V lawyer, and was in - Congress from 1875 to 1887. .. , ; .Walter' l.;Bragff,. dfiibma, wae I bom' in Alabama in 1838, but resided in Arkansas from 1843 to 1861. He was educated at Harvard "and Cam bridge law school. He has been the .. . .t- iEfltered aordi,:.PTi8t?tR4ffila;l tjiw -.g Morgan., He : Peraon Ccmiity Coiirier, j "published weekly by "jBEACICBTJEY j&'SOEIiIf,. .Editors & Proprietors. STATE -NEWS lion. avthePostoffice. t Roxboro, .i.0.i second class matter. 1 : SUBSCRIPTION TERMS, t copy, 1 year, 1 oopy'C months - . - il.50) RO )XgOTa O, N; C, March 31, U87. DUU EAILKOAB. has been president of 4he Alabama State railroad commission. , Alda,co F. Walker, of Vermont, is a Vermont Republican lawyer; 44 tears old, who studied law with Sen ior Edmonds. lie lias studied the railroad question extensivoly as a member of the Vermont State Senate; Augnetn8 Schoon maker, of Kings ton, N. Y., whs born m uisiercour. -It la estimated thrt there are person? by the mme of Jone ia IvdeJ&h. . Greensboro -vottd ast -Monday almost unanimously, to spend $100,000 on public impiovmt-ns. Tbe Salem hosiery mill last ween shipped to B-ltimore. Md , 8Q ca6es of luigo, a-h containing 70 d&z.i. The mills aje doing some fine work flow. . 1 Greensboro Neioi: There are five North Carolina murders abro d who need catching. They -are Walter L. Bingham ot Alamamt; Dr.. Potll, ol Nash; Broadtoot, o Wake; Harrison, of Edg oombe; Powell, of Waieen, and perhaps many fctiiers. . . - . -. - Monroe Enquirer: A citizen nf-wt"8. ?lays , perhaps before many of our readers see' this article. This amend ment is to Allow tho above company to consolidate with the Boxboro ltail- ' road Company and the Durham &j Koxboro Company. The purveyors (havo completed the purvey toljynch- borQ patriot. 'burg and are now busy in the othee it n: fcj awa-a it RTv::; fs t is.ttHT n .nil -fir .: r- . ,T...;d rnnrrfenefi. writhe from rn otvj.;t. viarav ww- r-, i-.nvstlaia: nl Wants aiisos - r-,- 02 in m VI -02 o cc - 02 03 Ml. ,t i-alted to -to j;tha: aa v8,Jrinaaw:t.i And The bill to amend the charter of L : i828 and is a liwvcr in active the ' Lvnburg, Halifax &:NbrlM ti sute Senat0r and ai tern Stnly reported, to ns vesterdy Carolina Railroad Co., has passed the . f Gov. Tjlden and in! thi me wut nnd oats crops ot that ;iv&: ca lUrU. nf fh Virginia 'Leeisla-L eQ .... n.. Af .. YWi 9cUon nre olnng exceedingly, well ' s ... .1 , ii . a t-w I - , . a iaro and wnl pass tne iiou m"iC" succeeding Fairchild. He was a leie: igato to the Democratic nominating conventions of 1876, '80 and '84. Of the fivo commissioners Messis Morrison, Schoonmaker and israge are uemocrats, ana jiessiH. uuirj and Walker Republicans. G reens- board. Spectator: We heard two" large farmers sv ti.e other dv that uotlup making oui estimates CtC when this BTJEEAXJ OP LABOB STA- like the usual quantity of wheat was .'is 'done, a meeting of the Directors ttttcs sowed last Pall.-.This ..was owing to will be held and the plans forconsoli- M: bating the three companies wiu P4TtTiTT AW. to 1887 perfected; alter wDien uonua.t- - At thJ rccent 8e88;on of the Legis f n f n 9 5i! 1 ATI C BP - For over tvo yc, nf-i, 'JSK belpi. H.-d b.d ro botam.l iy chl t v ts involved, auft the I aln Wa. ,diiadtobliaurtu-daatiierl-Maa:nfar.t.- i.y cnn JV xhausk-ilr but toper-; intolerable t.t tUnes. All thfc ol I and Vre.l Snowit JtrntMur TZmcni to try Swift's Speclllc. Tb ofleot b,. I.eea lua'laU. at , XiXi "b Pcunii more . ti-m is entitely goae, uy gaurall.atb ,f -iiidS Rit W ministerial work. 65 th.. wlhu 1 comm. need takf-s S. S.. 1 ant '"??Jx,J&r the blesslu ot 03 1 am devouf er .t ,-1 foi u.y retora..ou to 1-ta.v-. iblca X . 03 God, to Swtf t's Specific. , Ol - Hamntnn. GiU. ATpIl 20. 13?6. , . THE SWIFT SPECIFIC .CO., Atlanta, ' CO Co. CO ... CD W v2 03 ) W LC OS 02 oi- U3 CO - w CO ,05 iiilrtliftt; SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS8SSSS3S3S3S33SF:SSSSSS33 ve!l. The oats are thin in some places but promise much Utter than last ve.tr.. . : ' :. Canton Caucatlon: There ia a marked decrease in tho Emwbir- of chattel mortgages this year. Our Register of Deeds can barely pay his John P. Yacky, War. J. Bosukb. f tho cron last jer we j - - building the road writ be let anu work will at once begm. President; r Srii-n av ha thinks this can all bd " J J - nonmniiahpd njitl work bearun in V"; .Mrnost on tho-mad bv the fiist ol ' . Iay, which is only a month ofE. We, as well as Person county at large, are anxious to soe ground : hroaen for this road, which, when done, will mark a new eiain the his-j -. tory of our county. Then it will be - ; that capitalist will eek investments :' an our midst, and cur county, which the failure suppose. The Tnrboro Southerner makes the i prediction that our next Governor and Lieutenant Governor will be S. P, Alex Andcr, of Mecklenburg, and Chas. F- Warren of Beaufort. Shelby Aurora: Clerei&Hd county laturs an act wat passed creating : a Bureau of Labor Statistics for North Carolina. Tho purpose o? the bureau as defined in the act is as follows: i Tho o'jid.flnmmissinner shall col . , , . i.- m hs 14,405.00 cash in her treasury and et information upon the suoiect m w ... , tf 1 1 1. . 4- .(-..I i 1. 1. . lauor. us re.Htion to uuitm, iu uvui : - (Successors to J. P- Yancey & Co.) 1 ?f IMP0UTER3J . - - 'NOTlbNS and WHITE GOODS, 'no W6 Mat. Street. ... ' . 7 ' Rkhmow1' V'- OUR EEPRESENTATIVE, . v ; j Mr. J. W. N'ieU of Centra JNotn uarunun, w '' ; itotiino whh a fidi line of simples. ! tt::... r. TTAATi u im nnr rcnutation fi9 the -leading l'0SO in out riaiiis j-mc- f - ... t .1 , I lino wbP2 to advise buyers th.t it will be to tneir mwrcstuoi, w j orders;befpre seeiuj? our goods. 1 20-6m. BUT 'NO'BU y ERS.- BOUBT! Two of our Warehouses were, burned but : we still have a plenty of ( room to seil all the good tbbacco in 60 miles of Oxford, The r r : : -' ".,' - ,' '"X 'V'J--?"tAi&--1,,'': is stilfcboom pricesl AJl grades ofr good higher than at any timertliiafsffiaS Ely f TOpm an still leaves Ihe Oxford M of labor, the earnings of laboring i .i . ,i ..,1 men ana women, tueir euucauuuai, moral and financial condition and m . At the best means ot promoting men mental, material, social riud moral Jdo more 60.. -Person county, Courwb.. ,Blow we clip an item in imissior.er shall annually road bouds-recently issued anduotdue until expiration oE twenty and thirt years from date. Italtigh A'cwa and Observer: North ; Carolina 4 per cent, bonds are stid quoted at par and the 6 per cent, bonds are eagerly sought after at 125. Alamance Oeeaner: On the 23rd of is already noted for itf propperity will f r U1 uaiuuaa t, ; f,.v. I " " ---- - is the desiro of the P""1'" " " i i . Februnry a cow beloDgiDg t0 Mr. G. anu aena ur uaueuu to uo ocuk a w A garrison, near Iula, this county, f tin Dims tr ewarv nnwpnnp.r ruin- i . . t . t. . .i i . .. -a t t,u..-l vl "" "" kv x.-w. r i t i ! avc un til iu iy utiivcB, a utuit) auu regam to sneroaa nonia, "- 1Uh?d in this State, a cony to each fimie. The to, mer weighed 39 lbs VAfh PurMIna a nnn nnh nf thft formed 'and doiii2 wtlL TU mother "ine engineers oi me uyauuuuig. D. , , . ffiwi,.. ni nndtoidl M tu whinh trt heamw hr F l .11 MM V f-5 H t . IfLLH 2a I t 1 IL JLI11LV UlllLiDi Q Ui ,w - - " liahfax anil JSorti Uuroiica liauroau - . have comnieted their surveys and are the State, a copy to any citizen who nuecwoiu, upon. 4io w actively eneased in tlieomce oi may apply for the eame eitucr person- troiisooro Messenger: Ltt our the company, in the Virginian ouua- aiy 0r by mail, and one hundred farm rs remeraher that the Eastern copies to each of the several labor Carolina J air and Stock Association organizations which may be in exist- oncrs prcmiumi ir tne largest yse:a oi nr. ar. the time nf lh nnhiication of cotUu' corn wbeat. rice. tobacco, etc.. tha report, m this State. lie shall . r , ' ,. . , . uf tl eir crop with special reference to i UIdU UiLlo ' lull icpui i tvfcaun DVOOiUU We can ' " SEND YOUR OHDI3 S FOB BOOKS AND STATIONERY T0 ALFRED WILLIAMS & CO., A STATIOSEES Raleigh, N. 0. fiU all your order promptly and at lowest Price8ltoT)e obtained in the State-; CATALOGUES TREE. Baier Market o(iee for high prices. : W call on C. A: U & i, uu oi toxoo iro, whiere ybtr will fiiid ; salesmeiiwho ,are ready to supply - tneg kinds of goous at lo west prices. t.. ing, in making out estimates, profiles. &c. They expect to have their work .sufficiently near completion within the" next two weeks to enable them to report to the Board of Directors Then the ht over the rival routes, three m number, will begin, and it is likely to prove more than 4an ani mated skirmish That matter settled, Ihe work will bo pushed forward jwithall possible expedition, and with- jn the coming yeai we are likely to ' ha in clrtse railwav connection with Durham." WORDS OF WISDOM. ; l-if'M""-'' The following is taken from the .JBtblical Recorder and as it contains xome good advice we, print itfor the : -benefit of oorfarmer friend : 1 " Ihe best business for our yonng men to enter," said a thrifty looking ; o rummer. "What is that asked au- - other, who had been m.the business . longer than the first speaker. "Drum- t ming,M was the reply. "Not if they wish to make any money. There is a ; jgreatrial of worry, loss of sleep, - V; . N much incouvenience and the like, but - :no man can save any money drnm- iSift.mio?'' because there is no money in " Jf' A nave 8Pent fifteen years at it, i V . I I drink no liquor and have not ex peuded my money foolishly. I have . not made any money, beeanse ..there - w no money m the businesswhat is f thought to be a good salary is con turned in traveling expenses." When - - he had finished speaking another took up the thread and said: ma tanker; but I nsed to follow ;";.r.tbe plough handle?, and can say with .all my heart those were my happiest dayg. ; The farrnofferatbe test op- J:r -t portnnity to our young men." He v'' : then went at length into some facts pjt'jarejawiio not encourage your gons 'to leitethe farm. --'a ,t . of the G-neral Assembly of tha in formation collected by him' and con taining such recommendations Es he may deem calculated to promote the efficiency of the bureau. The Com missioner ia hereby directed to en deavor to publish an acurate list of all the newspapers in the State, and whether the same is published daily or weekly, and to forward to each and all a copy of his report promptly upon ita being published; he is also direct ed to diligently inquire after tho labor organizations of the State and to see that none aro omitted in the disiriba- of the reporis; he is further directed to confine his labors to this State.' From tho foregoing it will be seen that the purpose of the Legislature in establishing the bureau was to place before the people of our State as far as the same can be done, the moral, educational and financial con dition of the working ieopln of Nort Carolina. To do this a great amoun or information must be gathered from many sources. A large part o this information, must be collected by correspondence. Following the plan adopted by other State bureaus blanks have been prepared with ques- xhibiting epecitrenp, with etatemet of yield, at our next Fair, to be held October 23th, 26:h and 27th. NEW HARDWARE FIRM. J. E. SCnOOLFIELD. H,F. VASS. C. M, BOSWELI SCHOOLFIELD, VASS & CO:, (Soccenbis to J. E. SCnOOLFIELD & CO., and H.FVASS & CO, ) AT T1IE OLD STAND OF J. E.SCH00LFIELD.& CO. LOWER MAIN STREET, DAyTIIXB, TA.. ' ' WHOLESALE and UETAIL DEALERS IN MEAD O WS, WIJjElINSpN;&: Prop's MeadowsWarelse, ; . Oxford, N. C. March 2i Ira ' Weldou Kens: Miles Ransom, col ored, well known here, whrre he form rly lived, was tried and convicted of arccny at the lnle term of Hertford court and sentenced ,o thf peoiterdiarj. Ha was on tual for a eirniliir otEcusi but the jury could not agrey od while it wt8 hucg he btole sevvral arti- lrs, among then a pistol from one oS tho attorneys who defended Lira. H. was immediately indicted aod sen tenced to the S-ttte piisou for tbjht years. " Charlotte tfironicle: A few d jy Hgoacolo.ec' b unM Jim Jackson was shockingly injured by a kick from ' .. ' ,riTrn. TiftrrrfTr cnnTVT, rT.OW8. STAltEES' DIXtS .'PLOWS, Y a mule, his tose harmg been broken HUNTER'S Genuine FARMERS' FUlLisD PLOW ti. and turn 10fse, from the lip to ih- W are alao p'epa-ed to d- TIN r0FItx, LUMBING, Si'EAM and GAS FITTING. STOVES. TIfflW ARE 8 ASH DOORS, BLINDS, WHBOW GLASS, ElILBSRS' BLiSBWAIE, ' AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. MarMeised Mantles, Grates, .Gas Fixtures, &c. . Solo Agents in Danvill for DUPONT'3 and MSG POWDER, .-i.v;i sir - ir INTER STATE COMMERCE OM -: - - ; i - j-. .'-MISSION. . v fc, The President has appoihted the - following fnter-State Pommerce Com rnissionergj-under the act of sthe last f Congress: C-'-Thoaj llviCppkj, of Michigan, pi ' -: fhft farm nf air .veura' YtUiaoi Morrison, 0 Illinois, tions which, if answered will elicit the information designed to be ob tained by the act creating the bureau. Those in the State who may be inter ested in the work for which the bu react was created, whether they be employers or employees, landlords or tenants, are solicited as correspon dents, and any'suoh to wrhotn this notice may come are requested to send their names on a postal! card to the " Bureau of Labor Statistics, Ealeigh, N. 0." The above mention ed blanks will be sent to those who apply, with a return stamped envel ope, in which replies will be expected to questions : asked. Corrf s pondeh ts will receive the reports andlpublica f.oni 01 the department, land any mformatton it caa g ve relating to its work. W. N. Jones,' Com. Bureau Labor. Statistics; "bridg-." Jickson va standing -in rear'f tho mule, when the anhhul let fly ita hotla and cne of them ttruck tbe boy an upward lick ; aboyo his nwiuth, the slioea on the niuleV foot striking jast under the boj's nose, with the leeult above stated.' - The u.j fortunt boy had his injarlesproperlj attended to by a phy siciah . v f Raleigh was visited by a "very de structiTe fire l.net Sunday - m riiing at 7 :30 oMock. The R dtigh cotton seed oil aDd fertiliz f mills were completely destroyed. Loss $50,000: -insurance $35,000 of which $20,000 is in Raleigh agencies aud $15,000 in New Yoik gencies. The niilla; employed) about 80 persons, and was run night and day The fire is supposed to hayc originated in the engine roDin.""' v " " HV are tetter prepared than ever to supply the wanta of the public Mid ioyit an exfiaiiuation oi our fctock and pnecs. - V for ftve1 years. aucubius .ocnoonmaKfir. rT , na :fT. o 1 .... x . r ; TorK,f or four years AldaeeFr Walker, of Vermont. lor , three years. ; j?f jl"Wlter JJragg, of Alabama, fo v two years. . . . - 5rpMr Cooley was born at Attica, ' X ' ;T.,; m 1824 ; studied law and removed .'"Vto Micuigar;inl843here"lie has K y regided; J Ue Vas a luatiGe of the 8u V. prtmeonfof,c 864 : - f 1S69 and 1877 J. Ue is the auth6f of -v ." Vtandard legal' wortiarid is ' r.pw-re fm -Reiver' btthe. Wabash, railroad. .- Wm . u.' mor rison 4" asivooni i n Mr. Richmond Pearson is ont m a a Ojerr iettor to . Messrs & A'. Dough ton audCr R,' Tbotnas, 'Jr., demanding the production of the tally sheets of tho ; v.ote ,for Magistiates The ; vote ha , been ; recorded ; tbe Journal of the House shows the names of the,. Magistrates. electfd; and al this 'Hum -on the iight"" demand of Mr.'l'easou is; a 'oiere ?.'Baric6mlie' attempt : to . seenre notoriety. , Mrl Pearson made a' de termine4 figh t apd got iv hipped . ; It is now time for , liim toigct np"wipetbedos't ,olf .his GUCTEIilXG and SFOU1IS! Schoolfield, Vass & Co; Messrs K. F. EEID, B J. REYNOLDS and J. IT PIIELP3, ar; with ns. and ...j I.-. rvli..JU,.rl t, qm rVif ir fiionda. - . J?eD 1 S.Tl " i " ' " sat?" f6r.SLETERY:X3HE f-7 ft-' IS HERE AND SO IS AI.SO Rr:PAlPJ?ia OT EVR11Y, DESCRIPTION DONE ON "SHORT JfOj- TIUE, JSEAT ASD AT Tt E A H L , K A iEh. yi t.-u L Y J , OIHt PERSONAL, ATTENTION, T .f FaP. LATEST STYLiuo, N 2 ATE T-WO kK & L0Wi?ST PRICES COMB . . ... . . . T Charlotte Chronicle: At a meeting of the.truetees ol Trinity coliego, held ast wet K, the presidency was Pandered to Prof. Cro well, who" is aPnn?yN renin and a graduate of Tale. He is s-iid by those who know him to bo tho the right inim ior the . pontibn-. , It ia hoped by the friends -of Trinity that he lege, and it is generally understood that JUSt DelOW tile 111 DllUgj ne will uo so. . . ; - . - Milton Advertiser: It ia with much regret that we record tha death of Mr. C. N. B. Evans. ' She quietly breathed htr last tn' Saturday evtning ai,the home Of heV ;8n, Capt.'.T. C. Evans, of Reidsvi':let N." C. Her "mortal "re mama, acoorxipanied by' Ca.pt.' Evsds and others, reached : litre .-on- Monday, and after lunral8cricei,: which - were held at the Presbyterian church,-were laid to rest beude U.ese ot her date husband, tbe lara3ntedjC, N. B. Evan's. She had reached ,a i e: old " .age ; (she was 73 years old) and -all ho knew h? r couid .only p'ik well f ber - Yearelnlormed that the beavers have 'ocated iu.Tarbrongh pond on Coiin irylinep tindr'bave - made '.. dam" tbatl 1' MUi 3 rj&&5F&1z$ai Hjna Than ever.befor known la Boxbord. ; - If you. want .Heavy iand Fancy; Gro ceries, we can. sell them to you cheaper than ever before known. Call to ' see us. ; ; PASS k CtilYTOWv 5 7 : L. w w list - - . v-: teirflt iti , - u 'v- u J an, 1st. tiaU. W-T. Blackwell, Pres t y P..A,-.Wiley Cashier coippteisiy aiujjs me- warer vnile ft coWny f them seem to have tako pris gtsion ., of. the crek. -Through sut the county the peopla are rfiakmg prep arations to "plant more corn, and less tpm f ts? 1 -T. , Law a, . . vr a- ...a 9 .'W'lii Btreagtb Bd Tirad Faliacaa , Mutair curad: Uooaa, aoa ciea ana turret racalv torcm. l.nllvn t nana and niiDliea Braim Pob I A f f IJC, llr to tfielr m will find in D. aBfs.11peed7.e111. GItb. a eljr. healthy epf lealoa. 4JI MMispu at eonnveneiuna only aoa a vajm " Pay special attei.tion to collections 'and Depositor's acri.ciirs.' : Absolutely- R uref YaluaMa Eoal Estata ;fot al Jarllv. Ioaa experiment- ORgHlUftAini Baa Care CoMUDatlou.LlTeTComnlp tit and Mar I Headache. Sample Coee and ia tt Comply lit and flajl Don and TUnat UOBIB mailed on reeeip of twoeenta la poetaaeor ilStWU. at ITDn U:-0 llmniates thajtorptd liter, atrnirib ens ttiediareative oi-ch, r$;las UM bowela, aad arc nnnalat asa an-. : Jaiivi laiiA.r.wniAII'f - Sovave, ia the tow? of l:.xbf.ro. . Uood dellnK ' ' LB"IWWn-' t..-wi Vita-". anloa huiif of every T'sriit.;on-i ! -i l-,v - In malarial districts their Tlrtwera A l)'.;,-iiur tiMfe. froniiotr on Fntilir-.. widely retogBlied.au they powwP 5qna-e. hrtty m j-tSingtcarU. 'Teiry ft tt'ye.? : nllar properties In freeing theayataoa kcxi.-oro, S.C., u.f Informal in. - ' -"from tUat poison ric-aBtly saga - 'iKostl V. W'SIKKU. eoated. -Dose small. Fries, SUta , re'j. 7in rii, cw. - , x. .j Cold Evcrrofccroal- i- - tobacco. A wise ruye. .-" - ' i