" THE COOMER"V;'- pubfifched in (he cefctreof a" fine tobacco growing section, snaking "it one of'the best adr ertiaing mediums : for .merchants end warehousemen in. the adjoining -..counties . Circulated largely In Person,- Granville Tand Durham pountiea 'in:' North Carolina,- and of all description neatly executed on . short notioe apd at reasonable .prices..' "When in need of work give the Courier a trial. - - A Q UESTION kBO UT Browns Iron l tec , : - rt rT t- - . Howtaio Browu' Iron Bitters cure every. V orwMabareputtblpB7iciaa would pnwcrtlxsf ROS!'. agent known to th j'feaHioi, .nd-stJoLuiry oi an--:, Iwjroa ohomical Crai will aubstantiiua tna uwrtioB tu-M. Uibto re ru'iro preparations oi iron tio rf.n : cMr Bobetenca aud iu medicine. 1 ui eb.ivrs eon raatTely that Iron ia tskaowkdao.t t) be tl m(t atrnfactoryirpa ourntinUch .d evor beenfound. pevi BROWN 3 IRON BITTCESKWiSS bdaoh, or prodara oonst'pttirw aJl etlirr Iroa Jtediclnes U. Bjlf)VSlR(il iI3"Tl:ii J4. InUlsestion, BiHeufr.eS3,Vefifcr.e!j9, ' DTenepsia. Slalarla. Cbrifo end leT-er. . tat J1 thage ailmanta Iron is prescribed Oajly,. BROWrl'S IRGH BnTERS.SSS5tt onto. I,ik n others thsronah rwwwunes. it acta irly.. WJiea taken by tie a tho first Fyinpttai of tent 4s renewed enwirv. Tho musnlas ihpn Loccizn i'iuei,tfae digentfatn improves; the bowels are active. : jn wwwi the efleot isattu<y rartre rapid and marked. Tbe eyes begis Rboricn to brigatcn ; the skia cleurm 'Bp; healthy color oemea to the cbeeks: nwronnees : ffinppeiuarfanctaoual deranoiaentB beocme reRa fcr. and if a nnrsns mctiier. abundant sunencne (nmpplJed f'r the cU-id. Kemciniuor Broun's Iron BtMerS' in the ONfiY iwrn rat-inane that SS not biarioua, . fhysiciai auet JJngyist racatmumi ti. 9Sts GenuSne has Trade M-irk and emeRed red lloag :, ... on wtaw, ; VAKG NO OTUiiJl. jRO FESSION AL. S. A. ''ATTORNEY AT LAW, milsboro.X C. -PwifcHe in the Conntias of UrswcH, Duraam. Jiiillord, Ors and I'crsou.. TTT.1KSTBAI) ..Jil.URJ'.j- - ATTORNEYS T LAW. . -' - a 1 BiOxboro, N. C. Prompt attiatooa glTff to &U business entrust tl t tha. -' ATTORNEY AT LAW, .-'. : ' Eoxboro.K. C. J. Graham, T(os. Ruflir. GRAHAM & RUFF1N, Attornej'a at law, HilUboro, N C. rrctice in the OTmUcsol Alamance, Casw bru-ham, Gnillord, Oranjfe and l'erfon. J 8. MKBKITT ' ATTORNEY AT Ifanv ttenttpa given . t Hie collection u ''-.0.-Brafli3her" PRACTiClNGPilysiulAN. -J. ,' Kftxboro,. C. t-wtewKmal wrTlces offered to the cltieu ot Kszior aa?t aarronntiag.jw tT. , PRACTICINQPHYSIC I AN. ' " ifcf- koxloro, N. C. - tn -not tetloiiay ogaged I Yan be ROJCBORO A&ADSIV.Y -J Opeiivto Botli sexes- a-o-O-'-K t Openexl i January lotf, 1&81, , JAMSS W. TlLtETT, rrincipal, MIa Pamela C. Wyck. Assistant. rajtlotf forlSO weefcB, Primary Depart neat Sld.00. - m ' . Cminon EatliPb Branches lllgaer Baglis aad, Languages, $20.05). W$6tesaleandBeUiriealeriln TKtMri0The State - Danville, Va. - VACONS : V Harness, Saddles, ; ' ' Collars,$'6 All Wrk Gaarantee to Give SatisfactleR Fine work aiSiJi- ? 'I?nbu1 baat work sold. -V ' " ;- MAIH STREET, DAN VILLI!, VIRGINIA. . Mar. 18-11. ' " 4 HOWARD HOUSE - . - " SOUTJI BOSTON,, VA. A f&vorltfl Hotfel Wi'h theTmvelKnp rublic . . JBiverjf accowiuwuai urn A m teT at thi ll6WAttT wben yoi on visit -South -Jtostoa. Cbarga very reasouaule -Durham Saw Mill complete. Ready "for rp- "rtln.nrffh IU inAh aolld tODth BaWi 60 fet oi earrigef 6oieetJrf ways, Anto.roatic eet works ana mction . iea, two wot nouns, uhuiiuci .iiu noaner-wrencn. rarticmarBano wsruw u u nidation. AdrirR TJCWIS BLwUNT; Prop'r, itral Iron Works. Darbam. JN. v, ' '; apr as iy 7 Thb.GreatAmerican - TOBiCGO 0RDEHIS5 Apparatus. WRITE r6U TRCW 3 AND ,PRfCB3 T JfAnnisctwrer ' and fialc ' AgeM (Jtentral Tron j i!V.a4 & XOKIL Editors and Preprietors. ; 7; HQME:FIRST: 'ABROAD V0L.;3. Numerous people. have talten mccb pi JasureT iri rlechmng ; tha t "if E Sam Jonoa .eter' sLouldl go'to lostoa h6 would find f people with, nk've and sense eSbtrgh to tell btai , that his langfiagewanoi. refined enough . f or them, and thntthe-piupu m liostoti Is 'no.ihaveft.-for -the: mnbe: of jslangTi where, with peculiar prerogative, he can raulie 1ree us& ot vhacew iHo'tra Untf. -. These -, predictions "'may have caused Mr Jones to ppstpppe :.his huh-did iR-ifeacae wi thdriiwal rom theeme:prie8 the followmg cor r -ondeMOtftakeii from an exchange will provo: ' ""T ' 'am Jone spoke to two great an- diuncea here yesterday,; and no nian's words" ever stung Boston's complacent uv rut ater pertui bauoiiv s 1 hereoaton to a sense of her moral aud has-been mucl curiosity and doubtTgpintual dtgjedatiou. - II o added.:., itiivong those who have liiought tho Georgia evangelist to iio&tun over the success or failure of the two weeks' crueade wbiftli he Jiaa now -begun". rho "jwpnlar tervor which his fiery ittacfcs npon tho sins and vices of tbe dTY roused in the south and west by no means argued for him a welcome from - Boston., In no town ut ...the, country are hia methods -so .likely to fail. Een the auepices under "wlrch Sam. Jones has corns are uufrtunste. Denominational jealousy ps much as autlnng else limited the invitation, whic-i w.is Oually e:Tt by the. Me ho dists instead of by all the., evangelical lriinisters. The Cougregationahsts ft ho brought Moody hi re for i he great reVival ten years ago, are too much diurbed by the doctrinal dispute -at Andover to euter very heartily ir.to an s'-Egr-e&sive ximp4tign. ;Tio Bap list clergy stand aloof Ostensibly be cause they cannot endorse 8ou.e of ;he e'oquent .Georgian's methods. Ereu the iiethodia s x hojted Jones would tone down the rot:gh -vigor oi his atti.cks, m Reference to Boston .iOtiou8 of religions propriety,-, v Id the hope, probably, that vhe wxvuld be restrained bv cultnred sur roundings, they selected for ute hrst appearance the Tre men --struct church tlie house of the richest ; aud most fashi - uable Methodiat Eocieiy iii town. Bnt nothing curbed ..-he tongue, of the revjvalist. II :s words were as re lentless arid Bcaihmg as. any be. ever npoke. "He'had before him a typien-i Huston audience; Is'ot since the height of the e.vcitemehtof the -Moody revival has auch a-Sunday mormBg eotigregatii;n; assembled here. The churca seats about 1,000 pecp!o-Two thorsand people filled, the pews and every foot of standing room "before the services .opcucd.- Two ."tliou sand more vamly trietf to gefffithiii sound of the preacher's voice. -. The evangelist was Handicapped by several impressions prejudicial to him. Most-of .'his hearers' espected. to see a man more " or "less uncou th, anedni cated andVnrefinad. - '1 hey expected to be shocked and amused by vratbec broe'd jokes, droll incidents, and very oointed stories at tho expense of i the popular follies of.' the 'day. It vas plain-by-the Jucea and demeanor ;of the audience that they were first-sar-prised, then puzzled, and then ;Com pletely won by ' the matsuerv of man who stood, before thenu -lTis,' appear? atice, manner and words, -as he first addressed them," were as pohshed iand refined as those of anyone who -jbad spoken m the samerpu Ipi II , U& !was graceful, even dignified. .in his ;Grst sentences. Ills text was: Vln Qhr st Jestis," and thread of diecourse there wWnone aftertbe filst five minutes he said in paitr. " C I suppose there are more candfd 'thmiglnfnl minds to-day aikiirg tiiese thi"iee qnstions than, pei baps', "there are ej'gajed upon any three (jnestiOfls on' earth,:; ; Who is Christ?, Ybat' i Christ? ;.AYhero is' Christ? After ail I 'boheve the" wisest 'answers -to- them are-tathe first jone-r-Who Christ --the personal Hving, embodiment of wisdom and justiceand closer cd ,morcy and triuhj' and alithe graces that make the children of Uod lovely, Vhere is ChiistBrethren'ihe'woi kl lobks to" the" jcharch jto ' answer that question.v-' V;, J" . -- " V hat - is ChJ'is ij ' - Ah , " bre thren, my hopes,!' your Iiopos fortune and eternity:: depend ion?; that question.' There s no salvation thja sidB of -that point where I can look 'np in the face of God and out on. the f .ice of man and say.TJe dwelleth in my sournchly iu all wi8dom.;What: a : privilege ;tol ha"ve snch"ftuest m my house.-I ain ashamrd of the honse I -offer liira. ; I ni ufrhiimed of everything Iset be- ,;NOBTH: fore Tlimaa my goest, but lie is tny gncst, thank Oody.'A . r :.jrhoprlachei'-fdi8cas3edithft-.tcn'!l rien ; ut ' tlenominafjons .to consider fob much the unimportalit "sin, and doings. Attacking each deiiotnitm tion in t ojt . vv evt- aimed : -u-"Hero ia a Baptisti'prcaeherl ring- inpne cnanges on.-water,-mnci yi terand perhaps a large proporjticrrt ofjgTQa , me- a grtat.ueai or-pieasiire. his peojle are fast going .where" they won't get a drop.4o cool their parched tortguea." , -l.r- ..Th(J vwncg service wa? held at the copitA cktclv,"-which is "moTO" ccn--Jnt, alslJif j,5Crtip e reji(lRav; dred 10: 'attend. -About,- half, that numberisucceeded n- gvitiRviaBido tho do-irs. i pf evangelist' ep-ko .for more than Zn limr. There tfertflOO 000 people, inwenty-etatrg, prayjng that he , r? .ghl - succeed ui arousing "I believe in pinyei1 and the God that answers prayer .and I behovevHe can make this city great in spiritual as it is, m commercial 'things. You cull yourselves ihe"IIob I pray that God may mabe yon the hub - from which shall radiate spiritual lijght over all America." , , l Among the tcrse-Bayingd 'whichlhe great audience did'net hesitate to ap plaud, were these 7"' ' 1 "A man who lias more religion than sense I have found to bo a fool, aiid.a niiin who has more sense than religion a r .sad . - ''There have been scores of millioiiv aires o " both continents who hay'e died uhrepentant,' andiwho now can not mus'er ooghi mouey . among them to buy a drop of waters to cool iheir paiehei toygues. . TI;ere are some people who expect a continual reviva; in-chcrch-7-'. Now, they might ns well put their pre ichev in an ice-box and then enre him be cause he didn't sweat as to expect him to Tceep n p a rev ivai wi thou t hel p from the pews. ' r , XTou think too much, of the heaven that is to coae. Let us work liere and stand on .the ten commandments and the sermon on the mount,-and heaven will come lo tisjiere and now, so that Boston will ba but a suburb of gpn-y. " lfc You Bing too much of .the: Sweet By-and By. Let us lut ve more slug mg o Swtet Now an&Now; . , fI would rather taVo my chahcts with a geuerous siiiceVthan with a stingy Methodist.'' .'" ' At the cloio of his address. II r Jones asked those who would co-operate w itb liiro in his w ork hero to rise, and fully one-half -.of : -the; peo ple stood on their teet.Arkansavj Traveler.- - :- A Cure, for Felon. ; ;.Take common salt,? roast itf on, a hoi shovel nntil it ia as dry as yon Cuu nuike .To a teaspoonful of pulyerized cas;ile ,aoap, Vdd a tea spoonfuL'of Venice,' turpentine; mix them well l a to apbul or and i apply to tualeton. If you have ten. felons at on ce : m ake as " many peUltices. Renew this" poultice twice a day." In four or five xlays your "felon - will, .if not opened before yourponlttce is firsCpht on, present a hole down to the bone, where the' rjent'up matter was before your.'poultiee' brought it out "If the feloli h'itsien 'cut open or opened itself, oi: Is ; abou t to ' take off the finger, to "the first -oint, mo niatt9iv pn t on.; our pou It ice ; : i t w II I siop right there, ? and;; m ;iime - jour 5gerwill get well even if ouo of the Jirstlbonea 4s gone, J -J Gf course itv will not res tore the lof twbond,':"bu t -it w ill get well soou.-rAmerican Farmer,' Free Trade. -.rTbe, reduction5 of ;interhil revenue and the taktrg "oft of revenue stamps fromProprtafy' Mdieines, no doubi her largely ' benefitted tbe, consumers, as - well : as roheviug" - the burden of home;'martafactar!i'8. Especialjy is this the case with ,Greeas Anguat fl:).w: ef ;and ; BjDSchets j&trmariSvrup.VBs tlie reduction-of thirty six cents rpir doieh,- has been-added.to increase tbe size of ,tfie bottles' containing these remedies thereby :giv pn$-fit,h iitofe medicine In the fS eent sizV "' The Am gust Flower fJf Ijspepi'aad Liver Complaint and the ,Gero3 an .Syrup- lor Cod'gn nd Lung;trouWes, have per- hapYfhe largest aale &F; aiiy medici&eaJ in the, wortd,J The advantage of : in creased size of thebottles will be great 1 j 'a pprceiaf ed ! y the sick and i fflicted; in evary. towncard village .in civilized couuirits." Sa.mpe" battles fur 10 vents re'maia tlie aama t.iee. , "- " ' Bring 'yorir, job' work to the Oo'tjki ek oHice-r-latisf action gnitranteed Prices modefsto. - jDiLROLINATHUB.SDAYvJB'eb Letter From KiGhigatt? -':' ."Mft, N .LrNgpfBj'.-RbxborbV N," C.,--3Iy- .VEiiTDEABiSiH Your very fiiendlysnd weljjoAe , tter of tKe"-2.ih-"5rtt,-b'ai Instuow. come to hand and f most; tay Godblees .tu and von r forever. - -For-several rea sons r the -rtadin' of youc leUerbas In the-first Iac &ax gratified S that yea are'stilr a!ive8nd prospering; i alio that yon. have: as all brave and true men should? teiA asid'i - all ani mopity ? d bittefnesa-of feeUns; to- wards the mea.iyoa"fp4jhtL:-aioat,i a nd that- vmi r sel t' and . the 'peopleof Torth Carolina in geneial ars loyal to-tbe Union' and the Goverrjmenk I d id not d oubt bu t i t wa? s, stij 1 it is gratifying to be assured of the facts. Have received many, friendly't letter frihvex.Canfeaera'fea iarep'y to tsy letter in the Con&tftv.tiorr among otaers.ono Jrom.j. i5tt,,Liyon, oi ior; ham. From Mu Lron 'a letter to me I did not fake it that he claimed, to be the man whom Tspoke of,a aiha ini his'gun at meVhut said ; he ..was the" boy 1 sorreuded toand thath stopped and - talkett with me." IK stated .that he. hadi no recollection of the circumstances I described. - Well the f-ets,; as r.ear as I can ; give them aftc- r so 1 :mg a , time, - are as follows : But a minute after you (for I - think there can be no don bt but you 'art-, the man) had passed me another man came tv me and asked if I was wooed e'l. I informed him that I "was, and said ''I have sarrendered," or, "I stir render" can not recollect-which." :I stid held my gun in my hand, and he asked, ? 'what, . then are; you cioing with your gui still in yonr hand" I replied, ".being wonnded I .kept it to steudy myselCwitb,''. but then irn-1 mediately laid it down,- and - asked what, ha wanted me to do. He said, fw ork along to as near the ford as y u can and we will hclpyouacross. Without doubt this man was Mr. J. Ed." Lyon,'forrin his letter he men tions his telling me to get tip aa near the ford as 1 3ould and oaae"one would help ma serosa, n Asr, in the excite meet, he did not notice the transac tion between youaud mvself, nd as I did say to him, I have eurreudered,5 or, 'I surrender,' and as I stiil had my gun when he came up to me, .he liad pretty good reason to suppose I had not surrendered till ! surrender-? ed to him, .1 have'no recollection of therman'a dressfand not aj very dis tinct recollection of his personal ap-. pearance (I mean the man who aimed his gun at me) but aa near aa' I can remember' would say he' was a man not far from ordinary height, per haps -a little abov, stiatght and weil formed, and neither very fleshyior the rverser 'K regard lo hiis complexion have almoBt no recollection; but am under . t he j impression - that he had brown-hair, and that his complexion was neither" yesj light or vcry.dark-r about medium. Your-recollection of my personal appearance is quife ac curate with one-exception, Instead of being six feet, or a little imder in heifiht. I was but five feet seven inch es, - As you; say, was a very hfctie in- cuueu to oa epare, my weigut; oemg 140 pounds, my eyes,; hair rknd whis kare were called black; ' though they were ' not -positively 2 blackrut ' alii were very dark brown. Some called my complexion dark, others light, but ioc" fact 'it was a little darker, per? haps,-than: medium. .- Lwaa straight, active and muscular, and probably ss healthy a man as there was in eith er army.Ara-- stlU strong ' and healthy format man of my .nge-r-oT! last monthin fat never yet been sosick as to hate a doctor call f or hie fetv But am' very gray haired now,; and am quite bald headed,- -Will inclose a photograph of myself "taken - thfs month. -Yon say you are doing, well, own about 200 acres of good landetc.t and have' a wife ; and eight children. Now there is do man on earlh ; more fond of children than .myself,- nd I always feel ;a deepihterest in :the fiimilies of toy friends (and I hope you will allow nse to connt yorjuas one of them) atrd I am '-glad 6f your pros per lty'not only for your.owasakei but for that of yonr 'family.'-," I- feineerely hope- they arealtwife and children, aa well- as yourself,-' well, .contented and happy.7- ; Would., be; glad-rto see yon all, 'aud .hope sometime, tooome Southland mak'e;.the acquaintanee cf your family. ? I belisve the kmdly in teregfc we old soldiers,7 of both armies, take in "each 'other wjtl not only't?nd to niore' strongly cans en t- the . Un ion but to rcfiiiy and lteral'e us a peopl ?sTEXT; both morally ai.d eociallyt I isave a miV and onechlUa; danghteri2l year-Tol'l arpl: mailed 'Am neither r.ich-dr ye ry poor. - Have a good farm' here 3 miles' -Northeast from: the city of Detroit -wortK - a few" thons and dollars, . Quly a few daysr.agtf iwned.a jiou3e and" lot m the capital city of Michigan iJan&ingyrorth.' & few thousand but have just deeded ti a? u pi eroilt to y-d't hter J-W i f in close-heV photograph vtag"en rwhenl 6 yeas "old. , It is for your oldest dsjighieraf .ra?tf..yoar ehildren are daughters? and 'if not then for "Mrs. LuqeforoC It 'seoras buti little while since" the time we 'saw; each at jSom -ervifie ford,. et "my -daughter-was ora one year,, four jnbnths and .three days after trat skirmigh. and is 'lidw 21 and "married.-; I forgot to, answer one qnestioi yoa:8ked.t;I doj,recol-lect'-your .talking ' with me af teVmy? leg war amputatedbut either did not kno w t; the ti me jfbr had - forgotten wb-3 the soldeir was.'-! Since you men- ti ori 4tv T recol lec t y ou r pi cki n g u p t h e eanteens tf cold coffee .etc r Yctt say G. is solidly Democratic, '-well; now, let me say diffeience-of opinion on political qutstions ought not" to make any difference in men-a friend ship or respect for each.other. Lem a' Republican but have no better right to my political or', religious 'opinion than anof hermart has to his. i I re spect a man who is conscieutions and is 'governed . byhis" convictions of right.: "Andlet.me - say, too,; nearly all in or th ern ' people, e ven ou rajp pa -. rently rabid' politicians in th Repub lican party, who-foolishly "'say some things they ought "nob to, are friends ly to the Southr&ndv have Iid ' aside their Animosity . ' and - resentment. TrratTs as itjshould be? for we are all Americans, and Vtia.for the best in ferests of all, that we be ' friends. Your,)oliticians "also say some -foolish things buf that "does" not ..pre ja dice us against you -all. Hoping to hear Jrom yon again vary" soon; Ir am r " " , Yoeir Sincere Friend,' - Wabres" HoPKljya.-l. , F. S. There were three jof-ua tak en prisoners on that ; day myself,- the boy l.'spoke- .of and one other- man wb o was wqu nded in t h e ; hip while running. ;. He was paroled the same time I was--vA few weeks after being paroled he died of his woand.ii Have forgotten his name- v " 1 "Algonac,- St. Clair county; 'Mich.,' iarclr30th,,1886, . "'A llterary Curiosity.' -S "t.a - - v - I -- .... - . - - ' -The Glaase'of Time, in. theTFirst and Second Agje." Divinely Handled by -Thomas Peyton, of Liocolneslnn6, Gent.; Seen and Allowed. --London : Printed by Bernard, Afeop for Law rehce Chapman and'are to be solct at his Tiop 'ovfir against Staple-In ne, 1620. ; Now reprinted, in a neat, vol ume, Long -.Primer jlype bound in fi ne loth, gilt . top, . bevele4 - boards . Pnce-50 cents-; v - The quaiut poem, of Ihe.titte page of which : tlie above , ia a transcript, appeared nearlyh lf a century Tear 1U er than Paradis&lLost, arid it is -intrinsically probable -that ..it Er would have fallenrunder-the eye of Milton; io any' case there are etnkihg.'pbints of resemblance between" two poems, and many have supposed Milton's immortal-work to have ' been inspired by the former.' Only "two copies of the work are known to "be in existence previousto- the issue" of I the -'present editionone being iri BritishMuseum the other in the - Bodleian Library, Oxford.' The copy v in the British Museum waa purchased at' a -noted sale oi old books in 1819i ;by Baron 86llahd,;who-riotea upfift a blank leaf that it cost tim 2l 17s. 6d.; (dbqnt llO-OO). Some years - ago - gentle man of Virgima;.MrtJ Peyton, sprung from the eld English family of'thatBxmemade'ahvaQfate transci-ipt of. Aie copy In thej British museunf,;ptfeerti'ng even ihe quaint ?pa!ling punctuation, capitalizing, i.?ad italicizing of ''the original.-lThis present edition is printed without af t&ratiof Apart frbmjts"fpre3ume3 connection, with Paradia&fZost, the poemhas yerycoheiderable' merits of its own; and is in every way a literary curiosity. - John B. AldenPabliah' er, New Yorg.. - -. r . Pa, said Clara; do you know i what ma' and f are "going to give yo u for Christmas -'- " Oh, the asaallhing, Lsnppose. The" usual thing: pa?" Wh.it -is 'Tkelilla to pay . . - ' $i;50 Per Tear In Advancei 26.v STRIKES AND TEfBIE TENDEIT- -The attempt of thedefeaCed strik.- ersto b'urtf tbe 'freight" shed of ihe Morgan steamship "company 'in ,New York, is not al together a'eurpriser, ' ' A-stnk'e js a coeisiye. roiasuje'.Its very essence is' force, wv (J sbor.er, or later U must take the slmpe Of unlaw ful violence.- -IT "-We are" japidly : approachiBg'; the time when: .the interest of law and ;or : der wiU demand isfrneW dentiitibnrof .unlawful; jimb;natioASWe-;earnt affurd to have-the-iitdnBtrtes atid Jhe comm evcSaqf Trgf&ifebuntfy para'lyz ed on a eco 9 nt of bf, the reaf or.imagi uary grwvans of a-few.niaii . : The obvion3 remedy ,of course,' 'is arbitration, and whether" S'O like it or not, we must come to, -it s; the" only speedy and practical. solution cf laljor troubles:",' We-are fdjifting',tO; the point where state-and, national Jabor commissions' will; arbitrate therrnat ters" and ha ve t he en tlre.Tci vil . and .military power of the county nt the.ir hack to- enforce their ' decisions ' It will be 'useless toipoint'ou-t" the ira perfectioiss Vin "this 'remedy if ineu gradualIy"settle"tJown lntotba, con viction that it is the besC f ; " I Oue thing is certain we cannot run the risk of riots;" dynamite devirtryj and anarchy itself 'as .la par t of - 'the methods of labor strikes,' however just the original caus may bewi The;sa i prmte interests' of our people are bound up m law and:trdef.-r-.a,a Constitution. Delieately Done.-. , s Ahjnadami'he said as he extended a hand to help-,hei"up, I iiever Saw more graceful;-falLV Xon threw up yonr arms U ka . a : born "actress,- yonr little feet indulged In a shuffle," nd down you settled wi th' aJ e wan-like- . . "Really, air?! " J t ::J ' "Horiesttluion niadam.'r,, .. . . - " . -.. 1 .. - ' .. . .... . - , auu uu ).u&hu.uj o. f ruooer which had been "flung front heivleft foot; turned -her back -to a dentin the snowwhich looked as if a cottage had been upset there and,: raising his hat ani makln'g " prof on Ad t bow he took his lea vewhileshe con tinned to bl U8h" and smihV-for sixteen bJocka. Detroit Fee fVsi " . V-; i'rj " r -, Destroy The Stgnr ; One rnaj feel that he's eettinffold but he naturally dislikes that anjt hin about': his. appearance should; adyise others bt the fact. 5. Yet nothing doss this sof ffcctnaUyas thin andfalling hair , Nowoiaan wants to" marry: a man, and business fitms, hesitate to em ploy a' man, who show3 this fatal sign. Parker's Halralsam'-:isr worth tp you, in this regard; more than its weight in diamonLls.tJse it. and" have j)lepUf u and glossy hair." Many have bad every Vf ace of ."grayness j removed and ibald spots .covered ,by using a single bottle. Two Of Kind; -". TPrincetoa .Bartender (to; young man whV is po n ri ng out a l;ig drink ) -Hqw's classics? - ' j " " t-Yuing "man H6w's what - ; Pt iii cetonT Bar- tender- -ClasaicSj Ain't you one .of the oollege young gents- 4 '' ' , 'Young,' Man (indignantly) Not fmuch; Inirepresenting,the biggest naraware nousamwew xora..? wnat made yoa think' I'm-a student.''. -: Princetou Bar- tender rha'tizebf thai drink . Ex; : A . He Wasn't; Ihvited- f-'J Scene Dining room of ?a Kichmod hotel ' Personages :.A Northern tour ist and a stammering Virginias, Strang" trs, oppasite each" other at ; the" supper table.:"- '."'" - 1 - Northern st rariat 'dstifid-?'with hia fare); "This is the cussedat, shab bieet hotel I bve "ever had the misfort line of , stopping at,' looking acrose ex pectantly fc ta is via avis" for a "cof r'obo rati ve expressioa of disgusCf) ' The stamtnering Yirgioian continue! his meal without'reBpon8e.'f' - . i N.; T., emphatically : "I .votldn't give oae corner of Pennsylvania for thia whole. blarsted State.'"""";-' - r l S. V,. looking up'suddenly and Indig nantlj:- W' w-why io, the "hh-hl" didaty-you sttay inP PPenn8yIva nia? 'N-nobody invited you "nere."V-' .tThe'meal vas - concluded midst a Bilenco that could bo felt. Richmond Whig.y - - - r ; " : ' Everybody needs a prijig medicine. - By using Ayer s : Sarsapanlla, the blood is thoroughty cleansed and in vigorated,' the', appetite, stimulated, and the system prepired to.'res:3t the di'safes 'peculiar to - the . eummer months. Afk for Ayer's Sarssparil- 1 la. .Take no othtr. Person Co.Uourieiy , Published Every Thursday - " - HACKNEY ;"N0ELlf . v -XKoxboso, N.C. , 14 ; TjBJSt3fS OJf aUJBSCRIPTIOirMUA One Copy One Year V , -, "1 19 One Copy Six Months , - '- , -i75 . Kemitancp mil t be made' h Registered Letter, Post OjSc-Order or Tostal Kote.. AYPPJQ SugaKo'ate -t rX." . i V 7 CathartUsf - -"; If tha .tlver' bV Q I I q"? -comes torpidif the1' 1 1 I LLOt; S bowel aretjoustjpatedor'jf the stomach . - iaii9i!0 perform Its functions properlyruse ; Ayer'sPills.Thcjarelayaluable. . - - tPor some years--1 was a viotim to Liver -Cmplamt, la consequence btx which I - " ;uflerea from Geaeral Debility and Indl- I Fstibn.' A tevr boxes ot Ayer's P11U -restoiai. me tq scrlect ' healths W. T. Bngbtney, Henderson, W-Ya. '' -' J 'for: vears -1 .have felied more ;upou iAjer PUk tbanyttiinglsertcr - ; "T.howela. a'liese Pills "ara nifla W'a'at'foa" ; " f- ' aiKldo tueir-workthorono-hlB.. riiai.l - K tuem- Witb eood. effect, iii case of -Tiii.iw t . t maUsm Kidney Trouble and.Dyspepeia. ' - Avei-'sl Pilla rami 'in' i.Lif'JLz? J-'f'. Liver troubles, from wbfeb 1 bad suffered for years. I cortider them the best pilla" -made, and would not be without tbeih.? r Morris Qates, HownvjUe, NYv -: was attacked with " Bilious fever i- WUlcb. wag f ollowed "by Jaundice, anl waa - " an . nan ctot 1 1 o i v ,411 ; , ,. . t TJtiTTIlfr A TAWO I'iMn At . , V customary strength and vigor. John C,-, ' , P attisoa, Xowell, Nebraska? - .'Last 8pTin-I 'sufferettigreatry from a . " - troublesome liumor on my side. . In spito " " -lot every effort to euro this eruptionit in . creased until .the flesh became entirely A s -raw- I was troubled. t ti-.o with. Indigestion, and distresshig pains ia !; : .' r .Th e B 0 vv e I s . rf ; ? By the ad vice ol a friend rbegatikhig . ' Ayer's Pills.. In a-short time J w free ; ' from uaiii.'mv f ntu flicoatart nAn. ?-; 1 !' f sores on - my body, commenced ibealinff- i , & less than one month, I waa cured. : . .r f ouiuei m aue, A.uania, ua.; : I have Jon? used Ayer's IlsfjnmS lamuy and believe them to be the best ,oiUs made.-rS. a-DarenDarden'Miss -My wife; and little girl wer'e takeff with ' ; Dysentery a few days too, and I at once " -: t bepan giving -them jsraail doses ot Ayer's " J Puis, thinking I would call a doctor it tbe-? w disease - became; anv-. worse. , In a short time the bloody, di'scharees ! stopped,-'alt - -i pain went awayrand health was restafedi'HC-n-. Theodore Esling, Richmond, Ta. , AyeKs -Pi I If?," - - 4. Prepared by Dr. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Maaa. ; -oia by ill Dealers fu Wedlcfne. . E. C. HACKNEY, ,JOlIN'A. NOELL, XOXBOBO, N, O 4 1 ! -Support Your " " 1 v -TBE COURIER, PUBLISHED BY- theI- Only Paper Eablisliecl In miii couuTvi -V- -IT I3-, 'A ! 1 AND- ALWAYCfCIVSO .THE t LATEST ''2 Y - J- " -' r --4; i7- -V r SUBS CBIPTION " PRICE : 01 c nonius ; Always. In, Advance, You cannot possibly, rrgrtt tie i j amount' thus spent,' .".. -' All the sew ol'the County will be gly en, and yja will know every this: j r s- of -importanca tracii' . ring around you. f " rr- "V v-. , t r