yet we rec ogfcize i:vnt as the s?.me old frog that has been turning up for twenty years or-more in. similar predicaments m ail parts- qftha cpun try. " The only thing abG"o3un.tkai Ma struck Us5- "pe cu'iar is. how he hihcecos to sot orer SfllclinitSir afnch'sifoFt inter- i ho Cosmopolitan -jt The hftndsomesmostentertaiQiEff. low price z free.V Sixtv-fouR. bcauUfuHv nrimir.. S each aumber, fiilc With short sUiWsAkiichex mv.i r at lix.c3v uy ujscinguisiicA American andforotn wnterssuch as Julian Hawthorne. ' Harnrt Prntr v'JrL-tffA , y . donald Oxley. Ella - V." w.r 'TtM , Undget, you sjt up so Lite- that we. don't ha?e breakfast till mho o'clock I'll thry an 3 do better, mnm Likely, innm i,;: -- . p tryi And you'll have to'-'Btop sittingup o iace juguis-m; tiie k:tctn with jthem. Oh, thank ye, mum, but 'they'd bek- ci bashful p. the parjor, yeVee Tototta, To. DoSto,Tsky, Wi.Um Vst'4l nd ,4many others. Asertcta5rfinsr.HJVSiM KOne f-mbre fthiStrated artti.les aad several fuS A Shannon Letter and Bill File or a Shannon " Ehtit-WUsic Binder -. free to every , , ' ' ubcriter. . " , t-T everywhere for 6i os I i f ? PI device ever snveni J 4 " for the rreserv at.n an JH J -1 1 if ? j "T and according" to date) Slxef f-.es II. H.Garnittarnount paid for: .ttkingpaupcrtQ poor honse E. C Hackney amount paid lor Printing arjiual account rA S, P. Sattei field, ooiount pid " for ClerK Board CJowuty Com,- 81 30 R. D. Maloue, ttmount paid for a : wit necsi fees .' '" - D. W, K. Kicnmoua, amount . . pail for witness tecs 1 J. 0. Pass, amoimt paid for Clerks fees " ' Fi N. Strudwick, amount paid - . for Solicitor fees . -A'Vnm Slaughter, amount paid;: for witness ft-es - II. T. Parrolt, aniount paid for . witness fees -.. v Edwsn-f, B. oughtoft & Co.j.- amount paid lor books B. H. -Wtfet, amou ut paid for witatss fe9 - .-.-,. - r r JanoabX 1S86, i " D. Dl Long, aaiourlt paid for witness fees J.'W. SUnghter,4amount paid for witness fees . L. P. Feunck, amount paid - for witness fees VV.'W. Horner amouut paid for witness fecB J.J. Brooks.i&mount'paid fur fe:s as Justroe ofjthe'Peaco - . TTios Adcock, amouiit paid for . witness fos. I. B. Piejsaut, amount paid for - witn-ss fcea " . FtBRrjAltY; i 1SSG, ' John O'Bnasit, amount' ptid -fir: Attention to clock: &q , -W. It. Webb amount paid for - reviMng Reg. Books D, W, K. Eiehmono., amt. pr.ld for pauper , r Mitchell 6c Brooks, amt, p ud t . Jormeichaodfee per "acct. 1 Zach.irnkerson, an. rpuid for taking pauprr to poor house C A. Daniel & Co. amount paid - for merchandise J. Il.'Pctiticost, amount paid for balftnce ou Boi'vicesat ihe1 - Poor House. Nathan Fox, ainoutit paid for witness fees - ., Dr. II, J. lt)l;e?!eon, amouat . .paid for wituees fees D. M. Andrews, amount pid for witness fee3 Wesley Wrenn, amonnt paid "i for wituea foes . ( ? J. G. Moiik auiouxrt , paid for ., l wiilHSi fteCft ' v Win, Dixon, QiOunt. paid for . witnc&Tfees Bettie Bum pass, amount paid - : tor witness fe8 Vinie Bumpas's, amouut psid- for'wind?s fa.8 ' - George Yauct-y.-amount paid'-3-4 . ror witness tecs. ' 1 t t 00 Soy Puce, amount paid for --C witness f.s. '- . " 2 0 J,. 11. Pay lor, amount pad for '"I'i vitQf&8 tees . . - 5 C5 Wm P. Sa'terfield; amount '': ,paid fur witneca ftes ... .,-.-.. i H. II. Kicliolsamooatpaid' r: for witness fees - , "J' '45 EB StiiuU rs,- amount paid Tor ' - ' witness fee- A;XJLi:j ' " -"'. 50- H HGnmtt,' amount' puid for witue-s fefa..f '.v- 'l CO SkAv, Carytr; amount paid for T ,"r witncfea'itita " '' v t1 15 Anios Adcoek amcant paid for II CtdjrtoD aniount paid, for " jf witness fyea - 65 b. M ' Chj ton, - emount ; paid ." for Mtntks fts:;: L J'.l 80 f i v an letters, bins. tc f .j Any paper can be referred i t ' iri t to, taken out and r if twi-v without t flfetui'hfte the .olhtrs. . "Wiilj. the. P,inrtj- i vSJ uuc insert orvake -out y.'-t.-n.tii nvt)ieceof musicTX'iihonr - lsturtwn anv rthir ch Get -SAMPLE COPV at NEWS STAND or- 120 Cnt to publishers.' ' A3SST3 VASTSa.- BIS C0IftfISS:0S3 PAD. ; TV -r t' 'J : ?hll-ch r c-i Rochester N.Y, 150 5 00 ' 5 57 05 0 - 2 80 SO H 15 1 S5 2 55 8 45 1 65 50 60 1 80 1 20 6 00 4 10 1 00 5 92 2 CO 8 71 -25 00 - 1 25 2 75 65 P'l CO t .1 80 53 90 IB M 85 2 00 .. ." . .-. C F Clayton PriutiKgiH.titea. . i ou DAI) mtri 6t Co. mad,-, - - Ii W 3i rgna t - r " C ... - v: JX. Brooka, -r --" - 'L -V Jeff Fai led pealing docfc roonv J M Ilanrphries. iu serviece at the poor Lone . ; j- TiK Dwutl fixing blinds V Ed War dsr Brought on & .Co., -"n " - - -. - .r W.T ilrvue a' count j Commissioner - w. Sun J5oii inul r.l u mber- J C.Pss ckrks ieea- V J Tis 'ai'.rieV'Soiioivor fees T H Street services County G.'E Winitead;-witness fees -v.; -Hi -is " ( . ' l - -' ' it.- 11 ' t . - 'it" ,-t 7 t . . 'F v"-f . " i.o 1 80 1 2Q 1 15 J r.l 10 w . '. 1 S5 - 3 40 2 80 rr 3 80 - 8,80 : "'80 1 95 1 80 t .... lt - . l .. .., 8 50 3,15 Y, C. Oakler, D.Ford, y rr TB.'Jonee, ' ,Cr. A Bogera, ' " ' W. Q. Rogers, , . T. D. T rr.ell, L N. M"nornery R. A. Ilarhlett ' J.lIV.IIiinlelt- TV. A. Oliver- ' 1 EHz.ibeih BItCaia John Leoeave - m Ii bprt H. B in h - EN. wilkcrscrti amount paid -as fees Juie-jof Hio Ptico wm-'.II"' Bailfy witui-s fee J : L. "C'a ton cons i abli: fees. ' , Sr fiCUes, St-erifffeea ' Getgo PuHi&m-vfitnes fs . J B 'EabUO.d ' BRSiiifh IB Pleas 4nt ' TT Nels-jn 1 E A Pldll'.pps : lie n ry Moor v -wyat Luusf'rd .. - MinCH. JpSS.. ; W. E. Wibbrfor lurKSiaudiKe Willis Jont a,' witness fees , W. T. Cort,'. serving road notices C. G- Mitchell, Sheriff feeP S. P. Srterfield,' Clerk; Board -. - of CoiiD'y CnunaissionerR R. A Williams Justice of - ths Puace fots ' - April," 1S83. ' - j R OK)cb, for provision 1 O A DankI & Co., for rnds Person County Courier, for . v Priatiag . 4 - - -John 0'Brinrit.for attention ta Clock sd Gcurt "Rouse ' J W Slaughter serving notices Hiinna S Criichf r, for -sundry ild oniers condtna'd J O Pas, for wood aad J.-latrttH G T Gates, for convey icg pau . per. - - - J M Humphrie?, - It eeivices , poor houso , . - -Joseph HutDpliiie?, -witnpss fees - ;-.. JlAT, 1836. -Y R .Webb for wurrit8 - -H Street, pro.visivAS for - pauptr - : - ""- S II Cates. strving liotictfa John D Clayton, services to grnud jury J M Sneed, makiag coffin VV T Nofll, services s . County v C"-mwisaioior , z. D W K Rwlimond; sertices as : Couuty Commissioner . ;f x T II Street, services &s County , C-uitniairer Mrs Susan Ilttrri?, services to s'u-fer at p-cr houso r- 1 , 11 A Mooi e, v. itccsa tfpe -Bedford Gkun " - - V J C MasteD, Fainting - Court V . Iloue rof- - -vf -r 28 20 J C.Pa-i:CltrKSrJpriorCurt 75 76 F N S'rudiclci Soiici'tr fees - 9 00 Herry'&kna.i?,-uitsfelsjr - ,5 W W.T.Q..trt;dptity hirifr fees . -45 Cus -Allen, witnvst feo ; -' 1- v - 1 3 J P L njr, S u-riS te a . ' 2 Vl 8H'o; :-"6jr C G 'Mitchell " , ; '-5 1 S'35 J S SlefrUt, ,witidrtw blinds" for' Court-Housq " i i? f-- i 47 68 S J JtjSe, 1SS.6. -1 8c tt3Iorn?s. -w itntss !eee Elian Johnson' . A .; r Edvards,.li:oughtOQn &,Co., , BooS't- - '.,-,xt;-y-' Uvi5 James JJam'ett, tuakir. coma - ,JL0U S.lwtrds,B?ujhtoa db Co.," t .Renters BOok:.- - . fa.-7-00 C A' Daniel &, Co,,, ind's. : 33 &5 J !A Lng foe meichundise t , -: 88 96 CpT; Jas'tfoJeman witiiesS Fee - 1 00 Chasllris;.- f.V 'u':? i rC0 Johh OaTtler ' " 1 60 - 1" 00 - ' ' " I 00 t.T " ' o": - i ts . : 1''25 ' 1'50 "5 LO 3 05 " 'I 65 J-l 50 70 1 ftO 1 90 -8 41 7 50 Z.Z 40 - ' 4 80 "59 90 -54 U 701 ' 6 00 17 82 2 50 " 6'25 1 2 262 00 23 20 2.00 20 00 4 Cu -1 20 ' 7 o5 27 04 ' 8 V 8 00 18 00 17 40 .1620 ' 5 CO 5 50 4- SO 12 00 ' '12.00 - IS oo ;.12 00 7- rr -5- 20 00 'S-V14'40 97 4 (KJ - - 4 CommS5ioir Jim'"fJatria-chaTitg'tufc vtll - ".2'5v T-J D yl' witn fee ;.T'l 50 About twenty yearf tjo 1 disooTered ft Iittl iere e'iaf ebeek.- ia4 tli doctori pr. '- - - aoanced it Cancer. .I have triad jTnanibw of phylciM. bat without reciiii ayper- ' ncntbeneit.- .Ji.inong the numlwr were one of two specialist?.- The medicine tney applied ,x 'Vhns lik fire W the i ore;'cauaitjg intense pain! . 1 saw a statement in the papery tajling wtofc:r; g. S. had" clone for others similarly afflicted.-1 procured some at once. Before I haa nsed the'aecorid bottle the neighbors could notice that my cancer -was Jhealme; Bp.-' Hf general ''health had" been baja for twa or three years 1 baa a.backiBg conga ana spit Moo4 contln- f.. . nay. I htda aevere pain in my breast: -' After lakinar six botttee of & 8. S. my ceogb. lefj : me and I grew stonwr thaa 1 had been for several year. My cnc has healorer all bat - , H alittle spot about the sise of a half dime, and it- is rapidly. dujappeej:ins.rl would adnaw . rery onewUh. canctr to give b. faS. a fair inaL - - " , aiiwMJANCT J KcCOMATJOaiT, Asht OroTe. Tippecanoe Co., lad. , - ' Feb. 16, 1886: - ' . . : . " . . ' V ; - Swift's Specific is entirely Yewtable, and seems tflf enre eaacers byforelni out the Imp ' j t.i-j . rpMflrtss PIaa uti4 Sinn TliwMAM mflilm frMt. : .. - -t -u iiuu. vu u1W. , - TUSWirfbPKmcO . Atlanta. Ga b- 65 8 00 474 f.i; --Ch,t"IliJaiJJStil lOOU. ,;. C J BtBter repairing. hridga-?'-17 '50 B A Bartjft ir takiug tax list -J- 14 52 C H Eichmond.rtgister fee;;. ;C:f9 S C B-r.ieit regiritia.ion. fe S.9t John A'Baird'provisiODS ior; " pauper ; :.'. r ,-4.B0 Joiu' D :Clay to q ei vices to -"-grand jury ,-.v, 1 ' .1 6-00 Q W Duncaa making coffifiT' T V 8 00 4: M HomrhrKS- grr vices-at r poor housV ' t- ",9 O A Prtnit, & Co merchandise " vat. poor Ijouse - -. 25 45 John' Bog'. rd r g'stration feci , , '-3 57 C G Miteiwti drugs.;, l . 70 71 J-W Cacniushuiu proyisiors 5 18 00 VV T OritcUr rn.ikinj;cofiiris. 5 50 S'P SatifiU rra'tlng aTS-'t-V. . - " t MVt p. tax-hooks &c' - S05 88 IWS ntug h't er jsht nfl fees S B Wjasie5 Ibla corn : Edwards Broughtoa -fi; Co sta Dr E A Speed me licnl aton: . ' ; J-m BenTreflirHsrhrrd?6 8 CO DtCK Brudalier medical "Ber; : hes v. V I S8 50 D D Long g ung after?prisoneri5;W( y October 1S88. ;V'J- ' " CAD iniJ & C laerchoudisp 10 80 C F Cltyt a joi piriting - 3 00 PeTSoh Ctmry "Courier printing. 3, 50 TXirnft'Itrisnt. Ke rvieeR"tO C II rf A 12 V A.Weody & Co luerchaajUe A-J BuiU.n registratioo fee-' JFVXdy v - " 'X Juuics Walker witne fee9 J , J F Ttrry feeding jury , v: C t M' i ht I tariff Jeea -Wint'8a4- & - Huaphrit3 : far; vrhfBt' ' -'-! . V S B'ln steal tor me-1 Cd Milcbullbfr'.S fets &C" 13 23 John W Jkr w,tne fiM 20 Jl II Grret't U V , 1 CO S WGj'tv 4t -1 82 W B Wel'b i.stict of praco fees ; 75 SP Stf eifitld'clt-'ik ro txiard " courty commHine'S IT 48 85 Aznriah DaVia - .witness fef S r r -fl 45, JohiiClI-lt : u -r 125 J M Sead for coffins - O A Dan W & (jo oit rcharKlise Pt8un C-uniy Courier k?eti.'a - S-lI Cntea sheriff jVa; 3 jf " During, the tobaefco year ending S.ptember'30, 1885, th-BSTAB'' ld BMirly t - 1 - i--., - --.i.-', - .a tfieigrf st jear'swork we ayeeyjer done," -"which shows thatlthe MSTiLsl. unt loes any ol ita popularity ana Buu-coniinuw 10 oc 1 -Vf-fV;. -VVi;;1:" ';V.V -r"0 .-f S7 80 6 tO V'i"IHa wjH " .--. - . . . S P vrnJiiu Sheriff fees" . V- 1 J W Brooks. , k , .'V A . e 180 , s oa 22 55 2 00 " 5 00 4 -fc .T ' FOS, FIIE TOBACCO. 'wWe, hate hardjof ' none.claimiaap to hare aoli- moie ttibcc than the bl A".v 1 ,-''- 1 -f - , - - " Jf We return tnanj tUHoks: to our friends and patron tor tir uoerai patronst thich, has alwava ulacfd the STAB" in the f ront rauk Wc would, bj ple to hsadft- your cnp4hi3 s-saaou and will give you the -in-fit a teodoir in our power. ' There is no house in thQ city ; mow Trortny oi yourpir,-ge inan tovoiAi and nonftet which tou can eet better pricrs for you c .tobacco. 4 Our ."acc'inrnclati'on toV man jand beastar 4Jsurpased-: Our facihtiea, aj( will do Ton right, whether voa have sold with usf fcetyr6:or t aad obtain I you at all tuneathe ; irf i-- -X"1 1 T" VERY HIGHEST MARKET PRICES FOR Y0PR T0iTAC0t Cen. H H H"trXTSalesMan,' -J Mao Smixh, Atiotioneerj " J B McDANlEWJrrrmsn'r. jW-I(JooKi WeigUmufcter - . " ' . ' i .-"'" Wt all extend a. cordial, welcome B KbkskB, BeeV-keeper, v v. TiioaHE, ciel-k Capt BL If ess.' liCaaraia MLHtmr, . l wn H Pkicb McDAvrsiit Bar atr Bwok Mills, Kifht watek ' (O Mil nTcAIsas ! X N KODSOH, Collector, h ' J Jf,tnDTCHINGS&SONr;POPM.' 1H. S-.X-, IT". TJlIjStrteta aa county commVi.3i5o. - pryVeios -1 T 20 T V; Bo'Chanao n j.a vtrlTidi?-23 yO Wiretetd & Terry niiuney fces 75 00 W. T Ni-ii r ice s as county K , , ... . comniissjoHcr .. ,; ;- . 15 00 D K Richpoild services as -.:S coui'tj contiiiLssioncr- . - 26. 1 0 J- W 'Slaughter" PUtmiboaiEg " - ju ry - " . J !) r 0 IIosia Crver wiiness fe , l ' -' ' -. 1 45 I certify to the correclrrrsa. of the fervjfrnitig- etatomen? gi ven :" under b?j hand this No. 30'h - D 46$S. . ' , .Si V' 5ATIEKlELli - R?uMteTE Dds-o' f to J , JJcaid Bard County Cvmruis V . 'a.fD'r or' Person 5t;.nty; 'JVcm; AdveftisewuiTiis. l-Zi J M'Snead :?;"'J -w ikad - ' . J B Gentry r IN F llicfoff ' s Q II Duncan hvoos' Adcocic Jqho : Duneanv-amuttut p'id for ' wituesa-fet-a ' - - . 85 Chaue, Carniron 'fimt,paid4 ' - for wituoss ft 1 ' I B0 irau"YeIlQckr4.feat.rrpaId fci I 1 . , ' . - - .WltllefeS feOS.., - - ' 1 25 Dr; CEVBriidsberj-arnt:- "paid " ipr witness lees r- -.-; -Ben Brnett, amount pal J- for " n itn;ss fees . ' - Jyhn D. Winstead, amt. paid for v itnesa fees ' - - - i -o 1- 2b Jim Caoiet'on, amount pdd for - ?- witLi-ss K-ts ' Charley L amount p id tot v itnees ftft-a - -'ft I 50 1.60 1 45 2 '70 2!i70 BoJiO'Bna&l" A -Rog-.-ra J Psees VrT Biown jsitotsa lees Z' Hiram Laves i v i'r ' , 3 P Satteifitld Ckrk.to-Board'r ; of Couaty Crmtuis.iontra JbLt,a8G;-,; -i jofeti O'Briant for attention to 1": W B Fntley repaidngrhf idge J iIlie.std,Uikingcofhn " John'A Bairit Uklog t iX lit f oj "1S8S John II Burch takinst"XIist' frir 1880 ..." J Si K-jbertson taking t-ix list for i&tar -- - 7i:dc V 6 12 15 00 -"12 00 12 CO 1)0 Execute's. Notice . ifaviTi? this daj qnaHf e3 as EMihr of the last will and Matan'ieatiet thu late. Waltct a I ftereby notify all parsotia-.in'tabteA-.to the tes latot to-eoieft forwawl and make paymeH --tkere of to xne: :ir.(i all twraiius hoMing claims affanst the testa tor jire HkewiBe nottiiwi to preweutltiem to me fo. payment on er torfnre the i5lbday' of NoyeaiLer, liK7 or tiiia nelice Uiil.be aeai in iai-ot tuett recovery. ;This J5tb (lav of Novem ber, ISfcG.. ' WM.il. KArLKNlEB, . - - J-V r -Ex"r,of E. Pr Whiter,: ; Adjii'r's Notiqe. The unciercifcii.ed haviDg this 5ay-qnalU:eJ as Alimi8iratar; with tife wll anftexeii of vfl.e B-te iaaait Laws.hi-ebv fires iit:teXo alt pf.r-flna- holding clatms-dsraipst. th Tatd; Isaac Laws,-to-present thtm on or:lefre the SSiVt-I Navefnher I887or thl nut-e wilt 3e pieal in bar .of Uieir recovery.:..Autl to all persons oflinjr siuii sltte t CD ne forward: and make iaimedi utr settlement with the tntUors-pnetL. - , v - This 2Srd day of tvemlf r, h$. f ' 'v jl . - V- , 'JAMBS laws rr - - - t Atlin'r. ofJsiiac-Lavrs. 7 H OxfordNiiCr Vrl L.wili " be in "Roxhoro for sereral ' c - r1- ' -u -i- - ,. .. .-. mpnthVond anj'onejwishlng to.'- Beautifjr 1&S13 i Home oa Build alxTew House S; , yc.-,- cHo-H oo TOOLS' .--, 4 Jt AiiewJotf!. or the Kebtlon A collectfontof fcnmnrnm., pittei if..n.t IJi ri4i arru I ivwi t h wrjitcrriv9 af bivnone a r:i fcUlf ttld,Tiira ud-ilrkct, vlf'Mura f err, asm n4 rl' ttark of ps iuoo 1)!, of ttis gri Omerala. of Wr. i,la-n'ii, t-c, -Th LITa ofOmierail ST. 8. tlrant. Hf Vf. A. Pars.' Wtta trt rait Ksiutnur UJiinjlonft. J- . " . . - -.Pocdi,-x f. itf.U'.'' TtiflnlT rhesp wlttkm ptUiafA ) ) f vcl v1hjiii...H. iUnt-rU4, .- ..- t Pw-'Bifc by -Henry. IV. LonKrclOTr.- No oocB tfford U wif.wut t-:w iiitf cMlwtion. jfrlJ. t, . " - '.'I.oein'' by AlfITpnnyiiu. -Thi WnrkrocUlni aoma Rfvfipiitonu 'ti. icrent incl Uuvia. - - ParlsM1 Asuinemcntn. A Ui icr JC:irHoM oi jfln Ch ls,.ar!r rmS. falw.law r,t.Miiiiii.. Sanwir. i'umlw tr .'ot -inclut -cwliei iue. iMb'ic n.t ir.i. -.,..!...... ' w nd fveniiigii t h..in8." li'tutrattd., ... .. raiMHiyr Mti,Uar. ivrhs bet mrttrnd of leaf Jnct pent, Kl-llrctumii btt makiug Ivn.nml llutnl nrtlevtrfH, lor wta.lnw gr'nc. .(c. HiutWattd. t it. i A.",!.M" S",6?1. -Wl5Kls,Tlan(t,.Oroclrtd, - tc antaa '.s-)itirt WiWen, A rn-f Ion of rt-IIUnr nr TKflvm Dvti-ure rtriuce. man j of IIku wiiiuo by actual i e.I 11 0,,a Uoaioiv ' eoTlpctloo of linmomm Hf f tb Re. A XnrW.; Rtrared. and all ar . erin mho ijit To omplcta m itaatf : . v - IfCuu Amvwrk. Agatha' HUtry. r A Vnt. Mr Hiwtitr Blmrt. Morwlek Fua Mystery. "A Msvat. Wiuee : CoM.isn. ;,' rare. .- .- I'The I;k ru iiatiTema, - A Vol. . By Waa HaMaak liiHWro-W.- .- - , 11 .... .. .. .i . . . , . . . . ' -A !! Heart. A crej.. Mr Anthor of" Inra.Tnaraa.1 J aeKinl AdTeatareaaTaiMUkmaU. A XaV Ri run. . - u . u .. v . 1 :t rtf HalMlTt. A WotsI. Br Was rw.t R.J'' --'1.4 - 1 he Ile'r la Aaalrr. A Norn. Bv Mm. Het Waaat.' v , or Mw.l A NorT. . By Wilkih CokkiHi. ' ITfiiiri aWf. w . MAre Hi'tcr Uiaa ieata. - itonl. . Br Ua aataot af lm TIiorn." . - r - s .... . RrrUtanV JJf. A Wn.- B rTraa CoawaT. IJTat r Tiie Fatal I.lltna. Tl Amiiorof " flora Thorae. s A Unnitaw on tne TareoKeld. Nml If MillliK :' -- TaoCorneor Carrw. 4 Kl. rautlierof "IfcvaTWaa.- - : . .... i. .... 1 f j . . . . . . . lUxmlralrd. - . .. .. ; -. - - . -r-r ' , -. ' ' -.- r tr" "St Waaaea. iKnt Br Ik aorbar at M D.)ra i home." . ?-v . .. . . M"rta: A KorcL VJ-Haw K. E BAaoaV ATaloof -in. Nov1. ?y Mr. Hkbt Wooo. ; AKrKlqreofLaTe. A NoVetj B raathor of J Dora Tbaraa. ' -.A HaWe trlaie. , A NovsU "Taa DvcHNaa." . IiiU4ew A Norel. IB aaor of Bora THoraa. VFedM and Parted. A lforf.Vranhor'arnDaraTMraa A ortuna jiunlrr. A N.rd. n imiui Tliwit. ' )tA -Among t he Kuln. a NovaL It II art Cacti. Hat. flrV ! Kaaa LoUjie. A huralBita. By Mra.V Wouax, 2. t -aforit-. f.-tciu.a( potui ana.i)rrri(,nR, t lha Icadtme lmm, - Biarar Anterisaa miw.;.' J'tMtri.f .' . : - Hid find it toHheir- adranta .to-call-1? 'nmV "- i - - -la-. - ' - ' ' ' ? u I'm : v ma 1 nosr.nn.Tfi nnnn rtft rr Arnr, .rr ,in a ? - . - -J m.,;4"'.'?1"--' extr ensnre. either wxtT cenrn worth of t... rm-a.i n t..aawl' - - - .r t 1 1 1 if is a i; uiinrtriit wiiii'.n win ipnT n . or - i a i -1 2L Krf i ;-p,f .61;"lunin iUuBtrated Ufrary pswr. for one ypr A U - - - - 1 " Aavess 41 lettia; - . orders fll!(ii hr r e-a rj. "lav( tao al ottran'ija 1 r--. : iij-., - 1 i; .j 1 i '..- - .. 5 , - w ? r

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